BE :: Volume #18

#1778: The day ghost life and death fights 【Four】 56!

Did not say that simultaneously has three perfect strengths, even if two perfect strengths, that is also unprecedented melts now, must know, three, also only then the demon jade air/Qi winner may obtain over two types perfect strengths extremely, but the demon jade air/Qi only has extremely in hell demon exists, even if the hell demon person, perhaps is also all difficulties meets. 不说同时具备三种极致力量,就算是两种极致力量,那也是旷古烁今的,要知道,三界之中,也只有魔极玉气得主才有可能获得两种以上的极致力量,而魔极玉气唯有在地狱魔界才存在,就算是地狱魔界的人,恐怕也是万难遇到的。 Since therefore, has obtained two perfect strengths, almost does not have. 故而一直以来,得到两种极致力量的,几乎没有。 But once obtains two perfect strengths, so long as plays certain might, perhaps nine step Battle Emperor stimulate to movement the master who two perfect strengths both can sweep away revere the lower position unreliably. 可一旦得到两种极致力量,只要发挥出一定的威力,恐怕九阶战皇催动两种极致力量都能够横扫玄尊下位的高手。 If three perfect strengths, that does not dare to imagine. 若是三种极致力量的话,那更是不敢想象了。 Because until now, the three ghost god wolf kings of abatement ten thousand time leave behind some fables, never had to be what record, but three ghost god wolf kings stayed behind was actually terrifying can by the situation that the non- giant boundary and giant treated as an equal, thus it can be seen, three words of perfect strength unions, how have the terrifying might. 因为迄今为止,除却万界时代的三煞神狼王留下一些传说,从未有曾任何记载,而三煞神狼王留下的却是恐怖的能够以非巨头境界与巨头平起平坐的地步,由此可见,三种极致力量结合的话,会有着如何恐怖的威力。 Knows that the mysteries of three ghost god wolf kings, that did not need my argument.” The thunder Wangqu dawn flutters to with Xie Aoyu parallel altitude, Xie Aoyu, prepares to suffer to death!” “知道三煞神狼王的奥妙,那也无需我多费口舌了。”雷王曲天明飘飞到与谢傲宇平行的高度,“谢傲宇,做好准备受死吧!” The Xie Aoyu both arms hold the shoulder, faint smile visits him, do not think that obtains the fire of acme from the phoenix god palace, fuses the thunder of acme, can be invincible, I have not paid attention to.” He spoke of here, turned head to look to the samsara phoenix, gave a tongue-lashing the tooth to smile, darkly matter that phoenix, your this helped Lei Wang, after I want to wait till the fight ended, we should well discuss the discussion, did you say?” 谢傲宇双臂抱肩,似笑非笑的看着他,“不要以为从凤凰神宫得到极致之火,融合极致之雷,就能够所向无敌,我还真没放在眼里。”他说到这里,扭头看向轮回凤凰,呲牙一笑,“凤凰,你这暗助雷王的事情,我想等到战斗结束之后,我们应该好好探讨探讨,你说是吧?” The samsara phoenix cold did not speak. 轮回凤凰冷然不语。 It also knows that he bestows the matter of fire of thunder Wangqu dawn acme, although keeps secret, but has Astrologer master Xing Yun Holy City, must know. 它也知道,自己赠送雷王曲天明极致之火的事情,虽然保密,可是有着星相星云圣城,不可能不知道的。 It looks like in it, recognizing Xie Aoyu must die without doubt, therefore has not thought can have the conflict with Xie Aoyu, particularly now sees the genuine card in a hand of thunder Wangqu dawn, is not thinking that Xie Aoyu has the possibility of achievement, even the achievement probability 1% do not have continually. 只是在它看来,认定谢傲宇必死无疑,所以根本没想过会与谢傲宇发生冲突,尤其是现在看到雷王曲天明的真正底牌,更是不在想谢傲宇有获胜的可能,甚至获胜几率连1都没有。 The samsara phoenix naturally is also disinclined to respond Xie Aoyu. 轮回凤凰自然也懒得搭理谢傲宇 What it thinks is once Xie Aoyu were killed, whether then must instantly and thunder Wangqu dawn breaks off. 它想的是一旦谢傲宇被杀,那么是否要即刻和雷王曲天明决裂。 You must haggle over with the phoenix, that also needs to maintain a livelihood in this king hand says again.” The thunder Wangqu dawn saw that Xie Aoyu so despises him, was enraged, face upwards a long and loud cry, the wild strength then surges, looked on again him the design of that three ghost god wolf kings erupts radiant brilliance, rapid integrates its within the body, a soul strength wave transmission of rushing, in enormous and powerful surrounding area a lot of meters range. “你要与凤凰计较,那还需要在本王手上活命再说吧。”雷王曲天明见到谢傲宇如此蔑视他,也被激怒了,仰天一声长啸,狂暴的力量便激荡起来,再看他身上的那三煞神狼王的图案爆发出璀璨的光华,迅速的融入其体内,一股澎湃的灵魂力量波动传递出来,浩荡方圆千百米的范围内。 Roar!” “吼!” A wolf eats delicacies the vibration world. 一声狼啸震动天地。 Saw that the back of thunder Wangqu dawn reappears the forms of three ghost god wolf kings, is indomitable spirit, hundred meters high, the wings extends fully, raises the head to look at the day, the imposing manner is dreadful, pressure East China Sea God Island, even if is better than the samsara phoenix also to be revealed the color of anger by that power and influence oppression eye. 就看到雷王曲天明的背后浮现三煞神狼王的身影,顶天立地,足有百米之高,双翼伸展,仰首望天,气势滔天,威压东海神岛,哪怕是强如轮回凤凰也被那股威势压迫的眼中流露出愤怒之色。 Thunder Wangqu dawn corners of the mouth pan- a sinister smile. 雷王曲天明嘴角泛起一丝阴笑。 He did not plan to resort to this maintaining life method, but Xie Aoyu made him probably use formidable, in his opinion, once used, won that does not have the suspense. 他本来并不打算动用这保命手段,可是谢傲宇的强大令他只得动用,在他看来,一旦动用,获胜那是毫无悬念的。 But since uses, that must play the most major role. 可既然动用,那就要发挥出最大的作用。 Solely do not cut to kill Xie Aoyu, must probe the samsara phoenix here, the depths of Ma Li Ya these two big super powerhouses, after all can take besides god several people that he threatens, was they. 不单单要斩杀谢傲宇,更是要借此机会试探出轮回凤凰,玛丽娅这两大超级强者的深浅,毕竟能够带给他威胁的除了神界的几人之外,就是他们了。 Therefore the thunder Wangqu dawn once stimulated to movement the strength, then a pressure person of phoenix. 所以雷王曲天明一经催动力量,便威压一人一凤凰。 He must have a look at their foundations in any situation, even wants to oppress the samsara phoenix and Ma Li Ya biggest card in a hand, exposes together. 他要看看他们的根底到底在什么地步,甚至想要压迫出轮回凤凰和玛丽娅的最大底牌,也一起暴露出来。 Therefore that pressure seems like covers entire East China Sea God Island, the regulations true pressure is Xie Aoyu, Ma Li Ya and samsara phoenix, all slightly has the feeling. 故而那威压看似笼罩整个东海神岛,实则真正的威压则是谢傲宇,玛丽娅和轮回凤凰,余者皆只是稍有感觉罢了。 The thoughts of thunder Wangqu dawn naturally are unable to hide the truth from them. 雷王曲天明的心思自然无法瞒过他们。 Snort!” “哼!” Ma Li Ya fully realized that her status is special, does not have the expectation to hide many, therefore the personal appearance moves, the back reappears two pairs of black wings, sends out the dark dim light, that pressure shield outside. 玛丽娅深知她的身份特殊,也没奢望能够隐藏多少,故而身形一动,背后浮现两对黑色的羽翼,散发出黑暗幽光,将那威压屏蔽在外。 Two pairs of degeneration wings!” The thunder Wangqu dawn sees that cannot help but lowly shouted. “两对堕落羽翼!”雷王曲天明见状,不由得低呼道。 Degenerates Angel Clan is the hell demon emperor race, they and Angel Clan and infinite of big responsibility god, it is said degenerates the fallen angel wing of Angel Clan, each pair has the extraordinary might, may compare favorably with the perfect strength, therefore degenerates Angel Clan, although is a race, possibly can breed the fallen angel wing truly does not have many people, but has two pairs of fallen angel wings, that means that is equal to having two perfect strengths, can each other superimpose, the might is infinite, truly plays the might, may compare favorably with the fusions of three perfect strengths fully. 堕落天使族是地狱魔界的皇者种族,他们与神界的天使族并无多大的干系,据说堕落天使族的堕落天使羽翼,每一对都有着非凡的威力,可媲美极致力量,故而堕落天使族虽然是一个种族,可能真正能够孕育出堕落天使羽翼的却没有多少人,而拥有两对堕落天使羽翼,那就意味着相当于拥有两种极致力量,还是能够彼此叠加的,威力无穷,真正发挥出威力,足可媲美三种极致力量的融合。 Xie Aoyu sees that is also the bursting out laughing. 谢傲宇见状也是哑然。 This is the Ma Li Ya most fearful strength is, similarly is her maintaining life strength. 这才是玛丽娅最可怕的力量所在,同样是她的保命力量。 Hissing!” “嘶!” Neighed to cut the expansive sky. 一声嘶鸣划破长空。 But sees the samsara phoenix body heaven God of the Earth flame to erupt suddenly, fearful pressure that the soul strength of resistance that three ghost god wolf kings brings actually. 但见轮回凤凰身上天地神炎猛然爆发出来,硬是抵抗那三煞神狼王的灵魂力量带来的可怕威压。 „” “咻咻咻” When the people think samsara phoenix by day God of the Earth flame then resistible, on that day the God of the Earth flame center section, emitted a green halo suddenly. 就在众人以为轮回凤凰凭借天地神炎便可抵抗的时候,那天地神炎中心部分,猛然间冒出一层绿色的光晕。 „The fire of life!” “生命之火!” „The spirit of day God of the Earth flame source!” “天地神炎本源之灵!” Samsara phoenix had Little Cheng the day God of the Earth flame practice unexpectedly!” “轮回凤凰居然将天地神炎修炼有小成了!” Suddenly, the outstanding heroes are alarmed and afraid. 一时间,群雄惊惧。 Various types call out in alarm the sound to be lingering on faintly, in the final analysis has one, the terror of samsara phoenix. 各种惊叫声不绝于耳,归根结底只有一个,轮回凤凰的恐怖。 The day God of the Earth flame, the strength of world, is next to the day God of the Earth thunder, has to burn down all strengths, even if 1% strengths can sweep away all masters, even if the masters of giant level is hard to play 1/10 might, if therefore wants to have the unsurpassed strength between this world, since has been ancient, never has. 天地神炎,天地的力量,仅次于天地神雷,具有焚烧一切的力量,哪怕是1的力量都能够横扫一切高手,即便是巨头级的高手都难以发挥出1的威力,也因此要想具有这种天地间的无上力量,亘古以来,从未有过。 Until the phoenix clan appears. 直至凤凰族出现。 Even if the phoenix clan of bath hot rebirth, formidable Nine Color Phoenix is unable to have the day of God of the Earth flame, nine color god fires that has also completely may compare favorably with the most preliminary ceremonial fire, is unable to compare favorably with the day God of the Earth flame, until a phoenix of birth such tenth samsara, had the day of God of the Earth flame. 即便是浴火重生的凤凰族,强大的九彩凤凰也无法具有天地神炎,拥有的九彩神火也尽可媲美最低级的圣火,更加无法和天地神炎媲美,直至诞生这么一个十世轮回的凤凰,具有了天地神炎。 But all people know, even if god and hell demon also knows that the day God of the Earth flame is fearful, but the samsara phoenix obtains the strengths of a wee bit most superficial knowledge merely, because its essence and ceremonial fire are different, therefore is called the day God of the Earth flame, but the true might discussed that perhaps linked the ceremonial fire strongly also not necessarily. 可是所有人都知道,哪怕是神界和地狱魔界也知道,天地神炎可怕无比,但是轮回凤凰仅仅得到一丁点最皮毛的力量,因为其本质与圣火不同,故而被称为天地神炎,可真正的威力来论,恐怕连圣火也未必强的过。 But this has a premise. 但这有个前提。 Once day God of the Earth flame has even if an entering step, the might will progress by leaps and bounds, after all it is the essence of day God of the Earth flame, but must have the step, is the day God of the Earth flame of samsara phoenix has fire of the life, had the strength of life, so is Little Cheng, is surmounts the day God of the Earth flame superficial knowledge the situation, has enters the step to the true day God of the Earth flame the possibility. 一旦天地神炎有哪怕一丝的进阶,威力都将是突飞猛进,毕竟它是天地神炎的本质,而要有进阶,便是轮回凤凰的天地神炎具有一丝生命之火,具有了生命的力量,如此便算是小成,也算是跨越天地神炎皮毛的地步,有着向真正天地神炎进阶的可能。 Cannot think!” Looks at the performance of samsara phoenix, the thunder Wangqu dawn felt that crisis, he thinks that the day God of the Earth flame of samsara phoenix is impossible to have Little Cheng, therefore the true maintaining life card in a hand is another method, has not thought that the samsara phoenix makes the day God of the Earth flame have Little Cheng unexpectedly actually. “想不到啊!”看着轮回凤凰的表现,雷王曲天明感觉到了危机,他本以为轮回凤凰的天地神炎根本不可能有所小成的,故而真正的保命底牌是另外一种手段,没想到轮回凤凰居然硬是让天地神炎有所小成。 Xie Aoyu watches, understands suddenly. 谢傲宇看在眼里,也猛然明白过来。 For 100,000 years, the talent ability of samsara phoenix, properly speaking already went to the unusual situation, the strength that but it shows now is not strong, even if some souls in deep sea area, absolutely where also formidable does not arrive, the only explanation is, it uses 100,000 years of practice day God of the Earth inflammations, has Little Cheng finally. 100000年来,轮回凤凰的天赋能力,按理说早就达到非常的地步了,可是它现在表现出来的实力却不强,就算是有部分灵魂在深海域,也绝对强大不到什么地方,唯一的解释就是,它是利用100000年的时间修炼天地神炎,终有小成的。 Ma Li Ya and card in a hand of samsara phoenix exposed. 玛丽娅和轮回凤凰的底牌都暴露出来了。 The vision of people locks Xie Aoyu once again. 众人的目光再度锁定谢傲宇 Must know that the thunder Wangqu dawn uses three ghost god wolf king pressure them, the goal must force the strongest card in a hand, but Xie Aoyu is he stated that must kill the human, is just now by being in utter confusion that Xie Aoyu hits, wants Xie Aoyu to make a boner inevitably, therefore the pressure is strongest. 要知道雷王曲天明只是利用三煞神狼王威压一下他们,目的是要逼迫出最强底牌,可谢傲宇则是他声明要杀之人,更是方才被谢傲宇打的凌乱不堪,必然想要谢傲宇出丑,故而威压最强的。 May look at Xie Aoyu again, actually sees him to float in airborne, is quite the same as not affected. 可再看谢傲宇,却见他漂浮在空中,浑然不受影响。 Let alone the release strength has resisted, even receives the sign of strength oppression not to have continually. 别说释放力量抵抗了,甚至连受到力量压迫的迹象都没有。 Xie Aoyu!” Thunder Wangqu dawn complexion changes, he most was the clear pressure Xie Aoyu strength has multi-. 谢傲宇!”雷王曲天明脸色微变,他最是清楚威压谢傲宇的力量有多强了。 Xie Aoyu shows a faint smile, said: I wait for Lei Wang to display your strongest card in a hand, do not disappoint me.” 谢傲宇微微一笑,道:“我等着雷王施展你最强底牌呢,不要让我失望哦。” Snort, I must have a look at you to have any card in a hand but actually!” Thunder Wangqu dawn cold snort, the body strength is once again turbulent, the terrifying perfect thunder fast circulation, the illusory image of back that huge three ghost god wolf kings becomes concentrate to be solid suddenly, as if changes to real existence. “哼,我倒要看看你有什么底牌!”雷王曲天明冷哼一声,身上力量再度动荡起来,恐怖的极致之雷快速的流转起来,背后的那巨大的三煞神狼王的幻影骤然变得凝实起来,仿佛化作真实的存在。 In three ghost god wolf king top of the heads has the corner of Thun­der and Light­ning encirclement is appears real, as if connects with Thun­der and Light­ning that in the dark cloud scatters, the power and influence is heavier. 三煞神狼王头顶上的有着雷电环绕的犄角更是显得真实,似乎与乌云中散射的雷电连接起来,威势更重。 Roar!” “吼!” The wolf eats delicacies shocking. 狼啸震天。 Everywhere Thun­der and Light­ning bang lowering, seems this surrounding area in range in changes to Lei Yu surely, the imposing manners of three ghost god wolf kings win, the pressure restrains, condenses the invisible strength direct role in Xie Aoyu one person, other such as the samsara phoenix, Ma Li Ya and other people and others could not feel the oppression strength. 漫天的雷电轰隆隆的降下,好似将这方圆千万里的范围内化作一个雷域,三煞神狼王的气势更胜,威压收敛起来,凝聚成无形的力量直接作用在谢傲宇一人身上,其他诸如轮回凤凰,玛丽娅等一干人等都感觉不到压迫力。 The pressure arrives, Xie Aoyu already arrogant standing in void. 威压降临,谢傲宇已然孤傲的站在虚空之中。 The clamor rumor sways the clothing to flutter, issues the dance, a person of blade sets up in the world arrogantly, was not oppressed. 咧咧风声吹拂衣衫飘动,乱发狂舞的,一人一刀傲立天地间,丝毫不受压迫。 Coldly illusory image that Xie Aoyu regards that three ghost god wolf kings. 谢傲宇冷视那三煞神狼王的幻影。 The mind opens, by the Sky Prestige Spirit Soul strength, Xie Aoyu can clear saw the illusory image that these three ghost god wolf kings is not the surface so is simple, inside should have the souls of three ghost god wolf kings, although is not grown, is the strength is also terrorist, soul pressure that therefore releases so fearful. 心眼开启,透过天威灵魂的力量,谢傲宇能够清晰的看到这三煞神狼王的幻影可不是表面那么简单的,里面应该具有三煞神狼王的灵魂,虽然是未曾成年的,可是实力也非常恐怖的,故而释放出来的灵魂威压才如此的可怕。 But the soul strength, to Xie Aoyu, does not affect. 怎奈灵魂力量,对谢傲宇来说,毫无作用。 The bystanders recognized Sky Prestige Spirit Soul, once coincides with the mortal body, is adiaphorous, even if once Hu Family had the Sky Prestige Spirit Soul master is also so, but his mind opens, is the mystery of Sky Prestige Spirit Soul strength display is at exactly, even if the present mind is very small and weak, may after all be display the function of Sky Prestige Spirit Soul, therefore Sky Prestige Spirit Soul in body, Xie Aoyu completely not by any soul strength pressure. 外人认定天威灵魂一旦与肉身相合,再无作用,哪怕是曾经胡家具有天威灵魂的高手也是如此,可他的心眼开启,却恰恰是天威灵魂力量发挥的奥妙所在,就算是现在心眼还很弱小,可毕竟是发挥的天威灵魂的作用,故而天威灵魂在身,谢傲宇完全不受任何灵魂力量的威压。 Roar!” “吼!” The thunder Wangqu dawn sees that is angry, face upwards the long and loud cry. 雷王曲天明见状,不由大怒,仰天长啸。 One group of blazing flame brave suddenly. 一团炽烈的火焰骤然冒出来。 That impressively is the fire of acme. 那赫然是极致之火。 Has the thunder of acme to surround, now the fire of acme reappears, seems thunder fire two Shenlong each other overlaps, that pressure that the winding, forms is the terror, but in the eyes of that three ghost god wolf kings also emits bunch of roaring flame , the pressure is heavier ten times. 原本有着极致之雷环绕,如今极致之火浮现,好似雷火两条神龙彼此交叠,缠绕,形成的那种威压更是恐怖,而那三煞神狼王的眼睛内也冒出一团团的烈焰,威压更重十倍。 Xie Aoyu already was hangingly stood. 谢傲宇已然是悬空站立。 Lei Wang, do not use these empty, is useless to me.” Xie Aoyu indifferent say (way). “雷王,不要用这些虚的,对我没用。”谢傲宇淡然道。 The thunder Wangqu dawn said with a smile ferociously: You are really arrogant, I help you!” His voice falls, is a boundless strength is turbulent. 雷王曲天明狞笑道:“你真是自大,那我就成全你!”他的话音一落,又是一股磅礴的力量动荡起来。 The wind of acme! 极致之风!
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