AAMD :: Volume #22

#2136: Murders the blood revering final method of! Unescapable net! Strange blood threads!( Sought subscription)

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The great strength that the blood god clone, went beyond everyone's expectation seriously. 血神分身的强大,当真是超出了所有人的预料。 Bright universe Martial Artist, is Dark Species that lucky is remaining, is the heart startled, is moved. 不论是光明宇宙武者,还是侥幸残余下来的黑暗种,都是心惊不已,为之动容。 This thinks that after two Demon Venerable level Dark Species were struck kills, the bright universe victory is in sight, only need solve that to murder blood Demon Venerable again, then wins total victories. 本以为两头魔尊黑暗种被击杀之后,光明宇宙已是胜利在望,只需再解决了那弑血魔尊,即可大获全胜。 But who can think, this blood group Dark Species talent, only mid-rank demon sovereign level peak exists, stood in this time unexpectedly. 可谁能想到,这血族黑暗种天才,区区一个中位魔皇级巅峰存在,竟在此时站了出来。 He not only blocked their bright universe Heaven's Chosen Wang Teng, blocked two immortal levels to exist. 他不但挡住了他们光明宇宙的天骄王腾,更是挡住了两位不朽级存在。 This is odd his mother opens the door simply oddly- as odd as family/home! 这简直是离谱他妈给离谱开门-离谱到家了! Does well!” “干得不错!” Murdering blood Demon Venerable of distant place looked, eye slightly one bright. 远处的弑血魔尊望了过来,眼睛微微一亮。 This blood has not really made it disappointed certainly. 这个血绝果然没有令它失望。 Although the blood of these sources were given to absorb by the blood certainly, but the good and evil does not absorb in vain, at least plays the good role. 尽管那些本源之血都被血绝给吸收了,但好歹不是白白吸收,起码起到了不俗的作用。 Can block that bright universe Heaven's Chosen by a person of strength, exists with two immortal levels, the blood has done certainly very well. 能够凭借一人之力挡住那光明宇宙天骄,和两位不朽级存在,血绝已经做得很好。 Is blood group blood!” “是血族血子!” He blocked the bright universe two immortal levels to exist unexpectedly.” “他竟然挡住了光明宇宙的两个不朽级存在。” Was too strong!” “太强了!” Roar, we also rescue, so long as blocks that two immortal level, other bright universe Martial Artist nothing to be afraid.” “吼,我们还救,只要挡住那两个不朽级,其他光明宇宙武者不足为惧。” ...... …… Exciting roars spread from all around remaining Dark Species mouth, they look to that stand erect the huge blood god in void to project, at this time in the eye was full of frantic and respect. 一道道兴奋的吼声从四周残余的黑暗种口中传出,它们望向那屹立于虚空中的庞大血神投影,此时眼中可谓是充满了狂热与敬意。 Was struck after before kills, by the blood god clone to absorb Dark Species of blood of source, what matters closes their? 至于之前被击杀之后,又被血神分身吸取了本源之血的黑暗种,关它们什么事? Dark World, always only looks at the strength, only looks at the result, does not look at the process. 黑暗世界,从来只看实力,只看结果,不看过程。 Especially Dark Species above blood god altar, they receive the asylum that the blood god clone from the beginning, to its is naturally more grateful. 尤其是血神祭坛之上的黑暗种,它们从一开始就受到了血神分身的庇护,对其自然更加感激。 Moreover these Dark Species mostly are blood group Dark Species, now their blood shows the strong incomparable strength, in their hearts is excited and frantic. 而且这些黑暗种大多是血族黑暗种,如今它们的血子展现出强大无匹的实力,它们心中更是又激动又狂热。 The star meteor revering vision falls above the blood god projects, the eyeground flashes through ice-cold. 星陨尊者目光落在血神投影之上,眼底闪过一丝冰冷。 Their bright universe has Wang Teng such Heaven's Chosen, has not thought that Dark World also has that blood group blood like this peerless talent. 他们光明宇宙有着王腾这样的天骄,不曾想黑暗世界也有着那血族血子这样的绝世天才。 Really cannot underestimate the Dark World background. 真是不能小看了黑暗世界的底蕴。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The iron wing marquis, ram Yu speeds away to come, to re-enter this stretch of battlefield from the distant place void, their complexion some are not good. 铁翼侯,公羊裕从远处虚空疾驰而来,重回这片战场,他们的面色都有些不好。 Originally not the opponent who this blood group blood treats as the same level, thinks that by their strengths, can easily strike to kill the opposite party. 本来并未将这血族血子当做同等层次的对手,以为凭借他们的力量,可以轻易击杀对方。 Finally the opposite party actually hit their faces ruthlessly. 结果对方却狠狠的打了他们的脸。 Two people, were also repelled with joint forces unexpectedly, exists regarding their immortal level like this, simply is the greatest shame. 两人合力之下,竟然还被击退,对于他们这样的不朽级存在来说,简直就是莫大的耻辱。 Kills!” “杀!” Two people look at each other one, does not have any idle talk, in the mouth courageous however sends out sonic boom to drink, the power and influence of immortal level looks disdainfully in the middle of void vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, projects to kill toward the blood god. 两人对视一眼,没有任何废话,口中勐然发出一声爆喝,不朽级的威势在虚空当中纵横睥睨,朝着血神投影杀去。 Bang! 轰! The blood light soars to the heavens, the blood god projects to erupt the powerful aura, moving forward to meet somebody of does not show weakness. 血光冲天,血神投影爆发出强大的气息,毫不示弱的迎了上去。 both sides erupt the war in void, the hit world changes colors, the void turbulent flow is turbulent. 双方在虚空中爆发大战,打的天地失色,虚空乱流动荡。 Every one strikes the collision, lets all around bright universe Martial Artist and in the Dark Species heart vibrates, serious, retreats toward the distant place in abundance, for fear that brings disaster to the mackerel shad. 每一击碰撞,都让四周的光明宇宙武者黑暗种心中震动,面色凝重至极,纷纷朝着远处退去,生怕殃及池鱼。 That power and influence is extremely terrifying, common Martial Artist and Dark Species cannot resist. 那种威势太过恐怖,寻常的武者黑暗种根本抵挡不住。 Even if the complementary waves, let the Territory Lord Level following Martial Artist severe wound together sufficiently, only has World Lord Level this level power of exponent to resist. 哪怕只是一道余波,都足以让域主级以下的武者重伤,唯有界主级这个层次方能抵挡。 It seems like did not need me to act again.” “看来不需要我再出手了。” The Wang Teng vision moves, suddenly turns the head to look at star meteor revering to distant place with the battlefield that murdering blood Demon Venerable is , the complexion immediately changes. 王腾目光一动,突然转头望向远处的星陨尊者与弑血魔尊所在的战场,面色顿时微变。 Bang! 轰! After murdering blood Demon Venerable Demon Transformation, the strength rises sharply, unexpectedly star meteor revering suppression. 弑血魔尊魔变之后,实力大涨,竟然将星陨尊者压制。 Even under murdering the crazy attack of blood Demon Venerable, above the body of star meteor revering also presented fierce scars. 甚至在弑血魔尊的疯狂攻击之下,星陨尊者的身躯之上还出现了一道道狰狞的伤痕。 His body surface attaches the armor, at this moment actually the disruption opens. 他体表附着铠甲,此刻却碎裂而开。 The mechanical body under armor damaged, revealed under the skin physical construction. 铠甲之下的机械身躯破损,露出了皮肤下方的机械构造。 Does not have the blood to flow out, only has the tiny electric light and flame flashes in that mechanical wound. 没有血液流出,唯有细小的电光与火光在那机械伤口中闪动。 However that wound actually presents a strange dark red color, as if by strength of invasion blood and darkness. 不过那伤口却是呈现一种诡异的暗红之色,似乎被血液与黑暗之力侵染。 Continually mechanical body by bloody strength and darkness strength of invasion, obviously the fearfulness of these two strengths. 连机械身躯都会被血腥之力与黑暗之力侵染,可见这两种力量的可怕。 If carefully observes, will discover that also the tiny capillaries are permeating the star meteor revering mechanical body deep place. 而如果仔细观察,就会发现还有一道道细小至极的血丝正渗入星陨尊者的机械身躯深处。 Like tiny dark-red small snakes. 如同一条条细小至极的暗红色小蛇。 Star meteor revering compared with anyone must understand that own situation, the vision concentrates immediately, in the heart raised for the first time a dignified meaning. 星陨尊者比谁都要了解自身的情况,当即目光微凝,心中首次升起了一丝凝重之意。 He mobilizes his strength immediately, wants to strip that dark-red filament snakes. 他立刻调动自身的力量,想要将那一条条暗红色的细丝蛇剥离出来。 Actually discovered that they just like attach the deep-rooted ulcer of bone, hard to deal with. 却发现它们犹如附骨之疽,难缠至极。 However is the time of such short a while, has adhered to stick cohere above each small structure of his mechanical body. 不过是这么短短一会儿的时间,就已经附着在了他这幅机械身躯的每一个微小构造之上。 This strength......” “这种力量……” The star meteor revering heart sinks, does not dare to hesitate, immediately controls own mechanical body, is eliminated by the region that the dark-red filament attaches these directly. 星陨尊者心头一沉,不敢再犹豫,当即控制自己的机械身躯,将那些被暗红色细丝附着的区域直接清除。 Small mechanical bodies were separated, under his big hand wields, toward murdering the blood Demon Venerable lasing goes. 一个个微小至极的机械体被分离了出来,在其大手一挥之下,朝着弑血魔尊激射而去。 Murders the blood Demon Venerable brow slightly wrinkle, the body surface presents dark-red Source Power. 弑血魔尊眉头微皱,体表出现暗红色的原力 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… These small mechanical bodies immediately around murdering blood Demon Venerable explode to open, just like bomblets, the might is good. 那些微小的机械体顿时在弑血魔尊四周爆炸而开,犹如一个个小型炸弹,威力不俗。 However to murdering blood Demon Venerable, the threat is very small. 不过对弑血魔尊来说,威胁却很小。 The only function, probably is the disgusting person. 唯一的作用,大概就是恶心人。 Another side, under these milli machine body separations, the body of star meteor revering also presents many breakage regions immediately. 另一边,在这些微小机械体分离之下,星陨尊者的身躯也立刻出现了不少的破损区域。 However the next quarter, the unexpected situation appears. 不过下一刻,令人意外的情况出现。 The body of star meteor revering is restoring unexpectedly, the mimicry metal of its surface is wriggling, is ordinary like the flesh, instantaneous healing such as beginning. 星陨尊者的身躯竟然在恢复,其表面的拟态金属在蠕动,就像血肉一般,瞬间愈合如初。 Explodes the ray to diverge, murders steps of blood Demon Venerable in void to go out, the eye narrows the eyes, is staring at star meteor revering. 爆炸光芒散去,弑血魔尊在虚空中踏步走出,眼睛眯起,盯着星陨尊者。 Immortal level revering of mechanical clan, really a little thing.” Its undulating say/way. “机械族的不朽级尊者,果然有点东西。”它澹澹道。 You did not have the odds of success, the iron weapon fort defense line you could not hit absolutely.” Star meteor revering on the alert opposite party, surface actually throughout tranquil saying. “你们没有胜算了,铁械堡防线你们是绝对打不下来的。”星陨尊者警惕着对方,表面却始终平静的说道。 You seem self-confident.” “你似乎很自信。” Murders in the blood Demon Venerable eye the scarlet ray to flash, suddenly hehe said with a smile: Can compel so the situation the main body, you sufficiently were truly proud.” 弑血魔尊眼中猩红光芒闪动,突然呵呵笑道:“能将本尊逼到如此地步,你们确实足以自傲了。” Pitifully you did not know about the main body how performs the ore weapon unable the accomplishment? How does my dark army lose seriously?” “可惜你们对本尊并不了解,尽矿兵器未能建功又如何?我黑暗大军损失惨重又如何?” So long as there is a main body, your iron weapon fort defense line destroys today surely.” “只要有本尊在,你们铁械堡防线今日必定毁灭。” When speaking of last words, the happy expression in its sound completely disappears, thoroughly becomes ice-cold, is passing a dense chill in the air. 说到最后一句话语时,它声音中的笑意完全消失,彻底变得冰冷,透着一股森森的寒意。 Even in this chill in the air, but also brings an intensity self-confidently, just like as if it is said, certainly can overcome the iron weapon fort defense line to be the same. 甚至在这寒意之中,还带着一种强烈至极的自信,似乎正如它所言,一定能够打下铁械堡防线一般。 The star meteor revering look concentrates, the vision frames stubbornly is murdering the body of blood Demon Venerable. 星陨尊者眼神微凝,目光死死定格在弑血魔尊的身上。 He naturally cannot simple treats as the extremely arrogant word the words of opposite party. 他自然不会简单的将对方的话语当做狂妄之言。 Regarding a high-rank Demon Venerable level, any words deserve consideration. 对于一个上位魔尊级来说,任何一句话语都值得重视。 He does not know that what energy the opposite party has, can say so the words unexpectedly. 只是他不知道对方到底有着什么样的底气,竟能够说出这般话语。 Is it possible that this murders the powerful method that what blood Demon Venerable also has to hide?” In the star meteor revering heart raises not a good premonition. “莫非这弑血魔尊还有什么隐藏的强大手段?”星陨尊者心中升起一丝不好的预感。 This murders blood Demon Venerable powerful is confirmed in the beforehand fight, even he has to carefully treat, otherwise has possibility in the sewers to capsize extremely. 这弑血魔尊的强大在之前的战斗中已经得到了证实,连他都不得不谨慎对待,否则极有可能阴沟里翻船。 No matter how look, now the bright universe is in the enormous advantage. 不管怎么看,如今光明宇宙都处于极大的优势之中。 Even if that blood group Dark Species talent blocked the ram Yu Hetie wing marquis, their odds of success are still very big. 即便那血族黑暗种天才挡住了公羊裕和铁翼侯,他们的胜算依旧很大。 After all from another perspective, was the ram Yu Hetie wing marquis constrained that blood group Dark Species talent. 毕竟从另一个角度来说,何尝不是公羊裕和铁翼侯拖住了那血族黑暗种天才。 But they have...... Wang Teng. 而他们还有……王腾 Others think that Wang Teng consumes greatly, could not have displayed what strength, can only fight with the aid of the mechanical giant of that bright department. 其他人都以为王腾消耗巨大,已经发挥不出什么力量,只能借助那光明系的机械巨人来战斗。 But that mechanical giant was just also repelled by the blood group Dark Species talent, as if cannot turn what spray. 而那尊机械巨人刚刚也被血族黑暗种天才击退,似乎也翻不起什么浪花。 But only their several people know, Wang Teng is just hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent, waits for the best time to appear, thus gives Dark Species fatally strikes. 但只有他们几人知道,王腾只不过是在藏拙,等待着最佳的时机出现,从而给予黑暗种致命的一击。 The strength of opposite party, can threaten the Demon Venerable level to exist. 对方的力量,可以威胁到魔尊级存在。 Therefore regarding Wang Teng, he is always having an anticipation. 因此对于王腾,他始终抱着一丝期待。 Bang! 轰! In the star meteor revering train of thought rotates, murders blood Demon Venerable to erupt finally thoroughly, the blood red light beam erupts from his within the body together, shoots up to the sky. 就在星陨尊者思绪转动之时,弑血魔尊终于彻底爆发,一道血红色光柱从他体内爆发而出,冲天而起。 What murders blood Demon Venerable to make?” The Wang Teng complexion concentrates. “弑血魔尊要做什么?”王腾面色微凝。 He to murdering blood Demon Venerable the method is not understood, because the blood god clone unable to know to murder the blood Demon Venerable card in a hand. 他对弑血魔尊的手段并不是非常了解,因为就连血神分身都无法知晓弑血魔尊的底牌。 The opposite party not possible to inform the bystander this matter. 对方不可能将这种事告知外人。 In the meantime, has not waited for him to ponder, in that blood red light beam has blood threads to explode to shoot suddenly a continuously, toward radiates to open in all directions. 就在此时,还不等他细想,那血红色光柱之中骤然有着一缕缕血丝爆射而出,朝着四面八方辐射而开。 That blood threads continuously interwove in void, formed an inexhaustible big net, covered the trim void. 那一缕缕的血丝在虚空中交织,形成了一张无穷无尽的大网,将整片虚空笼罩。 All bright universe Martial Artist, and even are Dark Species, under covering of this big net. 所有的光明宇宙武者,乃至是黑暗种,都在这张大网的笼罩之下。 Unescapable net!” “天罗地网!” At this moment, in the Wang Teng mind emits these four characters suddenly. 此时此刻,王腾脑海中骤然间冒出这四个字来。 Only has these four characters to be able the appropriate description present scene. 唯有这四个字能够贴切的形容眼前的景象。 Too big! 太大了! That net that is built by the blood threads too greatly is too big , is almost as far as eyes can reach inexhaustible, making one not look at the end. 那张由血丝构筑的网实在太大太大,一眼望去,几乎是无穷无尽的,让人望不到尽头。 Everyone is the heart sinks, raising the head with amazement looks. 所有人都是心头一沉,骇然的抬头望去。 Although does not know that murders blood Demon Venerable to do, but the so huge momentum, how can tranquil, how can also not to dread. 虽然不知道那弑血魔尊要干什么,但如此巨大的声势,如何能够让人平静,又如何能够让人不忌惮。 At this time, everyone was under the big net that blood threads built, they even could not look at the end. 这个时候,所有人都处于那血丝构筑的大网之下,他们甚至望不到尽头。 This means that they may be unable to flee from the covering region of this big net. 这意味着他们可能无法逃离这张大网的笼罩区域。 The ram Yu Hetie wing marquises stopped the offensive, distant during is situated in is void, looks to the blood threads big net above top of the head, the complexion is gradually dignified. 就连公羊裕和铁翼侯都停下了攻势,远远的立于虚空之中,望向头顶之上的血丝大网,面色逐渐凝重。 The star meteor revering heart jumps, in the heart the ominous premonition is even more intense. 星陨尊者心头一跳,心中不祥的预感越发强烈。 His vision is dignified, has not hesitated, the long spear/gun in hand punctures loudly, innumerable golden rune/symbol writing gathers, making this spear/gun glow erupt the endless mighty force. 他目光凝重,没有丝毫迟疑,手中的长枪轰然刺出,无数的金色符文聚拢,让这道枪芒爆发出无尽的伟力。 Scoff! 嗤! The blood threads big net was punctured by a spear/gun, reveals a gigantic cavity. 血丝大网被一枪刺破,露出一个硕大的空洞。 Star meteor revering stares slightly. 星陨尊者微微一愣。 Such simple? 这么简单? The big net that blood threads builds was broken open instantaneously, he had not even felt that any resistance exists. 那张血丝构筑的大网瞬间就被破开,他甚至没有感觉到任何的阻力存在。 Keeps person some from believing simply. 简单的让人有些无法相信。 „It is not right!” Wang Teng knits the brows to look, similarly finds it strange, but is quick his look then to move suddenly, is more dignified. “不对!”王腾皱眉看去,同样觉得奇怪,但很快他的眼神便骤然一动,更加的凝重起来。 Scoffs ~ “嗤~” Laughs spreads from that blood red light beam suddenly, murders the blood Demon Venerable sound also to spread: As immortal level revering, you are so unexpectedly naive.” 一声嗤笑突然从那血红色光柱之内传出,弑血魔尊的声音随之传出:“身为不朽级尊者,你居然如此天真。” The star meteor revering complexion sinks, looks to the top of the head void eye, child Kong contracts suddenly. 星陨尊者面色一沉,望向头顶虚空的眼睛之中,童孔骤然收缩。 At this time, as his golden spear/gun glow dissipates to go, the big net that blood threads builds a speed that made one stare dumbfounded closes up by unexpectedly, changed to a complete big net, as if never presented the breakage. 此时,随着他的金色枪芒消散而去,那血丝构筑的大网竟以一种令人瞠目结舌的速度合拢,重新化作一张完整的大网,似乎从未出现破损。 What can it make?” Star meteor revering takes back the vision, closely is staring at front murdering blood Demon Venerable. “它到底要做什么?”星陨尊者收回目光,紧紧盯着面前的弑血魔尊 This blood threads big net as if no any prestige energy, he then can with ease its tearing, but he does not believe that murders blood Demon Venerable to think of every means to display, but method, so will be simple. 这张血丝大网似乎并不具备任何的威能,他轻轻松松便能够将其撕裂,但他不相信弑血魔尊费尽心思施展而出的手段,会如此简单。 Was similar.” “差不多了。” Murders blood Demon Venerable not to pay attention to star meteor revering again, is looking at the blood threads big net of top of the head, muttered. 弑血魔尊没有再理会星陨尊者,望着头顶的血丝大网,喃喃自语。 Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, sky over the people top of the head blood threads big net outbreak mutation, the endless blood light erupts, then blood light such as the waterfall falls in torrents a continuously generally under. 话音刚落,众人头顶上空的血丝大网突然发生异变,无尽的血光爆发而出,而后一缕缕血光如瀑布一般倾泻而下。 Suddenly, the blood light like the waterfall, the scene shocks! 一时间,血光如瀑,场面震撼至极! Everyone has not even recovered, was covered by that blood light completely. 所有人甚至没有回过神来,便完全被那血光所笼罩。 ! 啊! Pitiful yell sound extremely towering resounding, makes void become makes noise suddenly extremely with noisily, pitiful yell sound that was peaceful continuously. 惨叫声极为突兀的响起,让原本安静下来的虚空突然变得极为喧闹与嘈杂,惨叫声此起彼伏。 This pitiful yell sound from in light universe Martial Artist. 这惨叫声来自于光明宇宙武者 Originally in instance that blood threads drops, then crazy drills toward the body of bright universe Martial Artist. 原来在那血丝落下的瞬间,便疯狂的朝着光明宇宙武者的身体之内钻去。 The nose, the mouth, the ear, and even is the eye, the pore...... 鼻子,嘴巴,耳朵,乃至是眼睛,毛孔…… These places all became these capillaries to drill into the gateway of bright universe Martial Artist within the body. 这些地方皆是成了那些血丝钻入光明宇宙武者体内的门户。 That blood threads continuously is too thin, is too strange, seems like does not have any striking power, but can actually drill into people within the body with ease. 那一缕缕的血丝实在太细,也太诡异,看似没有什么攻击力,但却能够轻松钻入众人体内。 But this is extremely fatal. 而这是极为致命的。 Because that blood threads drills into people within the body continuously is only a start, true method also in behind. 因为那一缕缕血丝钻入众人体内只是一个开始罢了,真正的手段还在后面。 These were drilled into bright universe Martial Artist in within the body by the blood threads, immediately holds a pitiful yell, even crazy tearing skin flesh, as if has anything to wreak havoc in their within the body. 那些被血丝钻入体内的光明宇宙武者,顿时抱头惨叫,甚至疯狂的撕扯身上的皮肤血肉,似乎有什么东西在他们的体内肆虐。 The Martial Artist strength is very powerful, but is the moment time, changing beyond all recognition that they will grasp, whole body dripping with blood, extremely fearsome. 武者的力量是十分强大的,不过是片刻功夫,他们就将自己抓的面目全非,浑身鲜血淋漓,极为可怖。 At this time, in their eyes also emitted capillaries. 这个时候,他们的眼中也冒出了一条条的血丝。 These capillaries do not seem like they naturally to form, seemed like just drilled into that blood threads of their within the body. 这些血丝不像是他们自身自然形成,反倒像是刚刚钻入他们体内的那种血丝。 Because of these capillaries, strange swaying from side to side, just like living creature. 因为这些血丝,正在诡异的扭动,宛如活物。 Some capillaries even protrude beside the eyeball, just like small snakes to swing a head, seems seeking for a rightful position. 有一些血丝甚至凸出在眼球之外,犹如一条条小蛇般摆动了一下头部,似乎正在寻找一个合适的位置。 Then...... tittered! 然后……噗嗤! Threw into the eyeball. 一头扎进了眼球之中。 These, let all around bright universe Martial Artist is absolutely terrified, the heart does not have one of the reason to be scared. 这一幕幕,让四周的光明宇宙武者皆是毛骨悚然,心底没来由的一阵发毛。 They think without enough time, immediately the crazy eruption their Source Power, forms the defense, resists that to fall in torrents, but below blood threads. 他们来不及多想,立刻疯狂的爆发出自身的原力,形成防御,抵挡那倾泻而下的血丝。 Some powerful Martial Artist, can resist this blood threads reluctantly, temporarily will not be drilled into within the body. 一些实力强大的武者,勉强可以抵挡这种血丝,暂时不会被钻入体内。
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