BE :: Volume #11

#1004: With amazement discovery 【One】

Queue, is the queue! 人龙,又是人龙! Before and old Dragon Hawk inference, that mixed the owners of world three demon swords to cut off the vitality, should be Ma Li Ya that behind queue that group of lunatics prevented gets rid to rescue, he always felt that crowd of lunatic goals will not be simple, wants to make clear, after all that group of lunatics can create including the queue, who dares saying that cut off the vitality the owners of mixing world three demon swords not to have other uses to them. 之前和老龙鹰推断,那混世三魔剑的主人被断绝生机,就应该是人龙背后的那群疯子阻止的玛丽娅出手相救,他总感觉,那群疯子目的不会那么简单的,就想搞清楚,毕竟那群疯子连人龙都能够创造出来,谁敢说那被断绝生机的混世三魔剑的主人就对他们没有其他的用处呢。 This time queue, before Xie Aoyu has seen the queue also has the difference. 此番人龙,与谢傲宇之前见过的人龙又有不同。 These queue each have this about four meters height, and all over the body is the scales of secret room, does not need to undergo the special method utilization to urge the round of scale guard, what is main, each head corner as if after the special transformation, completely is similar to the sharp long sword. 这些人龙每一个都有这将近四米的身高,且通体都是密室的鳞片,不需要经过特殊的手段运用催发鳞片护身,更主要的是,他们每一个头上的犄角似乎都是经过特殊改造的,全部如同锋利的长剑。 Fights to know in Angel Holy Island and queue according to Xie Aoyu of these queues often decided their strengths, three meters that is equal to wireless close Ten Kings Level, now this is four meters, feared that has achieved Ten Kings Level, will be higher, and each definitely cloudy spirit is controlling. 根据谢傲宇天使圣岛与人龙交手得知,这些人龙的个头往往决定他们的实力,三米的那就是相当于无线接近十王级的,现在这都是四米,怕是达到了十王级,甚至会更高的,且他们每一个肯定都有一个阴灵控制着。 Xie Aoyu stands in the upper air, watches critically. 谢傲宇站在高空,冷眼旁观。 But sees saying that Meng Yao and about Ling Yun substation, on Star Moon Treasure clothes is glittering the star moon/month glory, grasps the enchanter stick of haughty day wolf, the surroundings are rocking wave, in its wave as if the fire hose howls in the tumbling, said Meng Yao itself on beautiful, if angel, was dressed up by Incantation technique, has increased the martial-looking air/Qi. 但见云梦瑶灵韵儿分站左右,一个身上星月宝衣闪烁着星月光辉,手持傲世天狼的咒师杖,周围晃动着一层水波,其水波内似乎有一条水龙在翻滚呼啸,云梦瑶本身就美若天仙,被咒术装扮,更增添了英武之气。 Ling Yun is not inferior, its vigor will install to float the incisiveness that the raised curve will outline exquisite, in the hand the god bow will lift up high, pan- the light golden halo, above will build is exploding says nine arrows, will have to draw an arrow violent to kill the meanings of many masters greatly, what she will most direct Xie Aoyu to pay attention will be in the glabellas partly visible that Sky Gold Spirit Pearl. 灵韵儿也不逊色,其一袭劲装将玲珑浮凸的曲线勾勒的淋漓尽致,手中神弓高举,泛起淡淡的金色光晕,上面搭着爆曰九箭,大有开弓一箭暴杀诸多高手的意思,她最引谢傲宇注意的是眉心间若隐若现的那天金灵珠 Between two females, the central place of that dragon snake design, the flame moon/month profound Tianlong egg sends out the fire red and water blue halo all over the body, each other is overlapping, but that dragon snake design was pan- the water blue halo, particularly the two eyes of dragon snakes, as if the free wheeling, projected two water blue light beams to submerge in the flame moon/month profound Tianlong egg. 在两女中间,那龙蛇图案的中心位置,炎月玄天龙蛋通体散发着火红色和水蓝色的光晕,彼此交叠着,而那龙蛇图案更是泛起了水蓝色的光晕,尤其是两只龙蛇之眼,似乎活转了过来,射出两道水蓝色的光束没入了炎月玄天龙蛋内。 As if Long She and flame moon/month profound Tianlong is carrying on some ceremony. 似乎龙蛇与炎月玄天龙在进行某种仪式。 Therefore they are unable to fight. 所以它们无法战斗。 You are unable to leave Angel Holy Island, how to walk?” Said the Meng Yao sinking sound track. “你们不是无法离开天使圣岛吗,如何走出来的?”云梦瑶沉声道。 Jie Jie “桀桀” The gloomy laughter transmits from an eye of close four meters three giant queue, in the eye of this queue that pollution presented a person's shadow. 阴森的笑声从一个接近四米三的巨型人龙的眼睛内传来,这人龙那浑浊的眼睛内出现了一条人影。 That person of cloudy spirit. 那人正是阴灵。 How we walk, young girl, you do not need to know, so long as you know, you cannot before the person king's bloodline seal was destroyed, achievement enchanter on line.” That cloudy spirit gloomy saying with a smile, „, was those words a moment ago, if you ‚the incantation of blood soul will hand over, I can let off you.” “我们如何走出来的,小妞儿,你不需要知道,你只要知道,你绝不能在人王之血脉封印遭到破坏之前,成就咒师就行了。”那阴灵阴森森的笑道,“不过嘛,还是刚才那句话,若是你将‘血魂之咒’交出来的话,我可以放过你们。” The Meng Yao vision is cold, said: Is ‚the incantation of blood soul, then, you come here goal, to I come, exactly said that for ‚the incantation of blood soul comes, right?” 梦瑶目光冷冽,道:“又是‘血魂之咒’,这么说来,你们来到这里的目的,就是冲着我来的吧,确切的说是为‘血魂之咒’而来的,对吧?” Cloudy spirit hey said with a smile: Right, said that you said Meng Yao wisdom like sea, is my family Sir predicted that present age can before the person king's bloodline seal was destroyed, achievement enchanter, only then you said that Meng Yao has the opportunity, is not all able to achieve, it seems like that this was.” 阴灵嘿嘿笑道:“没错,都说你云梦瑶智慧如海,更是我家大人预言,当世能够在人王之血脉封印遭到破坏之前,成就咒师者,也只有你云梦瑶有机会,余者皆无法做到,看来这是真的了。” His saying seems like is aiming at says the uncommonness of Meng Yao, but said that Meng Yao actually from here smile some ways, can conclude the human next time, is familiar with my person inevitably, otherwise is impossible to know that I have the research to Incantation technique, but also once obtained some special Incantation technique sensibility!” 他这话看似在针对云梦瑶的不凡,可是云梦瑶却从这里听出来一些门道,“能够下次断定之人,必然是熟悉我之人,不然根本不可能知道我对咒术有研究,还曾得到过一些特殊的咒术感悟的!” You also are really intelligent.” Cloudy spirit say (way). “你还真是聪明啊。”阴灵道。 Said that you acknowledged that your adults and I are familiar!” Said the Meng Yao sinking sound track. “这么说你承认了,你们大人与我熟悉!”云梦瑶沉声道。 Has been startled cloudy spirit, immediately the vision becomes cold, said Meng Yao, you bring upon oneself the blind alley!” 阴灵怔了一下,随即目光变得冷冽起来,“云梦瑶,你这是自找死路!” Xie Aoyu of hidden place hears these dialogs, the heart pan- a shock, behind the queue is the leader's of that group of lunatics with saying Meng Yao familiar? 暗处的谢傲宇闻听这些对话,心头泛起一丝震惊,人龙背后那群疯子的首领与云梦瑶熟悉? Who can be?! 会是谁?! In the Xie Aoyu memory, can say Meng Yao familiar as if only then his father says un- day and cloud not wind, but they are absolutely impossible, this Xie Aoyu can conclude, if they, by them and said that the relations of Meng Yao, want anything „the incantation of blood soul, the direct aperture rope does as one pleases is, said that Meng Yao will not reject. 谢傲宇的记忆中,能够熟悉云梦瑶的似乎只有他的父亲云未天和云未风,但是他们两人绝对不可能的,这点谢傲宇可以断定,如果是他们的话,以他们和云梦瑶的关系,想要什么“血魂之咒”,直接开口索取便是,云梦瑶也不会拒绝。 Then except for them, but also who? 那除了他们,还有谁呢? In the Xie Aoyu mind cannot help but reappeared a name, he has never seen a person, can actually make him until now, even if hundred years later, a person who absolutely will not forget. 谢傲宇的脑海中不由自主的浮现了一个名字,他从未见过的一个人,却能够令他迄今为止,哪怕是百年之后,都绝对不会忘记的一个人。 Cloudy god Ge Mingde! 阴神葛明德 Although said before Meng Yao, throughout through Incantation technique, dresses up the man, but the Ge Mingde ambush in Sky Luo empire that many years, by his wisdom, must say that sees to say Meng Yao status, is not absolutely difficult , can definitely rely on his ability and wisdom, sees to say fierce of Meng Yao . Moreover the key, this cloudy spirit said that said Meng Yao wisdom like sea, this matter is the Xie Aoyu suspicion possibly is the cloudy god Ge Mingde reason. 虽然云梦瑶之前始终都通过咒术,装扮成男人,但是葛明德潜伏在天罗帝国那么多年,凭借他的智慧,要说看出云梦瑶的身份,绝对不难,也完全可以凭借他的那份才智,看出云梦瑶的厉害,而且关键一点,这阴灵说云梦瑶智慧如海,此事才是谢傲宇怀疑可能是阴神葛明德的原因。 Because is now, knows that said Meng Yao is he not in Holy City, governs all, that only then joins in the Holy City these biggest influence most core several people, for example Xing Family Xing Luo, Wang Family Zi Yan, is these two so-called elders totally does not know that only knows said Meng Yao is not simple, such as the sea does not build side with the wisdom. 因为就算是现在,知道云梦瑶才是他不在圣城,掌管一切的,那都只有加入圣城那些最大势力中最核心的几个人,比如星家星罗,汪家紫嫣,余者就算是这两家的所谓长老们也一概不知,只知道云梦瑶不简单,和智慧如海根本不搭边的。 But the issue is if cloudy god Ge Mingde, this as if not suit, cloudy god Ge Mingde was not died, moreover was the process confirms in every way, Ge Mingde indeed died. 可问题是如果是阴神葛明德的话,这似乎也不对劲儿,阴神葛明德不是已经死了吗,而且是经过多方验证,葛明德的确是死了。 Xie Aoyu felt that has entered the impasse. 谢傲宇感觉走入了死胡同。 Your family Sir is not cloudy god Ge Mingde!” Does not know whether the heart has the cleverness, said that Meng Yao also the queue back person recognized unexpectedly is cloudy god Ge Mingde, obviously in her idea, thought that only has cloudy god Ge Mingde to be most likely, do not deny that do not forget you are cloudy spirit.” “你家大人不会是阴神葛明德吧!”不知是否心有灵犀,云梦瑶竟然也将人龙背后的人认定是阴神葛明德,显然在她的想法中,也是觉得唯有阴神葛明德最有可能,“你不要否认,别忘了你是阴灵。” Xie Aoyu pats the forehead, the secret passage: How I have not thought that cloudy spirit! 谢傲宇一拍额头,暗道:我怎么没想到,阴灵! The cloudy spirit formation, after that is needs the human dead , can refine, that cloudy god Ge Mingde was not being killed, if were restrained the soul to transform creates shade spirit general existence, this has the possibility, so, was the cloudy god Ge Mingde possible surname to be big, so, this cloudy god Ge Mingde perhaps was in the middle of the mystical insane subgroup real power character, but absolutely was not secretly the Boss. 阴灵的成型,那就是需要人死之后才能提炼而成的,那阴神葛明德不正是被人杀死了吗,若是被人收敛灵魂而蜕变成阴灵一般的存在,这完全是有可能的,如此的话,那么是阴神葛明德的可能姓就大了,如此的话,这阴神葛明德或许是神秘疯子群当中的实权人物,但绝对不是幕后的老大。 Hey, said Meng Yao, you courted death!” The laughter that cloudy exudes spirit is having the ice-cold chill in the air, no wonder my family Boss said with you meet the speech time, even if says a character, must consider over and over, otherwise you can definitely read out some important information, it seems like my family Boss has not underestimated you.” “嘿嘿,云梦瑶,你这是找死!”那阴灵发出的笑声带着冰冷的寒意,“难怪我家老大说与你见面说话的时候,哪怕是说一个字,也要考虑再三,不然你肯定能够从中读出一些重要的信息,看来我家老大真的没有低估你。” Really is cloudy god Ge Mingde, after he died, by your people through before the Flood soul Incantation technique collection soul, was manufactured the cloudy spirit.” The Meng Yao item shoots Qi Guang, I my entire life biggest desire, then with Ge Mingde, in planning the aspect teaches high, he has not died well, I can also complete my this wish.” “果然是阴神葛明德,他死后被你们的人通过上古时代灵魂咒术收集灵魂,制作成了阴灵。”云梦瑶目射奇光,“我一生最大的愿望,便是与葛明德在谋算方面一教高下,他没死最好,我也可以完成我这个心愿。” Cloudy spirit cold -ly snorted and said: That premise is you have not died, does not hand over ‚the incantation of blood soul, you must die now!” 阴灵冷哼道:“那前提是你还没死,不交出‘血魂之咒’,你现在就得死!” Said that Meng Yao smiles, said: Cannot obtain ‚the incantation of blood soul, you are impossible to kill my, although you walked from Angel Holy Island, but I can conclude that can go out of your queues, made your people, is unable to walk absolutely, they must ‚the incantation of blood soul be able remove restraint.” 梦瑶抿嘴一笑,道:“得不到‘血魂之咒’,你们不可能杀我的,你们虽然从天使圣岛内走出来了,但是我敢断定,能够走出你们这些人龙,制造你们的人,绝对无法走出来,他们必须‘血魂之咒’才能够解除身上的约束。” Wrong! You said Meng Yao also has mistake time, we had found the solution, the price of just paying slightly big a point.” Sneers to say cloudy spirit. “错!你云梦瑶也有出错的时候啊,我们已经找到了解决办法,只不过付出的代价稍微大了一点罢了。”阴灵冷笑道。 Said that Meng Yao gives a calm smile, is depends upon three accurate Battle Emperor strengths to come remove?” 梦瑶淡然一笑,“是不是依靠三名准战皇的力量来解除?” On the matter about Angel Holy Island, Xie Aoyu already to saying Meng Yao has said that also has not retained about the queue behind the matter of that group of lunatics, said that Meng Yao naturally knows. 关于天使圣岛上的事情,谢傲宇早就向云梦瑶说过了,也没有保留关于人龙背后那群疯子的事情,云梦瑶自然是知道的。 You, how you know.” Cloudy spirit surprised say (way). “你,你怎么知道的。”阴灵吃惊的道。 I also know, if depends upon the strength forcefully remove restraints of three accurate Battle Emperor, not only will lose is fearful, what is main, once fights with the human, by once more possibility of stimulation, thus was restrained once again.” Said that Meng Yao sneers saying that that restraint said of pleasant to hear, called the seal, said was not of pleasant to hear, that was Wan Xue curses, lets your spirit meat Ju Mie, continually became cloudy spirit possibly no to poisonous curse!” “我还知道,如果依靠三名准战皇的力量强行解除约束的话,不但会损耗非常可怕,更主要的是,一旦与人交手,还有被再次激发的可能,从而再度被约束起来。”云梦瑶冷笑道,“那约束说的好听点,叫封印,说的不好听,那就是万血诅咒,让你们灵肉俱灭,连成为阴灵的可能都没有的至毒诅咒!” Cloudy spirit startled called out: You, how you possibly know.” 阴灵惊叫道:“你,你怎么可能知道的。” Said the Meng Yao light say (way): Because I am an enchanter!” 梦瑶淡淡的道:“因为我已经是咒师了!” She spoke, surroundings that water blue halo surged suddenly, shortly will change to three fire hoses to dance in the air up and down, sent out Long to recite, enchanter stick in attracting strength crazy guiding between world in the past. 她说话间,周围那水蓝色的光晕骤然涌动起来,顷刻间化作三条水龙上下飞舞着,发出声声的龙吟,那咒师杖更是在吸引天地间的力量疯狂的导引过去。 „The Incantation technique fire hose eats delicacies!” Calls out in alarm cloudy spirit said. 咒术水龙啸!”阴灵惊呼道。 In other queue eyes flashes before cloudy spirit also exuded one to call out in alarm, caused queue that they were at also fierce rocked. 其他的人龙眼睛内闪现的阴灵也都发出了一声惊呼,引得他们所在的人龙也剧烈的晃动起来。 Fire hose eats delicacies, Incantation technique that in the past person king created, the rank was not high, was actually one Incantation technique that the person king was in sole possession, never to divulge to an outsider.” Said that Meng Yao said slowly. “水龙啸,当年人王创造的咒术,级别不高,却是人王独有的一种咒术,从未外传过的。”云梦瑶缓缓地说道。 All cloudy spirit complexions changed. 所有的阴灵脸色都变了。 After they are dies , the soul are created shade the spirit through the special method transformation, does not know that what is fears, but hears saying that Meng Yao grasped Incantation technique of person of king, they feared. 他们本是死后灵魂被通过特殊的手段蜕变成阴灵的,根本不知道什么叫惧怕,但是听到云梦瑶掌握了人王的咒术,他们真的惧怕了。 In the middle of Incantation technique of person king, but there is makes cloudy not seek livehood to seek unable spirit a method, that may compared with dying more uncomfortable 100 times of 1000 times. 人王的咒术当中,可是有让阴灵求生不得求死不能的手段,那可比死亡更难受100倍1000倍。 Feng Lingzhou has, heard?” Said that Meng Yao said with a smile. “封灵咒,听说过吗?”云梦瑶笑道。 Eight queues simultaneously backed up one step. 八个人龙同时倒退了一步。 The Meng Yao connection said: Feng Lingzhou, specifically aims at the cloudy spirit, deep spirit and so on existence, can make you withstand a lot of years of suffering of not dead, can try?” She spoke, an enchanter stick point, that Sandaoshui dragon has not dissipated gently, then moved in the void center point with the enchanter stick gently, delimits a complex Incantation technique design, this was Feng Lingzhou, did anyone of you confirm?” 梦瑶接续说道:“封灵咒,专门针对阴灵,冥灵之类的存在的,可以让你们承受千百年的折磨而不死,要不要试试?”她说话间,咒师杖轻轻一点,那三道水龙并没有消散,然后轻轻的用咒师杖在虚空中点动,划出一个复杂的咒术图案,“这便是封灵咒,你们谁来验证一下?” Eight queues retrocede once again. 八个人龙再度后退。 They were afraid. 他们害怕了。 Said Meng Yao say (way) with a smile: Replied that my issue, I can not use Feng Ling the incantation to you.” Now she got the winning side completely, first, who is Ge Mingde refines to create shade the spirit? Second, who you secretly genuine hierarch is!” 梦瑶笑吟吟的道:“回答我的问题,我可以不对你们使用封灵咒。”现在她完全占据了上风,“第一,葛明德是谁炼制成阴灵的?第二,你们幕后真正的掌权者是谁!”
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