AOA :: Volume #14

#1390: Bloody battlefield

What the first batch drill space big crevice is 30 Furlow demons. 第一批钻出空间大裂隙的是30头弗洛魔。 This is a contour resembles strange flight demon of large size bat, their bodies are thin, has the wing of exceptionally spacious demon. They coil around stance in sky to hunt like a leader the condor, attacks to be swift and violent and swift and fierce, lethality main dependence incisive sharp hand fingernail and claw. 这是一种外形酷似大号蝙蝠的奇异飞行恶魔,它们的身躯瘦削干瘪,却有着异常宽大的恶魔之翼。它们盘绕在天空上的姿态就像一头头猎食中的秃鹰,攻击迅猛而凌厉,杀伤力主要依靠尖锐锋利的手爪和脚爪。 Do not look at behind abyss demon to have wing of the demon, is the majority of demon build is grandiose, the body weight exceeds the allowed figure seriously, depends on that cosmetic size the wing of demon unable to fly. 别看深渊恶魔背后都有着一副恶魔之翼,可是大部分恶魔体型壮硕短粗,体重严重超标,就凭那装饰性大小的恶魔之翼是根本飞不起来的。 Like resembling to skin the quart demon and by silique demon of that toad dashes barbarically is famous, whatever they exhaust whole body strength to whip the wing of demon , can only force to be hiked up takeoffs half meter minimum altitude by oneself. 像酷似剥皮癞蛤蟆的夸塞魔和以野蛮冲撞着称的长角恶魔,任凭它们用尽全身力量拍打恶魔之翼,也只能勉强让自己飘起在离地半米的‘超低空’。 Such highly better than nothing, cannot be joined to flies this big on glossary. 这样的‘高度’聊胜于无,也根本配不上飞行这个高大上的词汇。 In all abyss demon flying ability strongest probably was these Furlow demons. 所有的深渊恶魔中飞行能力最强的大概就属这些弗洛魔了。 Their personal appearance are emaciated enough, body weight is light enough, this can spread the wings to hover above the sky. Is relying on coming as soon as called wild kind of magic and sharp lackey, their threats also cannot be underestimated. 它们的身形足够瘦弱,体重足够轻,这才得以展翅翱翔在天空之上。凭借着召之即来的狂暴类法术和锋利至极的爪牙,它们的威胁也是不容小觑的。 Although Furlow demon close combat strength medium, but is relying on the excellent flight skill, pushed in the middle grade demon ranks successfully. But they under also mostly hold the post in Demon Lord are scouting with the role of scout. 弗洛魔虽然近身战力中等,可是凭借着高超的飞行技巧,还是成功挤入了中阶恶魔的行列。而它们在恶魔领主手下也大多担任着斥候和侦察兵的角色。 Saw with own eyes that own big boss Demon Lord Nuse was injured by that strange flight great ship of distant place, all Furlow demons raise the first round to leave strange whistling by that similar apes and monkeys cried sharp, the mantle rushed to the sky in abundance. 眼见自己的大老板恶魔领主菲努斯被远方的那艘奇异飞行巨船所伤,所有弗洛魔扬首发出类似猿猴尖啼的怪异啸叫,纷纷展翼冲上了天空。 They circle to wind high above in the sky high-speed, has shunted silver great ship bow that pitch-dark fearful muzzle, flushes away toward its back that spacious landing deck. 它们在天空高速盘旋飞绕着,躲开了银色巨舰船首那黑洞洞的可怕炮口,向着其背面那宽大的飞行甲板冲去。 However does not wait for them to approach, the Vasello landing deck edge stood rows to lift up high Combat Magical Machine of pitch-dark muzzle. The next second, burns the item of desire blind glare to flash through, magic energy fireball howled to pound into Furlow demon flight team. 然而不等它们靠近,瓦赛罗号飞行甲板边缘就站出来了一排排高举着黑洞洞炮口的战斗魔械。下一秒,灼目欲盲的强光闪过,一颗颗魔能火球呼啸着砸入了弗洛魔的飞行队伍之中。 This batch of Furlow demons mostly are Second Grade creature, only then fragmentary 1-2 the fellows of leader levels climbed up Third Grade reluctantly. Facing the violent storm magic energy fireball baptism, they psst were screaming, did not have including the time of change flight direction, is embezzled by the flame that the bunch exploded. 这批弗洛魔大多都是2阶生物,只有零星一两个首领级的家伙勉强爬上了3阶。面对狂风暴雨般的魔能火球洗礼,它们吱吱尖叫着,连改变飞行方向的时间都没有,就被一团团爆开的火焰吞没了。 Crimson fleet everywhere one visit always has Combat Magical Machine of troop to follow, such information almost Adept World is known to everybody to be known to everybody. Was only a pity that this crowd of Furlow demons do not know! 深红舰队所到之处总是有大群的战斗魔械跟随,这样的情报几乎巫师世界无人不知无人不晓。只可惜,这群弗洛魔不知道! Although abyss demon as a result of the Constitution reason, have strong fire resistance, but has not gone to the fire Immunity situation after all. Therefore the great quantity flame attack has brought the serious magic injury to them. 深渊恶魔们虽然由于体质的缘故,有着超强的火抗,但是毕竟还没有达到火免疫的地步。因此巨量的火焰攻击还是给它们带来了严重的魔法伤害。 30 average ranks reach as high as the Second Grade Advanced Level Furlow demon are only put in an appearance have seven whole bodies burned black, towed the long black smoke tail wing to fall to fall from the sky. However crashes from them the appearance that the still struggles furiously can see, direct Death only has two heads, other five are only the severe wounds. 30头平均等级高达2阶高级的弗洛魔只是一个照面就有七头满身焦黑着,拖曳着长长的黑烟尾翼从天空上跌坠了下去。不过从它们坠落时犹自奋力挣扎的模样可以看出,直接死亡的只有两头,其余五个只是重伤而已。 Damn, these demon fire resistance were too high, does not move! All combat units pay attention, change to the incorruptible beam......” to be responsible for directing goblin Machinist great shout of Magical Machine, in one ka ka ka in the metal replacement sound, no longer is magic energy fireball that the next round salvo comes out, but was crowded such as the incorruptible beam of rain. “该死,这些恶魔火抗都太高了,根本打不动!所有战斗单位都注意,改用冰霜射线……”负责指挥魔械地精机械师们大声呼喊着,在一阵咔咔咔的金属换装声中,下一轮齐射出来的已经不再是魔能火球,而是密集如雨的冰霜射线了。 Besides the incorruptible beam, strengthened explosion power goblin rocket also whiz whiz whiz flew. The arms of their adult are thick or thin, length one meter, internal mixed load massive Arcane crystal and metal projectile. 除了冰霜射线外,增强了爆炸威力的地精火箭也一支支的嗖嗖嗖飞了出来。它们的个头只有成年人的手臂粗细,长一米,内部混装了大量的奥术水晶和金属弹丸。 Whenever the goblin missile brings ear-piercing keenly blowing to break in the demon group, the violent collision can make the Arcane crystal fragment burst out the fearful explosive force. The energy shock-wave smuggles the quantity astonishing metal projectile in the demon most crowded place to explode by the way that the center blossoms, that scene and that scene, making each humanity of witnessing think hearty, roundly. 每当地精飞弹带着刺耳尖啸冲入恶魔群中,猛烈的碰撞会让奥术水晶碎片迸发出可怕的爆发力。能量冲击波夹带着数量惊人的金属弹丸以中心开花的方式在恶魔最密集的地方爆开,那场面、那场景,让每一个亲眼目睹的人类都觉得酣畅至极,痛快淋漓。 The wild explosive force has entrusted with the metal projectile ultra common lethality! 狂野爆炸力赋予了金属弹丸远超寻常的杀伤力! puff...... 噗噗噗…… Crowded such as in rain stroking sound, was involved in the explosive shock wave Furlow demon tumbles along with the storm crazily, vibration that while the body continuously . The blood hole of bulb size sudden appears, has spouted the purple black bloody water from inside. 密集如雨的击打声中,被卷入爆炸冲击波的弗洛魔一边随着风暴疯狂翻滚,一边身躯不住的抖动。一个个指肚大小的血洞突如其来的浮现出来,从里面喷出了紫黑色的血水。 30 people of Furlow demon squads only experienced three rounds attack to be serious on the casualties, towed to entrain the broken body to escape from the attack range of enemy besides that two Third Grade elite Furlow demons, other completely all buckles in the Magical Machine regiment that crowded such as in the attack of rain. 30人的弗洛魔小队只经历了三轮打击就伤亡惨重,除了那两头3阶精英弗洛魔拖拽着残破的身躯逃出了敌人的打击范围外,其余的尽皆折损在了魔械战团那密集如雨的攻击中。 Two elite Furlow demon sad and shrill keenly blowing are coiling around to circle in flight in the upper air, actually does not dare to step into the attack firing line of enemy easily! 两头精英弗洛魔凄厉尖啸着在高空上盘绕飞旋,却再也不敢轻易踏入敌人的攻击火线了! The pestle stands , in same place bought in Demon Lord Nuse of abyss aura patching body in the space big crevice the dissipation was coming out to lift the head silently, was opening that scarlet to such as the ominous offense eye pupil of blood, some cannot believe oneself eye simply. 杵立在原地默默吸纳着空间大裂隙里散逸出来的深渊气息修补身躯的恶魔领主菲努斯抬起了头颅,睁大着那对猩红如血的凶戾眼瞳,简直有些不敢相信自己的眼睛。 That is a middle grade Furlow demon of squad! Even if places Abyss World, was a good air striking force. Unexpectedly...... In this Adept World, has not traced including the side of enemy to unexpectedly is killed almost...... 那可是一小队的中阶弗洛魔啊!哪怕放在深渊世界,也是一支蛮不错的空中突击部队了。竟然……竟然在这个巫师世界,连敌人的身边都没摸到就被干掉了7788…… Philippine Nuse has held breath cold air, first time for own crude and acted recklessly to regret! 菲努斯倒吸了一口凉气,第一次为自己的鲁莽和蛮干感到后悔了! However, abyss demon worthily is filled with full Naozhi to know violence crazy demon that slaughters. 不过,深渊恶魔都不愧是满心满脑只知道杀戮的暴力狂魔。 Its reason only maintained three to count on the fingers to be embezzled by the bloody air/Qi that battlefield that irritated the nose strongly, Nuse face upwarded to send out angry roaring once more, was urging demon that body side each just transmitted launched the attack to the enemy in distant place. 它的理智只维系了三屈指就被战场那浓烈刺鼻的血腥气所吞没,菲努斯再次仰天发出愤怒的吼叫,催促着身侧每一头刚刚传送过来的恶魔向远方的敌人发起进攻。 The bloody fierce battlefield, spreads the full earth the purplish black bloody water and torn to pieces demon remnant body, in addition Demon Lord was full of the seditious fight to roar...... Teams of abyss demon just transmitted, did not wait for this body to adapt to here plane circumstances on hissing to be in abundance howling was putting into the fight. 血腥酷烈的战场,涂满大地的紫黑血水和支离破碎的恶魔残躯,再加上恶魔领主充满了煽动性的战斗怒吼……一队队的深渊恶魔刚刚传送过来,根本不等自己这具身躯适应这里的位面环境就纷纷嘶嚎着投入了战斗。 War Magic Tower also start to assume an awe-inspiring pose, the tower condenses the colorful element brilliance, or changes into thunder lightnings, either turns into the bone-chilling wind the Ice Blade ice spear/gun, either plans Earth Spear Stab that turns into everywhere to flee...... Abyss demon that regardless of which type can gather bring the injury of terror. 一座座战争巫塔也开始发威,塔身凝聚起五彩斑斓的元素光辉,或化为一道道雷霆闪电,或变成寒风刺骨的冰刀冰枪,或拟化成满地窜起的地矛刺……不论哪一种都能给聚集起来的深渊恶魔们带来恐怖的伤害。 Above battlefield, even if the abyss demon single body strength is strong, magic resistance is remarkable, is unable to resist ten several war Magic Tower the bombardments of one after another. The big body was twisted broken, the corpse block that scatters was shelled the blood sauce of purplish black again, with splash, but the black soil stirred , is also together hard to sort again. 战场之上,哪怕深渊恶魔的单体实力再强,魔抗再卓越,也无法抵御十数座战争巫塔的轮番轰击。高大的身躯被绞碎,散落的尸块再被轰击成紫黑的血酱,与飞溅而起的黑色泥土搅拌在一起,再也难以分拣开来了。 However, in the Witchcraft tide that in the violent storm wreaks havoc, there is high rank demon of troop to take advantage of precise Teleportation Spell to appear by the war Magic Tower side directly. 不过,在狂风暴雨般肆虐的巫术浪潮中,也有大群的中高阶恶魔依仗着精确传送术直接出现在了战争巫塔侧旁。 Whenever at this time, was these Witch/Magical Beast courageously threw, with them pestered stubbornly in together time! 而每当这个时候,就是那些巫兽们奋勇扑上,和它们死死纠缠在一起的时刻了! War Magic Tower of simple version mostly only then 20-30 meters altitude, inside almost does not have any life and experimental facility, only retained the basic attack to defend sorcerer array and small-type energy pond. 一座简易版的战争巫塔大多只有二三十米高度,里面几乎没有任何生活和实验设施,只保留了基本的攻击防御巫阵小型能量池。 War Magic Tower oneself does not have the element altar, is unable to derive to drift away the magic energy from plane void. Its revolution depends entirely on connected small-type energy pond support of this with the true Magic Tower Tower energies, therefore only belongs to a Adept Tower surrounding Witchcraft facility. 战争巫塔自身没有元素祭坛,也就无法从位面虚空汲取来游离魔法能量。它的运转全靠这座与真正巫塔高塔能量间相连的小型能量池支撑,因此只属于巫师高塔的一座外围巫术设施。 Because of its simplicity and shrinkage, various materials and resources is impossible to use with the Adept Tower same scale. Therefore, facing these frequently 78 meters high, the body weight reaches as high as several tons, build grandiose valiant abyss demon, is war Magic Tower cannot undergo their unscrupulous dashing and wields chops. 正是因为它的简易和缩水,各种材料和资源也不可能采用和巫师高塔同一档次的。因此,面对那些动辄78米高,体重高达数吨,体型壮硕彪悍的深渊恶魔,就是战争巫塔都经受不起它们肆无忌惮的冲撞和挥砍。 Therefore, the guard also became in war Magic Tower peripheral Witch/Magical Beast can only prevent the abyss demon cannon fodder! 于是,护卫在战争巫塔周边的巫兽也就成了唯一能够阻挡深渊恶魔们的炮灰了! However, although both sides with are cannon fodders, is other cannon fodder actually must by far strong in this cannon fodder. 但是,双方虽然同为炮灰,可是彼炮灰却要远远强于此炮灰。 Abyss demon is all tall and sturdy, the body surface is also tilting the tenacious demon scales and thick blaspheming armor, in addition instantaneous powerful kind of magic...... Witch/Magical Beast in front of demon, on the hunting dog of image plane to fierce lion tiger, whatever they fierce do not fear, brave, must be chopped the melon to cut the dish to do a big piece by the opposite party looks like. 深渊恶魔个个人高马大,体表还倾覆着坚韧的恶魔鳞甲和厚实的亵渎铠甲,再加上瞬发的强悍类法术……巫兽恶魔面前,就像面对凶猛狮虎的猎犬,任凭它们悍不畏死,骁勇善战,也要被对方像砍瓜切菜般一干一大片。 Scarlet Flame Fiend is low rank demon, called the flame demon, was the middle grade ashes lord Novice shape. If ashes lord can also go a step further again, became in the legend can burn the day to extinguish the place fearful Flame Fiend. 炎魔是一种低阶恶魔,又称火焰魔,是中阶灰烬领主初级形态。如果灰烬领主还能再进一步的话,就成了传说中能够焚天灭地的可怕炎魔 Therefore, First Grade scarlet Flame Fiend is also in abyss demon most excels at the long-distance attack a special branch. 所以,1阶的赤炎魔也是深渊恶魔中最擅长远程攻击的一个特殊分支。 Saw with own eyes that front silique demon, the quart demon and crazy war demon are slaughtering Witch/Magical Beast crazily, is attacking war Magic Tower. The personal appearance is slightly emaciated, the body surface burnt bunches of purple severe Huo scarlet Flame Fiend to gather in groups, shouts out is throwing the bunch abyss flame to war Magic Tower. 眼见前方的长角恶魔、夸塞魔和狂战魔疯狂地屠杀着巫兽,冲击着战争巫塔。身形稍微瘦弱,体表燃烧着一簇簇紫色厉火的赤炎魔就聚拢成群,纷纷呼喝着把一团团深渊火焰投掷向了战争巫塔 Although war Magic Tower has used the anti- Magic Stone material, the tower body also engraved has defended sorcerer array, outside the tower has also haunched energy shield...... But many defensive measures cannot support devastation of wild war. 战争巫塔虽然采用了抗魔石材,塔体也镌刻了防御巫阵,塔外也撑起了能量护盾……可是再多的防御措施也架不住狂暴战争的摧残。 Under impact that in abyss demon advances uninterruptedly, peripheral war Magic Tower were overthrown, crowds of Witch/Magical Beast were slaughtered. The entire battlefield bloody piece, can see the blood stream everywhere everywhere, skeleton fearsome scene in confusion. 在深渊恶魔前赴后继的冲击下,一座座外围战争巫塔被推倒,一群群巫兽被屠杀。整个战场血腥一片,到处都可以看到血流满地,尸骸狼藉的可怖场景。 That moment that whenever war Magic Tower drops down, is in the time of Ardenne Family Adept stampede. 而每当一座战争巫塔倒下的那一刻,也就是里面阿尔登家族巫师们狼狈逃窜的时刻。 They needs to run away from the ruins of damage to approaching war Magic Tower, or simply runs away to rear Adept Tower. This short less than hundred meters distance sometimes is the birth and death disparity! 他们需要从损毁的废墟里面逃到临近的战争巫塔,或更干脆逃到后方的巫师高塔里面。这短短的不足百米的距离有时就是生与死的差距! Sees the Adept form, these by being a mass of cuts and bruises abyss demon that war Magic Tower devastates immediately without hesitation flickered to move. 一见到巫师的身影,那些被战争巫塔摧残的体无完肤的深渊恶魔们立刻毫不犹豫的就瞬移了过来。 Passes entirely...... 通通通…… A series of precise Teleportation Spell unique strange sound sound, these have escaped from the ruins the Adept body side shortly to be covered by big fierce bodies. Wields to chop in the sawtooth sword that incisive sharp claws and howl, these only then 1, Second Grade human Adept runs away not to be possible to run away, perishes in abundance at the scene. 一连串精确传送术特有的奇异声音响过,这些逃出废墟的巫师身侧顷刻间就被一具具高大狰狞的身躯所遮盖。在一个个尖锐利爪和呼啸的锯齿剑挥砍下,这些只有1、2阶的人类巫师逃无可逃,纷纷殒命当场。 But the flesh and blood skeleton that they leave behind in a flash was also eaten by the abyss demon minute! 而他们留下的血肉尸骸也在转瞬间就被深渊恶魔们分食一空!
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