BE :: Volume #18

#1777: The day ghost life and death fights 【Three】 55!

The thunder Wangqu dawn is tall and powerfully built, said finally fights Armor to cover the body, almost nobody had seen he takes off that to fight Armor, is the custom, there is any secret facts, nobody knows. 雷王曲天明身材魁梧,终曰战甲罩体,几乎没人看到过他脱下那一身战甲,是习惯,还是有什么隐情,也无人知晓。 But at this time, war Armor of thunder Wangqu dawn broke. 而此时,雷王曲天明的战甲破碎了。 Was held their palms together promotion version Broken Shield Cut that changes into cutting to break to pieces by Xie Aoyu that the Excalibur is presenting a fissure, its war Armor naturally is hard to preserve. 谢傲宇那双手合十化为的升级版破盾斩给斩碎了,连带着神剑都出现一丝裂痕,其战甲自然更加难以保存。 Exposes the body of thunder Wangqu dawn. 暴露出雷王曲天明的躯体。 A huge Demon Beast design reappears in the front of thunder Wangqu dawn, the vividness of description, has contaminated the blood of thunder Wangqu dawn, seemed reactivated generally, sent out the imposing malignant influences, the evil spirit kills intent to release barbarically from that Demon Beast design, as if must swallow the world, the ominous tyrant world was common, that terrifying power and influence, even if were ten step Battle Emperor for it alarmed and afraid, backing up in abundance, ordinary ten step Battle Emperor are unable to contend, makes they fearful and apprehensive feelings. 一个巨大的魔兽图案浮现在雷王曲天明的胸前,描绘的活灵活现,沾染了雷王曲天明的鲜血,好似复活了一般,散发出凛然的煞气,凶煞野蛮的杀意从那魔兽图案上面释放出来,似乎要吞噬天地,凶霸人间一般,那股恐怖的威势,就算是十阶战皇都为之惊惧不已,纷纷的倒退,普通的十阶战皇也无法抗衡,令他们都有一种心惊肉跳的感觉。 Secret card in a hand? 秘密底牌? Xie Aoyu is also storing up the strength, he knows that now is not suitable to get rid, when the thunder Wangqu dawn erupts the strongest strength the time, he also wants to have a look at the thunder Wangqu dawn concealment the card in a hand is anything. 谢傲宇也在蓄积力量,他知道现在不适合出手,正值雷王曲天明爆发出最强力量的时刻,他也想看看雷王曲天明隐匿的底牌到底是什么。 Unexpectedly can display through the samsara phoenix. 居然可以通过轮回凤凰才能够发挥出来。 Usually to conceal, said finally with fighting Armor covers the body, that war Armor is not the function of protection, the aura that but on concealing him this strange Demon Beast design lends, hides he biggest card in a hand, can make the thunder Wangqu dawn achieve so the situation, obviously this final card in a hand how fearful. 平时更是为了掩饰,终曰用战甲罩体,那战甲不是保护的作用,而是在掩饰他身上这奇异的魔兽图案散发出来的气息,掩藏他最大的底牌,能够令雷王曲天明做到如此地步的,可见这最后底牌多么的可怕。 As the thunder Wangqu dawn soars from that gulf, all people also saw his front drawing that terror rogue Demon Beast true colors. 随着雷王曲天明从那深坑内飞腾出来,所有人也都看到了他胸前绘画着的那恐怖的凶恶魔兽的真面目。 The wolf head, like the body, scale, the wings, the snake tail, the eagle claw, seems is similar to many only Demon Beast combines, what is most conspicuous is an eye, red like fire, a top of the head corner straight such as god spear, is surrounding the electric light of faint trace, but above that wings has faint trace a encirclement of weak wind, all these seem, the drawing does not come out, seems the real Demon Beast seal is ordinary. 狼首,象身,鱼鳞,双翼,蛇尾,鹰爪,看上去如同多只魔兽组合起来的,最显眼的还是一双眼睛,通红如火,头顶一根犄角笔直如神枪,环绕着丝丝的电光,而那双翼之上则是有着一丝丝的微弱之风的环绕,这一切看上去,不似绘画出来的,仿佛是真实的魔兽封印其中一般。 This was Xie Aoyu stares at that Demon Beast design, in the mind faint seems grasping has gripped anything, as if listened to who had mentioned one early to become extinct several million years of unsurpassed Demon Beast shadow. “这是”谢傲宇盯着那魔兽图案,脑海中隐隐中似乎抓握住了什么,仿佛听谁曾经提及过的一种早已经绝灭几百万年的无上魔兽的影子。 The person of surrounding also whoops. 围观之人也是议论纷纷。 Obviously this strange Demon Beast, nobody knows is anything. 显然这奇异魔兽,没有人知晓是什么。 Brushes!” “刷!” That fluttered in airborne falling said that god founder Ma Li Ya is the complexion sudden change, the item of semination light, seems substantive is staring at the thunder Wangqu dawn front Demon Beast design, startled sound track: This is how possible, you, you obtained the giant Demon Beast young sons of these ten thousand time unexpectedly!” 那已经飘飞在空中的落曰神教教主玛丽娅则是脸色骤变,目射精光,好似实质般盯着雷王曲天明胸前的魔兽图案,惊声道:“这怎么可能,你,你居然得到了这万界时代的巨头魔兽幼崽!” Her words publicizing desirably, has not been her status is extremely special, an aperture, has immediately brought to the attention of all people, after hearing the final several characters, all people must suffocate. 她的话没有刻意的宣扬,可是她身份太过特殊,一开口,立刻引起了所有人的注意,当听到最后几个字之后,所有人都要窒息了。 Ten thousand time, giant Demon Beast young son! 万界时代,巨头魔兽的幼崽! Everybody know, ten thousand time through the ages may be called the most magnificent time, at that time, including world, god and demon, about ten thousand world, each supreme that are unprecedented melts now existence, the quantity of giant was also many times, the final ten thousand time were disillusioned, result that because the crazy war of giant caused. 人人都知,万界时代是古往今来堪称最辉煌的时代,那个时候,包括人间界,神界和魔界在内,共有近万的世界,每一界的至尊那都是旷古烁今的存在,巨头的数量也是最多的时候,最后万界时代破灭,还是因为巨头的疯狂大战导致的结果。 But at that time, now, that time Demon Beast is not wresting away over a hundred world, has Demon Beast of many giant levels, these Demon Beast bloodline are exceedingly high, the descendant under birth, even if worst, can perhaps practice to the exceedingly high boundary, there are many, so long as grown can become the exceedingly high superior boundary, so long as can go directly to the giant rank after the self-tortures of some years. 而那个时候,不似现在,那时候的魔兽也霸占着上百个世界,有着诸多的巨头级的魔兽,这些魔兽血脉通天,诞下的后裔,就算是最差的,恐怕都能够修炼至通天境界,有许多只要成年便可成为通天上位的境界,只要历经一些岁月的苦修便可直达巨头级别的。 The giant level Demon Beast young son, that is any concept, that extremely may be the future giant. 巨头级魔兽的幼崽,那是什么概念,那就极可能是未来的巨头。 But since ten thousand time deconstructions, the giant level master sharp decline of humanity, even if 1 million years ago also few ten several people, even throughout has not been born including Dragon Clan the giant level, only ancient times Clever Sacred Tree and Nine Color Phoenix achievement giant level, as for other Demon Beast, until now, already became extinct, occasionally presents an exceedingly high superior Demon Beast, that is very rare, even does not have any explicit record, so causes the Demon Beast potential. 可是自从万界时代毁灭,人类的巨头级高手锐减,即便是1000000年前也不过寥寥十数人而已,甚至连龙族都始终未曾诞生巨头级,唯有一株远古通灵神树九彩凤凰成就巨头级,至于其他魔兽,迄今为止,早就绝灭了,偶尔出现一只通天上位的魔兽,那都是非常罕见的,甚至没有什么明确的记载,如此才使得魔兽势微的。 Who knows that the body of thunder Wangqu dawn was describing ten thousand time unexpectedly, the giant level Demon Beast design. 谁知道,雷王曲天明的身上居然描绘着万界时代,巨头级魔兽的图案。 Listens to the Ma Li Ya excuse, as if this is the design so is not only simple. 玛丽娅的说辞,似乎这不仅仅是图案那么简单。 Ma Li Ya, you worthily master from hell demon, experienced, good, this king this is ten thousand time, the descendant of Demon Beast giant, do you possibly call its name?” Thunder Wangqu day Mingdao. 玛丽娅,你不愧是来自地狱魔界的高手,见多识广啊,不错,本王这便是万界时代,魔兽巨头的后裔,你可能唤出其名字?”雷王曲天明道。 The Ma Li Ya delicate eyebrows are pressed, she can distinguish the unique aura of Demon Beast giant descendant, is actually not able to determine that is that Demon Beast, after is separated by for several million years, vanishes for several million years, even if the 1 million years ago giants is not necessarily able to know. 玛丽娅秀眉蹙起,她能够识别魔兽巨头后裔的特有气息,却无法确定是那一种魔兽,毕竟相隔数百万年,又都绝迹数百万年,就算是1000000年前的巨头都未必能够知晓的。 Ten thousand time, Demon Beast giant? 万界时代,魔兽巨头? Xie Aoyu has thought all of a sudden then usually and process of evil dragon exchange, the evil dragon is ten thousand time births, regarding 1 million years ago three wars, are not many, may to ten thousand time's matters that it knows perhaps, be now three knows that most, has then mentioned the characteristics of many giants to Xie Aoyu, has the matters of Demon Beast all giants. 谢傲宇一下子便想到了平时和邪龙交流的过程,邪龙就是万界时代诞生的,对于1000000年前的三界大战,它知道的不多,可对万界时代的事情,恐怕是当今三界知道最多的,其中便向谢傲宇提及过诸多巨头的特点,其中就有魔兽所有巨头的事情。 Three ghost god wolf kings!” Xie Aoyu is slowly typical. “三煞神狼王!”谢傲宇缓缓地道。 Anticipated Ma Li Ya called people vision neat going to Xie Aoyu of broken Demon Beast name. 原本期待玛丽娅叫破魔兽名称的众人目光齐刷刷的投向谢傲宇 The ears of many people also stood erect. 许多人的耳朵也都竖立起来了。 Three ghost god wolf kings! 三煞神狼王! Nobody has listened, does not know that has any might, is similar wind Wang Nie Zhuifeng, Ma Li Ya , etc. actually hearts shocks, reveals the panic-stricken color. 没人听过,也不知有什么威力,可是类似风王聂追风,玛丽娅等却是一个个心头震撼,露出惊骇之色。 Even if samsara phoenix is no exception. 就算是轮回凤凰也不例外。 You know are really many.” The thunder Wangqu dawn cold sound track, skeleton exudes the sound, „, since knew, that is ready that suffers to death!” “你知道的还真不少。”雷王曲天明冷声道,身上的骨骼发出啪啪的响声,“既然知道了,那就做好受死的准备吧!” His crazy surname erupts suddenly. 他的狂姓陡然爆发出来。 That terror the air/Qi of evil spirit fills in the world, the sky of inspiring changes constantly, is cloudy, obstructs the day to shade said that said the moon/month to go into seclusion, the strong winds writings, seemed to be that the rain star flying shuttle, had the electric light to flash before, the unsurpassed Demon Beast three ghost god wolf kings echoes with that front was describing faintly, as if on this day the phenomenon was three ghost god wolf kings guides. 那恐怖的凶煞之气弥漫天地间,引动的天空风云变幻,乌云密布,遮天蔽曰,曰月隐退,狂风大作,似有雨星飞梭,更有电光闪现,与那胸前描绘着的无上魔兽三煞神狼王隐隐呼应,似乎这天地异象乃是三煞神狼王所引导的。 Suffers to death? I look not necessarily.” Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth pan- a happy expression. “受死?我看未必吧。”谢傲宇嘴角泛起一丝笑意。 If the ability that other ten thousand time Demon Beast giants have, Xie Aoyu also many somewhat dreaded, but this was known as the ability that the ten thousand time first Demon Beast giant descendant has, instead makes Xie Aoyu think does not have the threat strength, he even feels somewhat funnily, sees this Demon Beast, he has a thought that his absorbs the spatial technique to be as if inborn to restrain three ghost god wolf kings. 如果说是其它万界时代魔兽巨头所具有的能力,谢傲宇还多少有些忌惮,可这号称万界时代第一魔兽巨头后裔所具备的能力,反而让谢傲宇觉得毫无威胁力,他甚至感到有些好笑,见到这魔兽,他才生出一个念头,他的摄空术似乎天生就是为克制三煞神狼王。 Ha Ha, although you know the names of these three ghost god wolf kings, actually does not know the abilities of three ghost god wolf kings.” The thunder Wangqu dawn sneers to say. “哈哈,你虽然知晓这三煞神狼王的名字,却不知道三煞神狼王的能力。”雷王曲天明冷笑道。 Xie Aoyu light say (way): Ten thousand time, the high and low 6 million years, total present 63 Demon Beast giants, three ghost god wolf Wang Bian are one of them, but this Demon Beast is in 63 Demon Beast giants appears many, three ghost god wolf king varieties, altogether have presented seven Demon Beast giants, vertically and horizontally during 6 million years of ten thousand time, never cut off, were known as that ten thousand time first Demon Beast is supreme, strength, first ten of about thousand giants but the position Lievin time in 6 million years present, therefore there is Demon Beast to the honorific titles of powerhouse.” 谢傲宇淡淡的道:“万界时代,上下6000000年,共计出现63种魔兽巨头,其中三煞神狼王便是其中之一,但此魔兽却是63种魔兽巨头中出现最多的,三煞神狼王这一品种,总共出现过七位魔兽巨头,纵横万界时代的6000000年之间,从未断绝,号称万界时代第一魔兽至尊,实力之强,可位列万界时代6000000年中出现的近千名巨头的前十名,故而有魔兽至强者的尊号。” The surrounding person hears a stir. 周围的人听得一阵轰动。 Other did not say that these three ghost god wolf kings presented the frequency of giant high too to be also astonishing, had again is the Demon Beast supreme powerhouse, how could it not be was that most powerhouse of Demon Beast recognition? 别的不说,这三煞神狼王出现巨头的频率之高也太惊人了,再有就是魔兽至尊强者,那岂非就是魔兽界公认的最强者? You know actually many, what a pity is only the words that some spreads, some esteems, are not practical the record about three ghost god wolf king abilities.” The thunder Wangqu dawn just now was routed by Xie Aoyu, now wants to crush Xie Aoyu to plan in aspect of knowledge, then gets rid to defeat it, achieves overthrows the Xie Aoyu situation comprehensively, that ends the victory, can make the prestige of his thunder Wangqu dawn win, even a gland third wheel returns to the phoenix. “你知道的倒是不少,可惜都只是一些流传下来的只言片语,一些推崇罢了,并无实际关于三煞神狼王能力的记载。”雷王曲天明方才被谢傲宇击溃,现在就想在知识面方面压倒谢傲宇一筹,然后再出手将其击败,做到全面打倒谢傲宇的地步,那才是完胜,才能让他雷王曲天明的威名更胜,甚至一下压盖过轮回凤凰。 Three ghost god wolf kings have the record through the ages can simultaneously have the thunder of acme only, the fire of acme, wind of three perfect strengths acme as one Demon Beast, although there is a fable that other Demon Beast have been able to achieve, does not have any writing record throughout, once three ghost god wolf kings have three perfect strengths as one, even if cultivation for does not reach the giant, is honored as the giant, therefore side ten thousand time, three ghost god wolf king kind of Demon Beast races, the hearsay of ten giants, three first three ghost god wolf Wang Fei giants, have three types. Perfect strength.” Xie Aoyu light saying. “三煞神狼王是古往今来有记载的唯一能够同时具备极致之雷,极致之火,极致之风三种极致力量于一体的魔兽,虽然有过其他的魔兽可以做到的传说,却始终没有任何的文字记载,而且一旦三煞神狼王具备三种极致力量于一体,哪怕是修为不达巨头,也被尊为巨头,故而方有万界时代,三煞神狼王一类魔兽种族,十巨头的传闻,其中三头三煞神狼王非巨头,却具有三种。极致力量。”谢傲宇淡淡的说道。 Here, such as Gu Jian head of the clan Gu Zhenfeng and others also knew. 说到这里,诸如古剑族长古振峰等也已经知晓。 The so-called thunder Wangqu dawn the mystical thing that obtains from samsara phoenix there, is the fire of acme! 所谓的雷王曲天明从轮回凤凰那里得到的神秘东西,就是极致之火! Lei Wang, you are really good the plans!” Samsara phoenix faint such as saying of ice. “雷王,你果然好心机!”轮回凤凰淡漠如冰的说道。 Thunder Wangqu dawn light say (way): This is my maintaining life method, how could to show casually, resembles the phoenix your day God of the Earth fire by no means final maintaining life method to be also same, can you once show? Perhaps until now, abatement Nine Color Phoenix, nobody knows your true strength is anything.” 雷王曲天明淡淡的道:“此是我保命手段,岂能随便示人,就好像凤凰你的天地神火也并非最后的保命手段一样,你可曾示人?恐怕迄今为止,除却九彩凤凰,无人知晓你真正的力量是什么吧。” This person of phoenix at this time, revealed a fissure finally. 这一人一凤凰在这时候,终于流露出一丝裂痕。 Their cooperation for benefit. 他们的合作只是为了利益。 Once the benefit has the conflict, will certainly disintegrate. 一旦利益有冲突,必将分崩离析。 The thunder Wangqu dawn went into hiding this method to threaten the samsara phoenix exactly, making it produce dreaded with the murderous intention, when the samsara phoenix saw Xie Aoyu, endured patiently, so long as there is Xie Aoyu to exist, they must cooperate. 雷王曲天明隐匿这手段恰恰威胁到了轮回凤凰,令它产生了忌惮和杀机,不过,当轮回凤凰看到谢傲宇的时候,还是忍耐了下来,只要有谢傲宇存在,他们就必须合作。 Person of phoenix four items of relative, the cold glow flashes before, finally revealed a happy expression, no longer mutually aimed. 一人一凤凰四目相对,寒芒闪现,最后都流露出了一丝笑意,不再互相针对。 So under the aspect, their city government offices will not expose each other, the card in a hand that but the thunder Wangqu dawn exposes, really extremely shocks, makes the samsara phoenix startled get angry for a while, blurted out. 如此局面之下,原本他们的城府不会点破彼此的,只是雷王曲天明暴露出来的底牌,实在是太过震撼,才让轮回凤凰一时惊怒,脱口而出。 Thus it can be seen, samsara phoenix should know Xiaolei Wangqu dawn to have simultaneously has the ability of thunder and acme fire of acme, actually does not know, but may also simultaneously have the strength of wind of acme. 由此可见,轮回凤凰原本应该知晓雷王曲天明具有同时拥有极致之雷和极致之火的能力,却不知道,还可同时具备极致之风的力量。 Then the thunder Wangqu dawn simultaneously does have these three perfect strengths? 那么雷王曲天明是否同时具备这三种极致力量呢?
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