BE :: Volume #18

#1774: Dream Yao harnesses 【Two】 52!

Has pulled up luxuriant before volume, said that Meng Yao said with a smile: Has many buried treasures in the space macrocosm, wants to come is the person emperor and sea emperor collects to stay behind, is the collection of Hu Family, the treasures in their hand do not know many, has something that the Nangong family leaves behind, the content of inside Incantation technique aspect are many, for 1 million years some wonderful Incantation technique have everything expected to find, I have chosen the certain amount of person to start to turn away the enchanter route, makes the reserve for the forthcoming three wars.” 撩了一下额前的秀发,云梦瑶笑道:“在空间大世界内有许多的宝藏,想来是人皇和海皇收集留下的,还有就是胡家的收集,他们手中的宝物不知有多少,其中就有南宫家族留下的一些东西,里面咒术方面的内容不少,1000000年来的一些神妙咒术应有尽有,我已经挑选一定数量的人开始转走咒师路线,为即将到来的三界大战做储备。” Xie Aoyu looks to say Meng Yao, discovered that the happy expression in her eyes pupil, in the heart moves, understands suddenly that perhaps that Incantation technique resources are not the general fearfulness, perhaps these enchanters were trained, the words that collaborates to display, can truly achieve the space macrocosm and some evil military emperor vestiges as well as dense boundaries are discovered that can create the time truly . Moreover the enchanter is quite special, although does not have the concept of pure enchanter achievement giant, if the 100 enchanters of exceedingly high level lower position join up, displays most formidable Incantation technique, perhaps the giant can also have a headache. 谢傲宇看着云梦瑶,发现她眼眸中的笑意,心中一动,猛然明白过来,恐怕那咒术资源不是一般的可怕,或许这些咒师被培养出来,联手施展的话,能够真正的做到空间大世界和邪武皇遗迹以及一些密境被发现,真正可以创造时间,而且咒师比较特殊,虽然没有纯粹的咒师成就巨头的概念,可是若是通天级下位的100名咒师联合起来,施展最强大的咒术,恐怕巨头也会头疼的。 Can have the incantation archery?” In the god arrow clan former head of the clan Hou Shuntang heart moves, then asked. “可有咒箭术?”神箭族前任族长侯瞬堂心中一动,便问道。 Has!” Said that Meng Yao said with a smile. “有!”云梦瑶笑道。 Hou Shuntang great happiness: My clan also part, but is Elementary level, may cross the threshold, actually not profound Incantation technique, if can grasp the incantation archery, the battle efficiency will certainly multiply.” 侯瞬堂大喜道:“我族亦有一部分,但都是初级的,可入门,却无高深的咒术,若能够掌握咒箭术的话,战斗力必将倍增。” This matter I early have planned for the god arrow clan, already chose 300 potential good masters from the god arrow clan, they will be trained the incantation archery carefully.” Said that Meng Yao said with a smile. “此事我早已经为神箭族谋划好了,已然从神箭族中挑选出300名潜力不错的高手,他们将会被精心培养咒箭术。”云梦瑶笑道。 Hou Shuntang cannot help but great happiness. 侯瞬堂不由得大喜。 Xie Aoyu said: Meng Yao plans personally, thinks each race, each family, even the people of varying degrees talent have carried on the arrangement.” 谢傲宇道:“梦瑶亲自谋划,想必每一个种族,每一个家族,甚至不同程度天赋的人都进行了安排吧。” All were appropriate, now still defective is the second soil series practice god and in all directions fire practices the god place, so long as creates two practice god places again, I think that Holy City on stock rail step, all defer to our plans, was not being pulled the nose, we will grasp actively.” Said that Meng Yao said. “一切都已妥当,现在尚欠缺的就是第二块土系修炼神地和第四处火系修炼神地,只要再创造出两个修炼神地,我想圣城就将步上正轨,一切按照我们自己的计划来进行,不被人牵着鼻子,我们将掌握主动。”云梦瑶说道。 No wonder passes on the news to me, the practice treasure trove that can plunder must go well, even also encourages me to go to deep sea area.” Xie Aoyu ill-humored say (way). “难怪给我传消息,能够掠夺的修炼宝地一定要得手,甚至还鼓动我去深海域。”谢傲宇没好气的道。 Three big head of the clan hear [words/that] grin. 三大族长闻言就是一咧嘴。 Deep sea area? 海域 That is to go to go, there, Senior the master not to know many unreliably, the immortal boundary, the exceedingly high boundary also has many, has three big giants to exist, goes to deep sea area by their present strengths, ten die not fresh. 那是想去就能去的吗,在那里,玄尊高手不知有多少,长生境界,通天境界也有不少,更是有着三大巨头存在,以他们现在的实力去深海域,十死无生的。 Reason that so, is the soil series practice god is hard to facilitate, deep sea area can provide, but, now God Earth Arteries was concise, can definitely the meet requirement, moreover momentarily can receive the space macrocosm, the phoenix god palace, needs to succeed in obtaining actually in 20 days.” Said that Meng Yao said. “之所以如此,是土系修炼神地难以促成,深海域可以提供,不过,现在土神脉已经重新凝练起来,完全可以满足要求,而且随时可以收入空间大世界,倒是凤凰神宫,需要在20天内到手。”云梦瑶道。 The Xie Aoyu eyebrow selects, said: 20 days? Such worries?” 谢傲宇眉毛一挑,道:“20天?这么着急?” Said that Meng Yao explained: 20 days later, is the saying child who the sea emperor palace opens, initially you were plotted against by Zhou Juezhan, does not know that the practical thing of sea emperor palace, this goes to the sea emperor palace, Xing Yun pointed out specially, you, Bing Wu and Yan Ling Wu three people must enter, for this reason does not hesitate to give up the outside all matters, but must capture the phoenix god palace, has not made deep sea area break off with us officially, you must meddle, trades to be other people, possibly seized the chance to cut to kill by deep sea area.” 梦瑶解释道:“20天之后,就是海皇殿开启的曰子,当初你被周爵战暗算,不知道海皇殿的具体事情,此去海皇殿,星云特别点明,你,冰舞燕玲舞三人必须进入,为此不惜放弃外界的一切事情,而要夺取凤凰神宫,还不让深海域与我们正式决裂,你是必须要插手的,换做他人,都可能被深海域趁机斩杀的。” It seems like this matter needs to prepare one well.” Xie Aoyu hesitates to say. “看来这事情需要好好筹划一番了。”谢傲宇沉吟道。 The tour of sea emperor palace, he already had also thought that must go. 海皇殿之行,他也是早就想过了,必须要去的。 Showed according to the information that this thunder Wangqu dawn with your duel, the phoenix clan meddled, moreover renders the thunder Wangqu dawn very big assistance, when the duel ended, then can this be the excuse, waits for an opportunity to begin to the phoenix clan, pours also simply, but, the key is, you must, in fights with the thunder Wangqu dawn defeats it is good.” Said that Meng Yao said. “根据情报显示,此次雷王曲天明与你决斗,凤凰族插手了,而且给予雷王曲天明非常大的帮助,等到决斗结束,便可以此为借口,伺机对凤凰族动手,倒也简单,不过,关键是,你要在与雷王曲天明一战中将其击败才行。”云梦瑶道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: I want to defeat him people should not be difficult.” 谢傲宇笑道:“我想打败他应该不难。” Has to absorb the thunder of spatial technique deterrent acme, the strengths of ten times of Qi might, in addition the promotion version such as the rain wind, he believes that even if cannot kill the thunder Wangqu dawn, will defeat him absolutely not to be difficult. 有着摄空术威慑极致之雷,十倍斗气威力的战力,再加上升级版如雨似风,他相信即便杀不死雷王曲天明,打败他也绝对不会太难的。 Good, I gather God Earth Arteries now!” Said that Meng Yao said. “那好,我现在就去收取土神脉!”云梦瑶说道。 Gathers God Earth Arteries is not the simple matter, needs to enter underground. 收取土神脉可不是简单的事情,需要进入地下。 Xie Aoyu Earth Escape Technique must, three big head of the clan be also tactful left, they have the respective duty, that in view of three respected family Lin who the phoenix clan trains, Hao and a Yuan family. 谢傲宇土遁术就是必须的,三大族长也识趣的离开了,他们也有各自的任务,那就是针对凤凰族培养起来的三大家族林家,郝家和元家。 It seems like tranquil East China Sea God Island, regulations are the undercurrent surge. 看似平静的东海神岛,实则已经是暗潮涌动。 Some time ago the god master and fell said that the god master has appeared, asked that they have been far away from East China Sea God Island really? Obviously is impossible, when possibly comes, nobody knows, but a predicable point is, anyone, the liveliness of East China Sea God Island, they will participate. 不久前神界高手和落曰神教高手均都出现过,试问他们真的都已经远离东海神岛了吗?显然是不可能的,什么时候可能现身,也无人知晓,但可肯定的一点就是,无论是谁,东海神岛的热闹,他们都会参与的。 When three big head of the clan leave, Xie Aoyu will go forward saying that Meng Yao will support into the bosom, they will then submerge underground. 待三大族长离开,谢傲宇上前将云梦瑶拥入怀中,两人便没入地下。 On you have the rhyme aura, but also is passing air/Qi of base, won't be a moment ago rhyme taking?” By in the bosom of Xie Aoyu, said that Meng Yao said. “你身上有着韵儿的气息,还透着一丝的靡靡之气,不会是刚才将韵儿给拿下了吧?”靠在谢傲宇的怀中,云梦瑶道。 Xie Aoyu hey said with a smile: „The nose of Meng Yao is so keen.” 谢傲宇嘿嘿笑道:“梦瑶的鼻子这么灵敏啊。” The Meng Yao wrinkle the fine jade nose, said: Do not shift the topic, I may tell you, now is not you search for flowery phrases, you in practice time possibly big reduction of world.” 梦瑶皱皱琼鼻,道:“别转移话题,我可告诉你,现在不是你猎艳的时候,你在人间界的修炼时间可能会大大的缩短。” Um? What meaning?” The Xie Aoyu bursting out laughing said. “嗯?什么意思?”谢傲宇哑然道。 We with the person emperor, the sea emperor, antiquity Saint Emperor have obtained to relate.” Said Meng Yao saying that according to the news that the person emperor spread, you already gave special attention to by the god five big giants and deep sea area three big giants, if kept world, will possibly dig out the space macrocosm and evil military emperor vestige space microcosm by them . Moreover the person emperor also basically inferred ancient times Clever Sacred Tree to select your real cause, you kept world, the threat was big a point, ancient times the Clever Sacred Tree future stratagem which ensures success will be many a point, therefore the person emperor hopes that you can come out after the sea emperor palace, you can enter hell demon, in addition some talent Qi tall, Also was suggested to enter hell demon the emperor.” “我们已经和人皇,海皇,上古圣皇取得联系了。”云梦瑶说道,“根据人皇传来的消息,你已经被神界五大巨头和深海域三大巨头特别关注,若是留在人间界的话,很可能会被他们挖出空间大世界和邪武皇遗迹的空间小世界的,而且人皇也基本推断出远古通灵神树选中你的真正原因,你留在人间界,威胁就大一分,远古通灵神树未来的胜算就会多一分,所以人皇希望你能够从海皇殿出来之后,你能进入地狱魔界,另外还有部分天赋奇高的,也被人皇建议进入地狱魔界。” Why can choose to enter hell demon?” Xie Aoyu puzzled say (way). “为什么要选择进入地狱魔界?”谢傲宇不解道。 Perhaps because of sinister of ancient times Clever Sacred Tree, even if the person emperor, Xie Aoyu at heart is not 100% trusts. 或许是因为远古通灵神树的阴险,就算是人皇,谢傲宇的心里也不是100的信任的。 Said that Meng Yao said: Hell demon remove the limit of soul ban, has been able to practice there freedom, but the master of god enters by certainly the boundary limit, there, was also fought with hell demon, fights with god, fights with the deep sea area master, is more powerful to our growth, exceeds year to year closes up in the space macrocosm, what is main, as long as the talent is unusual, specially had been looked after by deep sea area, but they have not known existence of space macrocosm now, once realized, definitely will not hesitate the price through these talent Qi tall people, found our strengths, only has to enter the hell. demon, there, deep sea area and god giant wants to meddle does not have the means that moreover antiquity Saint Emperor, Lei Wuhuang, fought Wu Huang and others to enter hell demon, ahead of time prepared, naturally, except for hell demon, entered god also yes, because the secret of god was chaotic, the human emperor their these years god seemed like the normal order making was chaotic, even if enter, if the god five big giants want to find us to be instead more difficult, not, if were relaxed in world.” 梦瑶说道:“地狱魔界已经解除了灵魂禁制的限制,可以在那里自由修炼,而神界的高手进入其中也受到一定的境界限制,在那里,与地狱魔界争锋,与神界争锋,与深海域高手争锋,对我们的成长更加有力,胜过在空间大世界常年闭关,更主要的是,但凡天赋超凡的,都被深海域特别关照了,只是他们现在还不知道空间大世界的存在,一旦意识到,必然会不惜代价的通过那些天赋奇高的人,找到我们的力量,唯有进入地狱。魔界,在那里,深海域和神界巨头想要插手也没办法,而且上古圣皇,雷武皇,战武皇等都已经进入地狱魔界,提前做准备了,当然,除了地狱魔界,进入神界也是可以的,因为神界的天机混乱,人皇他们这些年已经将神界看似正常的秩序给弄的混乱不堪,哪怕是进入其中,神界五大巨头要想找到我们反而更难,不若在人间界轻松。” Listens saying that the analysis of Meng Yao, Xie Aoyu also nods, agreed with this view. 听着云梦瑶的分析,谢傲宇也点点头,认同了这个看法。 Suppose, ancient times Clever Sacred Tree had left behind soul concealment in his entering step profound thunder, then looks like Bing Wu, Zhou Zhenwang et al., deep doesn't sea area have the means? 试想,远古通灵神树都在他的进阶玄雷内留下了一线灵魂隐匿其中,那么像冰舞,周震王等人难道,深海域就没有办法吗? Therefore must guarantee space macrocosm really the secret, evil military emperor vestige security, but also cannot keep world, moreover only has through the true life and death is informed and experienced, can grow rapidly, perhaps Xie Aoyu is not willing year to year to close up the self-torture that to say the child, the growth stabilizes, but will not be absolutely quick, even if various set resources, this is Xie Aoyu from leaving Lang Ya City starts, has confirmed truth. 所以真的要保证空间大世界的隐秘,邪武皇遗迹的安全,还真不能留在人间界,而且唯有通过真正的生死历练,才能够快速的成长,谢傲宇也不愿意常年闭关苦修的那种曰子,成长或许稳定,但绝对不会很快,哪怕是集合各种资源,这是谢傲宇从离开琅琊城开始,就验证了的真理。 Under the leadership of Xie Aoyu, they then arrived at God Earth Arteries most, space that two giant skeletons are. 谢傲宇的带领下,他们两人便到达了土神脉最下方,那两具巨头骨骸所在的空间。 Stands in this place, said Meng Yao vision cannot help but then locks that to stimulate the giant skeleton essence the Incantation technique strategy, long time to praise sighed: Antiquity Saint Emperor was eternal rare talent, the attainments in Incantation technique aspect is really worthily inconceivable.” 站在此地,云梦瑶的目光不由自主的便锁定那激发巨头骨骸精华的咒术阵法,良久才赞叹道:“上古圣皇不愧是万古奇才,咒术方面的造诣真的是不可思议啊。” Ha Ha, I believe that my Meng Yao Baobei Er will be fiercer.” Xie Aoyu was saying with a smile the shoulder of Meng Yao has patted, how long gathers God Earth Arteries needs?” “哈哈,我相信我的梦瑶宝贝儿会更厉害的。”谢傲宇笑着在云梦瑶的肩头拍了一下,“将土神脉收取需要多长时间?” Said that Meng Yao said: „About ten days.” 梦瑶道:“十天左右。” Xie Aoyu said: Good, ten days later, begins to the phoenix clan!” 谢傲宇道:“那好,十天之后,对凤凰族动手!” Said Meng Yao to nod, she then started to bustle about. 梦瑶点头,她便开始忙碌起来。 Looks that said Meng Yao does not have the time to respond itself, Xie Aoyu speechless, said: Meng Yao, aren't you worried about the life and death duel of me and thunder Wangqu dawn?” 看着云梦瑶没时间搭理自己,谢傲宇一阵无语,道:“梦瑶,你难道就不担心我和雷王曲天明的生死决斗?” If a such small mountain pass cannot step continually, discussed that what fights with the giants?” Said that Meng Yao is very calm, completely not the meaning that the thunder Wangqu dawn pays attention. “要是连这么小的一个关隘都跨不过去,谈何与巨头们争锋?”云梦瑶很淡定,一副完全不将雷王曲天明放在眼里的意思。 Xie Aoyu cannot help laughing, the sentiment said that Meng Yao was in the blind goal situation to his trust. 谢傲宇哑然失笑,感情云梦瑶对他的信任已经到了盲目的地步。 However is also, is unable to step the past including the thunder Wangqu dawn, discussed that what fights with the giant, his goal must step on the giants in the under foot. 不过也是,连雷王曲天明都无法跨过去,谈何与巨头争锋,他的目标是要将巨头们踩在脚下。 Suddenly, the Xie Aoyu lofty sentiments, one's blood bubbles up to the brim, he longs for a war. 一时间,谢傲宇豪情壮志,热血沸腾,他渴望一战。 Has not disturbed to say Meng Yao, Xie Aoyu leaves underground, returns to that Ling Yun in the cave mansion. 没有打扰云梦瑶,谢傲宇离开地下,回归那灵韵儿的洞府内。 Arrives, Ling Yun is still sleeping soundly, naked such as the dressed carcass of jade lies, convex-concave has to the Xie Aoyu desire that the curve, cancels almost once again inflates. 到达的时候,灵韵儿还在熟睡中,赤裸如玉的胴体横陈,凸凹有致的曲线,勾的谢傲宇欲望差点再度膨胀起来。 Xie Aoyu deeply attracts several tones, supported Ling Yun to sleep. 谢傲宇深吸几口气,拥着灵韵儿睡大觉去了。 Before is pre-combat, the Xie Aoyu mood is steady, the thunder Wangqu dawn that particularly faces the biography top powerhouse, in the duel first three days, he completely has then let loose, not tense feeling, confident like that why should do again, happy is once for a while good to kill the time with Ling Yun, before has not fought to approach slightly the atmosphere. 越是临战前,谢傲宇的心境越是平稳,尤其是面对生平头号强者的雷王曲天明,在决斗前三天,他便完全的放开了,再无紧张感,那般的坦然,该干什么就干什么,时不时与灵韵儿欢好消磨时间,丝毫没有大战来临前的气氛。 Also is his manner, making many people in anxious Holy City aspect also relax the mentality. 也是他的态度,令紧张的圣城方面的诸多人也都放松了心态。 In an instant, the saying child of duel came. 转眼间,决斗的曰子来了。 Xie Aoyu lost the trail. 谢傲宇则失去了踪迹。 All people arrived at a day of end, prepares to witness that unrivalled war, described the bystander with the sea of people, appeared insufficient. 所有人都来到了天煞台,准备亲眼目睹那旷世一战,用人山人海来形容围观者,都显得不够。 The god arrow clan, the celestial phenomenon clan, the profound Ocean Clan, the wind palace, the water palace wait / etc. Holy City aspect in the people of being able to amount to something arrived at the day end, is in part of positions, may not have the Xie Aoyu trail. 神箭族,天象族,玄溟族,风王府,水王府等等圣城方面的上得台面的人都已经来到天煞台,占据一部分位置,可偏偏没有谢傲宇的踪迹。 The discussion sound nature is lingering on faintly. 议论声自然不绝于耳。 This time Xie Aoyu entered in Water Deity Arteries. 此时的谢傲宇已经进入水神脉内。
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