AAMD :: Volume #19

#1896: 11 color lotus flowers! Crazy of Wang Teng! Probably...... played in a big way!( Sought subscription to ask monthly ticket!)

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Rumble! 轰隆隆! Is void is vibrating, Wang Teng and golden sword glow melts, cuts five-colors light beam unceasingly, charges into that giant face. 虚空在震动,王腾与金色剑芒相融,不断斩开五彩光柱,冲向那巨大面孔。 Roar! 吼! In that giant surface perforation presented the flurried meaning finally, erupts to angrily roar, is absorbing all around Source Power crazily, is not only five lines of Source Power, that wind, thunder, poisonous, the ice, the light and dark Source Power were drawn in her big mouth. 那巨大面孔眼中终于是出现了慌乱之意,爆发出怒吼,疯狂的吸收着四周的原力,不仅仅是五行原力,就连那风,雷,毒,冰,光明与黑暗原力都被吸进了她的大口之中。 That five-colors light beam strength even more, several other species Source Power integrate in the light beam all, making this light beam the color gradually increase. 那五彩光柱越发的壮大,其他几种属性的原力尽数融入光柱之内,让这光柱的色彩逐渐增多。 Wang Teng felt immediately pressure, the front resistance becomes extremely terrifying, making his speed immediately slow. 王腾顿时感觉到了压力,前方的阻力变得极为恐怖,令他的速度顿时慢了下来。 And in the middle of that different attribute Source Power, various strengths fall in torrents following the light beam. 并且那不同属性的原力当中,各种力量顺着光柱倾泻而来。 Thunder, wind blade, cold ice, violently poisonous, bright, dark...... 雷霆,风刃,寒冰,剧毒,光明,黑暗…… These strengths, if trades Martial Artist casually, perhaps had been rumbled the trash. 这些力量,若是随便换一个武者,没准已经被轰成了渣渣。 However Wang Teng can also resist reluctantly. 但是王腾勉强还能够抵挡。 Monster Lotus Poison Physique, Opens! 妖莲毒体】,开! Cold ice sacred body, Opens! 【寒冰圣体】,开! 【The body of thunder spirit, Opens! 【雷灵之体】,开! 【The heart of darkness, Opens! 【黑暗之心】,开! Bright sacred body, Opens! 【光明圣体】,开! In an instant, Wang Teng opened five physicals again, these physicals besides Monster Lotus Poison Physique, the rank are not very high, at most is as first-order as two steps, in promotion mortal body intensity, was naturally inferior before , that several talent physicals that he opens. 刹那间,王腾又再次开启了五种体质,这些体质除了妖莲毒体之外,等级都还不够高,顶多就是一阶到两阶,在提升肉身强度方面,自然不如之前他开启的那几种天赋体质。 But they after all are the peak physicals, when facing various species strengths, resistance, non- is the general talent physique may compare. 但它们毕竟都是最为顶尖的体质,面对各种属性的力量之时,抗性之强,非是一般的天赋体质可比。 After Wang Teng opened these physicals, the energy in that light beam, reduced immediately much to his influence. 所以在王腾开启了这些体质之后,那光柱之内的能量,对他的影响顿时降低了不少。 Wang Teng is serious, does not dare to neglect slightly, flushes away toward the front unceasingly. 王腾面色凝重,不敢怠慢丝毫,朝着前方不断冲去。 Ka-ka...... 卡卡卡…… One is unable to withstand the load intermittently crashes to transmit, his child Kong shrinks, saw above the sword glow to have clear fissures impressively. 一阵阵不堪重负般的碎裂声传来,他童孔一缩,赫然看到剑芒之上多出了一道道清晰的裂痕。 Dominates sovereign 12 swords- the sword glow that sword four erupt, soon could not support at this moment finally. 霸皇十二剑-剑四所爆发出的剑芒,此刻终于快要支撑不住了。 Wang Teng does not have the thoughts to pay attention to these again, his complexion ties tight, the war sword in hand changed into a sword suddenly. 王腾没有心思再去理会这些,他面色紧绷,手中的战剑骤然换成了一柄战刀。 Bang! 轰隆! In the instance of that sword glow disruption, in the sword of radiant blade glow erupts from his hand together, even in his top of the head, seems a piece of yellow vault of heaven to cover, covers this void. 在那剑芒碎裂的瞬间,一道璀璨的刀芒从他手中的战刀之上爆发而出,甚至在他的头顶,似有一片黄色的天穹笼罩而出,覆盖这一片虚空。 Source Power that 11 star gatherings come was isolated in the sky. 那十一颗星球汇聚而来的原力都被隔绝在了上空。 This scene, astonishing. 这一幕景象,惊人至极。 Even that giant face changed the direction, looks to the top of the head. 连那巨大的面孔都转动了方向,看向头顶之上。 Bang! 轰! Wang Teng has not hesitated, in the instance that the sword glow dissipates, the sword in hand cuts loudly, the blade glow also submerges in the front light beam. 王腾没有迟疑,在剑芒消散的瞬间,手中的战刀轰然斩出,刀芒随之没入前方的光柱之中。 God level Fighting technique, yellow heaven a blade! 神级战技,黄天一刀! This blade does not compare sword four weak many of previous tyrant sovereign 12 swords. 这一刀不比之前的霸皇十二剑的剑四弱多少。 Melts the boundary domain and source strength of integrates all, melts above the blade glow obviously, sends out the terrifying prestige energy. 融境领域与本源之力尽数融入其中,在刀芒之上显化而出,散发恐怖的威能。 Bang! 轰隆! That light beam was cut again, the Wang Teng figure also violent rushes over. 那光柱再一次被斩开,王腾的身形随之暴冲了过去。 That void will estimated how unable to think, the Wang Teng sword glow was just defeated, erupted is not weak in the strong broadsword glow of that sword glow unexpectedly again. 那虚空意志估计怎么都想不到,王腾的剑芒刚刚被击破,竟又再一次爆发出了丝毫不弱于那剑芒的强大刀芒。 Although her matters to other lives knows not many, but also knows, wants to have the extremely powerful situation a method, needs to spend how much time, but at present this small and weak life actually surpasses her cognition completely. 尽管她对其他生灵之事所知不多,但也知道,想要将一种手段掌握到极为强大的地步,需要花费多少时间,而眼前这弱小生灵却完全超出了她的认知。 His method some were too many, and each type is not very weak! 他的手段有些太多了,且每一种都十分不弱! She is unable to imagine, how he achieves. 她无法想象,他是怎么做到的。 Roar! 吼! The giant face was unable to maintain the original calmness, exudes the angry roaring sound unceasingly, erupts the strength of fearful attracting pulling, wants to derive many Source Power to prevent the advance of Wang Teng. 巨大面孔已经无法维持原先的镇定,不断发出怒吼声,爆发出可怕的吸扯之力,想要汲取更多的原力阻挡王腾的前进。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… That 11 stars gradually collapse, more and more crushed stones split from the star, float void. 那十一颗星球逐渐崩溃,越来越多的碎石从星球之上裂开,漂浮在了虚空中。 Even many crushed stones have not been able to be fettered around the star again, starts to flutter to go toward the void deep place. 甚至有不少碎石已经无法再被束缚在星球四周,开始朝着虚空深处飘荡而去。 But even so, Source Power that can be absorbed is still fewer and fewer. 可即便如此,能被吸收的原力也是越来越少。 Because of the beforehand eruption, storage Source Power in 11 star are insufficient. 因为之前的爆发,十一颗星球之中的储存原力已经不够了。 Moreover has impediment of that yellow vault of heaven, she absorbed the Source Power way also to receive the hindrance, before is unable again such as, like that easy. 而且有着那黄色天穹的阻挡,她汲取原力的途径也受到了阻碍,根本无法再如之前那般轻而易举。 That giant face falls into the dilemma immediately, either continues to prevent Wang Teng, either diverts attention to defeat the yellow vault of heaven above top of the head. 那巨大面孔顿时陷入两难境地,要么继续阻挡王腾,要么分心击破头顶之上的黄色天穹。 However saw that Wang Teng is getting more and more near, she has no time to divert attention he to attend to radically. 但是眼看王腾越来越近,她根本无暇分心他顾。 You feared!” “你怕了!” At this time, sonic boom drank from the Wang Teng mouth spreads, his vision filled to ridicule the meaning of jeering, coldly is staring at the eye socket of that giant face, behind the void will with that is looking at each other. 这时,一声爆喝从王腾口中传出,他的目光充满讥嘲之意,冷冷盯着那巨大面孔的眼眶,与那背后的虚空意志对视着。 „Aren't you keep aloof? Aren't you this void control? How now...... to fear?” “你不是高高在上吗?你不是这片虚空的主宰吗?现在……怎么怕了?” Wang Teng sends out one to sneer, war Knife Force in hand such as the broken bamboo, unceasing cutting enters in the light beam, close to the giant face, creates the strength of unequalled oppression. 王腾发出一阵冷笑,手中的战刀势如破竹,不断的斩入光柱之中,靠近巨大面孔,造成无与伦比的压迫之力。 Distance of both sides is getting more and more near...... 双方的距离越来越近…… That remote void seems unable to prevent the Wang Teng step and blade glow again, this moment he such as the sword like the blade, makes a great show of one's talents, even this void can hold a giant hole. 那遥远的虚空仿佛再也无法阻挡王腾的步伐与刀芒,这一刻的他如剑如刀,锋芒毕露,连这虚空都能够捅出一个巨大的窟窿来。 Roar! 吼! The giant face gives out deafening angry roaring, she anger to the pinnacle, the never-changing state of mind had patted the wave just like startled big wave, raises the endless mighty waves. 巨大面孔发出震耳欲聋的怒吼,她已经愤怒到了极致,万古不变的心绪宛如惊涛拍浪,升起无尽的波澜。 Feared?! 怕?! She is this void control, how to fear a small and weak life. 她是这片虚空的主宰,岂会怕一个弱小生灵。 Bang! 轰隆! In a twinkling, beside void of 11 star blockades, that colorful mist tumbled suddenly fiercely, endless Source Power from is born, comes toward this place gathering. 霎时间,十一颗星球封锁的虚空之外,那五彩斑斓的雾气骤然剧烈翻滚了起来,无尽的原力从其中诞生,朝着此地汇聚而来。 That colorful mist covers void was maintaining a pinnacle balance, seemed fermenting anything, but all these are destroyed because of Wang Teng now, that void will has to use the trim void strength. 那五彩斑斓的雾气所笼罩的虚空本来维持着一种极致的平衡,似乎正在原酿着什么,可如今这一切都因为王腾而被破坏了,那虚空意志不得不动用了整片虚空的力量。 She felt an indescribable crisis, if this crisis is unable to pass, let alone was this void, perhaps even she, must unable to preserve, possibly by the striking back original form, will return to the initial condition. 她感觉到了一种无法形容的危机,这危机若是无法度过,别说是这片虚空,即便是她自身,恐怕都要保不住,可能会被打回原形,回到最初的状态。 That is not she wants. 那不是她想要的。 She spent the innumerable time, arrives today this step, was born the spirit wisdom, even had taken own road, although this road also in fumble, but if returns at first, all will change to the bubble. 她花费了无数时间,才走到今日这一步,诞生了灵智,甚至已经走出了自己的路,虽然这条路还在摸索当中,但若是回到最初,一切都将化作泡影。 She absolutely do not return to that ignorant again, in stupid and ignorant condition. 她绝对不要再回到那种懵懵懂懂,愚昧无知的状态之中。 She has never thought that at present this in her eyes obviously is the extremely small and weak life, can compel so the situation her unexpectedly. 只是她从未想过,眼前这在她眼中明明是极为弱小的生灵,竟然可以将她逼到这般地步。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In the colorful mist of that fierce tumbling, Source Power that colors vary just like the mighty current, toward this place gathering. 在那剧烈翻滚的五彩斑斓的雾气之中,一道道颜色各异的原力宛如洪流,朝着此地汇聚而来。 This in ice-cold alone void is magnificent. 这一幕在冰冷孤寂的虚空中可谓是壮观至极。 Wang Teng however turn head looks courageous, the virgin hole shrinks slightly, but on face as before tranquil, in the eye has none to flash past. 王腾勐然回头看去,童孔微微一缩,但脸上依旧平静,眼中有着精光一闪而过。 Wang Teng, this void balance was broken, perhaps that void will must go all out with you.” Ices the dignified voice to reverberate in the Wang Teng mind suddenly, obviously her also sensation to anything. 王腾,这片虚空的平衡被打破了,那虚空意志恐怕要跟你拼命了。”冰蒂丝凝重的声音骤然在王腾脑海中回荡,显然她也感知到了什么。 I know.” Wang Teng tranquil saying: Such being the case, I cannot keep the hand.” “我知道。”王腾平静的说道:“既然如此,我也不能留手了。” Keeps the hand?” Iced to stare. “留手?”冰蒂丝愣了一下。 Before this fellow, kept the hand? Real false? 这家伙之前还留手了?真的假的? It is not coarse from this words, Wang Teng seems prepared early, even has expected so occurrence of situation. 从这话语中不难听出,王腾似乎早有准备,甚至早就预料到了这般情况的发生。 Wang Teng has not paid attention to ice idea, deeply inspires, however extends the vacant left hand courageous, the palm grasps slightly prosperously. 王腾没有理会冰蒂丝的想法,深吸了口气,勐然伸出空置的左手,掌心微微握隆。 【The body of space, Opens! 【空间之体】,开! Strength of the huge space from his within the body eruption, comes toward his palm place gathering immediately. 一股庞大的空间之力顿时从他的体内爆发而出,朝着他的掌心处汇聚而来。 The invisible wind blows in his all around, in this void sweeps across to open. 无形的风在他的四周刮起,于这虚空中席卷而开。 That is the wind of space! 那是空间之风! Above the palm of Wang Teng, however has the energy air current formation that revolves unceasingly courageous, the strength of endless space, and even the strength of time, converges all. 王腾的手掌之上,勐然有着一个不断旋转的能量气流形成,无尽的空间之力,乃至时间之力,尽数汇入其中。 This energy air current is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger...... is among the moments, has inflated to the Wang Teng body size, covers his whole person directly, revolves outside his body. 这能量气流越来越大,越来越大……不过是片刻之间,就已经膨胀到王腾的身躯大小,直接将他整个人笼罩在内,于他身外旋转。 When besides strength of the space, various species nature Source Power also crazy gushing out of Wang Teng within the body, gather in his under foot, gradually formed a lotus flower. 除了时空间之力外,王腾体内的各种属性原力也疯狂的涌出,在他的脚下汇聚,逐渐形成了一朵莲花。 This lotus flower very strange, is only five lines of colors, separately is representing gold/metal wood water the fire clay five lines, as after these five Source Power fuse, another two colors also appear, impressively the strength and purple thunder strength of azure Wind Attribute. 这朵莲花十分奇异,原本只是五行之色,分别代表着金木水火土五行,而随着这五种原力融合之后,另外两种颜色也随之出现,赫然正是青色的风系之力与紫色的雷霆之力。 Strength of Wang Teng this Wind Attribute integrated in it the storm, making the speed that the storm revolves quicker, the might is more powerful. 风系之力王腾本来是将其融入到风暴之内,令风暴旋转的速度更快,威力更为强大。 However afterward he had thought carefully, then integrates the strength of Wind Attribute with it from the beginning, looks like other Source Power would rather like that first fuses with other Source Power the strength of Wind Attribute, reaches the final balance, finally melts with the space storm, radical eruption. 但是后来他仔细想过,与其一开始便融入风系之力,倒不如也像其他原力那般,先将风系之力与其他原力融合,达成最终的平衡,最后再与空间风暴相融,彻底爆发。 As the matter stands, perhaps will have the unexpected pleasant surprise. 这样一来,也许会有意想不到的惊喜。 After all this time, he plans dark Source Power also one and joins that lotus flower, thus condenses one unprecedentedly „the lotus of Source Power. 毕竟这一次,他可是打算将黑暗原力也一并加入那“莲花”之中,从而凝聚出一朵前所未有的“原力之莲”。 So complete Source Power lotus flower, he is unable to use in the past, because he or in bright universe, either in dark universe, if using complete entire attribute Source Power, unavoidably will make one begin to have suspicions. 这般完整的原力莲花,他以往都无法动用,因为他要么是在光明宇宙,要么是在黑暗宇宙,若是动用完整的全属性原力,难免会引人起疑。 But now he absolutely does not have this worry. 但现在他完全没有了这种顾虑。 Also has the entire attribute full power void will facing that Wang Teng does not need to retain anything again. 面对那同样拥有全属性全力的虚空意志,王腾没有必要再保留什么。 But must achieve the true balance, naturally cannot do without Wind Attribute Source Power. 而要达到真正的平衡,自然不能没有风系原力 In the Wang Teng heart has a premonition faintly, once gathers all Source Power, that then he condenses „the lotus of Source Power will perhaps have certain qualitative changes, the might is quite terrifying. 王腾心中隐隐有一种预感,一旦聚集所有原力,那么他凝聚出的这朵“原力之莲”没准会发生某些质变,威力极为恐怖。 Naturally, is only the guess, such method his first use. 当然,也只是猜测而已,这样的手段他还是第一次使用。 The endless storm since the creation, has then never used, even previous time uses in Dark World 【The lotus of blood god, Also cannot be the endless storm, at most is the incomplete version. 无尽风暴自创造以来,便从未用过,就算是上次在黑暗世界动用的【血神之莲】,也不能算是无尽风暴,顶多算是残缺版而已。 But this difference, to deal with that void will, he has not retained completely, during must integrate this to strike all strengths, prepares to a that void will huge pleasant surprise. 但这一次不同,为了应对那虚空意志,他完全没有保留,要将所有的力量都融入这一击当中,准备给那虚空意志一个巨大的惊喜。 Bang! 轰隆! At this time, has also vibrated void, terrifying cracks formed around that storm, the fearful fluctuation of energy swept across. 这时,虚空已是随之震动起来,一道道恐怖的裂缝在那风暴四周形成,可怕的能量波动席卷而出。 After seven species Source Power change to the lotus flower, making this storm become is quite wild, inside energy will as if explode to open at any time, making people feel the heart season. 七种属性的原力化作莲花之后,令这风暴变得极为狂暴起来,里面的能量仿佛随时都会爆炸而开,让人感到心季。 The giant face of distant place sees this, the look in eye socket appears courageous meaning of the vibration. 远处的巨大面孔看到这一幕,眼眶之内的眼神勐地浮现出一丝震动之意。 She felt a pinnacle threat from that storm. 她从那风暴之内感觉到了一股极致的威胁。 This threat also wanted intensely many times compared with before, even can obliterate her will, making her feel that the faint trace was anxious. 这种威胁比之前还要强烈了许多倍,甚至能够磨灭她的意志,让她感到丝丝不安。 Bang! 轰! Her look ice-cold incomparably, is absorbing from Source Power in all directions crazily, since had arrived at this position, she naturally also knows that does not have any room to manoeuvre, only has to make an all-out effort to wrestle. 她眼神冰冷无比,疯狂的吸收着来自四面八方的原力,既然已经到了这种境地,她自然也知道没有任何回旋的余地,唯有拼力一搏。 Suddenly, this void atmosphere become are quite dignified, is flooding dangerous internal energy beyond description, so long as if steps into this void range, by fatally danger. 一时间,这片虚空的气氛都变得极为凝重起来,充斥着难以形容的危险气机,似乎只要踏入这片虚空范围,就会受到致命的危险。 That feeling, makes people feel scalp tingles sufficiently. 那种感觉,足以让人感到头皮发麻。 Wang Teng has not been idling, with the integration of strength and Lighting Attribute strength of Wind Attribute, the five colors lotus flower changed to the seven colors, he continues to integrate several other Source Power. 王腾没有闲着,随着风系之力与雷系之力的融入,五色莲花化作了七色,他继续融入其他几种原力 Meanwhile his spirit read strength also crazy gushing out, entered in that lotus flower, changed to the rhizome, is maintaining balance vigorously, this cannot gain the first part. 同时他的精神念力也疯狂的涌出,进入那莲花之内,化作根茎,极力维持着其中的平衡,这是不可获取第一部分。 Then is Poison Attribute Star Source Power and Ice Attribute Star Source Power, these two Source Power maintain the balance in the extremely special way with seven species nature Source Power, changes to two new flower petals above that seven colors lotus flower, presents the quiet green color, the ice blue color. 接下来是毒系星辰原力冰系星辰原力,这两种原力以极为特殊的方式与七种属性原力保持平衡,于那七色莲花之上化作两片新的花瓣,呈现幽绿之色,冰蓝之色。 The seven colors lotus flower changes to nine color lotus flowers immediately, appears extremely the mystical with sacrificing for rottenly. 七色莲花顿时化作九色莲花,显得极为神异与徇烂。 But Wang Teng has not stopped, his within the body erupts another two entirely different Source Power again, is impressively bright and dark. 王腾还没有停止,他体内又再次爆发出另外两种截然不同的原力,赫然正是光明与黑暗。 When black and white color Source Power will soon be integrating that nine color lotus flowers, in the Wang Teng sudden heart moves, he thought of that mysterious animal skin. 黑白之色的原力在即将融入那九色莲花之时,王腾突然心中一动,他想到了那神秘兽皮。 Above the mysterious animal skin altogether has 11 traces, the nine traces of surrounding represent gold/metal wood water the fire clay, the wind and thunder poisonous ice, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with the lotus flower that Wang Teng condenses at this moment. 神秘兽皮之上共有十一道纹路,其中外围的九道纹路代表金木水火土,风雷毒冰,与王腾此刻凝聚的莲花有着异曲同工之妙。 But the two traces of central area represented were bright and dark. 而中心区域的两道纹路则是代表了光明与黑暗。 11 traces, are maintaining balanced in an extremely unique way. 十一道纹路,便以一种极为独特的方式维持着平衡。 Then he condenses now 【The lotus of Source Power, Is can also fuse with the similar way, making it achieve with that animal skin same balance. 那么他如今凝聚的【原力之莲】,是不是也可以用同样的方式融合,让其达到与那兽皮一样的平衡。 Thinks of here, in the Wang Teng heart raised suddenly impulsive. 想到这里,王腾心中突然升起了一丝冲动。 Did not defer to the original way to fuse, the way of deferring to that animal skin fused. 不按照原来的方式融合了,就按照那兽皮的方式去融合。 Undeniably, Wang Teng is always a nutter, now suddenly has so the idea, he decides to try, does not have any hesitates. 不可否认,王腾向来是一个疯狂之人,如今突然有了这般想法,他就决定试一试,没有任何迟疑。 Bang! 轰! Bright and dark Source Power wells up immediately toward that nine color lotus flowers, simultaneously that nine Source Power also moved, in its spirit read under the control of strength, extended toward the center. 光明与黑暗原力顿时朝着那九色莲花涌去,同时那九种原力也随之动了起来,在其精神念力的控制下,朝着中心处延伸。 But that bright and dark two Source Power, then formed a black and white circle, is revolving in the center slowly. 而那光明与黑暗两种原力,则是形成了一个黑白之圆,在中心处缓缓旋转着。 Other nine Source Power and this black and white circle connection in one. 其余九种原力与这黑白之圆连接在了一起。 Bang! 轰! Nine color lotus flowers changed again, changes to 11 color lotus flowers, courageous however shakes, erupts a powerful fluctuation of energy. 九色莲花再次发生了变化,化作一朵十一色莲花,勐然一震,爆发出一股强大的能量波动。 When this fluctuation of energy compared with before condenses nine color lotus flowers, wants terrifyingly innumerable times, as if turned into another energy form thoroughly, had the sublimation and transformation completely. 这股能量波动比之前凝聚九色莲花之时,要恐怖了无数倍,仿佛彻底变成了另一种能量形式,完全发生了升华与蜕变。 Became!” In the Wang Teng eye erupts one group of none, corners of the mouth not restrainable raising. “成了!”王腾眼中爆发出一团精光,嘴角不可抑制的扬起。 However in the meantime, he however felt courageous a tyrannical suction erupts from this lotus flower, making Source Power of his within the body uncontrolled well up crazily toward the lotus flower of under foot. 不过就在此时,他勐然感觉到一股强横的吸力从这莲花之上爆发,令他体内的原力不受控制的朝着脚下的莲花之中疯狂涌去。 Lying trough!” “卧槽!” Wang Teng exploded a swearing immediately. 王腾顿时爆了一句粗口。 He obviously feels, merely is such flash, this lotus flower then absorbed Source Power of his within the body 7788, even his psychic force, was uncontrolled rushes to the center of that lotus flower. 他明显感觉到,仅仅是这么一瞬间,这朵莲花便将他体内的原力吸收走了七七八八,甚至还有他的精神力,也是不受控制的涌向那莲花的中心处。 If according to this terrifying absorption rate, does not use several breath, his perhaps attracted adult will do. 若是按照这种恐怖的吸收速度,不用几个呼吸,他恐怕就会被吸成人干。 Probably...... played in a big way!” “好像……玩大了!” At this moment, Wang Teng swallowed a saliva, in the mind, only then such a thought braved, making on his forehead be in a cold sweat. 此刻,王腾咽了口唾沫,脑海中只有这么一个念头冒了出来,令他额头上冒出了冷汗。
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