AOA :: Volume #14

#1391: The collision of iron and blood

As pure abyss creature, demon were almost repelled by all Main Material Plane. 作为纯粹的深渊生物,恶魔们几乎被一切主物质位面所排斥。 Evil, confusion and contamination strength that they represent regarding all Main Plane creature, is liberal with in Chuan the intestines to be violently poisonous, even can putrefy the soul of Main Material Plane life directly. 它们所代表的邪恶、混乱、污秽力量对于所有主位面生物来说,不吝于穿肠剧毒,甚至能够直接腐化主物质位面生灵的灵魂。 Was killed soul that or swallowed by demon, even if the Gods follower, is unable to continue to preserve in upper plane, same will crash on the soul of dirty contamination with these essences Abyss World, fully suffered suffering of all sorts of fierce environment there. 恶魔杀死或吞噬的灵魂,即便是诸神信徒,也无法继续留存在上层位面,会和那些本质就肮脏污秽的灵魂一样坠落深渊世界,在那里饱受种种酷烈环境的折磨。 They advance uninterruptedly do not fear the life and death emerging Adept World, for obtains one to harvest the Main Material Plane creature soul wantonly the opportunity. More many that they slaughter, the soul of pollution are more, in the future after returning to abyss , the Abyss Will feedback that will obtain will be also richer. 它们前赴后继不畏生死的涌入巫师世界,为的正是获得一个大肆收割主物质位面生物灵魂的机会。它们杀戮的越多,污染的灵魂越多,将来返回深渊界后获得的深渊意志反馈也就越丰厚。 Other Planar World wants to promote level 1 that difficultly, needs the unceasing tempering body and mind, saves the energy, then can bet with the illusory plane will. But being promoted of abyss demon actually exceptionally simple sprightly, slaughtering that so long as can keep, the plundering soul energy, they can forever upward increasing without limits. 别的位面世界想要晋升一级是那么的艰难,需要不断的磨砺身心,积攒能量,然后才能和虚无缥缈的位面意志赌上一把。而深渊恶魔们的晋级却异常的简单明快,只要能够不停的杀戮,不停的掠夺灵魂能量,它们就能永无止境的向上攀升。 Therefore, luck enough good words, abyss demon evolves Fourth Grade high grade demon from most Novice abyss larva, possibly only needs 2-3 years of time. 因此,运气足够好的话,一头深渊恶魔从最初级的深渊幼虫进化成4阶高等恶魔,可能只需要三两年的功夫。 Such fast growth time, such simple direct promote step Path, enables abyss demon not to need to take the trouble to ponder that studies anything, but only needs to slaughter and swallow with single-hearted devotion then. 这样迅捷的成长时间,这样简单直接的晋阶路线,也让深渊恶魔们可以不用费心去思考,去研究什么了,而只需要专心杀戮和吞噬即可。 Therefore has saying that abyss demon compares majority of plane creature is extremely fearful Slaughterer! 因此不得不说,深渊恶魔相比于大部分位面生物来说都是极其可怕的杀戮者 Along with front battlefield massive demon Death, their flesh and blood and skeletons turn into black water to invade the contamination unceasingly this lands. Invisible , the space big crevice peripheral has completed the preliminary wicked Magicked advancement. 随着前方战场大量恶魔死亡,它们的血肉和尸骸化成一股股黑水不断地侵染污秽着这片土地。无形之中,空间大裂隙周边就已经完成了初步的恶魔化进程。 Therefore, Adept World Plane Principle repels a farther place by the abyss aura that the crevice emits, made this stretch of battlefield become looks like barren and fierce Abyss Plane more and more. 于是,透过裂隙散溢出来的深渊气息把巫师世界位面法则排斥到了更远地方,也令这片战场变得越来越像贫瘠而酷烈的深渊位面 Fights in such battlefield, the plane in addition that human Adept enjoys will hold will be getting fewer and fewer, but as abyss demon that the intruder will have, plane that withstands will suppress will weaken rapidly. 在这样的战场上战斗,人类巫师享受到的位面加持会越来越少,而作为入侵者存在的深渊恶魔,所承受的位面压制则在急速减弱中。 Such one adds reduces, the strength disparity of both sides was also getting bigger and bigger! 这样一加一减,双方的战力差距也就越来越大了! After a sufficient energy of period of long time, that magic energy great artillery on Vasello giant airship has been ready once again. As thick scarlet glow cuts the expansive sky, the energy light beam lasing has been ruling this stretch of battlefield Demon Lord to that again. 经过了一段漫长时间的充能,瓦赛罗号浮空巨舰上的那门魔能巨炮又一次做好了准备。随着一道粗大红芒划破长空,能量光柱再一次激射向了那位统治着这片战场的恶魔领主 What a pity, this powerful struck is actually moved by Nuse's simple flickering for avoiding the past. 可惜,这强悍一击却被菲努斯简单的瞬移给躲避了过去。 The energy light beam brushed past, melted one deeply not to see the bottom on the dark land large hole. 能量光柱擦肩而过,在黑沉沉的土地上熔出了一个深不见底的大洞 But only relied on the formidable physical body resiliency, Demon Lord Nuse initially has repaired large hole of oneself chest that one meter diameter. But its injury was also turned into minor wound by severe wound. 而只凭借强大的肉*体恢复力,恶魔领主菲努斯就已经初步修复了自己胸口那个一米直径的大洞。而它的伤势也由‘重伤’变成了‘轻伤’。 If gives it again some time, perhaps the last injury can eliminate. By that time, Nuse was a strength astonishing terror ominous demon. 如果再给它一段时间的话,恐怕就连最后一点伤势都能消泯掉。到那时,菲努斯又将是一头战力惊人的恐怖凶魔了。 demon creature that powerful resilience is really not plane creature can compare! 恶魔生物那强悍至极的恢复能力果然不是位面生物所能比拟的! Space big crevice also in continuous turnover all kinds of demon, already has chirp small demon and corner/horn demon, to throw the class of fire blaming, there is Furlow demon, a crazy war demon, Succubus and scarlet Flame Fiend and so on middle grade demon. 空间大裂隙还在源源不断的吞吐着各式各样的恶魔,其中既有叽叽喳喳的小恶魔、角魔、投火怪之流,也有弗洛魔、狂战魔、魅魔、赤炎魔之类的中阶恶魔 These usually touch in the fellow who the same place must each other slaughter to swallow, at this moment actually under the Demon Lord Nuse's suppression battlefield ally. Although each other is still reprehensible, but the large-scale interior slaughters has not actually occurred. 这些平时碰在一起就要彼此厮杀吞噬的家伙,此时此刻却在恶魔领主菲努斯的压制下成了战场盟友。虽然彼此依然看不顺眼,可大规模的内部杀戮却并没有发生。 They gather according to the tribal group and mental disposition in the same place, the team expand to be thick gradually. 它们按照族群和秉性聚拢在一起,队伍渐渐地壮大厚实起来。 Under majority of abyss demon in Nuse's kicking and beating and roared, being duty-bound not to turn back fired into war Magic Tower that the distant place has stood in great numbers. But other these fellows, then cannot repress the hot tempered wild with joy mood, smells the sorption Main Material Plane unique aura, sneaks off to the surrounding following the flavor/smell of flesh and blood good food. 大部分深渊恶魔都在菲努斯的踢打和咆哮下,义无反顾的冲向了远方林立的战争巫塔。而余下的那些家伙,则按捺不住暴躁狂喜的心情,嗅吸着主物质位面特有的气息,循着血肉美食的味道向外围溜去。 They wanted to explore this to be full of the beautiful world of food fragrant aura impatiently! 它们已经迫不及待的想要探索这个充满了食物芬芳气息的美丽世界了! If makes these abyss demon flee in all directions to the human society, perhaps even if only a 1 and 2 kid can also do life utter misery, people have no means to make a living. 如果让这些深渊恶魔流窜到人类社会,哪怕只是一个1、2的小家伙恐怕也能搞得生灵涂炭,民不聊生了。 After all, compared with ordinary humanity and these abyss demon, the strength disparity is extremely disparate. 毕竟,普通人类与这些深渊恶魔相比,实力差距太过悬殊。 Moreover, a side hundred of battle scene crawling fights the ominous demon, a side has taken up the barefooting farmer of knife and fork...... Even if latter quantity many over a hundred times of thousand times , the change was hunted and killed the swallowed tragic destiny. 而且,一方是从尸山血海里爬出来的百战凶魔,一方是拿起了刀叉的赤脚农夫……哪怕后者数量多上百倍千倍,也改变不了被猎杀被吞噬的悲惨命运。 Even if one crowd armed the small white rabbit of tooth unable with the lion tiger to contend! 一群哪怕是武装到了牙齿的小白兔也是无法和狮虎相抗衡的! Saw with own eyes that the situation somewhat was turned over by demon, on Vasello that Captain Locke the big hand wields, a quantity was 700 people of Magical Machine regiments Suo fall from giant airship to the ground, then formed the battle formation strict regiment to advance toward the battlefield front. 眼见局势有些被恶魔们翻转,瓦赛罗号上那位洛克船长大手一挥,一支数量为700人的魔械战团就从浮空巨舰上索降到了地面,然后组成阵势严密的战团向着战场前沿推进。 Magical Machine regiment 700 people, including 500 PG52 Combat Magical Machine, as well as more than 200 people of goblin Mechanical Warlock. 魔械战团共700人,其中包括了500台PG52型战斗魔械,以及200余人的地精机关术士 They not like Witch/Magical Beast, but also needs to slaughter with abyss demon near body. As uniform remote precision, from going to battlefield at that moment, their Mark Type II magic energy artillery, the magic energy quick-fire artillery and four-rack magic energy raygun as well as the structural strength goblin missile starts opening fire continuously. 它们可不像巫兽那样,还需要和深渊恶魔近身厮杀。作为清一色的远程火力,从踏上战场那一刻起,它们身上的马克Ⅱ型魔能火炮、魔能速射炮、四联装魔能射线枪以及蜂窝式地精飞弹就开始连续不断的开火。 That fierce firepower, that powerful long-distance fire, that each entered them to attack the range abyss demon to make into the screen, exploded the flesh and blood fragment. Suddenly, boom, the beam like the rain, just occupied superior demon to suppress once again. 那凶猛的火力,那强悍的远程炮火,那每一个进入它们攻击范围的深渊恶魔都打成了筛子,炸成了血肉碎片。一时间,炮声隆隆,射线如雨,把刚刚占了一点优势的恶魔们又一次打压了下去。 A build reaches as high as 4 meters Third Grade crazy war demon saw that the Magical Machine regiment is so rampant, immediately eyeball blood red flushed. To/Clashes, it while lifts hand toward Magical Machine regiment sky one finger. 一头体型高达4米的3阶狂战魔见到魔械战团如此嚣张,立刻眼珠血红的冲了过来。一边冲,它一边抬手向着魔械战团上空一指。 The next second, black prosperous cloud tumbles, meteor fireball howl to fall from the sky. 下一秒,黑红火云翻滚,一颗颗流星火球呼啸着从天空上坠下。 Meteor Fiery Rain! 流星火雨 Very simple Third Grade fire attribute kind of magic. 一个很简单的3阶火系法术 Although the attack might does not have Third Grade Fire Sorcerer to be so powerful, but is used to confuse the enemy lineup, broke the enemy attack step also to be enough. Meets magic resistance is not that strong enemy, perhaps was only this Third Grade kind of magic sufficiently eliminates half them. 攻击威力虽然没有3阶火巫那么强大,但是用来搅乱敌人阵型,打乱敌人进攻步伐却也足够了。遇到魔抗不是那么强的敌人,恐怕只是这个3阶法术就足以把它们消灭一半了。 Facing counter-attack of formidable demon, the Magical Machine regiment also flickered to show the fight accomplishment of superelevation. 面对强大恶魔的反扑,魔械战团也瞬即展现出了超高的战斗素养。 Fights front several metal Magical Machine to receive the long-range weapon, entrained the metal tomahawk or the double blade from the back, the front surface has fired into this crazy war demon. But metal Magical Machine after decoration are the muzzle lifts, flies high to hit to explode bolides with the crowded firepower concentrated fire. 战斗前部的几台金属魔械收起远程武器,从背后拽出了金属战斧或双刀,迎面冲向了这头狂战魔。而缀后的金属魔械们更是炮口一抬,用密集的火力攒射把一颗颗火流星凌空打爆。 Being split up that the hot cloud of half upper air also the goblin missile that comes to explode by the rapid flight, lost the condensation bolide ability. 就连半高空的火云也被疾飞而来的地精飞弹炸的四分五裂,失去了凝聚火流星的能力。 But more regiment central Magical Machine disregards, braves the close hot rain that Linlin sprinkles, opens fire violently while continues to advance. 而更多战团中部的魔械则不管不顾,冒着琳琳洒下的细密火雨,一边猛烈开火一边继续向前挺进。 That Third Grade crazy war demon has not waited for the engagement to be hit by the remote precision is a mass of cuts and bruises, the bloody water is dripping. But sudden battle, it torn to pieces, although by the powerful military force Magical Machine pounding, Mars brave, but it also threw off by the Magical Machine soldier of closing in the place, strikes off the head, has cut off Four Limbs. 那头3阶狂战魔还未等接战就被远程火力打得体无完肤,血水淋漓。而猝一交战,它虽以强悍武力把一台魔械砸的支离破碎,火星直冒,可它自己也被一拥而上的魔械战士掀翻在地,砍去头颅,斩断了四肢 But this scene falls in Ardenne Family Adept eye, made their heart shock, some recollections got up in close succession. 而这一幕场景落在阿尔登家族巫师们眼中,却也令他们心头震撼,有些浮想联翩起来。 Must know that a Third Grade crazy war demon as a result of demon martial Shuangxiu, has had both instantaneous kind of magic and powerful physical body strength, even if can also fight several rounds with Fourth Grade Adept . 要知道,一头3阶狂战魔由于魔武双修,兼具了瞬发的类法术和强悍的肉*体力量,哪怕和一位4阶巫师也能大战几个回合。 Properly speaking, such formidable demon is not low status creature pure can pile dead by the quantity. However at present in the battlefield, this Third Grade crazy war demon actually stiffly takes down by one crowd of average rank Second Grade Intermediate Level metal Magical Machine. 按理说,这样强大的邪魔根本不是低等生物单纯凭借数量就能堆死的。但是眼前战场上,这头3阶狂战魔却被一群平均等级不过2阶中级的金属魔械硬生生放倒了。 But this crowd of Magical Machine rely on is the maneating remote precision! 而这群魔械凭借的就是凶悍至极的远程火力! If exchanges the war object, is Third Grade Adept and this Magical Machine regiment resists. How long then this Third Grade Adept can insist, how many Magical Machine before can kill at the point of death? 如果把战争对象调换一下,是一位3阶巫师和这个魔械战团对抗。那么这位3阶巫师又能坚持多久,在临死前又能干掉多少魔械呢? Simple guessing, all Ardenne Family Adept cannot help but cold sweat dripping, the heart jumps crazily. 简单的一推估,所有阿尔登家族巫师都不由得冷汗淋淋,心头狂跳起来。 0! 0个! If both sides die to fight do not draw back, perhaps the frontage resistance, Third Grade Adept will link Magical Machine unable to kill will make into the screen by the Magical Machine regiment bang broken protection. 如果双方死战不退,正面对抗的话,恐怕3阶巫师连一台魔械都干不掉就会被魔械战团轰破防护而打成筛子了。 Naturally, if can be more dreadful, Third Grade Adept retreats fighting, catches the opportunity to release high rank Witchcraft then to turn around runs, when the time passes by after slowly, slides to find the opportunity to release high rank Adept again secretly...... 当然,如果能够猥琐些,3阶巫师且战且退,逮机会释放一个高阶巫术然后掉头就跑,等到缓缓时间过去后再偷偷溜回来找机会释放高阶巫师…… By such method, may abrasion this Magical Machine regiment that very much slowly does not have high rank Adept to bring up the rear. 凭借这样的手段,很有可能慢慢磨掉这支没有高阶巫师压阵的魔械战团。 However, such supposition establishes in side Adept can rapidly restore, but in the situation that the opposite party regiment following has not aided the method may the appearance. Once giant airship of top of the head that blocking the sky joins the battlefield, then so-called dreadful sneak attack class has become the joke. 不过,这样的假设是建立在已方巫师能够快速恢复,而对方战团没有后续接应手段的情况下才有可能出现。一旦头顶那艘遮天蔽日的浮空巨舰加入战场,那么所谓的‘猥琐偷袭流’就成了笑话。 The prestige energy of magic energy great artillery, the people have experienced! 魔能巨炮的威能,众人已经见识过了! Demon Lord can evade with ease does not represent human Adept also to be able so easily. 恶魔领主能够轻松躲过可不代表人类巫师也能如此轻易。 Therefore, Crimson family, if erupts into the war with Ardenne Family, even if Crimson family high rank Adept , can hits completely routed by the great the combination of ship and Magical Machine Ardenne Family, flees like a scared rat. 所以,深红家族如果和阿尔登家族爆发战争的话,哪怕深红家族一个高阶巫师不出,也能凭借巨舰和魔械的组合把阿尔登家族打个落花流水,抱头鼠窜。 The victory definitely is the Crimson family, the only difference is many that Magical Machine loses! 胜利肯定属于深红家族,唯一的区别就在于魔械损失的多少而已! Death of crazy war demon has as if begun, in the following quarter, 4 high grade demon died under the crowded fire one after another. 狂战魔的死亡似乎拉开了一道序幕,在接下来的一刻钟内,陆续又有4头高等恶魔死在了密集的炮火之下。 These, let alone human Adept , that Demon Lord Nuse could not bear project the vision. 这一下别说人类巫师了,就连那位恶魔领主菲努斯也忍不住把目光投射了过来。 Led demon under to attack by surprise to plunder several plane Nuse cannot help but to be also surprised. It first time saw, if uses metal Magical Machine to take the battlefield main force massively strange plane. 曾经带领恶魔手下攻袭掳掠过十几个位面的菲努斯也不由得惊讶起来。它还是第一次见到如果大规模使用金属魔械作为战场主力的奇异位面 Did the vertigo, run for a while mistakenly plane? Here...... Isn't Adept World? 难道自己一时眼花,跑错了位面?这里……不是巫师世界 Philippine Nuse shakes the demon head that the spur has stood in great numbers, in the language of low and deep demon fast twittering. Quick , the formidable demon team passed through the space big crevice to arrive at Adept World, showed the fierce ugly body before the people. 菲努斯晃了晃骨刺林立的恶魔头颅,用低沉的恶魔之语快速呢喃着。很快,又有一支强大的恶魔队伍穿越了空间大裂隙降临了巫师世界,把自己狰狞丑陋的身躯展现在了众人面前。
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