BE :: Volume #18

#1776: The day ghost life and death fights 【Two】 54!

Strikes to verify the strength of thunder Wangqu dawn. 一击而探明雷王曲天明的力量。 If by the boundary, perhaps the thunder Wangqu dawn and Zhou Yingying is equally matched, unreliably Senior the lower position boundary, if by strength, but also has the disparity. 若论境界,或许雷王曲天明和周盈盈不相上下,都是玄尊下位境界,可是若论实力,还真的有差距。 On the feeling of Xie Aoyu, the thunder Wangqu dawn and between the strength Zhou Yingying has very big disparity, more than one time of two times of disparity, starts from ten step Battle Emperor after all, each boundary, initially entering and peak level have about ten times of disparities, why this also jumps over upward breaks through a more difficult reason. 谢傲宇的感觉,雷王曲天明和周盈盈之间的力量有着非常大的差距,不止一倍两倍的差距,毕竟从十阶战皇开始,每一个境界,初入者和巅峰级都有着将近十倍的差距呢,这也是为什么越往上突破越难的原因。 Receives the soul, optimum condition, nothing but just strided in Senior the lower position boundary strength unreliably, with my strength disparity also 2-3 times of distances, but my strength is actually Qi ten times, even if Qi of thunder Wangqu dawn compared with ordinary Qi might intrepid many, still has the disparity.” Xie Aoyu sneers secretly. “就算是将灵魂收回来,最佳状态,也无非是刚刚跨入玄尊下位境界的实力,与我的实力差距也不过有两三倍的距离,而我战力却是斗气的十倍,哪怕雷王曲天明的斗气远比普通的斗气威力强悍的多,仍旧有着差距。”谢傲宇暗自冷笑。 Moves the skill, the thunder Wangqu dawn look is light. 活动一下手腕,雷王曲天明神色平淡。 Can receive oneself this fist regarding Xie Aoyu, resembles in his expected. 对于谢傲宇能够接下自己这一拳,似早在他的意料之中。 Everybody said the strength that you grasp wants intrepid many compared with ordinary Qi, this war, really so.” The thunder Wangqu dawn cold say (way), this Wang Cengjing obtained a fortuitous encounter, making Qi be transformed, the might was almost ordinary Qi about four times, actually still wanted more inferior, you so were no wonder self-confident.” “人人都说你掌握的力量远比普通的斗气要强悍的多,今次一战,果然如此。”雷王曲天明冷然道,“本王曾经得到过一次奇遇,令斗气得到蜕变,威力几乎是普通斗气的四倍左右,却仍然要逊色一些,难怪你如此自信。” Four times of Qi might, um, careless, but also is not enough to threaten me.” Xie Aoyu shrugs. “四倍斗气的威力,嗯,马马虎虎吧,还不足以威胁到我。”谢傲宇耸耸肩。 Thunder Wangqu dawn both hands shake, a vigorous strength full house comes out suddenly, the day end of wild strength pressure seems must get down hollowly, just now I have used 50% strengths, now I must attack fully!” 雷王曲天明双手一震,一股雄浑的力量猛然爆棚出来,狂暴的力量威压的天煞台好似要凹陷下去,“方才我只是用了五成的力量而已,现在我要全力出击了!” Lets your one time, but also wants to make me give the opportunity of second getting rid.” The body of Xie Aoyu erupts the astonishing strength similarly, meets my fist to try!” “让你一次,还想让我给你第二次出手的机会吗。”谢傲宇的身上同样爆发出惊人的力量,“接我一拳试试!” He had not used the complete strength before. 他之前也没有动用全部的力量。 At this moment also fully erupts. 此刻也是全力爆发。 Promotion version such as light electricity! 升级版如光似电! Xie Aoyu shows the speed, if time crosses the horizon together, carries is moving mountains strength, to the thunder Wangqu dawn then numerous has fought with the fists. 谢傲宇展现速度,若一道流光横穿天际,携带着排山倒海般的力量,对着雷王曲天明便重重的一拳打了出去。 Whiz! 嗖! The thunder Wangqu dawn face upwards the long and loud cry, Senior the thunder of lower position boundary strength coordination acme unreliably, same is binding the astonishing strength, wild rush. 雷王曲天明仰天长啸,玄尊下位境界力量配合极致之雷,一样裹着惊人的力量,狂暴的冲杀出去。 They seem two aurora, twinkling, but. 两人好似两道极光,瞬息而至。 Bang!” “轰!” Also is the most direct collision. 又是一次最直接的碰撞。 This time resists, is similar to the comet hits Earth, the world of wild strength shake is turbulent, the day end was washed away by the energy complementary waves, the collapse, all around stand intensely was also attacked, the innumerable short distance bystanders, running away in abundance, do not dare to approach, that power and influence is astonishing. 此番对抗,如同彗星撞地球,狂暴的力量震荡的天地动荡起来,天煞台被能量余波冲毁,倒塌,四周的看台也受到强烈的冲击,无数的近距离围观者,纷纷的逃窜,不敢靠近,那种威势何等惊人。 Their once again suddenly to retreat. 两人再度暴退。 Does not need they to stand firm the personal appearance, sword whining noise delimits void spatial, Ge Guo all calling out in alarm sounds, have pressed all explosion sounds. 不待他们稳住身形,剑鸣声划空虚空,盖过所有的惊叫声,压过一切的爆炸响动。 A sharp twinkle the Excalibur of purple brilliance is appearing in the hand of thunder Wangqu dawn, that is a length about one meter eight Excalibur, the width has more than 20 centimeters, all over the body presents the purple, above has the design of Longfeng encirclement, the vibration, exudes the clear sound slightly. 一把锋利的闪烁着紫色光华的神剑出现在雷王曲天明的手中,那是一把长约近一米八的神剑,宽有近20多厘米,通体呈现紫色,上面有着龙凤环绕的图案,微微震动,发出清脆的响声。 The thunder Wangqu dawn used the sword. 雷王曲天明出剑了。 Since he did not need the concept of weapon already to strike root in the hearts of the people, this time is initiative the sword, makes the human realize that just now they to the fist, feared was Xie Aoyu has slightly been in the upper hand, otherwise was impossible to force the thunder Wangqu dawn to use the sword on own initiative, this result made countless people exclaim in surprise. 他一直以来不用兵器的概念早就深入人心,此番主动出剑,也让人意识到,方才两人对拳,怕是谢傲宇略占上风了,不然不可能逼迫雷王曲天明主动用剑,这结果让无数人为之惊叹。 Throws “扑哧哧” The thunder Wangqu dawn person sword unites, whole person with the earth parallel, revolves, the thunder of acme fuses that thunder king Qi, explodes projects together the radiant sword light, cuts off the vault of heaven, the penetration world, that void stirring broken, before ten thousand audiences really tearing space, pierces void, during the negligences then arrived at the Xie Aoyu near. 雷王曲天明人剑合一,整个人都与大地平行,旋转起来,极致之雷融合那雷王斗气,爆射出一道璀璨的剑光,斩断苍穹,贯通天地,将那虚空给搅碎,在万众面前真的给撕裂空间,洞穿虚空,疏忽间便已经到达谢傲宇的近前。 !! 啪!啪! Xie Aoyu has also put on the dying out gaunglet (glove). 谢傲宇也戴上了寂灭拳套。 Formidable such as thunder Wangqu dawn, like that is not good to deal with, he does not dare to have slightly negligently, getting rid must deal discretely, both hands extend, seems opens door of the leaf of world, opens slowly. 强大如雷王曲天明,绝非那般好应付的,他也不敢有丝毫大意,出手必是谨慎应对,双手伸展,好似推开一扇天地之门般,缓缓地张开。 The light of unsurpassed god body unique protection then presented. 无上神体特有的守护之光便呈现了出来。 The boundless malignant influences fill the air, in blotting out the sky invincible might enormous and powerful world. 苍茫的煞气弥漫开来,铺天盖地的神威浩荡天地间。 The thunder Wangqu dawn person sword unites must kill the technique to arrive loudly. 雷王曲天明人剑合一的必杀技轰然降临。 The unstoppable Excalibur carries is destroying the day to extinguish the strength numerous bombardments of place on the light of that unsurpassed god body unique protection, both junction strikes, only then the stop of twinkling, the light of that protection then had the sign of disruption, has an impact of force to exit from the sword sharp lasing. 无可抵挡的神剑携带着毁天灭地的力量重重的轰击在那无上神体特有的守护之光上面,两者交击,只有瞬息的停顿,那守护之光便出现了碎裂的迹象,更是有着一股强力的冲击从剑尖激射出去。 The time of blinking, the Excalibur then arrived. 连眨眼的时间都不到,神剑便已经到达。 Xie Aoyu gives a tongue-lashing tooth to smile to the thunder Wangqu dawn, without a trace that the personal appearance in a flash, under the gaze of thunder Wangqu dawn, brushes one of the then baseless vanishes slightly. 谢傲宇向雷王曲天明呲牙一笑,身形微微一晃,就在雷王曲天明的注视下,刷的一下便凭空消失的无影无踪。 Promotion version such as rain wind! 升级版如雨似风! This is a type of Wind and rain line most god mysterious, was once incomplete, the function was extremely limited, but completely is displayed now by Xie Aoyu, demonstrated that its fearfulness, why is honored as through the ages first movement Fights Technique. 这是风雨行最神奥的一式,曾经残缺不全,作用受到极大地限制,可现在被谢傲宇完全发挥出来,才显示出它的可怕,为何被尊为古往今来第一身法斗技 Brush! 刷! A thunder Wangqu dawn sword punctures spatially. 雷王曲天明一剑刺空。 Reviews Xie Aoyu, vanished, true disappearance. 反观谢傲宇,消失了,真正的消失。 Standing up that even if surrounds the innumerable masters who can not help, with amazement looks in the field, had not actually found the Xie Aoyu trail, as if really not generally. 哪怕是围观的无数高手都情不自禁的站起身,骇然的看着场内,却没有找到谢傲宇的踪迹,仿佛真的没了一般。 Lei Wang!” “雷王!” Sonic boom drinks suddenly, if startling thunderclap crack, all person tympanum straight sounds of vibration. 陡然一声爆喝若惊雷炸响,震动的所有人耳鼓直响。 The thunder Wangqu dawn raises the head to look that sees only Xie Aoyu in the sky limit place, the flash of gaining ground is also only a sunspot, the time that but blinks, already arrived. 雷王曲天明仰首看去,只见谢傲宇在天空极限处,抬起头的一刹那还只是一个黑点,只是眨眼的功夫,已然降临下来。 But sees Xie Aoyu to put one's foot down, holds their palms together, high top of the head, seems changes to together the shocking blade light, fierce rush. 但见谢傲宇头下脚上,双手合十,高过头顶,好似化作一道惊世刀光,凶猛的冲杀下来。 Promotion version Broken Shield Cut! 升级版破盾斩 That dying out gaunglet (glove) is glittering the shining god only, that is the broken against strength that the god only carries, in addition the promotion version Broken Shield Cut unusual broken against ability, both unify, are based on the strengths of ten times of Qi might, in addition the Xie Aoyu unsurpassed god body full play is carrying the strength, his as if mountain, must break this earth \; As if Divine Knife is epoch-making. 那寂灭拳套都闪烁着金灿灿的神光,那是神光所携带的破防之力,加上升级版破盾斩超凡的破防能力,两者结合,以十倍斗气威力的战力为基础,再加上谢傲宇无上神体全力运转携带着的力量,他仿佛一座山,要将这大地震碎\;仿佛一把神刀要开天辟地。 The Xie Aoyu speed also displayed the acme. 谢傲宇的速度也发挥到了极致。 Promotion version such as light electricity coordination thunder clouds day wing, in addition strengths of his ten step Battle Emperor peak levels, quick has surmounted the situation that countless person naked eyes have been able to overtake. 升级版如光似电配合雷云天翼,加上他十阶战皇巅峰级的力量,快的已经超越了无数人肉眼所能追及的地步。 The mood such as the thunder Wangqu dawn of water first time was flurried. 心境如水的雷王曲天明第一次慌乱了。 The Xie Aoyu strength made him feel for the first time threat of death, he restrained the mind hurriedly, prevented to be disturbed, has not fought is timid first, the double hand-held Excalibur, across the sky resisted. 谢傲宇的力量令他首次感觉到了死亡的威胁,他急忙收敛心神,防止受到干扰,未战先怯,双手持神剑,横空抵挡。 Bang!” “轰!” Xie Aoyu holds their palms together to divide to cut above the Excalibur. 谢傲宇双手合十劈斩在神剑之上。 Has the god only dying out gaunglet (glove) to erupt the unequalled strength, one then that surpasses the Excalibur of thunder Wangqu dawn top of the head dividing the landing, arrived at his nape of the neck place, making that Excalibur present a fissure, the terrifying blade glow fell above his left shoulder. 带有着神光的寂灭拳套爆发出无与伦比的力量,一下便将那超过雷王曲天明头顶的神剑给劈的降落下来,到达了他的脖颈处,令那神剑都出现了一丝裂痕,恐怖的刀芒更是落在他的左肩之上。 Ka ka “咔咔咔” Fights Armor to present the breakage, the blade glow that both hands project submerges his shoulder, the flesh and blood flying in all directions. 战甲出现破裂,那双手射出的刀芒没入其肩,血肉横飞。 The thunder Wangqu dawn of wild strength impact is unable from the sky to stand firm the personal appearance, drop rapidly, falls on the day end, making the day end collapse, his personal appearance continues to undercut. 狂暴的力量冲击的雷王曲天明无法在空中稳住身形,急速的下降,落在天煞台上面,使得天煞台崩溃,他的身形继续下陷。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Reaches as high as the kilometer day end of collapses thoroughly, even if there is impact of unequalled defense also irresistibly that strength, the Xie Aoyu pressure thunder Wangqu dawn enters the earth deep place. 高达千米的天煞台彻底崩溃,就算是有着无与伦比的防御也无法抵抗那力量的冲击,谢傲宇威压雷王曲天明直入大地深处。 Causes rupturing of ground. 引起地面的爆裂。 When Xie Aoyu lifts off once again, that moment of hangingly standing, he seems rules the world, the unsurpassed war-god that the tumultuous times name Senior, so that casting a sidelong glance world. 谢傲宇再度升空而起,悬空站立的那一刻,他好似君临天下,乱世称尊的无上战神,俾睨天下。 The earth presents a diameter about 30 meters giant gulf. 大地出现一个直径约有30米的巨大深坑。 Stands looks in the distant place that gulf is dark, one not, could not find the trail of thunder Wangqu dawn shortly, did not have his aura. 站在远处看去,深坑幽暗无比,一眼看不到底,更是找不到雷王曲天明的踪迹,也没有了他的气息。 The person's shadow flutters about, above the sky appears dense and numerous. 人影纷飞,天空之上显得密密麻麻的。 Innumerable master encirclements, the vision locks that gulf, no one believes that the thunder Wangqu dawn like this suffers defeat, particularly samsara phoenix, even reveals to wipe the gloomy happy expression. 无数的高手环绕,目光锁定那深坑,谁都不相信,雷王曲天明就这样败北,尤其是轮回凤凰,甚至流露出一抹阴森的笑意。 Phoenix, the thunder king as if must lose, how weren't you worried?” ancient sword head of the clan Gu Zhenfeng said. “凤凰,雷王似乎要输了,你怎么一点都不担心?”古剑族长古振峰道。 He will not lose, since I can press the gambling stake on his body, has the absolute assurance.” The samsara phoenix is always steadily grows perceptibly, does not have the absolute assurance, it will not brave to offend ancient times the Clever Sacred Tree danger, lends a hand to help the thunder Wangqu dawn, „, although the Xie Aoyu strength has indeed exceeded my imagination, can actually be defeated Senior the lower position boundary thunder Wangqu dawn unreliably, but this will make Wang no longer have any retains.” “他不会输得,我既然能够将赌注压在他的身上,就有绝对的把握。”轮回凤凰向来都是稳重见长的,不是有着绝对的把握,它才不会冒着得罪远古通灵神树的危险,出手帮助雷王曲天明呢,“虽说谢傲宇的力量的确超出了我的想象,竟然能够打败玄尊下位境界的雷王曲天明,但这却会让雷王不再有任何保留的。” ancient sword head of the clan Gu Zhenfeng said: What card in a hand does he have?” 古剑族长古振峰道:“他还有什么底牌?” The samsara phoenix said with a smile: Immediately can see.” 轮回凤凰笑道:“马上就可以见到了。” Its voice just fell, rushing is similar to the unrivalled ominous beast recovers the aura that deeply not to see the bottom Dakengnei to surge from that the void world vitality fierce tumbling of agitation, gathers in the gulf, the wild aura made one feel that the heart feared panic-stricken, is unable the coming to a stop personal appearance, backlash in abundance. 它话音刚落,一股澎湃的如同旷世凶兽复苏的气息从那深不见底的大坑内涌动出来,搅动的虚空天地元气剧烈的翻滚,汇聚在深坑之中,狂暴的气息令人感到心惊恐惧,无法站稳身形,纷纷的后退。 Is better than Gu Jian head of the clan Gu Zhenfeng cannot help but to knit the brows, the back ancient sword almost must come out of the sheath, this terrifying imposing manner, even if not aim at him, makes him feel that danger, conceivable that is the formidable strength. 强如古剑族长古振峰都不由得一皱眉,背后的古剑几乎要出鞘,这种恐怖的气势,就算是不针对他,都让他感觉到了危险,可以想象那是何等强大的力量。 The samsara phoenix also reveals the surprised color, strive to excel, is quite overbearing, no wonder at that time Lei Wang will pay that big price, gives me to come yun to raise, no wonder, the strength, who can be his rival from this, is not good, I must find to cope with this method the means that so as to avoid he said that falls to my body.” 轮回凤凰也流露出惊讶之色,“好强,好霸道,难怪当时雷王会付出那么大的代价,交给我来蕴养,难怪,由此力量,谁能是他的敌手,不行,我要找到对付这手段的办法,免得他曰,落到我的身上。” Even if were it also feels a danger. 就算是它也感觉到了一丝危险。 Mist fierce tumbling that the world vitality condenses, seems has a Shenlong makes threatening gestures, confuses the wind and cloud, a depressing aura transmits, seems coincides with the earth pulsation, is stockpiling the strength rapidly. 天地元气凝聚的雾气剧烈的翻滚,好似有一条神龙在其中张牙舞爪,搅乱风云,一股压抑的气息传来,好似与大地脉动相合,在急速的储备着力量。 Finally can use the Assassin's mace?” Xie Aoyu is staring at that mist rich place, similarly felt that the biting cold chill in the air, as if has fatal murderous intention hideaway. “终于要用杀手锏了吗?”谢傲宇盯着那雾气浓郁的地方,同样感觉到了彻骨的寒意,似乎有着致命的杀机隐藏其中。 The moon/month falls to execute Divine Knife also and appears at this moment in his hands. 月陨诛神刀也与此刻出现在他的手中。 The Xie Aoyu mind opens slowly. 谢傲宇的心眼缓缓地开启。 Receives the so critical oppression, trades to be other people, early affected the mood, but Xie Aoyu is just the opposite, can let his mood congealing reality, gentle, the mind opens automatically, the fog of that mask line of sight separates slowly in its inner world, inside all presented. 受到如此危急的压迫,换做他人,早已经影响心境,可谢傲宇则是恰恰相反,能让他的心境更加的凝实,平和,心眼自动开启,那遮挡视线的云雾在其心海中缓缓地分离开来,里面的一切都呈现了出来。 Sees the condition of thunder Wangqu dawn, the appearance, Xie Aoyu is also startled. 看到雷王曲天明的状态,模样儿,谢傲宇也不禁一怔。
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