AOA :: Volume #16

#1511: The slaughter chicken kills the dog

This is one lives it up noise Beastman camp. 这是一座热闹而喧嚣的兽人营地 Although already the curtain of night hung down, but camp does not have to sink slightly peacefully the sign of dormancy. 尽管早已夜幕低垂,但是营地内部却没有丝毫安静沉眠的迹象。 The energy surplus Beastman soldier surrounds by piles of bonfire, is drinking the strong liquor, is whipping the chest or the weapon, sang is sinking ambiguously the muddy ancient ballad, was writing freely loudly, could not see the tense feeling of everybody lose in war. 一个个精力过剩的兽人战士围拢在一堆堆篝火旁,喝着烈酒,拍打着胸膛或兵器,唱着含混沉浑的古老歌谣,大声嬉笑怒骂着,丝毫看不出兵凶战危的紧张感。 May in camp central biggest boasting big account, several personal appearance be valiant, the body full arrange/cloth the Beastman powerhouse of cruel tyrannical aura is assembling in the same place, was arguing anything loudly. 可在营地中央一座最为高大的牛皮大帐之中,十几位身形彪悍,身上满布着残忍暴虐气息的兽人强者正围聚在一起,大声的争论着什么。 But what in tent most place above position is stature extremely strong Werewolf, its back is inserting two model plain long and narrow swords, wears the plan to have special Divine Spell rune boasting soft armor, in the necks hangs one string the white bones necklace that is strung together by the animal bones and canine, knee, shoulder elbow and other positions duplicate is having the flinty boasting, above is densely covered the bloodstain not dry/does fierce sharp thorn. 而在营帐最上方位置的是一位身材极为健硕的狼人,它背后插着两把式样古朴的狭长战刀,身披绘制有特殊神术符文的牛皮软甲,颈间挂着一串由兽骨和尖牙串成的白骨项链,膝盖、肩肘等位置都覆有硬质牛皮,上面密布着血迹未干的狰狞尖刺。 Sits in its side was a whole body inserts completely the strange feather, the nose and lip puts on the fearsome animal teeth, the dew spreads completely all colors germanium mud Shaman Priest in fur lined robe outside body. 坐在其身侧的则是一位浑身插满奇怪羽毛,鼻子和嘴唇都穿有可怖的兽牙,露在皮袍外面的身躯上涂满了五彩锗泥的萨满祭司 Can in least also be Third Grade Beastman that in the account sits well, their each one strength sink muddily, the personal appearance is valiant, covers entirely the dust and scratch animal skin fights on armor to have the cruel aura that cannot conceal. 能在帐内端坐的最少也是一位3阶兽人,它们个个力量沉浑,身形彪悍,布满灰尘和划痕的兽皮战甲上有着一股掩饰不住的残暴气息。 While they were arguing loudly how when this must encircle that crowd hides into evil Adept in remote mountain, the low eyebrow along the item and by sitting in meditation side that Beastman Shaman fiercely has gained ground, face belt surprised color/look looking has approached the mountain deep place. 然而正当它们大声的争论着该要如何围剿那群躲入深山之中的邪恶巫师之时,一直低眉顺目、静坐侧旁的那位兽人萨满猛地抬起头,脸带惊疑之色的望向了大山深处。 Although Beastman Shaman the quantity is scarce, may actually most receive admiration and respect in the Beastman tribe. They can through Beastman Revered God that the ritual of communication special sacrificial offering keeps aloof, therefore also has become outside Beastman Patriarch, to the development and decision of tribe most has one group of people of right to speak. 兽人萨满虽然数量稀少,可在兽人部落里却是最受崇慕和尊重的。它们能够通过特殊的祭祀之礼沟通高高在上的兽人神祗,因此也就成了兽人族长外,对部落的发展和决定最有话语权的一群人。 Sanger big Priest, what do you have to discover?” Lorded over the seat of honor, strength most formidable that Werewolf puts out a hand to stop numerous roaring, knit the brows the inquiry to say. “桑格大祭司,你是不是有什么发现?”高踞主位,力量最强大的那位狼人伸手制止了众多手下的咆哮,皱眉询问道。 Although it does not have the sensation to the concrete situation, but make him be vigilant suddenly from the bottom of the heart chill in the air. 它虽然没有感知到具体的情形,可是一股股发自心底的寒意却让其骤然警惕起来。 It does not have Divination Technique, is naturally impossible to see hundred inside and outside that crowd of evil Adept sounds. However by Fourth Grade Advanced Level strength, it already had the qualifications to contact that illusory Planar Consciousness. 它没有占卜术,自然不可能看到百里外那群邪恶巫师的动静。但是凭借4阶高级力量,它已然有资格接触到那虚无缥缈的位面意识 As if...... The earth mother is transmitting some danger signal to it in this way. 似乎……大地母亲正通过这种方式向它传递着某种警讯。 An unknown danger is raiding toward this team beyond its sensation! 一种未知的危险正在它的感知之外向着这支队伍袭来! Was that group of intruder......” the Sanger big Priest ugly facial features rolled up in one, it coughed fiercely, in the pure white eye pupil has been mapping the color/look of panic-stricken and fear that could not cover up: They do not know that has made anything, has enraged mother of earth seriously! The mother of earth issues warning to me, making us flee immediately...... Immediately, quick...... Was late a point without enough time!” “是那批入侵者……”桑格大祭司丑陋的五官已经蜷缩在了一起,它剧烈咳嗽着,已经纯白的眼瞳里映射出了一股遮掩不住的惊恐和畏惧之色:“他们不知道做了什么,严重的触怒了大地之母!大地之母向我发出警告,让我们立刻逃离……立刻,快……再晚一点就来不及了!” Is these invades Adept to sneak attack us?” The Werewolf leader said with amazement: By their strength, wants to defeat us, can probably 't achieve?” “是那些入侵巫师想要来偷袭我们吗?”狼人首领骇然道:“以他们的力量,想要打垮我们,好像做不到吧?” Yes, making them come! Our Beastman never fears them......” “是啊,让他们来吧!我们兽人从来不怕他们……” My this awakens these young animals, happen to gives them to come to deal a head-on blow......” “我这就叫醒那些小崽子们,正好给他们来个迎头痛击……” Several obvious some violence become confused Beastman of brain to start to clamor immediately, any enemy the appearance that comes them to rush to chop to turn. 几位明显有些暴力冲昏大脑的兽人立刻开始叫嚣起来,一副任何敌人来了它们都能冲上去砍翻的模样。 In the entire big account makes noise to seethe with excitement immediately again. 整个大帐内立刻再次喧嚣沸腾起来。 Shut up! Shut up...... *** Shuts up to me! You listen...... What sound is outside this?” The Werewolf leader high-rising knife edge drew out the ear, on the face has revealed the sound that has listened attentively to carefully. “闭嘴!闭嘴……都***给我闭嘴!你们听……外面这是什么声音?”狼人首领兀地支棱起了耳朵,脸上露出了仔细倾听的声音。 Numerous Beastman simultaneously is peaceful, pricks up the ears to listen. 兽人齐齐安静下来,倾耳去听。 Sure enough, the distant place has heard the sound of strange and continual explosion thundering suddenly, moreover is getting more and more near, more and more loud...... 果不其然,远方突然传来了怪异且连续的爆炸轰鸣之声,而且越来越近,越来越响…… Does not have the reason, hears this sound, that Beastman Shaman high-rising spouts a blood, the body somewhat shivers to be uncertain. 没来由的,听见这个声音,那位兽人萨满兀地喷出一口鲜血,身躯都有些颤抖不定起来。 Has the enemy to attack!” “有敌来袭!” Passes entirely...... 通通通…… Beastman powerhouses dash the boasting big account, rose the sky slowly. 一位位兽人强者撞破牛皮大帐,徐徐升上了天空。 Although they not flying technique, does not have the Divine Spell in addition to hold, but relies on a wild incomparable brute force and valiant body, can the short victory earth attraction thus realize this type short away floating the spatial effect. 它们虽然不会飞行术,也没有神术加持,但是凭借一身狂暴无匹的蛮力和彪悍至极的身躯,也能短暂的克服大地引力从而实现这种短距浮空效果。 Many Beastman soldiers piled in the tent of patch to drill from completely, shouted to take up the weapon to hear the explosive sound in abundance the sky to look toward the distant place. 更多的兽人战士则从一顶顶摞满了补丁的帐篷里钻了出来,纷纷呼喊着拿起武器向着远处传来爆炸声的天空望去。 There, the place of horizon end, bunch of bright red beautiful Fire element aura are dispersing slowly, is gorgeous like the ultra large-type fireworks that in the holiday sets off. 那里,天际尽头的地方,一团团艳红美丽的火焰光环正在徐徐散开,就像节日里燃放的超大型烟花般绚丽夺目。 But looks at the order that the fireworks presents, seems straight comes to their this camp. 只不过看烟花出现的次序,似乎是笔直的冲着它们这个营地而来的。 Grim rides the night wind to come, has almost not taken the trouble to find this Beastman team. 格力姆乘着夜风而来,几乎没怎么费力就找到了这支兽人队伍。 Compares in other Adept , the Grim's presence way also truly extremely eye-catching and fierce. The road of flame that blooms slowly his flight path perfect has marked in the sky, even if places the clarity that beyond hundred miles can look. 相比于其它巫师,格力姆的出场方式也确实太过拉风和酷烈了。身后那条冉冉绽放的火焰之路更是把他的飞行路径完美的在天空上标识了出来,哪怕身处百里之外都能看的清清楚楚。 However by the Grim Fifth Grade legend Fire Sorcerer status, in solemn Tass plane of this median size, truly does not need to cover up and be careful anything. 不过以格力姆5阶传奇火巫的身份,在这个中等大小的穆塔斯位面,也确实没必要遮掩和小心什么了。 Flame Leap appears after the Beastman camp sky, Grim condenses the body, bends down to take a fast look around that several valiant Beastman powerhouse forms, as well as under their bodies runs the troop Beastman soldier who shouts. 一个火焰跳跃出现在兽人营地上空后,格力姆凝聚起身躯,俯身扫视着那十几个彪悍的兽人强者身影,以及它们身下奔跑呼喊的大群兽人战士。 One flock of ants......” “一群蝼蚁……” On the Grim face has revealed Adept the unique ruthless severe Hezheng however look, lifts the hand, an area broad almost can cover entire Beastman camp Meteor Fiery Rain to appear. 格力姆脸上露出了一丝巫师们所特有的狠厉和铮然神色,一抬手,一个面积广阔的几乎能够笼罩整个兽人营地流星火雨就出现了。 Although his strength was limited in Fourth Grade , but is relying on the knowledge, skill and the level far ultra opposite party suppresses, making him not have the slight scared look facing several 3, Fourth Grade Beastman powerhouses. 虽然他的力量被局限在了4阶,但是凭借着远超对方的知识、技巧和位阶压制,让他面对十几位3、4阶兽人强者却没有丝毫惧色。 Reaches as high as Meteor Fiery Rain of Fourth Grade peak level beckons to come, immediately has swept away the entire sight space. 高达4阶巅峰层级的流星火雨招手即来,立时横扫了整个视域空间。 Are soaking the flame energy completely, above also has a faint trace not to extinguish the aura meteor fireball to fall the sky like the raindrop. The institute and place, has raised ten several meter/rice high giant dust columns, this changes into links of the scarlet red flame to proliferate slowly large quantities of Beastman soldier wrapping up. 一颗颗满浸着火焰能量,上面还带着一丝丝不灭气息的流星火球如雨点般坠下天空。所及之处,掀起了一根根十数米高的巨大尘柱,这才化为一道道赤红色的火焰之环徐徐扩散开来把大批兽人战士卷裹其中。 Shock-wave that fireball explodes, is the link of that beautiful peerless flame, regarding the ordinary Beastman soldiers is exceptionally fatal. 不论是火球爆裂的冲击波,还是那美丽绝伦的火焰之环,对于普通的兽人战士们来说都是异常致命的。 Tenacious leather armor and outer covering that big shield they once were proud is frail on such as a straw paper under the fearful golden flame class washout. 它们曾经引以为傲的坚韧皮甲和蒙皮大盾在可怕的金色焰流冲刷下就如一张艾草纸般单薄。 But they strong big body is unable to resist the ignition of terrifying flame, wept and wailed, is wailing, rushed about at the scene. By the facial features and whole body pores spout the same flame, this looks like rotten wood to fall to the ground, changes into the ash that one pile burned black withers. 而它们强壮高大的身躯更是无法抵御恐怖火焰的灼烧,纷纷哭喊着、哀嚎着,在火场里面东奔西跑。直至五官和周身毛孔里喷涌出同样的火焰,这才像一根根朽木般栽倒在地,化为一堆焦黑枯萎的灰渣。 The boasting big account was ignited, carriage, donkey cart and tent were ignited, the earth and sky were ignited, but placed Beastman between world also to be ignited...... 牛皮大帐被引燃,马车、驴车和帐篷被引燃,大地和天空被引燃,而身处天地间的兽人们也被引燃了…… At present the quantity reaches as high as 3000, average equivalent is the First Grade Advanced Level Beastman team places entire solemn Tass plane is also great was intrepid. Even if throws other large-type plane, can stir earth-shaking there, noisy earth-shaking. 眼前数量高达3000,平均等阶为1阶高级兽人队伍放在整个穆塔斯位面也是一等一的强悍了。哪怕扔到其他大型位面,也能把那里搅个天翻地覆,闹个地覆天翻的。 However, in front of Grim this kind of legend Fire Sorcerer, they actually is really similar to one flock of ants, let alone has counter-attacked, looks up at the ray of his whole body to think dazzling. 但是,在格力姆这样一位传奇火巫面前,它们却真的如同一群蝼蚁般,别说反击了,就连仰视他周身的光芒都觉得刺目不已。 Ordinary Beastman is unable to counter-attack, does not represent these several Beastman powerhouses not to have the strength of counter-attack. 普通兽人无法反击,可不代表这十几位兽人强者就没有反击之力。 Roar...... 吼…… ...... 嗷…… In the angry roaring sounds of shocking penetrating places, that several Beastman powerhouses put out the weapon, from has charged into Grim in all directions. 一声声震天彻地的怒吼声中,那十几位兽人强者纷纷拿出武器,从四面八方冲向了格力姆 However the Grim's vision actually crossed all Beastman, fell in that boasting big account. 但是格力姆的目光却越过了所有兽人,落在了那座牛皮大帐之内。 Divine Spell aura flavor/smell...... Does here have Beastman Shaman? 神术气息的味道……这里还有一位兽人萨满? Grim without hesitation holds incantation casting magic, after 1 and 5 seconds of fast casting magic completes, mushroom cloud Fire Molten Core Explosion raises in the boasting big account together slowly. That was contacting the rear Sanger big Priest life aura secretly instantaneously feeble. 格力姆毫不犹豫的持咒施法,1、5秒的快速施法完成后,一道蘑菇云般的火核熔爆在牛皮大帐内冉冉升起。那位正在偷偷联络后方的桑格大祭司生命气息瞬间就衰弱了下去。 Witchcraft could not have killed it...... That again adds Witchcraft! 一个巫术还弄不死它……那就再加一个巫术 Grim is preparing to continue casting magic, that several Beastman powerhouses rushed to his body side under the Werewolf leader's leadership. 格力姆正准备继续施法,那十几位兽人强者已经在狼人首领的带领下冲到了他的身侧。 Courts death!” Grim drinks one lightly, that say/way has not had for a long time the combustion domain that is going on stage instantaneously to cover week the place of kilometer surrounding area. “找死!”格力姆轻喝一声,那道久未登场的燃烧领域就瞬间笼罩了身周的千米方圆之地。 The Beastman powerhouse who these just rushed to the sky surges on the whole body flame immediately, in their hands, all metal products immediately become fiery boiling hot. The whole person like threw into a flame furnace to be common, let alone has fought, breathes becomes that painful, suffering. 那些刚刚冲上天空的兽人强者立时就周身火焰涌动,它们手中、身上所有的金属制品立刻变得火热滚烫。整个人就像被扔进了一座火焰熔炉一般,别说战斗了,就连呼吸都变得那么痛苦、煎熬。 These Fourth Grade Beastman can also raise to gather the wild strength, forces to keep off the fearful flame that spreading to come outside the body. But that about half Third Grade Beastman actually continually prevent the flame invasion the strength not to have, burnt a human form torch, called out pitifully to fall the sky. 那些4阶兽人还能提聚起狂暴之力,勉强把延烧而来的可怕火焰挡在身外。可那近半数的3阶兽人却连阻挡火焰入侵的实力都没有,就燃成了一个人形火炬,惨叫着摔下了天空。 Has chopped him......” “砍了他……” A bit faster kills him......” “快点把他杀死……” Fourth Grade Beastman roared to clash, condensed incomparable strength various type weapons to wield from each angle to the Grim's body. 一位位4阶兽人咆哮着冲了上来,凝聚着无匹力量的各式武器从各个角度挥向了格力姆的身躯。 Especially that Werewolf leader changes into together the gray lightning, penetrated the Grim's body instantaneously, appeared in it behind sky. 尤其那位狼人首领更是化为一道灰色闪电,瞬间穿透了格力姆的身躯,在其身后的天空上浮现了出来。 In the Grim body appeared immediately 67 spreading across gray blade vigor, the whole person started to be defeated and dispersed to break up. 格力姆身躯上立时浮现出了67道纵横交错的灰色刀劲,整个人都开始溃散崩解起来。 Long live! Howell you are strongest!” “万岁!豪威尔你是最强的!” „It was good!” “太棒了!” The Beastman powerhouse who several see this scene has cheered immediately. 几个见此情景的兽人强者立时欢呼了起来。 Only then that powerful cut to kill in the evil Fire Sorcerer Werewolf leader vision not to have slightly the joyful happy color/look. Its high-rising however looks back, loudly shouted: Quick dispersing...... That is not his main body......” 只有那位强势‘斩杀’了邪恶火巫狼人首领目光中却没有丝毫欣喜高兴之色。它兀然回首,大喝道:“快散开……那不是他的本体……” However reminded was too late. 然而提醒的已经太迟。 The next second, Grim flame clone ruptured suddenly, changes into one group of more giant flame tides to embezzle peripheral all Beastman. 下一秒,格力姆火焰分身猝然爆裂,化为一团更加巨大的火焰浪潮吞没了周边的所有兽人 But in the ground broad sea of fire, the Grim main body then slowly appears, in the hand was proposing that body already burned black most Beastman Shaman. 而在地面广阔的火海中,格力姆本体这才徐徐浮现出来,手里正提着那个身躯已经焦黑了大半的兽人萨满。 That witnessed the Werewolf leader who this scenery sees that the wailing was rushing to the sky once more...... 那位目睹此景的狼人首领见状,尖啸着再次冲下了天空…… Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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