AAMD :: Volume #22

#2134: Entirely extinction! This blood is extremely arrogant? When really I can't fight?( Sought subscription)

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This is sudden, is strange. 这一幕非常突然,非常诡异。 Murders the blood Demon Venerable body to change to two unexpectedly, and as if is the entity, same great strength, same terrifying. 弑血魔尊的身躯竟然化作两道,并且似乎皆是实体,一样的强大,一样的恐怖。 The ram Yu Hetie wing marquis has been clearly avoiding instantaneously, was actually murdered blood Demon Venerable to catch up, quiet appearance in their behind. 公羊裕和铁翼侯分明已经在瞬间避开,却还是被弑血魔尊追上,悄无声息的出现在他们的身后。 ! ! 噗!噗! The sharp incomparable dark-red sharp claws pierced their body. 锋利无匹的暗红色利爪洞穿了他们的身躯。 Ram Yu Hetie wing Hou as was struck by lightning, the body stagnates. 公羊裕和铁翼侯如遭雷击,身躯凝滞。 However two people are not common Martial Artist, in made the resolution in an instant. 不过两人也并非寻常武者,在刹那间就做出了决断。 Bang! 轰! The body of iron wing marquis explodes instantaneously, changes to the innumerable milli machine bodies, explodes toward all around shoots to open. 铁翼侯的身躯瞬间爆开,化作无数的微小机械体,朝着四周爆射而开。 This method, actually explodes the way of body self-help is quite similar to Dark Species. 这种手段,其实与黑暗种爆体自救的方式极为相似。 However is not evil, without is so exaggerating and odd. 不过并没有那么邪恶,也没有那么的夸张与离谱。 This method considering the particularity of mechanical clan, can achieve. 这种手段只是鉴于机械族的特殊性,方能做到。 Only can speak of immortal level level, more or less some the methods of self-preservation, non- common Martial Artist may compare. 只能说到了不朽级这个层次,或多或少都有一些自保的手段,非寻常武者可比。 „To walk!” “想走!” Murders blood Demon Venerable cold snort/hum one, lingers the blood fog of its body to proliferate to open suddenly, pursues that milli machine body. 弑血魔尊冷哼一声,萦绕其身躯的血雾突然扩散而开,追赶那一个个的微小机械体。 Peng! Peng! Peng...... 彭!彭!彭…… These milli machine bodies just touched the blood fog, immediately then encounters the corrosion probably, has problems, emits the electric light and flame instantaneously, loudly explosion. 那些微小机械体刚刚触碰到血雾,立刻便像是遭到了侵蚀,出现故障,瞬间冒出电光与火光,轰然爆炸。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Shouted angrily to transmit. 一声怒喝传来。 Star meteor revering tears the space directly, spans several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) starry sky, toward murdering a blood Demon Venerable spear pierces. 星陨尊者径直撕裂空间,跨越数万里星空,朝着弑血魔尊一枪刺去。 Was seeing that murders that moment that blood Demon Venerable vanishes, he has then acted. 在看到弑血魔尊消失的那一刻,他便已经出手。 Has not thought that the speed of opposite party unexpectedly becomes such quickly, has not waited for him to catch up, ram Yu Hetie wing marquis already move. 只是没想到对方的速度竟然变得这么快,还不等他追上,公羊裕和铁翼侯就已经中招了。 Bang! 轰! The blood fog was pierced, powerful Source Power its tearing, gives the opportunity that the iron wing marquis escaped. 血雾被洞穿,强大的原力将其撕裂,给了铁翼侯逃生的机会。 These milli machine bodies fled fast the area of influence of murdering blood Demon Venerable, appears in void of distant place, condenses, changes to the body of iron wing marquis. 那些微小机械体快速逃离了弑血魔尊的影响范围,出现在远处的虚空,重新凝聚,化作铁翼侯的身躯。 Just, on the iron wing marquis presented the obvious damage. 只不过,铁翼侯身上却是出现了明显的损伤。 Besides a large cave/hole of chest place, the body also had many to present the damage, probably was torn one to get down forcefully. 除了胸口处的一个大洞之外,身上还有多处出现了缺损,像是被人硬生生撕裂了一块下来。 The gap place electric light twinkle, flip-flop makes noise. 缺口处电光闪烁,噼啪作响。 Iron wing Hou Ditou looks, the look flashes rapidly, in look unexpectedly some spirit is willing season. 铁翼侯低头看去,眼神急速闪动,眼神中竟有些心有余季。 Was almost killed by that blood group Demon Venerable. 差点就被那血族魔尊杀死了。 The high-rank Demon Venerable level is really terrifying, the disparity is too big, it seems like they could not meddle. 上位魔尊级真是太恐怖,差距太大,看来他们是插不上手了。 This mechanical body is also damaged now the serious, overall strength feared that could not display ten 67. 这具机械身躯如今也受损严重,整体实力怕是发挥不出十之六七了。 In iron wing Hou Taotuo murders the blood Demon Venerable evil clutches, ram Yu is also helping oneself. 就在铁翼侯逃脱弑血魔尊的魔爪之时,公羊裕也在自救。 His body blooms suddenly the dazzling blue ray, his whole person package, the bystander cannot even see clearly his appearance, only has a blue light. 他的身躯突然绽放出耀眼的蓝色光芒,将他整个人包裹,外人甚至看不清他的模样,唯有一片蓝光。 The next quarter, water current explode to shoot from the blue light, changes to the blue flowing light, toward escapes in all directions. 下一刻,一道道水流从蓝光之中爆射而出,化作蓝色流光,朝着四面八方逃逸。 Un?!” “嗯?!” Murders the blood Demon Venerable vision to move slightly, the eyeground flashes through ice-cold, however receives to reach behind the back courageous, one grasps toward the front. 弑血魔尊目光微动,眼底闪过一丝冰冷,勐然收回手,朝着前方一抓。 Was stagnated void. 虚空被凝滞。 The blue light of escape lives suddenly, seemed imprisoned in same place by a strength, how regardless to struggle, is unable to escape from this invisible cage. 逃逸的蓝光突然顿住,似乎被一股力量生生禁锢在了原地,不论怎么挣扎,都无法从这无形的牢笼之中逃出。 Star meteor revering has not naturally given up ram Yu, rescues the instance of iron wing marquis, then acts immediately again. 星陨尊者自然没有放弃公羊裕,救下铁翼侯的瞬间,便立刻再次出手。 The spear/gun glow sweeps away void, thorn to murdering the blood Demon Venerable body. 枪芒横扫虚空,刺向弑血魔尊的身躯。 Peng! 彭! Stagnates void is broken, ram abundant the blue water current speeds away to go toward the distant place, without the least bit stay. 虚空凝滞被破,公羊裕所化的蓝色水流朝着远处疾驰而去,没有半点停留。 That blue water current arrive at side Wang Teng unexpectedly directly, gathers, changes to the ram abundant body. 那一道道蓝色水流竟是直接来到王腾身旁,重新汇聚,化作公羊裕的身躯。 „Are you all right?” “你没事吧?” Wang Teng is serious, looks that ram Yu asked. 王腾面色凝重,看着公羊裕问道。 At this time the ram abundant complexion is quite pale, the aura is impractical, the clothes of chest place broke a large cave/hole, contaminates the blood, but actually does not see the wound, lets he worries about at the same time, is somewhat surprised. 此时公羊裕的面色极为苍白,气息虚浮,胸口处的衣服破了一个大洞,沾染血液,但却不见伤口,让他担忧的同时,亦是有些惊讶。 The ram abundant chest had just been pierced, now unexpectedly does not have the wound. 刚刚公羊裕的胸口已经被洞穿了,如今居然没有伤口。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, thought of anything. 王腾目光一闪,想到了什么。 This should be Desert sacred body Element strength. 这应该是【瀚海圣体】的元素化力量。 Like this special group physique, can be changed to the element body by oneself generally, avoids the fatal threat. 像这种特殊的元素类体质,一般都可以让自身化作元素身躯,躲避致命的威胁。 But the loss is also the extreme terrifying. 但损耗也是极为的恐怖。 On such as ram Yu at this moment, he used this way to evade killing that murdered blood Demon Venerable incurred, the wound of but just receiving, and even was changes to the element body to escape, to the life source, the soul source has the enormous consumption. 就如此刻的公羊裕,他用这种方式躲过了弑血魔尊的杀招,但刚刚受的伤,乃至是化作元素身躯逃命,对生命本源,灵魂本源等都有着极大的消耗。 Therefore he seems like so weak. 所以他看起来才会如此的虚弱。 Compares in Hundred Sichuan god bodies This type can split up the special physique that clone, Desert sacred body Naturally missed much in this aspect. 相比于【百川神体】这种可以分化出分身的特殊体质,【瀚海圣体】在这方面自然还是差了不少的。 Two the emphasis points of physicals, are not same. 两种体质的侧重点,就不相同。 Could not have died.” Ram Yu deep inspires, serious shaking the head said: It seems like I and iron wing marquis could not help star meteor revering.” “还死不了。”公羊裕深吸了口气,面色凝重的摇头道:“看来我和铁翼侯是帮不了星陨尊者了。” Has not thought that murders blood Demon Venerable is so powerful.” Wang Teng nods, looking that the vision dreads to murdering blood Demon Venerable of distant place. “没想到那弑血魔尊这么强大。”王腾点了点头,目光忌惮的望向远处的弑血魔尊 Needs me to help you solve this blood group Dark Species?” Ram Yu has not talked too much again, suddenly looked that the blood god to distant place clone, said. “需不需要我帮你解决这头血族黑暗种?”公羊裕没再多言,突然看向远处的血神分身,说道。 Does not use.” In the Wang Teng heart jumps, actually pretends to say calmly generally: You help others, these Martial Artist were invaded by the darkness, could not have distinguished clearly the enemy and ourselves.” “不用。”王腾心中一跳,却装作若无其事一般说道:“你去帮其他人吧,那些武者受到黑暗侵染,已经分不清敌我。” You suppress them, when I solved this blood group blood, purifies them again.” “你去镇压他们,等我解决了这个血族血子,再来净化他们。” Also good.” Ram Yu has not thought, the vision glance, sees all around battlefield pitiful condition, nods. “也好。”公羊裕没有多想,目光扫视,看到四周战场的惨状,不由点了点头。 The next quarter, his figure flashes, then charges into the battlefield of distant place. 下一刻,他身形一闪,便已是冲向远处的战场。 Bang! 轰! The powerful strength sweeps away void, blue sword light fight above the sword to burst out from his hand. 强大的力量横扫虚空,一道道蓝色剑光从他手中战剑之上迸发而出。 No Dark Species can prevent this strength. 没有一头黑暗种能够阻挡这种力量。 The injured immortal level was still the immortal level, even if high-rank demon sovereign level late Dark Species were hard to resist. 受伤的不朽级仍是不朽级,就算是上位魔皇级后期的黑暗种都难以抵挡。 After all is no one is Wang Teng. 毕竟不是谁都是王腾 Between the high-rank demon sovereign levels and immortal levels the disparity is too big, common Martial Artist is hard to span gap radically. 上位魔皇级和不朽级之间差距太大,寻常武者根本难以跨越其中的鸿沟。 Bang! 轰! Meanwhile, a powerful imposing manner from the ram abundant within the body eruption, suppresses these by bright universe Martial Artist that invades dark. 与此同时,一股强大的气势从公羊裕的体内爆发而出,镇压那些被黑暗侵染的光明宇宙武者 Arrived his level, these strength weak Martial Artist suppression is not a difficult matter. 到了他这种层次,将那些实力较弱的武者镇压并非难事。 Iron wing Hou Yi entered the battlefield between low rank Martial Artist, sweeps away one piece, displays the unapproachable strength. 铁翼侯亦是进入了低阶武者之间的战场,横扫一片,展现出无可匹敌的力量。 It can be said that two people joining, let war between bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species directly drew to a close. 可以说,两人的加入,直接让光明宇宙武者黑暗种之间的大战走向了尾声。 But the blood group blood is blue, blood Neil, blood Rosa and other Dark Species naturally are not the opponents, in abundance by severe wound. 而血族的血蓝博,血尼尔,血罗莎等黑暗种自然也不是对手,纷纷被重伤。 Is good receives the reminder that the blood god clone because of them ahead of time, at this moment has fallen back on above the blood god altar, receives the asylum of blood god altar. 好在它们提前收到了血神分身的提醒,此刻已经退到了血神祭坛之上,受到血神祭坛的庇护。 This I acted!” “该我出手了!” The blood god clone to see this, no longer hesitates, immediately stimulates the strength of blood god altar. 血神分身见此,也不再迟疑,当即激发血神祭坛的力量。 Bang! 轰! The innumerable numerous and diverse mysterious blood marks shine above the blood god altar, melts the empty shadow in void obviously, then evolves a huger blood god altar empty shadow unexpectedly. 无数繁杂玄奥的血纹在血神祭坛之上亮起,在虚空中显化出虚影,而后竟是演化出一座更为巨大的血神祭坛虚影。 Terrifying suction eruption. 恐怖的吸力爆发。 During the blood god altar starts to absorb that to proliferate to be void crazily the blood of source. 血神祭坛开始疯狂吸收那遍布虚空之中的本源之血。 He had not forgotten that already with the matter that the main body reached an agreement, while murdering blood Demon Venerable has not responded, absorbed entirely the blood of all sources, making it be at wit's end. 他并未忘记早就和本尊商量好的事情,趁着弑血魔尊没有反应过来,将所有本源之血统统吸收完,让它无计可施。 When the time comes murdered blood Demon Venerable naturally not to have motive that robbed the blood god altar. 到时候弑血魔尊自然就没有了抢夺血神祭坛的动机。 Let alone the blood of absorption these sources, clone to the blood god have the huge advantage, how can give to murder blood Demon Venerable. 何况吸收这些本源之血,对血神分身来说亦是有着巨大的好处,怎么能够让给弑血魔尊 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! As the terrifying suction erupts, the blood of boundless source changes to blood rivers in void, from gathers to come, to converge in the blood god altar in all directions. 随着恐怖吸力爆发,磅礴的本源之血在虚空中化作一条条血河,从四面八方聚拢而来,汇入血神祭坛之中。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, above the blood god altar then erupts the dazzling blood light, the rich blood fog fills the air. 刹那间,血神祭坛之上便是爆发出耀眼至极的血光,浓郁的血雾弥漫而出。 Roar! 吼! The body that the blood god projects rises suddenly instantaneously, sends out the deafening terrifying to angrily roar. 血神投影的身躯瞬间暴涨,发出震耳欲聋的恐怖怒吼。 Originally be only thousand zhang (3.33 m), is actually 4000 zhang (3.33 m) now instantaneously, and has not stopped, during is rising suddenly as before. 原本只有千丈大小,如今却是瞬间达到了四千丈,并且还未停止,依旧在暴涨之中。 5000 zhang (3.33 m)! 五千丈! 6000 zhang (3.33 m)! 六千丈! 7000 zhang (3.33 m)! 七千丈! 8000 zhang (3.33 m)! 八千丈! 9000 zhang (3.33 m)! 九千丈! Before long, a 9000 zhang (3.33 m) blood-color giant then appears during was void. 不一会儿,一尊九千丈大小的血色巨人便出现在了虚空之中。 Is lingering the blood fog, is indomitable spirit! 萦绕着血雾,顶天立地! The terrifying power and influence fills the air, shock and awe four directions. 恐怖的威势弥漫而出,震慑四方。 Has the rich bloody air/Qi spread to be void, making all bright universe Martial Artist feel that within the body blood in the ebullition, as if comes under the influence of this bloody air/Qi faintly, must break the body, but general. 更有浓郁至极的血腥气蔓延虚空,让所有的光明宇宙武者都感觉体内血液隐隐在沸腾,似乎受到这血腥气的影响,要破体而出一般。 What's the matter?! “怎么回事?! The people are startled all, vision looking with amazement to that terrifying blood-color giant. 众人无不是大吃一惊,目光骇然的望向那座恐怖的血色巨人。 The ram Yu Hetie wing marquis two people looked, in the eye the virgin hole shrinks slightly. 就连公羊裕和铁翼侯两人都不禁看了过去,眼中童孔微微一缩。 Is that altar!” Ram Yu loses the sound said: It is absorbing these death Dark Species the blood of source, encourages that blood-color giant.” “是那座祭坛!”公羊裕失声道:“它在吸收那些死亡黑暗种的本源之血,助长那尊血色巨人。” So we helped him.” Facial color some of iron wing marquis are not attractive, the vision closely stares at the blood god to project. “如此岂不是我们成全了他。”铁翼侯的面色有些不大好看,目光紧紧盯着血神投影。 This thinks that blood-color giant can be thousand zhang (3.33 m) is quite not then easy, after all the blood god clone in his eyes is also the mid-rank demon sovereign level peak. 本以为那尊血色巨人能够达到千丈便已是极为不易,毕竟血神分身在他眼中也不过是中位魔皇级巅峰而已。 But who can think, the opposite party also has such subsequent hand unexpectedly, can make that blood-color giant be 9000 zhang (3.33 m), close to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m). 可谁能想到,对方竟还有如此后手,能够让那血色巨人达到九千丈,接近万丈。 Simply inconceivable! 简直不可思议! That blood group is Dark Species really one does not lose in the Wang Teng Heaven's Chosen? 那头血族黑暗种难道真的是一个不输于王腾的天骄? From the beginning, they do not think that the blood god clone to compare favorably with Wang Teng. 一开始,他们并不认为血神分身能够比得上王腾 The person of bright universe knew about Wang Teng extremely, because of this, understands that he has evildoer/monstrous talent how. 光明宇宙之人对王腾极为了解,正因为如此,才明白他到底有多么妖孽。 That blood group Dark Species talent even again fierce, perhaps is still hard to compare favorably with Wang Teng. 那个血族黑暗种天才就算再厉害,恐怕也难以与王腾媲美。 If Wang Teng acts full power, the opposite party definitely cannot block. 如果王腾全力出手,对方肯定挡不住。 But now, this thought had the vacillation. 但如今,这个念头产生了动摇。 The method that the blood god clone somewhat is really unexpected. 血神分身的手段着实有些出人意料。 Ram Yu Hetie wing Hou Xianru is silent, the vision cannot bear look to Wang Teng. 公羊裕和铁翼侯陷入沉默,目光忍不住望向王腾 This blood group Dark Species is very never expected that strong, the method is good, has my several elegant demeanors.” A Wang Teng face exclamation looks at the blood god in front not far away to project, to praise sighed. “没想到这个血族黑暗种还挺强,手段不错,有我几丝风采。”王腾一脸“惊叹”的望着面前不远处的血神投影,赞叹道。 „......” Ram Yu. “……”公羊裕。 „......” Iron wing marquis. “……”铁翼侯。 This, this fellow also had the thoughts here narcissism unexpectedly. 这都什么时候了,这家伙居然还有心思在这里自恋。 Two people are incapable of complaining simply. 两人简直无力吐槽。 They lived were so long, has not seen the person of such rare and beautiful flowers seriously, does not know how his brain circuit was long. 他们活了这么久,当真是还未见过这么奇葩的人,也不知道他的脑回路是怎么长的。 The distant place, murdered blood Demon Venerable also to look, the vision flashed, in the eye revealed stunned, even some...... were ignorant. 远处,弑血魔尊也是看了过来,目光微闪,眼中不由露出一丝错愕,甚至有些……懵了。 The blood of source was absorbed up, what does it use? 本源之血都被吸收光了,它用什么? This situation is it has not expected obviously. 这种情况显然也是它所没有料到的。 Above this stretch of battlefield only then its blood group Demon Venerable level exists, other strongest is also the high-rank demon sovereign level, even the blood of absorption source, how many can also absorb? 这片战场之上只有它一个血族魔尊级存在,其他最强的也不过是上位魔皇级而已,就算吸收本源之血,又能吸收多少? But it neglected a person from beginning to end. 但它从始至终都忽略了一个人。 Blood certainly! 血绝! He has the blood god altar, theoretically will absorb the quantity of blood of source not to compare it to be few. 他拥有血神祭坛,理论上吸收本源之血的量绝不会比它少。 Before he had not thought of this point unexpectedly. 之前他竟没有想到这一点。 Now the blood absorbs the battlefield blood above of source certainly, during integrated that blood god to project, even if it wanted to prevent, still already without enough time. 如今血绝吸收了战场之上的本源之血,融入了那尊血神投影之中,它就算想要阻止,也已经来不及了。 Murdered in the blood Demon Venerable heart depressed, is fed excrement probably, uncomfortable. 弑血魔尊心中郁闷不已,像是被人喂了一口屎,难受至极。 To the person who it feeds the excrement, blood group blood that it appreciates extremely. 偏偏给它喂屎的人,正是它极为欣赏的血族血子。 Whom this asks to reason things out. 这找谁说理去。 Also its solemn Demon Venerable level exists no wonder, was done depressed. 也难怪它堂堂魔尊级存在,都被搞得郁闷了。 Kills!” “杀!” The blood god clone not to know that they are thinking anything, controls the blood god to project, kills toward that mechanical giant. 血神分身并不知道他们在想什么,操控血神投影,朝着那尊机械巨人杀去。 Bang! 轰! The huge incomparable blood god projection sidewise compression is void, sends out the terrifying the power and influence, solely is approaches, that power and influence then shocks eight sides sufficiently, affects rear bright universe Martial Artist. 庞大无比的血神投影横压虚空,散发出恐怖的威势,单单是靠近过来,那股威势便足以震慑八方,影响后方的光明宇宙武者 Suddenly, in numerous bright universe Martial Artist heart panic-stricken, only thought that a mountain presses in the head, the body stagnates, unable to move slightest. 一时间,众多光明宇宙武者心中惊骇,只觉得一座大山压在头上,身躯凝滞,动弹不得分毫。 The blood of their within the body surges fiercely, the skin surface seeped out a little bit blood bead immediately. 他们体内的血液剧烈激荡,皮肤表面顿时渗出了一滴滴的血珠。 Retreat!” “后退!” Ram Yu loudly shouts, simultaneously the big hand wields, the imposing manner erupts, a vast sea empty shadow float in his top of the head, blocks terrifying power and influence that the blood god projected. 公羊裕大喝一声,同时大手一挥,气势爆发,一座浩瀚的海洋虚影悬浮在他的头顶,挡住了血神投影的恐怖威势。 Bang! 轰隆! Two entirely different imposing manners collide in void, erupt the sound of fierce thundering. 两种截然不同的气势在虚空中碰撞,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声。 So to be how strong! “怎么会这么强! Ram Yu retroceded one step, the complexion big change, in the heart was shocked unusually. ”公羊裕后退了一步,面色大变,心中震动异常。 This blood group Dark Species imposing manner is unexpectedly more terrorist than him, incredible! 这血族黑暗种的气势竟然比他还要恐怖,令人难以置信! At this moment, he felt the desert will that oneself condense, must collapse unexpectedly, in the face of the imposing manner of opposite party, fell into completely leeward. 此刻,他感觉自己凝聚的瀚海意志,居然要崩溃,在对方的气势面前,完全陷入了下风。 Bang! 轰! The iron wing marquis acts, within the body erupts a powerful incomparable imposing manner similarly, formed a strange empty shadow in void. 铁翼侯出手,体内同样爆发出一股强大无比的气势,在虚空中形成了一道奇异的虚影。 That unexpectedly is a pair of giant wing! 那竟是一对巨大的羽翼! Is surrounding the azure wind, actually sends out the dazzling golden ray, two strength unions, erupt the powerful imposing manner. 环绕着青色的风,却又散发出耀眼的金色光芒,两种力量结合,爆发出强大的气势。 The wing blocks the sky, was ordinary like the protective umbrella, protects below life. 羽翼遮天蔽日,如同保护伞一般,护住了下方的生灵。 At this moment, under two imposing manners erupt simultaneously, can contend with the imposing manner that blood god projects actually reluctantly. 此时此刻,两种气势同时爆发之下,倒是勉强能够与那血神投影的气势抗衡。 both sides fall into refuse to budge! 双方陷入僵持! This is the imposing manner of immortal level, no more than so.” “这就是不朽级的气势吗,也不过如此。” However during the meantime, even Dan the voice projects from the blood god together suddenly spreads. 不过就在此时,一道平澹的声音突然从血神投影之中传出。 Extremely arrogant!” Ram abundant complexion some are not attractive, his solemn immortal level had is belittled by blood group Dark Species unexpectedly, can this endure? “狂妄!”公羊裕面色有些不大好看,他堂堂不朽级存在居然被一个血族黑暗种小觑了,这能忍? If Wang Teng such evildoer/monstrous talent , blood group Dark Species, why despised him even. 如果是王腾这样的妖孽,也就算了,一个血族黑暗种而已,凭什么轻视他。 Iron wing Hou Yi is the vision sinks, he and abundant marquis also acts, just now resists this blood group Dark Species imposing manner, this is extremely the matter of humiliation, now unexpectedly is also despised, he naturally did not accept. 铁翼侯亦是目光微沉,他和裕侯同时出手,方才抵挡住这血族黑暗种的气势,这本就是极为丢脸之事,如今居然还被轻视,他自然接受不了。 This blood god clone, does the matter.” The Wang Teng vision is strange. “这个血神分身,搞事啊。”王腾目光古怪。 Just those words, were not he pull strings, was the blood god clone oneself to say completely. 刚刚那句话,可不是他指使的,完全是血神分身自己说出来的。 He makes the blood god clone to display freely, but has not made the opposite party so free. 他让血神分身自由发挥,可也没让对方这么自由啊。 No matter how said, the ram Yu Hetie wing marquises are the bright universe immortal level exist, moreover currently speaking relates with him is very good, he is insufficient to disparage them. 不管怎么说,公羊裕和铁翼侯都是光明宇宙的不朽级存在,而且目前来说和他关系都很不错,他不至于贬低他们。 He has the reason to believe, this is the blood god clone to install to compel. 他有理由相信,这是血神分身在装逼。 This blood is extremely arrogant?” “本血子狂妄吗?” A chuckle spreads, only listens to the blood god clone undulating say/way: That makes you have a look at this blood to have the extremely arrogant capital.” 一声轻笑传出,只听血神分身澹澹道:“那就让你们看看本血子有没有狂妄的资本吧。” Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, the bellow resounds through immediately. 话音刚落,轰鸣声顿时响彻而起。 Above the blood god projects also to erupt a terrifying incomparable imposing manner, bloody, evil spirit, dark, ancient times, boundless...... 血神投影之上随之爆发出一股恐怖无比的气势,血腥,凶煞,黑暗,远古,磅礴…… Ancient times the meaning of blood ghost, fifth-order! 远古血煞之意,五阶! ! Ancient times dark will, fifth-order! 远古黑暗意志,五阶! ! Two fifth-order wills also erupt, its terrifying degree, it can be imagined. 两种五阶意志同时爆发,其恐怖程度,可想而知。 At this moment, the present blood god projects as if no longer condenses together, but empty shadow, but was that treads the broken space and time to arrive at this place from the ancient times years evil ancient god. 这一刻,眼前的血神投影仿佛不再是一道凝聚而出的虚影,而是那从远古岁月踏破时空降临此地的邪恶古老神祇。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Ram abundant desert will, the golden wing will of iron wing marquis, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform sinks downward, almost must disrupt to open, is unable to withstand the blood god clone the bombardment of that will. 公羊裕的瀚海意志,铁翼侯的金色羽翼意志,齐齐的往下一沉,几乎要碎裂而开,无法承受血神分身那意志的轰击。 What?! “什么?! Two people startled and anger, the look shivers, vision with amazement. 两人又惊又怒,眼神颤动,目光骇然。 Their wills were the fifth-order level, although enters initially fifth-order, but also is fifth-order level, is not the common will may compare. 他们的意志都达到了五阶层次,虽然只是初入五阶,但也是实打实的五阶层次,绝非寻常意志可比。 However in the face of this blood group Dark Species will, was also suppressed unexpectedly. 但是在这血族黑暗种的意志面前,竟然还被压制了。 Will Dark Species of mid-rank demon sovereign level peak, how have the strength of so fearful will? 一个中位魔皇级巅峰的黑暗种,怎会拥有如此可怕的意志之力? The time, two people are feel unbelievable, three view subverted shocks. 顿时间,两人都是感觉难以置信,有一种三观被颠覆的震撼。 Wang Teng here, they have felt one time, now on this blood group Dark Species, must feel unexpectedly one time. 王腾这里,他们已经感受过一次,如今在这血族黑暗种身上,居然还要感受一次。 Really damn. 真是见鬼了。 When talent such many of such evildoer/monstrous talent rank? 什么时候这样妖孽级别的天才如此之多了? Draws back to this blood!” “给本血子退!” Ice-cold within drinks to project from the blood god greatly spreads, the blood god projects also to erupt to angrily roar, the strength of sidewise compression terrifying will, such as a god only lifts her god foot slowly, fell, wants to tread all. 冰冷的大喝声从血神投影之内传出,血神投影随之爆发出怒吼,恐怖的意志之力横压而下,如一尊神祇缓缓抬起她的神足,落了下来,欲踏碎一切。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The ram Yu Hetie wing marquis cannot support again, two people imposing manners were shaken instantaneously draw back, their bodies backed up several steps. 公羊裕和铁翼侯再也支撑不住,两人的气势瞬间被震退,就连他们自己的身躯都是倒退了数步。 The next quarter, in the blood god projection hand condenses a giant blood-color sword, cuts to fall loudly. 下一刻,血神投影手中凝聚出一柄巨大的血色战刀,轰然斩落。 Demon Venerable level Fighting technique! 魔尊战技 The blood is remnant, crazy blade! 血残,狂刀! ! This blade, cut directly to that mechanical giant. 这一刀,直接斩向了那尊机械巨人。 When really I can't fight?” In the Wang Teng mouth sends out sonic boom to drink suddenly. “真当我不能战了吗?”王腾口中陡然发出一声爆喝。 Although looks very weak, does not have the meaning of flinching, is controlling that huge mechanical giant, moves forward to meet somebody. 虽然看起来很虚弱,却丝毫没有退缩之意,控制着那尊庞大的机械巨人,迎了上去。 In the machinery great person hand the itself/Ben is a fights the sword, now transforms a long spear/gun impressively. 机械巨人手中本是一柄战剑,如今赫然转换成了一柄长枪。 The endless bright strength erupts above the long spear/gun, condenses together the incomparable holy spear/gun glow, bright rune/symbol writing evolves, brand mark above spear/gun glow. 无尽的光明之力在长枪之上爆发,凝聚成一道无匹的圣洁枪芒,光明符文演化,烙印在枪芒之上。 The strength of powerful bright source principle emerges. 强大的光明本源法则之力涌现而出。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, a bright mechanical giant spear pierces leaves, cuts to fall with that but below dark-red blade glow collided in one, erupted the sound of fierce thundering. 仅仅是刹那间,光明机械巨人一枪刺出,与那斩落而下的暗红色的刀芒碰撞在了一起,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声。 The blood of Menglie is Source Power, bright Source Power toward rewinds to open in all directions. 勐烈的血系原力,光明原力朝着四面八方倒卷而开。 Strength of both sides is corroding mutually, wears down mutually. 双方的力量在相互侵蚀,相互消磨。 No matter the blood is the strength, is the strength of light, in the enough powerful situation, can corrode wears down the opposite party. 不管是血系之力,还是光明之力,在足够强大的情况下,都可以侵蚀消磨对方。 Suddenly, both sides fell into deadlock. 一时间,双方陷入了僵持。
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