BE :: Volume #2

#138: Pursue is the myths 【One】

Xie Aoyu shakes the fist once more. 谢傲宇再次挥拳。 Still had not responded. 依然没有反应。 Supreme Gold Flame as if not by the control of Xie Aoyu, no matter how Xie Aoyu uses, is unable to release it, a Xie Aoyu hollow laugh, sentimental Supreme Gold Flame is not cannot help but good to pull strings. 至尊金焱仿佛不受谢傲宇的控制,不管谢傲宇如何使用,都无法将它释放出来,谢傲宇不由得一阵干笑,感情这至尊金焱不是那么好指使的啊。 Flurried Nine Color Spirit Snake King is then peaceful. 慌乱的九彩灵蛇王这才安静下来。 No matter probably uses.” Cloud Tian has not said with a smile. “好像不管用啊。”云未田笑道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile dry: I do not know that is slack in work unexpectedly.” 谢傲宇干笑道:“我也不知道啊,竟然消极怠工。” Throws!” “扑哧!” Do not say that cloud not field, is the cloud not wind and Chen Qi almost comes out. 不要说云未田,就是云未风和陈奇都差点出来。 Cloud Tian has not said with a smile: Your that should be Supreme Gold Flame, as far as I know, mainland, only then Master Glett has Supreme Gold Flame, is this Master Ge Telixie bestows to you protects oneself?” 云未田笑道:“你那应该是至尊金焱吧,据我所知,全大陆只有格利特谢大师拥有至尊金焱,这是哥特里谢大师赠送给你护身?” Um.” Xie Aoyu this time to have not concealed. “嗯。”谢傲宇这次到没隐瞒。 Supreme Gold Flame is in itself a sign. 至尊金焱本身就是一个标志。 The cloud field had not looked that changed to the Xie Aoyu look, he discovered that this youth did not have imagination simplicity of that Zi Yan, Xing Luo, Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun to shock to the human, now unexpectedly emits Ge Telixie. 云未田看向谢傲宇的眼神又变了一下,他发现,这个少年远没有想象的那么简单,紫嫣星罗浪战天林动云已经给人震撼了,现在居然又冒出一个哥特里谢 Does he plan to be on mainland stage once more? 难道他打算再次登上大陆这个舞台? Yeah, this youth is not simple! 哎,这个少年不简单啊! Chen Qi, changing positions!” The cloud wind has not broken shouts to clear the way. “陈奇,换位!”云未风断喝道 His voice falls, cloud not wind and Chen Qi then very tacit overlapping changing positions. 他话音一落,云未风和陈奇便非常默契的交叉换位。 So Chen Qi faces Nine Color Spirit Snake King, his battle efficiency slightly is not worse than the cloud wind, actually does not need Nine Color Spirit Snake King to be disappointing, inextricable involvement that both sides kill. 如此陈奇面对九彩灵蛇王,他的战斗力比云未风稍差,却不必九彩灵蛇王差劲,双方杀的难分难解。 But cloud wind do not kill Seven Color Spirit Snake, that was simple. 可是云未风要杀七彩灵蛇,那就简单了。 Rinses!” “涮!” A sword, cloud wind had not looked conveniently did not look, then Seven Color Spirit Snake breaks is two sections, is killed violently at the scene, that seven colored blood moistens the ground, that stone turned into the black, braves the odor the black smoke. 随手一剑,云未风看都不看,便有一条七彩灵蛇断为两截,当场毙命,那七彩色的血液沾到地面,那石块都变成了黑色,冒着恶臭的黑烟。 The blood of Seven Color Spirit Snake also includes violently poisonously. 七彩灵蛇之血也含有剧毒。 Xie Aoyu to has not cared, possibly is the Medical Spirit Finger reason, he had not felt to anything violently poisonously that other people are truly different, is that looks. 谢傲宇到没太在意,可能是药神指的缘故,他对剧毒已经没什么感觉,其他人确实不同,都是看的一身冷汗。 Cloud wind sharp sword has not wielded continually. 云未风利剑连挥。 Brushes “刷刷刷” Seven Color Spirit Snake cut off in abundance, drops ground. 七彩灵蛇纷纷被斩断,跌落地面。 He kills the heart to be extremely heavy, saw that own these under unexpectedly do not have one person to catch up, then knows that by the violent treachery, was not forgiving. 他可是杀心极重的,又看到自己的那些手下居然无一人赶来,便知道都遭了毒手,更是不留情。 Shortly, Seven Color Spirit Snake was killed entirely. 顷刻间,七彩灵蛇统统被杀。 The cloud wind has not held a sword to plunge Nine Color Spirit Snake King, he must extinguish it kills. 云未风仗剑扑向九彩灵蛇王,他要将其灭杀。 Chirp “唧唧” Nine Color Spirit Snake King hurries to exude that strange cry once more. 九彩灵蛇王赶紧再次发出那种怪异的叫声。 Cloud wind where to it the opportunity, will not have separated the spatial sword to sweep off, the sword light goes together from out of the blue, Chen Qi also coordination a sword cuts to strike fully, forces Nine Color Spirit Snake King is unable to run away. 云未风哪里会给它机会,隔空一剑扫去,一道剑光破空而去,陈奇也配合的全力一剑斩击,将九彩灵蛇王逼迫的无法逃走。 Bang!” “嘭!” Center that sword light Nine Color Spirit Snake King stature. 那剑光正中九彩灵蛇王的身躯。 Half meter snake body completely, Nine Color Spirit Snake King is sends out to make the crying out strangely sound that the person fine hair raises up immediately, entire flew. 半米长的蛇身立时完全,九彩灵蛇王更是发出令人汗毛都竖起的怪叫声,整个飞了起来。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Nine Color Spirit Snake King also yawn blowout together nine color snake rests. 九彩灵蛇王也张口喷出一道九彩蛇息。 Cloud wind complexion is undignified, he fully realized that nine color snake rest what kind fearfulness of Nine Color Spirit Snake King, that can absolutely with existence of super terror the underage Dragon Clan dragon rest compares favorably with, once were bumped into, even if he must die without doubt. 云未风脸色凝重,他深知九彩灵蛇王的九彩蛇息何等的可怕,那绝对是能够和未成年的龙族的龙息相媲美的超级恐怖的存在,一旦被碰到,就算是他也是必死无疑。 Yun Jian deep meaning sword shade overlaps!” “云剑奥义剑影重叠!” Cloud wind sharp sword has not rocked, changes to a sword shade piece by piece, that nine color snake rests covering, pulls the sharp sword afterward suddenly, these sword shades mix immediately. 云未风利剑晃动,化作一片片的剑影,将那九彩蛇息给笼罩起来,随后猛然一扯动利剑,那些剑影顿时搅动起来。 Ominous horizontal nine color snake rests also dissipate. 凶横的九彩蛇息也随之消散。 The sword shade also in abundance diverges. 剑影也纷纷散去。 Before cloud not wind cross, to that Nine Color Spirit Snake King is being a sword, numerous dividing cut a Nine Color Spirit Snake King seven inches (2.54 cm) place, belongs to kill a sword. 云未风一步跨前,对着那九彩灵蛇王就是一剑,重重的劈斩九彩灵蛇王的七寸处,属于必杀一剑。 „!” “咔嚓!” The hopeful promotion is Nine Color Spirit Snake King of ten color spirit snake emperors is cut two. 有望晋升为十彩灵蛇皇的九彩灵蛇王被斩成两段。 Even if so, Nine Color Spirit Snake King as before flagitious emanation hissing hissing the cry, after that snake head falls to the ground, fled suddenly, flies to shoot Xie Aoyu. 即便如此,九彩灵蛇王依旧凶残的发出“嘶嘶”的叫声,那蛇头落地之后,猛然窜了起来,飞射谢傲宇 Very simple, this motion is defeated, even died, it radically is Xie Aoyu. 很简单,这次行动失败,甚至死亡,其根本就是谢傲宇 If not Xie Aoyu, the cloud wind early has not died \; If not Xie Aoyu, eight color spirit snakes can also kill Chen Qi, finally obtains the victory, but is actually just the opposite now. 若非谢傲宇,云未风早死了\;若非谢傲宇,八彩灵蛇也能够袭杀陈奇,最后获得完胜的,可现在却恰恰相反。 So made Nine Color Spirit Snake King die, hated to Xie Aoyu must die. 如此令九彩灵蛇王就是死,也对谢傲宇恨的要死。 Is relying on hatred, its snake head fled actually, threw. 凭借着一股恨意,它的蛇头硬是窜了起来,扑了上去。 Other people had a scare. 其他人都吓了一跳。 The cloud wind has not prevented hurriedly, but he has not thought of this point eventually, the speed, the sharp sword cannot touch the snake head of Nine Color Spirit Snake King slowly. 云未风急忙阻挡,可是他终究没想到这一点,速度慢一点,利剑未能触及到九彩灵蛇王的蛇头。 Be careful!” The cloud wind has not been startled to call out. “小心!”云未风惊叫道。 Xie Aoyu shakes the fist to make hurriedly. 谢傲宇急忙挥拳打出去。 Fights Technique Flying Dragon In The Sky! 斗技飞龙在天 Based on Spirit Thunder, a tyrannosaurus light formation, the body is also glittering scarlet red Spirit Thunder, cut-throat hit on that Nine Color Spirit Snake King snake head. 更是以灵雷为基础的,一条霸王龙光影形成,身上还闪烁着赤红色的灵雷,凶狠的撞击到那九彩灵蛇王蛇头上面。 Bang!” “轰!” The tyrannosaurus light is to shatter. 霸王龙光影破碎。 The snake head has also revealed the bone, but as before flagitious clashes, the regulations at this time, Nine Color Spirit Snake King was thorough, but that strength has not dissipated thoroughly. 蛇头也是露出了骨头,但是依旧凶残的冲上来,实则这时候,九彩灵蛇王已经彻底死了,只是那力量并未彻底消散。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Saw that the danger arrives. 眼看着危险到来。 In Xie Aoyu left hand Overlord Gloves projects together the golden light again, is Supreme Gold Flame. 谢傲宇左手霸王拳套内再一次射出一道金光,又是至尊金焱 Brush! 刷! Supreme Gold Flame has drawn an arc, then the return to the Xie Aoyu gaunglet (glove) , the snake head of that Nine Color Spirit Snake King actually vanished does not see, was fired the ashes. 至尊金焱划过一道弧线,便回归到谢傲宇的拳套内,那九彩灵蛇王的蛇头却已经消失不见,被烧成了灰烬。 This is Qi Huo the fearful place. 这就是奇火的可怕之处。 The Xie Aoyu secret passage, Spirit Thunder does not know when can achieve the Supreme Gold Flame might. 谢傲宇暗道,灵雷不知道什么时候才能达到至尊金焱的威力。 „, Brother Xie, are not simple, has the Supreme Gold Flame guard, your safety no worries.” The cloud wind has not said with a smile. “啧啧,谢兄弟,不简单啊,有至尊金焱护身,你安全无虞了。”云未风笑道。 Is safe, Xie Aoyu remembers the sneak attacked matter, at that time Supreme Gold Flame did not have the response, obviously attack of Supreme Gold Flame or not, completely is very uncontrolled, is not he encounters the danger to appear. 安全个屁,谢傲宇想起被偷袭的事情,当时至尊金焱就没反应,很显然至尊金焱的出击与否,完全不受控制,也不是他遇到危险就出现的。 That spell law sign can take to him to be safe actually. 倒是那魔咒法牌真的能带给他安全。 The cloud field is not with smile on the face, not because of the Nine Color Spirit Snake King reason, but some slight worries and anxiety, said: Brother Xie have rescued my life, you, perhaps I and Chen Qi awfully lost this place.” 云未田则面带微笑,并没有因为九彩灵蛇王的缘故,而有丝毫的担心、紧张,道:“谢兄弟可是又救了我一命啊,要不是你,恐怕我和陈奇都要命丧此地了。” That I will come next time time, you helped I made strange flower and grass anything are repay my graciousness of life-saving.” Xie Aoyu said that then said goodbye with them. “那下次我来的时候,你帮我多弄点奇花异草什么的就算是报答我的救命之恩了吧。”谢傲宇说完,便与他们告辞了。 Does not walk, the ghost knows that can come any Nine Color Spirit Snake King again and so on. 再不走,鬼知道会不会再来什么九彩灵蛇王之类的。 He is not willing to place the strategic place. 他可不愿意身处险地。 Brother, sends for encircling Gu Family!” Cloud not wind sinking sound track. “大哥,派人围剿顾家吧!”云未风沉声道。 The cloud field has not nodded, Chen Qi, assembles in the palace the master, encircles Gu Family!” 云未田点点头,“陈奇,调集宫内高手,围剿顾家!” Yes, your majesty!” Chen Qi bright sound track. “是,陛下!”陈奇朗声道。 Left Yun Jia, Xie Aoyu then returned to Qin Dynasty Family. 离开云家,谢傲宇便返回了秦家 Thinks that the matter of Nine Color Spirit Snake King, then plan told Qin Yuenan, had the relations to the person and Gu Family his beginning, who knew him actually not to see Qin Yuenan, found the human to ask that knows, Qin Yuenan just left, Xie Aoyu must relinquish. 想到九彩灵蛇王之事,便打算告诉秦跃南,对他动手之人与顾家有关系,谁知他却没有见到秦跃南,找人一问,才知道,秦跃南刚离开,谢傲宇也只得作罢。 Xie Aoyu then started the practice. 谢傲宇便开始了修炼。 The battle with Zhou Zhenwang, making him understand, youth one generation of masters were many, he also needs to try hard, but the assassination of Gu Family made him feel the crisis. 与周震王的交战,令他明白了,青年一代的高手还多得很,他还需要努力,而顾家的刺杀更令他感觉到了危机。 No doubt has the spell law sign now, but this thing, once begins using, consumption Qi was too fearful, can therefore depend upon truly, is he. 固然现在拥有魔咒法牌,可是这东西一旦启用,消耗的斗气就太可怕了,所以真正能依靠的,还是他自己。 Starting from this moment, the practice of Xie Aoyu is more assiduous. 从这一刻开始,谢傲宇的修炼更加刻苦。 Every time said that has promoted the boundary to be the goal. 每曰都已提升境界为目的。 Except for every other one day, goes Yun Jia for the cloud not field disintoxicating, some absorption Yun Jia give his strange flower and grass while convenient, is some excellent works, he is impolite, compared with the surname life, this is the things, satisfaction that he also receives. 除了每隔一天,前去云家为云未田解毒,顺便吸收一些云家送给他的奇花异草,都是些圣品,他也不客气,和姓命相比,这个都是身外之物,他也收的心安理得。 The child like this passes. 曰子就这样过去。 The trials continue to carry on, now entered the elimination series. 选拔赛持续进行,现在已经进入淘汰赛。 Population from beforehand 200,000, sharp decline to several hundred people, every round eliminates will have 50% people to depart, the distance comes out 32 also only then few number says. 人数从之前的200000,锐减至数百人,每一轮淘汰都会有一半人离去,距离决出32强也只有寥寥数曰而已。 In this period, Lang Zhantian, Lin Dongyun and Li Chaofeng peak et al. have looked for him. 其间,浪战天林动云李超峰等人都来找过他。 Actually Bing Wu and Qin Yueyi did not have the trace, does not know that because whether bears a grudge the reason that. 倒是冰舞秦月依却没了踪影,不知道是否因为怄气的缘故。 In an instant, more than ten days passed by. 转眼间,十多天过去了。 Xie Aoyu Qi also promotes much, that progressive speed, many makes him have the dessert startled, to Tricolor God Core unknown, will have the shadow in the moral nature unavoidably. 谢傲宇斗气也增进不少,那种进步速度,多少让他自己也有点心惊,对三色神丹的未知,难免会在心底有阴影的。 This was last time has not detoxified to the cloud field. 这是最后一次给云未田解毒了。 He does not want the delaying time, then in the time of agreement, to arrive at Yun Jia. 他不想太耽搁时间,便在约定的时间,来到云家。 This courtyard completely opens wide to him, he goes to the living room directly, in the living room entrance, Chen Qi is similar to the bodyguard stands as always. 这个院落对他是完全敞开的,他径直来到客厅内,在客厅门口,陈奇一如既往的如同卫士般站立。 In living room Yun Jia two brothers both. 客厅内云家两兄弟都在。 Brother Xie may come, my brother's and others that called one distressed.” The cloud wind has not said with a smile. “谢兄弟可来了,我大哥等的那叫一个心焦啊。”云未风笑道。 Xie Aoyu smiled, said: I remember that you have said that must to me pleasantly surprised, I how possibly, hey, is what pleasantly surprised, do not give me the marvelous work?” 谢傲宇笑了笑,道:“我可是记得你们说过,要给我一个惊喜的,我怎么可能不来,嘿嘿,是什么惊喜啊,不会是要送给我神品吧?” Marvelous work is anything, makes you pleasantly surprised compared with that.” The cloud field has not laughed to say. “神品算什么,比那个更让你惊喜。”云未田大笑道。 Ultra marvelous work?” Xie Aoyu pleasantly surprised say (way). “超神品?”谢傲宇惊喜道。 Disappointed shaking the head, cloud not Tamichi: Your boy, the full brain promotes the Medical Spirit Finger thought that I said that the surname life of field hasn't been the ultra marvelous work can compare?” 失望的摇摇头,云未田道:“你小子,满脑子都是提升药神指的念头,我云未田的姓命难道是超神品能比的?” Xie Aoyu was more surprised. 谢傲宇就更惊奇了。 He whispered to be any pleasant surprise, then put out a hand on the arm of cloud not field. 他心里嘀咕会是什么惊喜,便伸手点在云未田的胳膊上面。 Before violently poisonous remove of cloud field within the body almost, this time had not cleaned up some residuals, Medical Spirit Finger also obtained some excellent works that they bestowed, on might a yet higher goal, the remove violently poisonous speed was again faster. 之前已经将云未田体内的剧毒解除7788,这次只是清理一些残渣而已,药神指又得到他们赠送的一些圣品,威力再上一层楼,解除剧毒的速度更快。 The needless moment, had then ended. 不消片刻,便已经结束。 Ok?” Cloud not Tamichi. “好了?”云未田道。 Um, your within the body violently poisonous rejected completely.” Xie Aoyu replied, gave me to be pleasantly surprised.” “嗯,你体内的剧毒全部剔除了。”谢傲宇回答道,“给我惊喜吧。” Cloud not field ill-humored say (way): Cannot forget!” 云未田没好气的道:“忘不了!” The Xie Aoyu hollow laugh gets up. 谢傲宇干笑起来。 Second Brother, preparation.” Cloud not Tamichi. “二弟,准备吧。”云未田道。 The cloud wind has not complied with one, then puts out a chart. 云未风答应一声,便拿出一副图。 That is a character chart, the above 30-year-old charming man, wears gold Kui, wears Jinjia, cross sits in snow white strange steed carries on the back an all over the body, in the hand is raising a golden long spear, focuses attention on to look out into the distance. 那是一副人物图,上面一名30多岁的帅气男子,头戴金盔,身披金甲,跨坐在一匹通体雪白的奇异骏马背上,手中提着一条金色的长枪,瞩目远眺。 What is this? Xie Aoyu looks **. 这是什么意思?谢傲宇看的**。 Cloud not wind cautiously hangs this chart on the wall. 云未风小心翼翼的将这幅图挂在墙壁上面。 Afterward, the cloud not field and cloud wind respectful kneeling down, has not stood outside Chen Qi has also knelt. 随后,云未田和云未风恭敬的跪下,就连站在外面的陈奇也跪了下来。
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