BE :: Volume #18

#1775: The day ghost life and death fights 【One】 53!

Enters Water Deity Arteries , because Xie Aoyu was a little worried that is when all people pay attention to him with the thunder Wangqu dawn life and death duel, the person of god invades. 进入水神脉,是因为谢傲宇有一点担心,就是在所有人都关注他与雷王曲天明生死决斗的时候,神界之人入侵。 Water Deity Arteries regarding other people, is very difficult to enter the water of acme region, even if the master in water palace is unable to enter, but to god Angel Clan world head of the clan Zhou Yingying, actually does not hinder, she can definitely enter Water Deity Arteries while this opportunity, cuts to kill to attack Senior the boundary water Wang Liuyan evening unreliably, once after all the water Wang Liuyan evening attacks successfully, must grasp Holy Water inevitably once again, even if the might is smallest weakest Holy Water, plays 1% might, with the unequalled terror described that therefore Holy Water enters the step day God of the Earth water unable to contain, that also wants. Strangles the water Wang Liuyan evening. 水神脉对于其他人而言,很难进入极致之水的区域,就算是水王府的高手也无法进入,但对神界天使族人间界族长周盈盈来说,却毫无阻碍的,她完全可以趁此机会进入水神脉,斩杀冲击玄尊境界的水王柳颜夕,毕竟水王柳颜夕一旦冲击成功,势必要再度掌握圣水的,哪怕是威力最小最弱的圣水,发挥出1的威力,都是用无与伦比的恐怖来形容的,所以圣水进阶天地神水无法遏制,那也要。扼杀水王柳颜夕的。 Xie Aoyu arrival time, in Water Deity Arteries has had the fluctuation of energy. 谢傲宇到来的时候,水神脉内已经产生能量波动。 These profound water health/guard can induce obtain, but among them nobody grasps to have the water of acme, is unable to stride in the water of acme region to stop, can only stare to worry. 就连那些玄水卫都能够感应得到,只是他们当中没有人掌握有极致之水,根本无法跨入极致之水的区域内去阻拦,只能瞪眼干着急。 Xie Aoyu arrives, he then released the formidable imposing manner, the pressure in the past. 谢傲宇来到,他便释放出了强大的气势,威压过去。 After must with the thunder Wangqu dawn life and death duel, before then, even if confident, incomparable relaxation, is not arrogant, recognizing of thinking oneself infallible can consume at will, particularly faces Zhou Yingying that type to honor the optional consumption of lower position master unreliably, therefore he arrives, then the release formidable aura, warned that Zhou Yingying aspect, do not act rashly. 毕竟要与雷王曲天明生死决斗,在此之前,就算是有信心,无比的放松,也不是自大,自以为是的认定可以随意的消耗,尤其是面对周盈盈那种玄尊下位高手的随意消耗,故而他一来到,便释放强大的气息,警告周盈盈方面,不要轻举妄动。 Really, his imposing manner stimulates, that fluctuation of energy then vanished. 果然,他的气势激发出来,那能量波动便消失了。 Xie Aoyu stands in the water of acme region, he must prevent the god master to invade. 谢傲宇就站在极致之水的区域内,他要防止神界高手入侵。 Xie Shao, the person of god flinched, you must go to the duel, gives us here.” The profound water officer of the guard stands in the profound water region, said loudly. 谢少,神界之人退缩了,您还要去决斗,把这里交给我们吧。”玄水卫队长站在玄水区域,大声说道。 They such easily will not retreat.” Xie Aoyu beckons with the hand, fights with Lei Wang, delays a short time does not matter, let alone he looks down suddenly to Water Deity Arteries, water king broke through!” “他们不会这么轻易退走的。”谢傲宇摆摆手,“与雷王一战,耽搁一时半会儿也无所谓,何况”他猛然低头看向水神脉下方,“水王突破了!” A formidable imposing manner wells up from that Water Deity Arteries deep place crazily. 一股强大的气势从那水神脉深处狂涌而出。 That astonishing pressure, Xie Aoyu has felt from Zhou Yingying the body, Senior the formidable power and influence that the lower position boundary has absolutely unreliably. 那股惊人的威压,谢傲宇从周盈盈的身上感受过,绝对是玄尊下位境界才具备的强大威势。 Xie Aoyu rapid drop. 谢傲宇迅速下降。 Must have the counter-attack strength the water of top acme and enters perfect water automatic dispersing of step, that is the masterpiece of water Wang Liuyan evening. 原本要产生反击力量的顶级极致之水和进阶的极致之水自动的散开,那是水王柳颜夕的杰作。 Rapid arrives at the Holy Water region. 迅速的到达圣水区域。 Xie Aoyu saw that the water Wang Liuyan evening already stood, is glittering all over the body the pale blue halo, a fire hose surrounds in her surroundings, high and low is fluttering, that is the water Wang Liuyan evening is controlling strength weakest one Holy Water, said that is weakest, that compares other Holy Water, may probably discuss the strength words, any perfect strength collapses at the first blow in its front. 谢傲宇就看到水王柳颜夕已然站立起来,通体闪烁着淡蓝色的光晕,一条水龙环绕在她的周围,上下翻飞着,那就是水王柳颜夕掌控着的力量最弱的一种圣水,说是最弱,那是相比较其他的圣水,可真的要论力量的话,任何极致力量在其面前都不堪一击。 Succeeded?” Xie Aoyu joyful say (way). “成功了?”谢傲宇欣喜道。 Excitement that the water Wang Liuyan evening cannot conceal, nod of effort, not only broke through, but also I stride in revere the boundary unreliably, instantly grasps Holy Water, the soul ban that god supposes does not have any influence to me, I can come and go out at will.” 水王柳颜夕掩饰不住的激动,用力的点点头,“不但突破了,而且我跨入玄尊境界,即刻掌握圣水,那神界设下的灵魂禁制对我也没有任何影响的,我可以随意的出入。” Ha Ha, good.” Xie Aoyu great happiness holds the shoulder of water Wang Liuyan evening. “哈哈,太好了。”谢傲宇大喜的抓住水王柳颜夕的肩头。 Thank you.” The water Wang Liuyan evening said in a soft voice. “谢谢你。”水王柳颜夕轻声道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: Who we and anyone, thanked anything.” 谢傲宇笑道:“咱们谁和谁,谢什么。” Water Wang Liuyan evening elegant face slightly red, has not refuted, just now I hear, you said that now can fight with thunder Wang Jue?” 水王柳颜夕俏脸微红,却没有反驳,“方才我听闻,你今曰要和雷王决斗?” Right, I take on mind to seize the chance to invade, therefore comes to have a look, since you have completed the breakthrough, that also I felt relieved that and Lei Wangjue fought.” On Xie Aoyu transmits a thunderclap the sound, for a long time has not fought, really some anticipation today's wars.” The say (way) of his faint smile, does not come to select to indicate that wishing me to win?” “没错,我担心神界趁机入侵,所以过来看看,既然你已经完成突破,那也我就放心去和雷王决斗了。”谢傲宇身上传来一阵霹雳啪啦的响声,“好长时间没打架了,真有些期待今天的大战。”他似笑非笑的道,“不来点表示,预祝我获胜吗?” The water Wang Liuyan evening forwards gently, selected the water to kiss gently on the cheeks of Xie Aoyu, I know that you will certainly win.” 水王柳颜夕轻轻向前,在谢傲宇的脸颊上轻轻点水般的吻了一下,“我知道你一定会获胜的。” Ha Ha, the water king kisses, how must defeat Lei Wang.” Xie Aoyu is laughing, soars to the heavens to go. “哈哈,水王一吻,怎也要打败雷王了。”谢傲宇大笑着,冲天而去。 The Holy Water region, Water Deity Arteries fluctuates. 圣水区域,水神脉波动。 Water Wang Liuyan the evening flutters slowly, waves gently, the water of acme is turbulent, vice- officers of the guard of three profound water health/guard then fall in the water of acme. 水王柳颜夕缓缓飘飞出来,轻轻一挥手,极致之水动荡起来,三名玄水卫的正副卫队长便落在极致之水内。 Grasps to have Holy Water, is strides in Senior the boundary water Wang Liuyan evening to help three trusted friends unreliably to grasp the water of acme. 掌握有圣水,更是跨入玄尊境界的水王柳颜夕要助三名心腹掌握极致之水。 Leaves Water Deity Arteries, Xie Aoyu, if the goshawk and upper air soar. 离开水神脉,谢傲宇若苍鹰般与高空飞翔。 Suddenly then arrived on that day the most peak of end. 眨眼间便来到那天煞台的最顶端。 Along with his appearance, around that packed like sardines day end, 1 million people exude loudly the yawp, the world that the imposing manner of that soaring to the heavens shocks is shaking, the entire day end as if must crack. 随着他的现身,那拥挤不堪的天煞台周围,1000000人发出轰然叫喊声,那种冲天的气势震撼的天地都在摇颤,整个天煞台都仿佛要崩裂了。 Xie Aoyu stands in the upper air, bird's eye view under foot. 谢傲宇站在高空,俯瞰脚下。 Is bustling and filled with people, pleasant is the person's shadow. 人头攒动,入眼皆是人影。 The day end is divided into four directions, the east side is the strength in Holy City aspect, the west side is the masters in thunder palace, the south side is many masters who the samsara phoenix leads, the north side is one crowd lets the Xie Aoyu many somewhat accidental person, unexpectedly is falls says the master in god, Ma Li Ya then. 天煞台分为四个方向,东侧为圣城方面的力量,西侧为雷王府的高手们,南侧是轮回凤凰率领的诸多高手,北侧则是一群让谢傲宇多少有些意外的人,居然是落曰神教方面的高手,玛丽娅便在其中。 The god master disappears. 神界高手则不见踪影。 The day end center, thunder Wangqu dawn fights Armor to cover the body, if a sculpture, motionless standing there, both eyes is shutting, the breath is steady, to human a depression of being hard spoken language. 天煞台中心,雷王曲天明一袭战甲罩体,若一尊雕塑般,一动不动的站在那里,双目闭着,呼吸平稳,给人一种难以言语的压抑感。 Xie Aoyu lowers slowly. 谢傲宇缓缓降下。 He can induce obtains, the aura of thunder Wangqu dawn is very gentle, does not have a fluctuation . Moreover the breath and pulse is long, far from ten step Battle Emperor can compare, obviously, the thunder Wangqu dawn true strength appeared finally. 他能够感应得到,雷王曲天明的气息很平和,没有一丝的波动,而且气脉悠长,远非十阶战皇所能比,显而易见,雷王曲天明真正的实力终于显现出来了。 Senior the lower position boundary unreliably! 玄尊下位境界! I and others you were very long.” The thunder Wangqu dawn opens the eye, tranquil say (way). “我等你很久了。”雷王曲天明睁开眼睛,平静的道。 Excuse me, I rest sank, forgot also to have a duel to carry on, therefore rested excessively.” Appearance that Xie Aoyu has not awaked. “不好意思啊,我睡的太沉了,忘了还有场决斗要进行,所以睡过头了。”谢傲宇一副还未睡醒的样子。 Many people who this saying said exude the cry. 这话说的很多人发出叫声。 Some are shocking, some taunted, did not believe this saying. 有的是震惊,有的则是嘲讽,根本不相信这话。 I observe your spirit to be stimulated, fight intent to be reserved, is clearly in top form, what comes the sleep to sink, rests the excessive appearance, clearly is intentionally so, if you want therefore to enrage me, keeping me from maintaining the tranquil mentality, that was completely mistaken.” The thunder Wangqu dawn tranquil say (way), for this reason fights, I have prepared for a long time, Xie Aoyu, here, your I all am not the status of mainland protector, we each other fight, regardless of the life and death, this king must whole-heartedly!” “我观你精神亢奋,战意内敛,分明是处于最佳状态,何来睡眠太沉,睡过头的样子,分明是故意如此罢了,你若想因此而激怒我,让我无法保持平静的心态,那就大错特错了。”雷王曲天明平静的道,“为此战,我已经准备很长时间了,谢傲宇,在这里,你我皆不是什么大陆守护者的身份,我们彼此一战,生死无论,本王要全力以赴!” Ha Ha “哈哈” Xie Aoyu laughs heartily, Qu Leiwang, your I each other have any background, is well aware, does not need to beat around the bush, as far as I know, your part of souls have been practicing in secret, this time brings back completely, composes the complete soul, present you are truly most formidable Lei Wang, Senior the lower position boundary unreliably, but is right!” 谢傲宇纵声大笑起来,“曲雷王,你我彼此到底有什么背景,都心知肚明,也没必要转弯抹角,据我所知,你的一部分灵魂一直在暗中修炼,此番全部取回,组成完整的灵魂,现在的你才是真正最强大的雷王吧,玄尊下位境界,可对!” Bang!” “轰!” Audience stir. 全场轰动。 Senior the boundary unreliably, explains in recent several months, that surmounts ten step Battle Emperor boundaries, is steps the giant level the road which must be taken. 玄尊境界,是在最近几个月才言传出去的,那是超越十阶战皇的境界,更是踏上巨头级的必经之路。 Since everybody has believed that world before the deep sea area master returns, strongest is also ten step Battle Emperor, how could to have thought some people strided in revere the boundary unreliably. 一直以来,大家都认为,人间界在深海域高手回归之前,最强的也就是十阶战皇,何曾想过有人已经跨入玄尊境界了。 Many places seethed with excitement. 很多地方都沸腾了。 Lei Wang Senior the boundary unexpectedly unreliably, that this fights also has any suspense.” “雷王居然是玄尊境界啊,那这一战还有什么悬念。” Stupid, you have a look at Xie Aoyu, is thunder king strength that he exposes, that expression, clearly does not care, has the confidence to win.” “笨啊,你看看谢傲宇,是他点破的雷王实力,那表情,分明是不在乎的,有信心获胜的。” Right, this has the war of suspense.” “对,这才更加有悬念的一战呢。” Various sounds are lingering on faintly, many people were discussing. 各种声音不绝于耳,很多人都在议论。 Even if situated in north falling said that the master in god is also inexplicable tense, Ma Li Ya reveals color of the accident. 就算是位于北侧的落曰神教方面的高手也是一阵莫名的紧张,就连玛丽娅都是流露出一丝意外之色。 You already know that the soul of this king is incomplete?” Thunder Wangqu dawn sinking sound track. “你早就知道本王的灵魂并不完整?”雷王曲天明沉声道。 The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth overflow a happy expression, said: Right.” 谢傲宇嘴角溢出一丝笑意,道:“没错。” Knew, you also dare to carry on the life and death struggle with me.” Say (Way) that the thunder Wangqu dawn lets somebody cool off or calm down. “知道了,你还敢与我进行生死战。”雷王曲天明冷冷的道。 Why does not dare.” Xie Aoyu laughs saying that is unreliably Zhou Yingying who Senior the boundary by the rout that I kill, let alone was your thunder Wangqu dawn.” He spoke, the human also descended on the day end, both hands held the shoulder, Qu Leiwang, how my Xie Aoyu said that was also the position of king of temporarily substituting for protection, first made you get rid.” “为何不敢。”谢傲宇大笑道,“就算是玄尊境界的周盈盈都被我杀的溃败,何况是你雷王曲天明了。”他说话间,人也降落在天煞台上面,双手抱肩,“曲雷王,我谢傲宇怎么说也是暂代守护之王之位,就先让你出手。” Feels the Xie Aoyu haughty meaning, knows perfectly well own strength boundary, but also so self-confident, thunder Wangqu dawn many have a fluctuation at heart, may think one thing that obtains from the phoenix god palace, he has stabilized, no matter the Xie Aoyu strength how, he must defeat without doubt. 感受到谢傲宇的狂傲之意,明知自己的实力境界,还这般的自信,雷王曲天明的心里多少有一丝的波动,可想到自己从凤凰神宫得到的东西,他又稳定了下来,不管谢傲宇实力如何,他必败无疑。 That makes me have a look at your self-confidence to come from where.” The thunder Wangqu dawn may not have any art, strikes to kill Xie Aoyu is this war must complete. “那就让我看看你的自信来自何处。”雷王曲天明可没有什么讲究,击杀谢傲宇是他此战的必须要完成的。 His voice falls, the human is similar to the shell of chest cavity explodes to shoot. 他话音一落,人便如同出膛的炮弹爆射出去。 The speed also wants the quick three points compared with the lightning. 速度比闪电还要快三分。 Once were displayed, made bystander send out to call out in alarm, was too quick, even if were the samsara phoenix that excelled at the speed reveals to wipe the surprised color. 一经施展,就令围观者发出惊叫,太快了,就算是擅长速度的轮回凤凰都流露出一抹惊疑之色。 The astonishing strength that it also gets rid to show for the thunder Wangqu dawn feels to shock. 它也为雷王曲天明一出手展现出来的惊人实力感到震撼。 Shout! 呼! The people project, the fist also shells. 人射出,拳头也轰击出去。 The thunder Wangqu dawn fights with the fists, then has electric lights to sparkle, the thunder of acme had stimulated to movement by him, a fist bombardment, the entire day end is shivering, worries void is broken. 雷王曲天明一拳打去,便有着一道道的电光闪耀着,极致之雷都被他催动了出来,一拳轰击,整个天煞台都在颤动,虚空撕咬被震碎。 The formidable monster nearly is evil. 强大的近乎妖邪。 Clatter!” “嗒!” The Xie Aoyu both feet stands firm firmly, fights with the fists. 谢傲宇双脚牢牢站定,也是一拳打出去。 Extremely Lei Bao! 极雷爆! He must have a look to honor the lower position boundary strength unreliably strongly, they have not depended upon the weapon, is looks at each other strength disparity big. 他要看看玄尊下位境界的力量到底有多强,两人都没有依靠兵器,就是看彼此的实力差距有多大。 Thunder of the use acme, the overwhelming power is peerless. 一个使用极致之雷,威猛绝伦。 Use Lei Bao unsurpassed Fights Technique mixes with is extremely having the strengths of Qi ten times of might. 一个动用极雷爆的无上斗技夹杂着具有斗气十倍威力的战力。 All people stared in a big way eye to look. 所有人都瞪大了眼睛看着。 The thunder Wangqu dawn that they pay more attention, wants to have a look to honor the lower position boundary master strength to have unreliably how tyrannicalally, whether far over ten step Battle Emperor boundaries. 他们更关注的还是雷王曲天明,想要看看玄尊下位境界的高手实力到底有多么的强横,是否远超十阶战皇境界。 Two fists under being a focus of public attention, rapid nearness. 两个拳头在万众瞩目下,迅速的靠近。 Bang!” “轰!” The fist hits together. 拳头撞击在一起。 Innumerable Thun­der and Light­ning strike the point to erupt immediately in two fist junctions, rapid to proliferates in all directions, in a spread surrounding area a lot of meters range, seems ten thousand thunder stirs, frightens eight sides. 无数的雷电登时在两个拳头交击点爆发出来,迅速的向四面八方扩散出去,蔓延方圆千百米的范围内,好似万雷轰动,震慑八方。 Endless energy complementary waves flood, gave to urge to crack the day end ground. 无尽的能量余波充斥,将天煞台地面都给催裂了。 The Xie Aoyu personal appearance that hits hard uncontrolled slips backward more than 30 meters, leaves behind one a depth of more than 20 centimeters gullies, reviews the thunder Wangqu dawn similar personal appearance to tremble greatly, clatter clatter clatter backs up continuously more than ten steps, similarly has drawn back a about 30 meters distance. 重击的谢傲宇身形不受控制的向后滑退30多米,留下一条深达20多厘米的沟壑,反观雷王曲天明同样的身形巨颤,“嗒嗒嗒”的连续倒退十多步,同样退了将近30米的距离。 They spread out more than 60 meters immediately. 两人登时拉开60多米的距离。 Xie Aoyu rotates the skill, exudes the sound, the say (way) of smiling: Lei Wang, Senior the lower position boundary strength unreliably seems not very strong.” 谢傲宇转动一下手腕,发出啪啪的响声,笑眯眯的道:“雷王,玄尊下位境界的力量似乎也不是很强嘛。”
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