AAMD :: Volume #22

#2137: Blood Luo Chansi body! Demon god level Fighting technique! The immortal strength fourth-order!( Sought subscription)

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What ghost thing is this??!” “这是什么鬼东西??!” The bright universe Martial Artist startled anger happened simultaneously, various methods, resistance blood threads at the same time, crazy wants to drive out that to drill into the blood threads in within the body. 光明宇宙武者们惊怒交加,各施手段,抵御外界血丝的同时,更是疯狂的想要驱除那已经钻入体内的血丝。 Just these bright universe Martial Artist pitiful conditions, appalling, no one wants to suffer such pain. 刚刚那些光明宇宙武者的惨状,让人毛骨悚然,谁也不想遭受那样的痛苦。 Luckily, some stronger Martial Artist, can resist the invasion of blood threads reluctantly. 幸好,一些实力较强的武者,勉强还能够抵挡血丝的入侵。 The striking power of these capillaries are actually not strong, but wins in many, wins in tenaciously, this piece by the region that the blood threads big net covers, the blood threads is almost everywhere, such as the locust is common. 那些血丝的攻击力倒是不强,但胜在多,胜在顽强,这片被血丝大网笼罩的区域,血丝几乎无处不在,如蝗虫一般。 Must escape from this void, will otherwise be drilled into within the body by that blood threads finally. 必须逃出这片虚空,否则最终都会被那血丝钻入体内。 Because the people discovered, these capillaries can drill into the Source Power defense. 因为众人发现,这些血丝连原力防御都可以钻入。 Although they resist vigorously, but these capillaries as before are tenacious infiltrations, wants to drill into their within the body. 虽然他们极力抵挡,但那些血丝依旧是顽强至极的钻进来,想要钻入他们的体内。 At this time let alone is these ordinary Martial Artist, is the ram Yu Hetie wing marquis two immortal levels exists, is felt that the heart somewhat tingles with numbness. 此时别说是那些普通武者,就是公羊裕和铁翼侯两位不朽级存在,都是感觉心底有些发麻。 Too strange! 太诡异了! That murders the blood Demon Venerable method unexpectedly so strangely, how does this make them resist? 那弑血魔尊的手段竟然如此的诡异,这让他们如何抵挡? Wang Teng looked to murdering blood Demon Venerable of distant place, the pupil contracts suddenly, in the heart was flabbergasted. 王腾望向远处的弑血魔尊,瞳孔骤然收缩了一下,心中咋舌不已。 This murders blood Demon Venerable really also to have such method. 这个弑血魔尊竟然还有这样的手段。 Worthily is the high-rank Demon Venerable level. 不愧是上位魔尊级啊。 It seems like a little troublesome.” The blood god divides in the body and mind to mutter. “看来是有点麻烦了。”血神分身心中喃喃自语。 He has guessed correctly to murder the blood Demon Venerable goal, that blood threads should be able to absorb bright universe Martial Artist...... the blood of source!!! 他已经猜出弑血魔尊的目的,那血丝应该可以吸收光明宇宙武者的……本源之血!!! These were drilled into bright universe Martial Artist in within the body by a lot of capillaries, most likely (80%) have not been saved. 那些被大量血丝钻入体内的光明宇宙武者,八成是没得救了。 Has not thought, the blood of source after he and main body designs to absorb these Dark Species died, leaves behind, murders blood Demon Venerable also to absorb the blood of massive source in this way. 万万没想到,他和本尊设计吸收了那些黑暗种死亡之后留下的本源之血,弑血魔尊还能够通过这种方式汲取大量的本源之血。 In the end, was actually bright universe Martial Artist withstood all these. 到头来,却是光明宇宙武者承受了这一切。 Thinks that does not know gained or owes? 想想也不知是赚了还是亏了? Wang Teng has not thought so many actually, because he is very clear, even if they do not absorb these Dark Species the blood of source, will murder blood Demon Venerable to compel finally, it will still focus in bright universe Martial Artist. 王腾倒是并没有想那么多,因为他很清楚,就算他们不吸收那些黑暗种的本源之血,将弑血魔尊逼到最后,它也会将目光放在光明宇宙武者身上。 This method should not display casually, otherwise it uses this grade of method from the beginning, bright universe Martial Artist cannot resist. 只是这种手段应该不是随便施展的,否则它一开始就施展这等手段,光明宇宙武者根本抵挡不住。 At this time Wang Teng has not thought, will immediately read the strength to sweep across energetic, collects to murder the attribute air bubble of blood Demon Venerable whole body. 此时王腾没有多想,立刻将精神念力席卷而出,拾取弑血魔尊周身的属性气泡。 He discovered that displays the big net that this blood threads builds to start from the opposite party, the attribute air bubble of whole body changed. 他发现从对方施展这血丝构筑的大网开始,周身的属性气泡就变多了许多。 Soul source * 2500】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 3500】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 3200】 【灵魂本源】 ...... …… Life source * 3600】 【生命本源】 Life source * 3000】 【生命本源】 Life source * 3500】 【生命本源】 ...... …… Blood Luo Chansi body( seven steps) * 8500】 【血罗缠丝体(七阶)】 Blood Luo Chansi body( seven steps) * 9000】 【血罗缠丝体(七阶)】 Blood Luo Chansi body( seven steps) * 7500】 【血罗缠丝体(七阶)】 ...... …… Blood Luo sky net * 3500】 【血罗天网】 Blood Luo sky net * 4200】 【血罗天网】 Blood Luo sky net * 5500】 【血罗天网】 ...... …… 【The dark domain( melts boundary nine steps) * 200】 【黑暗领域(融境九阶)】 【The dark domain( melts boundary nine steps) * 80】 【黑暗领域(融境九阶)】 【The dark domain( melts boundary nine steps) * 120】 【黑暗领域(融境九阶)】 ...... …… 【The bloodshed domain( melts boundary nine steps) * 500】 【血海领域(融境九阶)】 【The bloodshed domain( melts boundary nine steps) * 600】 【血海领域(融境九阶)】 【The bloodshed domain( melts boundary nine steps) * 800】 【血海领域(融境九阶)】 ...... …… 【The source of blood( eight steps) * 5000】 【血之本源(八阶)】 【The source of blood( eight steps) * 4500】 【血之本源(八阶)】 【The source of blood( eight steps) * 5600】 【血之本源(八阶)】 ...... …… Dark source( eight steps) * 6200】 【黑暗本源(八阶)】 Dark source( eight steps) * 5500】 【黑暗本源(八阶)】 Dark source( eight steps) * 6000】 【黑暗本源(八阶)】 ...... …… 【The world of blood( eight steps) * 5300】 【血之世界(八阶)】 【The world of blood( eight steps) * 5000】 【血之世界(八阶)】 【The world of blood( eight steps) * 4800】 【血之世界(八阶)】 ...... …… Immortal material( fourth-order) * 180】 【不朽物质(四阶)】 Immortal material( fourth-order) * 160】 【不朽物质(四阶)】 Immortal material( fourth-order) * 300】 【不朽物质(四阶)】 ...... …… Attribute air bubbles just like the young swallow to turn over to the nest, swamps into the body of Wang Teng, making his heart shake. 一个个属性气泡犹如乳燕归巢,涌入王腾的身体之内,令他不由的心头一震。 This collecting attribute air bubble, as if a little...... flamboyant! 这次拾取的属性气泡,似乎有点……牛逼啊! First integrates in the Wang Teng body, impressively soul source and life source these two species. 最先融入王腾身体之中的,赫然正是灵魂本源和生命本源这两种属性。 Although Wang Teng collected many soul source and life source attribute recently, poured was also unalarmed by strange sights, but he will not shut out these two species to be few. 虽然王腾近来拾取了不少灵魂本源和生命本源属性,倒也见怪不怪了,但他并不会嫌弃这两种属性少。 Even if these two species cards in the complete stage, are unable to break through now temporarily, but the strength of even more abundant source, is to make him benefit greatly. 哪怕现在这两种属性卡在圆满阶段,暂时无法突破,但越发雄厚的本源之力,却是让他受益匪浅。 Now the Wang Teng entire body is flooding the strength of boundless life, even endures compared with World Lord Level later Martial Artist, as if there is energy of being able to use up to be the same. 如今王腾整个身躯都充斥着磅礴的生命之力,甚至堪比界主级后期武者,仿佛有着用不完的精力一般。 Meanwhile, the strength of his soul is also quite boundless and vigorous, this is he can display taking advantage of multiple energetic method. 同时,他的灵魂之力亦是极为的磅礴与雄浑,这是他能够施展多种精神手段的依仗。 Otherwise before solely is, controls explodes class/flow big such Saint level array void, he then must unable to endure. 否则单单是之前掌控虚空爆流大阵那样的圣级阵法,他便要吃不消。 Saint level array, exhausts his psychic force sufficiently. 一座圣级阵法,足以耗尽他的精神力。 That at all is not independent Saint level deputy entrepreneur can the control, but Wang Teng achieved forcefully, this is his advantage is, is unmatched. 那根本不是单独一个圣级副职业者所能够掌控的,但王腾硬生生做到了,这是他的优势所在,无人可比。 Therefore these two source attributes, naturally are the more the better, Wang Teng does not consider too little. 所以这两种本源属性,自然是多多益善,王腾一点也不嫌少。 However, this murders blood Demon Venerable to use that method, really must consume the strength of source.” “不过话说回来,这弑血魔尊施展那种手段,果然要消耗本源之力。” The Wang Teng vision flashes, enjoys the joyful pleasant sensation that the source attribute is bringing, while guesses in the heart. 王腾目光一闪,一边享受着本源属性带来的愉悦快感,一边在心中揣测起来。 So method, if can display casually, how murders blood Demon Venerable also to remain finally. 如此手段,如果可以随便施展,弑血魔尊又岂会留到最后。 Two source attributes absorb quickly, in the meantime, an extremely special strength swamps into the body of Wang Teng, circulation all the limbs and bones, making his body have the transformation sublimation. 两种本源属性很快吸收完,就在此时,一种极为特殊的力量涌入王腾的身体之中,流转四肢百骸,让他的身躯发生蜕变升华。 The Wang Teng complexion changes, the physique almost changes, was suppressed by him hastily. 王腾面色微变,体质差点发生变化,被他连忙压制了下去。 This physique, there are hundred million point time! 这一次的体质,有亿点点强! ! Close call!” The Wang Teng vision glance, sees no one to pay attention to itself, vents anger slightly. “呼!好险!”王腾目光扫视,见无人注意自己,才微微出了口气。 Has not thought that this collecting physique, was seven step levels unexpectedly, simply is the highest one physique that in history he obtains. 没想到这次拾取的体质,竟然达到了七阶层次,简直是有史以来他所得到的最高的一种体质。 Unexpected happiness! 意外之喜! Seriously is a unexpected happiness! 当真是意外之喜! Did not discuss regardless the blood set attribute of this physique, it is really powerful, after all was seven step levels. 抛开这种体质的血系属性不谈,它是真的非常强大,毕竟达到了七阶层次。 As for having what special ability, he also needs to feel well. 至于有什么特殊的能力,他还需要好好感受一下。 Blood Luo Chansi body! What strange physique is this?” Wang Teng looked at a property panel, the vision suddenly becomes somewhat strange. “血罗缠丝体!这是什么奇奇怪怪的体质?”王腾看了一眼属性面板,目光突然变得有些古怪。 Blood Luo Chansi body: 25000 / 70000( seven steps) ; 【血罗缠丝体】:25000/70000(七阶); The attribute value that this physique needs are actually not many, ratio 【The body of blood demon With Blood god's body Was lower.” Wang Teng contrasted next three an attribute value of physique, shakes the head. “这种体质所需的属性值倒是不多,比【血魔之体】和【血神之体】低多了。”王腾对比了一下三种体质的属性值,不禁直摇头。 Low is not generally many. 低的不是一般多。 【The body of blood demon The fifth-order needs 150,000 attribute values, Blood god's body Fifth-order needs 500,000 attribute values, does not know that must promote lord knows. 【血魔之体】五阶就需要十五万点属性值,【血神之体】五阶则需要五十万点属性值,也不知道要提升到猴年马月。 Actually this Blood Luo Chansi body, Seven steps only need 70,000 attribute values, relatively speaking, was truly short were more. 倒是这【血罗缠丝体】,七阶只需要七万点属性值,相比而言,确实是少了很多很多。 Naturally, Wang Teng collects so many physique attributes now, naturally also understands how much the attribute value not necessarily represents the strong and weak degree. 当然,王腾如今拾取了这么多体质属性,自然也明白属性值多寡并不一定代表强弱程度。 For example this Blood Luo Chansi body, In the relevant information with Wang Teng mind may know, must be the ratio 【The body of blood demon Stronger, the attribute value of but needing are less. 就比如这【血罗缠丝体】,以王腾脑海中的相关信息可知,应当是比【血魔之体】更强,但是所需的属性值却更少。 Will cause this situation , because Blood Luo Chansi body Ratio 【The body of blood demon Wants rarely many. 会导致这种情况,是因为【血罗缠丝体】比【血魔之体】要稀有不少。 Blood Luo Chansi body Rarer, the attribute value of needs are naturally less. 【血罗缠丝体】更稀有,所需的属性值自然更少。 If with for the situations of seven steps, it collects 70,000 attribute values, possibly ratio 【The body of blood demon Collecting 210,000 attribute values is more difficult. 若是同为七阶的情况下,它收集七万点属性值,可能比【血魔之体】收集二十一万点属性值更难。 Is worth mentioning, by the speculation of Wang Teng, fifth-order 【The body of blood demon Needs 150,000 attribute values, seven steps probably need 210,000 points. 值得一提,以王腾的推测,五阶的【血魔之体】需要十五万点属性值,七阶可能就需要二十一万点。 As for Blood god's body Why attribute value so many, naturally are because Blood god's body Strong and rare. 至于【血神之体】为何属性值那么多,当然是因为【血神之体】又强又稀有喽。 So that's how it is, this physique can form that strange blood threads, enters within the body of any life, absorbs the blood of source.” “原来如此,这种体质可以形成那种诡异的血丝,进入任何生灵的体内,吸收本源之血。” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, then understood the particularity of this physique quickly. 王腾目光闪烁,很快便明白了这种体质的特殊性。 This blood is the physique is the physique is like other blood, some general character, are to the blood are the sensation of strength, the sensibility wait/etc, far ultra common blood group Dark Species. 这种血系体质和其他血系体质一样,都有一些共性,便是对血系力量的感知,感悟等等,都会远超寻常的血族黑暗种 But it also has her characteristics. 但它也有着自身的特性。 This characteristics, are that inexhaustible blood threads. 这种特性,便是那无穷无尽的血丝。 Blood Luo Chansi body Capillary that produces, then just like entangles the silk to be the same, twines in the body of life, no matter the muscle, is meridians, or the small cell, was met it to tie down stubbornly, is unable to get rid. 【血罗缠丝体】所产生的血丝,便犹如缠丝一般,缠绕在生灵的身体之内,不管是肌肉,还是经络,亦或是微小的细胞,都被会其死死缠住,无法摆脱。 Because that blood threads can split up infinitely, even if achieves cell that level, is not not possible. 因为那血丝可以无限分化,即便是达到细胞那种层面,也不是不可能。 But that is Blood Luo Chansi body Fearful place. 而这就是【血罗缠丝体】的可怕之处。 This physique also is really troublesome.” “这种体质还真是麻烦。” Wang Teng looks to murdering blood Demon Venerable of distant place, the vision twinkle: Was good because of me obtains this physique now, not necessarily cannot find the law of decoding.” 王腾望向远处的弑血魔尊,目光闪烁:“好在我如今得到了这种体质,未必不能找到破解之法。” He no longer thinks, continues to absorb the attribute air bubble. 他不再多想,继续吸收属性气泡。 The boundless sensibility swamps into his mind, an extremely familiar picture also appears. 磅礴的感悟涌入他的脑海中,一副极为熟悉的画面随之出现。 The endless blood light erupts, then changes to the blood threads to fill the air void, that blood threads continuously interwove a big net, limitless, as if covered the world. 无尽的血光爆发,而后化作血丝弥漫虚空,那一缕缕的血丝又交织成了一张大网,无边无际,仿佛笼罩天地。 Blood Luo sky net( Demon god level): 3200 / 30000( skilled) ; 【血罗天网】(魔神级):3200/30000(熟练); Hiss!” Wang Teng looks at the attribute value of above the property panel many, pours to inspire: Demon god level Fighting technique!” “嘶!”王腾看着属性面板之上多出的属性值,不由倒吸了一口气:“魔神级战技!” How he has not thought, murders unexpectedly is demon god level Fighting technique that blood Demon Venerable displays. 他怎么都没想到,弑血魔尊所施展的竟然是魔神级战技 Although that blood threads big net truly looks very good, but to be honest, might is very ordinary, otherwise before star meteor revering will not think that relaxed can puncture the blood threads big net. 虽然那血丝大网确实看起来非常不俗,但说实话,威力方面很一般,要不然之前星陨尊者也不会觉得轻轻松松就能够刺破血丝大网了。 That is is very relaxed. 那是真的很轻松啊。 This Fighting technique should be the and Blood Luo Chansi body Necessary, only has Blood Luo Chansi body, Can display its true strength.” “这战技应该是和【血罗缠丝体】配套的,唯有【血罗缠丝体】,才能够将其真正的力量发挥出来。” Wang Teng touches the chin, looking pensive: 王腾摸了摸下巴,若有所思: However it truly powerful place does not lie in the striking power, but lies in that inexhaustible range, blood threads that as well as is unable to get rid.” “而它真正强大的地方不在于攻击力,而在于那种无穷无尽的范围,以及无法摆脱的血丝。” Through the sensibility related information, Wang Teng has known, this Fighting technique is not easy to break through. 通过感悟相关的信息,王腾已经知道,这门战技没有那么容易突破。 Even if star meteor revering acts, is very still difficult to make bright universe Martial Artist work loose from that blood threads big net. 就算是星陨尊者出手,恐怕也很难让光明宇宙武者从那张血丝大网中挣脱出去。 Because of the crown of that blood threads big net, has a more fearful strength in waiting for the prey in net. 因为那血丝大网的顶部,有着更为可怕的力量在等着网内的猎物。 If some people thought that can puncture the crown with ease, can escape from there, that was too naive. 若是有人觉得能够轻松将顶部刺破,就可以从那里逃出去,那就太天真了一些。 After all can achieve Demon god level Fighting technique, may not have one is simple. 毕竟能够达到【魔神级】的战技,可没有一个是简单的啊。 Wang Teng is serious, absorbs the surplus attribute air bubbles fast. 王腾面色凝重,快速吸收剩余的属性气泡。 Several familiar sensibility appear in his mind, is completely before has obtained the domain and source attribute. 几种熟悉的感悟在他的脑海中浮现,全部都是之前得到过的领域和本源属性。 Dark domain: 9000 / 9000( melts boundary nine steps) ; 【黑暗领域】:9000/9000(融境九阶); Bloodshed domain: 9000 / 9000( melts boundary nine steps) ; 【血海领域】:9000/9000(融境九阶); Dark source: 71700 / 80000( eight steps) ; 【黑暗本源】:71700/80000(八阶); 【The source of blood: 49600 / 80000( eight steps) ; 【血之本源】:49600/80000(八阶); 【The world of blood: 51100 / 80000( eight steps) ; 【血之世界】:51100/80000(八阶); Dark domain and bloodshed domain were nine step complete levels unexpectedly.” Wang Teng is somewhat surprised. “黑暗领域和血海领域竟然都达到了九阶圆满层次。”王腾有些惊讶。 This time collects Dark domain Only has 400 points, are not many, but exactly good Dark domain Promoted nine steps to be complete. 这次拾取的【黑暗领域】仅有400点,并不算多,但恰恰好将【黑暗领域】提升到了九阶圆满。 But Bloodshed domain Also is so, 1900 attribute values, were just good Bloodshed domain Advances the friendly boundary nine step complete levels. 而【血海领域】亦是如此,1900点属性值,刚刚好将【血海领域】推到融境九阶圆满层次。 Regarding Wang Teng, this is an enormous pleasant surprise. 对于王腾来说,这算是一个极大的惊喜。 Can be the friendly boundary nine steps to be complete, is not easy. 能够达到融境九阶圆满,并不容易。 Many high-rank demon sovereign level peaks, or the World Lord Level peak exists not necessarily can achieve. 许多上位魔皇级巅峰,或是界主级巅峰存在都不一定做得到。 After all this is melts the boundary rank the domain strength, was equal to sensing the pinnacle the domain, achieved mastery through a comprehensive study thoroughly, can adjust at will, no longer rigidly adhered to the representation. 毕竟这可是融境级别的领域力量,等于是将领域感悟到了极致,彻底融会贯通,可以随意变通,不再拘泥于表象。 Regarding many Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, this boundary is too difficult is too difficult, therefore they can only stay in the domain sensibility of most foundation, is the most surface sensibility. 对于很多域主级武者来说,这个境界太难太难,所以他们只能停留在最为基础的领域感悟,也就是最表层的感悟。 But domain next boundary- the person who solid boundary, can comprehend, then must be short. 而领域的下一个境界-实境,所能够领悟的人,便要少了很多。 As for melting boundary, that is very few. 至于融境,那更是少之又少。 Thus it can be seen, can sense the domain to melting the boundary nine step complete people, how rare. 由此可见,能够将领域感悟到融境九阶圆满的人,到底是多么的罕见。 Therefore until today, Wang Teng this Dark domain With Bloodshed domain Advancing melted the boundary nine steps to be complete. 因此直到今日,王腾才将这【黑暗领域】和【血海领域】推到了融境九阶圆满。 Then 【The source of blood, Dark source, And even 【The world of blood Waits for the strength, although also promoted much, but as before is eight steps, not broken step. 接下来的【血之本源】,【黑暗本源】,乃至【血之世界】等力量,虽然也提升了不少,但依旧还是八阶,并未破阶。 Finally, an extremely special strength integrates in the body of Wang Teng. 最后,一股极为特殊的力量融入王腾的身体之内。 Immortal material! 不朽物质! Unexpectedly is the immortal material! 竟然是不朽物质! Wang Teng gawked, in the eye bloomed suddenly dazzling none. 王腾愣了一下,眼中骤然绽放出刺目的精光。 After this unusual strength integrates in his body, then circulation all the limbs and bones, then just like the star light to integrate each corner of his body generally. 这股奇特的力量融入他的身体之中后,便流转四肢百骸,而后犹如星光一般融入他身体的每一个角落。 His mortal body has been moistened. 他的肉身得到滋润。 In an instant, this body becomes extremely powerful, had/left immortal characteristics of faint trace. 刹那间,这一具身躯变得极为强大,多出了一丝丝的不朽特性。 Meanwhile, most unusual materials integrate his Chaos star territory In, with Chaos star territory The fusion, is the soul fusion of that deeper level. 与此同时,还有大部分的奇特物质融入他的【混沌星域】之中,与【混沌星域】融合,更是与那更深层次的灵魂融合。 Bang! 轰! The Wang Teng heart shakes, only thought that in the mind resounds huge thundering suddenly. 王腾心头一震,只觉得脑海中骤然响起一道巨大的轰鸣。 The immortal strength, broke through unexpectedly! 不朽之力,竟然突破了! Immortal material: 640 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【不朽物质】:640/40000(四阶); Although the attribute value are not many, only then 640 points, but was actually the solid breakthrough the fourth-order level, had the qualitative change. 虽然属性值并不多,只有640点而已,但却是实实在在的突破到了四阶层次,发生了质的变化。 The strength and containing, quietly becomes more powerful. 其中所蕴含的力量,悄然之间变得更为强大。 Wang Teng felt that own mortal body and soul had the huge change, immortal feelings, as if can resist the corrosion of time. 王腾感觉自己的肉身与灵魂都发生了巨大的变化,有一种不朽的感觉,似乎可以抵挡时间的侵蚀。 This very strange. 这非常奇异。 He is only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, the life span is limited, has not been the fearless time the degree, but some immortal feeling, seriously was inconceivable at this time. 他只是域主级武者而已,寿命有限,并未达到无惧时间的程度,但此时却有了不朽的感觉,当真不可思议。 If makes some immortal levels exist to know, definitely will shock. 如果让一些不朽级存在知道,必然会震惊。 Before the blood god clone to use the immortal strength, even the ram Yu Hetie wing marquis immortal level existed like this shocks, obviously this was odd. 之前血神分身使用不朽之力,连公羊裕和铁翼侯这样的不朽级存在都震撼不已,可见这有多么离谱。 Has not thought that this time immortal strength obtained the promotion continually, is really a unexpected happiness.” “没想到这次连不朽之力都得到了晋升,真是意外之喜啊。” The Wang Teng corners of the mouth gradually exude a curve, if not the field is appropriate, he has laughed. 王腾嘴角逐渐泛起一丝弧度,若非场合不合适,他已经大笑起来。 The fourth-order immortal strength, coped with the method that the Demon Venerable level had to grow stronger little. 四阶的不朽之力,对付魔尊级存在的手段又变强了一点点。 All these is a long story, in fact is during several breath. 这一切说来话长,实际上不过是几个呼吸之间。 Wang Teng raised the head, looks to all around void. 王腾抬起头,望向四周的虚空。 These bright universe Martial Artist also in crazy running away, and attacked to go toward the top of the head crazily, tries to find to decode this Blood Luo sky net Means. 那些光明宇宙武者还在疯狂的逃窜,并朝着头顶狂攻而去,试图找到破解这【血罗天网】的办法。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Blood Luo sky net The ease was rumbled large cave/hole, many Martial Artist rushed to the crown, looks wild with joy, from that bang in large cave/hole to/clashes. 【血罗天网】轻而易举就被轰出了一个个大洞,许多武者冲到了顶部,面露狂喜,从那轰出的大洞之中冲出去。 However in the meantime, the unexpected situation appears. 然而就在此时,意外的情况出现。 „!” “啊!” The pitiful yell sound gets up, later stops suddenly. 惨叫声响起,随后又戛然而止。 These run out of the person of big net, the body unexpectedly was instantaneously withered, the blood of whole body as if in the flash by the extinction, was then changed to the fragment powder, without a trace of disappearance. 那些冲出大网的人,身躯竟是瞬间干瘪了下来,全身的血液仿佛在一瞬间都被吸光,而后化作齑粉,消失的无影无踪。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” So strange, making these charge into Blood Luo sky net Top Martial Artist the body is stiff immediately, stopped, vision looking with amazement to that blood threads big net. 如此诡异的一幕,让那些冲向【血罗天网】顶部的武者立刻身体僵硬,生生停了下来,目光骇然的望向那张血丝大网。 They could not see that exactly had anything a moment ago. 他们根本看不出刚才到底发生了什么。 Hasn't rumbled the blood threads big net a large cave/hole? 不是已经将血丝大网轰出一个大洞了吗? Will the person who why these clash also end up is so out? 为什么那些冲出去的人还会落得如此下场? That scene, compares by the blood of that blood threads extinction source simply is also wanted more terrifying slowly time. 那副景象,简直比被那血丝慢慢吸光本源之血还要恐怖许多倍。 Suddenly, all bright universe Martial Artist do not dare to act rashly. 一时间,所有的光明宇宙武者都不敢轻举妄动。 Who goes out who dead, this who also dares to clash upward. 谁出去谁死,这谁还敢往上冲。 However that blood threads unceasing infiltrates from their Source Power defenses, their actually anything could not do, can only look at all these to happen helplessly. 但是那血丝又不断的从他们的原力防御之中钻进来,他们却什么都做不了,只能眼睁睁的看着这一切发生。 Even cannot play the role the attack, after the blood threads is scattered, is tinier, is harder to deal with. 甚至连攻击都起不到作用,血丝被打散之后,更为细小,更为难缠。 Only if can completely destroy these capillaries. 除非能够将那些血丝完全摧毁。 However regarding most Martial Artist, cannot achieve this point. 然而对于大多数武者来说,根本做不到这一点。 Moreover the quantity of blood threads are too many are too many, even if destroyed, still does not have any function, more capillaries well up to come crazily, dense and numerous attachments above their Source Power defenses, solely are look, then made the will of the people bottom be scared. 而且血丝的数量太多太多,就算摧毁了一些,也没有什么作用,还有更多的血丝狂涌而来,密密麻麻的附着在他们的原力防御之上,单单是看去,便令人心底发毛。 Facing so the situation, in many eyes revealed desperately. 面对如此情形,许多人眼中不由露出了绝望。 You cannot escape from this Blood Luo sky net Obedient becomes the main body blood food.” Murders blood Demon Venerable coldly says with a smile. “你们是逃不出这【血罗天网】的,乖乖的成为本尊的血食吧。”弑血魔尊冷冷笑道。 Scoundrel!” Star meteor revering also saw this ugly/difficult to look at, the complexion immediately incomparable. “混账!”星陨尊者也看到了这一幕,面色顿时难看无比。 Bang! 轰! He acts immediately, the long spear/gun instantaneous thorn to murdering blood Demon Venerable, the prestige of immortal level revering can not have slightly the reserved eruption. 他立刻出手,长枪瞬间刺向弑血魔尊,不朽级尊者的威能没有丝毫保留的爆发而出。 Fighting technique is murders blood Demon Venerable to display, if can defeat it as soon as possible, perhaps can also destroy that blood threads big net, rescues these bright universe Martial Artist. 战技是弑血魔尊所施展,如果能尽早击败它,也许还能摧毁那张血丝大网,救下那些光明宇宙武者 Useless, so long as the main body does not want to hit with you, you then cannot project on the main body.” Murders the blood Demon Venerable light say/way. “没有用的,只要本尊不想与你打,你便打不到本尊。”弑血魔尊淡淡道。 Scoff! 嗤! Finishes speaking, its body was then pierced by the spear/gun glow, tearing, the remnant shadow, its true body had vanished in together same place. 话音刚落,它的身躯便被枪芒刺穿,撕裂,原来只是一道残影而已,它的真身早已消失在了原地。 Murders blood Demon Venerable not to want with star meteor revering to meet the tough head-on with toughness at this time. 弑血魔尊此时并不想与星陨尊者硬碰硬。 Bang! 轰! Star meteor revering vision ice-cold, charges into murdering blood Demon Venerable that presents in the distant place void again, launches the attack unceasingly. 星陨尊者目光冰冷,再次冲向在远处虚空出现的弑血魔尊,不断发动攻击。 However murders behind blood Demon Venerable the both wings to open, the speed is actually quickly to the pinnacle, star meteor revering somewhat cannot even catch up unexpectedly. 然而弑血魔尊背后双翅张开,速度却是快到极致,竟是连星陨尊者都有些赶不上。 Each attack was avoided, making one have no alternative. 每一道攻击都被避开,令人无可奈何。 In star meteor revering heart aggrieved to the extreme. 星陨尊者心中憋屈到了极点。 () ()
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