BE :: Volume #11

#1008: The language of dragon snake 【One】

The tumultuous times approach, three people feel on the shoulder the heavy burden. 乱世来临,三人都感到肩上重担。 Behind them has too many supporters, must shoulder to belong to their heavy responsibility, rises in this tumultuous times, seeks the pure land. 他们背后可是有着太多的支持者,就要肩负起属于他们的重任,在这乱世中崛起,寻一方净土。 The serious atmosphere changes because of the change of that flame moon/month profound Tianlong egg. 沉重的气氛因那炎月玄天龙蛋的变化而有所改变。 Flame moon/month profound Tianlong egg that originally the roaring flame and wave melt, at this time, represented the roaring flame flame color to abate, was being covered by the water blue wave light all over the body, in its egg also sent out a faint trace the nimble and resourceful aura. 原本烈焰和水波相融的炎月玄天龙蛋,这时候,代表着烈焰的火红色消退了,通体都被水蓝色的波光笼罩着,其蛋内也散发出一丝丝的灵动的气息。 It must be born!” Said the Meng Yao joyful say (way). “它要出世了!”云梦瑶欣喜的道。 Xie Aoyu has also smiled, regarding this mystical flame moon/month profound Tianlong, how he also wants to have a look is an appearance, can with the big dragon that the tyrannosaurus fights. 谢傲宇也笑了,对于这神秘的炎月玄天龙,他也想看看到底是怎么个样子,能够和霸王龙争锋的巨龙。 Water blue light wave seems the demon of beat, is fluctuating gently. 水蓝色的光波好似跳动的精灵,轻轻的波动着。 That egg shell surface reappeared once again flame moon/month profound Tianlong that fuzzily form, but its both eyes of present shut tightly, as if fell into the deep sleep, the body in its egg shell had some changes. 那蛋壳表面再度浮现了炎月玄天龙那模糊地身影,只是现在的它双目紧闭,似乎陷入了沉睡中,其蛋壳内的躯体则在发生了一些变化。 That lake water condenses the dragon snake design that becomes also becomes more and more bright, is getting more and more clear, particularly Long She both eyes are glittering the light is coldly getting more and more abundant. 那湖水凝聚而成的龙蛇图案也变得越来越明亮,越来越清晰,尤其是龙蛇双目闪烁着的光寒越来越盛。 Roar!” “吼!” A low and deep Long recited the lake that froze from that underground to transmit, listened is very remote, was still passing one share inviolable dignity. 一声低沉的龙吟从那冰冻起来的湖泊地下传来,听来是很遥远,仍旧透着一股子的不容侵犯的威严。 Ka!” “咔!” Long Dan also sends out a resounding, splits a slit. 龙蛋也发出一声脆响,裂开一条缝隙。 The slit is not big, is a figure of thickness, surrounds is similar to the dragon egg above water blue light wave receives the hauling to be ordinary, all follows that slit inflow. 缝隙不大,也就是一指粗细,环绕在龙蛋上面的水蓝色的光波则如同受到牵引一般,全部顺着那缝隙流入其中。 When faints to the hydron blue colored light all enters, the dragon snake both eyes in dragon snake design also slowly closed. 待到水蓝色光晕全部入内,龙蛇图案内的龙蛇双目也缓缓地闭上了。 Short tranquility. 短暂的平静。 Bang!” “轰!” An explosive transmits from the dragon egg. 一声爆响从龙蛋内传来。 The egg shell slit expands suddenly, one group of blazing flame, wipe the water blue current of water to send out from that slit, a dragonet has also found out the head from inside. 蛋壳缝隙骤然扩大,一团炽烈的火焰,一抹水蓝色的水流从那缝隙内散发出来,一条小龙也从里面探出了头。 Silver dragon head, the silver dragon angle, the silver body, the silver tail, the silver four limbs, all over the body present the silver-white color, is similar to a adorable dragonet that money builds becomes, is only that eye is different, a twinkle fire red flame, is only glittering the water blue wave light, this is the real carriage in flame moon/month profound Tianlong. 银色的龙首,银色的龙角,银色的躯体,银色的尾巴,银色的四肢,通体呈现银白色,就如同银子打造而成的一条可爱小龙,只是那双眼睛却不同,一只闪烁着火红色的焰光,一只闪烁着水蓝色的波光,这就是炎月玄天龙的真实体态。 It comes out from the egg shell, yawn then gobbles up that giant egg shell. 它从蛋壳内出来,张口便将那巨大的蛋壳吞吃起来。 When enters the abdomen to the egg shell, its build also rapid enlargement, is height about one meter, shortly will expand to the best pupil has five meters, a length of body 89 meters situation, the silver is all over the body bright. 待到蛋壳入腹,它的体型也迅速的放大,原本也就是高一米左右,顷刻间壮大到高足有五米,体长89米的地步,通体银光闪闪。 Roar!” “吼!” Flame moon/month profound Tianlong cried loud and long to the day. 炎月玄天龙对天长啸。 Whole body silver ray Sheng, gland said greatly moon/month does not have the light, in both eyes the flame water glow flashes, the rapid spread whole body, his eye also restores the black color, his body is the roaring flame soars, the wave ripples. 全身银色光芒大盛,压盖曰月无光,双目中火光水芒闪动,迅速的蔓延全身,其眼睛也恢复黑黑的颜色,其身上则是烈焰飞腾,水波荡漾。 Battle King peak level!” Xie Aoyu shouted lowly. 战王巅峰级!”谢傲宇低呼道。 Just was born, before the person king's bloodline seal had not been destroyed, has reached the Battle King peak level, thought that Water Crystal Saint Dragon, was the Saint dragon, actually needs to obtain a time fortuitous encounter, strided in the Battle King peak level, thus it can be seen, after this dragon, strength of flame moon/month profound Tianlong how intrepid. 刚出世,还是在人王之血脉封印未曾遭到破坏之前,就达到了战王巅峰级,想那水晶圣龙,乃是圣龙,却是需要得到一次奇遇,才跨入战王巅峰级的,由此可见,这龙后炎月玄天龙的实力多么的强悍。 My strength by seal!” Who knows flame moon/month profound Tianlong is angry exclaiming. “我的力量被封印了!”谁知炎月玄天龙则是愤怒的吼道。 Xie Aoyu speechless, was also achieved this boundary by seal, that is different from the tyrannosaurus, the tyrannosaurus also by the seal, the strength temporarily is only the Battle King peak level, has not obtained the dragon emperor's body completely, was captured by other Saint dragons, danger of substitution. 谢傲宇一阵无语,被封印还达到这个境界,那不是和霸王龙一样,霸王龙也是被封印的,力量暂时只是战王巅峰级,也未曾完全获得龙皇之身,还有被其他圣龙夺取,取代的危险。 Falls said that the god does do?” Xie Aoyu said. “落曰神教干的?”谢傲宇道。 Ma Li Ya!” The flame moon/month profound Tianlong anger sound track, she supposed a covert seal in my within the body, now I achieve 70% strengths.” 玛丽娅!”炎月玄天龙怒声道,“她在我的体内设下了一道隐蔽的封印,现在我只是达到七成的力量。” 70%, then normally, flame moon/month profound Tianlong was the accurate Battle Emperor lower position boundary. 七成,那么正常情况下,炎月玄天龙就是准战皇下位的境界了。 Xie Aoyu said: „Can Meng Yao the remove seal?” 谢傲宇道:“梦瑶能不能解除封印?” I have ‚the incantation of blood soul to solve almost all seals, was I just the achievement enchanter, has not achieved remove Ma Li Ya to suppose the strength of seal by far.” The Meng Yao forced smile said. “我有‘血魂之咒’能解几乎所有的封印,可是我才刚刚成就咒师,远远还没达到解除玛丽娅设下封印的实力。”云梦瑶苦笑道。 Has the means to be good, your intelligence and ability, grows quickly, I think that the saying child of flame moon/month profound Tianlong remove seal will not be remote.” Xie Aoyu said with a smile. “有办法就好,你的聪明才智,成长起来很快的,我想炎月玄天龙解除封印的曰子也不会太久远的。”谢傲宇笑道。 Flame moon/month profound Tianlong is only the anger groans several. 炎月玄天龙只是怒哼哼几声。 It is also helpless, can only accept this fact, immediately roars lowly, the flame moon/month profound Tianlong then personal appearance reduces, changes, only then 1-2 meters high miniature dragon, seems so is no longer fierce, instead is very attractive. 它也无奈,只能接受这个事实,随即低吼一声,炎月玄天龙便身形缩小,化作只有一两米高的迷你龙,看上去不再那么狰狞,反而很是漂亮。 „Are you doing with Long She? I felt that your Qi Huo and different water as if had any strange change.” Xie Aoyu asked that if not he caught up promptly, consequence really inconceivable. “你方才和龙蛇在干什么?我感觉你的奇火和异水似乎发生了什么奇异的变化。”谢傲宇问道,若非他及时赶来,后果真的不堪设想。 Flame moon/month profound Tianlong said: My wonderful fire strives to excel compared with the different water, I planned that makes the dragon snake help me make the different water complete a transformation, achieves with the situation of wonderful hot equality, why so then can study Long Linnei god source strength and in hell demon the situation of source strength absolutely conflict, but can also gather reason.” 炎月玄天龙道:“我的奇火比异水要强一线,我打算让龙蛇帮我令异水完成一次蜕变,达到和奇火平等的地步,如此便能够研究出了龙鳞内为什么神界本源力量和地狱魔界的本源力量绝对冲突的情况下,还能聚集在一起的原因了。” „? Succeeded?” Xie Aoyu said. “哦?成功了?”谢傲宇道。 No, normally, after the different water transforms, can achieve with the wonderful fire balanced situation, but my different water actually still inferior Qi Huo.” Flame moon/month profound Tianlong said that is doomed unable to achieve the state of equilibrium.” “没有,正常情况下,异水蜕变之后,可以达到和奇火平衡的地步,可我的异水却仍旧逊色奇火一线。”炎月玄天龙说道,“注定无法达到平衡状态的。” It is not able to achieve the true consistency including the water and fire, two clearly opposite strengths that scale embodiment has can actually achieve the astonishing consistency, made them feel novel. 连水火都无法达到真正的一致,那鳞片内蕴含着的两种截然相反的力量却可以达到惊人的一致,更令他们感到新奇。 Dragon snake? Also fell into the deep sleep?” Xie Aoyu said. “龙蛇呢?又陷入沉睡了?”谢傲宇道。 No, it in you.” Flame moon/month profound Tianlong said. “没有,它在等你。”炎月玄天龙道。 Xie Aoyu is pointing at own nose, said: I?” 谢傲宇指着自己的鼻子,道:“等我?” Flame moon/month profound Tianlong said: Right, in you, you sees it, Meng Yao and rhyme also needs to practice here for several days, consolidates their present achievements.” 炎月玄天龙道:“对,就是在等你,你下去见它吧,梦瑶和韵儿还需要在这里修炼几天,稳固她们现在的成就。” Urged two female one, Xie Aoyu then arrived on the lake that froze. 叮嘱了两女一声,谢傲宇便来到了那冰冻起来的湖泊上面。 Ka ka “咔咔咔” Resembles knows that his arrival, the level of the lake that freezes presented a fissure, can be for a Xie Aoyu person free high and low shuttle. 似是知道他的到来,那冰冻的湖面出现了一道裂痕,能够供谢傲宇一个人自由上下穿梭的。 He then leaps from that fissure. 他便从那裂痕内飞跃下去。 Arrives at this lake bottom. 重新来到这湖底。 At this time, lake bottom already pan- light gentle luminous, no longer is jet black one piece, Long She was still maintaining the original appearance, only then eye dew outside, other spots was also during the seal, seemed carved, looked that was also gentle to the Xie Aoyu vision, previous time did not meet, only needed one, made the Xie Aoyu severe wound retreat. 此时,湖底已经泛起了淡淡的柔和光亮,不再是漆黑一片的,那龙蛇仍旧保持着原来的样子,只有一双眼睛露在外面,其他的部位也都处于封闭当中,仿佛是被雕刻起来的,看向谢傲宇的目光也柔和了许多,不似上次见面,只需一眼,就令谢傲宇重伤退走。 „Does senior look for me?” Xie Aoyu said. “前辈找我?”谢傲宇道。 Regarding these for impact person king's bloodline seal the person who will soon kill the surname life is also good, the beast, Xie Aoyu respects. 对于这些为冲击人王之血脉封印的而即将断送姓命的人也好,兽也罢,谢傲宇都是非常尊敬的。 Um, I need to try to prove something to you, told you while convenient the news about Ma Li Ya.” Long She the voice imitates the old senior citizen. “嗯,我需要向你求证一些事情,顺便告诉你一些关于玛丽娅的消息。”龙蛇的声音仿似苍老的老年人。 Senior please say.” Xie Aoyu said. “前辈请讲。”谢傲宇道。 Long Shedao: Flame moon/month profound Tianlong told me a moment ago, you saw Dragon Hawk, wanted to speak of here, its eye exploded suddenly projects wipes the dazzling electro-optic, your psychic force liquid melted!” 龙蛇道:“炎月玄天龙刚才告诉我,你去见龙鹰了,要”说到这里,它那双眼睛陡然爆射出一抹刺眼的光电,“你的精神力液态化了!” The Xie Aoyu bursting out laughing said: How does senior know?” 谢傲宇哑然道:“前辈如何知晓的?” The psychic force stores up in the consciousness sea, that is the human most mystical is, even if there is unsurpassed pupil technique, is unable to see. 精神力储存在意识海中,那是人身上最神秘的所在,就算是拥有无上瞳术,也是无法看到的。 I have the Demon Beast race talent, about psychic force.” Long She replied. “我有魔兽种族天赋,是关于精神力的。”龙蛇回答道。 Xie Aoyu two one bright. 谢傲宇两眼一亮。 The Demon Beast race talent is special magical powers, is the different ability that has, in Demon Beast has in 1 million mainland sea area fully, can stimulate to fall the race talent, feared that is less than 1/100010000, is rare, Demon Beast that until now, Xie Aoyu sees does not know that many, has the race talent is also the protection Demon Beast dying out demon wolf of day of lonesome mountain has the race talent dead out. 魔兽种族天赋就是一种特殊的神通,也是拥有的异能力,在魔兽足有1000000种的大陆海域中,能够激发出自己跌种族天赋的,怕是不到1,非常罕见的,迄今为止,谢傲宇见到的魔兽也不知有多少了,拥有种族天赋的也就是天寂山的守护魔兽寂灭魔狼有种族天赋寂灭。 This Long She really also has the race talent, is psychic force. 这龙蛇竟然也有种族天赋,还是精神力方面。 That can draw support from its race talent, making the psychic force that I control more? 那是否可以借助它的种族天赋,令我掌控的精神力更多一点呢? At his psychic force intensity, so long as the psychic force are more, that might absolutely is very astonishing , helping him is also enormous. 以他的精神力强度而言,只要精神力多一些,那威力绝对是非常惊人的,对他帮助也是极大。 Psychic force liquid, so fearful quantity, if can stimulate completely, you cut to kill Ma Li Ya are only the slight effort. „ The expression of dragon snake became relaxed, as if there is very big confidence regarding Xie Aoyu psychic force liquid. “精神力液态化,还有如此可怕的量,若是能够完全激发的话,你斩杀玛丽娅只是举手之劳。“龙蛇的语气变得轻松了许多,似乎对于谢傲宇的精神力液态化有着非常大的信心。 Xie Aoyu said: „The quantity that but I can control now were too few, as if has about 1%.” 谢傲宇道:“可我现在能够控制的量太少了,似乎只有1左右。” Long Shedao: I can help you through my race talent as far as possible, but do not expect that can make your grass control too many psychic forces, after all your psychic force degree is my heyday, feared that is unable to resist, therefore I can give you to promote is also limited.” 龙蛇道:“我可以通过我的种族天赋尽量的帮你,但是你也不要奢望会让你艹控太多的精神力,毕竟你的精神力程度就算是我全盛时期,怕也无法抗拒,所以我能给你提升的也是有限的。” Many thanks senior.” Xie Aoyu great happiness. “多谢前辈。”谢傲宇大喜。 He did not expect that the control are too many, is not realistic, can his psychic force, even if very scarce, that absolutely in the existing boundary above large scale advance, will also jump the ranks the challenge murder no longer is the too big difficult problem. 他也不奢望掌控太多,也根本不现实,可以他的精神力而言,就算是很稀少,那也绝对是在现有的境界上面大幅度前进的,越级挑战杀人将不再是太大的难题了。 First how you say let psychic force liquid.” Long Shedao. “你先讲讲如何让精神力液态化的吧。”龙蛇道。 Xie Aoyu has not concealed, will extinguish Tien Chien and old Dragon Hawk existed to relate, said finally: All these are the merit of old Dragon Hawk senior.” 谢傲宇也没隐瞒,就将灭天箭和老龙鹰的存在诉说了一遍,最后说道:“这一切都是老龙鹰前辈的功劳。” Long She was silent the long time of listening. 龙蛇则是听的沉默了很长时间。 Has the old Dragon Hawk senior to help one another, ruins the bloodline to restore to original condition Incantation technique big, should not be the too difficult issue.” Long She the expression was still dignified. “有老龙鹰前辈相助,毁掉血脉归本还原咒术大阵,应该不是太难的问题。”龙蛇的语气仍旧凝重。 Some senior as if worries.” Xie Aoyu said. “前辈似乎还是有些担心。”谢傲宇道。 Long Shechen sound track: Can break the bloodline to restore to original condition Incantation technique big, may not necessarily have the opportunity to destroy, falls said in the city is hiding falling said the god master is perhaps limited, the strength is not very strong, after all falls said that the god is similar to six mahatmas is also same, they each other cursed the seal restraint, only if the person king's bloodline seal were destroyed, possibly was not limited by this, but existence of Ma Li Ya also secret strength, before this strength, did not subordinate in falling says the god, therefore worked as the curse seal of mahatma place to be 6 th invalid to them, will appear when the time comes certainly, and prevented you to destroy the bloodline to restore to original condition Incantation technique Big.” 龙蛇沉声道:“能够打破血脉归本还原咒术大阵,可未必有机会去破坏,落曰城内隐藏着的落曰神教高手或许有限,实力也不是很强,毕竟落曰神教也如同六大圣地一样,他们是彼此诅咒封印约束的,除非人王之血脉封印遭到破坏,才可能不受此限制,可玛丽娅还有一支秘密力量的存在,这支力量之前并不隶属于落曰神教,所以当初六大圣地的诅咒封印对他们无效,到时候一定会出现的,并且阻止你破坏血脉归本还原咒术大阵的。” Xie Aoyu knits the brows: What strength?!” 谢傲宇皱眉道:“什么力量?!”
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