AOA :: Volume #10

#919: Adept expeditionary force

Bloodlines package once were proposed, immediately has initiated the Crimson family tremendous sensation. 血脉套餐一经提出,立刻引发了深红家族内部的巨大轰动。 Entire package may be divided into low high as well as the top three scales. 整个套餐可分为低中高以及顶级三种档次。 Low-grade bloodlines package can only fuse unusual animals or the monster bloodlines, lets transformed Adept has some aspect special kind of magic. Only then middle-grade above bloodlines package has the mysterious effect of promotion strength, can make Adept that the road ahead cuts off obtain one time to attack the opportunity of middle grade threshold again. 低档血脉套餐仅能够融合异兽或魔物血脉,让被改造的巫师拥有某方面特殊的类法术。而只有中档以上的血脉套餐才有着提升实力的神奇功效,能够让前路断绝的巫师再获得一次冲击中阶门槛的机会。 But their prices are also same as their values, the high making person almost heart lives desperately! 而它们的价格也和它们的价值一样,高的令人几乎心生绝望! Even if most low-grade bloodlines transformation, the foundation price also takes 20,000 contribution values, but most made the middle-grade bloodlines transformation of Adept heart movement, then needed 50,000 contribution values. 哪怕是最低档的血脉改造,基础价格也要20000贡献值,而最令巫师们心动的中档血脉改造,则需要50000贡献值。 But in the task list of Crimson family, First Grade Adept guards the contribution value that one year of institute gains at some family station or the resources point is about 300 points. But, hunted and mixes potion, to refine Sorcerer Artifact and other families move like these daily inspections, the duty reward that issues are also many within 100 : 00. 可是在深红家族的任务列表里,一位1阶巫师在某个家族驻地或资源点驻守一年所获取的贡献值也不过300点。而像那些日常的巡视、狩猎、调配药剂、炼制巫器等家族活动,所发布的任务奖励也多在100点以内。 Therefore, majority of family Adept wants before the life ends accumulates to suffice enough contribution value, perhaps the only method is the war. 因此,大部分家族巫师想要在寿命终结之前攒够足够的贡献值,恐怕唯一的方法就是战争。 Like all Adept Family, in the Crimson family task list war regarding Planar War and reward of Adept is richest, frequently is 3,000-4,000 contribution values. 和所有的巫师家族一样,深红家族任务列表中对于位面战争巫师战争的奖励是最丰厚的,动辄都是三四千的贡献值。 From this has also initiated Crimson family internal one requesting a combat assignment tide that is hard to suppress. 由此也引发了深红家族内部一股难以压制的请战浪潮。 But Grim, Mary, Alice as well as several core Adept gather together discussed simply, has drawn up a specifically feasible battle plan quickly. 格力姆玛丽爱丽丝以及几位核心巫师聚在一起简单的商议了一下,也很快拿出了一个具体可行的战斗方案。 The Adept World every large or small influence is complicate, relations are complex, here absurdly from provoking the war is very easy to make the war proliferate is hard to tidy up. But Goblin Plane another peace, does not need to go to there to stir up trouble. Therefore picks over, only appropriate only then Rance plane. 巫师世界的大大小小势力盘根错节,关系复杂,在这里妄自挑动战争很容易让战事扩散的难以收拾。而地精位面又一片太平,没必要去那里兴风作浪。因此挑来挑去,唯一合适的就只有兰斯位面了。 Underwent a Crimson family dozens years of development and reclamation, had stood firm in Rance plane basically. So long as does not present several Fourth Grade Giant Dragon the harsh fact that collaborates to attack, Eternal Capital is an indestructible steel and iron fortress, can resist the attack of huge dragon group. 经过了深红家族几十年的开拓和垦殖,已经基本在兰斯位面站稳了脚跟。只要不出现几头4阶巨龙联手来袭的恶劣情况,永恒之都就是一座坚不可摧的钢铁堡垒,能够抵御住庞大龙群的侵袭。 In recent years, to avoid initiating Giant Dragon lord backlash, Crimson family's resource development to Rance plane still appears very low-key. Even if hunting Giant Dragon, is primarily poaching, little on a grand scale advances and makes an attack on the Giant Dragon territory. 这些年来,为了避免引发巨龙领主们的反噬,深红家族对兰斯位面的资源开发依然显得非常低调。哪怕是狩猎巨龙,也是以偷猎为主,很少大张旗鼓的进袭巨龙领地。 But this time, Grim plans to go all out obviously, aimed at the target unexpectedly directly has been away from Eternal Capital recent Fourth Grade Giant Dragon lord, amethyst dragon Tiriel. 而这一次,格力姆显然打算大干一场,竟然直接把目标对准了距离永恒之都最近的一头4阶巨龙领主,紫晶龙托瑞尔 This Fourth Grade amethyst dragon Tiriel lair in the Eternal Capital Northwest crystal canyon 23000 kms away, the Adept team of Grim organization wants to arrive there, needs to pass through 23 First Grade Giant Dragon along the way, seven Second Grade Giant Dragon, as well as two Third Grade Giant Dragon territories. 这头4阶紫晶龙托瑞尔的巢穴在永恒之都西北方23000公里之外的水晶峡谷,格力姆组织的巫师队伍想要抵达那里,沿途需要经过23头1阶巨龙,七头2阶巨龙,以及两头3阶巨龙的领地。 May be called the journey is hard and dangerous, crisis-ridden. 堪称路途艰险,危机四伏。 However the Crimson family wants Fourth Grade Giant Dragon one by one wiping out that these nails are in the way, does not pay a price to be hard to be successful. 但是深红家族想要把这些钉子般碍事的4阶巨龙一一拔除,不付出点代价是难以成功的。 If places for ten years ago, perhaps really does not dare to provoke these Fourth Grade Giant Dragon by the strength of Crimson family. But now, enters the order of battle of Crimson family along with the Fourth Grade metal puppet dragon, above has also installed many magic energy great artillery, the might has reached the Fourth Grade creature middle reaches level. 如果放在十年前,以深红家族的实力或许真的不敢招惹那些4阶巨龙。可现在,随着4阶金属傀儡龙进入深红家族的战斗序列,上面还加装了多门的魔能巨炮,威力已经达到了4阶生物的中游水平。 But this, is Grim dares to initiate most primary cause of challenge to Fourth Grade Giant Dragon! 而这,才是格力姆敢于向4阶巨龙发起挑战的最主要原因! And here, Grim also wants to comb family inside core strength again, chooses some development potential giant fellows to perform careful training. 并且借此机会,格力姆也想把家族里面的核心战力再梳理一遍,挑选出来一些发展潜力巨大的家伙加以精心培养。 This Rance plane expedition plans, once were announced that immediately has initiated Crimson Adept registration of enthusiastically. These are suffering from the fellow who nowhere obtains the family contribution value sweeping fear to Planar War, rushed to Eternal Capital to join this expeditionary force in abundance. 这个兰斯位面远征计划一经公布,立刻引发了深红巫师的踊跃报名。那些正苦于无处获得家族贡献值的家伙一扫对位面战争的畏惧,纷纷赶到永恒之都加入了这次远征军。 Suddenly, Crimson family about 60% elite Adept gathered Eternal Capital, making the scale of this expeditionary force also bigger and bigger! 一时间,深红家族近六成的精锐巫师都聚集到了永恒之都,让这次远征军的规模也越来越大! Adept underwent for 32889 years on June 11. 巫师历32889年6月11日。 After sending out the war made 17 th day, gathered in Eternal Capital the expeditionary force finally. 在发出战争令后的第17天,囤聚在永恒之都的这支远征军终于出发了。 In one metal collision and chains crash-bang in the bang, west Eternal Capital that giant metal gate moves to the both sides slowly, reveals the colossus that an all metallic construction has been indomitable spirit. 在一阵吱呀呀金属碰撞和锁链的哗啦啦巨响中,永恒之都西面那座巨大的金属闸门缓缓向两侧移动,露出了一个全金属结构顶天立地的庞然大物。 Viewed from the exterior, this is one 15 meters in height, length of body 35 meters giant metal Giant Dragon. 从外形上看,这是一头身高15米,体长35米的巨大金属巨龙 Under its body has two pairs of thick solid metal great legs to support, great sign of the dragon that the metal builds raises high, is sparkling the gloomily blue magic metallic luster under the sunlight. But in it behind, but also drags to entrain a about 10 meters steel and iron long-tail, above was densely covered the steel nail and projecting edge, the terminal is gathering a meteor hammer appearance. 它身下有着两对粗大结实的金属巨腿支撑着,金属打造的巨大龙首高高昂起,在阳光下闪耀着幽蓝的魔法金属光泽。而在它身后,还拖拽着一条近10米长的钢铁长尾,上面密布着钢钉、铁刺,末端聚拢成了一个流星锤模样。 When this kind of steel and iron Giant Dragon starting to walk footsteps bang march forward forward, entire earth as if in slight trembling and vibration. Four metals lift to fall greatly fully each time, will be leaving behind one 3 meters in diameter same place, deep and 1 meter giant trap. 当这样一头钢铁巨龙迈开脚步向前轰隆隆行进时,整个大地似乎都在轻微的震颤和抖动。四只金属巨足每次抬起落下,都会在原地留下一个直径3米,深及1米的巨大陷坑。 Huge expeditionary force naturally not only then this steel and iron Giant Dragon, in Magical Machine puppet dragon, over a hundred goblin combat tanks likely are crowding around the soldiers of general, maintained complete team is howling has been firing into the distant place. 庞大的远征军当然不会只有这一头钢铁巨龙,在魔械傀儡龙的身前身后,上百台地精战车像是簇拥着将军的士兵们,保持着完整的队型呼啸着冲向了远方。 But in this huge caravan sky, silver-white Patrol Mother Ship calmly floats above the cloud layer, the body week crowds around 30-40 build to be small, rotation more flexible goblin airship. But in a farther surrounding, the shuttle intercourse that over a hundred modeling strange eyeball fighter aircraft do not live, once for a while reduces drills into the bush jungle, the dim forest or dense fog Swamp highly investigates. 而在这个庞大车队的上空,一艘银白色的巡游母舰静静地漂浮在云层之上,身周则簇拥着三四十台体型较小,转动更加灵活的地精飞艇。而在更远的外围,上百个造型奇异的眼球战机不住的穿梭往来,时不时降低高度钻入灌木丛林、昏暗森林或迷雾沼泽中探查一番。 Whenever discovered that some risk areas, the eyeball fighter aircraft will summon the goblin airship, cleans there with the goblin rocket or the crowded energy beam. 每当发现一些危险区域,眼球战机就会呼唤来地精飞艇,用地精火箭或密集的能量射线把那里清洗一遍。 This, what regardless of there hid is anything, can make into the hornet's nest instantaneously, could not threaten caravan again. 这一下,不论那里原本躲藏的是什么,都会瞬间被打成马蜂窝,再也威胁不到车队了。 Closes right up against the detection of this stereometric formula, these spread, in the expeditionary force marches forward indigenous creature or the alien race on informer Path had bad luck. Almost has not waited to understand what's the matter, muddleheaded delivering poor life. 正是靠着这种立体式的侦查,那些散布在远征军行进路线上的土着生物或异族眼线算是倒了大霉。几乎没等明白过来怎么回事,就稀里糊涂的送掉了小命。 Naturally, the expeditionary force caravan so big weaponry, these powerful indigenous creature want not stupid proficient, will flee at the mere distant sight, fleeing expeditionary force march Path of furiously. 当然,远征军车队如此大的阵仗,那些实力强大的土着生物只要不蠢笨到家,就会望风而逃,奋力的逃离远征军的行进路线 Grim and other Adept lorded over above Patrol Mother Ship, looks is very clear, in the huge goblin caravan front, innumerable wild animals and monster been panic-stricken drills from the lair, gathers a dense mighty current to run away toward the horizon distant place. 格力姆巫师高踞在巡游母舰之上,看的很清楚,在庞大地精车队的前方,无数的野兽和魔物正惊慌失措的从巢穴里钻出来,汇聚成一股黑压压的洪流向着地平线远处逃去。 In entire huge caravan is the traveling speed of Magical Machine puppet dragon is slowest, but the speed has also been 50 kilometers. Therefore leader caravan spreads out in some slightly to be stationed in the moment every time, waits for the rear big fellow. 整个庞大的车队中就属魔械傀儡龙的移动速度最为缓慢,不过时速也达到了50公里。因此前导车队每拉开一段距离就会在某地小驻片刻,等待一下后方的大块头。 But the Grim and other Crimson family of the high level natural selections use Patrol Mother Ship as the private car, goes forward along with caravan slowly, while is making various preparations silently. 格力姆深红家族的高层自然选择以巡游母舰为座驾,一边随着车队缓缓前进,一边默默做着各种准备。 This expedition, the Crimson family has assigned Fourth Grade Magical Machine puppet dragon one, goblin combat tank 102, Patrol Mother Ship, goblin airship 45, metal Magical Machine 1170...... This also fights an aspect, in personnel, the Crimson family has used fully. 此次远征,深红家族共调派了4阶魔械傀儡龙一台,地精战车102辆,巡游母舰一艘,地精飞艇45艘,金属魔械1170台……这还只是战具方面的,在人员方面,深红家族更是倾尽了全力。 Third Grade : Grim, Mary and Thunder dragon Arms and emerald female dragon Aredina. 3阶:格力姆玛丽、雷龙阿姆斯和翡翠母龙艾瑞蒂娜 Second Grade : Alice and Branch Brain Gelug and Insect Adept Billy and Dragon-Human Zacha and goblin Tigula and Dragon Devourer Olivine, two Blood Knight and three Blood Elf, as well as seven green dragons. 2阶:爱丽丝分脑格鲁虫巫比利斯龙人扎查地精提古勒噬龙者奥丽文、两位鲜血骑士、三位血精灵,以及七头绿龙。 Remaining is the First Grade Adept 67 people, the Apprentice Adept 326 people. 剩下的则是1阶巫师67人,巫师学徒326人。 Except for this, goblin pilot and technician 257 people...... 除此以外,还有地精驾驶员和技师257人…… So huge caravan goes on a journey, the nature is enormous and powerful, earthshaking, the place visited, ten thousand beasts flinch. Has formed small scale beast tide in the caravan front unexpectedly! 如此庞大的一个车队出行,自然浩浩荡荡,惊天动地,所过之处,万兽辟易。竟然不知不觉间在车队前方形成了一个小规模兽潮! But these board goblin airships in Adept that Other World monster and natural environment are interested, disseminates in the caravan peripheral dozens miles, seeks for or collects the Other World specimen, increases own species reserve. But, always unavoidably must has the battle with some indigenous creature or monster. 而那些对异界魔物和自然环境感兴趣的巫师则登上一台台地精飞艇,散播到车队周边的数十里内,寻找或采集异界标本,增加自己的物种储备。而在此期间,总免不了要和一些土着生物魔物发生争斗。 On each goblin airship has provided 510 metal Magical Machine, adds on three magic energy artilleries again, the firepower that has enough flattened with a roller the ordinary enemy. Once meets formidable monster, Adept rapid sends out the Witchcraft news to behind caravan. 每艘地精飞艇上都配备了510台金属魔械,再加上三台魔能火炮,所拥有的火力足够碾平普通敌人了。一旦遇到强大的魔物,随队巫师就会迅速的向身后车队发出巫术讯息。 Therefore, many Adept , many goblin airship cybotaxis will come, submerges the enemy with the fierce firepower. 于是,更多的巫师,更多的地精飞艇就会群聚而来,用凶猛的火力淹没敌人。 Although majority of indigenous monster has the powerful strength, but will not fly. 大部分的土着魔物虽然拥有强大实力,可是并不会飞行。 Then, they in front of the goblin airship are motion targets, appointed its mouth of running spits the foam to be also hard to escape tracing of Adept . 那么,它们在地精飞艇面前就是一个个移动标靶,任其跑的口吐白沫也难以逃脱巫师的追踪。 Therefore, a leader was hit monster that tattered, human affairs do not know to be shipped Patrol Mother Ship, different models, have strange effect demon also to be collected, has integrated in the Adept waist pouch. 于是,一头头被打得破破烂烂、人事不知的魔物被运上了巡游母舰,一株株造型各异,拥有奇异功效的魔株也被采集起来,纳入了巫师的腰囊之中。 These are good at mixing the demon medicine or concoct Witch/Magical Beast Adept , busy being heavily engaged in the Patrol Mother Ship cabin. Although in the team had massive Magical Machine to serve as the cannon fodder, but are many some Witch/Magical Beast is also a cheap action. 那些擅长调配魔药或炮制巫兽巫师,则在巡游母舰的舱室之内忙的不可开交。虽然队伍里已经有了大量的魔械充当炮灰,可是再多一些巫兽也不失为一项便宜举措。 Like this blatantly seeks publicity, plunders to plunder, two days later, huge caravan arrived at the territory of first predetermined target quickly. 就这样招摇过市,一路搜刮抢掠,两天后,庞大车队很快来到了第一个预定目标的领地。 This is a territory of First Grade dragonet, the surrounding area 110 kilometers, in the territory has two alien race small towns as well as certain probably indigenous mixes to occupy. 这是一头1阶小龙的领地,方圆大概有110公里,领地内有着两个异族小城以及若干个土着混居点。 The eyeball fighter aircraft that what a pity, sends out went to steel Beishan that the First Grade dragonet dwelled an investigation, the opposite party already made a getaway unexpectedly. In that crude Dragon Nest also moved cleanly, small gold coins could not find. 可惜,派出的眼球战机跑到1阶小龙栖居的钢背山上一探查,对方竟然早已逃之夭夭。就连那个简陋的龙巢里面也搬得一干二净,连个小小的金币都找不到。 Such situation made the formulation march without doubt Path Branch Brain Gelug, can only criticize these dragonets also to instigate awkwardly. 这样的情况无疑让制定行军路线分脑格鲁尴尬不已,只能一个劲的暗骂这些小龙也太怂了。 Actually this is not strange on this dragonet. 其实这也怪不上这头小龙。 Adept expeditionary force so huge caravan so is free, even if these Giant Dragon lord the informer is unenlightened, the individuality is sluggish, must hear the news long time ago. Besides Dragon-Human, Giant Dragon lord typically have numerous flight informers. 巫师远征军如此庞大的车队还如此招摇,那些巨龙领主们哪怕耳目再闭塞,个性再懒散,也要早早就听闻到了消息。除了龙人,巨龙领主们通常还有众多的飞行耳目。 So long as exits to inquire slightly, can inquire this huge metal caravan approximate strength. 只要出去稍微扫听一下,就能打听出来这支庞大金属车队的大致实力。 By its First Grade small Giant Dragon lord, does the strong adept team that also dares to run with Eternal Capital contend? Giant Dragon are not silly, naturally wants early travelled...... 以它一头1阶的小小巨龙领主,也敢和永恒之都跑出来的强大巫师队伍抗衡?巨龙们可不傻,当然要一个个的早早跑路了…… The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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