BE :: Volume #2

#136: Nine color spirit snake king 【One】

Leaves resplendently in gold and jade green, Xie Aoyu then bid good-bye with the Li Chaofeng peak, their residences not in a place. 离开金碧辉煌,谢傲宇便与李超峰分手了,他们的住所不在一个地方。 The one person alone walks on the road, Xie Aoyu has put out the spell law sign, gently is showing affection by caressing, the Evil Spirit beautiful woman who looks at the above that moving heart and soul, the mild feeling, as if saw Zi Yan in addition. 孤身行走在路上,谢傲宇又拿出了魔咒法牌,轻轻的抚摩着,看着上面那动人心魄的邪灵美女,加上温润的感觉,仿佛看到了紫嫣 Does not know that Zi Yan elder sister does do now.” Xie Aoyu say (way) gently. “不知道紫嫣姐姐现在干什么呢。”谢傲宇轻轻的道。 Receives the spell law sign, he has remembered Bing Wu. 将魔咒法牌收起,他又想起了冰舞 Yeah! 哎! Xie Aoyu must sigh secretly, he does not know really this processes Bing Wu and You Lan Ruo and between him the relations, how can make Bing Wu know the You Lan Ruo true colors? 谢傲宇只得暗自叹口气,他真不知道该怎么处理冰舞幽兰若与他之间的关系,如何才能让冰舞知道幽兰若的真面目呢? Indignant departs from Bing Wu, can know, status of You Lan Ruo in her heart. 冰舞愤而离去,就能知道,幽兰若在她心中的地位。 Makes the human have a headache really very much. 真的很让人头疼。 Ok, allows nature to take its course, hopes to catch You Lan Ruo something that gives one away earlier, Xie Aoyu can only console oneself, but must grasp You Lan Ruo something that gives one away, where like that will be easy. 算了,顺其自然吧,但愿能早点抓到幽兰若的马脚,谢傲宇只能自我安慰,可要抓幽兰若的马脚,哪里会那般容易。 You Lan Ruo is the sly as fox. 幽兰若可谓是狡猾似狐啊。 Shunt, the dodge opens.” “闪开,快闪开。” The rapid shouting transmits from behind. 急促的叫嚷从后面传来。 Xie Aoyu turns head to look that sees only a middle-aged man clothing to be tattered, the body also has the bloodstain from behind fast clashes forward, was shouting the front pedestrian shunt unceasingly. 谢傲宇回头一看,只见一名中年男子衣衫破烂,身上还有血迹的从后面快速的向前冲来,不断地叫嚷着前面的行人闪开。 The middle-aged man runs is also staggering, on face a darkness. 中年男子跑的也是踉踉跄跄,脸上一片漆黑。 Has a look toward behind, does not have pursuing troops, the Xie Aoyu at heart bursting out laughing, what's all this about, he was feeling strange that middle-aged man then arrived at the near. 往后面看看,并没有追兵,谢傲宇心里哑然,这是怎么回事,他正在奇怪,那中年男子便到了近前。 Splash!” “扑通!” Has not come to a stop, happen to throws to Xie Aoyu. 没站稳,正好向谢傲宇扑来。 Danger? The Xie Aoyu first response is so, his almost conditioned reflex held the spell law sign, simultaneously puts out a hand to support this man. 危险?谢傲宇第一个反应便是如此,他几乎条件反射的抓住了魔咒法牌,同时伸手去扶住这名男子。 His hand contact man, the left hand caudula refers to shivering immediately. 他手一接触男子,左手小尾指立刻颤动起来。 This person was poisoned! 此人中毒了! The Xie Aoyu heart was vigilant, relaxed, actually was still on the alert, prevented to have any accident, was only the middle-aged man is weak in his bosom, lip dry say (way): Quick, walks quickly, black, black lotus 谢傲宇心头警惕,放松了一些,却仍是警惕着,防止发生什么意外,只是中年男子却瘫软在他的怀中,嘴唇干涩的道:“快,快走,黑,黑莲” Black Lotus Holy Church?” Xie Aoyu gains ground periphery the examination. 黑莲圣教?”谢傲宇抬头查看周围。 The middle-aged man hears Xie Aoyu to call Black Lotus Holy Church, the look sudden change, this looks to Xie Aoyu, you, you thanked, Xie Aoyu?” 中年男子听到谢傲宇叫出黑莲圣教,神色骤变,这才看向谢傲宇,“你,你是谢,谢傲宇?” „Do you recognize me?” Xie Aoyu is vigilant. “你认得我?”谢傲宇更是警惕。 I recognize purple, Zi Yan middle-aged man is panting for breath in gulps, listened to me saying that in me Gu Family person the toxins of nine color spirit snakes, Gu Family is the Black Lotus Holy Church person, now launches a psychological attack violently poisonously, I lived, cannot live.” “我认得紫,紫嫣”中年男子大口大口的喘息着,“听我说,我中了顾家人的九彩灵蛇之毒,顾家黑莲圣教的人,现在剧毒攻心,我已经活,活不了了。” Nine color spirit snakes are the evolution bodies of Seven Color Spirit Snake, is called Nine Color Spirit Snake King, its contains violently poisonously compared with Seven Color Spirit Snake terror one time. 九彩灵蛇是七彩灵蛇的进化体,也称为九彩灵蛇王,其所含剧毒要比七彩灵蛇恐怖一倍有余。 Did not say that he and Zi Yan knew, pure Gu Family, Xie Aoyu must treat and cure. 不说他和紫嫣认识,单纯一个顾家,谢傲宇就要救治。 Let alone Gu Family unexpectedly is the Black Lotus Holy Church person, as Black Lotus Holy Church must kill the human, Xie Aoyu is the Black Lotus Holy Church enemy, then this person must rescue. 何况顾家居然是黑莲圣教的人,作为黑莲圣教的必杀之人,谢傲宇属于黑莲圣教的敌人,那么此人也是必救的。 Do not say, I give you to detoxify.” Xie Aoyu light say (way). “不要说了,我给你解毒。”谢傲宇淡淡的道。 The middle-aged man smiles bitterly saying: I know that you have the Zi Yan antidote, can the toxin of remove Seven Color Spirit Snake, but my this is the toxins of nine color spirit snakes, moreover was poisoned already more than for day, ran such far distance, was incurable.” 中年男子苦笑道:“我知道你有紫嫣的解药,能够解除七彩灵蛇之毒,可我这个是九彩灵蛇之毒,而且中毒已经一天多了,又跑出这么远的距离,已经没救了。” So long as you have the one breath, I can make you restore such as beginning.” The Xie Aoyu expression passes one share to be self-confident, has the extremely arrogant flavor, we go to a covert place.” During the speeches, his left hand caudula refers to gently a skill of middle-aged man, golden halos seep. “只要你还有一口气,我就能让你恢复如初。”谢傲宇的语气透着一股子自信,更有狂妄的味道,“我们去个隐蔽的地方。”说话间,他左手小尾指轻轻一点中年男子的手腕,一道道金色光晕渗透进去。 Felt the vitality to drain, the body weak middle-aged man shakes. 原本已经感到生机流失,身体酥软的中年男子就是一震。 He looks at the finger of Xie Aoyu, in mind has delimited three character Medical Spirit Finger! 他看着谢傲宇的手指,脑海中划过三个字药神指 The middle-aged man has no longer suspected, feels to rejoice that must die, unexpectedly can maintain a livelihood, he also is very excited, then before directing Xie Aoyu to arrive at one and common courtyard. 中年男子不再怀疑了,更感到庆幸,原本必死的,居然可以活命,他也很是激动,便指引谢傲宇来到一栋并不起眼的院落前。 Knocks the gate, inside person sees the middle-aged man, had a scare, appearance of being pleasantly surprised. 敲开门,里面的人看到中年男子,都是吓了一跳,又惊又喜的样子。 Informs quickly.” The middle-aged man told, to my room.” “快去通知。”中年男子吩咐道,“到我的房间去。” He directs in very clean room that this Xie Aoyu arrives at tidying up. 他指引这谢傲宇来到一间收拾的很干净的房间内。 Walks in this courtyard, Xie Aoyu can some feelings of person in secret gaze, but also very intense, obviously here also has other people to hide. 在这院落内行走,谢傲宇能有人暗中注视的感觉,还十分的强烈,显然这里还有其他人隐藏着。 Places on the middle-aged man the bed, Xie Aoyu has not rescued immediately. 将中年男子放在床上,谢傲宇并没有马上相救。 The life-saving for him, is very simple, even if the enemy, how can also, he have the spell law sign not necessarily after all, confident, is the Medical Spirit Finger matter, cannot pass on. 救人对他来说,很简单,就算是敌人,也不见得能如何,毕竟他有魔咒法牌,心里有底了,可是药神指的事情,不能传出去。 Is was worried that I did have the Medical Spirit Finger matter to say you? Brings to threaten you?” The middle-aged man said with a laugh. “是不是担心我将你拥有药神指的事情说出去?或者拿来威胁你?”中年男子笑呵呵地说道。 Good.” Xie Aoyu said. “不错。”谢傲宇道。 The middle-aged man sighed, I gave you looking at a sample thing.” He has put out the same thing from Space Ring, gives Xie Aoyu it. 中年男子叹口气,“我给你看样东西吧。”他从空间戒指内拿出了一样东西,将其交给谢傲宇 Xing Luo command?” Xie Aoyu puts out own Xing Luo command, two relativities. 星罗令?”谢傲宇拿出自己的星罗令,两相对比。 Completely consistent. 完全一致。 Both actually do not have a difference, is without change including covert pattern, obviously this real, is unable to copy. 两者竟然没有一丝的差别,连其中的隐蔽的花纹都一般无二,显然这就是真的,是无法仿造的。 Has a look at this again.” The middle-aged man gives Xie Aoyu a letter. “再看看这个。”中年男子将一封信交给谢傲宇 Opens looks. 打开一看。 Xie Aoyu strange looks to middle-aged man. 谢傲宇古怪的看向中年男子。 Yeah, my this age, had not taken easy, but keeps her to make a memory.” The middle-aged man said with a smile, he received again that letter. “哎,我这个年岁,已经没有想开了,只是留她做个记忆。”中年男子笑道,他重新将那封信收起来。 The content on letter are not many, only then few words. 信上的内容不多,只有寥寥几句话。 That is vindicating of Zi Yan rejection middle-aged man. 那就是紫嫣拒绝中年男子的表白。 Hence Xie Aoyu did not have anything skeptical, this once was the Zi Yan pursuer, moreover looked from the letter that the Zi Yan speech was very tactful, does not want to undermine both sides' relations to the feeling of person, was the friend, in addition that Xing Luo command, he also felt relieved. 至此谢傲宇也没什么好怀疑的了,这位曾经是紫嫣的追求者,而且从信中看,紫嫣说话很委婉,给人的感觉就是不想破坏双方的关系,还是朋友,加上那星罗令,他也就放心了。 I want to explain a point seriously, Medical Spirit Finger, can not reveal!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “我还是想郑重的说明一点,药神指,不得泄露出去!”谢傲宇沉声道。 I did not have am so silly, has Medical Spirit Finger, later I said that the wind has not needed to be worried to be poisoned.” The middle-aged man said. “我还没那么傻,有药神指在,以后我云未风就不用担心中毒了。”中年男子道。 Cloud not wind? Xie Aoyu doubt looks to middle-aged man. 云未风?谢傲宇狐疑的看向中年男子。 The person of Yun are many, but are not many, but now Heaven Luo Imperial Family is Yun, this person called the cloud not wind, but day Emperor Luo called cloud un- day, will not have any relations. 云姓的人不少,但是也不多,而当今天罗皇室就是云姓,此人叫云未风,而天罗皇帝叫云未天,不会是有什么关系吧。 Sky Luo empire, Yun resides in eight cities, only has the absence of one word with me not 100, there are 80.” The cloud wind has not said with a smile, my brother called the cloud not field, the paddies field, if I did not say, perhaps you think that he is now an emperor.” 天罗帝国,云姓分布在八个城市,与我仅有一字之差的没有100,也有80。”云未风笑道,“我大哥叫云未田,田地的田,我要是不说出来,恐怕你会认为他就是当今皇帝吧。” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: You also really dare to give name.” 谢傲宇笑道:“你们也真敢取名字。” He does not have cares, how even if emperor old? 他也没太在意,就算是皇帝老儿又如何? Immediately Xie Aoyu then displays Medical Spirit Finger. 随即谢傲宇便施展药神指 The left hand caudula direction on the arm of cloud wind, radiant golden light has not emitted, the fast seepage enters the cloud not wind the body. 左手小尾指点在云未风的胳膊上,一道道璀璨的金光放射出去,快速的渗透进入云未风的身体。 Seeps with the golden light, the black on cloud wind face has not started to abate. 伴随着金光渗透,云未风脸上的黑色开始消退。 „The toxin of Nine Color Spirit Snake King really compared with the toxin of Seven Color Spirit Snake fierce many.” The say (way) that Xie Aoyu sighs with emotion, initially Qin Yuenan the toxin melted is much more relaxed. 九彩灵蛇王之毒真的要比七彩灵蛇之毒厉害的多啊。”谢傲宇不无感慨的道,当初秦跃南所中之毒化解要轻松得多。 Cloud wind forced smile had not said: Nine color spirit snake books are the Seven Color Spirit Snake evolution come, it contains violently poisonously is the genuine puzzled toxin, your Medical Spirit Finger can actually such quickly probably make me feel that is violently poisonous by fast remove, it seems like can Medical Spirit Finger also reach the suitable altitude? As far as I know Xie as if has not gone to this situation.” 云未风苦笑道:“九彩灵蛇本就是七彩灵蛇进化而来的,它所含剧毒才是真正的不解之毒,你的药神指却能这么快得令我感觉到剧毒在被快速解除,看来药神指也要达到相当的高度了吧?据我所知谢家似乎还没有达到这种地步吧。” Um.” “嗯。” Xie Aoyu spoke thoughtlessly to comply with one, then has not spoken, about killing the evil Master Batu matter, he had not said the idea, news that this most needs to keep secret. 谢傲宇随口应了一声,便没说话,关于杀死邪师巴图鲁的事情,他可没有说出去的想法,这个才是最需要保密的消息。 Sees Xie Aoyu not to reply that the cloud wind has not closely examined, then said: Now looks like, to should also be the Gu Family person who Qin Yuenan started.” 谢傲宇并不回答,云未风也没追问,便说道:“现在看来,对秦跃南下手的应该也是顾家人了。” Why said?” Xie Aoyu asked. “为什么这么说?”谢傲宇问道。 Nine color spirit snakes are quite special, this is living in groups Demon Beast, as long as they appear, is forms groups inevitably, moreover must Nine Color Spirit Snake King exist, will therefore form, grasps Nine Color Spirit Snake King, can control its side other Seven Color Spirit Snake, this will also create a strange phenomenon.” The cloud wind has not answered, that is the place that Nine Color Spirit Snake King presents, the surrounding area in a lot of li (0.5km), if has Nine Color Spirit Snake King to appear again, two Nine Color Spirit Snake King duels, the winner will eat the opposite party, is hopeful to evolve the rarest nine color spirit snake emperors, otherwise, must have Nine Color Spirit Snake King to lead the Seven Color Spirit Snake group to retreat, in other words in Yanjing, all Seven Color Spirit Snake, was controlled by Gu Family that Nine Color Spirit Snake King.” “九彩灵蛇比较特殊的,这是一种群居的魔兽,它们但凡出现,必然是成群结队的,而且必有一条九彩灵蛇王存在,故而就会形成,掌握九彩灵蛇王,就可以控制它身边的其他所有七彩灵蛇,这样还会造成一个奇异的现象。”云未风解释道,“那就是九彩灵蛇王出现的地方,方圆千百里以内,若再有九彩灵蛇王出现,两条九彩灵蛇王就会决斗,胜者吃掉对方,有望进化成最罕见的九彩灵蛇皇,否则的话,必须有一条九彩灵蛇王率领七彩灵蛇群退走,也就是说在燕京内,所有七彩灵蛇,都是被顾家的那条九彩灵蛇王控制的。” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Nine Color Spirit Snake King also has this Xi. 九彩灵蛇王还有这种习姓。 Xie Aoyu discovered more and more that the deficiency of oneself knowledge, bragged the knowledge to be profound, at the present stands in day Yanjing, perhaps was most ignorant person one kind. 谢傲宇越来越发现,自己知识的匮乏,原本还自诩知识渊博,而今站在天罗燕京,恐怕属于最无知的人一类了。 Most made Xie Aoyu think what was deficient was some secret and Demon Beast the type about An­tiq­uity family and Xi does not know, if knew, then after him the conduct help was very big, took this Nine Color Spirit Snake King, Yun Weifeng said that he was impossible to think the one who coped with Qin Yuenan was the Gu Family person, even if there are to associate, cannot conclude. 最令谢傲宇觉得匮乏的还是关于上古家族的一些秘闻和魔兽的种类、习姓的不知,若是知道的话,那对他以后行事帮助还是很大的,就拿这九彩灵蛇王来说吧,要不是云未风说的话,他根本不可能想到对付秦跃南的是顾家人,就算有所联想,也不敢断定的。 This is the advantage of knowledge. 这就是知识的好处。 Many times, small issue can dig out many inside stories. 许多时候,一点小问题就能挖出很多内幕。 What situation is Black Lotus Holy Church? How Gu Family said that was once was also magnificent for a while . Moreover the hope that their evil intent demon word technique still, some once more rose, was willing to join Black Lotus Holy Church.” Xie Aoyu puzzled say (way). 黑莲圣教是个什么情况?顾家怎么说也是曾经辉煌一时,而且他们的邪意魔言术仍在,就有再次崛起的希望,怎么甘愿加入黑莲圣教呢。”谢傲宇不解的道。 The cloud wind has not concealed, said: Gu Family should be the secret joins Black Lotus Holy Church, recently exposed . Moreover the Gu Family person has characteristics, they do not have the black lotus mark, in other words, the person in Black Lotus Holy Church , is not has the black lotus mark, this was quite difficult to distinguish.” He has the profound meaning looked at Xie Aoyu, I heard, you probably with Black Lotus Holy Church in especially Los Angeles on a little gratitude and grudges?” 云未风也没隐瞒,道:“顾家应该是秘密加入黑莲圣教的,最近才曝光的,而且顾家人有一个特色,他们都没有黑莲印记,也就是说,黑莲圣教内的人,也不全都是拥有黑莲印记的,这就比较难分辨了。”他别有深意的看了一眼谢傲宇,“我听说,你好像和黑莲圣教早在特洛城就有点恩怨?” How do you know?” Xie Aoyu looks up him suddenly. “你怎么知道的?”谢傲宇猛然抬头看着他。 Knows that he and Black Lotus Holy Church have the gratitude and grudges, absolutely very few, even only then he and Zi Yan knows that now Zi Yan told Lang Zhantian and Lin Dongyun, has not told others. 知道他与黑莲圣教有恩怨的,绝对非常之少的,甚至只有他和紫嫣知道,现在紫嫣告诉了浪战天林动云,并没有告诉别人。 Hey cloud wind has not traced the nose hollow laugh. “嘿嘿”云未风摸摸鼻子干笑了起来。 This expression makes Xie Aoyu one wonder. 这表情让谢傲宇一阵纳闷。 Sees the say (way) that the cloud wind a little has not blushed shamelessly: This is Xing Luo tells me, his original intention is to invite me protects temporarily first in secret your, he must adjust thing in the commission army corps, then sends one not to be inferior after beautiful woman after flattering, the butterfly protects your, has not thought that I have not started to protect you, made you save me actually first.” 就见云未风老脸有点发红的道:“这是星罗告诉我的,他本意是请我暂时先暗中保护你的,他要调整一下佣兵团内的事物,然后再派一位不次于媚后、蝶后的美女过来保护你的,没想到我还没开始保护你,倒是让你先救了我。” Xie Aoyu also smiled. 谢傲宇也笑了。 This also is really the coincidence, explained the cloud wind has not known perhaps the reason of Los Angeles matter, Luo Ke cannot associate the purple gold husked lotus especially, but Xing Luo definitely knows that can therefore guess correctly Black Lotus Holy Church to oneself disadvantageous. 这还真是巧合,也解释了云未风知道特洛城事情的缘由,或许罗克联想不到紫金莲子,但是星罗肯定会知道的,故而能够猜出黑莲圣教要对自己不利。 Xie Aoyu whispered at heart, Xing Luo was looks after to oneself very much. 谢傲宇心里嘀咕,星罗对自己都是照顾得很啊。 He is also clear, Xing Luo can so take care of him, definitely and Tricolor God Core has the close relationship, very much but made one wonder, saw Tricolor God Core by oneself ability, had Xing Luo and You Lan Ruo, was these two is clearly opposite to his manner, Xing Luo and was the You Lan Ruo back family hostile? 他也清楚,星罗能够如此照顾他,肯定和三色神丹有着密切的关系,只是令人很纳闷的是,凭借自己能力看出三色神丹的,只有星罗幽兰若,可是这两人对他的态度截然相反,难道说星罗幽兰若背后的家族是敌对的? Two masters, Sir came.” Outside has humanity. “二爷,大爷来了。”外面有人道。 The cloud wind has not said with a smile: My brother came.” 云未风笑道:“我大哥来了。” His voice just fell, hears the sound of footsteps, pushed the door to come in directly. 他的话音刚落,就传来脚步声,直接推门进来了。 Comes the human is also the middle-aged person, seems the military might, particularly an eye, very sharp, as if can see others goes at heart, the one who follows behind in his is a 30-year-old man, the wainscot is straight, respectful standing in entrance. 来人也是中年人,看上去很威武,尤其是一双眼睛,非常的锐利,仿佛一眼能看到别人的心里去,跟随在他身后的是一名30多岁的男子,腰板笔直,恭敬的站在门口。 Second Brother, were you all right?” Cloud Tianzi has not sized up the cloud not wind thin the facial features, did not say that your complexion is jet black, was poisoned likely?” “二弟,你没事了?”云未田仔细打量云未风的面容,“不是说你脸色漆黑,像是中毒了吗?” The cloud wind has not made that follow the man who the cloud field has not come to exit, the general's family closes while convenient, this said: In me the toxin of Nine Color Spirit Snake King, but, by the Xie Aoyu little brother curing.” 云未风让那跟随云未田前来的男子出去,顺便将门关上,这才说道:“我中了九彩灵蛇王之毒,不过,已经被谢傲宇小兄弟给治好了。” Um? Can the toxin of Nine Color Spirit Snake King also solve?” The cloud field has not revealed astonished color. “嗯?九彩灵蛇王之毒也能解?”云未田露出惊愕之色。 This, others did not let say that I cannot tell your concrete matter.” The cloud wind has not shrugged, appearance that I must keep secret. “这个,人家不让说,我也不能告诉你具体的事情。”云未风耸耸肩,一副我要保密的样子。 The cloud field has not been startled, has not cared, the putting out a hand racket the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, no matter what, you have saved my Second Brother, but also rescued, in brief I was am deeply grateful.” 云未田只是怔了一下,也没放在心上,伸手拍拍谢傲宇的肩头,“不管怎么说,你救了我二弟,还救了呃,总之我是感激不尽啊。” His palm bumped into Xie Aoyu that moment, the Xie Aoyu left hand caudula refers to uncontrolled shivering. 他的手掌碰到谢傲宇的那一刻,谢傲宇的左手小尾指就不受控制的颤动了起来。 This had not been seen by the cloud wind. 这一幕正被云未风看到。 In a flash, Xie Aoyu and cloud wind has not looked one, they are startled. 一瞬间,谢傲宇和云未风对望一眼,两人都是一怔。 How?” Cloud not field strange say (way). “怎么了?”云未田奇怪的道。 Xie Aoyu said: You were also poisoned.” 谢傲宇道:“你也中毒了。”
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