AAMD :: Volume #19

#1894: Void will anger! God level Fighting technique...... Genki god armor!!!

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Original Wang Teng only knows four big mystical places, is the understanding are not many regarding the appearance of mystical place. 原先的王腾只知四大秘境,对于秘境的出现却是了解不多。 Especially the chaos mystical place, is in the middle of four big mystical places most mystical existence, regarding the appearance of chaos mystical place, it may be said that has wide divided opinions, understanding that actually few people can say. 尤其是混沌秘境,乃是四大秘境当中最为神秘的存在,对于混沌秘境的出现,可谓是众说纷纭,却很少有人可以说的明白。 After all when many chaos mystical places were discovered, has evolved, numerous lives can only sense to soon the process of evolution, but is unable to spy on the earlier beforehand evolved mystery. 毕竟很多混沌秘境被发现之时,就已经演化完毕,众多生灵只能从中感悟到即将演化的过程,而无法窥探更早之前的演化奥秘。 Moreover the chaos mystical place is quite rare, in the middle of four big mystical places, the quantity is scarcest. 而且混沌秘境极为罕见,在四大秘境当中,数量都是最为稀少的。 Thus it can be seen, before the chaos mystical place is born the evolutionary process is rare, even not obviously in universe. 由此可见,混沌秘境诞生前的演化过程更是罕见至极,甚至不显于宇宙之中。 The general four big mystical places, are connected with the original universe of Wang Teng family background, as if has some relation. 一般的四大秘境,都与王腾出身的原宇宙相连,似乎存在某种联系。 But now this void, actually exists in the dark universe during is vastly void, has not connected with the original universe, as if dissociation outside. 而如今这片虚空,却是存在于暗宇宙的浩大虚空之中,未曾与原宇宙连接,仿佛游离在外。 Common Martial Artist, is impossible to discover that like this strange exists. 寻常的武者,根本不可能发现这样的奇异存在。 Only if during there is Martial Artist to look like Wang Teng thoroughly is so void, and luck is excellent, can bump into, even is discovery mystery. 除非有武者王腾这般深入虚空之中,并且运气极好,能够碰得上,甚至是发现其中的奥秘。 Otherwise all are useless. 不然一切都是白搭。 However on the other hand, discovered even mystery, is the danger. 不过话又说回来,就算是发现了其中的奥秘,亦是危险至极。 Now that void will erupts the chaos source energy, melts this void true colors truly obviously, but also follows the death crisis. 如今那虚空意志爆发出混沌本源能量,才算是真正显化出了这片虚空的真面目,但也伴随着死亡危机。 Even World Lord Level peak Martial Artist came, still is almost the dead end , can how many people carry off the news? 就算是界主级巅峰武者来了,也几乎是死局,又有多少人能够将消息带走呢? Bang! 轰! During the train of thought rotations, the void bellow is even more fierce, more and more chaos source energy fusion condenses, making this piece fill a dangerous internal energy void. 思绪转动间,虚空中的轰鸣声越发剧烈,越来越多的混沌本源能量融合凝聚而出,让这片虚空充满了一种危险至极的气机。 And this type of internal energy is proliferating rapidly, covers that 11 light beams unceasingly the blockade region, spreads toward Wang Teng. 并且这种气机正在急速扩散,不断笼罩那十一道光柱的封锁区域,朝着王腾蔓延而来。 Cannot make this chaos source energy continue to proliferate.” The Wang Teng vision concentrates, the heart neutrality inscribed the resolution. “不能让这混沌本源能量继续扩散。”王腾目光微凝,心中立刻有了决断。 He had entered the chaos mystical place, knows this chaos source energy the mystical, once this piece void were covered by the chaos source energy thoroughly, no one is able to forecast that can have anything. 他曾经进入过混沌秘境,知道这混沌本源能量的神异,一旦这片虚空彻底被混沌本源能量所笼罩,谁也无法预测会发生什么。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, different attribute Source Power erupt from Wang Teng within the body. 下一刻,一股股不同属性的原力王腾体内爆发而出。 Gold/Metal, wooden, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, poisonous, ice, bright, dark...... 金,木,水,火,土,风,雷,毒,冰,光明,黑暗…… Entire 11 different attribute Star Source Power divulges from his within the body, during integrates to be void, goes toward the gathering place impact of that 11 light beam. 整整十一种不同属性的星辰原力从他的体内宣泄而出,融入虚空之中,朝着那十一道光柱的汇聚处冲击而去。 At this moment, in the eye socket of that giant face, obviously revealed an astonished meaning. 这一刻,那巨大面孔的眼眶之中,明显露出了一丝惊愕之意。 She is quite as if shocked. 她似乎极为震惊。 It seems like extremely small and weak life body, actually same has all attribute Source Power with her. 一个看起来极为弱小的生命体,竟然和她一样拥有所有属性的原力 Her some are unable to understand this situation. 她有些无法理解这种情况。 Bang! 轰! In the meantime, Wang Teng Source Power is bombardment ruthlessly in that 11 light beam gathering place, making the balances in that 11 light beam be broken. 就在此时,王腾原力已是狠狠的轰击在了那十一道光柱的汇聚处,令那十一道光柱之中的平衡被打破。 In which Source Power is in a state of rebellion immediately. 其中的原力顿时陷入暴动状态。 This balanced was quite subtle, if common Martial Artist, grasps three Source Power at most, are more, five Source Power, were extremely rare, these Source Power were involved, most was makes that have the disorder balanced, possibly did not have to break it that easily. 这平衡本就极为微妙,若是寻常武者,顶多掌握三种原力,再多一些,五种原力,算是极为罕见了,这些原力加入其中,最多是让那平衡出现紊乱,可能没有那么容易将其打破。 However to Wang Teng, is easier. 但是对王腾来说,却容易很多。 With for entire attribute grasping . Moreover the Source Power vigorous degree, compares favorably with the World Lord Level powerhouse sufficiently, therefore Wang Teng Source Power joined, is equal to making that balanced be many a unignorable variable. 同为全属性掌握者,而且原力的浑厚程度,足以媲美界主级强者,所以王腾原力加入,等于是让那平衡中多了一丝不可忽视的变数。 When that void will has not responded, this impact plays the unexpected effect instantaneously. 在那虚空意志没有反应过来之时,这一次的冲击瞬间就起到了出其不意的效果。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At this moment, 11 different attribute Source Power just like the mighty current tide, toward rewind in all directions. 此时此刻,十一种不同属性的原力宛如洪流潮汐,朝着四面八方倒卷。 This very terrifying! 这一幕十分恐怖! Source Power above 11 star are vast, only then that void will is this piece of void lord, can easily transfer Source Power. 十一颗星球之上的原力何等浩瀚,只有那虚空意志乃是这片虚空之主,方能轻易调动其中的原力 Once loses control, simply is the disaster. 所以一旦失控,简直就是灾难。 At this moment, 11 Source Power balance to be broken, rewinds, the trim seemed involved void. 此刻,十一种原力平衡被打破,倒卷开来,整片虚空仿佛都被卷入其中。 Bang! 轰! Source Power forms the substantive ripple to sweep away to come from the distant place, the Wang Teng complexion changes, immediately backs up, Source Power in within the body in the front formed defenses. 原力形成实质般的波纹从远处横扫而来,王腾面色微变,立刻倒退,体内的原力在前方形成了一道道防御。 Peng Pengpeng...... 彭彭彭…… Under that Source Power sweeps away, this defense one after another breaks, until breaking 78 Source Power protected, stops. 但是在那原力横扫之下,这防御一道又一道的破碎开来,直至破碎了七八道原力防护,才堪堪停下。 Roar! 吼! The angry roaring sound erupts from that giant surface manhole in together suddenly, the vibration is void. 一道怒吼声骤然自那巨大面孔口中爆发而出,震动虚空。 She seemed to be enraged! 她似乎被激怒了! This is she extremely self-confident strikes. 这原本是她极为自信的一击。 She does not hesitate volume of simultaneous/uniform 11 star Source Power, blocked this void, gathers the chaos source energy, was broken by that small and weak life unexpectedly. 她不惜集齐十一颗星球的原力,封锁了这片虚空,更是汇聚出了混沌本源能量,竟然还是被那个弱小的生灵打破。 She felt that she received the provocation in this void domination. 她感觉自己在这片虚空的主宰地位受到了挑衅。 Angry! 愤怒! An unprecedented anger raises in the ice-cold state of mind of her no mighty waves, is unable to suppress. 一种前所未有的愤怒在她那毫无波澜的冰冷心绪中升起,无法抑制。 In an instant, strength of the indescribable will erupts from that giant face, charges into the places of top of the head 11 light beam gatherings. 刹那间,一股无法形容的意志之力从那巨大面孔之中爆发,冲向头顶十一道光柱汇聚之处。 She attempts to make Source Power in 11 light beam restore the balance. 她企图重新让十一道光柱内的原力恢复平衡。 And really achieved. 并且真的做到了。 Under the control of that terrifying will, out of control Source Power drew in unexpectedly again, the restraint, restarts gathering the chaos source energy. 在那恐怖意志的控制下,失控的原力竟再次被收拢,约束,重新开始汇聚成混沌本源能量。 Snort!” Wang Teng cold snort/hum, within the body Source Power continuous sweeping across, is impacting that 11 light beam gathering place. “哼!”王腾冷哼一声,体内原力源源不断的席卷而出,冲击着那十一道光柱的汇聚处。 Bang! 轰! Source Power collides, has the complementary waves to sweep away from that region unceasingly, terrifying. 原力碰撞,不断有着余波从那片区域横扫而出,恐怖至极。 Before long, the Wang Teng complexion changes, he felt that Source Power in within the body had the weak condition, to disrupt the Source Power balance of that 11 light beam, consumption Source Power was too terrifying. 不一会儿,王腾面色一变,他感觉体内的原力出现了虚弱状态,为了破坏那十一道光柱的原力平衡,消耗的原力太恐怖了。 Source Power of opposite party was more boundless than too many him are too more, shoulders not to shoulder the opposite party hardly absolutely. 对方的原力本就比他磅礴太多太多,硬扛是绝对扛不过对方的。 He to undermine balance luckily, is not really must meet the tough head-on with toughness with the opposite party. 幸好他只是为了打破其中的平衡,并不是真的要和对方硬碰硬。 And...... 而且…… All around Wang Teng vision glance void, and even that 11 stars. 王腾目光扫视四周虚空,乃至那十一颗星球。 That void may does not know, so erupts 11 stars Source Power, birth massive attribute air bubbles. 那虚空意志可能不知道,如此爆发十一颗星球的原力,将会诞生大量的属性气泡。 Collect! 拾取! His corners of the mouth curl upwards, not slightly hesitant, the spirit that in the mind has been ready read the strength at this moment unretentive eruption, took away as many things as possible toward all around attribute air bubble. 他嘴角一翘,没有丝毫犹豫,脑海中早已蓄势待发的精神念力此刻毫无保留的爆发而出,朝着四周的属性气泡席卷而去。 In an instant, massive attribute air bubbles from gather to come in all directions, converges in the body of Wang Teng entirely. 刹那间,大量的属性气泡从四面八方汇聚而来,统统汇入王腾的身体之内。 Fire Attribute Star Source Power * 2500】 火系星辰原力 Fire Attribute Star Source Power * 1800】 火系星辰原力 Fire Attribute Star Source Power * 1600】 火系星辰原力 ...... …… Earth Attribute Star Source Power * 2300】 土系星辰原力 Earth Attribute Star Source Power * 2600】 土系星辰原力 Earth Attribute Star Source Power * 2000】 土系星辰原力 ...... …… Metal Attribute Star Source Power * 1800】 金系星辰原力 Metal Attribute Star Source Power * 2200】 金系星辰原力 Metal Attribute Star Source Power * 2600】 金系星辰原力 ...... …… Lighting Attribute Star Source Power * 2800】 雷系星辰原力 Lighting Attribute Star Source Power * 2300】 雷系星辰原力 Lighting Attribute Star Source Power * 2500】 雷系星辰原力 ...... …… 11 Source Power, one type has not fallen! 十一种原力,一种也没落下! These Source Power all appear in the body of Wang Teng, after flowing all the limbs and bones, has not entered within the body microcosm, but is the direct eruption, impacts that 11 light beam gathering places. 这些原力全都在王腾的身体内出现,流淌四肢百骸后,也没有进入体内小宇宙,而是直接爆发而出,冲击那十一道光柱汇聚处。 With other lance, attacks other shield! 以彼之矛,攻彼之盾! If that void will knows that Wang Teng disrupts the balance that she has maintained by her Source Power, it is estimated that will be more depressed and angry. 那虚空意志若是知道王腾以她的原力来破坏她一直维持的平衡,估计会更加郁闷与愤怒。 At this time during both sides fell into refused to budge. 此时双方陷入了僵持之中。 Has maintenance of void will, that balanced is so no longer easy to break. 有着虚空意志的维持,那平衡不再那么容易打破。 However Wang Teng can erupt Source Power continuously, attacks the balance of that 11 light beam, the void will wants to fuse the chaos source energy again, without is so easy. 但是王腾又能够持续不断的爆发原力,冲击那十一道光柱的平衡,以至于虚空意志想要再融合出混沌本源能量,也没有那么容易。 In the eye socket of that giant face, the ice-cold look is staring at Wang Teng indifferently at this moment stubbornly, as if some are not clear, why can Source Power of this small and weak life maintain such for a long time? 那巨大面孔的眼眶之中,漠然冰冷的眼神此刻死死盯着王腾,似乎有些不明白,为何这弱小生灵的原力能够维持这么久? To side obviously is so small and weak, some lives also wants to be smaller and weaker than she had seen, but the method actually compares the beforehand these lives more, inconceivable, Source Power lasting must far exceed the beforehand these lives. 对方明明是如此弱小,比她曾经见过的一些生灵还要弱小很多,可手段却比以前那些生灵更多,更让人不可思议,原力的持久度也要远超以前那些生灵。 The Wang Teng vision is looking at each other with it, crosses the hands behind the back to stand in void. 王腾的目光与其对视着,在虚空中负手而立。 Although his body compared with that giant face, truly seems somewhat tiny, the strength that but he erupts at this moment actually cannot be underestimated. 尽管他的身躯与那巨大面孔相比,确实显得有些渺小,但此刻他所爆发出的力量却不容小觑。 The time passes slowly, has not known how long, seems very long, as if moment. 时间慢慢流逝,不知道过了多久,似乎很久,又似乎才片刻而已。 That giant face as if has been waiting for the Wang Teng Source Power thorough consumption light, how regardless of she waits , the result that she wants has not appeared. 那巨大的面孔仿佛一直在等待王腾原力彻底消耗光,但是不论她怎么等待,她想要的结果却始终没有出现。 Wang Teng was insisting as before, moreover on the face does not see the slight exhausted and weak color. 王腾依旧在坚持,而且脸上不见丝毫的疲惫与虚弱之色。 Collects!” “拾取!” In his heart meditates, all around spirits read the strength to sweep across void, particularly approached toward that giant face. 他心中默念,一道道精神念力席卷四周虚空,尤其是朝着那巨大面孔靠近了过去。 In order to collect the attribute air bubble, the psychic force also consumed much, naturally must supplement. 为了拾取属性气泡,精神力也消耗了不少,自然要补充一番。 However that void will is extremely powerful, his psychic force approaches unceasingly, was discovered very much easily. 不过那虚空意志太过强大,他的精神力不断靠近,很容易被发现。 Therefore Wang Teng is very discrete, read the strength to change to extremely slender filaments the spirit, found out just like the tentacle, after touching the attribute air bubble, then takes back immediately. 所以王腾很谨慎,将精神念力化作一条条极为纤细的细丝,宛如触手般探出,触碰到属性气泡之后,便立刻收回。 Territory Lord Level spirit * 7500】 域主级精神】 Territory Lord Level spirit * 8500】 域主级精神】 Territory Lord Level spirit * 8200】 域主级精神】 ...... …… Life source * 200】 【生命本源】 Life source * 180】 【生命本源】 Life source * 260】 【生命本源】 ...... …… Soul source * 150】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 250】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 230】 【灵魂本源】 ...... …… So many energetic attributes!” Wang Teng is somewhat surprised, originally wants to supplement slightly the psychic force loses, has not thought of so many, right now does not need to be worried that completely the psychic force is insufficient. “这么多精神属性!”王腾有些惊讶,本来只是想稍稍补充一下精神力损耗,没想到有这么多,这下子完全不用担心精神力不够用了。 Moreover in addition, unexpectedly life source and soul source attribute emergence, these two species functions, although not apparent, but is also enormous to the help of Wang Teng. 而且除此之外,居然还有生命本源和灵魂本源属性出现,这两种属性的作用虽然不外显,但是对王腾的帮助也是极大的。 Has these two species supplements, the Wang Teng spirit and body just like being not aware of fatigue general, cannot feel the slight exhausted feeling. 有着这两种属性的补充,王腾的精神与身躯宛如不知疲倦一般,根本感觉不到丝毫的疲惫之感。 „???” “???” Wang Teng leisurely is picking the attribute, that void will actually gawked. 王腾这边悠哉悠哉的捡着属性,那虚空意志却是愣了一下。 Is this fellow provoking her? 这家伙是在挑衅她吗? Is this provocation? 这是挑衅吧? That psychic force receives shrinks, what isn't the provocation is? 那精神力一收一缩,不是挑衅是什么? She does not know that Wang Teng is doing, can only feel that the Wang Teng spirit read the strength to spread unceasingly, then shrank, then spread, contracted...... 她并不知道王腾在干什么,只能感觉到王腾的精神念力正不断蔓延过来,而后缩回去,接着又蔓延过来,收缩回去…… In a flash, this void will is angrier. 一瞬间,这虚空意志更加愤怒。 She had been enraged by Wang Teng, now facing so provokes, she could not stretch finally again. 原本她就已经被王腾激怒,如今面对这般挑衅,她终于再也绷不住了。 Roar! 吼! The angry roaring sound spreads from that giant surface manhole again, she however opens the big mouth courageous, just like heavy drinker absorbing water, all around chaos source energy gathers toward her mouth in immediately. 怒吼声再次从那巨大面孔口中传出,她勐然张开大口,宛如长鲸吸水,四周的混沌本源能量顿时朝着她口中汇聚而来。 She launched the attack ahead of time! 她提前发动了攻击! Also must condense more chaos source energies, but now she and others. 原本还要凝聚更多混沌本源能量,可现在她等不了了。 Bang! 轰隆! The bellow spreads in its, the deafening reverberation in void, the terrifying fluctuation sweeps across to open. 轰鸣声在其口中传出,震耳欲聋般回荡在虚空之中,恐怖的波动席卷而开。 Lying trough!” “卧槽!” The Wang Teng complexion changes, did this void intent Zhifa what insanity, how act crazy suddenly? 王腾面色微变,这虚空意志发什么疯,怎么突然就发飙了? He somewhat does not do clearly, but has thought without enough time. 他有些搞不明白,但已经来不及多想了。 Facing that giant surface manhole in sweeps across unceasingly, but fluctuation, his virgin hole could not bear contract. 面对那巨大面孔口中不断席卷而出的波动,他的童孔忍不住收缩了起来。 Before this strikes is not , the attack that in the giant beast mouth erupts may compare. 这一击可不是之前巨兽口中爆发出的攻击可比。 Moreover at the size of that face, this strikes the range of covering, has surpassed the distance that he can avoid completely. 而且以那面孔的大小来看,这一击覆盖的范围,已经完全超出了他所能躲避的距离。 In addition the blockades of back 11 stars, he has evaded not to be possible to evade. 加上背后十一颗星球的封锁,他已经避无可避。 An absolutely terrified feeling raises in his heart. 一种毛骨悚然之感在他的心底升起。 to endanger! to endanger! to endanger! 危!危!危! Although that giant face has not erupted the most terrifying attack thoroughly, but this struck is to make him feel the threat of pinnacle. 尽管那巨大面孔没有彻底爆发出最恐怖的攻击,但这一击已是让他感觉到了极致的威胁。 What to do?” “怎么办?” The Wang Teng vision glitters unceasingly, in the mind the train of thought rotates crazily, the line of sight has swept above the property panel immediately. 王腾目光不断闪烁,脑海中思绪疯狂转动,视线立刻在属性面板之上扫过。 Genki god armor! 玄龟神甲! ! Special Fighting technique appears in his eyes. 一门特殊战技出现在他的眼中。 This is gate god level defensive Fighting technique! 这是一门神级防御性战技 Initially at Secondary Profession Alliance headquarters that war, a giant turtle conducted the back a tower to appear from the abyss. 当初在副职业联盟总部那一战,一头巨龟驼负着一座塔从深渊之下出现。 That tower suppresses the terrifying darkness to exist. 那座塔镇压着恐怖的黑暗存在。 What a pity afterward that existed dark broken seals, is unable to suppress again. 可惜后来那尊黑暗存在破封,再也无法镇压。 The giant turtle and that tower are also born. 巨龟和那座塔也随之出世。 That giant turtle was in the middle of legend ancient times starry sky giant beast- heavy Yue Tunling turtle! 那头巨龟乃是传说当中的远古星空巨兽-重岳吞灵龟! But Genki god armor is the heavy Yue Tunling turtle had displayed a gate god level defends Fighting technique, the defensive power is extremely powerful, may resist the dark giant and dark sacrificial altar's suppression, hard incomparable. 而玄龟神甲便是重岳吞灵龟曾经施展过的一门神级防御战技,防御力极为强悍,可抵挡黑暗巨人与黑暗祭坛的镇压,坚硬无比。 Now thinks, Wang Teng somewhat is also flabbergasted. 现在想起来,王腾都还有些咋舌。 However this gate god level Fighting technique uses in this place now, can perhaps be law of the excellent collapsing. 但是这门神级战技如今用在此地,也许会是一个绝佳的破局之法。 Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, in that giant surface manhole courageous however erupts the radiant ray, in which chaos source energy has gathered in one, changes to the extremely terrifying attack, loudly eruption. 下一刻,那巨大面孔口中勐然爆发出璀璨的光芒,其中的混沌本源能量已经汇聚在一处,化作极为恐怖的攻击,轰然爆发而出。 The fearful attack bloomed in void, covered the most void region. 可怕的攻击在虚空中绽放,覆盖了大半个虚空区域。 Really such as Wang Teng expects like that this attack closed off Wang Teng all avoidance routes, he did not have other escape routes. 果然如王腾所料的那般,这攻击封锁了王腾所有的躲避路线,他没有其他退路了。 Genki god armor!” “玄龟神甲!” In Wang Teng both eyes is flooded by the ray thoroughly, in the heart courageous however erupts one to angrily roar, Source Power in within the body by Chaos stars secret art The route revolves, gathers the chaos source energy, later erupts. 王腾双目之中已是彻底被光芒所充斥,心中勐然爆发出一声怒吼,体内的原力以【混沌星辰诀】路线运转,汇聚成混沌本源能量,随后爆发而出。 Void, a giant incomparable tortoise shell empty shadow appeared in the Wang Teng front. 虚空中,一道巨大无比龟壳虚影出现在了王腾的面前。 That tortoise shell mystical, above covered entirely strange traces extremely, as if the mark of main road interweaves. 那龟壳极为神异,上面布满了一道道奇异的纹路,仿佛大道之纹交织。 Some complex mysterious writing! 更有一些复杂玄奥的文字! Looks does not scavenge unclearly! 看不清道不明! As if quite ancient, sends out years the vicissitudes aura! 似乎极为古老,散发出一股岁月的沧桑气息! Just a appearance, all around void as if vibrated slightly, had the marks of various strange world also to reappear faintly, above rune/symbol Wenjiao with that tortoise shell echoed. 刚一出现,四周的虚空似乎都微微震动了一下,隐隐有各种奇异的天地之纹随之浮现而出,与那龟壳之上的符文交相呼应。 However Wang Teng knows, this tortoise shell empty shadow is unable to compare with the tortoise shell empty shadow that giant turtle displayed initially, and disparity is large. 不过王腾知道,这龟壳虚影无法与当初那头巨龟施展的龟壳虚影相比,而且差距颇大。 No matter the size, is sending out, but the invincible might, is unable in comparison. 不管是大小,还是其中散发而出的神威,都无法与其相比。 Bang! 轰! Almost is Wang Teng Genki god armor The attack that the instance that condenses, that giant face erupts, has shelled ruthlessly above, erupts the fierce bellow, made that tortoise shell empty shadow strenuous vibration. 几乎是王腾将【玄龟神甲】凝聚出的瞬间,那巨大面孔爆发出的攻击,已是狠狠轰击在了上面,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣声,令那龟壳虚影剧烈震动起来。
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