AOA :: Volume #10

#934: Back crisis

In the giant gulf smoke curl. 巨大的深坑中余烟袅袅。 One full is the great sign of the dragon claw of scorch and sludge digs up the gulf edge, subsequently has revealed one fierce and large sign of the dragon head of distortion. 一只满是焦痕和污泥的巨大龙爪扒住深坑边缘,继而露出了一个狰狞而扭曲的硕大龙首。 Before making war noblly and vanished into thin air gracefully, Tiriel stares is filling the hatred and angry scarlet eye pupil, is looking steadily at one inside and outside that stubbornly huge and Zheng's metal Giant Dragon however. 开战前的高贵和优雅已经不翼而飞,托瑞尔瞪着充满仇恨和愤怒的猩红眼瞳,死死盯视着一里外那个庞大而铮然的金属巨龙 The opposite party is adjusting the body at this moment fast, aims here soaring dragon, but above its back, that two big form still pestles stand. Especially on that human Adept face the faint smile strange expression, was the deep stabbing pain the Tiriel innermost feelings. 对方此刻正快速的调整着身躯,把高昂的龙首重新对准这边,而其背脊之上,那两个高大身影依然杵立。尤其那位人类巫师脸上似笑非笑的古怪表情,更是深深的刺痛了托瑞尔的内心。 If heaven pities me, Grim may not ridicule certainly ridiculed a meaning of Fourth Grade Giant Dragon. However at this moment, after just ate a violent has owed, the Tiriel innermost feelings are sensitive and frail, on the enemy face any expression change regards as by it to own contemptuous and ridicule. 天可怜见,格力姆可绝没有嘲笑讥讽一头4阶巨龙的意思。不过在此时此刻,刚吃了一个暴亏后,托瑞尔的内心敏感而脆弱,敌人脸上任何的表情变化都会被其视为对自己的轻蔑和嘲笑。 Therefore silent roared, the Tiriel great sign of the dragon claw dug up the pit edge, the entire huge body changed into the flowing light sharply to throw the enemy once more together. 因此无声的咆哮一声,托瑞尔巨大龙爪一扒坑沿,整个庞大的身躯再次化为一道流光急扑敌人。 If the beforehand fight, it attacks in You Liehe, then, it was actually is going at this moment all out! 如果说之前的战斗,它还是在游猎和进攻的话,那么此刻,它却是在拼命了! that mass-criticized left side of Tiriel the back place, has left behind -and-a-half meter gigantic blood holes there. Dragon blood of spout had sealed off by short Dragon Crystal, although in the wound the growth of crystal cluster makes its pain difficult to bear, but made its pain was damaged this matter itself. 刚才的那一炮轰在了托瑞尔左侧背脊处,在那里留下了一个半米大小的硕大血洞。喷涌的龙血已经被一口短促的龙晶封堵住了,虽然创口内晶簇的生长让它痛苦难当,可是更令它痛苦的则是受创这件事本身。 It, solemn Fourth Grade amethyst dragon, under the hand is commanding several hundred Giant Dragon, tried every means to persuade in Rance plane is also a formidable dragon group leader. May today, it not only has not rescued itself to preside the subordinate in territory, but also made ants Third Grade humanity Adept injure the noble perfect body. 它,堂堂一位4阶紫晶龙,手底下统领着数百的巨龙,在兰斯位面好说歹说也是一位强大的龙群首领。可在今天,它不但没有救出自己统辖领地内的下属,还让一位蝼蚁般的3阶人类巫师伤损到了自己高贵完美的身躯。 This...... Regarding Tiriel, simply is an unendurable huge shame! 这……对于托瑞尔来说,简直是一种难以忍受的巨大羞辱! Therefore, to at this moment, it has forgotten the benefit and compromise, had forgotten the danger and pain, cast behind the false glory, the first time earnest and cruel and enemy fights. 因此,到了此时此刻,它已经忘记了利益和妥协,也忘记了危险和痛苦,更把虚伪的荣耀抛诸脑后,第一次认真且残忍的和对方战斗起来。 Tiriel such one earnest, Magical Machine puppet dragon own flaw the violent leaks immediately without doubt. 托瑞尔这么一认真,魔械傀儡龙自身的缺陷立刻暴漏无疑。 Will not fly, the slow movement, these chronic diseases can also cover much by the correct defensive counter-attack tactic. 不会飞行,动作迟缓,这些痼疾凭借正确的防守反击战术也能遮盖不少。 But once opposite Fourth Grade Giant Dragon has abandoned the false glory, gives up these useless flower trellises, the amethyst dragon Tiriel risk has soared immediately, repeatedly the Magical Machine puppet Grim on dragon and its back compels into the boundary of life and death. 可一旦对面的4阶巨龙抛弃了虚伪的荣耀,放弃了那些无用的花架子,紫晶龙托瑞尔的危险性立刻直线攀升,频频把魔械傀儡龙和它背脊上的格力姆逼入生死之境。 If did not dread that perhaps that two terrifying goblin great artillery, Tiriel already threw to the Magical Machine puppet dragon back on, using the sharp lackey to dismantle its huge and firm body furiously. 如果不是忌惮那两门恐怖的地精巨炮,恐怕托瑞尔早已扑到魔械傀儡龙背脊上面,用自己尖利的爪牙去奋力拆解起其庞大而坚固的身躯了。 Is fighting with a flexible leopard cat like a giant water buffalo, whatever Gongga air/Qi cries out strangely, whatever Magical Machine puppet Dragon Zuopu right throws, throughout is actually hard to move the opposite party body slightest. But the amethyst dragon is walking randomly and dodges fast to move, or uses Dragon's Breath, either uses the long-tail, either with the magic gem, delivers to above attacks the body of Magical Machine puppet dragon. 就像一头巨大的水牛在和一只灵活的狸猫在战斗,任凭贡嘎气的哇哇怪叫,任凭魔械傀儡龙左扑右扑,却始终难以触碰到对方的身躯分毫。而紫晶龙在快速游走和闪移间,或用龙息,或用长尾,或用魔法宝石,把一道道攻击送到魔械傀儡龙的身躯之上。 But lords over Grim and Elemental Magic Machine above Magical Machine puppet dragon back, then controls the goblin great artillery to fire at the maximum frequency crazily, must once in a while try hard to dodge the amethyst dragon terror Dragon's Breath that steals a moment of leisure to throw. 而高踞魔械傀儡龙背脊之上的格力姆元素魔械,则操控着地精巨炮以最大频率疯狂射击着,间或着还要努力躲闪紫晶龙偷空扔过来的恐怖龙息 As for Mary, then chooses in the battlefield surrounding walks randomly. 至于玛丽,则选择在战场外围游走。 She also once the squinting accurate opportunity ran to sneak attack the amethyst dragon, what a pity only threw one to boil the blood technique in the opposite party wound to be compelled to draw back by together thick crystallization Dragon's Breath. Has her attack injured to amethyst dragon does not know, but crystallization Dragon's Breath of amethyst dragon actually turned into the glittering and translucent crystal cluster her half body is actually reality helplessly. 她也曾觑准机会跑去偷袭紫晶龙,可惜只在对方伤口上扔了一个沸血术就被一道粗大的晶化龙息逼退。她的攻击伤没伤害到紫晶龙不知道,可紫晶龙的晶化龙息却把她半个身躯都变成了晶莹剔透的晶簇却是眼睁睁的现实。 If not she runs away quickly, ran up to Patrol Mother Ship to suck whole blood of Second Grade Dragon-Human prisoner of war promptly, perhaps the crystal cluster of invasion body growth can turn into human form crystal her carelessly thoroughly. 如果不是她逃得快,及时跑到巡游母舰上吸食了一头2阶龙人战俘的全部血液,恐怕侵入身躯胡乱生长的晶簇能够把她彻底变成一个人形水晶 Frailty of Third Grade Adept in front of Fourth Grade Giant Dragon, thus can also be inferred! 3阶巫师在一头4阶巨龙面前的脆弱,由此也就可见一斑! To be honest, if no force field protection of Magical Machine puppet dragon, as well as the pledging to fight to the death protection of Elemental Magic Machine, perhaps Grim impossible to insist Mary is longer. 说实话,如果没有魔械傀儡龙的力场防护,以及元素魔械的誓死守护,恐怕格力姆也不可能比玛丽坚持的更久。 Therefore, both sides frequent each other, thrash earth-shakingly, until earth complete foot supple trample on within 30 miles the surrounding area, just now had a preliminary result. 于是,双方你来我往,厮打得天翻地覆,直至把方圆30里内的大地完全的足柔躏了一遍,方才有了一个初步的结果。 6-hour-long slaughters after this long, Grim attains the basic data that oneself have needed finally smoothly. 经过这场长达6个小时的漫长厮杀,格力姆终于顺利的拿到了自己所需要的基础数据。 Tiriel, the Fourth Grade amethyst dragon( gem is), the male gender, Giant Dragon spits the breath to belong to side door crystallization Dragon's Breath of quite, the build belongs in the dragon clan light, is very fond of the powerful force the magic gem, has the ray refraction, the visual evasion, the attack deflection and other special technical combat capabilities. 托瑞尔,4阶紫晶龙(宝石系),雄性,巨龙吐息属于较为偏门的晶化龙息,体型在龙族中属于轻型,酷爱威力强大的魔法宝石,拥有光线折射、视觉回避、攻击偏折等特种战斗技能。 The basic attribute data probably is: strength 44 基础属性数据大概为:力量44 Constitution 42 体质42 Agility 33 敏捷33 Spirit 42...... 精神42…… But in comparison, the basic attribute data of Magical Machine puppet dragon is: strength 48 而相形之下,魔械傀儡龙的基础属性数据为:力量48 Constitution 46 体质46 Agility 17 敏捷17 Spirit 21...... 精神21…… In the resistance of strength and Constitution, the Magical Machine puppet dragon had certain superiority obviously, but cannot constitute the basic requirement of win. But in traveling speed, then obvious was hit by amethyst Dragon Diao. If not whole body that hedgehog general magic energy artillery protection, perhaps Magical Machine puppet dragon early by amethyst Dragon Chaicheng one pile of scrap copper and iron. 力量体质的对抗上,魔械傀儡龙显然占据了一定的优势,但却构不成致胜的基础条件。而在移动速度上,则明显的被紫晶龙吊打。如果不是周身那刺猬一般的魔能火炮保护,恐怕魔械傀儡龙早被紫晶龙拆成一堆废铜烂铁了。 Therefore, this defeats defeated/carrying real key also lies in the amethyst dragon whether to limit its mobile capability in the Magical Machine puppet dragon crowded fire concentrated fire, or eradicates its superficial that dense and numerous magic energy artillery, as well as that two goblin great artillery. 因此,此战胜负的真正关键还在于紫晶龙能否在魔械傀儡龙密集的炮火攒射中限制它的移动能力,或破除其表面那密密麻麻的魔能火炮,以及那两台地精巨炮。 What a pity, under Grim and vigorously coordination of Magicked goblin, that Fourth Grade amethyst dragon has exhausted all physical strengths, spat up all Dragon's Breath, cannot knock of Magical Machine puppet dragon to have 3 meters right lead leg thickly. 可惜,在格力姆魔化地精的倾力配合下,那头4阶紫晶龙耗尽了所有体力,吐光了所有龙息,也没能敲断魔械傀儡龙的那条粗有3米的右前腿。 Has no recourse, amethyst dragon Tiriel can only give up the fight, bitterly however rushed to the sky, inspired the wing to fly away to northwest. 迫不得已,紫晶龙托瑞尔只能放弃了战斗,恨恨然的冲上了天空,振翼向西北方面飞走了。 Grim hesitant moment, finally gave up dispatching Patrol Mother Ship to chase down the idea of amethyst dragon. 格力姆犹豫了片刻,终于放弃了派遣巡游母舰去追杀紫晶龙的想法。 Although the opposite party the strength damages greatly, may after all be Fourth Grade Giant Dragon. 对方虽然实力大损,可毕竟还是一头4阶巨龙 Patrol Mother Ship is unable crush match in the speed, to fly a kite by opposite party very much easily. The Patrol Mother Ship defensive power is not indestructible like the Magical Machine puppet dragon, once were seized the opportunity to overcome one by the opposite party, then past one month laborious also thoroughly wasted! 巡游母舰无法在速度上碾压对手,很容易被对方放了风筝。况且巡游母舰的防御力也不像魔械傀儡龙那么坚不可摧,一旦被对方逮住机会打下一艘,那么过去一个多月的辛苦也就彻底白费了! Catching up walked amethyst dragon unexpected visitor, the Adept expeditionary force has then tidied up the team to return to Eternal Capital. ‘赶’走了紫晶龙这个不速之客,巫师远征军这才重新收拾队伍返回了永恒之都 The arrival of huge caravan and great quantity spoils of war, makes the ice-cold city that this steel and iron produces out of concentrated feelings immediately clamors lively. Walked the Magical Machine puppet dragon lamely to return to Eternal Capital immediately to feed in the erecting shop, the massive project mechanical men closed, start to carry on the comprehensive overhaul and maintenance. 庞大车队和巨量战利品的到来,也立刻让这个钢铁凝铸的冰冷城市变得热闹喧哗起来。走起路来一瘸一拐的魔械傀儡龙一返回永恒之都就立刻被送进了组装车间,大量的工程机械人一拥而上,开始对其进行全面的检修和维护。 That has become by the right lead leg of foot supple trample on the key point of overhaul and maintenance, dense and numerous goblin and engineering machinery crawled completely the body of Magical Machine puppet dragon, deafening striking and flash item of desire blind light arc welding almost found at everywhere. 那条饱受足柔躏的右前腿更是成了检修和维护的重点,密密麻麻的地精和工程机械爬满了魔械傀儡龙的身躯,震耳欲聋的敲敲打打和耀目欲盲的光弧焊接几乎随处可见。 However, what making Third Grade Brain Monster somewhat discontented was, that whole body was covered with the coarse and stiff green wool, had the inking green rough hard flesh, seemed like devils Magicked goblin chieftain Gongga refuses any Eternal Capital engineering machinery to enter the underbelly to service unexpectedly. 不过,令3阶脑怪有些不满的是,那个浑身长满粗硬绿毛,有着墨绿色粗糙坚硬肌肤,貌似凶神恶煞般的魔化地精头目贡嘎竟然拒绝任何永恒之都的工程机械进入机腹维修。 All subordinates in the Eternal Capital project maintenance robot can only in the exterior work, carries on overhaul and maintenance that the body surface damages. But the Magical Machine puppet dragon internal overhaul work fully alone is completed by Magicked goblin. 所有隶属于永恒之都的工程维护机器人都只能在外部作业,进行体表损伤的检修和维护。而魔械傀儡龙内部的检修工作则全部由魔化地精独自完成。 This point made Third Grade Brain Monster be unsatisfactory obviously. 这一点显然令3阶脑怪大为不满。 Before had that ‚the war of dragon outside Eternal Capital, it also from the beginning saw the tail, moreover looked, any goblin was more earnest than and is careful anybody. But formidable strength that Magical Machine puppet dragon displays, is makes Third Grade Brain Monster drool with envy, is in deep sorrow. 之前发生在永恒之都外面的那场‘龙之战’,它也是从头看到尾,而且看的比任何人、任何地精都认真、都仔细。而魔械傀儡龙所表现出来的强大战力,更是令3阶脑怪垂涎欲滴,痛不欲生。 So formidable war Magical Machine, actually falls into the hand of goblin that crowd of waste and in coward. Crude and despicable, lacks the innovation by them the brain, how also possibly to display the Magical Machine puppet dragon true prestige energy. 如此强大的一台战争魔械,竟然落入地精那群废物、胆小鬼的手中。以它们简陋、卑劣、缺乏创新的大脑,又怎么可能发挥出魔械傀儡龙真正的威能。 Third Grade Brain Monster is confident, the Spirit different functions that if this Magical Machine puppet Dragon Luo in own hand, by powerful peerless Magical Machine strength and indestructible steel and iron body, in addition seizes every opportunity, can throw off that Fourth Grade amethyst dragon absolutely at the scene, making it forever remains. 3阶脑怪有信心,如果这台魔械傀儡龙落在自己手中,凭借强悍绝伦的魔械力量、坚不可摧的钢铁身躯,再加上自己无孔不入的精神异能,绝对能够把那头4阶紫晶龙掀翻当场,让其永远的留下来。 However was a pity very much, by it with that humanity master the relations, kill like this greatly will never fall into its hand. 但是很可惜,以它和那位人类‘主人’的关系,这样的大杀器永远不可能落入它的手中。 The Third Grade Brain Monster innermost feelings know how things stand, if that humanity master gives it this Magical Machine puppet dragon, it is certain meeting instead. 3阶脑怪内心有数,如果那位人类‘主人’真把这台魔械傀儡龙送给它的话,它是一定会反的。 Had Eternal Capital this indestructible foothold, had the Magical Machine puppet dragon to kill again like this greatly, Third Grade Brain Monster can definitely alone deal with the challenge of Rance plane any Giant Dragon or dragon group. At that time, it not instead, on the status of shame to own Third Grade Brain Monster! 有了永恒之都这个坚不可摧的落脚点,再有了魔械傀儡龙这样的大杀器,3阶脑怪完全可以独自应付兰斯位面任何巨龙龙群的挑战。那时,它不反,也就愧对自己3阶脑怪的身份了! Perhaps obtained that humanity master direct order, that hateful Magicked goblin chieftain Gongga not only refuses the engineering machinery to enter the Magical Machine puppet dragon, even strict order any Magicked goblin cannot leave the Magical Machine puppet dragon underbelly half step. 或许是得到了那位人类‘主人’的直接命令,那个可恶的魔化地精头目贡嘎不但拒绝工程机械进入魔械傀儡龙内部,甚至还严令任何魔化地精不得离开魔械傀儡龙机腹半步。 Thus, cut off Third Grade Brain Monster to use oneself Spirit different functions to mislead and control the possibility of Magicked goblin technician secretly. 这样,也就断绝了3阶脑怪利用自己精神异能偷偷蛊惑、操控魔化地精技师的可能性。 After Magical Machine puppet dragon simple overhaul is completed, Grim simply excessively has not even stayed in this, was bringing brigade Adept and Magical Machine puppet dragon directly transmits Adept World. 而在魔械傀儡龙简单检修完成后,格力姆甚至根本没有在此过多停留,直接就带着大队巫师魔械傀儡龙重新传送回了巫师世界 But opposite party so action courageously, makes Third Grade Brain Monster be caught off guard. 而对方如此当机立断的举动,也让3阶脑怪措手不及。 Starts rebels immediately, the storm Magical Machine puppet dragon, kills all Crimson Adept fearful thoughts also without enough time to turn into the performable plan, on the abdomen still birth, giving up that has to regret. 一些发动即时反叛,强攻魔械傀儡龙,杀死所有深红巫师的可怕念头还来不及变成可执行的计划,就腹死胎中,不得不遗憾的放弃了。 Although Third Grade Brain Monster has a mind to stop the opposite party to transmit the Adept World action, but considers the opposite party strength, has to pace back and forth hesitant. 3阶脑怪虽然有心阻拦对方传送回巫师世界的举动,可是考虑到对方的实力,又不得不犹豫彷徨起来。 This time Crimson family, but has two Third Grade Adept , two Third Grade Giant Dragon, as well as quantity astonishing Adept team. Once both sides have no consideration for face, hits in Eternal Capital, although Brain Monster has the native superiority, has the inexhaustible Magical Machine regiment, but faces that calm calm Adept master, it still does not have the steady victory assurance. 此时的深红家族,可是有着两位3阶巫师,两头3阶巨龙,以及数量惊人的巫师队伍。一旦双方撕破脸,在永恒之都内部打起来,虽然脑怪有着本土优势,有着用之不竭的魔械军团,可是面对那个沉稳冷静的巫师‘主人’,它依然没有稳胜的把握。 This must get angry to begin, if the Magical Machine puppet dragon is unable to succeed in obtaining, but also makes Eternal Capital be hit a pulp. These Crimson Adept can pat buttocks to run back Adept World, but it must stay here to suffer hardships. 这要翻脸动起手来,万一魔械傀儡龙无法到手,还让永恒之都被打个稀巴烂。那些深红巫师可以拍拍屁股跑回巫师世界,而它则要留在这里受苦了。 Reason that Eternal Capital in the past dozen years so as stable as Mount Tai, depends is the indestructible steel and iron fort and number endless metal Magical Machine. Once here the beginning point issue, peripheral these will be hostile toward Giant Dragon of outcomer not to look on that extremely it will slowly restore. 永恒之都在过去的几十年里之所以如此稳如泰山,靠的就是坚不可摧的钢铁要塞和数之不尽的金属魔械。一旦这里出现点问题,周边那些极度仇视外来者的巨龙们是绝不会坐视它慢慢恢复的。 At that time, perhaps it must start long stray and is dormant to live! 那时,它恐怕又要开始一段漫长的流浪和蛰伏生活了! The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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