AOA :: Volume #10

#920: Canyon blockade

Giant Dragon lord ran...... 巨龙领主跑了…… However in its territory has still left behind numerous informers and informers, ambushes initiates the surprise attack in the place that the Adept team passes by frequently. 不过它的领地内依然留下了众多的耳目和眼线,埋伏在巫师队伍行经的地方频繁发起突袭。 These fellows either are the Dragon-Human soldiers in threes and fours, either is the indigenous clan and tribe of some acting recklessly, what a pity which situation, is unable to shake that just like large snake common huge metal caravan. 这些家伙要么是三五成群的龙人战士,要么是某个不知死活的土着部族,可惜不论是哪种情况,都无法撼动那个宛若长蛇一般的庞大金属车队 They came, attacked...... Also forever stayed behind. 它们来了,袭击了……也就永远的留下了。 Where they know that they think the covert surprise attack in the Adept eye, actually that shoddy, that crude. Eyeball fighter aircraft of above flights in takeoffing hundred meters, under the underbelly has opened an eyelet of egg size, is emitting the survey ripple that the color is varying downward. 它们哪里知道,它们自认为隐蔽的突袭在巫师们眼中,却是那么的拙劣,那么的简陋。一颗颗飞行在离地百米之上的眼球战机,机腹底下张开了一个鸡蛋大小的小孔,正向下放射着颜色各异的探测波纹。 Dragon-Human or indigenous clan and tribe, regardless of ambushes in the silt trap, earth pit or the bush jungle, own huge life energy is unable to escape the scanning and sensation of life ripple. They think that the covert surprise attack, was scanned actually already by the eyeball fighter aircraft detection, then transmits to feed back in Adept to metal caravan. 龙人或土着部族不论埋伏在淤泥陷阱、土坑或灌木丛林之中,自身庞大的生命能量就无法逃过生命波纹的扫描和感知。它们自以为隐蔽的突袭,其实早就被眼球战机侦查扫描了出来,然后传递反馈给金属车队中的巫师们。 Therefore, is turning in the metal caravan several goblin bows that the hurricane advances suddenly, drags to entrain the billowing mist and dust to fire into these trap. 于是,正在狂飙突进的金属车队突然有几辆地精战车车头一拐,拖拽着滚滚烟尘就冲向了这些‘陷阱’。 Has not waited to approach the trap, the magic energy artillery that above the goblin combat tank erects starts continual thundering, flies upwards the dust that the trap all around explodes, the branches and leaves fly horizontally. Was compelled Dragon-Human of trap or indigenous has not waited to rush to nearby the goblin combat tank, is broken the body by the stump residual limb that the crowded energy beam and crazy fierce magic energy artillery explodes, the flesh and blood flying in all directions. 还没等靠近陷阱,地精战车上方架设的魔能火炮就开始连续的轰鸣,把陷阱周遭炸的尘土飞扬,枝叶横飞。被逼出陷阱的龙人或土着还未等冲到地精战车跟前,就被密集的能量射线和狂猛的魔能火炮炸的残肢断体,血肉横飞。 In the enemy who if ambushes has Second Grade creature, several goblin combat tanks disagree radically its direct engagement, a front revolution engaged in guerrilla warfare. How many magic energy artillery bombardments fierce Second Grade can Dragon-Human be able to stand up to? If the enemy also not but actually, in the combat tank of accompanying also has Adept guarding, the powerful force and effect strange Witchcraft raindrop falls, even if the formidable enemy also wants dejected falling of grief and indignation. 如果埋伏的敌人中有2阶生物,几辆地精战车根本不和其正面交战,车头一转就打起了游击。再厉害的2阶龙人又能经得住几次魔能火炮轰击?如果敌人还不倒的话,随行的战车之内还有巫师驻守,威力强大、效果诡异的巫术雨点般落下,即便是再强大的敌人也要悲愤的颓然倾倒。 From beginning to end, these Dragon-Human and indigenous clans and tribes do not want to pursue on the goblin combat tank moment. But long-distance skill that they have, is not rudely javelin is half medium-range metal spear, besides giving the metal body of goblin combat tank increases several pits and decorations, did not have other to affect. 从始至终,这些龙人和土着部族都别想追赶上地精战车片刻。而它们所拥有的远程技能,不是势大力沉的投矛就是半中程的金属梭镖,除了给地精战车的金属躯壳增添几个凹坑和装饰外,也就没有别的作用了。 A side is to come from the high grade plane fully-armed slaughtering machine, a side is the narrow self-closing primitive indigenous...... Although Dragon-Human the goblin pilot and Adept in individual strength sufficiently relaxed crush goblin caravan, but presents in the battlefield is actually engaging in factional strife and slaughtering of one-sided. 一方是来自高等位面全副武装的杀戮机器,一方是狭隘自闭的原始土着……尽管龙人的个体实力足以轻松碾压地精车队里的地精驾驶员和随队巫师,可是呈现在战场上的却是一面倒的倾轧和杀戮。 What dropping down is the basic attribute is formidable, but actually a technique and tactics primitive ignorant Dragon-Human side, but proudly battlefield is the individual strength emaciated, but actually arms itself dreadful goblin of tooth with Magical Machine and Witchcraft. 倒下的是基础素质强大,但却技战术原始蒙昧的龙人一方,而傲然战场的则是个体实力孱弱,但却用魔械巫术把自己武装到牙齿的猥琐地精 This is not the partial battlefield exceptional case, but is a powerful of foreign land civilization to another backward civilization is run over! 这并不是局部战场的特例,而是一种异域文明对另一个落后文明的强势碾轧! In the Powerful collision of civilized and civilization, the disparity in both sides strength is also clear, does not depend on the individual only fierce brave and warm-blooded can make up and average. At least the present these guerrilla forces disperse brave formidable to disregarding the technical and equipment disparity situation! 在文明与文明的强力碰撞中,双方实力上的差距也就一目了然,不是单靠个体的悍勇和热血就能弥补和扯平的。至少眼前的这些游兵散勇还未强大到无视技术和装备差距的地步! The territory of that dragonet was put on, huge metal caravan does not need to stop the recuperation and supplement provisions, strong has been run over local fragmentariness attack, follows advanced planning good march Path to swagger away. 那头小龙的领地被一穿而过,庞大的金属车队根本不用停下来休整和补充给养,强势的碾轧了当地的零星‘袭击’,也就顺着预先规划好的行进路线扬长而去。 Indigenous or monster that local these do not enlarge ones vision, with passing by metal caravan of oneself territory somewhat was discontented, prepares the one close behind the other to pursue. But when they witness behind huge caravan that to be indomitable spirit, imitates, if hill common terrifying metal Giant Dragon, innermost feelings that cruel and wildly arrogant also instantaneously vanished into thin air. 当地那些不开眼的土着或魔物,对于行经自己领地的金属车队原本还有些不满,准备衔尾追击。可是当它们亲眼目睹庞大车队后方那个顶天立地,仿若小山一般的恐怖金属巨龙,内心的那点暴戾和骄狂也就瞬间烟消云散了。 External Adept have made terrifying metal Giant Dragon, and brings it to go to crazy challenge Giant Dragon lord...... Such hearsay toward flaps to go on the according to plague propagation velocity in all directions, making the life that each hears this news faintly anticipate. 外来巫师们造出了一头恐怖金属巨龙,并带着它去疯狂的挑战巨龙领主……这样的传闻就以瘟疫般的传播速度向着四面八方漫卷而去,让每一个听闻此消息的生灵都隐隐有所期待。 To be honest, in Rance plane, except for the Dragon-Human regiment and these Dragon Revered Church followers, other indigenous clan and tribe, as long as has the wisdom, the heart of hearts has filled to Giant Dragon lord the anger and hatred. 说实话,在兰斯位面,除了龙人军团和那些拜龙教信徒们,别的土着部族但凡拥有智慧的,内心深处都充满了对巨龙领主们的愤怒和仇恨。 When Giant Dragon lord has controlled plane pinnacle strength, they can only choose to bear patiently and submit . But once Giant Dragon lord threw off by another formidable enemy in the mire, the passing for several thousand years fully suffered the hatred of enslaving also rapidly to be detonated! 巨龙领主掌控了位面极致力量的时候,它们只能选择隐忍、臣服。可是一旦巨龙领主被另一个强大敌人掀翻在泥沼之中,过往数千年来饱受奴役的仇恨也就迅速被引爆了! Adept come to rescue their Holy Ghost, they do not know. However, when passing Giant Dragon lord by the dominant order avalanche that the formidable military force and high pressure maintain, the counter-attack tide of each region eruption also rapidly has embezzled suddenly these scattered Dragon-Human or the Dragon Revered Church follower. 巫师们是不是前来解救它们的圣灵,它们不知道。不过,当过往巨龙领主们以强大武力和高压态势维系的统治秩序崩塌时,各地陡然爆发的反扑浪潮也迅速吞没了那些被打散的龙人拜龙教信徒。 Has only used three days of time, metal caravan crossed the territory of that dragonet, entered another Second Grade Giant Dragon dominant range. 只用了三天时间,金属车队就横穿了那头小龙的领地,进入了另一位2阶巨龙的统治范围。 But where that Second Grade Giant Dragon strong to does not go , the border that organizes compared with First Grade Xiaolong guards team instantaneous collapsing under the metal caravan fierce fire. Therefore, that Second Grade Giant Dragon also hurries to arrange to wrap, the volume had the wealth that were plundering laboriously to travel. 而那头2阶巨龙也并不比1阶小龙强到哪里去,组织起来的边境守卫队瞬间垮塌在金属车队的凶猛炮火之下。于是,那头2阶巨龙也赶紧打点好包裹,卷带着自己辛苦搜刮来的财富跑路了。 ............ ………… This is one towers the long and narrow thalweg between mountain peaks situated in two. 这是一个位于两座雄峙山峰之间的狭长谷道。 Leads regional Dragon Faith Zelot(s) laborious practical training from Will Harder Giant Dragon, piled up the firm stone to build in the canyon south entrance pile with the lignins catwalks. 来自威尔哈德巨龙领各地的拜龙教徒们正辛苦劳作着,在峡谷南段的入口处堆摞起了坚固的石垒和一座座木质的高台。 The build grandiose Dragon-Human soldier spreads in the canyon various places, is leaning against the cliff rest, while is polishing own weapon with clenched jaws. But in their body weeks, these build diminutive Ratman or the lizard person rickets the body, is delivering to them at the back of the food of full basket at present. 一个个体型壮硕的龙人战士散布在峡谷内各处,一边斜倚着石壁休息,一边咬牙切齿的打磨着自己的武器。而在它们身周,那些体型矮小的鼠人或蜥蜴人佝偻着身躯,背着满筐的食物送到它们眼前。 Worked on black cheese to throw into the mouth from the wicker basket of chaste tree twigs knitting conveniently, Dragon-Human soldier Hanner only bites one to spurt all things in a fierce cough. 随手从荆条编织的箩筐中抓起了一个黑黢黢的奶酪扔进嘴里,龙人战士汉纳只咬了一口就在一阵剧烈咳嗽中把所有东西喷了出来。 Damn...... Bastards...... This...... What is this?” Digs out to bring the cheese fragment of blood thread, Hanner from the throat to roar together angrily. “该死……混蛋……这……这是什么?”从喉咙里抠出一块带着血丝的奶酪碎片,汉纳愤怒咆哮着。 Stemming from the anger, a Hanner scales densely covered big hand hammer pounded the flesh and blood paste the present Ratman servant. 出于愤怒,汉纳鳞甲密布的大手一个锤击就把眼前的鼠人奴仆砸成了血肉糨糊。 Do not pick, gives me to eat these food!” Tows the huge body with a bigger voice to roar in the Dragon-Human leader who in the canyon inspects: „Do you think here Dragon-Human camp? Can have the Salol pork chop of fragrant delicacy to wait for you? Have not presumptuously thought that hurries to eat these food to me, meets us also to outside the intruder with these territories fight......” “不要挑三拣四了,都给我把这些食物吃下去!”一个拖曳着庞大身躯在峡谷内巡视的龙人首领以更大的嗓门咆哮道:“你们以为这里还是龙人营地?能够有香甜美味的萨罗猪排等着你?别妄想了,给我赶紧把这些食物吃下去,一会我们还要和那些域外入侵者战斗呢……” In the canyon various places, Dragon-Human soldiers raise in the hand the black dried meat, which mouse class tried hard the half of the day unable to identify is or wild animal part , can only eyes closed make a determined effort to force in the mouth them. 峡谷内各处,一位位龙人战士纷纷举起手中黑黢黢的肉干,努力了半天也辨认不出是哪种鼠类或野兽的一部分,只能闭目发狠着把它们塞进了嘴里。 The stench and bitter and astringent flavor/smell reverberate in oral cavity and wing of the nose, making each Dragon-Human soldier knit the brows to criticize. 腥臭、苦涩的味道在口腔和鼻翼里回荡,让每一个龙人战士都皱眉暗骂不已。 Ate the unknown dried meat that this type and dry bark had one to put together too to be rather difficult dry, a Dragon-Human soldier sprouted up the fantasy, one caught a Ratman servant who passed away the side, twisted its head, raised the neck to rinse the mouth the dripping blood. 干吃这种和枯树皮有一拼的未知肉干未免太艰难了,一位龙人战士突发奇想,一把抓过身侧的一位鼠人奴仆,拧掉它的头颅,扬颈把淋漓的鲜血灌进了嘴里。 Really, under fishy smell bright blood moistens, these dried meat and cheese also no longer deglutition like formerly being hard. 果然,在腥臊鲜活的血液滋润下,那些肉干和奶酪也不再像先前那样难以下咽了。 Other Dragon-Human soldiers follow the example, catches the servant who the setting out side takes care in abundance, twists the head or staves the skull, in gulps swallows the bloody water and brains. 其他的龙人战士有样学样,纷纷抓起身侧服侍的奴仆,拧掉脑袋或敲破脑壳,大口大口的吞咽起血水和脑汁来。 Suddenly, in the canyon full is Dragon-Human wildly arrogant loud roaring and roaring, is also mixing with Ratman and lizard person that high-pitched and fine weak wail at the point of death...... 一时间,峡谷内满是龙人们骄狂粗重的吼叫和咆哮,其中还夹杂着鼠人和蜥蜴人那尖细软弱的临死哀鸣…… The distant place defile, the indigenous coolie difficult practical training that stresses from nearby village, is reinforcing the anti-fouling that is built by the great stone pile diligently. Have sharpened the thick wooden stake spike in the soil, tip outward, above smudged the upas fearful venom. 远处峡口,一个个从附近村落里抓来的土着苦力正艰辛劳作着,努力加固着由巨石堆垒起来的防塞。一根根削尖了的粗木桩被钉入泥土之中,尖头朝外,上面涂抹上了见血封喉的可怕毒汁。 Troll, Ogre and pig person and bear people...... The build grandiose indigenous slaves or the shoulders select, or the hand lifts, busy being heavily engaged. But these wear black-robed Dragon Faith Zelot(s) to brandish the leather whip, does not live calls to strike an attitude, goes all out to urge they step out. 巨魔食人魔、猪人、熊人……一个个体型壮硕的土着奴隶或肩挑,或手抬,忙碌的不可开交。而那些身穿黑袍拜龙教徒们则挥舞着皮鞭,不住的吆喝作势,拼命催促着它们加快脚步。 But stands looks out into the distance in the defile distantly, horizon leeward that the line of sight is inferior to rises up, as if colossus in crazy goes forward to here. 而站在峡口遥遥远眺,视线不及的地平线下尘头高起,似乎正有一只庞然大物在疯狂的向这里前进。 Morse has selected present hood with the end, raises the head to narrow the eye to size up the sky silently. 摩斯用鞭梢挑了挑眼前的兜帽,扬起头颅眯着眼睛默默打量着天空。 In the gloomy gloomy sky, the sunspot of sesame seed size is dancing in the air to coil around. From their flight altitude and flight trajectory, possibly is not Shanying. Because of every so often, them coils around extremely urgently, Morse that circles in flight long such greatly also never sees the flight trajectory so to move fast unpredictable flight creature. 在阴沉暗淡的天空上,一个个芝麻大小的黑点在飞舞盘绕。从它们飞行高度和飞行轨迹上来看,不可能是山鹰。因为很多时候,它们盘绕飞旋的太过急迫,摩斯长这么大还从未见过飞行轨迹如此飘忽难测的飞行生物 What are these? Flight monster that Adept urge? Also or is Adept with the Alchemy divine creative force that strange Witchcraft builds? 这些是什么?巫师们驱使的飞行魔物?亦或者是巫师们用奇诡巫术打造出来的炼金造物? A series of questions float off in his heart, actually could not find any answer. 一连串的疑问在他心头浮起,却根本找不到任何答案。 As the important personage in Dragon Revered Church, Morse also has certainly some own methods. 作为拜龙教中的重要人物,摩斯当然也有一些自己的手段。 As one string of brief rapid incantation sounds resound, Morse added to hold one to oneself ‚the Hawkeye technique, this truly saw clearly the true colors of these sunspots. 随着一串简短急促的咒语声音响起,摩斯给自己加持上了一道‘鹰眼术’,这才真正的看清了那些黑点的真面目。 Went, informing Zamu Sir, the sentry of enemy to come!” Morse has held on Dragon Faith Zelot(s), said to its order with the severest expression. “去,通知扎木大人,敌人的哨兵已经来了!”摩斯一把拉住了一位拜龙教徒,用最严厉的语气对其命令道。 This Dragon Faith Zelot(s) has fired into the canyon deep place immediately totteringly. 这名拜龙教徒立刻跌跌撞撞的冲向了峡谷深处。 After the moment, trembles along with one of the earth slightly, large quantities of Dragon-Human soldiers are forming the neat line, lifts up high the long handle tomahawk to run out from the canyon deep place, Second Grade leader Zamu of leader Dragon-Human regiment. 片刻后,随着大地的一阵轻微震颤,大批的龙人战士排着整齐的队伍,高举着长柄战斧从峡谷深处冲出,为首者正是龙人军团的2阶首领扎木。 Enemy...... Enemies where?” Zamu grab two giant swords, trod the step of everything may become vulnerable to arrive in front of black-robed Morse to roar loudly. “敌人……敌人在哪里?”扎木手抓着两把巨大战刀,踏着地动山摇的步伐来到了一身黑袍摩斯面前大声咆哮着。 Morse has referred to the sky with the long whip. 摩斯用长鞭指了指天空。 Zamu build the awning, ophisaurus gracilis creature strange vertical stroke pupil reduces suddenly, caught in the dim sky that to coil around by the strong vision instantaneously the uncertain strange sunspot. 扎木手搭凉棚,蛇蜥生物般的诡异竖瞳一阵骤然紧缩,凭借自己超强的视力瞬间捕捉到了昏暗天空上那一个个盘绕不定的奇异黑点。 Under the dim skylight shines, all sunspot surface smooths are neat, are reflecting the magic metal unique gloomily blue gloss, looks is not Rance plane the proper monster shape. 在黯淡的天光照耀下,所有的黑点表面光滑整洁,反射着魔法金属特有的幽蓝光泽,一看就不是兰斯位面所应有的魔物形态。 Enters to fight in fort to avoid to me...... That is the flight eye sentry post of enemy!” “都给我进战堡里躲避起来……那是敌人的飞行眼哨!” Under the Zamu leader's direction, the Dragon-Human soldiers of troop or drill into to fight the fort, or by depending on the dike, was covering up own personal appearance instantaneously. 在扎木首领的指挥下,大群的龙人战士或钻入战堡,或靠依着岩壁,瞬间就遮掩住了自己的身形。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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