BE :: Volume #2

#137: Nine color spirit snake king 【Two】

Heard the Xie Aoyu words, the cloud field has not smiled, I possibly was how poisoned.” 听到谢傲宇的话,云未田笑了起来,“我怎么可能中毒。” Very self-confident reply. 很自信的回答。 Brother, you were poisoned.” The cloud wind has not been suppressing the shock in heart. “大哥,你真的中毒了。”云未风强忍着心中的震惊。 How you determined that I was poisoned?” The cloud field has not seen the cloud not wind so serious appearance, realized that the situation possibly is not such that think. “你们怎么确定我中毒了?”云未田看到云未风都如此严肃的样子,也意识到情况可能不是自己想的那样。 Cloud not wind awkward looks to Xie Aoyu. 云未风为难的看向谢傲宇 Bad luck! 倒霉啊! Xie Aoyu does not want to expose Medical Spirit Finger, looks at the present situation, as if he has the Medical Spirit Finger matter, is expanding step by step, first was Qin Yuenan, was the cloud not wind, now looked like this cloud field do not know. 谢傲宇不想暴露药神指,看现在的情形,似乎他拥有药神指的事情,正在一步步的扩展,先是秦跃南,接着是云未风,现在看来这个云未田也要知道了。 He had not replied, but looks to the cloud not wind. 他没有回答,而是看向云未风。 On the cloud divine horse has not guaranteed saying: You could rest assured that my brother will not say absolutely, if passes from my brother two population, wants me dead like a dog!” 云未风马上保证道:“你放心,我大哥绝对不会说出去的,如果从我兄弟二人口中传出去,要我不得好死!” Second Brother!” The cloud field has not sunk shouts to clear the way. “二弟!”云未田沉喝道 Brother, Brother Xie have Medical Spirit Finger, he helps my remove the toxins of nine color spirit snakes with Medical Spirit Finger.” Cloud wind exceptionally serious saying, just now, you have not moved him, his Medical Spirit Finger shivers voluntarily, that means that you were also poisoned.” “大哥,谢兄弟身怀药神指,他就是用药神指帮我解除的九彩灵蛇之毒。”云未风异常严肃的说道,“方才,你触碰到他,他的药神指自行颤动,那就意味着,你也中毒了。” Cloud field look has not changed, his vision twinkle uncertain looks to Xie Aoyu. 云未田神色微变,他目光闪烁不定的看向谢傲宇 Xie Aoyu has selected under one slightly. 谢傲宇微微点了一下头。 The spunk has not surged from the body of cloud field, invisible imposing manner sending out, depressing Xie Aoyu a little cannot ventilate, is the cloud wind has not been so. 怒意从云未田的身上涌动出来,无形的气势散发,压抑的谢傲宇都有点透不过气,就是云未风也是如此。 Some little time, the cloud field has not returned to normal. 好一会儿,云未田才恢复平静。 Really cannot think that I will be unexpectedly also poisoned, ha-ha, is really funny, if passes on, perhaps will become in the mainland most laughable laughing.” The cloud field has not said with a smile lightly, he looks to Xie Aoyu, that troubles Brother Xie to help, does not know whether to treat and cure my this person of dying?” “真是想不到,我居然还会中毒,呵呵,真是好笑,要是传出去,恐怕会成为大陆上最可笑的笑话了。”云未田轻笑道,他看向谢傲宇,“那就麻烦谢兄弟帮忙喽,不知道可否救治一下我这个将死之人呢?” The Xie Aoyu forced smile said: Does not think, does not have the means.” 谢傲宇苦笑道:“就是不想,也没办法啊。” He then puts out a hand to direct on the body of cloud not field. 他便伸出手指点在云未田的身上。 But this point, made his complexion change, how possible, in your institute the toxin so was unexpectedly fierce . Moreover the toxicant time is not very short.” 可是这一点,就令他脸色微变,“怎么可能,你所中之毒竟然这么厉害,而且中毒时间很不短了。” Can rescue?” The cloud wind has not asked. “能不能解救?”云未风问道。 „Is nature, only a short time, can remove.” Xie Aoyu said that „, every other two days, I come to here to give you to treat, needs several times probably.” He does not want delaying time, but also needs to grasp the time practice is the key. “自然可以,只是不是一时半会儿,就能解除的。”谢傲宇说道,“以后每隔两天,我就来这里给你治疗吧,大概需要十几次吧。”他可不想太耽搁时间,还需要抓紧时间修炼才是关键。 The cloud wind then has not grown the one breath. 云未风这才长出一口气。 Actually cloud not field from beginning to end calm. 倒是云未田自始至终都冷静的很。 By your observation, how long I to be poisoned?” Cloud Tian had not said. “以你的观察,我中毒多长时间了?”云未田说道。 Xie Aoyu thinks that Zi Yan teaches to his knowledge about Medical Spirit Finger, as well as the judgment of toxicant, then said: Concrete I did not say certainly, but can not make you discover that should be the slow surname toxicant, the time, I slightly estimated greatly that can perhaps have ten years.” 谢傲宇想了想紫嫣传授给他的关于药神指的知识,以及中毒情况的判断,便说道:“具体的我也说不准,但是能不让你发现,应该是慢姓毒药,时间嘛,我大略估计,恐怕能有十年了吧。” Is he!” “是他!” A cloud wind palm of the hand bed patting a smashing, combative say (way). 云未风一巴掌将床给拍个粉碎,杀气腾腾的道。 Should be he.” The cloud field light say (way), could not have thought that I wait him not to be thin, he so to me, ha-ha, is really the will of the people are unexpectedly unpredictable.” “应该是他了。”云未田淡淡的道,“想不到我待他不薄,他居然如此对我,呵呵,真是人心难测啊。” Two two brothers according to ten years of this time, then inferred the status of murderer. 两兄弟俩似是根据十年这个时间,便推断出了凶手的身份。 Xie Aoyu lazy responding, he does not want a hand to meddle, by his present strength, ** goes, it is estimated that is also a killed destiny. 谢傲宇也懒的搭理,他可不想插手进去,以他现在的实力,**去,估计也是一个被杀的命运。 He has not thought that he gives the cloud not field disintoxicating, has walked into this huge plot center. 只是他没想到,他给云未田解毒,已经走入这个巨大的阴谋中心了。 After entire half double-hour, Xie Aoyu receives the hand, you are poisoned also are really fierce, entered the marrow poisonously, you had not felt unexpectedly that this toxin suffices the modification.” 整整半个时辰之后,谢傲宇才收手,“你中毒还真是厉害,已经毒入骨髓了,你居然还没有感觉,这毒够变态的。” Again fierce, had not been melted by Medical Spirit Finger, your Medical Spirit Finger is fiercer.” The cloud field had not said with a laugh. “再厉害,还不是被药神指化解了,你的药神指更厉害啊。”云未田笑呵呵地说道。 Xie Aoyu shrugs, said: Medical Spirit Finger must melt needs many times.” Evading Cayenne not field that he intends about Medical Spirit Finger might very strong question, he claps, was good, the day after tomorrow, I will come again, said goodbye.” 谢傲宇耸耸肩,道:“药神指要化解需要很多次的。”他有意的避开云未田关于药神指威力很强的疑问,他拍拍手,“好了,后天,我再过来吧,告辞了。” Cloud Tian Haixiang has not said anything, by the cloud wind entraining the sleeves, then no longer said anything. 云未田还想说什么,被云未风给拽了一下衣袖,便不再说什么了。 They have delivered Xie Aoyu personally. 两人亲自将谢傲宇送了出来。 That stands in the entrance man sees Xie Aoyu so to accept gifts to meet, was startled actually, hurries respectful saluting. 那站在门口的男子见谢傲宇如此受礼遇,倒是吃了一惊,赶紧恭敬的行礼。 And other!” “等一下!” The cloud wind one step has not stepped swiftly, has not kept off Xie Aoyu and cloud field after behind, both eyes suddenly to dodge wipes the dazzling ray, observes the situation all around. 云未风倏然一步跨出去,将谢傲宇和云未田挡在身后,双目暴闪一抹刺眼的光芒,环视四周。 On big sword sword hilt that accompanying of that cloud not field also hand according to carrying. 那云未田的随从也将手按在了背着的大剑剑柄上。 Suddenly, the atmosphere becomes constraining especially. 一时间,气氛变得格外的压抑。 Xie Aoyu felt that the caudula refers to shivering once more, and very fierce, seems pulling him, he takes back the strength of left hand immediately. 谢傲宇则感到小尾指再次颤动起来,并且非常的厉害,似乎在扯动他,他马上收回左手的力量。 That caudula referred to lifting immediately, has aimed at the left front. 那小尾指立刻抬了起来,指向了左前方。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Made person whole body ice cold sound resound. 令人浑身冰寒的声音响起。 In the left front, one treaty more than half meters is long, has the blue olivine all over the body red and other different colors, a pair obstinate cut-throat is staring at the finger of Xie Aoyu. 就在左前方,一条约有半米多长,通体有蓝黄绿红等九种不同的颜色,一双死眼正凶狠的盯着谢傲宇的手指。 It is Nine Color Spirit Snake King. 它就是九彩灵蛇王 Looking from its performance, Xie Aoyu concluded, this Demon Beast should know Medical Spirit Finger, this can indicate Nine Color Spirit Snake King fearful. 从它的表现看,谢傲宇断定,这魔兽应该知道药神指的,这就更能表明九彩灵蛇王的可怕的。 Is you!” The cloud wind has not killed the intent rebellion, in a flash the body, then arrived at the Nine Color Spirit Snake King front, in the hand the cold brightness dodged, a cold and gloomy long sword divided. “又是你!”云未风杀意暴动,一晃身,便到达了九彩灵蛇王的面前,手中寒光一闪,一把森冷的长剑劈出。 Previous time was Nine Color Spirit Snake King has nipped his one, was held, this command cloud wind had not felt that was very the shame. 上次就是九彩灵蛇王咬了他一口,才被抓住的,这令云未风感到很是耻辱。 Nine Color Spirit Snake King has not thought obviously cloud wind unexpectedly is imperfect, it has not evolved to the situations of nine color spirit snake emperors, is unable to contend with the Emperor level master, turns around then to run. 九彩灵蛇王显然没想到云未风居然完好无损,它还没有进化到九彩灵蛇皇的地步,根本无法和天王级高手抗衡,转身便跑。 Yun Jian the deep meaning seals!” Cloud not forced-air cooling shouts to clear the way. “云剑奥义封!”云未风冷喝道 The sharp sword from the sky has delimited a circle, immediately the white aperture formation, covers Nine Color Spirit Snake King that must run away. 利剑在空中划过一个圆圈,立刻就有一道白色的光圈形成,罩定了要逃走的九彩灵蛇王 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Nine Color Spirit Snake King anxious sends out to whoosh the sound, hits violently. 九彩灵蛇王焦急的发出嘶吼声,猛烈地撞击。 Ping “砰砰砰” That aperture presents the fissure. 那光圈出现裂痕。 Cloud wind skill has not turned, cut down to cut, he must cut to kill Nine Color Spirit Snake King. 云未风手腕一翻,劈斩下去,他要斩杀九彩灵蛇王 Chirp “唧唧” Nine Color Spirit Snake King immediately stopped neighing, changes to another strange cry, with its neighing, Xie Aoyu hears innumerably hissing hissing sound transmits. 九彩灵蛇王马上停止了嘶鸣,改为另外一种奇异的叫声,伴随着它的嘶鸣,谢傲宇就听到无数的“嘶嘶”声传来。 He gains ground to look in all directions, cannot help but a forced smile. 他抬头四顾,不由得一阵苦笑。 Such that just like cloud Tadokoro has not said that Nine Color Spirit Snake King is very special existence, it can control all Seven Color Spirit Snake, at this moment more than ten Seven Color Spirit Snake from appear in all directions, the goal locks Xie Aoyu and cloud not field completely they, particularly Xie Aoyu, Nine Color Spirit Snake King, even if faced with the life and death difficult position, still did not forget with raw hate is staring at Xie Aoyu, enabling these Seven Color Spirit Snake to have the majority to flush away to Xie Aoyu. 正如云未田所说的那样,九彩灵蛇王是很特殊的存在,它能够控制所有的七彩灵蛇,此刻正有十多条七彩灵蛇从四面八方出现,目标全部锁定谢傲宇和云未田两人,尤其是谢傲宇,九彩灵蛇王即便面临生死困境,仍然不忘凶狠的盯着谢傲宇,使得那些七彩灵蛇都有大部分向谢傲宇冲去。 Bad luck, Lao Yun, bumps into you, may make me have bad luck.” The Xie Aoyu forced smile said. “倒霉啊,老云啊,碰到你们,可真让我倒霉了。”谢傲宇苦笑道。 Lao Yun?” The cloud field has not smacked the lips, this name is good.” “老云?”云未田咂咂嘴,“这称呼不错。” His accompanying is the bursting out laughing looked at Xie Aoyu one. 他的随从则是哑然的看了谢傲宇一眼。 Xie Aoyu has not cared, he is observing, before discovered that in this courtyard is hiding some masters, may not appear to the present, then knows that had the possibility killing by poison by Nine Color Spirit Snake King very much. 谢傲宇也没在意,他在观察,之前就发现这栋院落内隐藏着一些高手,可到现在还没出现,便知道,很有可能已经被九彩灵蛇王给毒死了。 Nowadays they fell into the predicament. 现如今他们陷入了困局。 Chen Qi, protects my brother and Brother Xie enters the room.” Cloud not wind shouts to clear the way. “陈奇,保护我大哥和谢兄弟入房。”云未风喝道 Accompanying of that cloud field has not complied with one, then has drawn out the big sword, before being in horizontally, intense Qi surges, is staring at these Seven Color Spirit Snake indifferently. 那个云未田的随从答应一声,便拔出了大剑,横身在前,强烈的斗气涌动起来,冷眼盯着那些七彩灵蛇 Xie Aoyu has also put on Overlord Gloves, has grasped Lightning Spirit Saint Blade. 谢傲宇也戴上了霸王拳套,抓紧了雷灵圣刀 Goes all out. 拼命吧。 Whiz whiz whiz “嗖嗖嗖” These Seven Color Spirit Snake balls fly to shoot. 那些七彩灵蛇弹地飞射起来。 Bang!” “嘭!” Nine Color Spirit Snake King has also cracked-up the fetter all of a sudden, is pestering the cloud not wind with raw hate, preventing him to rescue, no doubt the strength is not good, but cloud not wind suddenly, is unable to get rid of it. 九彩灵蛇王也一下子撞碎了束缚,凶狠的纠缠着云未风,阻止他去营救,固然实力不行,但是云未风一时间,也无法摆脱它。 Chen Qi wields the big sword to resist. 陈奇则挥动大剑抵挡。 Brushes “刷刷刷” The sword shade overlaps, more than ten Seven Color Spirit Snake were hit to fly entirely. 剑影重叠,十多条七彩灵蛇统统被打飞了出去。 Also is this flash, the cold brightness flashes through together. 也就是这一瞬间,一道寒光闪过。 Flees the next snake on the roof, cut-throat biting to Chen Qi's nape of the neck, stands in following Xie Aoyu looks distinctly, that impressively is eight color spirit snakes. 在房顶上窜下一条蛇,凶狠的咬向陈奇的脖颈,站在后面的谢傲宇看得分明,那赫然是一条八彩灵蛇。 Eight color spirit snakes, its rank must be lower than Nine Color Spirit Snake King, had into the diversion of Nine Color Spirit Snake King, moreover what is more fearful, once in Seven Color Spirit Snake group in having Nine Color Spirit Snake King the situation, but also is born eight color spirit snakes, that means that Nine Color Spirit Snake King is going to evolve to nine color spirit snake emperors. 八彩灵蛇,其级别要低于九彩灵蛇王,却是已经具备成为九彩灵蛇王的牵制,而且更可怕的是,一旦七彩灵蛇群中在拥有九彩灵蛇王的情况下,还诞生八彩灵蛇的话,那就意味着九彩灵蛇王将要向九彩灵蛇皇进化。 Eight color spirit snakes that waits for an opportunity to wait, is looks for the flash that accurate Chen Qi this relaxes to get rid. 伺机等待的八彩灵蛇,就是找准陈奇这放松的一刹那出手。 It displayed the acme the speed seriously. 它当真是将速度发挥到了极致。 This is the ophidia Demon Beast characteristics. 这就是蛇类魔兽的特色。 The Xie Aoyu skill turns, Lightning Spirit Saint Blade has then cut, simultaneously Spirit Thunder surges, displays in the Flying Dragon In The Sky Fights Technique way. 谢傲宇手腕一翻,雷灵圣刀便斩了出去,同时灵雷涌动起来,更是以飞龙在天斗技方式施展出来的。 He understands that his strength is unable to contend with eight color spirit snakes, only has attacks fully. 他明白,自己的实力远无法和八彩灵蛇抗衡,唯有全力出击。 Once Chen Qi were finished, it is estimated that they must play. 一旦陈奇完蛋,估计他们也要玩完。 Bang!” “嘭!” Fierce hit. 猛烈的撞击。 Spirit Thunder appears by the light of tyrannosaurus, the numerous impacts on the bodies of eight color spirit snakes, the result eight color spirit snakes in airborne rocked fiercely, merely so, including snake skin not broken. 灵雷以霸王龙的光影出现,重重的冲击在八彩灵蛇的身上,结果八彩灵蛇在空中剧烈的晃动了一下,也仅仅如此,连蛇皮都没破。 Xie Aoyu felt actually a formidable strength transmits, arm numb and aching, has almost not held Lightning Spirit Saint Blade. 倒是谢傲宇感到一股强大的力量传来,手臂一阵酸麻,差点没抓住雷灵圣刀 Cannot hit, initiates the bloodthirsty original surnames of eight color spirit snakes, it in airborne booklet body, then plunges Xie Aoyu, other Seven Color Spirit Snake attack to prevent Chen Qi to meddle. 一击不中,引发八彩灵蛇的嗜血本姓,它在空中一折身,转而扑向谢傲宇,其他的七彩灵蛇则纷纷冲击阻挡陈奇插手。 Life and death flash, Xie Aoyu instead calm. 生死一瞬间,谢傲宇反而冷静了下来。 Even if dies, must spell one time. 就算是死,也要拼一次。 Do not say eight color spirit snakes, even if ten color spirit snake emperors, he will not be without a fight absolutely, he is a such person. 不要说八彩灵蛇,就算是十彩灵蛇皇,他也绝对不会束手就擒的,他就是这样的一个人。 The scarlet red Spirit Thunder entirely emerging left hand caudula refers. 赤红色的灵雷统统的涌入左手小尾指。 Wipes the golden light to project. 一抹金光射出。 The color deterioration pink / white fell off. 变色粉脱落了。 Overlord Gloves pan- light golden light, Xie Ao is also shaking the fist to move forward to meet somebody, his left hand caudula refers to eight color spirit snakes that aims at that to go crazy selecting. 霸王拳套也泛着淡淡的金光,谢傲挥拳迎了上去,他的左手小尾指对准那发狂的八彩灵蛇点去。 More approaches, the Medical Spirit Finger golden light is more abundant. 越是靠近,药神指的金光越盛。 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Eight color spirit snakes neighed, the yawn blowout are glittering together the air masses of eight color halos. 八彩灵蛇嘶鸣一声,张口喷出一道闪烁着八彩光晕的气团。 Be careful, that is eight color snake rests!” The cloud wind has not been paying attention this, sees that eight color air masses, immediately reveals the color of startled anger, drinks the reminder greatly. “小心,那是八彩蛇息!”云未风一直都在关注这面,看到那八彩气团,顿时露出惊怒之色,大喝提醒。 The right hand of Xie Aoyu held the spell law sign. 谢傲宇的右手已经抓住了魔咒法牌。 He prepares to release Evil Spirit to come out. 他准备释放邪灵出来。 Then at this time, an unexpected matter occurred, Xie Aoyu feels a tremor of own left hand Overlord Gloves non- rule. 便在这时候,一个意想不到的事情发生了,谢傲宇就感觉到自己的左手霸王拳套一阵不规律的颤动。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The golden light shoots together from the Overlord Gloves implosion. 一道金光从霸王拳套内爆射出去。 Supreme Gold Flame! 至尊金焱 Xie Aoyu almost calls out in alarm makes noise, how he has not thought that Ge Telixie gives his Supreme Gold Flame unexpectedly, not only will provide for his future Spirit Thunder, will be certain the striking power. 谢傲宇差点惊叫出声,他怎都没想到,哥特里谢居然送给他的至尊金焱,不仅仅是为他未来的灵雷提供,还有一定得攻击力。 „!” “咔嚓!” Do not despise that point, can say that is similar to Supreme Gold Flame of soybean size, its might is absolutely shocking, but flashes past, that eight color spirit snakes were then fired the ashes, was eight color snake rests that command cloud wind should not be startled also vanishes into thin air, does not exist. 别小看那一点,可以说如同黄豆大小的至尊金焱,它的威力绝对是骇人听闻的,只是一闪而过,那八彩灵蛇便被烧成了灰烬,就是那令云未风都要吃惊的八彩蛇息也化为乌有,不复存在了。 Supreme Gold Flame will arrive immediately in Xie Aoyu left hand Overlord Gloves. 至尊金焱随即又会到了谢傲宇的左手霸王拳套内。 Brother Xie, help me to cut Nine Color Spirit Snake King!” Cloud wind great happiness, had not changed to him to tie down Nine Color Spirit Snake King at this time, did not make it run away. “谢兄弟,助我斩掉九彩灵蛇王!”云未风大喜,这时候改为他缠住九彩灵蛇王,不让它逃走了。 Good.” Xie Aoyu shakes the fist to make, must release Supreme Gold Flame. “好。”谢傲宇挥拳打出,要释放至尊金焱 Hissing hissing “嘶嘶” Nine Color Spirit Snake King frightens to go all out to flee. 九彩灵蛇王吓得拼命窜动。 What is but accidental is Supreme Gold Flame has not appeared. 可是令人意外的是至尊金焱根本没出现。
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