BE :: Volume #11

#1005: With amazement discovery 【Two】

My Meng Yao is fierce, Xie Aoyu of hidden place laughs in one's heart to continue, originally strong queue, because were many several mouths, now may be good, must lower the head to become the grandson. 还是我的梦瑶厉害啊,暗处的谢傲宇暗笑不止,原本强势的人龙,就因为多了几句嘴,现在可好,要低头当孙子了。 He continues to listen attentively in secret. 他继续暗中倾听。 Behind the secret of that group of lunatics regarding the queue, Xie Aoyu also full is the question. 对于人龙背后那群疯子的秘密,谢傲宇也满是疑问。 I, I do not know.” In that four meters three queue eyes cloudy denied spirit. “我,我不知道。”那四米三的人龙眼睛内的阴灵否认道。 Said Meng Yao cold snort one, conveniently a point. 梦瑶冷哼一声,随手一点。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Feng Ling the incantation design instantly projects, points to this to go cloudy spirit. 那封灵咒图案即刻射出,直指这名阴灵而去。 Clatter clatter clatter “嗒嗒嗒” The queue retrocedes again and again, for fear that was given to hit by Feng Lingzhou, simultaneously grass controls that queue shaking the fist fist, pounds wickedly, wants to give the bang to be broken Feng Lingzhou. 人龙连连后退,生怕被封灵咒给击中,同时艹控那人龙挥拳拳头,恶狠狠地砸去,想要将封灵咒给轰碎。 Said that Meng Yao is the enchanter stick continuously wields. 梦瑶则是咒师杖连续挥动。 A cold brightness glitters, Feng Lingzhou the design dances in the air up and down, flutters, has shunted the bombardment of queue with ease, direct bang to that queue the cloudy spirit in eye. 点点寒光闪烁,那封灵咒的图案上下飞舞,飘动,轻松的躲开了人龙的轰击,直接轰向那人龙的眼睛内的阴灵。 Whiz! 嗖! Feng Ling incantation design quick astonishment, then arrived in an instant. 封灵咒图案快的惊人,刹那间便到了。 I said!” The cloudy spirit scream said. “我说!”阴灵尖叫道。 Brush! 刷! But Feng Ling incantation design abruptly, in front of the eye of that queue, misses one then to rumble to kill, that cloudy spirit sealing. 封灵咒图案嘎然而至,就在那人龙的眼睛前面,就差一线便能轰杀进去,将那阴灵给封起来。 Looks that Feng Ling the incantation design stops, that cloudy spirit whole body shivers, full is the panic-stricken color, does not have the sweat cloudy spirit, otherwise, Xie Aoyu suspected, urine pants that just now also very rampant cloudy spirit can frighten. 看着封灵咒图案停下来,那阴灵浑身颤抖,满是惊恐之色,阴灵没有汗水,不然的话,谢傲宇真怀疑,方才还很嚣张的阴灵会吓的尿裤子。 Replied that my issue, who creates shade the spirit the soul refinement of Ge Mingde!” Said say (way) that Meng Yao lets somebody cool off or calm down. “回答我的问题,谁将葛明德的灵魂炼制成阴灵的!”云梦瑶冷冷的道。 Yes, is cloudy spirit trembling sound track. “是,是”阴灵颤声道。 Said the Meng Yao vision ice-cold, shouts to clear the way: Said!” 梦瑶目光冰冷,喝道:“说!” Feng Ling the incantation design also slightly closed up to inside, frightens one to shiver cloudy spirit, he under that threat, said: Duan Tianlang!” 那封灵咒图案也微微向里面靠拢了一下,阴灵吓得一阵颤抖,他在那威胁之下,才说道:“段天狼!” Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” The Xie Aoyu heartbeat jumped suddenly fiercely several. 谢傲宇的心跳骤然间猛跳了几下。 Ling Yun is surprised exudes one to call out in alarm. 灵韵儿更是吃惊的发出一声惊呼。 Only has the cloud Meng Yao look to be tranquil, as if all as she expected, have not displayed the surprised appearance, her light say (way): It seems like you have not lain, I had read a book, inside records, Duan Tianlang studies refines brand-new has the cloudy spirit of thought that in the success, was discovered Lei Wang of king time, turns fights with all might, Duan Tianlang the severe wound runs away, actually not about his dead letter.” 唯有云梦瑶神色平静,似乎一切都在她的预料之中,并没有表现出吃惊的样子,她淡淡的道:“看来你并没有说谎,我曾经看过一本书,里面记载,段天狼研究炼制全新的有思维的阴灵,在成功之极,被人王时代的雷王发现,一翻拼杀,段天狼重伤逃走,却并没有关于他的死信。” „Do this you know?” Cloudy spirit panic-stricken looks to say Meng Yao. “这你都知道?”阴灵惊骇的看着云梦瑶 Said Meng Yao cold -ly snorted and said: I also know that Duan Tianlang studied the Angel Clan soul to pass the burden the rebirth technique, before 8000, in the mainland had presented small town about 100,000 people of slaughtered matters, causes mainland all influences to collaborate to chase down the murderer, is unsuccessful throughout, passes the burden the rebirth technique judgment according to the soul that Duan Tianlang studies, that should be his multiple soul checks the body number of times of person to be too much, reason that the soul is damaged, therefore through slaughtering, captures the pure soul, makes up for own soul buckle, then carries on time long time the deep sleep, Duan Tianlang wakes up on once more is in 800 years. Before.” She spoke of here, was staring cloudy that spirit, I observed your this cloudy spirit stable degree, practiced the boundary as well as quick-thinking wait / etc., you were refined to create shade spirit have 800 years probably.” 梦瑶冷哼道:“我还知道,段天狼曾经研究过天使族的灵魂转嫁重生术,在8000年前,大陆上曾经出现过一次一个小城近100000人被屠杀的事情,引起全大陆所有势力联手追杀凶手,却始终未果,根据段天狼研究的灵魂转嫁重生术判断,那应该是他多次灵魂寄存人的身体次数过多,灵魂受损的缘故,所以通过杀戮,夺取纯净的灵魂,弥补自己的灵魂折损,然后进行一次长时间的沉睡,那么段天狼再次醒来就是在800年。前。”她说到这里,盯着那阴灵,“我观你这阴灵稳固程度,修炼境界以及思维敏捷等等,你被炼制成阴灵大概也有800年吧。” You, are you human is a god? How you, how the say (way) that is possible to flutter cloudy spirit. “你,你是人是神?你怎么,怎么可能”阴灵颤声的道。 Xie Aoyu almost smiled to spurt, this cloudy spirit will be afraid so the degree unexpectedly, but, no wonder, said Meng Yao said real, was queue secret at the same time, was exposed, naturally can shock. 谢傲宇差点笑喷了,这阴灵居然会害怕到如此程度,不过,也难怪,云梦瑶说出的都是真的,也算是人龙一方面的秘密了,被人点破,自然会震惊的。 Massacres city as for anything that saying Meng Yao said and so on, Xie Aoyu has also heard, has not actually thought that unexpectedly is that Duan Tianlang so-called, this person of cruel ruthless spicy degree, seriously is fearful. 至于云梦瑶说的什么屠城之类的,谢傲宇也听说过,却没想到竟然是那段天狼所谓,这人之阴损狠辣程度,当真是可怕。 Duan Tianlang, is called soul king, was before the Flood, the human the king time to strong existence, called Yu Shi with the person king and Lei Wang, was the most fearful powerhouses at that time, stated differently, the human the king and Lei Wang and others practiced Qi and Incantation technique, only had Duan Tianlang to study Incantation technique, was precisely evil soul Incantation technique, never repaired Qi. 段天狼,人称魂王,乃是上古时代,人王时期至强的存在,与人王、雷王并称于世,都是当时最可怕的强者,不同的是,人王、雷王等都修炼斗气咒术,唯有段天狼专攻咒术,且是邪恶的灵魂咒术,从不修斗气 So the powerhouse, unexpectedly is also living! 如此强者,居然还活着! No matter the soul passes the burden checks in the body of person also good, is other means that explained a point, Duan Tianlang the fearfulness. 不管是灵魂转嫁寄存在人的身体内也好,还是其他的办法,都说明了一点,段天狼的可怕。 Initially in a three look Monarch's soul that Tianzai Clan bumped into the antiquity Saint Emperor time, Xie Aoyu had not felt that fear how, was Duan Tianlang is different, this person grasped to have the soul Incantation technique mystery, was hard to kill did not say, but also after can die some people, so long as soul not thorough dissipation, can gather through soul Incantation technique, the refinement created shade the spirit, there is a cloudy spirit of thought that this was most fearful. 当初在天灾族碰到上古圣皇时代的三眼神君的一丝灵魂,谢傲宇也没感到多么的恐惧,可是段天狼不同,此人掌握有灵魂咒术的奥妙,难以杀死不说,还能够将一些人死后,只要灵魂不彻底的消散,也能够通过灵魂咒术聚集起来,炼制成阴灵,还是有思想的阴灵,这才是最可怕的。 Now you can say, who you secretly genuine hierarch is.” Said the Meng Yao sinking sound track. “现在你可以说一下,你们幕后真正的掌权者是谁。”云梦瑶沉声道。 Cloudy spirit say (way): I, I have not seen him he to notice that Feng Ling incantation design approached once more, hurries to call out: What I said is real, is Duan Tianlang, I also before Ge Mingde becomes the cloudy spirit has seen, now controls the queue cloudy spirit was Ge Mingde, Lian Duantian the wolf cannot see.” 阴灵道:“我,我没见过他”他看到那封灵咒图案再次靠近,赶紧叫道:“我说的是真的,就是段天狼,我也只是在葛明德成为阴灵之前见过,现在掌控人龙阴灵的就是葛明德,连段天狼都见不到了。” Said that Meng Yao hesitates saying: Has anything about that person of hearsay.” 梦瑶沉吟道:“关于那人的传闻都有什么。” Only then a view, he by any restraint, cannot walk outside Angel Holy Island voluntarily.” Hurries to reply cloudy spirit, for fear that said that Meng Yao begins. “就只有一个说法,他不受任何约束,能够自行在天使圣岛外面行走。”阴灵赶紧回答道,生怕云梦瑶动手。 Um?!” “嗯?!” Said that Meng Yao two one bright, this is a very important information. 梦瑶两眼一亮,这可是一个非常重要的信息。 Also has any hearsay, said that even if were you thinks the vacation, said.” Said the Meng Yao sinking sound track. “还有什么传闻,都说出来,哪怕是你认为假的,也说出来。”云梦瑶沉声道。 Has!” The cloudy spirit just opened the mouth, suddenly body fierce shivers, is that queue pit-a-pat fiercely is vibrating. “有啊!”阴灵刚开口,陡然间身体剧烈的颤抖起来,就是那人龙都突突的剧烈抖动着。 Explodes “爆爆爆” On the body of queue has cracks. 人龙的身体上出现一道道的裂缝。 Blood jump to shoot from inside, that cloudy spirit does not have the soul body of entity to start to be defeated and dispersed, exudes the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 一道道的鲜血从里面迸射出来,那阴灵并没有实体的灵魂体都开始溃散,发出凄厉的惨叫声。 The needless moment, dissipated cloudy agilely. 不消片刻,阴灵便消散了。 That queue also loudly falls to the ground. 那人龙也轰然倒地。 Said that Meng Yao turns head to look suddenly to that only then three meters about 78, a shortest queue, who you are, unexpectedly grass is controlling their life and death.” 梦瑶猛然扭头看向其中那只有三米78左右,个头最矮的一个人龙,“你是谁,居然艹控着他们的生死。” That queue low and deep head lifted slowly. 那人龙原本低沉的头缓缓地抬了起来。 The person's shadow in his eye unexpectedly is very fuzzy, is not other cloudy spirit like that very clear can see the facial features, this actually can only see the person's shadow fuzzily. 其眼睛内的人影竟然是很模糊的,不是其他阴灵那般很清晰的能够看到面容,这个却只能模糊地看出人影。 This cloudy spirit has not opened the mouth. 这阴灵没有开口。 So long as the strength meets certain requirements, and grasps some people of some special methods, the soul most can be divided into four, since Duan Tianlang pains study soul Incantation technique these many years, decide however have also studied in this aspect, words that therefore the cloudy spirit can divide into two, should not be too difficult.” Said Meng Yao light saying, lets somebody cool off or calm down is staring cloudy that fuzzily spirit, your this efficaciouss this to separate cloudy forcefully, in other words, your strength has not reached the Battle King peak level, is only the Battle King level, but can also grass control other cloudy spirit life and death, can find me here, you are cloudy god Ge Mingde!” “只要实力达到一定要求,并且掌握有一些特殊手段的人,灵魂最多能够一分为四,既然段天狼苦心钻研灵魂咒术这么多年,定然也在这方面有所研究,所以阴灵能够一分为二的话,应该也不是太难。”云梦瑶淡淡的说道,冷冷的盯着那模糊地阴灵,“你这阴灵应该是强行分离出来的,也就是说,你的实力还未达到战王巅峰级,只是战王级,还能够艹控其他阴灵的生死,更能够找到我在这里,你是阴神葛明德!” The Xie Aoyu mind of hidden place vibrates, simultaneously the item shoots Qi Guang, put out a hand to hold the crescent moon to hang to fall, and stimulated to movement the profound thunder in dantian to shiver. 暗处的谢傲宇心神震动,同时目射奇光,伸手抓住了月牙吊坠,并且催动丹田内的玄雷颤动了起来。 Although can only display the profound thunder 20% strengths, but coped with the Battle King level is not very difficult. 虽然只能发挥出玄雷两成的力量,但是对付战王级已经不是很难了。 Settled on by me worthily, only person who can be my match.” That cloudy spirit has opened the mouth finally, acknowledged his status cloudy god Ge Mingde indirectly. “不愧是被我看中,唯一能够做我对手的人。”那阴灵终于开口了,也间接的承认了他的身份阴神葛明德 Said that Meng Yao said: You also planned that wins the incantation of blood soul from my hand ‚’?” 梦瑶道:“你也打算从我手中夺走‘血魂之咒’?” Ge Mingde said: By your intelligence, is impossible to hand over ‚the incantation of blood soul, I had not planned that makes you hand over, my this has a goal.” 葛明德道:“凭借你的聪明,根本不可能交出‘血魂之咒’的,我也没打算让你交出来,我此来只有一个目的。” What goal?” Said that Meng Yao said. “什么目的?”云梦瑶道。 Has killed you!” The Ge Mingde sound, your wisdom, in addition the Xie Aoyu talent, your unions, will certainly become the biggest stumbling obstacles that we go forward lightly, therefore I must advance you eradicate.” “杀了你!”葛明德声音平淡之极,“你的智慧,加上谢傲宇的天赋,你们两人的结合,必将成为我们前进的最大绊脚石,所以我要先行将你铲除。” Said that Meng Yao sneers saying: „Do you think the possibility?” 梦瑶冷笑道:“你觉得可能吗?” Ge Mingde said: Possibly!” 葛明德道:“可能!” I look not necessarily, only if you arrive have the possibility, now this strength, difficult!” Said that Meng Yao said. “我看未必吧,除非你亲临还有可能,现在这点实力嘛,难!”云梦瑶道。 I said the energy, then on energy!” Ge Mingde said that his fuzzy cloudy spirit image explodes loudly broken, then sees a fluctuation of queue body non- rule is, its stature rose suddenly to four meters five altitude suddenly, the imposing manner also along with it explosion, the strength obviously was enhanced. “我说能,那就能!”葛明德说完,他那模糊的阴灵形象轰然爆碎,接着就看到所在的人龙身体一阵不规律的波动,其身躯骤然暴涨至四米五的高度,气势也随之激增,实力显然得到了增强。 The statures of other six queues have not swollen, but the golden scales of their body surface bloom the radiant ray, as if changed to pile of gold. 其他六名人龙的身躯没有胀大,但是它们体表的金色鳞甲则绽放出璀璨的光芒,仿佛化作了一堆金子似地。 Said Meng Yao, I lost one-fifth cloudy spirit strengths, must kill your, this time you must die!” The queue that the Ge Mingde department moment is at spirit has exuded the gloomy laughter, I in Angel Holy Island waited for news that you died, Ha Ha “云梦瑶,我损耗1的阴灵力量,就是要杀你的,这次你必死!”葛明德部分阴灵所在的人龙发出了阴森的笑声,“我在天使圣岛等待你死亡的消息,哈哈” Vanished from the body of that queue along with it Ge Mingde that unique aura thoroughly. 随之葛明德的那股特有气息彻底从那人龙的身上消失了。 On the strength, Ge Mingde is only the Battle King level, even if the soul Wang Duantian wolf can help him achieve to separate reluctantly cloudy spirit, that also needs to lose enormously. 论实力,葛明德只是战王级的而已,就算魂王段天狼能够帮助他勉强做到阴灵分离开来,那也是需要损耗极大地。 Kills!” “杀!” Four meters five queue exudes one to roar. 四米五的人龙发出一声怒吼。 Other six shining queues also kill. 其他六名金灿灿的人龙也随之扑杀上去。 Humming sound “嗡嗡” The bowstring vibrates, Ling Yun projected has exploded says nine arrows. 弓弦震动,灵韵儿射出了爆曰九箭。 „” “咻咻咻咻” Nine golden arrow light depart from out of the blue, void as if changes to nine golden Shenlong, makes threatening gestures, the world vitality fierce tumbling of agitation, is the entire mountain of inspiring sways, the solid ice of that surface presents fissures, the strong strength made Xie Aoyu darkly selects the thumb. 九道金色的箭光破空飞出,虚空中仿佛化作九条金色的神龙,张牙舞爪的,搅动的天地元气剧烈的翻滚,更是引动的整座高山都摇晃起来,那表面的坚冰出现一道道的裂痕,强劲的力量令谢傲宇都是暗挑大拇指。 The overwhelming power nine arrow arrows have been divided into seven positions, that four meters five high queue suffered the attacks of three arrow arrows, is the main objective of attack. 威猛的九支箭矢分成了七个方位,其中那四米五高度的人龙遭受到了三支箭矢的攻击,是主要攻击目标。 Roar!” “吼!” Four meters five queue raises the head to send out similar Long Yin roaring, body golden light Sheng, is growing in its body surface greatly rapidly a golden dense scale, in an instant, his scale increased more than ten centimeters thickness unexpectedly, making the queue seem extremely fat, but the defensive power was actually suddenly to increase. 四米五的人龙仰首发出一声类似龙吟的吼叫,身上金光大盛,在其体表迅速的生长着一层金色的密实的鳞片,刹那间,其鳞片竟然增加了十多厘米的厚度,令人龙看上去更加的臃肿,但是防御力却是暴增的。 Other queues are no exception. 其他的人龙也不例外。 Is the golden scale rapidly is growing. 一个个都是金色鳞片飞速的增长着。 Simultaneously all queues go crazy shaking the fist pounds forward. 同时所有的人龙都发狂似的挥拳向前砸去。 Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” In a bellow, these golden arrow arrows have encountered hitting hard, actually slightly deviated under one to approach, was still the numerous hitting a target queue former heart position. 一阵轰鸣声中,那些金色的箭矢遭到了重击,却只是稍微偏离了一下方向,仍旧是重重的射中人龙的前心位置。 duo duo duo “咄咄咄” Each golden arrow arrow submerges queue the chest more than ten centimeters. 每一支金色箭矢都没入人龙的前胸十多厘米。 Although has hit, but the scales of these queues thick amount to about ten centimeters, so the depth, regarding the queue, does not affect. 虽然击中了,可是这些人龙的鳞片都厚达十厘米左右,如此深度,对于人龙而言,根本就是毫无作用。 Explodes said that nine arrows are very fierce, the god bends is also very strong, but do not forget, your strength was too bad, is unable to display to explode says nine arrow 10% might.” That four meters five high queue gloomy say (way). “爆曰九箭很厉害,神弓也很强,可你别忘了,你的力量太差了,根本无法发挥出爆曰九箭一成的威力。”那四米五高度的人龙阴森的道。 Ling Yun shows a faint smile, said: Right?” 灵韵儿微微一笑,道:“是吗?” Her voice just fell, Sky Gold Spirit Pearl between glabellas pan- wipes the golden halo suddenly. 她话音刚落,眉心间的天金灵珠陡然间泛起一抹金色的光晕。 Saw that explodes said nine arrow golden color ray Sheng, pit-a-pat the tremor, then hears nine deafening explosive sounds greatly. 紧接着就看到那爆曰九箭金色光芒大盛,突突的颤动起来,接着就传来九声震耳欲聋的爆炸声。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” Suddenly, the blood light splash, the golden scale four fly to shoot. 一时间,血光飞溅,金色的鳞片四下飞射。 Seven queues simultaneously send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, flies upside down completely. 七个人龙同时发出凄厉的惨叫,全部倒飞出去。 Explodes said that nine arrows are vibrating, all returns to Ling Yun in the hand. 爆曰九箭则震动着,全部返回灵韵儿的手中。 The fronts of seven queues were scarlet cave entrance, fierce of covered with blood, body that thick reach more than ten centimeters scales also to fall off, restored the beforehand habit. 七个人龙的胸前都是血色的洞口,血肉模糊的厉害,身上那厚达十多厘米的鳞片也都脱落了,恢复了之前的常态。 And that strength is not as good, has three meters about eight queue probably, his chest the scrap, the internal organs have exploded did not have, these two queues are killed violently at the scene. 其中那实力略逊的,大概只有三米八左右的人龙,其前胸已经炸碎,内脏都炸没了,这两个人龙当场毙命。 Roar!” “吼!” Four meters five queue exudes one to whoosh, stands up broadmindedly, encounters three arrows to explode shoots, its front already covered with blood, horrible to look, but its facial expression actually appears fierce fearful, in its mouth rapid reading one incantations, then included it the other five queues to have the strange great change. 四米五的人龙发出一声嘶吼,豁然站起,遭到三支箭爆射,其胸前已经血肉模糊,惨不忍睹,但是其神情却更显得狰狞可怕,它的口中迅速的念动了一串咒语,接着包括它在内剩余的五个人龙都发生了奇异的巨变。
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