AOA :: Volume #10

#935: Family glory

When White Tower that stands tall and erect pure white body to reveal at present, Grim relaxed finally. 白塔那高耸洁白的身躯显露在眼前时,格力姆终于松了一口气。 Team that because this transmits is extremely huge, the Magic Tower internal transfer chamber is unable to hold, therefore the final transmission place decided before White Tower that huge transmission square. 由于这回传送回来的队伍太过庞大,巫塔内部的传送室根本无法容纳,所以最终的传送地点定在了白塔前的那个巨大传送广场。 Although there is confidence that Third Grade Brain Monster not to dare to begin easily, but Grim still enhanced very vigilantly, to avoid presenting some accidents of being caught off guard. 虽然有信心那头3阶脑怪不敢轻易动手,可是格力姆依然提高了十分的警惕,以避免出现一些措手不及的意外事件。 He knew about that Brain Monster disposition simply again. 他对那头脑怪的性格简直再了解不过了。 Gazlowe already has sinister and arrogance of Third Grade Brain Monster, there is despicable and a timidness of source goblin. 加兹鲁维既有3阶脑怪的阴险与自大,也有本源地精的卑劣与怯懦。 When the enormous benefit appears in its front, loyal, principle, partner and other fine things it can abandonment without hesitation fall. However when moves possibly endangers to its oneself, the risk that even if takes is small, the successful probability is big, it will be also indecisive, whatever finally golden opportunity in vain loses from own average. 当巨大利益出现在它面前时,忠诚、原则、伙伴等美好的东西它都可以毫不犹豫的抛弃掉。不过当行动可能危及到它自身,哪怕所冒的风险再小,成功的几率再大,它也会犹豫不决,最终任由绝佳的机会白白的从自己手中流失掉。 This...... Actually is the Third Grade Brain Monster final essence! 这……其实才是3阶脑怪最终的本质! Because has the so deep cognition to Gazlowe, Grim has the confidence it not to dare the light easy way danger. However Eternal Capital truly is not the long-erm place, once stayed there for a long time, Grim was worried very much some small matters will trigger Gazlowe that not restrainable greedy and luck. 正是因为对加兹鲁维有着如此深的认知,格力姆才有信心它不敢轻易行险。不过永恒之都确实不是久留之地,一旦在那里停留久了,格力姆很担心一些微小的事情就会触发加兹鲁维那不可抑制的贪婪和侥幸。 Therefore, has not done in Eternal Capital excessively stays, the family team stepped into Teleportation Gate to return to the family station quickly. 所以,没有在永恒之都做过多停留,家族队伍很快就踏入传送门返回了家族驻地。 When the huge family hunting team appears in transmitting the square, before White Tower, immediately has resounded deafening cheering. 当庞大的家族狩猎队伍出现在传送广场之际,白塔前立刻响起了震耳欲聋的欢呼。 When first some, Adept and elite apprentice in family vanish massively, has brought to the attention of person with high aspirations. 前些时,家族里的巫师精英学徒大量消失,已经引起了有心人的注意。 Regarding majority of Adept Family, each large-scale different plane hunting and exploration mean greatly and unpredictable danger. Once some that many scenery Xuan's Adept Family however suddenly became gloomy, usually was because had some accident when the different plane exploration and causes the family strength to damage greatly. 对于大部分巫师家族来说,每一次大规模的异位面狩猎和探险都意味着巨大且不可预知的危险。曾经有那么多风光煊然的巫师家族突然变得黯淡无光,通常都是因为在异位面探险时出了某种意外而导致家族实力大损。 Therefore, sees the family hunting team successfully from the different plane rotation, each subordinates in Adept and apprentice of Crimson family hits the excitement and stimulated that in bottom of the heart bursts out to be difficult to cover. 因此,看到家族狩猎队成功的从异位面回转,每一位隶属于深红家族的巫师学徒都打心底里迸发出难掩的激动和亢奋。 The family majority of members smoothly returned, means that the risk was eliminated, but then takes inventory the time of harvest inevitably. 家族大部分成员都顺利回归了,也就意味着风险消失了,而接下来必然是清点收获的时刻。 As Patrol Mother Ship lands on the ground, under sending under escort of metal Magical Machine, rows is bringing the different plane slave slowly went below of metal shackles, with over the face panic-stricken and absent-minded facial expression is sizing up peripheral all. 随着巡游母舰降落在地面,在金属魔械的押解下,一排排带着金属枷锁的异位面奴隶缓缓走下甲板,用满面惊恐的和恍惚的神情打量着周边的一切。 When they see palatial Tower that reaches to the sky, when they saw that wear sorcerer robe Adept , cannot help but in abundance the low head, under the action of driving away of big metal puppet, at a loss has stepped into Adept Tower. 当它们看到那高耸入云的巍峨高塔,当它们看到一位位身穿巫袍巫师,不由得纷纷低下头颅,在高大金属傀儡的驱赶下,茫然的踏入了巫师高塔 The personal appearance is tall and strong, has the large stomach intestinal fat, on the neck hangs all over the Ogre of animal teeth and pirate-like skull...... 身形魁梧壮硕,有着肥大肚腩,脖子上挂满兽牙和骷髅头的食人魔…… The build is big, muscular, Four Limbs is strong, has the fiery red temple to send with Troll of fierce fang...... 体型高大,肌肉发达,四肢强壮纤长,有着火红鬓发和狰狞獠牙的巨魔…… The whole body is covered with the brown palm fiber, Four Limbs is short and heavy, has cut-throat Werewolf of sharp hand claw claw...... 浑身长满褐色棕毛,四肢短粗有力,有着锋利手爪脚爪的凶狠狼人…… The lower part of the body is the body of snow white healthy horse, the upper body is the human feminine body, only encircles feminine Centaur of light animal skin in the meatball place that the front stands tall and erect high...... 下身是雪白健马的身体,上身是人类女性的身躯,只在胸前高高耸起的肉球处围有一层薄薄兽皮的女性半人马…… The body erectness reaches as high as 67 meters, brown rough hard flesh, has the mountain giant of terrifying brute force...... 身躯直立高达67米,一身土黄色粗糙坚硬的肌肤,拥有恐怖蛮力的高山巨人…… ...... …… ...... …… In the middle of long slave team, can see the build height, various race completely different Other World slaves. And the majority is the build big grandiose hard labor slave, once in a while also some keen and skill slave. 长长的奴隶队伍当中,可以看到体型高矮不等,种族完全迥异的各种异界奴隶。其中大部分是体型高大壮硕的苦工型奴隶,间或的也有一些灵敏和技巧型的奴隶。 As for these female * Magistrate, or has the astonishing beautiful appearance, either has the special technique, either has the hot alternative looks...... Which type, will initiate nitpicking and talking in whispers of numerous Apprentice Adept. 至于那些雌*隶,或者有着惊人的美貌,或者有着特殊的技艺,或者有着火辣另类的姿容……不论是哪一种,都会引发众多巫师学徒的品头论足和窃窃私语。 In comparison, Crimson Adept act with constraint, the eyeball roves on slaves, once in a while will hesitate to some alien race the ponder moment. But their attention also mostly place on the slave who these have suited take the Adept bodyguard. 相形之下,深红巫师们就矜持很多,眼珠在一个个奴隶身上转来转去,间或的会对某种异族沉吟思考片刻。而他们的关注点也大多放在了那些适合作为巫师侍卫的奴隶身上。 After ordinary Other World indigenous walks, afterward what sends under escort is the heavy shackles imprisons formidable creature that for example the big overwhelming power and build grandiose Dragon-Human soldier, for example wears the cotton robe, body is overflowing magic aura Dragon Faith Zelot(s), or is some fierce fearful high rank monster...... 普通的异界土着走完后,随后押解出来的是重型枷锁禁锢的强大生物,比如高大威猛、体型壮硕的龙人战士,比如身穿布袍,身上荡溢着魔法气息的拜龙教徒,亦或者是一些凶猛可怕的高阶魔物…… In this batch of spoils of war, mostly is 1, Second Grade high grade goods , many are Third Grade formidable monster. 在这批战利品中,大多都是1、2阶高等货色,其中也不乏位列3阶的强大魔物 What a pity, in Rance plane, perhaps they is formidable lord of tyrant side, free, the free and unfettered is satisfied. May here, they actually become lost actually the free pitiful creature, can only treat sorrowfully in the prison is waiting for the choice of Adept . 可惜,在兰斯位面,它们或许是霸蛮一方的强大领主,自由自在,逍遥惬意。可在这里,它们却成了失却自由的可怜虫,只能悲哀的待在囚牢里等待着巫师们的挑选。 Someday in the future, they will also get represent the servile status the brand mark, life-long humiliation is taking care some formidable Adept . 在未来的某一天,它们也会被打上代表奴隶身份的烙印,终生屈辱的服侍着某位强大的巫师 However these alien race captives thinks to think that nobody will care, nobody will sympathize and pity. 不过这些异族俘虏们的所思所想没人会在意,更没人会去同情和怜悯。 Was invaded by Adept from plane of these alien races on that day starting from, such result is also doomed the innumerable appearances. Even if now expensive is Adept of control, if Adept World were seized by another formidable race, they must accept was enslaved, * the fact low-spirited. 从这些异族的位面巫师们侵入那一天开始,这样的结局也就注定要无数次的出现。哪怕现在贵为主宰者的巫师们,如果巫师世界被另一支强大种族占领,他们也要黯然接受被奴役、被*的事实。 This is actually the inevitable result that Planar World expands outward crazily! 这其实就是位面世界向外疯狂扩张的必然结果! The team of slave is still continuing...... 奴隶的队伍还在继续…… When leader build huge and fierce strange Giant Dragon lifts from the cabin, assembled to erupt the shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami scream and cheering in transmission square nearby Crimson family members. 当一头头体型巨大且狰狞的奇异巨龙从船舱里抬出时,围聚在传送广场附近的深红家族成员都爆发出了山呼海啸般的尖叫和欢呼。 The atmosphere of entire family also instantaneously exploded! 整个家族的气氛也就瞬间燃爆了! Giant Dragon...... This is Giant Dragon! 巨龙……这可是巨龙啊! Places any plane, they stand erect the spoliator and hunting and killing in huge food chain peak. Their plunder resources, grab the wealth, wrests away the land and wooded mountain, being miserable beyond description of intelligent race disaster, has no alternative. 放在任何一个位面,它们都是屹立在庞大食物链顶端的掠夺者和猎杀者。它们掠夺资源、劫掠财富,霸占土地和山林,把一个个智慧种族祸害的苦不堪言,却又无可奈何。 But now...... They actually have become the spoils of war and captive of Crimson family. 可是现在……它们却都成了深红家族的战利品和俘虏。 Their flesh and blood will present the Adept dinner table, their blood become Blood Adept food, their Skeleton will polish the weapon, their spinal cords will integrate the liquid medicines...... Their statures by the inconsistency that Adept dismantle, each point of physique, each inch flesh and blood and each piece of scales by use properly, become the resources that Adept pursue. 它们的血肉将会呈上巫师们的餐桌,它们的血液将会成为血巫的食物,它们的骨骼将会打磨成武器,它们的脊髓将会融入药水……它们的身躯将会被巫师们拆解的七零八落,每一分筋骨、每一寸血肉、每一片鳞甲都会被妥善的利用,成为巫师们追逐的资源。 This regarding Giant Dragon, perhaps is a disaster, may regarding Adept , actually be a grand feast of carving up! 这对于巨龙们来说,或许是一场灾难,可对于巫师们来说,却是一场瓜分的盛宴! Therefore, along with a appearance of leader Giant Dragon, the Crimson family Adept atmosphere even more is also soaring, is even more stimulated, is not even more restrainable. 因此,随着一头头巨龙的出现,深红家族巫师们的气氛也就愈发高昂,愈发亢奋,愈发不可抑制。 The family members who these miss to participate in this level resource distribution also to one's heart's content cheer, excited inexplicable. 就连那些无缘参与到这种层级资源分配的家族成员也纵情欢呼,兴奋莫名。 Success of each large-type hunting means that the growth of family strength, but they will also enjoy along with when production costs rise , prices rise too dividend. 每一次大型狩猎的成功都意味着家族实力的增长,而他们这些人也会随着水涨船高而尽享其中的红利。 First Grade and Second Grade Giant Dragon appearance in turn, advanced the pinnacle the mood of family member, entire Ice Wind Territory everywhere is the sea that cheers. 1阶2阶巨龙的依次出现,更是把家族成员的情绪推到了极致,整个冰风领到处都是欢呼的海洋。 But along with an intermittent wave summon and whistling by, the climax of this hunting entered the stage. 而随着一阵阵波浪般的呼唤和啸叫,此次狩猎的重头戏出场了。 In four goblin combat tank and under large quantities of Magical Machine guards, one length of body 20-30 meters, the whole body was covered with mirror zeng bright bright Dragon scale strange Giant Dragon to be transported. Looks at that fierce dragon corner/horn, looks at that full accumulated the impressive and dignified manner dragon head, looks at that huge such as small mountain-like smooth Dragon Qu, looks at that incisive sharp fearful Dragon Claw...... 在四台地精战车和大批魔械的护卫下,一头体长二三十米,浑身长满了镜子般锃明刷亮龙鳞的奇异巨龙被运了下来。看那狰狞的龙角,看那满蕴着威仪的龙首,看那庞大如小山般的流畅龙躯,看那尖锐锋利的可怕龙爪…… Apprentice Adept hold the breath with rapt attention, is reminding in a low voice. 一个个巫师学徒屏息凝神,纷纷低声的提醒着。 Third Grade Giant Dragon......” 3阶巨龙……” Third Grade ......” 3阶……” apprentice that only then these have great learning possibly identifies, this is an exceptionally rare and precious water dragon. 只有那些学识渊博的学徒才可能辨认出来,这是一头异常珍稀的水龙。 This time, was one's turn these Adept to talk in whispers. 这一次,轮到那些巫师们窃窃私语了。 These have sophist the Adept lips of title to move slightly, with the water dragon related content that oneself know simply described. These are collecting the high rank water attribute resources Adept are the brow micro peaks, obviously intent. 那些有着‘博学者’头衔的巫师口唇微动,把自己所知道的与水龙有关的内容都简单描述了一遍。那些正在收集高阶水系资源的巫师更是眉头微耸,显然意有所动。 But this has not calculated, finally the team enters the stage is a giant prison, above has covered black cloth, making one be hard to spy on inside content. However looks at the Adept level that sends under custody, can know the value of inside prey surely above the Third Grade water dragon of that dying. 而这还不算完,队伍最后出场的则是一个巨大的囚牢,上面蒙上了一层黑布,令人难以窥探到里面的内容。不过看押送的巫师层级,就可以知道里面猎物的价值必定远在那头死去的3阶水龙之上。 Because numerous Crimson Adept saw Crimson Patriarch in the team of sending under escort unexpectedly, that legendary Fire Sorcerer Grim's form, but always follows that Little Elf Helen unexpected sitting in Alice body side in the Grim shoulder, a heavyhearted appearance. 因为众多深红巫师在押解的队伍里竟然看到了深红族长,那位传奇火巫格力姆的身影,而总是跟随在爱丽丝身侧的那个小精灵海伦则出人意料的坐在格力姆肩头,一副忧心忡忡的模样。 The prey that is sent under custody by legendary Fire Sorcerer personally! 一个由传奇火巫亲自押送的猎物! Why audiences Adept cannot help but more curious in this metal prison the prey. 巫师不由得更加好奇这座金属囚牢里面的猎物为何了。 However was a pity very much that high rank Adept of family as if not for the meaning that they dispel doubt, has sent in upper level the metal prison Tower directly. 不过很可惜,家族的高阶巫师似乎并没有为他们解惑的意思,径直把金属囚牢送入了高塔上层。 By the White Tower 14 th entrance, Meryl Adept stopped the Grim's footsteps finally. 白塔第14层的入口旁,梅丽尔巫师终于拦停了格力姆的脚步。 She is asks for instructions family spoils of war assignment. 她是来请示家族此次战利品分配情况的。 Grim had pondered, has not cared about disturbing of shoulder Little Elf, obviously Helen has not rescued Alice to be quite discontented to him promptly. 格力姆思考了一下,并没有在意肩头小精灵的捣乱,显然海伦对他没有及时解救出爱丽丝颇为不满。 Defers to us to provide in the list that on the road draws up as usual! Participates the family member who northern wilderness fights, the contribution point presses the topmost level level to provide. Mary will preside personally over the tonight's joyful banquet, I no longer participated.” “就按照我们在路上拟定的名单照常发放吧!参与北部荒野一战的家族成员,贡献点都按最高层级发放。玛丽会亲自主持今晚的欢庆宴会,我就不再参加了。” Meryl nods again and again, the Grim confession wants one by one to take down, this turns around to leave. 梅丽尔连连点头,把格力姆交代的一些要点一一记下,这才转身离开。 In metal prison trapped/sleepy lock naturally is in the shadow dragon and Alice in seal. However both sides by seal in inside, once unseal, is very difficult to guarantee that Alice does not receive the injury of shadow Giant Dragon. Therefore, when unseal, how unseal, needs careful plan. 金属囚牢内困锁的自然是处于封印中的阴影龙和爱丽丝。不过双方都被封印在里面,一旦解封,很难保证爱丽丝不受到阴影巨龙的伤害。所以,何时解封,如何解封,都需要一番仔细的谋划。 By the meaning of Little Elf, is makes Grim act to invite 4 levels of Adept obviously, resists crazy backlash of Third Grade shadow dragon using the Fourth Grade Adept formidable strength, rescues Alice. 小精灵的意思,显然是让格力姆出面去请来一位4级巫师,利用4阶巫师强大的实力抵御住3阶阴影龙的疯狂反噬,把爱丽丝解救出来。 But Grim carefully had pondered, had another idea. 格力姆则仔细思考了一番,有了另外一个主意。 However in Grim sits alone in boredom thinks to plan in the residence secret room repeatedly, an accidental interview request has alarmed him. 不过就在格力姆独自一人枯坐在居所密室内反复思筹之际,一个意外的求见请求惊动了他。 In the Crimson family, can contact with on the Grim's subordinate not to be many directly, but this fellow, is most special. 深红家族内部,能够直接联系上格力姆的下属可不多,而这个家伙,正是其中最特殊的一个。 Grim thought deeply about hesitant the moment, finally the decision put the Alice matter first, first saw this quite specially guest! 格力姆思索犹豫了片刻,终于决定先把爱丽丝的事情放一放,先去见见这个比较特殊的‘客人’! 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