BE :: Volume #11

#1007: The ultrasaurus changes 【Two】

The profound thunder is known as the military might, Xie Aoyu also wants to confirm personally, the destructive power of profound thunder is the degree that anything raises, can explain the acme defense of this queue. 玄雷号称威武,谢傲宇也想亲自验证一下,玄雷的破坏力到底达到什么养的程度,能否破解这人龙的极致防御。 He is also hopeful. 他也充满期待。 Nobody can kill me!” In queue both eyes is flooding crazily, his consciousness as if became blurred, already no longer soberly, in the mouth recited one incantations, two dragon fingernails high and low skidded, hissing exclaimed, ultrasaurus changed changes!” “没有人可以杀死我!”人龙双目内充斥着疯狂,他的意识似乎变得模糊了,已经不再清醒,口中念动着一串咒语,两只龙爪上下滑动,嘶吼道,“极龙变中变!” Along with this sad and shrill whooshing, in the queue eye Pure Brightness thoroughly vanishes. 随着这一声凄厉的嘶吼,人龙的眼中清明彻底消失。 Fills with the bloody aura killing intent to send out from his body. 一股充满血腥气息的杀意从他的身上散发出来。 Lost the thought that the queue that only then slaughters, turned has slaughtered the machine, that golden scale changed to the blood red, and was aggravating. 失去了思想,只有杀戮的人龙,就变成了杀戮机器,那身上的金色的鳞片化作了血红色的,且都在加重。 Ao Yu, is quicker attacks, the ultrasaurus changes changes is on the existing basis, making the defensive power grow three times, achieves the limit of withstanding, by this queue strength, if completed the ultrasaurus changes changes, feared that was the attack of Battle King peak level is unable to constitute the injury to him, we were dangerous.” Said the Meng Yao anxious sound track. 傲宇,快些出击,极龙变中变是在原来的基础上,令防御力增长三倍,达到承受的极限,以这人龙的实力,若是完成极龙变中变,怕是战王巅峰级的攻击对他都无法构成伤害的,我们就危险了。”云梦瑶急声道。 Is the Battle King peak level hard to injure? 战王巅峰级都难以伤害? The Xie Aoyu secret passage ultrasaurus changes seriously is abnormal, he also no longer hesitates, attacks swiftly, changes to together the time, in the hand the moon/month falls the Emperor blade to bloom radiant brilliance, cut-throat dividing cuts. 谢傲宇暗道极龙变当真是变态,他也不再犹豫,倏然出击,化作一道流光,手中月陨天王刀绽放出璀璨的光华,凶狠的劈斩出去。 Profound thunder also along with it attack. 玄雷也随之出击。 Roar!” “吼!” Before which only that the speed is very slow, is unable actually to be the personal appearance explodes in the queue that in front of the Xie Aoyu speed has responded shoots, attacks on own initiative, and displays the astonishing speed. 哪只那之前速度很慢,根本无法在谢傲宇的速度面前有所反应的人龙却是身形爆射,主动出击,且表现出惊人的速度。 He is the double fist bombardment. 他是双拳轰击。 Bang!” Bang!” “轰!”“轰!” Fierce collision, most direct battle. 凶猛碰撞,最直接的厮杀。 They also in abundance retrocede. 他们也纷纷后退。 Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!” The queue just came to a stop, his both hands transmit a severe pain, two Long Zhao bursts immediately, jumps respectively projects together the blood from the pores of the feet, on his dragon claw changes into scarlet scale entirely abscission, has revealed the covered with blood manpower appearance. 人龙刚刚站稳,其双手就传来一阵剧痛,两只龙爪登时破裂开来,各自迸射出一道血箭,其龙爪上面的化为血色的鳞片统统的脱落,露出了血肉模糊的人手的样子。 The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth pan- a happy expression, the might of profound thunder indeed imagines many wants formidable compared with, this that him has also used an profound thunder, the strongest profound thunder strength that if can display him displayed, this blade can queue two Long Zhao cutting off. 谢傲宇嘴角泛起一丝笑意,玄雷的威力的确比他想象的要强大的多啊,这还只是用了一丝玄雷而已,若是将他能发挥的最强玄雷力量发挥出来,这一刀就能够将人龙的两只龙爪给斩断。 Roar!” “吼!” The severe pain queue face upwards to roar, he makes an effort is thrashing the chest. 剧痛的人龙仰天怒吼,他用力的捶打着前胸。 But sees ultrasaurus that has not completed changes changes is improving rapidly, his golden scale entirely will shortly change into the scarlet, and color is still aggravating, smell of blood was heavier, that eye unceasingly becomes crazy, and had been covered by scarlet, demonstrated that it fierce fearful, the three corners of top of the head rapid was filled by scarlet. 但见身上还未完成的“极龙变中变”迅速的完善着,他身上的金色鳞片顷刻间统统化为血色的,并且颜色还在加重,身上的血腥味更重了,那双眼睛不断变得疯狂,且被一层血色蒙上了,显示出其更加的狰狞可怕,头顶的三根犄角迅速的被一层血色填充。 This is the strongest change that the ultrasaurus changes, no matter the victory and defeat, he will die finally, but, his defensive power will reach an unbelievable altitude, and that three Long Jiao destructive power will also surpass the general Emperor level god soldier sharp weapon, the striking power is invincible.” Said that Meng Yao said. “这是极龙变的最强变化,不管胜负,最后他都将死去,但是在此期间,他的防御力将达到一个难以置信的高度,且那三根龙角的破坏力也将超出一般天王级神兵利器的,攻击力无敌。”云梦瑶说道。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile: I first cut off his dragon angle.” 谢傲宇笑道:“那我就先斩断他的龙角。” Roar!” “吼!” Although the queue became thorough crazy, bloodthirsty, but still understands the meaning of despised, he roared crazily, rose straight from the ground, body horizontally in airborne, seemed the shell of chest cavity, with that three scarlet dragon angles cut-throat hit to Xie Aoyu. 人龙虽然已经变得彻底疯狂,嗜血,可是仍然还是明白被人蔑视的意思,他疯狂的咆哮一声,拔地而起,身体横在空中,好似出膛的炮弹,用那三根血色的龙角凶狠的向谢傲宇撞去。 Profound thunder! 玄雷! Xie Aoyu item of semination light, this confirms the profound thunder might time. 谢傲宇目射精光,这才是验证玄雷威力的时候。 He wields moon/month to fall the Emperor blade, releases the profound thunder, integrates in Divine Knife, making it bloom radiant brilliance, has not used any Fights Technique, pure profound thunder strength. 他挥动月陨天王刀,将玄雷释放出来,融入神刀之内,使其绽放出璀璨的光华,也没有动用任何斗技,纯粹的玄雷力量。 Brush! 刷! During the purple electric light winds around, that blade is only void cuts horizontally, does not cut the queue the nape of the neck, cuts his defensive power to be strongest, striking power strongest three Long Jiao. 紫色的电光缭绕之中,那刀光虚空横斩,不斩人龙的脖颈,就斩他防御力最强,攻击力最强的三根龙角。 Confirms the profound thunder might the strong and weak. 验证玄雷威力的强弱。 Roar!” “吼!” Whooshing of queue bloodthirsty, the whole body blood light is also billowing, surges to enter three Long Jiaonei, making three Long Jiao scarlet heavier, and sturdy, is the sign of defensive power once again enhancement. 人龙也嗜血的嘶吼,全身血光滚滚,涌动进入三根龙角内,使得三根龙角的血色更重,且更加的粗壮,是防御力再度增强的迹象。 Two wipe the cold brightness airborne meet. 两抹寒光空中相遇。 Works as “当” The moon/month falls the Emperor blade from left to right horizontal cuts, center left that Long Jiao, the knife point cuts the mesosaurus angle, has the stagnation of flash, is the resistance of both sides. 月陨天王刀从左向右的横斩,正中左侧的那根龙角,刀锋斩中龙角,有着一瞬间的停滞,是双方的对抗。 Also is only that the flash. 也只是那么一瞬间而已。 „!” “咔嚓!” Then hears the break sound, that leftmost dragon angle breaks immediately, the moon/month fell the Emperor blade still to sweep away, center among that Long Jiao. 随之便传来断裂声,那最左侧的龙角当即断裂,月陨天王刀仍旧横扫,正中中间那根龙角。 „!” “咔嚓!” Still merely resisted the flash, the strength of profound thunder then erupted, that type urged crack all, destroyed all, the bang exploded the incisiveness that all strengths showed that even if was Xie Aoyu by the destructive power that the profound thunder showed to the stimulation one's blood bubbles up to the brim, excited. 仍旧是仅仅抗拒一瞬间,玄雷的力量便爆发出来,那种催裂一切,毁灭一切,轰爆一切的力量展现的淋漓尽致,就算是谢傲宇都被玄雷展现出来的破坏力给刺激的热血沸腾了,激动不已。 The third corner does not have resistivity. 第三根犄角更加没有抵抗力。 In bystander opinion, the moon/month falls the Emperor blade almost not to make any stay, has not encountered any hindrance, is sweeps away, three Long Jiaobian cut off entirely. 在外人看来,月陨天王刀几乎是没做任何停留,没有遇到任何的阻碍,就是横扫而过,三根龙角便被统统斩断。 In sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, queue spins flies horizontally. 凄厉的惨叫声中,人龙打着转儿的横飞出去。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Xie Aoyu soars to jump, the human in midair, breaks shouts to clear the way: Ge Mingde, suffers to death!” 谢傲宇腾空跃起,人在半空,断喝道:“葛明德,受死!” Broke three Long Jiao queue to restore a Pure Brightness in the severe pain continually, he saw Xie Aoyu to cut down, but, both eyes in projected the ray of sinister and vicious, ferocious sound track: This is only I one-fifth soul strengths, said to him that I walk from Angel Holy Island, I must put to death you personally.” 连断三根龙角的人龙在剧痛中恢复了一丝清明,他看到谢傲宇劈杀而至,双目中射出阴鸷的光芒,狞声道:“这只是我1的灵魂力量,待到他曰,我从天使圣岛内走出来,我必亲手诛杀你。” I am waiting for you!” “我等着你!” Xie Aoyu is laughing, a blade cuts to fall. 谢傲宇大笑着,一刀斩落。 Regarding the threat of this queue, Xie Aoyu does not care, although Ge Mingde changes into cloudy spirit existence, but with him, simply has not threatened, what Ge Mingde is most fearful is the schemes and tricks, but his side also has the wisdom such as sea cloud Meng Yao, in addition he, self-confident does not lose to Ge Mingde, let alone Ge Mingde changes into the cloudy spirit, and first being frustrated, loses part of soul strengths, attacks to it is heavier, but can also achieve once that to calculate that the day calculates calculates the cloudy god boundary of person, was really also skeptical. 对于这人龙的威胁,谢傲宇根本不放在心上,虽然葛明德化为阴灵的存在,但是与他而言,根本没有威胁,葛明德最可怕的是阴谋诡计,可他身旁也有智慧如海的云梦瑶,加上他本人,自信绝不输给葛明德的,何况葛明德化为阴灵,且又第一次出师不利,损失一部分灵魂力量,对其打击更重,还能不能达到曾经那个算天算地算人的阴神境界,还真的让人持怀疑态度。 Profound thunder eruption. 玄雷爆发。 Wipes the purple electric light to fall the Emperor blade to wrap moon/month, making him as if change to together the day God of the Earth thunder, was bringing to just to Yang Zhi fiercely to fierce strength numerous cutting under. 一抹紫色的电光将月陨天王刀包裹起来,令其仿佛化作一道天地神雷,带着至刚至阳至猛至烈的力量重重的斩下。 Brushes!” “刷!” That blade is similar to cuts the bean curd to be common, relaxed from queue nape of the neck forward-swept. 那刀如同切豆腐一般,轻松的从人龙的脖颈前掠过。 Then is a startled day explosive. 接着便是一声惊天爆响。 The body explosion of queue, changes to hashed meat, immediately by this ice cold piercing region freezing, seems also no longer is disgusting like that. 人龙的身体爆炸,化作一片碎肉,当即被这冰寒刺骨的区域给冰冻起来,看上去也不再是那般的恶心。 Scatters cloudy spirit!” Said that Meng Yao wields the enchanter stick, gently moves at the void point. “阴灵驱散!”云梦瑶则挥动咒师杖,轻轻的在虚空点动。 The resentment in the air condensing shortly by the powder that the wind will blow off, will scatter in the world, thorough disappearance. 空气中凝聚起来的怨气顷刻间被风吹散的粉末般,飘散在天地间,彻底的消失。 Cuts the murder dragon, three people are to sob. 斩杀人龙,三人却是唏嘘不已。 To them, the queue is not accidental, but after cloudy god Ge Mingde dies, the soul by once one generation of soul Wang Duantian wolf collections, the transformation was created shade spirit this is most fearful. 对他们而言,人龙并不意外,可是阴神葛明德死后,灵魂被曾经一代魂王段天狼收集,蜕变成阴灵这才是最可怕的。 No matter the soul Wang Duantian wolf, is cloudy god Ge Mingde, that is most fearful existence. 不管是魂王段天狼,还是阴神葛明德,那都是最可怕的存在。 Duan Tianlang is living unexpectedly, his strength Ling Yun heavyhearted say (way). “段天狼居然还活着,那他的实力”灵韵儿忧心忡忡的道。 Said that Meng Yao put out a hand to pinch Ling Yun tender and delicate cheeks, said with a smile: Rhyme, where your intelligent vigor ran went, I discovered recently that you more and more do not like thinking now, existence that although Duan Tianlang and others kept pace with the person king and Lei Wang in person Wang Shidai, but that does not mean that his strength can contend with the person king, he who Lian Leiwang can kill in the past ran away three great distances, do not say that strongest person king, so-called past all Wang, that the special achievement in some aspect, for example Lei Wang, refers to the thunder is some surname unique abilities, soul Wang Duan. The day wolf is only soul Incantation technique of research is extremely mysterious, radically with person Wang Cha is very far, therefore person king the effect of bloodline seal on soul Wang Duantian wolf is bigger, otherwise he why will massacre city before 8000, soul that the repair will lose, therefore Duan Tianlang was destroyed before the bloodline seal, ahem, depending on his ability, feared that will be the accurate Battle Emperor peak level cannot achieve continually, will be the accurate Battle Emperor superior, even lower point boundary, his soul received the fatal wound after all.” 梦瑶伸手捏了一下灵韵儿娇嫩的脸颊儿,笑道:“韵儿啊,你的聪明劲儿都跑哪里去了,我最近发现,你现在越来越不爱动脑子了,段天狼虽然在人王时代是与人王、雷王等并驾齐驱的存在,但那并不意味着他的实力能够与人王抗衡的,连雷王当年都能够杀的他逃窜三千里,更不要说最强的人王了,所谓的当年诸王,那只是在某个方面的特殊成就,比如雷王,是指雷属姓方面一些独特的能力,魂王段。天狼只是研究的灵魂咒术太过玄妙,根本都与人王差的很远,所以人王的血脉封印对魂王段天狼的影响更大,不然他何必在8000年前屠城,修复损耗的灵魂,故而段天狼在血脉封印遭到破坏之前,哼哼,凭他的能力,怕是连准战皇巅峰级都达不到,也就是准战皇上位,甚至更低一点的境界,毕竟他的灵魂受到了致命创伤的。” „, This, that is good, indeed, if so fierce, why they do not begin in Angel Holy Island.” Ling Yun said with a smile. “啊,这样啊,那就好,我说呢,要是那么厉害,他们为什么不在天使圣岛动手呢。”灵韵儿笑道。 Angel Holy Island, they do not dare to begin, that six people that forgot six mahatmas to dispatch should not be any systems, they were the beast spirit bodies, once they began, inevitably caused six mahatmas in six big to protect the attention of Demon Beast, when the time comes, feared the encircled aspect, let alone also had the mainland protector to pay attention to Angel Holy Island.” Said Meng Yao saying that to Duan Tianlang, instead is cloudy god Ge Mingde that I was worried.” 天使圣岛,他们可不敢动手,别忘了六大圣地出动的那六人都是什么体制,他们都是兽灵体,一旦他们动手,必然引起六大圣地内六大守护魔兽的注意,到时候,怕是被围剿的局面,何况还有大陆守护者关注着天使圣岛。”云梦瑶说道,“相对于段天狼,我更担心的反而是阴神葛明德。” Xie Aoyu said: Indeed, Ge Mingde once at least also had the bottom line of personhood, is absolutely impossible to make to the action that Duan Tianlang like that massacres city, but now he is cloudy spirit, that thoroughly has not fettered, even if this time Ge Mingde the strategy method came under some influences to drop, but the mean degree was more fearful, therefore Ge Mingde true fearfulness.” His complexion dignified say (way): Also a little, can control the soul Wang Duantian wolf, cloudy god Ge Mingde, that controls this group of lunatics who can the human be secretly? This talented person is truly fearful existence, according to the view of that queue, this person is unrestricted, can walk in the mainland freely, this has increased his fearful degree.” Associates to other mahatma places, the god, birth of race, say (way) that he sobbed: Tumultuous times!” 谢傲宇道:“的确,葛明德曾经至少还有做人的底线,绝对不可能做出向段天狼那般屠城的举动,可现在他已经是阴灵,那就彻底没有束缚了,这时候的葛明德哪怕智谋手段受到一些影响下降,但是阴狠程度却更加可怕,所以葛明德才真正的可怕。”他脸色凝重的道:“还有一点,就是能够驾驭魂王段天狼,阴神葛明德,那掌控这群疯子的幕后之人又会是谁?此人才是真正可怕的存在,按照那人龙的说法,这人还不受约束,能够在大陆上自由行走,这就更增添了他的可怕程度。”联想到其他各大圣地,神教,种族的出世,他唏嘘的道:“乱世啊!” The PS : 10 number, erupted 100, 22 : 00 pm ended, tomorrow start to restore to renew normally, every time increase 200 distinguished guest ticket in addition one chapters! PS:10号了,爆发100更,今天晚上22点结束,明天开始恢复正常更新,每增加200贵宾票加更一章!
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