AAMD :: Volume #22

#2135: You cannot bring again joyfully to me! Why such rapidness of blood certainly growth?

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The white holy peerless spear/gun glow, collides, the strength of that gigantic and bloody blood red sword erupting is corroding mutually. 白色圣洁的绝世枪芒,与那硕大而血腥的血红色战刀碰撞,爆发出的力量相互侵蚀着。 The white ray and blood red ray shone upon the half to be void respectively, dazzling incomparable. 白色光芒与血红色光芒各自映照了半边虚空,耀眼无比。 Below many Territory Lord Level bright universe Martial Artist are looking at this, all narrowed the eye, could not see clearly internal situation. 许多域主级以下的光明宇宙武者望着这一幕,皆是不由眯起了眼睛,根本看不清内部的情形。 The ram Yu Hetie wing marquis the complexion concentrates simultaneously, that huge blood-color giant can play the so terrifying might unexpectedly, seriously is inconceivable. 公羊裕和铁翼侯同时面色一凝,那庞大的血色巨人竟然可以发挥出如此恐怖的威力,当真是不可思议。 No wonder passed on a message this blood group Dark Species talent to be able with Wang Teng to contend, now looks like truly is not lies. 难怪传言这个血族黑暗种天才能够与王腾抗衡,如今看来确实并非虚言。 The opposite party have such strength seriously. 对方当真有着这样的实力。 You cannot block me.” “你挡不住我。” Suddenly, during the ice-cold sound projects from the blood god together spreads. 突然,一道冰冷的声音从血神投影之中传出。 That blood god projects the back arm however to stretch out courageous, according to above the hilt, pressed that giant blood-color sword forcefully. 紧接着那血神投影背后的一只只手臂勐然伸出,按在了刀柄之上,将那巨大的血色战刀硬生生的压了下去。 The powerful incomparable strength bursts out from the sword, the strength of darkness, bloody being mad simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform erupts, steamroll under. 强悍无比的力量从战刀之上迸发而出,黑暗之力,血腥之气齐齐爆发,碾压而下。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bellow resounded through the void, above the white spear/gun glow that mechanical giant punctured unceasingly presented fissures immediately, holy white rune/symbol writing collapsed one after another. 轰鸣声不断响彻虚空,机械巨人所刺出的白色枪芒之上顿时出现了一道道的裂痕,圣洁白色的符文相继崩溃开来。 Could not block.” “挡不住了。” The ram abundant complexion big change, is finding out the palm reading to help. 公羊裕面色大变,正想出手相助。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the sound of fierce thundering also erupts, the white spear/gun glow cannot resist eventually, explodes loudly, changes to the endless light rain, sways the starry sky. 下一刻,剧烈的轰鸣之声随之爆发而出,白色枪芒终究抵挡不住,轰然爆开,化作无尽的光雨,挥洒星空。 Kills!” “杀!” During the blood god projects spreads sonic boom to drink again, that thousand zhang (3.33 m) blood red blade glow castrates falling that does not reduce, cut to Wang Teng. 血神投影之中再次传出一声爆喝,那千丈长的血红色刀芒去势不减的落下,斩向了王腾 Intending really to be ruthless!” In the Wang Teng heart dropped gu, is wanting to counterattack. “出手还真狠!”王腾心中不由滴咕了一句,正欲还击。 Bang! 轰! A blue sword light speeds away to come from the one side, collided with that blood red blade glow in one, erupted the violent Source Power fluctuation. 一道蓝色剑光从一旁疾驰而来,与那血红色刀芒碰撞在了一起,爆发出剧烈的原力波动。 Ram Yu still/or acted, he worried that Wang Teng cannot block the blood god clone this blade, finally cannot bear lend a hand to assist. 公羊裕还是出手了,他担心王腾挡不住血神分身这一刀,最终还是忍不住出手相助。 Let alone at this time other Dark Species could not have turned what spray , the threat bright universe Martial Artist, he naturally can make a move to cope with the blood god clone spatially. 何况此时其他的黑暗种早已翻不起什么浪花,也威胁不到光明宇宙武者,他自然能够空出手对付血神分身。 But this is Wang Teng and blood god clone to see exactly. 而这恰恰是王腾和血神分身想要看到的。 The immortal level exists does not act, how to repel the blood god clone? How to show that the blood god did do several things at the same time to make contribution? 不朽级存在不出手,如何击退血神分身?如何显示血神分身已经尽力了呢? According to plan that Wang Teng and blood god clone, has not planned dead to fight. 按照王腾和血神分身的计划,根本就没打算死战到底。 During they only need to exhaust this piece to be void the blood of source, lets murder blood Demon Venerable to be insufficient more powerful, was enough. 他们只需要耗尽这片虚空之中的本源之血,让弑血魔尊不至于更加强大,就足够了。 Naturally, the bystander naturally cannot see these things. 当然,外人自然看不出这些东西。 The blood god the strength that clone to show at this moment, truly is worth ram Yu making a move. 血神分身此刻所展现的实力,确实值得公羊裕出手。 In an instant, that blue sword light and blood red blade glow simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform disrupts, is who cannot do to anyone unexpectedly. 刹那间,那道蓝色剑光与血红色刀芒齐齐碎裂,竟是谁也奈何不得谁。 This is inconceivable. 这非常不可思议。 The blue sword light is the method that the immortal level has, that blood red blade glow after the bright spear/gun glow with Wang Teng collides, actually can also block it. 蓝色剑光是不朽级存在的手段,那血红色刀芒在与王腾的光明枪芒碰撞之后,竟然还能够将其挡住。 Such might, has endured compared with the immortal level method. 这样的威力,已经堪比不朽级手段了。 This blood group talent is not simple, if ignores it continues to grow, in the future must be my bright universe serious hidden trouble, today must strike to kill him.” Ram Yu is looked that bleeds the huge threat that the god clone to represent, the complexion is ice-cold, the vision closely stares at that giant blood god to project, says. “这个血族天才不简单,若是放任其继续成长下去,将来必是我光明宇宙心腹大患,今日必须击杀他。”公羊裕已是看出了血神分身所代表的巨大威胁,面色冰冷无比,目光紧紧盯着那巨大的血神投影,开口说道。 That strikes to kill it with joint forces, today cannot put him to leave.” “那就合力将其击杀吧,今日绝不能放其离开。” The iron wing marquis figure flashes, appears after behind, projects to direct toward that gigantic incomparable blood god who the blood god clone. 铁翼侯身形一闪,出现在血神分身的身后,朝着那硕大无比的血神投影一指点出。 Bang! 轰! Float golden flowing light beyond his body, speeds away instantaneously, gathers the golden cone in the halfway, the bang projects to the blood god. 悬浮于他身躯之外的一道道金色流光,瞬间疾驰而出,在半途中汇聚成金色锥体,轰向血神投影。 Depends on you, wants to kill this blood.” Blood god clone naturally heard the words of ram Yu Hetie wing marquis, sound even Dan spreading, has meaning of the despising, does not seem to placed in them the eye. “就凭你们,也想杀本血子。”血神分身自然听到了公羊裕和铁翼侯的话语,声音平澹的传出,带着一丝轻蔑之意,似乎并未将他们放在眼中。 Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄至极!” Ram Yu coldly said: „The strength of your will is truly powerful, but the will eventually is only the will, you want to rely on this strength and immortal level contend, that was naive.” 公羊裕冷冷道:“你的意志之力确实非常强大,但意志终究只是意志,你想要凭借这种力量与不朽级抗衡,那就过于天真了。” Who said this blood, only then the strength of will?” “谁说本血子只有意志之力?” The blood god clone undulating smiles, no longer nonsense, immediately controls the blood god to project, prevents the golden cone that raids behind. 血神分身澹澹一笑,不再废话,当即控制血神投影,阻挡身后袭来的金色锥体。 In fact he is intentionally so, must enrage these two immortal level powerhouses, making them make a move full power. 实际上他是故意如此,要将这两位不朽级强者激怒,让他们全力出手。 Now he is blood group blood, naturally must encourage the prestige of Dark Species. 现在他是血族血子,自然要助长黑暗种之威。 Now Dark Species was extinguished killed most probably, if he can attract the firepower that two immortal levels have, made these Dark Species be grateful sufficiently. 如今黑暗种被灭杀了大半,他若是能够吸引两位不朽级存在的火力,也足以让那些黑暗种感恩戴德了。 So is also makes reparations the merit, even if high level, because completely the matter of ore weapon unfavorable situation must condemn in him, it is estimated that will also consider his merit. 如此也算是将功赎罪,哪怕高层因为尽矿兵器失利之事要问罪于他,估计也会考虑一下他的功劳。 Why also the previous blood axe completely will be in unfavorable situation, murdering blood Demon Venerable thinks that is also clear. 再说之前血尽之斧为何会失利,弑血魔尊想必也是一清二楚。 Who can think that Wang Teng got down Saint level array of space department in this place arrange/cloth, in addition relied on the strength of void turbulent flow, its might is not naturally weak in blood axe completely. 谁能想到王腾在此地布下了一座空间系的圣级阵法,加上又借助了虚空乱流的力量,其威力自然丝毫不弱于血尽之斧。 Murders blood Demon Venerable, even if angry again, is still insufficient to vent his body the anger. 弑血魔尊就算再生气,也不至于将怒火发泄到他的身上来。 As the blood god clone voice falls, back the blood god who was covered by the thick blood fog projects, unexpectedly also reveals a face, dignified, sacred, evil, bloody...... 随着血神分身话音落下,那被浓浓血雾笼罩的血神投影背部,竟然也是显露出了一张脸庞,威严,神圣,邪恶,血腥…… The scarlet ray shines from the blood fog, just like the vision. 猩红色的光芒从血雾之中照射而出,犹如目光。 But blood fog is dim, making one not look clearly. 但却一片血雾朦胧,让人看不真切。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, forms two big hand of strange stamped certificate before the blood god projection body, suddenly moved, finds out from the mist, is other arms entirely is unexpectedly opposite. 下一刻,在血神投影身前结成奇异印结的两只大手,突然动了起来,从雾气中探出,竟是与其他手臂完全相反。 As if this pair of hand itself/Ben is located is common behind. 似乎这一双手本就是位于身后一般。 Even, as if this blood god projection itself/Ben is a body two-sided. 甚至,仿佛这血神投影本就是一体双面。 So strange, making many mind vibrate, gawked dignifiedly, the vision immediately on the noise-maker wing marquises incomparable. 如此诡异的一幕,让许多人心神震动,就连铁翼侯都是愣了一下,目光顿时凝重无比。 But has not waited for him to think, actually sees the blood god to project situated after behind that pair of hand however to grasp to gather together in void courageous. 但还不等他多想,却见血神投影位于身后的那一双手勐然在虚空中握拢。 Then a blood red war sword condenses instantaneously. 而后一柄血红色的战剑瞬间凝聚而出。 Cuts!” “斩!” The huge blood-color fights the sword to cut in void , the blood red sword light erupts, above the rune/symbol writing brand mark, struck later directly above the tip of that golden cone. 巨大的血色战剑在虚空中一斩而下,血红色剑光爆发,一道道符文烙印其上,随后径直击在了那金色锥体的尖端之上。 Demon Venerable level Fighting technique, blood shadow swordsmanship! 魔尊战技,血影剑法! ! Clang! 铛! The sound of clear incomparable metal trembling cry resounds through in void together immediately. 一道清脆无比的金属颤鸣之音顿时在虚空中响彻而起。 That blood red sword light congealed the essence, was ordinary just like the genuine almighty troops sharp weapon, with the reading strength weapon clash of iron wing marquis, did not drop the wind unexpectedly. 那血红色的剑光凝成了实质,宛如真正的神兵利器一般,与铁翼侯的念力兵器相击,居然丝毫不落下风。 What?” Iron wing marquis cannot help but one startled, in the heart is unassuageable. “什么?”铁翼侯不由得一惊,心中难以平静。 1 st fights, he then feels at present the great strength of this blood group Dark Species talent. 只是初一交手,他便感觉到了眼前这血族黑暗种天才的强大。 The opposite party are the will powerful is not so only simple, displays, but Fighting technique can also play the astonishing might, may contend with him. 对方不仅仅是意志强大那么简单,就连施展而出的战技也是能够发挥出惊人的威力,可与他抗衡。 Although he has been injured, the strength cannot display ten 67. 尽管他已经受伤,实力发挥不出十之六七。 Although the opposite party drew support from that blood-color altar to absorb the blood of massive source, erupted such might. 尽管对方是借助了那血色祭坛吸收了大量本源之血,才爆发出如此的威力。 But he is the immortal level exists eventually, conferring nobility upon immortal level, the strength wants powerful compared with common immortal level Martial Artist many, trivial mid-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species can compare can it be that. 可他终究是不朽级存在,还是封侯不朽级,实力比寻常的不朽级武者要强大不少,又岂是一个区区的中位魔皇级黑暗种能够比拟的。 Disparity of both sides is so big, the gap easily cannot span. 双方的差距何等之大,其间的鸿沟根本不是轻易能够跨越的。 Even Wang Teng, he has not treated as the opponent it to be honest, treats as an honourable powerhouse it at most. 就算是王腾,说实话他都没有将其当做对手,顶多是将其当做一个值得尊敬的强者而已。 Can be joined to the given name of powerhouse, is the biggest respect that their these immortal levels give. 配得上强者的名号,便已经是他们这些不朽级给予的最大尊重了。 Immortal level, is mediocre.” At this time, the blood god clone that contemptuous sound to resound again. “不朽级,也不过如此啊。”这时,血神分身那轻蔑的声音再次响起。 Bang! 轰! The blood red sword light erupts, changes to the innumerable blood-color sword shadow unexpectedly, is vertically and horizontally void, shells unceasingly above the golden cone, takes away as many things as possible toward the iron wing marquis. 血红色剑光爆发,竟是化作无数的血色剑影,纵横虚空,不断轰击在金色锥体之上,同时也朝着铁翼侯席卷而去。 This is Blood shadow swordsmanship True might, how could otherwise to be joined to the name of Demon Venerable level Fighting technique. 这才是【血影剑法】的真正威力,否则又岂能配得上魔尊战技之名。 Iron wing marquis vision micro, in the heart is angry, he was belittled by this blood group Dark Species talent. 铁翼侯目光微缩,心中更是恼怒至极,他又被这个血族黑暗种天才小觑了。 However facing that sudden blood red sword light, he does not dare to neglect, immediately the figure flashes, avoids that sword light. 不过面对那突然爆发的血红色剑光,他也不敢怠慢,立刻身形一闪,躲避那一道道剑光。 The attack of blood group Dark Species, who knows that also what special capability has, what to do if can in the intrusive mass? 血族黑暗种的攻击,谁知道还有什么特殊能力,万一能够侵入体内怎么办? Even if it is the mechanical body, does not dare to meet rashly hardly. 就算它是机械身躯,也不敢冒然硬接。 In the final analysis, murdered the blood Demon Venerable method to become a big trauma to other party before, now has a being cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt aggrieved feeling. 说到底,还是之前弑血魔尊的手段给他造成了不小的心理阴影,如今颇有种投鼠忌器的憋屈之感。 Bang! 轰! But avoids that blood red sword shadow instances in the iron wing marquis, the golden cone under the blood red sword shadow bombardment, has the golden flowing light to fly upside down unceasingly. 而就在铁翼侯躲避那一道道血红色剑影的瞬间,金色锥体在血红色剑影的轰击之下,也是不断有着金色流光倒飞出去。 Demon Venerable level Fighting technique!” Iron wing Hou Tongkong contracts, immediately saw Blood shadow swordsmanship Rank. 魔尊战技!”铁翼侯童孔收缩,当即看出了【血影剑法】的等级。 Another side, saw with own eyes that the golden cone of iron wing marquis soon must unable to support, ram Yu acts immediately, fights above the sword to erupt the blue sword light, cuts again. 另一边,眼见铁翼侯的金色锥体即将要支撑不住,公羊裕立刻出手,战剑之上爆发出蓝色剑光,再度斩出。 Above blue rune/symbol writing brand marks, even changed to the chains, vast sea also appears, is integrates in the sword light unexpectedly. 一道道蓝色符文烙印其上,甚至化作了锁链,一座浩瀚的海洋随之浮现,而后竟是融入剑光之中。 Meanwhile, an unusual strength fills the air from the sword light. 与此同时,还有一股奇特的力量从剑光之中弥漫而出。 Immortal strength! 不朽之力! Ram Yu used the immortal material unexpectedly directly, making in the sword light contain the immortal strength, tries to strike then routs that blood god to project. 公羊裕竟然直接动用了不朽物质,让剑光之中蕴含不朽之力,试图一击便击溃那血神投影。 Within the blood god projects, the blood god clone to feel a threat immediately. 血神投影之内,血神分身顿时感觉到了一股威胁。 Immortal material!” “不朽物质!” His vision concentrates, naturally does not dare to neglect, immediately controls the blood god to project, above the sword in the hand condenses together the blood red blade glow again. 他目光微凝,自然也是不敢怠慢,立刻控制血神投影,再次于手中战刀之上凝聚出一道血红色的刀芒。 The blood god altar absorbed the blood of many source, supported him to display many Demon Venerable level Fighting technique sufficiently. 血神祭坛吸收了不少的本源之血,足以支撑他施展不少次魔尊战技了。 However these time obviously was different from before, can cope with the immortal strength, only had the immortal strength. 不过这一次显然与之前不同,能够对付不朽之力的,唯有不朽之力。 Luckily the main body and I am prepared early.” The blood god clone to transfer the immortal material in within the body immediately, integrates in the blood red blade glow quietly. “幸好本尊和我早有准备。”血神分身当即调动体内的不朽物质,悄然融入血红色刀芒之中。 This strikes, do you resist with what?” “这一击,你拿什么抵挡?” Ram Yu Shuangmou is glittering the dazzling blue ray, the imposing manner of immortal level is vertically and horizontally void. 公羊裕双眸闪烁着刺目的蓝色光芒,不朽级的气势纵横虚空。 In his hand fights the sword light above sword also to condense the formation thoroughly, without the least bit hesitates, cut directly. 他手中战剑之上的剑光亦是彻底凝聚成型,没有半点迟疑,径直斩了出去。 From top to bottom, is not gaudy. 由上至下,毫无花哨可言。 The unapproachable power and influence eruption, wanting to cut two halves front blood-color giant. 无可匹敌的威势爆发而出,欲要将面前的血色巨人斩成两半。 The blood god clone vision flashes, has not talked too much, the sword in hand also cuts. 血神分身目光闪动,没有多言,手中的战刀同样斩出。 Clang! 铛! In an instant, a blade sword then the junction in void strikes loudly, just like two peerless almighty troopses born, in this void collides. 刹那间,一刀一剑便是在虚空中轰然交击,犹如两柄绝世神兵出世,于这虚空中碰撞。 The immortal strength erupts from the blue sword light, brings to sweep away all strengths to fall. 不朽之力从蓝色剑光中爆发,带着横扫一切的力量落下。 Void had terrifying space cracks immediately, chaotic space turbulent flow from sweeps across. 虚空中顿时出现了一道道恐怖的空间裂缝,混乱的空间乱流从其中席卷而出。 This sword, should cut the blood god to project directly. 这一剑,本该直接斩开血神投影。 But while the blue sword light erupts the immortal strength, in that blood red blade glow, has powerful aura to sweep across loudly. 但就在蓝色剑光爆发出不朽之力的同时,那血红色的刀芒之内,同样有着一股强大的气息轰然席卷而出。 Immortal strength! 不朽之力! Similarly is the immortal strength! 同样是不朽之力! Even this immortal strength, wants faintly powerful compared with the ram abundant immortal strength little. 甚至这股不朽之力,隐隐比公羊裕的不朽之力还要强大一点点。 You! “你! ! ” !” The ram abundant complexion changes suddenly, stares the big eye, just like damn stares at the front blood god to project generally stubbornly, or within stares at the blood god to project the blood god clone. 公羊裕面色骤然大变,瞪大眼睛,犹如见鬼一般死死盯着前方的血神投影,或者说是盯着血神投影之内的血神分身。 But he cannot notice that the blood god clone. 但他并不能看到血神分身。 This starry sky school immortal level talent, school arbitration meeting one of the seven big judgement, shows the so rude expression for the first time. 这位星空学院不朽级天才,学院仲裁会的七大裁决之一,第一次露出如此失态的表情。 But this cannot blame him, is front this is really mainly odd. 但这并不能怪他,主要是面前这一幕实在过于离谱。 Dark Species of mid-rank demon sovereign level peak, displayed the immortal strength unexpectedly, moreover as if also wanted powerful one compared with him. 一个中位魔皇级巅峰的黑暗种,竟然施展出了不朽之力,而且似乎比他还要强大一丝。 How do the opposite party achieve? 对方是怎么做到的? Ram abundant feeling oneself three views were shaken the tiny bits thoroughly, that cannot put together again. 公羊裕感觉自己的三观彻底被震得稀碎,再也拼不回来的那种。 This is the strength of immortal level, really disappoints this/Ben blood.” The sound undulating that the blood god clone spreads: It seems like you cannot bring to me again joyfully.” “这就是不朽级的力量么,真是让本血子失望呢。”血神分身的声音澹澹传出:“看来你们已经不能再给我带来愉悦了。” „, Finished.” “那么,就此结束吧。” Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, a more powerful strength erupts from the blood red blade light, then loudly suppression under. 话音刚落,一股更为强大的力量从血红色刀光之中爆发而出,而后轰然镇压而下。 The card observes! The card observes! The card observes...... 卡察!卡察!卡察…… Cracks appear above that blue sword light immediately, rune/symbol writing chains break, profound different rune/symbol writing also disintegration. 一道道裂缝顿时出现在那蓝色剑光之上,符文锁链断裂,一道道玄异的符文随之崩碎。 Ram abundant complexion azure white, his sword light really cannot resist the bombardment of that blood red blade light unexpectedly. 公羊裕面色一阵青一阵白,他的剑光竟然真的抵挡不住那血红色刀光的轰击。 This simply is the shame! 这简直是耻辱啊! But has not waited for him to think. 可还不等他多想。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound spreads from that blue sword light, this powerful sword light that is cut by the immortal level powerhouse, explodes to break to pieces at this moment finally loudly. 一声巨响从那蓝色剑光之上传出,这道由不朽级强者斩出的强大剑光,此时此刻终于轰然爆碎开来。 The blade glow falls, terrifying Source Power complementary waves from rewinds. 刀芒落下,恐怖的原力余波从其中倒卷而出。 The ram abundant complexion is ugly, within the body has Source Power to erupt immediately, forms the defense. 公羊裕面色难看,体内顿时有着原力爆发,形成防御。 Peng! 彭! He was shaken to draw back directly, flies horizontally hundreds of thousands li (0.5 km), just now stops. 他直接被震退了出去,足足横飞十几万里,方才堪堪停住。 The iron wing marquis has not responded, then sees this odd one, the eye is also stares in a big way, is somewhat unbelievable. 铁翼侯还未反应过来,便看到这离谱至极的一幕,眼睛亦是瞪大,有些难以置信。 This you!” “该你了!” The blood god clone not to have the least bit to hesitate, the ice-cold sound spreads. 血神分身没有半点迟疑,冰冷的声音传出。 Iron wing Hou in an instant feels above the scarlet vision gaze by top of the head, the body is stagnated slightly. 铁翼侯瞬间感觉被头顶之上的猩红色目光注视,身躯微微一滞。 This vision, just like god! 这目光,犹如神祇! Suddenly, immortal material fills the air from blood god projection within the body, converges in his hand to fight in the blood red sword light that the sword condenses. 突然,一股不朽物质从血神投影体内弥漫而出,汇入其手中战剑凝聚的血红色剑光之中。 Gives me to break to pieces!” “给我碎!” Sonic boom drinks to resound. 一声爆喝响起。 Bang! 轰! That blood red sword light erupts the dazzling ray immediately, the incomparable strength also divulges, shells above the golden cone. 紧接着,那血红色剑光顿时爆发出耀眼的光芒,无匹的力量随之宣泄而出,轰击在金色锥体之上。 That golden cone cannot support finally, disintegrated instantaneously, changes to golden flowing light to fly upside down. 那金色锥体终于支撑不住,瞬间瓦解,化作一道道金色流光倒飞了出去。 The blood red sword light cuts to fall, shells on the body of iron wing marquis, flew him directly ruthlessly. 血红色剑光斩落,轰击在铁翼侯的身上,直接将他狠狠噼飞了出去。 Static! 静! All around sudden deathly stillness! 四周突然一片死寂! Bright universe Martial Artist of distant place all with amazement stares the big eye, the shock looks at that huge blood god to project, in the heart raises the thick unbelievable meaning. 远处的光明宇宙武者皆是骇然的瞪大眼睛,震惊的望着那尊庞大的血神投影,心中升起浓浓的难以置信之意。 However is in a flash, two immortal levels exist, was struck to fly like this? 不过是转瞬之间,两位不朽级存在,就这样被击飞了出去? Many people felt present is such is not real, they even suspected oneself presented the illusion. 许多人感觉眼前的这一幕是如此的不真实,他们甚至怀疑自己是不是出现了幻觉。 That is two immortal levels exists. 那可是两位不朽级存在啊。 Even if were struck to fly, was makes people very unbelievable. 哪怕只是被击飞出去,也是让人十分的难以置信了。 Is that blood group Dark Species talent so really strong? 那个血族黑暗种天才真的这么强吗? Above the blood god altar, the blood is blue, blood Neil, in the blood tin and other blood group Dark Species talents, at this time are also whole face the colors of vibration, later look at each other in blank dismay, in the heart only has a thought. 血神祭坛之上,血蓝博,血尼尔,血锡里等血族黑暗种天才,此时也都是满脸的震动之色,随后面面相觑,心中只有一个念头。 When blood did become so terrifying? 血子什么时候变得如此恐怖了? They know that their blood are very strong, but has not actually thought that he will be strong to this odd situation. 它们知道它们这位血子很强,但却没想到他会强到这种离谱的地步。 Strikes to fly directly the two immortal levels of bright universe, what grade is this? 直接将光明宇宙的两位不朽级击飞出去,这是什么段位? Is this mid-rank demon sovereign level can have the strength that? 这是中位魔皇级能有的实力吗? Strength that before their blood child showed that although was also very powerful, but has not truly gone to the so fearful situation. 以前它们这位血子所展现的实力,虽然也十分强大,但确确实实没有达到如此可怕的地步。 During only then a possibility, that in the bright universe this period of time, the strength of their blood has been rising suddenly. 所以只有一个可能,那就是在光明宇宙这段时间,它们这位血子的实力一直在暴涨之中。 What is continuously? 什么是一直? Has never stopped, arrives at the bright universe from Dark World to the present, the strength of their blood is then growing throughout, and speed is extremely fast, is not the common growth, must with rising suddenly can describe. 就是从未停止过,从黑暗世界降临光明宇宙到现在,它们这位血子的实力便始终在增长,且速度极快,不是寻常的增长,必须用暴涨才能够形容。 This without doubt unusual terrifying. 这无疑非常的恐怖。 The blood group Dark Species talent on the scene suddenly felt, they seem to have underestimated their blood talent and potential. 在场的血族黑暗种天才突然觉得,它们似乎一直都低估了它们这位血子的天赋与潜力。 Only blood Rosa and blood emperor is not surprised, because they personally saw blood to act, defeated blood remnant Demon Venerable. 唯独血罗莎和血帝伦没有那么惊讶,因为它们曾经亲眼见过血子出手,击败了血残魔尊 At this time, two people took a fast look around a surrounding blood group Dark Species talent, in the heart raised suddenly a superiority feeling. 此时,两人扫视了一眼周围的血族黑暗种天才,心中突然升起一丝优越感。 This secret at present only then they know. 这个秘密目前只有它们知道。 Checks the clan as for other blood, they simply have not paid attention, nothing to be worried. 至于其他的血刹族,它们根本没有放在眼里,不足为虑。 But these purest blood group talent, knows nothing, they do not know blood powerful. 而这些最为纯正的血族天才,对此更是一无所知,它们根本不知道血子有多强大。 If the blood complete explosion, the immortal level of that two bright universe existed is struck to fly is so simple. 如果血子完全爆发,那两个光明宇宙的不朽级存在就不是被击飞那么简单了。 This fellow was really getting more and more abnormal.” “这个家伙果然越来越变态了。” Bone more than sixty years old this time also stands above the blood god altar, looked at this, the lower jaw is opening at present, almost fell, seemed somewhat funny. 骨耆此时也站在血神祭坛之上,望着眼前这一幕,下颚张了张,差点掉落下来,显得有些滑稽。 But it simply does not have the thoughts to pay attention to these at this moment, only feels a bitterness and astringency. 但它此刻根本没有心思去理会这些,只觉得心中一片苦涩。 It had been given the control by this blood thoroughly certainly. 要知道,它可是已经彻底被这血绝给控制了。 Solely is not the soul contract is so simple, is the soul is even enslaved. 不单单是灵魂契约那么简单,更是连灵魂都被奴役。 It also has an expectation, wants to find the opportunity to shake off the control of this blood group blood, but now looks like, wants as if to become extremely uncertain. 原本它还有着一丝奢望,想要找机会摆脱这血族血子的控制,可如今看来,希望似乎变得极为渺茫。 By strength that the opposite party shows at this time, it estimated that is very difficult to escape from its palm. 以对方此时展现的实力来看,它估计很难逃出其手掌心。 Blood his Luo, blood Jenkins, blood Nocchi these blood group talents, are in the heart with amazement, are unable to be tranquil for a very long time. 血其罗,血金斯,血诺基这几个血族天才,更是心中骇然,久久无法平静。 Why such rapidness of this blood certainly growth? 为什么这个血绝成长的如此之快? Really doesn't an opportunity give them? 难道真的一点机会都不给它们吗? So realistic, was too rather brutal. 如此现实,未免太残酷了一些。 Saw that the opponent shows the unapproachable potential and talent, and strength is getting stronger and stronger, unknowingly unexpectedly their distant flinging after behind. 眼看着对手展现出无可匹敌的潜力与天赋,且实力已经越来越强,不知不觉竟将它们远远的甩在了身后。 Now, the back of their as if even opposite party soon looks to disappear. 现在,它们似乎连对方的背影都快要看不见了。 This feeling, regarding their these bragged that blood group Dark Species of talent, the ratio killed them to be painful simply. 这种感觉,对于它们这些自诩天才的血族黑暗种来说,简直比杀了它们还要痛苦。
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