AOA :: Volume #10

#936: Indenture of sale of person into servitude

When goes to the reception room, that guest waited there for some time here. 来到会客厅时,那位‘客人’已经在这里等候多时了。 The future is the famous woman. 来者是名女人。 On the face the black turban wears a mask, cannot see the complete five senses. 脸上黑巾蒙面,看不到完整的五官。 Black tight-fitting leather clothing chaps wrap the curve mysterious body floats exquisite raised, pours also has a distinct flavor. Opposite party obviously to match oneself Adept the status, has coated a loose cotton robe outside leather armor, but is still not able to cover that line exquisite figure. 一身黑色的紧身皮衣皮裤把曲线奥妙的身躯包裹的玲珑浮凸,倒也别有风味。对方显然为了搭配自己‘巫师’的身份,在皮甲外面又罩上了一件宽松的布袍,不过依然无法遮盖那线条优美的身段。 Olivine does your excellency, calculate the adaptation in White Tower these days? Does not know that your this time wants to see me for what?” Grim all smiles said warm that has not put out the high rank Adept stance. 奥丽文阁下,这段时间在白塔还算适应吧?不知道你这次想要见我是为了什么?”格力姆满面笑容的温言道,并没有拿出高阶巫师的架势。 Looks speaks with confidence in front of oneself, manner unflustered formidable Sorcerer, Olivine agitated left Niuyou on the sofa leather chair turns, several times start to speak but hesitate. 看着在自己面前侃侃而谈,举止从容不迫的强大男巫,奥丽文烦躁的在沙发皮椅上左扭右扭,几次欲言又止。 Grim...... The Sir......” clenched teeth to open one's mouth to put out Sir two characters, the face of Olivine quickly suppresses red. 格力姆……大人……”咬牙启齿吐出‘大人’两字,奥丽文的脸孔都快憋红了。 This resided temporarily in some strange Dragon Devourer too many words of Crimson family wants to say to Grim obviously that actually does not know mentioned from where. She was unable to adapt to and at present the Sorcerer status difference obviously. 这位寄居在深红家族的奇异噬龙者显然有太多的话想要对格力姆说,却又不知从何说起。她显然至今还无法适应与眼前男巫的地位差异。 Places passing, she seeks after to be able nearby to gain the Crimson family that some Giant Dragon resources join. At that time, she is Second Grade , but present Sorcerer is also Second Grade , the both sides status was equal. But is about dozens years of scene, the opposite party jumped for Third Grade unexpectedly, but she is still position Second Grade . 放在过往,她只是贪图能够就近获取一些巨龙资源而加入的深红家族。那时候,她是2阶,而眼前的男巫也是2阶,双方地位是平等的。可不过几十年的光景,对方竟然已经跃升为了3阶,而她依然是位2阶 Although this time Olivine had the Second Grade peak strength, but Second Grade is Second Grade , is still unable to place on a par with Third Grade . In front of this Sorcerer, her first time felt a threat and oppression beyond description. 虽然此时的奥丽文已经有了2阶巅峰的实力,可是2阶就是2阶,依然无法和3阶相提并论。在这位男巫面前,她第一次感受到了一种难以形容的威胁和压迫。 This is not the opposite party intends but actually in view of oneself, but is the force field fluctuation that the high rank Adept formidable life energy and superelevation Spirit intensity initiates. 这倒并不是对方有意在针对自己,而是高阶巫师强大生命能量和超高精神强度所引发的力场波动。 Olivine in the Grim body side felt that slight ill, must change into these low rank Adept , perhaps liked the pricking of being on tenterhooks. As for ordinary Apprentice Adept, approaches the Grim's words really to have the life risk. 奥丽文格力姆身侧只是感到轻微不适而已,要换成那些低阶巫师,恐怕就有如坐针毡的刺痛感了。至于普通巫师学徒,过于靠近格力姆的话可是真有生命之虞的。 Olivine, do you ask me to be in a daze?” Grim temperately is still smiling, but in facial features and words does not bear is actually clear. 奥丽文,你来找我就是为了发呆的?”格力姆依然在温和笑着,可是眉眼和话语中的不耐却已是一目了然。 Since this Olivine continuously and Crimson family has been neither friendly nor aloof, although is going against the Crimson Adept reputation, almost never truly has actually striven for the family. Therefore, Grim also reveals in speech and appearance to its disaffection. 这个奥丽文一直以来和深红家族若即若离,虽然顶着深红巫师的名头,却几乎从未真正为家族出过力。所以,格力姆对其的不满也就溢于言表。 If not look in passing friendship and in Olivine that strange occupational ability, perhaps Grim will not find the time to receive her. 如果不是看在过往的‘交情’和奥丽文那奇异的职业能力上,恐怕格力姆根本就不会抽出时间来接见她。 As if sensation to Grim that thick does not bear, on the Olivine face has appeared the expression that worried and struggled, hesitant the moment has opened the mouth to say finally: Grim...... Sir, I think...... I want to obtain that Third Grade water dragon.” 似乎感知到了格力姆那浓浓的‘不耐’,奥丽文脸上现出了一个苦恼和挣扎的表情,犹豫了片刻终于开口道:“格力姆……大人,我想……我想得到那头3阶水龙。” Sure enough comes for that water dragon. 果不其然是为了那头水龙而来的。 Grim can look that Olivine as if arrived at bottleneck status/mode, is in the Second Grade peak, wanted to further need some special methods again. Adept can use the knowledge method of the system inheriting to be promoted, but Dragon Devourer wanted the promote step perhaps unavoidably to borrow the bloodlines of Giant Dragon. 格力姆能够看出来,奥丽文似乎已经到了一个瓶颈状态,处于2阶巅峰,想要再进一步就需要一些特殊的手段了。巫师们可以利用体系内部传承下来的知识手段来晋级,而噬龙者想要晋阶恐怕就免不了要借用巨龙的血脉了。 But by the Olivine present strength, making her alone hunt and kill Third Grade Giant Dragon to force someone to do something against his will without doubt. 而以奥丽文现在的实力,让她独自猎杀一头3阶巨龙无疑是强人所难。 Therefore, saw that the Crimson family hunted and killed Third Grade Giant Dragon, this Olivine thoughts have enlivened unavoidably. But by Olivine now and relations of Crimson family, proposed suddenly this request somewhat was rather towering. 所以,看到深红家族又猎杀了一头3阶巨龙,这位奥丽文的心思不免就活跃了起来。只不过以奥丽文现在和深红家族的关系,乍然提出这个请求未免就有些突兀了。 Grim is sneering. 格力姆冷笑着。 Olivine, you joined the Crimson family also dozens years, does not know that what can put out to receive in exchange for this Third Grade water dragon?” 奥丽文,你加入深红家族也有几十年了,不知道能拿出什么来换取这头3阶水龙?” 3...... 3 ten thousand Magic Crystal...... With...... With...... 2000 contribution......” Olivine was saying hesitant. “3……3万魔晶……和……和……2000贡献点……”奥丽文犹犹豫豫的说着。 As Second Grade Dragon Devourer, stayed for dozens years in the Crimson family, actually only saved has such selected the thing, this fully explained the opposite party simply did not have the internal affairs of positive participation Crimson family. 身为2阶噬龙者,在深红家族停留了几十年,却只积攒了这么点东西,这已经充分说明了对方根本没有积极的参与深红家族的内部事务。 3 ten thousand Magic Crystal...... 2000 contribution points...... Hey, Olivine, do you know the foundation value of this Third Grade water dragon?” “3万魔晶……2000贡献点……嘿嘿,奥丽文,你知道这头3阶水龙的基础价值吗?” The happy expression on Grim face is colder: Although its dragon soul dissipated, is the foundation value also in 200 ten thousand Magic Crystal above. Your thing......” 格力姆脸上的笑意更冷:“虽然它的龙魂已经消散,可是基础价值也在200万魔晶以上。你的这点东西……” As if knew that own request is somewhat excessive, Olivine clenches teeth finally, ruthless sound track: Sir Grim, I knows that I did not well in the past these days. However so long as you give me this water dragon, making me be able to be promoted Third Grade , I guaranteed...... I ensure will be obedient like Sir Mary, anything listens your!” 似乎自知自己的请求有些过分,奥丽文终于一咬牙,狠声道:“格力姆大人,我知道我在过去的这段时间里做得并不好。不过只要你把这头水龙给我,让我能够晋级3阶,我保证……我保证会像玛丽大人一样听话,什么都听你的!” What listens my?” The Grim brow selects. “什么都听我的?”格力姆眉头一挑。 Anything listens your!” Olivine slender tall body, once more ruthless sound track. “什么都听你的!”奥丽文纤细高挑的身躯一挺,再次狠声道。 Grim hey however said: You may probably know that Mary and my relations are unusual. Can you achieve this point?” 格力姆嘿然道:“你可要知道,玛丽和我的关系非同一般。你能够做到这一点?” Can!” Olivine said categorically: So long as she can achieve, I can also achieve.” “能!”奥丽文斩钉截铁道:“只要她能做到的,我也能做到。” Looks the appearance that the opposite party is bold in devoting, Grim gives a calm smile, the right hand finds out, under touches slowly to Olivine that black tight-fitting leather armor wraps the fluctuating shake to be uncertain **. 看着对方勇于献身的模样,格力姆淡然一笑,右手探出,缓缓摸向奥丽文那黑色紧身皮甲包裹下起伏震荡不定的**。 The Olivine body trembles, the tooth bites tightly, but has not actually shunted, but nervous looks that the big hand of Sorcerer leaves the meat earthen mound that are standing tall and erect to be getting more and more near. 奥丽文身躯微颤,牙齿紧咬,但是却没有躲开,而是紧张兮兮的看着男巫的大手离着自己高耸的肉丘越来越近。 In both will have touched, the Grim heart moves slightly, big hand direction steep revolutions, in Olivine low lowland screams suddenly black turban on his face picking. 就在两者将触未触之际,格力姆心头微动,大手方向陡转,在奥丽文低低地惊呼声中突然把其脸上的黑巾给摘了下来。 What under the black turban covers is what kind terror face! 黑巾下面遮盖的是何等恐怖的一副面孔啊! Stretched across the fearful huge mouth of entire cheek to open, has revealed in the white zigzag fang, dagger that sharp tooth shapes inverted scattered was distributing, was fierce and terrifying. 一张横跨了整个面颊的可怕巨口微张着,露出了里面白森森的锯齿状獠牙,一颗颗锋利的牙齿像倒插的匕首般错落的分布着,狰狞而恐怖。 But position that the nostril was , is flat white meat, cannot see the trace of nose. 而原本鼻孔所在的位置,则是平展展的一片白肉,看不到鼻子的踪影。 If did not open the black turban, only looks at the facial features and facial features that Olivine appears externally, that is also the full human beautiful woman appearance. But opened the black turban, the human beautiful young girl originally turned into a terrifying evil spirit immediately, alarmed, does not endure to look straight ahead. 如果不揭开黑巾,只看奥丽文外露的眉眼和脸型,那也是十足的人类美女模样。可是一揭开黑巾,原本的人类美少女立刻变成了一个恐怖的妖魔,令人触目惊心,不忍直视。 Underwent these many years exercises, such terrifying picture does not daunt Grim. 经过了这么多年的锻炼,这样恐怖的景象根本吓不住格力姆 He has dissected monster and human form demon many went, which is not Monster in Monster, monster in monster. Not only clown, but also strange, furthermore some strange organs and disgusting body fluid. 他所解剖过的魔物和人形魔株多了去了,哪一个不是怪物中的怪物,魔物中的魔物。不但丑,而且怪,更兼着一些稀奇古怪的器官和令人恶心透顶的体液。 Therefore, at present the Olivine true colors also make him slightly surprised little, but also cannot go to the situation that the fear shrinks. 所以,眼前奥丽文的真面目也只是让他稍微惊讶了少许,还达不到害怕畏缩的地步。 Moreover, Grim looks is very clear. 而且,格力姆看的很清楚。 Olivine as once humanity, the appearance background was very good. 奥丽文作为曾经的人类,模样底子还是很不错的。 But the way of Dragon Devourer unique promotion strength, made her body have some not controllable Variation and pollution. These changes can from each side promote her lethality to the dragon clan without doubt, but, makes her be away from the human source to be getting more and more far inevitably. 只不过噬龙者独特提升实力的方式,也让她的身躯发生了一些不可控的变异和污染。这些变化无疑能够从各个侧面提升她对龙族的杀伤力,可是,也不可避免的让她距离人类本源越来越远。 The fellow who let alone Olivine, Adept World high rank Adept , can retain the human shape are also getting fewer and fewer, majority is a grotesque appearance. 别说奥丽文了,就连巫师世界高阶巫师,能够保留人类形态的家伙也越来越少,大部分都是一副奇形怪状的模样。 After all the human body is too weak emaciated, can hold the strength upper limit and withstanding to be too low is too low. If high rank Adept extremely cares about own human body, then his fundamental strength wanted weak in Naxie to have the mutation same step on the necessity. 毕竟人类身躯太弱孱弱,所能够容纳和承受的力量上限太低太低。如果一位高阶巫师太过在意自己的人类身躯,那么他的基础实力就必然要弱于那些发生了异变的同阶。 This is also a Adept World well-known truth! 这也是巫师世界一个众所周知的道理! When Grim looked enough, Olivine then hung the black turban, has blocked that inhuman face. 等到格力姆看够了,奥丽文这才重新挂好了黑巾,挡住了那非人的面孔。 I can put out these many, but I can sign the soul contract with you. So long as you give me that Third Grade water dragon, after I am promoted Third Grade , all listen your!” After the biggest secret violent leaks, Olivine has also let loose all thoughts, put forward own condition earnestly. “我能够拿出的就这么多,不过我可以和你签订灵魂契约。只要你把那头3阶水龙给我,我晋级3阶后一切都听你的!”最大的隐秘暴漏后,奥丽文也就放开了一切心思,认真的提出了自己的条件。 Traded a possibility with a Third Grade water dragon of dying Third Grade Dragon Devourer...... Such business as if also cost-effective. 用一头死去的3阶水龙换一个可能的3阶噬龙者……这样的买卖似乎还划算。 However, this Olivine , if present at work like before again does not strive to be possible not to be good! 不过,这位奥丽文如果再像以前那样出工不出力可就不行了! The Grim searching hand without hesitation in empty delimits at present, draws up dissimilar in shape and form flame rune. During these flame rune floats are void at present, each other collision vacillation, spliced strange Magic Contract finally. 格力姆毫不犹豫的探手在眼前虚划,绘制出了一个个形态各异的火焰符文。这些火焰符文漂浮在眼前虚空之中,彼此碰撞游移,终于拼接成了一个奇异的巫术契约 Has a look at this Magic Contract...... If thought that appropriate, has signed it. After having signed, I will look for appropriate Third Grade Giant Dragon to you!” Grim light say/way. “看看这个巫术契约……如果觉得合适的话,就签了它。签了以后,我会给你找一头合适3阶巨龙的!”格力姆淡淡道。 Present he, is Third Grade Adept of position genuine, drafts this kind of Magic Contract to be simply easy conveniently. But this contract seems like simple, actually attached was numerous he to study from the different plane Witchcraft knowledge, was having the formidable soul restraint ability, therefore after also unexpected Olivine was promoted Third Grade , will renege on a promise. 现在的他,已经是位货真价实的3阶巫师了,随手拟就这样一份巫术契约简直轻而易举。而这份契约看似简单,却附加了众多他学自异位面巫术知识,拥有着强大的灵魂束缚能力,因此也不虞奥丽文晋级3阶后会反悔。 Olivine mood disturbed staring this Magic Contract, although above flame rune her major part did not know. When which rune but her line of sight falls on, this rune soaked accumulated all contents and details launches like a book. 奥丽文心情忐忑的凝视着这份巫术契约,虽然上面的火焰符文她绝大部分都不认识。可是当她视线落在哪个符文上面,这枚符文所浸蕴的所有内容和细节就像一本书一样展开了。 Does not need to know, does not need to explain, the news that each rune contains takes in everything at a glance flowed in her mind. 不需要认识,也不需要解读,每个符文所包蕴的讯息都一览无遗的流进了她脑海之内。 Before contract clause also fruit such as her, described, the Crimson family provided Third Grade Giant Dragon to make her be promoted Third Grade smoothly, but after being promoted Third Grade , Olivine also needed wholeheartedly served for 200 years for the Crimson family. 契约条款也果如她之前描述的一样,深红家族提供一头3阶巨龙让她顺利晋级3阶,而晋级3阶后,奥丽文也需要全心全意的为深红家族服务200年。 Such article sounds to be very harsh, is Olivine actually for it wild with joy. 这样的条文听起来很苛刻,可是奥丽文却为之狂喜不已。 She soaked accumulated in Adept World these many years, knew about the Adept behavior again. 她在巫师世界浸蕴了这么多年,对巫师们的行为再了解不过了。 Will not have second Adept Family to put forward so superiorly, the so loose condition to her again. 绝不会再有第二个巫师家族会对她提出如此优越,如此宽松的条件了。 This lets plan clenches teeth to endure the Sorcerer severe condition Olivine to be overjoyed. 这让原本已经打算咬牙忍受男巫苛刻条件的奥丽文大喜过望。 Must know, by her intelligence, if after being promoted Third Grade , the life are least can also lengthen to 600-700 years. Extracts for 200 years to give the Crimson family to work from inside, seems not acceptable! 要知道,以她的资质,如果晋级3阶后,寿命最少也能延长至六七百年。从里面抽出200年去给深红家族打工,似乎也不是不可以接受的! Olivine cuts the finger immediately, has left behind own soul brand mark on Magic Contract. 奥丽文立刻就划破手指,在巫术契约上留下了自己的灵魂烙印。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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