AOA :: Volume #16

#1512: Beastman Main Shrine

Cleaned up this Beastman camp only to spend the time of Grim quarter. 清理掉这个兽人营地只花了格力姆一刻钟的时间。 Besides that Werewolf leaders and three Fourth Grade Beastman are wounded escape, other Beastman soldiers completely all died in battle at the scene, does not have a survival. 除了那位狼人首领和三位4阶兽人负伤远遁以外,其余的兽人战士尽皆战死当场,无一幸存。 This also kills the heart not to be heavy with Grim, is disinclined to chase down that several to escape Beastman to be related. 这还与格力姆杀心不重,懒得去追杀那几位逃跑兽人有关。 Otherwise, by Beastman that shoddy to somewhat laughable small short leg, is impossible to escape legendary Fire Sorcerer to chase down. Although that several fellows on escaped outwardly, but in the short fight in the body also contaminated on Inextinguishable Flame. 否则,以兽人那拙劣至有些可笑的小短腿,根本不可能逃过一位传奇火巫追杀的。虽然那几个家伙明面上逃过了一劫,可是在短暂的战斗中身躯上也都沾染上了不灭之焰 By the Inextinguishable Flame fearful prestige energy, that several fellows were run away, is going to suffer faced with the never-ending flame 不灭之焰可怕的威能,那几个家伙就是逃回去了,也将要面临永无休止的火焰折磨 Such life, thinks simply is exceptionally pitiful! 那样的生活,简直想想都是异常凄惨的! Grim huge Spiritual Force puts receives, fast scanning entire battlefield. After the determination has not omitted any noteworthy match, he turned around and rushed to the sky, flies to escape toward the distant place fast. 格力姆庞大的精神力一放即收,迅捷的扫描了整个战场。确定没有遗漏任何值得注意的对手后,他才转身又冲上了天空,向着远处快速飞遁。 An area reaches several hundred miles broad plain broadly, may regarding Grim, 78 jump can put on \; And rushes the rapid rivers as for the mountain that these tower palatially, in his eyes is also lifts the soil bank and Xiaoshuigou that the foot can surmount...... 一片面积广达数百里的广阔平原,可对于格力姆来说,也不过78次跳跃就能一穿而过\;至于那些巍峨耸立的高山和澎湃湍急的河流,在他眼里也不过是抬脚就能跨越的土坡和小水沟而已…… Grim turns into one group of flame human form, does not live in exploding that to disperse, get together and explodes the powder, get together above the upper air...... But in this analysis and synthesis, he already surmounted several thousand miles remote, behind has only been leaving behind one piece by piece still in blooms slowly the link of flame. 格力姆化成一团火焰人形,在高空之上不住的炸散、聚合、炸散、聚合……而就在这分分合合之间,他已然跨越了数千里之遥,只在身后留下了一片片犹在缓缓绽放中的火焰之环。 The Grim so rampant action, has naturally brought to along the way the Beastman attention of process. Ordinary Beastman is hard to infer his existence radically, when hears the flame rupturing abnormal noise catches up, can only see the flower of beautiful flame in the sky split open slowly, actually does not know Grim already placed beyond several hundred miles. 格力姆如此嚣张的举动,自然也引起了沿途经过的兽人注意。普通兽人根本难以察知他的存在,等到听闻火焰爆裂异响赶出来时,只能看到天空上一朵朵徐徐绽开的美丽火焰之花,却不知道格力姆早已身处数百里以外了。 However, in the Beastman clan and tribe always has some unruly Beastman powerhouse along the way. They rush to the sky also to block this mysterious enemy, has not actually waited to see clearly the Grim's appearance to be exploded the sky by fearful fireball. 但是,沿途兽人部族里面总有一些过于桀骜不驯的兽人强者。它们冲上天空还想拦下这位神秘敌人,却一个个还未等看清格力姆的样貌就被可怕的火球炸下了天空。 Even if Fourth Grade Beastman, bumps into Grim's Inextinguishable Flame suddenly, is all difficulties resistance. Not good by the Inextinguishable Flame invasion soul source, the ignition until death to have the possibility matter. 哪怕是4阶兽人,骤然碰上格力姆的不灭之焰,也是万难抵御的。一个不好被不灭之焰侵入灵魂本源,灼烧至死都是有可能的事情。 Grim is also disinclined with these Beastman powerhouse slapping in the face lawsuits, has not thought can obtain any valuable spoils of war from them. This batters, passed through the Beastman clan and tribe most crowded territory directly, situated in Central Mountain Range hurries to toward that piece of Beastman Main Shrine. 格力姆也懒得和这些兽人强者打嘴官司,更没有想过能从它们身上获得什么有价值的战利品。就这样一路横冲直撞,直接穿越了兽人部族最为密集的领地,向着那片位于中央山脉兽人主神殿赶去。 ............ ………… After entering Central Mountain Range, the mountain peak that sees along the way all reaches to the sky, strangely precipitous. 进入中央山脉后,沿途所见到的山峰个个高耸入云、奇诡险峻。 But in mountain ranges of ups and downs, then can see Beastman tribe that one spreads all over piece by piece. Only by Grim from the sky fast the life intensity and quantity that flies to scan to come obsolete, Beastman quantity of this piece of region survival more than 300,000. 而在起伏跌宕的山脉之间,则能看到一片片星罗棋布的兽人部落。单以格力姆从上空快速飞过时扫描而来的生命强度和数量,这片区域存活的兽人数量就不下300000。 300,000...... This is a very astonishing digit! 300000……这已经是个非常惊人的数字了! Must know, the Beastman clan and tribe may always the matter not produce, their people's all soldiers, depend entirely on enslave other lower grade races to come to provide various food and types of living materials to oneself. But Beastman takes green skin Beastman as Host's Body, contained had Minotaur, Werewolf and the hawk person and bear people powerful strength and other clans and tribes. 要知道,兽人部族可从来都是不事生产的,它们全民皆兵,全靠奴役其他弱等种族来给自己提供食物和各种生活物资。而兽人内部以绿皮兽人主体,又包含了一些拥有强悍战力的牛头人狼人、鹰人、熊人等部族。 The whole, Beastman are one crowd boorish and stupid, will not hold any benevolent or the sense of pity human form wild animal to other race. They are hot tempered and cruel, rather the motion is not willing to ponder, rather the fight is not willing to argue. 整体来说,兽人们就是一群粗野且愚笨的,对别的种族不会抱有任何仁慈或者怜悯之情的人形野兽。它们性情暴躁、残忍,宁可行动也不愿思考,宁可战斗也不愿争辩。 Typical muscle *, moreover in the skull is covered with of muscle! 典型的肌*子,而且还是脑壳里都长满肌肉的那种! Perhaps under because of their purely and violence, * will be picked into its formidable strength to bless by beast god flatter the barbaric race, opens up territory to develop the earth for it unceasingly, has invaded the graceful and noble civilized states. 或许正是因为它们的‘纯粹’和暴力,才会被兽神阿*相中成为其强大战力庇佑下的野蛮种族,为其不断地开疆拓土,入侵了一个又一个优雅而又高贵的文明国度。 Because the aesthetic standard conflicts seriously, the Beastman god is the relations of Elf god department is tense, even went to the situation of bitter enemy. But the Beastman god is the human, Sea Clan, Dwarf and underground creature and other clan and tribe of the relations does not call good. 由于审美观严重冲突,兽人神系和精灵神系的关系非常紧张,甚至已经达到了世仇的地步。而兽人神系与人类、海族矮人地底生物等部族的关系也称不上良好。 Their too bloodthirsty has fought thirstily, does not have the so-called ally and friend in Gods World, only then present enemy and future enemy difference. 它们太嗜血渴战了,以致于在诸神世界就没有所谓的盟友和朋友,只有现在的敌人和未来的敌人这两样。 So long as is the Beastman rule region, the beautiful civilized flower will be on the wane day by day. Has left finally only behind one crowd of life during the cruel pressure and enslaves the slave, as well as the form of society draws close in the ignorant status/mode primitive tribe more and more. 只要是兽人统治的地域,再美丽的文明之花都会日益凋零。最终只留下了一群生活在残酷压迫和奴役之中的奴隶,以及社会形态越来越趋近于蒙昧状态的原始部落。 But Beastman too can live, if not need the way of war to consume part, perhaps any Material Plane is unable to withstand the terrifying fellow who these locusts can hit and can eat and can live! 兽人们又太能生了,如果不用战争的方式消耗一部分,恐怕任何一个物质位面都无法承受这些蝗虫般能打、能吃、能生的恐怖家伙! If according to the normal Planar War flow, Adept wants to invade this solemn Tass plane, first step is to send for submerging plane, sets up together stable and reliable advance camp. Then gradually expands the camp scale, constructs Magic Tower, builds Planar Gate, greets and more formidable Adept army to arrive at this plane. 如果依照正常的位面战争流程,巫师们想要入侵这个穆塔斯位面,第一步就是派人潜入位面内部,设立一道稳定且牢固的前进营地。然后逐渐扩大营地规模,建设巫塔,搭建位面之门,迎接更多、更强大的巫师部队来到这个位面 From cleaning regional Beastman tribes, nibbles Beastman the basis of belief little, to storming into the Beastman state, destroys Beastman Main Shrine...... This process possibly long several amount to for several hundred years! 从清洗各地的兽人部落,一点点蚕食兽人的信仰之基,到攻入兽人国度,摧毁兽人主神殿……这个过程可能漫长的几达数百年! Naturally, the resources and military strength of investment are more, this process carries on is quicker. 当然,投入的资源和兵力越多,这个过程进行的越快。 However, with is the loss and long time waiting of massive Adept army it is proportional! 但是,与之成正比的则是大量巫师部队的损耗和漫长的时间等待! Therefore, most times, the Adept headquarters will also attempt to carry on this strategic sneak attack. 所以,在很多时候,巫师总部也会尝试着进行这种战略偷袭。 So long as can catch up before Beastman Revered God lowers clone destroys Main Shrine, then following Planar War looks like the slaughter of one-sided. Did not have the diversion of Beastman Revered God, the only plane internal these Beastman powerhouses, are unable to resist cruel fierce Adept . 只要能够赶在兽人神祗降下分身之前就摧毁主神殿,那么接下来的位面战争就像是一面倒的屠杀。没了兽人神祗的牵制,单凭位面内部这些兽人强者,根本无法抵御如狼似虎般的凶猛巫师 Therefore, Grim one line of five people have not wasted the tiny bit time in other regions. One, they destroy Yellow Dragon, launched the swift and violent attack in fastest and most direct way to Beastman Main Shrine. 因此,格力姆一行五人根本就没有在其他地域浪费一丝一毫的时间。一来,他们就直捣黄龙,以最迅捷、最直接的方式对兽人主神殿发起了迅猛攻击。 Beastman Main Shrine situated in a big palatial mountain peak top, the mountain peak has the spacious main road that four platforms and over ten thousand levels of stairs compose to supply Beastman directly high and low. On each platform is stationed in a quantity is reaching as high as thousand people of Beastman camp, can be selected came from the Beastman powerhouses in various plane places. 兽人主神殿位于一座高大巍峨的山峰顶部,山峰正面有着四层平台、上万级台阶组成的宽敞大路可供兽人上下。每个平台上面都驻扎着一个数量高达千人的兽人营地,能够入选其中的都是来自位面各处的兽人强者。 But above the peak, Beastman Main Shrine reaches as high as dozens meters, towers palatially. Looks at the appearance, looks at the modeling, as if the whole from the precipice pulls out general that digs likely, a coagulation body, deep pool ting Yue Zhi. 而在峰顶之上,兽人主神殿高达数十米,巍峨耸立。看模样,看造型,似乎像是从山岩里整体掏挖出来的一般,混凝一体,渊渟岳峙。 At this moment, in the Main Shrine hall, numerous Beastman clan and tribe leaders gather here, the look are gazing at several Beastman Priest that dignifiedly gathers round a giant brazier to sing and dance. 此时此刻,主神殿的大厅之内,众多的兽人部族首领聚集此处,神色凝重的注视着几位围着一个巨大火盆载歌载舞的兽人祭司 In the brazier burns is not charcoal fire, but is one pile resembles the fierce fearsome creature skull. Looks at the appearance, these creature skulls have almost covered human, Elf, Dwarf and other dragon clan and numerous intelligent lives. 火盆里燃烧的不是炭火,而是一堆状似狰狞可怖的生物颅骨。看模样,这些生物颅骨几乎涵盖了人类、精灵、矮人、龙族和其他众多智慧生命。 But the flame that the brazier flees is not the common scarlet red, but is the share vulva cold and gloomy severe green fire. 而火盆窜起的火焰也不是寻常的赤红色,而是份外阴森冷厉的绿火。 Under the ignition of dull green quiet fire, opens and closes is trembling, has sent out appalling sad and shrill wailing that on these strange skulls the mandible does not live. But their souls will dance in the air once for a while, bringing most virulent fearful Curse to charge into peripheral Beastman Priest. 在惨绿幽火的灼烧下,那些奇异颅骨上下颌骨不住的开合震颤着,发出了一声声令人毛骨悚然的凄厉哀嚎。而它们的灵魂更会时不时的飞舞出来,带着最为恶毒可怕的诅咒冲向周边的兽人祭司 However was a pity very much, their souls are unable to leave the range that the brazier green light covers obviously, has not left half foot, was entrained in the brazier by invisible strange strength. 但是很可惜,它们的灵魂显然无法离开火盆绿光笼罩的范围,还未脱出半尺,就被一股无形的奇异力量重新拽回了火盆之中。 The hostile clan and tribe powerhouse head that before these are Beastman unify solemn Tass plane, cut to kill or capture. Fires their souls using the Curse brazier day and night, making them the pain wail in the beast god at present for over ten thousand years...... This is also Beastman punishes the one most terrifying way of enemy! 这些都是兽人们统一穆塔斯位面之前斩杀或俘获的敌对部族强者头颅。利用诅咒火盆日日夜夜灼烧它们的灵魂,让它们在兽神眼前痛苦哀嚎上万年……这也是兽人们惩罚敌人的一种最恐怖方式! But today, solemn Tass plane presented a more fearful enemy, this also forced great Beastman God of Slaughter Galleon Akadas to lower oracle, has sounded the rank highest dangerous warning to all solemn Tass Beastman. 只不过今天,穆塔斯位面又出现了更加可怕的敌人,这也逼迫着伟大的兽人杀戮之神加隆?阿卡达斯不得不降下了神谕,向所有的穆塔斯兽人发出了级别最高的危险警报。 Whatever hand/subordinate is dancing the dance of offering sacrifices before the Curse brazier, just cut the strong enemy head that kills to throw into the brazier. Beastman officiates, respectable Aomusi reverent kneeling bends down, in reaches as high as in front of 30 meters Galleon idol, is praying silently. 任由手下们在诅咒火盆前跳着献祭之舞,把一个个刚刚斩杀的强壮敌人头颅扔进火盆之内。兽人主祭,令人尊敬的奥姆斯正虔诚的跪伏在一座高达30米的加隆神像面前,默默地祷告着。 Compares in other Beastman soldiers, Aomusi personal appearance not how big vigorous and healthy, instead appears somewhat thin weak. However on its dishevelled cranial vault green wool actually wears an iron thorn hat, inside the brim a series of sharp thorn complete nail jabbed into his skull. 相比于其它的兽人战士,奥姆斯身形并不如何高大健壮,反而显得有些精瘦虚弱。但是其蓬乱的颅顶绿毛上却戴着一顶铁棘帽,帽沿内侧的一连串尖刺全部钉刺进了他的颅骨。 However strange does not have slight bloodstain qiu to overflow. 但是诡异的却没有丝毫血迹泅溢出来。 He on the face of relaxation, vaguely can see the scar that spreads across uglily, but its profound double pupil deep place is roasts is burning the dull green flame, making each have the mind to shake with the life that he looked at each other, strange feeling that the soul left. 他丑陋而松弛的面庞上面,依稀可以看到纵横交错的浅浅伤痕,而其幽深的双瞳深处更是炙燃着惨绿的火焰,令每一个与他对视的生命都有心神摇颤,灵魂脱出的怪异感觉。 Enemies must come...... Let all Beastman get ready for action!” “敌人们要来了……让所有兽人都做好战斗准备!” Enemy? Big did Priest, invade plane Adept is not compelled Mushan by us? Did they slide secretly?” “敌人?大祭司,入侵位面巫师们不是已经被我们逼到了海格木山吗?难道他们偷偷溜了出来?” Fool, is not they! They are only steal our plane target...... The Galleon big god lowered oracle to me, one crowd of fearful Great Adept intruded solemn Tass plane, they...... Their goals likely are sneak attack Main Shrine of this Galleon big god. Therefore, immediately awakens earth Diviners, immediately emits the dark demon dragon, we must fight to the end with the enemy, arrives until the Galleon big god will thoroughly have the true security!” “笨蛋,不是他们!他们只是来窃取我们位面道标的……加隆大神已经给我降下了神谕,有一群可怕的大巫师闯入到了穆塔斯位面,他们……他们的目的很可能就是来偷袭这座加隆大神的主神殿。所以,立刻唤醒大地先知,立刻放出暗黑魔龙,我们要与敌人战斗到底,直到加隆大神彻底降临才会有真正的安全!” Goes...... Goes quickly!” “去……快去!” Under roaring that in big Priest Aomusi shouts oneself hoarse, this group of Beastman leaders ran in abundance the main hall, caught up separately to various places of peak. 在大祭司奥姆斯声嘶力竭的咆哮下,这群兽人首领纷纷跑出了大殿,分头赶向了峰顶的各处。 But at this time, the Galleon idol of Main Shrine that big overwhelming power suddenly bloomed the shining trim horizon golden ray. At once, in one in the abnormal noise, the idol high-rising revived, starts to move the body slowly. 而就在这个时候,主神殿那座高大威猛的加隆神像陡然绽放出了照耀整片天际的金色光芒。旋即,在一阵喀嚓喀嚓的异响中,神像兀地苏醒了过来,开始缓缓地活动起身躯。 God falls...... The Galleon big god the god fell ahead of time!” “神降……加隆大神提前神降了!” Big Priest innermost feelings pulls out fiercely tightly, he 32 steps snatch to kneel in front of the huge idol, raised a hue and cried: Great Galleon big god, you...... How did you arrive ahead of time?” 祭司内心猛地一阵紧抽,他32步抢跪在巨大神像前面,大声疾呼道:“伟大的加隆大神啊,您……您怎么提前降临了?” Under that huge idol is covering activation slowly in the golden light, the body, armor, facial features and weapon one by one fluctuates in the legend the God of Slaughter unique shape. 那个巨大神像正在金光笼罩下慢慢的活化,身躯、护甲、面容、武器都一一变幻成了传说中杀戮之神特有的形态。 But it has disregarded Aomusi inquiry directly, lifts the head, a pair just like searchlight both eyes is looking straight ahead the distant place horizon. 而它更是直接无视了奥姆斯的询问,抬起头颅,一对犹如探照灯般的双目直视着远处天际。 You also standing by! The enemies came, I will block most formidable that several for you, you must protect good Shrine, cannot make them destroy or blaspheme this Shrine......” “你们也准备战斗吧!敌人已经来了,我会替你们挡住最强大的那几个,你们必须保护好神殿,不能让他们摧毁或亵渎了这座神殿……” The word, the huge idol extracts the giant two-sided axe from back, trod the step of everything may become vulnerable to run out of Shrine. 言罢,巨大神像从背后抽出巨大的双面斧,踏着地动山摇的步伐就冲出了神殿 But at this time, horizon end there just appeared several Great Adept forms! 而这个时候,天际尽头那里刚刚浮现出了几位大巫师的身影!
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