AOA :: Volume #16

#1513: Earth Diviners and dark demon dragon

When Grim arrives at Central Mountain Range, here fight has started. 格力姆来到中央山脉的时候,这里的战斗已经打响了。 That 30 meters high giant metal statue turned into the God of Slaughter Galleon state of mind carrier thoroughly, headed by he wild fierce Great Adept of attack and in an extremely difficult situation that Brielle headed by being in chaotic situation expel. 那尊30米高的巨大金属雕像已经彻底变成了杀戮之神加隆的神魂载体,正在以他狂暴凶猛的攻击把以布里埃尔为首的大巫师们撵的鸡飞狗跳、狼狈不堪。 Several familiar forms change into together the Daoist believers light, everywhere dances in the air, is unable to approach that Main Shrine slightest. 数个熟悉的身影化为一道道流光,漫天飞舞,根本无法靠近那座主神殿分毫。 The Grim's arrival has brought obviously also to the battlefield various people attention. 格力姆的到来显然也引起了战场诸人的注意。 He just stopped the personal appearance, starts to take a fast look around the entire battlefield, that Brielle Great Adept Spirit news has transmitted. 他刚刚停下身形,开始扫视整个战场,那位布里埃尔大巫师精神讯息就传递了过来。 Several of us tie down projection that Galleon arrives, you destroy Main Shrine!” “我们几个缠住加隆降临的投影,你去摧毁主神殿!” Grim took a fast look around a that Galleon idol, the strength level that the chip labelled unexpectedly has reached as high as Sixth Grade . This made him somewhat have a big shock obviously, does not dare to approach that terrifying energy overflowing main battlefield. 格力姆扫视了一眼那尊加隆神像,芯片标注出来的力量层级竟然高达6阶。这显然令他有些大惊失色,更加不敢靠近那个恐怖能量四溢的主战场。 Good, the Galleon projection of Sixth Grade does not dare to touch, goes to the Main Shrine that side try one's chance! 好吧,6阶加隆投影不敢碰,就去主神殿那边试试运气吧! Grim is comforting itself silently, while explodes to disperse one group of fireworks suddenly, the next second appeared sky over Main Shrine directly. 格力姆一边默默安慰着自己,一边陡然炸散成一团烟花,下一秒径直出现在了主神殿上空。 This duty will be perhaps relaxed...... 这个任务也许会轻松一点…… However Grim this idea has not waited to transfer, a dizzy strange feeling has covered his body. He like one group lost control of the bolide, drops from the clouds, the heavy bang pounded above the giant square of Main Shrine front. 然而格力姆这个想法还未等转完,一股天旋地转的奇异感觉就笼罩了他的身躯。他就像一团失控了的火流星,从天而降,沉重至极的轰砸在了主神殿前方的巨大广场之上。 Luckily Grim at this moment is Flame Body, did not have human these Achilles' heels. Therefore, since his incarnation is ten several meter/rice high huge Fireman crawls from the fiery pit, the injury that the body receives is not serious. 幸好格力姆此时此刻已经是火焰之躯,没了人类那些的致命要害。因此,当他化身为十数米高的巨大火人从火坑里面爬起时,身上受到的伤害并不算严重。 However, Grim just the pestle stood, on a brow wrinkle. 不过,格力姆刚刚杵立起来,就眉头一皱。 Above oneself body, he sees brown magic Aura, the natural law aura of above dense shake so familiar and so hateful...... 在自己身躯之上,他看到一层土黄色的魔法光环,上面氤氲震荡的规则气息是如此的熟悉、如此的可恶…… Gravity Aura! Damn, originally is this strength......” “重力光环!该死,原来是这种力量……” In Grim noses to the reason of own body out-of-control, his complexion suddenly drastic change, bang flame scatters in all directions, this has evaded one great rock big hand that searches to extend from underground. 就在格力姆查探到自己身躯失控的原因时,他脸色又猝然剧变,嘭的一声火焰四散,这才躲过了一个从地底探伸出来的巨岩大手。 Thump...... 咚…… Great rock big hand numerous whipping in the lithical square, the blue stone disintegration, the ground presented one a depth of 2 meters immediately, the area several reached 30 meters huge being in charge. 巨岩大手重重的拍打在石质广场上,立时青石崩碎,地面出现了一个深达2米,面积几达30米的巨大掌印。 The next quarter, Grim 300 meters away somewhere appears from square, what turns round to see is one slowly the giant rock giant who crawled coming out from underground. 下一刻,格力姆从300米外的广场某处浮现出来,回身看到的正是一头缓缓从地底爬了出来的巨大岩石巨人。 Is giant stone giant is great rock to collapse the traveler, or is earth Diviners? 是巨型石巨人还是巨岩崩行者,亦或者是大地先知 The Grim mind is rotating fast, the chip projects blue tearful beams, is collecting the material of opposite party fast. 格力姆脑海在快速的转动着,芯片更是投射出一道道蓝汪汪的射线,快速的收集着对方的资料。 This is a build reaches as high as 30 meters giant rock creature, has the body and Four Limbs of kind of person, but constitutes these is not the flesh and blood, but is giant heavy steel crags. On the short rough stone leg that its need several people of joint holding is densely covered the dissimilar in shape and form giant steel rock, but from the steel rock slit shines through brown magic Aura. 这是一头体型高达30米的巨大岩石生物,有着类人的身躯和四肢,只不过构成这些的不是血肉而是一块块巨大沉重的钢岩。它那需要数人合抱的短粗石腿上密布着形态各异的巨大钢岩,而从钢岩缝隙里面则透射出一圈圈的土黄色魔法光环 Besides terrifying dead weight with fearful strength, this great rock creature within the body also swings to overflow frightening earth attribute source power. 除了恐怖的自重和可怕的力量外,这头巨岩生物体内还荡溢着令人心惊胆战的土系源力 Damn, this great rock creature also has the casting magic ability, is earth Diviners! 该死,这头巨岩生物还拥有施法能力,是大地先知 Grim's complexion immediately gloomy. 格力姆的脸色立刻就阴沉了下来。 In all earth attribute elemental creature, this earth Diviners without doubt is hardest to deal with. 在所有土系元素生物中,这种大地先知无疑是最难缠的。 Several other earth attribute elemental creature, although same hugeness, same indestructiblity, but besides several earth attribute different functions, does not have the genuine element casting magic ability. Therefore, copes with such big fellow, so long as puts away the kite, many Grim can reimburse many. 其他几种土系元素生物,虽然同样的巨大,同样的坚不可摧,可除了几种土系异能外,并不具有真正的元素施法能力。所以,对付那样的大块头,只要放好风筝,有多少格力姆就能报销多少。 This set regarding earth Diviners, is but useless! 可是这一套对于大地先知来说,却是无用的! Earth Diviners is having fearful earth attribute source power, is earth attribute Strength of Natural Law that Adept are named. They can use gravity Aura enemy firmly restraint above the earth, this, saved the enemy to soar in the blue sky awkwardness that but they could not reach. 大地先知拥有着可怕的土系源力,也就是巫师们俗称的土系规则之力。它们能够利用重力光环把敌人牢牢地束缚在大地之上,这样,也就省却了敌人飞翔在蓝天上而它们够不着的尴尬。 But their inborn Slowing Spell and earthquake technique and earth crack and other magics, is the natural enemy of any life body. Once the move, tied up by earth attribute source power sleepily in same place, anybody cannot resist its terrifying great rock big hand to strike. 而它们天生的迟缓术、地震术、大地崩裂等魔法,也是任何生命体的天敌。一旦中招,被土系源力困缚在原地,没有任何人能够抵御得住它那恐怖的巨岩大手拍击。 But Grim somewhat has had bad luck, did not observe its gravity Aura unexpectedly for a while. 格力姆就有些倒霉了,竟然一时不察中了它的重力光环 This earth Diviners is also Fifth Grade elemental creature, gravity Aura that it has suppresses Grim sufficiently near the ground, is unable to return to the sky again. 这头大地先知也是一位5阶元素生物,它所拥有的重力光环足以把格力姆压制在地面附近,再也无法返回天空了。 Dies, evil Adept !” “去死吧,邪恶的巫师!” Earth Diviners shakes jar stuffy angry roaring from the thick rock nature body, the stride arrives at the Grim body side, lifts the right giant sole, has stepped wickedly on. 大地先知从厚实的岩质身躯里面震荡出瓮闷的怒吼,大步走到格力姆身侧,抬起右侧巨大脚掌,恶狠狠地就踩踏了下去。 ...... 呜…… The evil customs caress the face. 恶风扑面。 The earth Diviners every action and every movement also follow the energy level to achieve the earthquake technique of Second Grade , the ordinary life body let alone has fought with it, approaches its rear to come to a stop continually is a major problem. 大地先知的一举一动还伴随着能量层级达到2阶的地震术,普通生命体别说与之战斗了,靠近其身侧后连站稳都是一个大问题。 Bang an explosive. 嘭一声爆响。 The Grim body changes into the flame that scatters in all directions, divided to run away to the different regions. 格力姆身躯化为四散的火焰,分逃向了不同的地域。 Whatever what a pity, how he dismantles body, above that say/way hateful gravity Aura throughout lingers, keeping it from flying from the ground to exceed 3 meters. 可惜,任凭他如何拆解身躯,那道可恶的重力光环都始终萦绕其上,让其无法飞离地面超过3米。 Thump a dull thumping sound, the earth cracks once more, in the square presented a giant gulf. 咚一声闷响,大地再次崩裂,广场上又出现了一个巨大的深坑。 Met such formidable match, Grim naturally has not dared to delay again, the hot group of dispersion obviously turned into four exactly the same flame giants in abundance. 遇见了这样强大的对手,格力姆自然也不敢再拖延下去,分散的火团纷纷显化成了四个一模一样的火焰巨人。 Main third mate four flame giants simultaneously recited magic spell, after the moment, huge fireball of four grinding pan sizes shelled from four directions directly above the earth Diviners great rock body. 一主三副四个火焰巨人同时吟唱起巫术咒语,片刻后,四颗磨盘大小的巨大火球从四个方向径直轰击在了大地先知的巨岩身躯之上。 Bang bang bang bang...... 嘭嘭嘭嘭…… A series of flame explosives, the less than half great rock body was embezzled by the burning hot boiling hot flame class. 一连串的火焰爆响,小半的巨岩身躯都被炙热滚烫的焰流所吞没。 Under the terrifying high-temperature flame class ignition, the steel rock of earth Diviners body surface starts changes the red conditioning, changed into the semiliquid food the lava to flow. But at the earth Diviners generous stocky body, such flame class is to light the quarter also not necessarily can burn through the body surface that matter 34 meters in depth rock armor. 恐怖的高温焰流灼烧之下,大地先知身躯表面的钢岩开始变红软化,化为半流质的熔岩流淌了下来。只不过以大地先知宽厚敦实的身躯,这样的焰流就是烧上一刻钟也不见得能够烧穿体表那层厚达34米的岩石铠甲。 Therefore, refutes the ignition of flame, earth Diviners is turning around the body, stride running to has been away from a oneself recent flame great person side, the big hand wields, the crushed stone rain and place lance of bombardment blotting out the sky fell on the opposite party. 所以,硬顶着火焰的灼烧,大地先知掉转身躯,大步奔行到了距离自己最近的一个火焰巨人身侧,大手一挥,铺天盖地的碎石雨和地矛轰击就落在了对方身上。 A Grim brow wrinkle, the complexion is gradually dignified. 格力姆眉头一皱,脸色渐渐凝重起来。 That flame clone has not escaped unexpectedly with enough time, was extinguished by the opposite party kills! 那个火焰分身竟然没有来得及逃出,被对方灭杀了! Must know, although is only flame clone, had the Grim 30% flame Witchcraft injuries, but also grasped complete flame Witchcraft. Normally, is relying on Flame Leap or Flame Teleport, should be insufficient so easily to be extinguished kills! 要知道,那虽然只是一个火焰分身,却也拥有了格力姆30%的火焰巫术伤害,还掌握了全部的火焰巫术。正常情况下,凭借着火焰跳跃火焰传送,应该不至于如此容易被人灭杀啊! The Grim complexion sinks, stuffy sound said: Chip, what's the matter?” 格力姆脸色一沉,闷声道:“芯片,怎么回事?” Drop, before flame clone 1st was attacked, examined the invasion of slow Aura......” “滴,火焰分身一号被攻击前,检测到了迟缓光环的入侵……” How was I all right a moment ago?” “那我刚才怎么没事?” Drop, Host's Body has the natural law barrier protection of Filthy Dark Book, can resist the invasion of earth attribute Strength of Natural Law...... Flame clone is only Host's Body some strength projects, wants to resist slow Aura to transfer flame Strength of Natural Law......” “滴,主体拥有秽暗之书规则屏障保护,能够抵御土系规则之力的入侵……火焰分身只是主体的部分力量投影,想要抵御迟缓光环就必须调用火焰规则之力……” Damn, this earth Diviners also is really hard to deal with......” “该死,这个大地先知还真是难缠……” The complaint is the complaint, Grim actually also can only extend own flame Strength of Natural Law to other two flame clone there, from head to foot has also protected them. 抱怨是抱怨,格力姆却也只能把自己的火焰规则之力延伸到剩余的两个火焰分身那里,把它们也从头到脚的保护了起来。 Thump thump thump...... 咚咚咚…… In a shake of everything may become vulnerable, that earth Diviners turns toward some flame clone to flush away, while is swaying fearful Earth Spear Stab, covered flame clone under the big piece brown mist and dust. 在一阵地动山摇的震荡中,那头大地先知一边向着某个火焰分身冲去,一边挥洒着可怕的地矛刺,把火焰分身笼罩在了大片的土黄色烟尘之下。 An unwieldy powerful rock giant, flame human form of one crowd of jumping for joy, like this slaughtered on the giant rock square in one. 一位笨重强悍的岩石巨人,一群活蹦乱跳的火焰人形,就这样在巨大的岩石广场上面厮杀在了一起。 However at this moment, another with Grim same carried out the special mission Zerk Adept long in coming arrived in the battlefield. 然而此时此刻,另一位和格力姆一样执行特殊任务的瑞克巫师姗姗来迟的抵达了战场。 Looks that the distant place rank reaches as high as the Sixth Grade main battlefield and is stranded Grim above rock square, Zerk Adept heh however sneers, changes into one group of black smokes to dash to Beastman Main Shrine. 看着远方等级高达6阶的主战场和被困岩石广场之上的格力姆,瑞克巫师嘿然冷笑,化为一团黑烟就直扑兽人主神殿 In his sensation, in this time Beastman Main Shrine only remaining one crowd of Fourth Grade . Obviously copes with them, compared with coping with the Revered God projection and element of Monster easy many 5, Sixth Grade . 在他的感知之中,此时的兽人主神殿里面只剩下一群4阶了。显然对付它们,要比对付5、6阶神祗投影和元素怪物容易的多。 Therefore, Zerk is almost being without hesitation launched the attack to Main Shrine. 因此,瑞克几乎是毫不迟疑的就向主神殿发起了进攻。 However when he flies to Main Shrine, made him feel that heart and gall entirely cold terrifying Dragon's might showed from void. 然而就在他飞抵主神殿近旁时,一股令其感到心胆俱寒的恐怖龙威从虚空中透出。 The next second, dark dragon head of exceptionally fierce terrifying appears from void, opens the black black profound big mouth, emitted to have two meters thickly, black dragon flame who in soaked the rich dark black qi breath...... 下一秒,一个异常狰狞恐怖的暗黑龙首从虚空中浮现出来,张开黢黑幽深的大口,喷吐出了一股粗有两米,内浸浓郁暗黑气息的黑色龙炎…… Dark demon dragon......” “暗黑魔龙……” Zerk eyes discriminated the details of opposite party, immediately frightened is frightened out of one's wits, bang a body blasted open, the dissipation became the innumerable black smoke group, this most parts escaped from black dragon flame assailing. 瑞克一眼就辨析出了对方的底细,立时吓得魂飞魄散,嘭一声身躯炸裂,散逸成无数的黑色烟团,这才大部逃出了黑色龙炎的吹袭。 Remains the black smoke in black dragon flame to count on the fingers not to insist continually, changes into soul phantom that screamed together sad and shrill, dissipated in airborne. 残留在黑色龙炎中的黑烟连一屈指都没坚持住,就化为一道凄厉尖叫的灵魂虚影,消散在了空中。 Flew to escape to the kilometer beyond to join together Zerk Great Adept opened mouth of body to put out a black blood, raised the head to take a look to the dark dragon head vision full is the thick hatred and fear color/look. 飞遁到千米之外重新拼合成身躯的瑞克大巫师张口吐出了一口黑血,抬头瞅向暗黑龙首的目光中满是浓浓的恨意和畏惧之色。 The dark demon dragon is exceptionally formidable evil Giant Dragon! 暗黑魔龙可是一种异常强大的邪恶巨龙 They are having the gloomy Black Dragon flame inborn, has at the same time the corrosion and fires two natural law special effect. 它们天生拥有着黯黑龙炎,兼有腐蚀和灼烧两种规则特效。 But their main bodies belong to magic Giant Dragon, therefore, magic resistance is also the similarly high astonishment. In addition dragon clan unique Dragon's might and dark Constitution, even if in all evil Giant Dragon is also the illustrious generation. 而它们的本体属于魔法巨龙,因此,魔抗也是同样高的惊人。再加上龙族特有的龙威和暗黑体质,即便在所有邪恶巨龙之中也是赫赫有名之辈。 Reason that Zerk so dreads dark demon dragon, the most main reason is he also belongs to dark Constitution. In the strength source close situation, he can other evolutions be very fewer than to the damage that the dark demon dragon causes. 瑞克之所以如此畏惧暗黑魔龙,一个最主要的原因就是他也属于暗黑体质。在力量本源相近的情况下,他能给暗黑魔龙造成的伤害要比其他谱系少之又少。 Even said that sentence impolite words, in is in front of the Fifth Grade dark demon dragon, is three Zerk binds together also not necessarily is his match! 甚至说句不客气的话,在同为5阶的暗黑魔龙面前,就是三个瑞克绑在一起也不见得是其对手! Therefore, saw that dark demon dragon hidden goes to the body suddenly, when toward oneself dive fast, Zerk Great Adept can only magnificence Lili's escaping. 因此,见到那头暗黑魔龙骤然又隐去身躯,向着自己快速潜来时,瑞克大巫师只能华丽丽的逃跑了。
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