BE :: Volume #11

#1006: The ultrasaurus changes 【One】

Five the bodies of queues are seriously battered, belongs to the frequency dead edge, but sends out sad and shrill whooshing along with that four meters five high queue, after his eye bursts out wipes the shining halo, body also same golden light greatly Sheng of other four queues, then their bodies had the astonishing change. 五个人龙的身体都遭受重创,属于频死边缘,可是随着那四米五高的人龙发出一声凄厉的嘶吼,其眼睛内迸发出一抹金灿灿的光晕之后,其他四个人龙的身上也同样金光大盛,接着他们的身体就发生了惊人的变化。 First is hole rapid closing that heart position presents. 首先是那心脏位置出现的窟窿迅速的弥合。 In a flash, their wound entirely restorations. 在转瞬间,他们的伤口统统的恢复。 Afterward is the great change of body. 随后便是身体的巨变。 Is the images of queue, that is the dragon first person, and its body surface has the scale, before has not used the special method, can see some human skins, but now is actually the physique big change, on their heads corner not only grows, and grows a golden corner about respectively, forms three corners is similar to royal crown existence, the facial features surface starts to grow a piece of angle protoplasmic membrane giant scale from the forehead downward, is wrapping the facial features, but has revealed two eyes, its that ten many centimeter thick scales also start to melt, but is not Ping Bai. Vanishes, but changes to a faint trace the energy flux, enters their most in level in the scale, enabling on these scales to reappear the strange Incantation technique marks, the words that carefully looked, will discover that these Incantation technique marks unexpectedly indistinctly were similar to the appearances of dragon. 原本都是人龙的形象,那就是龙首人身,且其体表有着鳞片,在没有施展特殊手段之前,还是能够看到一些人类皮肤的,可现在却是体质大变,它们的脑袋上犄角不但增长,且在左右各自长出一根金色的犄角,形成三根犄角如同王冠般的存在,面容表面从额头开始向下衍生出一片角质膜似地巨大鳞片,将面容包裹着,只是露出了两只眼睛,其身上的那十多厘米厚实的鳞片也开始消融,但并不是平白的。消失,而是化作一丝丝的能量流,进入他们最里层的鳞片内,使得这些鳞片上面都浮现了一个个奇异的咒术符号,仔细看的话,会发现,那些咒术符号竟然隐约如同龙的样子。 Roar!” “吼!” Long Yin, shatters void. 一声龙吟,震裂虚空。 The solid ice in ground has also cracked, the bodies of five queues surge with its golden opposite black aura, the encirclement surroundings. 地面上的坚冰也崩裂了,五个人龙的身上都涌动出一股与其身上金色相反的黑色的气息,环绕周围。 To kill you, not only wastes I one-fifth souls, was makes the soul king put out his some family properties, you thought that I will also make you live.” That four meters five person Longkou spit the criticism, is the Ge Mingde sound. “为了杀你,不但浪费我1的灵魂,更是让魂王拿出了他的一些家底,你觉得我还会让你活着吗。”那四米五的人龙口吐人言,是葛明德的声音。 Ling Yun surprised say (way): elder sister, what's all this about?” 灵韵儿吃惊的道:“姐姐,这是怎么回事?” Said the Meng Yao sinking sound track: This should be the Dragon Clan taboo method ultrasaurus changes!” 梦瑶沉声道:“这应该是龙族的禁忌手段极龙变!” Your ultrasaurus changes knows, is not really simple, what a pity, your life stopped!” The queue sound is resounding, the body black aura turbulent tumbling, on two dragon fingernails the nail lengthened more than ten centimeters, that nail is similar to the steel check, sharp incomparable. “你连极龙变都知道,啧啧,真是不简单啊,可惜,你的生命到此为止了!”人龙声音更是响亮,身上黑色的气息汹涌的翻滚,两只龙爪上面指甲足足延长了十多厘米,那指甲如同钢勾,锋利无比。 Said that Meng Yao said: Ultrasaurus changes is a consumption vitality for the taboo method of price, strengthens the defensive power to achieve the acme infinitely, usually, displays the ultrasaurus changes, the defensive power will go to an inconceivable situation, generally the Ten Kings Level boundary, displays the ultrasaurus changes, the Battle King level is also hard to break the defense, with the aid of the defense of this acme, consumes the strength of enemy, strikes to kill the enemy.” 梦瑶道:“极龙变是一种消耗生命力为代价的禁忌手段,无限增强防御力达到极致,通常来说,施展极龙变,防御力将会达到一个不可思议的地步,一般十王级的境界,施展极龙变,战王级也难以打破防御的,借助这极致的防御,来消耗敌人的力量,击杀敌人。” Good, you understood very much that the ultrasaurus changes is also easiest to explain, that with it socializing is, when maintains the strength dissipation that the ultrasaurus changes, naturally can cut to kill with ease, is you are not good.” Queue gloomy say (way), the vision looked to that flame moon/month profound Tianlong egg. “不错,你很了解,极龙变也最容易破解,那就是与之周旋便是,等到维持极龙变的力量消散,自然可以轻松斩杀,可是你们却不行。”人龙阴森森的道,目光看向了那炎月玄天龙蛋。 Ling Yun holds up the god bow once again, makes contact with explode says nine arrows. 灵韵儿再度举起神弓,搭上爆曰九箭。 Shakes the head, said that Meng Yao said: Rhyme, do not waste the strength, if you can display to explode said that nine arrow 30% strengths, the bang kills them not to be a problem, now is hard to shake their defenses.” 摇摇头,云梦瑶道:“韵儿,不要浪费力气了,你若能发挥爆曰九箭三成的力量,轰杀他们不成问题,现在难以撼动他们的防御。” The queue said: You said that Meng Yao grasped Incantation technique of massive person king, was you just the achievement enchanter, Incantation technique that displayed was also limited, accepts fate!” 人龙道:“你云梦瑶就算掌握了大量的人王的咒术,可是你才刚刚成就咒师,发挥出来的咒术也有限,认命吧!” Right, I display Incantation technique to be hard to threaten you now radically.” Said the Meng Yao light say (way). “没错,我现在施展咒术根本难以威胁到你们。”云梦瑶淡淡的道。 elder sister, what to do should we?” Ling Yun deeps frown. 姐姐,我们该怎么办?”灵韵儿眉头紧锁。 Said that Meng Yao said with a smile: We do not have the means that that gives Ao Yu, he should be able to solve these difficult problems.” 梦瑶笑道:“我们没办法,那就交给傲宇吧,他应该可以解决这些难题的。” Brother?” Ling Yun said in consternation. “大哥?”灵韵儿愕然道。 Hid has also stood up in Xie Aoyu of hidden place the body. 隐藏在暗处的谢傲宇也站起了身。 He shakes the hand that the crescent moon is hanging to fall to press, the moon/month falls the Emperor blade then to appear in the hand. 他握着月牙吊坠的手一按,月陨天王刀便出现在手中。 The personal appearance moves slightly, displays such as the light electricity, if then the spirit, appears in two female middle, blocks five queue that displayed the ultrasaurus changed. 身形微动,施展如光似电,便若幽灵般,出现在两女的中间,挡住五个施展了极龙变的人龙。 Xie Aoyu?” The queue said. 谢傲宇?”人龙道。 Say (Way) that Xie Aoyu smiles: I am Xie Aoyu, cannot think that your solemn cloudy god can also recognize me, that may really be my being honored.” 谢傲宇笑眯眯的道:“我就是谢傲宇,想不到你堂堂阴神也能认出我,那可真是我的荣幸啊。” Month falls Emperor blade might to be indeed infinite, your strength was too what a pity bad, is still unable to break my defense.” The queue sneers to say. “月陨天王刀的确威力无穷,可惜你的实力太差了,仍然无法破开我的防御。”人龙冷笑道。 Ge Mingde.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile, you were really wordy.” 葛明德。”谢傲宇笑道,“你真啰嗦。” The voice falls, Xie Aoyu attacks suddenly. 话音一落,谢傲宇骤然出击。 Promotion version such as light electricity! 升级版如光似电! The speed sends, that brushes, Xie Aoyu to appear in the front of that queue, do not say the queue, said that Meng Yao and Ling Yun was startled, was the Xie Aoyu speed was too quick, stood to them in the side quickly, coming out that cannot feel, how he left. 速度之极致,刷的一下,谢傲宇就出现在那人龙的面前,不要说人龙,就连云梦瑶灵韵儿都吃了一惊,实在是谢傲宇的速度太快了,快到她们站在身边,都没有能够感觉的出来,他是怎么离开的。 Broken Shield Cut! 破盾斩 Xie Aoyu brandished a sword to cut to strike, displays has specifically been used to eradicate the defense Broken Shield Cut, in addition the sharp incomparable moon/month fell the Emperor blade, must break its defense. 谢傲宇挥刀斩击,施展了专门用来破除防御的破盾斩,加上锋利无匹的月陨天王刀,就是要破开其防御。 Does the ultrasaurus change defending the promotion of modification? 极龙变不是将防御变态似的提升吗? That breaks his defense! 那就破开他的防御! Roar!” “吼!” The queue sends out Long Yin, greatly body black aura Sheng, on that scales reappears was similar to the Incantation technique mark of big dragon also bright. 人龙发出一声龙吟,身上黑色气息大盛,那鳞甲上面浮现的如同巨龙的咒术符号也都明亮了起来。 He simply has not moved aside, sticks out chest resists hardly. 他根本没有躲闪,挺起胸膛硬抗。 Actually he cannot shunt, after all the Xie Aoyu speed was too fast, quickly to the situation of surpassing him dodging, only this point, made the queue save to Xie Aoyu must kill the heart. 其实他也躲不开,毕竟谢傲宇的速度太快了,快到超出他躲闪的地步,仅此一点,就让人龙对谢傲宇存了必杀之心。 Bang!” “嘭!” The moon/month falls the Emperor blade to change wipes cold Mang, cut down again. 月陨天王刀化作一抹冷芒,重劈下去。 The queue that the formidable strength shakes is similar to the kite of broken line, whiz one then flew, the ice-bound megalith will crack-up to stop together. 强大的力量震的人龙如同断线的风筝,“嗖”的一下便飞了出去,将一块冰封的巨石撞碎才停下来。 Xie Aoyu receives the blade to stand. 谢傲宇收刀而立。 Said that Meng Yao and Ling Yun as well as another four queues turn head to look in abundance. 梦瑶灵韵儿以及另外四个人龙纷纷扭头看去。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” The crushed stone covers, two claw extend, then that queue crawled from inside, the vision of people centralized to queue chest position. 碎石掩盖中,两只爪子伸出来,接着那人龙从里面爬了起来,众人的目光都集中到了人龙的前胸位置。 That is fallen the place that by the moon/month the Emperor blade cut down to cut. 那是被月陨天王刀劈斩的地方。 Sees only there to have a white mark, some hollow, has not actually broken that defense, even struck to fly 67 pieces of scales. 只见那里有一条白色的印记,有一些凹陷,却并没有破开那防御,甚至只是击飞了67片的鳞片。 The queue ends the victory! 人龙完胜! I have said that you are impossible to break my defense!” The queue said proudly. “我说过,你根本不可能破开我的防御!”人龙傲然道。 Roar!” Roar!” Roar!” Roar!” “吼!”“吼!”“吼!”“吼!” Other four queues simultaneously exude one to whoosh. 其他四个人龙同时发出一声嘶吼。 Xie Aoyu is also startled, his moon/month falls the Emperor blade to transfer the broken defense in addition Broken Shield Cut, in the broken against aspect, has the effect absolutely, unexpectedly links a defense not to eradicate. 谢傲宇也是一怔,他的月陨天王刀加上转破防御的破盾斩,在破防方面,绝对有着奇效的,居然连一层防御都没有破除。 He is understands deep meaning that the ultrasaurus changes. 他算是明白极龙变的奥义了。 The defense reaches the limit, is not the false excuse, is true can achieve. 防御达到极限,并非是虚假的说辞,是真正的能够做到。 Very strong defense.” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “很强的防御。”谢傲宇沉声道。 The queue wields the claw, shouts to clear the way: Kills to me, cuts to kill them entirely, does not remain!” 人龙一挥爪子,喝道:“给我杀,将他们统统斩杀,一个不留!” Roar!” “吼!” Four big queues simultaneously send out roaring of bloodthirsty, their attacks in abundance, jumping, howling, are waving that terror dragon claw, and other people rushed ahead the past to Xie Aoyu. 四大人龙同时发出嗜血的吼叫,他们纷纷的出击,跳跃着,呼啸着,舞动着那恐怖的龙爪,向谢傲宇等三人冲杀过去。 Said that Meng Yao and Ling Yun makes the preparation of counter-attack immediately. 梦瑶灵韵儿立刻做出反击的准备。 I kill them!” Xie Aoyu sinking sound track. “我来杀他们!”谢傲宇沉声道。 Then separates to empty along with it Xie Aoyu to a queue cut down to cut a blade. 随之谢傲宇便隔空对着其中一个人龙劈斩出一刀。 Infinite Spinning Sword + Broken Shield Cut! 无定飞旋刀+破盾斩 Fusions of two big Fights Technique! 两大斗技的融合! A Xie Aoyu blade cuts, immediately presents seven blade light, each blade light is containing the Broken Shield Cut deep meaning, melts with the airborne seven blade light, changes to trowel light. 谢傲宇一刀斩出,顿时出现七道刀光,每一道刀光都蕴含着破盾斩的奥义,与空中七道刀光相融,化作一抹刀光。 This is the Infinite Spinning Sword seven blade normalizing cuts. 这是无定飞旋刀的七刀归一斩。 Superimposition of seven Broken Shield Cut, its might how? 七道破盾斩的叠加,其威力又如何? Xie Aoyu must have a look but actually, the ultrasaurus of queue changes the defense whether such cannot explain. 谢傲宇倒要看看,人龙的极龙变防御是否那么的不可破解。 „!” “咻!” The blade light plunders spatially, cuts that queue like lightning. 刀光掠空,闪电般斩中那名人龙。 Bang!” “嘭!” The personal appearance of queue in airborne, then crashes on the ground, his body maintains the stance that is throwing to strike, one wipes the blood light to spray in his heart position, it behind similarly has the blood light to explode shoots. 人龙的身形在空中一顿,接着便坠落在地上,其身体保持着扑击的姿态,随之一抹血光在他的心脏位置喷射出来,其身后同样有血光爆射。 Bang!” “轰!” After the blood from the pores of the feet sprays, the queue explodes loudly. 血箭喷洒之后,人龙轰然爆炸。 This, has blown other three queues immediately, they stopped the footsteps, in the eye the cloudy spirit with amazement look to be exploded the hashed meat with vision the queue. 这一下,立刻镇住了其他三个人龙,他们都停止了脚步,眼睛内阴灵用骇然的目光看着被爆炸成碎肉的人龙。 Ultrasaurus changes the defense, is not cannot explain!” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “极龙变防御,也不是不可破解的!”谢傲宇笑道。 That four meters five high queue vision are cold, Infinite Spinning Sword, seven blade normalizing, mix one type to explain the defense specially Fights Technique, good, very fierce broken against method, but, actually not necessarily useful.” His cold shouts to clear the way, your three continue to kill, Xie Aoyu gives me to cope.” 那四米五高的人龙目光冷冽,“无定飞旋刀,七刀归一,糅合一种专门破解防御的斗技,不错,很厉害的破防手段,不过,却未必有用。”他冷喝道,“你们三个继续杀,谢傲宇交给我来对付。” Kills!” “杀!” Three queues attack once again. 三个人龙再度出击。 Xie Aoyu sneering say (way) „can you block me? Laughable!” 谢傲宇冷笑道“你能挡住我?可笑!” Tried to know!” The queue roared, soared to jump, two Long Zhao cut-throat grasped to the body of Xie Aoyu, its imposing manner also suitable overwhelming power. “试试就知道了!”人龙咆哮一声,腾空跃起,两只龙爪凶狠的向谢傲宇的身上抓去,其气势也相当的威猛。 Startling Thunderclap Leg ! 惊雷腿 Xie Aoyu injects the upper air swiftly, the right foot lifts, rapid tramples, in an instant changes to everywhere the leg shade, more than 300 legs suddenly kick fully. 谢傲宇倏然射入高空,右脚抬起,飞速的踹出,刹那间化作漫天的腿影,足有300多腿只是在眨眼间踢出。 Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” The sound that explodes kicks transmits. 一阵爆踢的声音传来。 The queue was trampled has more than 100 feet fully, although he defends invincibly, has not received any injury, but it was actually trampled to fly horizontally 700-800 meters distance. 人龙被踹中足有100多脚,虽然他防御无敌,不曾受到什么伤势,可是其却被踹出横飞出去七八百米的距离。 Tramples to fly that queue, the Xie Aoyu airborne replication. 踹飞那人龙,谢傲宇空中折转。 The void blade cut down to cut. 虚空一刀劈斩。 Still was that fuses Fights Technique, simultaneously he also forward flushed away, the promotion version such as the light electricity in the incisiveness that this moment displayed, saw only the remnant shade to pass over gently and swiftly together, two dull thumping sounds spread, another two queues are fallen by flying that Xie Aoyu trampled, trowel light that at the same time that divided has also carried off a surname life of queue. 仍旧是那融合斗技,同时他本人也随之向前冲去,升级版如光似电在这一刻发挥的淋漓尽致,只见一道残影掠过,两声闷响传出,另外两个人龙已经被谢傲宇踹的飞跌出去,与此同时那劈出的一抹刀光也带走了一个人龙的姓命。 Xie Aoyu airborne falls, consecutively two blades cut. 谢傲宇空中落下,连续两刀斩出。 Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!” Then was trampled two queues that flies also to be cut, Lian snort an opportunity then had not been cut to kill, the corpse explodes the fragment similarly, the residual does not remain. 那被踹飞的两个人龙也被斩中,连哼一声的机会都没有便被斩杀了,尸体同样爆炸成碎片,残渣不剩。 Until this time, that most formidable four meters five high queues once more crawled. 直到这时候,那最强大的四米五高的人龙才再次爬起来。 Xie Aoyu holds up moon/month to fall the Emperor blade, points at this last queue, „the present was one's turn you!” 谢傲宇举起月陨天王刀,遥指这最后一名人龙,“现在轮到你了!” You cannot kill my!” Queue ferocious sound track. “你杀不死我的!”人龙狞声道。 The Xie Aoyu corners of the mouth select, profound Lei Zhongyu sent out, he must have a look but actually, this defensive power most terrorist queue, its defensive power whether under profound thunder perfect. 谢傲宇嘴角一挑,玄雷终于出动了,他倒要看看,这防御力最恐怖的人龙,其防御力能否在玄雷之下完好无损。
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