AAMD :: Volume #19

#1895: Weak! 50% assurances! Unrestrained gambling!( Sought subscription to ask monthly ticket!)

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Bang! 轰隆! In the region of that 11 star blockades, the dazzling ray submerged the most piece to be void, the fierce bellow resounded through in all directions. 在那十一颗星球封锁的区域之内,耀眼的光芒淹没了大半片虚空,剧烈的轰鸣声响彻四面八方。 This, just like the universe to live the scenery of extinguishing seriously, the terrifying large explosion must annihilate all. 这一幕,当真犹如宇宙生灭之景,恐怖的大爆炸要湮灭一切。 The tortoise shell empty shadow of Wang Teng and that mystical, had been submerged all, cannot see clearly the appearance. 王腾和那神异的龟壳虚影,早就被尽数淹没,看不清模样了。 Distant place, that giant face after erupting this to strike, as if became weak many, might as well originally the congealing reality, presented illusory. 远处,那巨大面孔在爆发出这一击之后,似乎变得虚弱了不少,不如原本凝实,出现了一丝虚幻。 But she has not disappeared, a pair of indifferent eye pupil was still gazing at the front explosion, the emergence of waiting result. 但她并未消失,一双冷漠的眼眸仍旧注视着前方的爆炸,等待结果的出现。 In endless ray. 在无尽的光芒之中。 That giant mystical tortoise shell is glittering crazily the ray, above rune/symbol writing falling from the sky one after another, the strange trace is also break one after another. 那巨大的神异龟壳正疯狂的闪烁着光芒,上面的符文一枚又一枚的陨灭,奇异的纹路也是一道又一道的断裂开来。 The card observes! The card observes! The card observes...... 卡察!卡察!卡察…… Crashing that may hear clearly also spreads. 一道道清晰可闻的碎裂声随之传出。 The hard incomparable tortoise shell empty shadow, less than among the moments, presented massive fissures, will soon collapse. 坚硬无比的龟壳虚影,不到片刻之间,就出现了大量的裂痕,即将崩溃。 Wang Teng after the tortoise shell, child Kong contracted suddenly, he has almost no time to think, Source Power continuous gushing out in within the body, converges in the tortoise shell, patches that ever emerging fissure. 王腾位于龟壳之后,童孔骤然收缩了起来,他几乎无暇多想,体内的原力源源不断的涌出,汇入龟壳之内,修补那不断出现的裂痕。 Meanwhile his spirit read the strength not to count sweeping across of price, is collecting all around attribute air bubble. 同时他的精神念力也是不计代价的席卷而出,拾取着四周的属性气泡。 That endless ray read the strength to his spirit is an enormous injury, but he can ignore so many now, can only go against the energy washout of that terrifying to collect the attribute air bubble. 那无尽的光芒对他的精神念力是一种极大的伤害,但他现在顾不了这么多,只能顶着那恐怖的能量冲刷拾取属性气泡。 Peng Pengpeng...... 彭彭彭…… Spirits read the invisible tentacle that the strength formed to break directly, even contacted that attribute air bubble the opportunity not to have. 一道道精神念力形成的无形触手直接断裂,连接触那属性气泡的机会都没有。 Wang Teng frowns, will immediately read strength overstriking energetic, twists one, sweeps across again. 王腾皱起眉头,当即将精神念力加粗,拧成一股,再度席卷而出。 Finally, his spirit read the strength after breaking part, collected the attribute air bubble. 终于,他的精神念力在断裂了一部分之后,还是拾取到了属性气泡。 His spirit read the strength to be abundant luckily enough, was tenacious enough, after twisting one, reluctantly can resist the washout of that energy, was insufficient to break immediately. 幸好他的精神念力足够雄厚,足够坚韧,拧成一股之后,勉强可以抵挡那能量的冲刷,不至于马上就断裂。 Otherwise picked the attribute to become the expectation continually! 否则连捡属性都成了奢望! Thus it can be seen, situation at this moment has is difficult and dangerous. 由此可见,此刻的情形到底有多么艰难与危险。 Earth Attribute Star Source Power * 3500】 土系星辰原力 Earth Attribute Star Source Power * 4200】 土系星辰原力 Earth Attribute Star Source Power * 4000】 土系星辰原力 ...... …… Metal Attribute Star Source Power * 3800】 金系星辰原力 Metal Attribute Star Source Power * 4500】 金系星辰原力 Metal Attribute Star Source Power * 3600】 金系星辰原力 ...... …… Water Attribute Star Source Power * 3500】 水系星辰原力 Water Attribute Star Source Power * 4000】 水系星辰原力 Water Attribute Star Source Power * 3800】 水系星辰原力 ...... …… The time, attribute air bubbles converge in the body of Wang Teng, later erupts, integrates in the tortoise shell empty shadow. 顿时间,一个个属性气泡汇入王腾的身体之内,随后又爆发而出,融入龟壳虚影之中。 rune/symbol writing and trace above tortoise shell many stabilized, during collapse, there is new rune/symbol writing to appear. 龟壳之上的符文与纹路多少稳定了一些,在崩溃的同时,又有新的符文出现。 Possibly because of the eruption of that void will, the attribute value that these collected time were more than much before. 可能是因为那虚空意志的爆发,这一次拾取到的属性值比之前更多了不少。 This also gives the opportunity that Wang Teng panted for breath. 这也给了王腾喘息的机会。 Not but the terrifying of that chaos source energy, his Genki god armor Not necessarily can block. 不然以那混沌本源能量的恐怖,他的【玄龟神甲】未必挡得住。 After all he is unable to compare with that heavy Yue Tunling turtle, he is only the universe level peak boundary. 毕竟他无法与那重岳吞灵龟相比,他只是宇宙级巅峰境界而已。 Even so, Wang Teng also knows, the present situation is impossible to maintain too for a long time, if not try to find other solutions, finally he will fall from the sky under the bombardment of that void will. 即便如此,王腾也知道,眼下的情况不可能维持太久,若是不想其他办法,最终他还是会陨落在那虚空意志的轰击之下。 At this time he frowns tightly, opening Really the child of regarding, Goes toward the front glance. 此时他紧皱眉头,开启了【真视之童】,朝着前方扫视而去。 Across the numerous energies, that giant face appears in his eyes. 穿过重重能量,那巨大面孔出现在他的眼中。 Un?!” “嗯?!” Suddenly, he as if discovered anything, in the eye none flashes. 突然间,他似乎发现了什么,眼中精光一闪。 Just now that struck, making her lose much!” “方才那一击,让她损耗了不少!” That giant face illusory clear, Wang Teng almost saw differently, in the heart had to guess. 那巨大面孔的虚幻一目了然,王腾几乎一眼就看出了不同,心中不禁有了一丝猜测。 She changed weak, perhaps now uses...... that move of time!” “她变虚弱了,也许如今正是使用……那一招的时候!” Is only somewhat adventurous!” “只是有些冒险!” Can succeed, only then 50% assurances.” “能不能成功,只有50%把握而已。” The Wang Teng vision glitters unceasingly, in his heart has actually tried to find the solution of collapsing, will otherwise not do this, but now just in unceasing improvement that means that reduces the risk. 王腾的目光不断闪烁,他心中其实早就已经想好了破局的办法,不然也不会如此作死,而如今则只不过是在不断的完善那个办法,降低风险。 Especially sees that giant face after illusory condition, the idea in his heart is even more intense. 尤其是看到那巨大面孔的虚幻之态后,他心中的想法越发强烈。 That method without doubt is somewhat crazy, but with the Wang Teng attitude, has the opportunity not to try, how he will be resigned. 那个方法无疑是有些疯狂,但以王腾的作风,有机会不试一试,他岂会甘心。 „, Consumes the huge resources to condense the body of main body at the worst.” “罢了,大不了耗费大量资源重新凝聚本尊之体。” Has clone, I could not have died!” “有分身在,我还死不了!” If common universe level Martial Artist, died the estimate also dead, but the Wang Teng method was numerous, even could be called somewhat strangely, so long as retained blood of the source, can have a new lease of life. 如果是寻常宇宙级武者,死了估计也就死了,但王腾手段众多,甚至称得上有些诡异,只要保留一丝本源之血,就能够重获新生。 The process will be quite definitely difficult, and boundary cultivates is also affected. 只是过程肯定会比较艰难而已,并且本身的境界修为也会受到影响。 But this time if successful, he should be able promote to enter Territory Lord Level. 但这次如果成功,他应该就可以晋入域主级 To have the harvest, definitely wants to pay. 想要有收获,必然要有所付出。 Especially his Martial Artist so, others could not give his many help, all can only by oneself, even took risk, must try. 尤其是他这般的武者,别人给不了他多少帮助,一切都只能靠自己,即便是冒险,也必须试一试。 In an instant, the Wang Teng vision becomes extremely firm, looks toward the front, locks that giant face. 刹那间,王腾的目光变得极为坚定,朝着前方看去,锁定那巨大的面孔。 In the eye socket of that giant face, the ice-cold indifferent look fluctuated suddenly, as if felt anything, the region that but Wang Teng is at now was covered by the numerous energies, even she, still being hard sensation to anything, this made some of her doubt get up. 那巨大面孔的眼眶之内,冰冷漠然的眼神骤然波动了一下,似乎感觉到了什么,但如今王腾所在的区域被重重能量所覆盖,就算是她,也难以感知到什么,这令她不禁有些狐疑起来。 Wang Teng the action, the vision has not closely been staring at the giant face anxiously, simultaneously the spirit read the strength to sweep across unceasingly, collected attribute air bubble in all directions. 王腾没有急着行动,目光紧紧盯着巨大面孔,同时精神念力不断席卷而出,拾取四面八方的属性气泡。 He must prepare completely safe, by the best condition facing that void will. 他要做好万全的准备,以最佳的状态面对那虚空意志。 The attribute air bubble gatherings come, not only some species Source Power attributes, but also has the energetic attribute, life source and soul source attribute. 一个个属性气泡汇聚而来,不但有各种属性的原力属性,还有着精神属性,生命本源和灵魂本源属性。 This point, making Wang Teng more definite that void will change weak, how otherwise can the falling life source and soul source attribute. 这一点,让王腾更加确定那虚空意志变虚弱了,不然岂会掉落生命本源和灵魂本源属性。 This is the strength of any life most important source, in the ordinary circumstances will not fall, only had to suffer the heavy losses, when or self- eruption source, might fall. 这可是任何一个生灵最重要的本源之力,一般情况下是不会掉落的,唯有受到了重创,或是自我爆发本源之时,才有可能掉落。 Now that void will does not suffer the heavy losses obviously, she is the self- eruption, wants to extinguish at one fell swoop kills Wang Teng this different kind. 如今那虚空意志明显不是受到了重创,她是自我爆发,想要一举灭杀王腾这个异类。 Existence of Wang Teng, making her feel anxiously...... 王腾的存在,令她感觉到了不安…… Also made her feel an opportunity! 同时也令她感觉到了一丝机遇! Otherwise, her not so big fee/spent flustered chasing down Wang Teng, even does not hesitate the volume of simultaneous/uniform 11 star self- eruptions. 否则,她不会如此大费周章的追杀王腾,甚至不惜集齐十一颗星球自我爆发。 This to her, kills the enemy 1000 absolutely, damages 800 behaviors. 这对她而言,绝对是杀敌一千,自损八百的行为。 Even if struck to kill Wang Teng, she must cost lots of time to restore, might return the original condition. 就算是击杀了王腾,她也要耗费大量的时间去恢复,才有可能重新回到原来的状态。 However she wants to obtain something from Wang Teng, wants to pay similarly. 不过她想要从王腾身上得到一些东西,就同样要有所付出。 It can be said that this void will and Wang Teng think simply together. 可以说,这虚空意志和王腾简直想到一块去了。 both sides are conducting a unrestrained gambling! 双方都在进行一场豪赌! And they have the self-confidence to themselves extremely, therefore dares to conduct this unrestrained gambling. 且他们都对自己极有自信,所以才敢去进行这一场豪赌。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In the bellow, that ray starts to get down weakly, the Wang Teng vision twinkle, knows that cannot wait again, all around attribute air bubble also almost collects. 轰鸣声中,那光芒开始微弱下去,王腾目光闪烁,知道不能再等了,四周的属性气泡也拾取得差不多。 The card observes! The card observes! The card observes! 卡察!卡察!卡察! Above Genki god armor also spreads unceasingly crashes, the entire tortoise shell empty shadow has collapsed most probably, can only block the Wang Teng body the fragment to stay behind. 玄龟神甲之上也不断传出碎裂声,整面龟壳虚影已经崩溃了大半,仅有一个能够挡住王腾身躯的残片留下。 But he remains unmoved slightly, the innermost feelings erupt to shout angrily. 但他丝毫不为所动,内心爆发出怒喝。 The demon armor sacred body, opens! 魔甲圣体,开! Does not calculate that the huge paint black empty shadow appeared beyond the Wang Teng body, formed a fierce armor stomach, the sharp thorn hung down, distributed like a steel knife in the arm, the shoulder first-class spot, armor stomach is reflecting the ice-cold metallic luster all over the body, about 45 meters big, making the Wang Teng body as if raise all of a sudden much. 一道不算庞大的漆黑色虚影出现在了王腾的身躯之外,形成了一副狰狞的甲胃,尖刺倒垂,如同一柄柄钢刀分布于手臂,肩甲等部位,甲胃通体反射着冰冷的金属光泽,大约四五米高大,令王腾的身躯仿佛一下子拔高了不少。 Fifth-order Demon armor sacred body Condenses but the demon armor defensive power is astonishing, even is not weak in Shengji to fight armor. 五阶【魔甲圣体】凝聚而出的魔甲防御力惊人,甚至不弱于圣级战甲。 This is the second protection of Wang Teng. 这是王腾的第二道防护。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, he no longer hesitates, is controlling only remaining one Genki god armor During the fragment, toward front is void giant face suddenly/violently to rush to go. 下一刻,他不再犹豫,控制着仅剩下的一块【玄龟神甲】残片,朝着前方虚空之中的巨大面孔暴冲而去。 But his body, situated in that Genki god armor After the fragment, closely followed, changed to a flowing light, breaks through ray that explosion had, cut like the meteor together void, sacrificing to be rotten and dangerous. 而他的身躯,就位于那【玄龟神甲】的残片之后,紧紧跟随,化作了一道流光,冲破了那爆炸产生的光芒,就像一道流星划破虚空,徇烂而危险。 Void, that giant face was waiting for withering away of Wang Teng, finally actually runs out the induction to the flowing light together directly, that look however changed courageous. 虚空之中,那巨大面孔本来正在等待王腾的消亡,结果却感应到一道流光径直冲出,那眼神勐然发生了变化。 How she has not thought that small and weak life blocked her attack unexpectedly. 她怎么都没想到,那弱小生灵竟然挡住了她的攻击。 Even also bold sent the counter-attack toward her. 甚至还胆大包天的朝她发了反击。 The streams light/only approach shortly fast, in her eye revealed a dignified meaning. 眼看着那道流光快速靠近,她眼中不禁露出了一丝凝重之意。 Roar! 吼! Angrily roars to spread, massive Source Power gather toward the mouth of that giant face in again. 一声怒吼传出,大量的原力再次朝着那巨大面孔的口中汇聚而来。 But this time she has gathered the chaos source energy without enough time, can only use various species nature Source Power above that 11 star. 只不过这次她已经来不及汇聚混沌本源能量了,只能动用那十一颗星球之上的各种属性原力 Fire Attribute Star Source Power first arrives, after converging in its, immediately erupts together the scarlet colored light column, the bang melts the flowing light to Wang Teng ruthlessly. 火系星辰原力最先到达,汇入其口中之后,顿时爆发出一道赤红色光柱,狠狠轰向王腾所化流光。 Bang! 轰! Wang Teng melted the flowing light to collide immediately with that light beam, the trend of advance is prevented instantaneously, Genki god armor Above the fragment transmits unceasingly crashes, then loudly collapse. 王腾所化流光顿时与那光柱碰撞到了一起,前进的趋势瞬间被阻挡住,【玄龟神甲】残片之上不断传来碎裂声,而后轰然崩溃。 He has expected this point, the startled meaning, has not continued to flush away toward the front slightly. 他早就料到这一点,并没有丝毫惊慌之意,继续朝着前方冲去。 That scarlet colored light column diameter drops down above his hard paint black armor stomach. 那赤红色光柱径直落在他那坚硬的漆黑色甲胃之上。 This time, the light beam was blocked. 这一次,光柱被挡住。 Wang Teng withstand/top in the light beam to send out, but burning hot energy, one group of black flame sweep across from his body, is the fire of darkness. 王腾顶着光柱内散发而出的炙热能量,一团黑色火焰从他的身体内席卷而出,正是黑暗之火。 In front of the world different fire, any flame must submit. 在天地异火面前,任何火焰都要臣服。 The burning hot temperature in scarlet colored light column cannot injure his slightest again. 赤红色光柱之内的炙热温度再也伤不到他分毫。 Meanwhile, Escaping light Fighting technique has displayed, the back whiteness both wings fan crazily, provides the giant power for him. 与此同时,【遁光】战技已经施展而出,背后洁白色双翅疯狂扇动,为他提供巨大的动力。 Bang! 轰! The scarlet colored light column was broken open, the Wang Teng figure changes to the flowing light again, charges into that giant face. 赤红色光柱被破开,王腾的身形再次化作流光,冲向那巨大的面孔。 At this moment, he wears jet black war armor, the whole body is filling the black flame, performs to reveal the meaning of darkness, but the back has a pair of whiteness wing to open, was holy and bright, formed the striking contrast and contrast. 这一刻,他身着漆黑战甲,浑身弥漫着黑色火焰,尽显黑暗之意,但背后却有着一对洁白色羽翼张开,圣洁而光明,形成了强烈的反差与对比。 If some people see this, surely can shock stares the big eye. 若是有人看到这一幕,必定会震惊的瞪大眼睛。 The light and darkness appear on a person simultaneously, and has not conflicted unexpectedly, is really incredible. 光明与黑暗同时出现在一个人身上,而且竟然没有丝毫冲突,实在令人难以置信。 In the double pupil of that giant face, her look also reveals an astonishment, although she can also achieve uses bright and dark Source Power simultaneously, but actually cannot look like Wang Teng is so relaxed at will, this makes her even more long to Wang Teng secret. 那巨大面孔的双眸之中,她的眼神亦是露出一丝惊异,尽管她也能够做到同时动用光明与黑暗原力,但是却不能像王腾这般轻松随意,这让她对王腾身上的秘密越发渴望。 Bang! 轰! At this moment in her mouth gathered several other color rays again, respectively is the yellow, the golden color, the green, the blue color, represented gold/metal wooden water and soil four Source Power. 此刻她的口中再次聚集了另外几种颜色的光芒,分别是黄色,金色,绿色,蓝色,正是代表了金木水土四种原力 In addition original Fire Attribute Star Source Power, five lines of Source Power are the volume is uneven now. 加上原先的火系星辰原力,如今五行原力已是集齐了。 The bellow resounds instantly, the five colors light beam erupts, fell above the armor stomach beyond Wang Teng body loudly. 轰鸣声响起的刹那,五色光柱爆发而出,轰然落在了王腾身躯之外的甲胃之上。 Winter! 冬! The extremely depressed sound spreads together, as if two gold/metal irons hit ruthlessly in the same place. 一道极为沉闷的声响传出,仿佛两块金铁狠狠撞在一起。 Wang Teng felt immediately a great strength transmits from the front, invades in his body, the armor stomach outside body cannot help but vibrated. 王腾顿时感觉到一股巨力从前方传来,侵入他的身体之内,身外的甲胃都不由自主的震动了起来。 Bloodstains appear on his body, the blood flow. 一道道血痕出现在他的身上,鲜血流淌而出。 Is good in his body also puts on that Saint level that seizes from the blood ghost demon sovereign hand to fight armor, after Demon armor After this Saint level fights the resistance of armor, that strength has removed most probably. 好在他的身上还穿着那件从血鬼魔皇手中夺下的圣级战甲,经过【魔甲】与这圣级战甲的抵御之后,那力量已经卸去了大半。 In addition he just the life source energy of several stars absorbing strengthened the mortal body, making it achieve universe level the boundary of limit, even if refine Territory Lord Level Martial Artist of body commonly, the mortal body is unable to compare with him. 加上他刚刚从几颗星球上吸收的生命本源能量增强了肉身,令其达到了宇宙级的极限之境,就算是寻常炼体的域主级武者,肉身也无法与他相比。 And...... 而且…… Ancient God Body, Opens! 古神躯】,开! Five lines of god conceals, Opens! 【五行神藏】,开! True Dragon Battle Body( false)】, Opens! 真龙战体(伪)】,开! Stars sacred body, Opens! 【星辰圣体】,开! black mountain king body, Opens! 【黑山王体】,开! Demon bone, Opens! 【魔骨】,开! In an instant, in the Wang Teng heart angrily roars, opens several powerful physicals, no matter the bright one side physique, is the dark one side physique, appeared in his body at this moment entirely, making his mortal body even more powerful, the aura that sent out the terrifying. 刹那间,王腾心中怒吼,将几种强大体质同时开启,不管是光明一侧的体质,还是黑暗一侧的体质,此时此刻统统出现在了他的身体之内,让他的肉身越发强大,散发出恐怖的气息。 That bloodstain heals instantaneously, the organism of Wang Teng is still perfect, as if never presents the scar to be the same. 那一道道血痕瞬间愈合,王腾的肌体依旧完美无瑕,仿佛从未出现过伤痕一般。 The next quarter, a shadow fights the sword to appear in his hands, cuts loudly. 下一刻,一柄暗影战剑出现在他的手中,轰然斩出。 Dominates the sovereign 12 swords, the sword four! 霸皇十二剑,剑四! Bang! 轰! May reach the hundred zhang (333 m) the long sword glow to shoot up to the sky together instantaneously, punctures all around colorful mist, almost must be flush with the light beam that 11 stars erupt. 一道可达百丈之长的剑芒瞬间冲天而起,刺破四周的五彩斑斓的雾气,几乎要与那十一颗星球爆发出的光柱齐平。 This sword glow presents the golden yellow color, is majestic and overbearing, just like the sword of overlord, in the world, the power and influence is vertically and horizontally astonishing. 这道剑芒呈现金黄之色,堂皇而霸道,宛如霸王之剑,纵横天地间,威势惊人。 A Wang Teng sword cuts, the sword glow of that terrifying then cuts into the front five lines of light beams instantaneously, the metallicity friendly boundary domain erupts instantaneously. 王腾一剑斩出,那恐怖的剑芒瞬间便斩入前方五行光柱之中,金属性的融境领域瞬间爆发。 Meanwhile, above that sword glow is appears strange golden rune/symbol writing, as if big hand inscribed it above the sword glow, connected the chains, crash-bang made noise, the mystical were unusual. 与此同时,那剑芒之上更是浮现出一道道奇异的金色符文,仿佛有一只大手将其铭刻在了剑芒之上,连接成锁链,哗啦作响,神异非常。 Wang Teng whole person melts with that sword glow, breaks in that five lines of light beams unceasingly, with giant face fierce is getting more and more near. 王腾整个人似与那剑芒相融,不断冲入那五行光柱之中,与巨大面孔的剧烈越来越近。 The person sword unites! 人剑合一! Wang Teng has displayed a person of sword to unite impressively! 王腾赫然已经施展出了人剑合一! His Person sword unites The boundary may compare favorably with the World Lord Level talent, once displays, the might sufficiently contends with World Lord Level below three Martial Artist. 他的【人剑合一】境界可媲美界主级天才,一旦施展,威力足以与界主级三层以下的武者抗衡。 At this moment he is the sword, the sword is he! 此刻他就是剑,剑就是他! Bang! 轰! That five lines of light beams were broken, is unable to prevent the Wang Teng sword glow. 那五行光柱被生生破开,无法阻挡王腾的剑芒。 The giant face this struck extremely hastily, had erupted in addition before twice, this time even gathered five lines of Source Power, could not achieve her strongest strength half. 巨大面孔这一击太过仓促,加上之前已经爆发过两次,这次即便汇聚了五行原力,也达不到她最强之力的一半。 Otherwise Wang Teng is impossible so cutting easily to enter. 否则王腾也不可能如此轻易的斩入其中。 But all these in planning of Wang Teng. 而这一切都在王腾的算计之中。 When he before the eruption of that chaos source energy covered, then has thought of this point. 他之前被那混沌本源能量的爆发所笼罩之时,便已经想到了这一点。 That giant face is quite as if self-confident about own attack, why not he thwarts, show the enemy to weakly, then seizes the chance to launch own offensive, unexpectedly, this can be close to the opposite party. 那巨大面孔似乎对自己的攻击极为自信,那他何不将计就计,示敌以弱,然后再趁机发动自己的攻势,出其不意,这样方能接近对方。 As if felt that arrival of threat, in that giant surface perforation, revealed a flurried color at this time finally. 似乎感觉到了威胁的降临,此时那巨大面孔眼中,终于是露出了一丝慌乱之色。
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