AOA :: Volume #10

#921: Dragon-Human suffers a defeat and flees

The change in distant place canyon cannot certainly hide the truth from the Adept informer. 远方峡谷内的异动当然瞒不过巫师们的耳目。 Relies on the life of eyeball fighter aircraft interior addition to detect sorcerer array, the noctovisorscan of recombination goblin Magical Machine, inside and outside 20, in the Patrol Mother Ship command hall reappeared the perishing moon/month canyon topography inside and outside, as well as dense and numerous red. 凭借着眼球战机内部加装的生命侦测巫阵,再结合地精魔械的红外线扫描,远在20里外,巡游母舰的指挥大厅里就已经浮现出了亡月峡谷里里外外的地形地貌,以及密密麻麻的红点。 Command hall central location, a Sorcerer Artifact crustification of books style on floor. The data that as the distant place eyeball fighter aircraft scanning and detects spreads , the terrain panorama drawing that this special Sorcerer Artifact presents is also clearer, is finer. 指挥大厅中央位置,一个书籍样式的巫器镶嵌在地板上。随着远处眼球战机扫描和侦测回来的数据传入其中,这个特殊巫器呈现出来的地形全景图也就越清晰,越精细。 83 Dragon-Human, 465 indigenous creature, Second Grade creature 2, First Grade creature 103, other is being nothing to speak of small role...... However, on the cliff wall, the opposite party as if arrangement some manpower, the massive rolling stone wooden blocks or beams broughts down on besieging enemy below, should want to pass......” Meryl Adept scarlet sorcerer robe that performs to sneak attack while us to assume the center to speak with confidence. “83个龙人,465个土着生物,其中2阶生物2个,1阶生物103个,其余的都是不值一提的小角色……不过,在崖壁上,对方似乎安排下了一些人手,还有大量的滚石檑木,应该是想趁我们通过时加以偷袭的……”梅丽尔巫师一身大红巫袍坐镇中央侃侃而谈。 But in all her around, Second Grade of all Crimson families gathers here, is looking on this fight silently. Branch Brain Gelug is also rocking the giant metal body, hides does not say the sound in one side. 而在她的前后左右,所有深红家族的2阶都聚集在这里,默默旁观着这场战斗。就连分脑格鲁也晃动着巨大的金属身躯,躲在一侧默不言声。 A small being in the way stone, but also has no need for their these powerhouses going into action. Reason that they here, what are more is only wants to mix some military exploits and rewards. 一个小小的挡路石而已,还用不着他们这些强者出马。他们之所以在这里,更多的只是想混些军功和奖励而已。 But when the people watch critically, Meryl orders rapid have issued in caravan under body quickly. Immediately 20 goblin combat tanks have been separated from caravan, picked up the speed to rush to that perishing moon/month canyon. But above the sky, ten goblin airships also closely followed, protects the wing to live in the sky of sub-element. 而就在众人冷眼旁观之际,梅丽尔一道道命令已经迅快下达到了身下的车队之中。当即就有20辆地精战车脱离了车队,加快速度赶往了那座亡月峡谷。而在天空之上,十艘地精飞艇也紧紧跟随,护翼住了小分队的上空。 20 goblin combat tanks rushed to stop from a canyon mouth 2 miles place suddenly, then became arc dispersing, started to transform the attacking a city artillery pattern. But follows ten goblin airships that comes whiz whiz whiz to jump down about hundred archer Magical Machine, using goblin combat tank of own metal body guard stake before to bind to construct a metal defense line. 20辆地精战车冲到了距离峡谷口2里的地方突然停了下来,然后成弧形散开,开始转换成攻城炮模式。而跟随而来的十艘地精飞艇则嗖嗖嗖跳下了近百的射手型魔械,用自己的金属身躯在扎下护桩的地精战车前构建起了一道金属防线。 Hides Dragon-Human and Dragon Faith Zelot(s) in canyon has understood obviously never the goblin Magical Machine might, before the enemy did not settle down suddenly is feeling the surprised indefinite tense, in the goblin defense line the magic energy artillery starts to assume an awe-inspiring pose violently. 躲藏在峡谷内的龙人拜龙教徒们显然从未领略过地精魔械的威力,正在对敌人突然驻足不前感到惊疑不定时,地精防线内魔能火炮开始猛烈发威了。 Thump...... 咚咚咚…… The pitch-dark muzzle that extends from the vehicle roof bursts out the flash goal red glow suddenly, wrap plasma fireball of wild magic energy to tow the long black smoke tail wing distant to fall to the canyon. 一根根从车顶伸展出来的黑洞洞炮口突然迸发出耀目的红芒,一颗颗包裹着狂暴魔法能量的电浆火球拖曳着长长的黑烟尾翼遥遥向峡谷内落去。 What is this? 这是什么? Ordinary Dragon-Human and Dragon Faith Zelot(s) distantly are still waiting and seeing, are perplexed, but Zamu and Morse the face whiten, the heart crazily has actually shaken. 普通的龙人拜龙教徒还在遥遥观望,不明所以,而扎木和摩斯却已经脸色苍白,心头狂震。 Hiding...... Quickly looks for thing hiding......” “隐蔽……都快找东西隐蔽……” The big voice of Zamu leader revolves to surge immediately in the canyon. 扎木首领的大嗓门立刻在峡谷内回旋激荡起来。 What a pity, its whooshes quickly is covered by an intermittent earthshaking bang. 可惜,它的嘶吼很快就被一阵阵惊天动地的巨响所覆盖。 Regardless of where plasma fireball falls, so long as bumps into the firm material object, bang sonic boom. First is a blue tearful plasma lightning scurries about everywhere, is turbulent and violent Flame Shockwave. 电浆火球不论落在什么地方,只要一碰到坚固的实物,就会嘭的一声爆开。先是一阵蓝汪汪的电浆闪电到处乱窜,紧接着才是一道道汹涌而猛烈的火焰冲击波 Plasma fireball tilts a one or two ten meters range sufficiently, but 20 plasma fireball pocket fall, instantaneously the canyon entrance entire plow. 一个电浆火球足以倾覆一二十米的范围,而20个电浆火球兜头落下,瞬间就把峡谷入口整个的犁了一遍。 What uses is the plasma solution, what uses soars to the heavens the sea of fire. 用的是电浆溶液,用的是冲天火海。 But they consume is Dragon Faith Zelot(s) life of ambush Dragon-Human and in canyon! 而它们消耗的则是埋伏在峡谷之内的龙人拜龙教徒生命! The Flame Shockwave might was perhaps small, the area that only then about 120 degrees magic injury, however tilts is broad, may be called the crowd kills the sharp weapon. But plasma solution coverage that explodes is small, has reaches as high as 180 degrees lightning injuries. 火焰冲击波的威力或许偏小了一些,只有120度左右的魔法伤害,但是倾覆的面积广阔,堪称群杀利器。而爆开的电浆溶液覆盖面小,却有着高达180度的闪电伤害。 Attacks regarding such magic, the hard skin and strong flesh and magic resistance remarkable Dragon-Human soldier fortunately, these magic resistance ordinary Dragon Faith Zelot(s) instantaneously become the targets that the magic has wreaked havoc. 对于这样的魔法攻击,皮糙肉厚魔抗卓越的龙人战士还好一点,那些魔抗不过普通的拜龙教徒们则瞬间成了魔法肆虐的标靶。 By Flame Shockwave was flapped, but the Dragon Faith Zelot(s) whole body bath fire, turns into the human form torches miserable hissing to proceed along no particular course in the canyon. They or charge to the left and dash to the right go all out to pray for rescue from nearby person, or everywhere sways back and forth to try the flame pressure to extinguish. 火焰冲击波漫卷而过的拜龙教徒周身浴火,化成一个个人形火炬在峡谷内惨嘶乱撞。他们或左冲右突拼命地向身边人求救,或满地打滚试图把火焰压灭。 What a pity, what they meet is magic flame, is not the sandy soil or the water pocket can irrigate to extinguish. 可惜,他们遇到的是魔法火焰,根本不是沙土或水囊能浇熄的。 First Flame Shockwave in the past, in canyon were many Fireman that 20-30 ran to whin, second Flame Shockwave has curled, Fireman fell to the ground dejected, changed into fierce combustion bonfire, third Flame Shockwave has curled, the life aura cut off, in the flame revealed the remnant corpse that burned black disintegrated...... 第一道火焰冲击波过去,峡谷内多了二三十号奔跑哀嚎的火人,第二道火焰冲击波卷过,火人颓然倒地,化为了一个个剧烈燃烧的篝火,第三道火焰冲击波卷过,生命气息断绝,火焰中露出了一个个焦黑散碎的残尸…… Arrived at Dragon Faith Zelot(s) as for these by the plasma solution pouring, then gasified directly melts. 至于那些被电浆溶液浇到身上的拜龙教徒,则直接气化消融了。 After a round attack, Dragon Faith Zelot(s) died 23, severely wounded 11, but the Dragon-Human soldier also died 2, is wounded innumerably...... 一轮攻击过后,拜龙教徒死了23个,重伤11个,而龙人战士也死了2个,负伤无数…… That two Dragon-Human soldiers who dying are quite bad luck, had been covered by the attacks of 2-3 plasma fireball alternately, called out pitifully repeatedly with enough time has not sent out changed into the hard coke. 死的那两名龙人战士比较倒霉,被两三个电浆火球的攻击交叉覆盖了,连声惨叫都没来得及发出就化为了焦炭。 However is in great confusion when the canyon, the distant place goblin combat tank shakes once more crazily, was 20 plasma fireball rose the sky, fell toward the canyon. 然而就在峡谷内乱成一团之际,远处地精战车再次狂震,又是20颗电浆火球升上了天空,向着峡谷内落去。 Damn, damn, damn......” Second Grade Dragon-Human leader Zamu was cursing, it may never see the long-distance attack so sharp enemy. “该死,该死,该死……”2阶龙人首领扎木一个劲的咒骂着,它可从未见过远程攻击如此犀利的敌人。 In Rance plane, has monster of formidable long-distance attack method also to have freely, is very difficult to form any scale, impossible with Giant Dragon lord is the enemy. But at present this group of appearance common fellows, hide in the metal builds in the iron house that can actually stimulate so the prestige to be able magic strength. 在兰斯位面,拥有强大远程攻击手段的魔物尽管也有,却很难形成什么规模,更不可能与巨龙领主们为敌。而眼前这群貌不起眼的家伙们,躲在金属打造的铁房子里面竟然能够激发出如此威能的魔法力量 This...... This really stemmed from the anticipation of its this Dragon-Human leader! 这……这实在太出乎它这位龙人首领的意料了! Fights with such enemy, must find the way to approach them, fights hand-to-hand with them personal...... 与这样的敌人战斗,必须想办法靠近它们,与它们贴身肉搏…… What a pity, understands in a hurry the Dragon-Human leader who regretted without enough time, because the second wave of attack arrived. 可惜,匆匆明白过来的龙人首领已经来不及后悔了,因为第二波攻击已经降临了。 The path that in the canyon, between two precipitous mountain peaks leaves behind be only 30 meters width, has 3 miles length from south to north. In such narrow space, wants to avoid dropping from the clouds plasma fireball simply is the matter that is impossible to achieve. 峡谷之内,两座险峻山峰之间留下的道路只有30米宽,从南到北有3里的长度。在这样狭窄的空间里,想要躲避一颗颗从天而降的电浆火球简直是一件不可能做到的事情。 Therefore Zamu raises hand two giant swords, issues the order that has charged immediately to under Dragon-Human. 因此扎木一举手中两把巨大战刀,就对手下龙人下达了立刻冲锋的命令。 But it pushes to the front, the barely alive black coal human form that treads several fever, hits complete chest/heart the stone rampart, throws crazily to 2 miles away goblin laager. In it behind, the Dragon-Human soldier of scorched by fire inadequate appearance also staggering initiated the charge. 而它更是一马当先,踏碎几个烧的半死不活的黑炭人形,撞开齐胸的石垒,疯狂地向2里外地精车阵扑去。在它身后,一个个烟熏火燎不成模样的龙人战士也踉踉跄跄的发起了冲锋。 However they just appeared, flew to the canyon mouth on ten goblin airships whiz whiz whiz to drop the innumerable goblin missiles, them submerges in flame that instantaneously, in has exploded. 然而它们刚一露头,已经飞临峡谷口的十艘地精飞艇上嗖嗖嗖落下了无数的地精飞弹,瞬间把它们淹没在了爆起的火光之中。 Alchemy * the crazy fierce explosive shock wave wrapped up the shatter metal shrapnel to form the fearful fragmentation effect in the battlefield, Dragon-Human soldier who ran out of the canyon without any exception defeated/carrying on hung out colored streamers, above the purple Black Dragon scale full was the blood stain and blood hole. 炼金*狂猛的爆炸冲击波卷裹着破碎的金属弹片在战场上形成了可怕的杀伤效果,冲出峡谷的龙人战士无一例外的都负上挂彩,紫黑龙鳞之上满是血污和血洞。 Every time goes forward one step, the whole body every large or small wound in outward the simultaneously whirlwind blood. 每前进一步,周身大大小小的伤口都在向外齐齐飚血。 But Zamu was the Second Grade Dragon-Human leader, the whole body flutters worthily three purplish black element shield, majority of attack to seal/confer Dang in outside the body. The place that only then lower limb these shield cannot cover, can see some fragmentary wounds. 而扎木不愧是2阶龙人首领,周身飘荡起了三面紫黑元素护盾,把大部分攻击都封挡在了体外。只有下肢那些护盾遮挡不住的地方,才能看到一些零星的伤口。 However when Zamu wants to rush to the goblin combat tank nearby in one vigorous effort, its sudden grey winds around, the speed that the migration runs dropped half suddenly. But before its body , the weed luxuriant flat land also suddenly turned into one wind-drift sand Swamp, making it sturdy solid dragon leg just step into downward downcast that did not live. 然而就当扎木想要一鼓作气冲到地精战车附近时,它身上突然灰色缭绕,移动奔跑的速度陡然下降了一半。而它身前原本荒草萋萋的平地也突然变成了一片流沙沼泽,让它粗壮坚实的龙腿刚一踏入其中就不住的向下陷落。 First Grade senile Curse! 一个1阶的‘衰老诅咒’! First Grade wind-drift sand trap! 一个1阶的‘流沙陷阱’! Do not visit them is only First Grade Witchcraft, but affects on Second Grade Dragon-Human leader Zamu, has actually displayed not under the Second Grade Witchcraft might. 别看它们只是1阶巫术,可是作用在2阶龙人首领扎木身上,却发挥了不下于2阶巫术的威力。 When Zamu and several Dragon-Human soldiers fall into the wind-drift sand is hard to lead the way, on goblin combat tank pitch-dark muzzle migration, started to aim at these to be striking goal. 当扎木和几个龙人战士陷身流沙之中难以前行之际,地精战车上黑洞洞的炮口一阵吱呀呀的移动,开始瞄准了这些再醒目不过的目标。 But the guard also raises in the hand in goblin combat tank beforehand archer Magical Machine magic energy raygun, at maximum frequency lead crazy is falling in torrents the magic beam to the enemy in arc of visibility. 而护卫在地精战车之前的射手型魔械也纷纷举起手中魔能射线枪,以最高频率疯狂的向视界中的敌人倾泻着魔法射线。 nang puts on strength astonishing laser...... 攮穿力惊人的灼热射线…… Freezing beam that can the sluggish enemy move...... 能够迟滞敌人行动的冰冻射线…… Can enemy part of the body Earth Element Petrifaction Beam...... 能够把敌人部分身躯土元素化的石化射线…… Can the glare beam of blinding enemy...... 能够致盲敌人的强光射线…… ...... …… Colors vary, the effect strange magic beam raindrop falls on charge Dragon-Human, making them while stuffy snort/hum repetitive, the body is under all sorts of strange magic status/mode throughout. 一道道颜色各异,功效奇异的魔法射线雨点般落在冲锋的龙人身上,让它们在闷哼连连的同时,身躯始终处于种种怪异的魔法状态之下。 But was prevented working as in surrounding in them by the attack of archer Magical Machine, wild plasma fireball overheads fall, immediately gives Dragon-Human to bring the inestimable terror injury. 而就在它们被射手魔械的攻击阻挡在外围的当,一颗颗狂暴的电浆火球当头落下,立刻给龙人们带来了不可估量的恐怖伤害。 The place of plasma solution splash, the body of Dragon-Human soldier like the remnant snow under hot sun, turned into azure smoke becomes bumpy is incomplete. But places of the swift and violent Flame Shockwave volume, the Dragon-Human soldier broken scales are unable to aid them to be complete again, let their flesh and blood burnt inciting make noise, painful difficult to bear sad and shrill whin. 电浆溶液泼洒之处,龙人战士的身躯就像烈日下的残雪一样,化成一道道青烟就变得坑坑洼洼残缺不全了。而一道道迅猛的火焰冲击波卷荡之处,龙人战士残破的鳞甲再也无法护佑它们周全,让它们血肉被烧灼的滋滋作响,一个个痛苦难当的凄厉哀嚎起来。 On has the goblin rocket and Alchemy * the raindrop falls, below has wind-drift sand trap Feng Road, nearly has the archer Magical Machine crazy concentrated fire, has the goblin combat tank magic energy artillery wild bombardment...... 上有地精火箭和炼金*雨点般落下,下有流沙陷阱封路,近有射手魔械疯狂攒射,远有地精战车魔能火炮狂野轰击…… Teams of Dragon-Human just ran out of the canyon, sealed off there being hard little advance, can only lift up high the tomahawk to cover the head to go all out to clench teeth to climb mountains and cross rivers forward. 一队队的龙人刚刚冲出峡谷,就被封堵在那里难以寸进,只能高举着战斧遮挡住头颅拼命咬牙向前跋涉。 Finally, several lucky Dragon-Human soldiers have rushed to the flesh and blood purgatory, strangled to death with these archer Magical Machine short distances in one. 终于,有几个幸运的龙人战士闯过了血肉炼狱,和那些射手魔械近距离绞杀在了一起。 Under impact that in they wild fierce and fierce do not fear, archer Magical Machine were chopped the spark to brave, the inconsistency of opening. What a pity, the archer Magical Machine quantity is much more than these Dragon-Human soldier who braves death to attack. Therefore under the short distance crowded energy beam concentrated fire, the Dragon-Human soldier who several were scarred made into the screen quickly, heroic solemn and stirring pouring in has been away from the goblin combat tank less than 300 meters place. 在它们狂暴凶猛且又悍不畏死的冲击下,一台台射手魔械被砍得火花直冒,拆的七零八落。可惜,射手魔械的数量远远多于这些冒死突击的龙人战士。因此在近距离密集的能量射线攒射下,几位本就伤痕累累的龙人战士很快就被打成了筛子,英勇悲壮的倒在了距离地精战车不足300米的地方。 But that Dragon-Human leader who called Zamu also under the bombardments of plasma fireball, finally no use whinned to fall to the ground, body burned black and incomplete, was almost hard to identify. 而那位叫扎木的龙人首领也在一颗颗电浆火球的轰击下,终于无助的哀嚎倒地,身躯焦黑且残缺,几乎难以辨认出来了。 But while the front Dragon-Human pitiful rout, above the upper air, over a hundred eyeball fighter aircraft howl, passed over gently and swiftly along the both sides escarpments fast. laser raindrops fall, the some Darkness places of cliff top and cliff wall, the indigenous soldier wails are fleeing in all directions, was killed by beam one by one of crowded concentrated fire. 而在前线龙人凄惨溃败的同时,高空之上,上百个眼球战机呼啸而下,沿着两侧的崖壁快速掠过。一道道灼热射线雨点般落下,崖顶、崖壁的一些阴暗处,一个个土着战士哭嚎着四处奔逃,然后被密集攒射的射线一一杀死。 Has only used less than two quarters, the enemy in perishing moon/month canyon was eliminated cleanly! 只用了两刻钟不到,亡月峡谷内的敌人就被消灭干净了! 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