AOA :: Volume #14

#1392: Six arm snake demon

From space big crevice stride, but is one crowd of high rank snake demons. 从空间大裂隙了跨步而出的是一群高阶蛇魔。 Their each one behind is dragging a thick long snake tail, by the above torso that raises up straightly extends 4 grandiose arms, the body surface throws over is turning round the dense and numerous dark green hard Qilin, scarlet snake tongue continuously from covering entirely the mouth of incisive advantage tooth searches to extend, the blood-colored sets upright the pupil to glitter gloomy cold glow coldly to take a fast look around all around. 它们个个身后拖着一条粗长的蛇尾,笔直竖起的上部躯干两侧伸出4条壮硕的手臂,身躯表面披覆着密密麻麻的墨绿色硬麟,一条猩红蛇信不住的从布满尖锐利齿的嘴巴里探伸出来,血色竖瞳更是闪烁着阴森寒芒冷冷地扫视着四周。 This crowd of high rank snake demons entered the stage deeply to frighten peripheral all demon. In these low rank demon hides to the both sides, smoothest and the most spacious region left these high rank snake demons the battlefield center. 这群高阶蛇魔一出场就深深震慑住了周边的所有恶魔。那些中低阶恶魔纷纷躲向两侧,把战场中央最平坦、最宽敞的一片地域留给了这些高阶蛇魔。 However this has not calculated. 然而这还不算完。 Along with about a high rank snake demons point, exceptionally beautiful strange six arm snake demons appeared before the people. 随着高阶蛇魔们左右一分,一头异常妖艳诡异的六臂蛇魔出现在了众人面前。 This is female Fourth Grade six arm snake demons! 这是一头雌性的4阶六臂蛇魔! Her first half has more than 4 meters high, completely is a shape of enlargement version humanity beautiful woman. 她的上半身有4米多高,完全是一副放大版人类美女的形态。 Tapering tall and slender oval face, the snow white clear face flesh, the charming moving apricot blossom eye, as well as a dark brown calm automatic strange whip sends...... Only what is a pity, the female six arm snake demon naked upper part have covered an indigo blue tine scale, dense and numerous piles one, making one is unable to peep at the behind infinite beautiful scenery. 尖削细长的瓜子脸,雪白晶莹的面部肌肤,妩媚动人的杏花眼,以及一头深棕色无风自动的诡异鞭发……唯一可惜的是,雌性六臂蛇魔赤衤果的上半身覆盖了一层靛青色的尖齿鳞片,密密麻麻的一层摞一层,令人无法窥视到后面的无穷胜景。 When this female six arm snake demons drag ten several meter/rice joyful large snake tails are walking randomly forward, front outsize two gigantic spherical break out along with her every action and every movement trembling shaking will keep moving, very appealing eyeball. Moreover she wears in dingdong makes noise, sends out clear delightful metal Zheng who on the arm numerous decorative carving fine the metal bangle can collide to call. 每当这头雌性六臂蛇魔摇曳着十数米长的欣长蛇尾游走向前时,胸前鼓囊囊的两个硕大球状突起会随着她的一举一动颤巍巍的晃动个不停,挺吸引人眼球的。而且她佩戴在手臂上众多雕饰精美的金属手镯会碰撞的叮当作响,发出清脆悦耳的金属铮鸣。 Some experience superficial Apprentice Adept are not often able correctly to differentiate the snake demon and Medusa, actually this is also indisputable. Because Medusa and snake demon has cutting the unceasing bloodlines origin. 一些见识浅薄的巫师学徒往往无法正确区分蛇魔和美杜莎,其实这也无可厚非。因为美杜莎和蛇魔本就有着斩之不断的血脉渊源。 Abyss demon will attack major Material Plane at the first opportunity crazily, therefore they also stayed behind in many plane had the descendant of demon bloodlines inheritance. For example after demon and humanity unify, demon person who forms, called demon. 深渊恶魔一有机会就会疯狂侵袭各大物质位面,因此它们也在很多位面留下了拥有恶魔血脉传承的后裔。比如恶魔和人类结合后形成的魔人,也称魔裔。 They have the body and appearance of humanity, after being grown , the universal physique is grandiose, the strength is greatly infinite. Moreover the individual bloodlines rich fellow will also appear striking Magic rune in the body, can borrow the part to come from demon clan blood relation's that side race talent. 他们有着人类的身躯和样貌,成年后普遍体格壮硕,力大无穷。而且个别血脉浓郁的家伙还会在身躯上显现出醒目魔纹,能够借用部分来自魔族血亲那边的种族天赋。 In the Adept World Adept community also small some demon, their people of father's generation often are high rank Adept , but mother is low status other lowly Succubus or any female demon. 巫师世界巫师群体里面也有一小部分魔裔,他们的父辈往往是一位高阶巫师,而母亲则是一位地位低下的卑贱魅魔或其他的什么雌性恶魔 The promiscuous bloodlines make them mostly not have the glorious future. 过于混杂的血脉让他们大多没有美好的未来。 A young living time can obviously melt the maximum limit that the Magic rune demon person can grow is also Third Grade . In the history also never has been promoted Fourth Grade demon lineage Adept . 一个幼生期就能显化出魔纹的魔人所能成长的最大极限也就是3阶了。历史上还从未有过晋级4阶的魔裔巫师 Reasons for this include, nothing more than is the loathing and suppression of Planar Consciousness! 究其原因,不外是位面意识的厌恶和压制而已! But present crowd of high rank snake demon many things around a center crowding around that Fourth Grade female six arm snake demons, swaggering were marching into the battlefield. 而眼前的这群高阶蛇魔众星捧月般簇拥着那位4阶雌性六臂蛇魔,大摇大摆的步入了战场。 Must know that in abyss demon this community, six arm snake demons is engaged in the strategy and tactical plan work mainly. They are also the fellows who in demon creature the unusual being good at ponder and makes the plan. 要知道,在深渊恶魔这个群体里面,六臂蛇魔主要从事谋略和战术策划工作。她们也是恶魔生物中少有的善于思考和制定计划的家伙。 Naturally, because the instinct of abyss demon that consistent chaotic disorder, any fine operation plan gives in their hands, only will be stirred Melee that the integral whole disregards. 当然,由于深渊恶魔们那一贯混乱无序的天性,任何优良的作战计划交给它们手中,都只会被搅浑成不管不顾的混战 But demon is skilled in the Melee expert obviously! 恶魔们显然是精通混战的老手! Therefore, every so often, six arm snake demons to safeguard own plan can implement smoothly , can only come out into the open, hews the innumerable disintegration corpse block the enemy with the sharp and a large number of blade. 所以,很多时候,六臂蛇魔为了保障自己的计划能够顺利实施,也只能赤膊上阵,用自己锋利而数量众多的刀刃把敌人砍成无数个散碎尸块。 But this Fourth Grade six arm snake demons had the status that and Demon Lord Finous treated as an equal obviously. She goes to the battlefield, realized instantaneously on according to own talent instinct the core that the influence entire battlefield result moved toward is. 而这位4阶的六臂蛇魔显然已经拥有了和恶魔领主菲努斯平起平坐的地位。她一踏上战场,瞬间就以自己的天赋本能察觉到了影响整个战场胜负走向的核心所在。 She is leading more than 20 snake demon subordinates, drives away low rank demon in groups to fire into the Magical Machine regiment. After they attracted Magical Machine and war Magic Tower firepower, this crowd of fearful snake demons open the sword blade edge storm immediately, use precise Teleportation Spell penetrated the center of Magical Machine regiment, chopped sanguinary rules there instantaneously. 她带领着20多位蛇魔手下,驱赶着成群的中低阶恶魔冲向魔械战团。等到它们吸引住了魔械和战争巫塔的火力后,这群可怕的蛇魔立刻开启了剑刃风暴,利用精确传送术突入到了魔械战团的中央,瞬间就在那里砍出了一片腥风血雨。 Sword blade edge storm that is six arm snake demon advertisement -type terror big moves. 剑刃风暴那可是六臂蛇魔招牌式的恐怖大招。 They can condense a large number of magic weapons using the magic energy in the body week, then revolves own body to revolve crazily. Whenever the snake demons open the sword blade edge storm the time, is they penetrates that moment in enemy tight encirclement. 她们能够利用魔法能量在身周凝聚起数量众多的魔法武器,然后疯狂地围绕着自己的身躯旋转。每当蛇魔们开启剑刃风暴的时刻,也是她们突入敌人重围之中的那一刻。 They grip tightly the long and narrow sword in slender and strong powerful arm, in addition lingers in the sword blade edge storm in outside the body, enabling each snake demon shortly the incarnation for most terrorist cylinder knife. 她们紧握在纤细而又强健有力臂膀中的狭长战刀,再加上萦绕在体外的剑刃风暴,让每一个蛇魔都能顷刻间化身为最为恐怖的滚筒刀阵。 Even if places during numerous surrounding of enemy, the snake demons stance is as before graceful, movement is magnificent, walks randomly like the idle courtyard promenade is fighting the circle center. The sword referring to place, sweeps away all obstacles, stays behind only has cut torn to pieces scattered corpse blocks. 哪怕身处敌人的重重包围之中,蛇魔们依旧姿态优雅、动作华丽流畅,就像闲庭闲步般游走在战圈中央。刀剑指处,所向披靡,身后留下的只有一具具被切割的支离破碎的零散尸块。 If a snake demon opened the sword blade edge storm to intrude in the Witch/Magical Beast group, magnificence Lili's scene was called one truly magnificent! 一头蛇魔如果开启了剑刃风暴闯入巫兽群里,那华丽丽的场景才叫一个真正的壮观呢! The place of sword blade edge storm sweeping across, the bloody water spatters in all directions, the stump residual limb flies randomly, a leader resembles fierce fearsome fierce Witch/Magical Beast in get lost/rolling the hob light is decapitated, put to death by dismemberment miserably strangles to death. Went to this stretch of battlefield like entering a fearful flesh and blood slaughterhouse, an item of institute and everywhere was the head and corpse block that the tumbling danced in the air. 剑刃风暴席卷之处,血水迸溅,残肢乱飞,一头头状似狰狞可怖的凶猛巫兽在滚滚刀光之中身首异处,惨被凌迟绞杀。踏上这片战场就像进入了一座可怕的血肉屠场,目之所及到处都是翻滚飞舞的头颅和尸块。 However, when this crowd of snake demons broke in the Magical Machine regiment, immediately like jamming the combat tank was common, who also not duplicate formerly swept away all obstacles again was brave. 不过,当这群蛇魔冲入到了魔械战团里面,立刻就像卡了壳的战车一般,再也无复先前所向披靡的豪勇了。 Sword blade edge storm long and narrow sword, wields chops above the metal Magical Machine body, will splash violently shining item of Mars, leaves behind profound scratches on Magical Machine that shining pure metal body. 不论是剑刃风暴还是狭长战刀,挥砍在金属魔械的身躯之上,都会激溅出耀目火星,在魔械那金灿灿的全金属躯壳上留下一道道深刻划痕。 But formidable instead shakes the strength also to make these snake demon wrists/skills be sore, sword trembling buzzing that in the hand grips tightly. 而强大的反震力道也让这些蛇魔手腕酸痛,手中紧握的战刀震颤蜂鸣不已。 Chopping...... Chops motionless! 砍……砍不动! But in a snake demons slightly surprised neutral gear, the counter-attack from Magical Machine regiment shortly will make them taste to kick the severe pain of sheet iron. 而就在蛇魔们微微一愕的空档,来自魔械战团的反击顷刻间就让她们品尝到了踢到铁板的剧痛。 Does not fear the accidental injury or the stray bullet, crowded such as the magic energy beam of rain and psst the goblin missile of keenly blowing will shortly submerge the snake demons body. Fearful Yuan Suwit can add on the metal projectile that full Ping erupts to make into the screen them again instantaneously. 根本不惧误伤或流弹,密集如雨的魔能射线和吱吱尖啸的地精飞弹顷刻间就淹没了蛇魔们的身躯。可怕的元素威能再加上满屏爆发的金属弹丸瞬间就把她们打成了筛子。 Although the snake demon is high rank demon, is having the unequalled fight technique and violent storm swift and fierce attack ability. But the slender gentle build was doomed they to be a agility-type soldier, indigo scales were also primarily are frivolously close. 蛇魔虽然是一种高阶恶魔,拥有着无与伦比的战斗技艺和狂风暴雨般的凌厉打击能力。可纤细轻柔的体型注定了她们属于一种敏捷型战士,身上的靛青鳞甲也以轻薄细密为主。 Such scales cope with the dagger and sword class light weapons to have the unequalled superiority, coordinating them to organize the personal appearance that flexible, can fend and download the majority of near body injury. However the only shortcoming is the defensive power is insufficient! 这样的鳞甲对付匕首、刀剑类的轻武器有着无与伦比的优越性,配合上她们灵活腾挪的身形,能够闪避、卸掉大部分的近体伤害。但是唯一的缺点就是防御力不够! Guards? Imperial? Strength? No? Suffice! 防?御?力?不?够! If their enemies are Witch/Magical Beast such small and weak, rushes to the enemy group to open the sword blade edge storm naturally is the result biggest attack way. But once their attacks suffer setbacks, chops the motionless enemy, then they penetrated the enemy group the action somewhat to be similar to courting death. 如果她们的敌人是巫兽那样弱小者,冲到敌人群里开剑刃风暴自然是收效最大的进攻方式。可一旦她们的攻击受挫,砍不动敌人,那么她们突入敌群的举动就有些类似于找死了。 After violent storm hail of bullets baptism, seven Second Grade snake demons sharp hissing, the entire body made into the honeycomb, falls down not to crawl again in the battlefield. 狂风暴雨般的弹雨洗礼过后,七头2阶蛇魔尖嘶一声,整个身躯被打成了蜂窝,一头栽倒在战场上再也没有爬起。 However, five Third Grade four arm snake demons and that Fourth Grade six arm snake demons actually as before fierce as usual. As high rank demon, their swift and violent attack obviously have gone beyond the withstanding range of Magical Machine defensive power. 不过,五头3阶四臂蛇魔和那位4阶六臂蛇魔却依旧凶猛如常。作为高阶恶魔,她们的迅猛打击显然已经超出了魔械防御力的承受范围。 Six small-type sword blade edge storms blow in the Magical Machine regiment, the place visited, PG52 Combat Magical Machine like was dismantled generally, changed into the innumerable metal parts and Construct fragments in broken bits flies to all directions. 六个小型的剑刃风暴在魔械战团里面刮起,所过之处,PG52型战斗魔械就像被拆解了一般,化为无数细碎的金属部件和构装碎片飞向了四面八方。 In the fragment that swings can also see the close electric spark. 荡起的残片里面还能看到细密的电火花。 high rank demon worthily is high rank demon, plays to suppress, the degree of hardness and magic resistance chop in the ordinary fine steel over ten times pure metal Magical Machine also photos do not harm. 高阶恶魔不愧是高阶恶魔,耍起狠来,就连硬度和魔抗在普通精钢十倍以上的全金属魔械也照砍不误。 Almost puts in an appearance, snake demon team on buckle 7 low rank members, but the loss of Magical Machine regiment over 30. 几乎一个照面,蛇魔队伍就折损了7个低阶成员,而魔械战团的损失则在30个以上。 As if sensation to this crowd of snake demons threat, a war Magic Tower that side fire revolution, thunder lightnings has dropped from the clouds, the illness chops chops crazily to these fearful snake demons. But the latter under shouting out of that six arm snake demons, the personal appearance slightly sways from side to side vanishes in same place, has shunted these striking Witchcraft. 似乎感知到了这群蛇魔的威胁,战争巫塔那边炮火一转,一道道雷霆闪电从天而降,疾劈狂劈向这些可怕的蛇魔。而后者则在那位六臂蛇魔的呼喝下,身形稍一扭动就消失在原地,躲开了这一道道醒目至极的巫术 But that six arm snake demons quite the same as do not pay attention to the bombardment of thunder lightning, the body surrounding haunched a translucent element light cover to camouflage the body, continuation that almost disregarded pursued metal Magical Machine that chopped these four to disperse. 而那位六臂蛇魔则浑然不把雷霆闪电的轰击放在眼里,身躯外围撑起了一道半透明的元素光罩遮蔽住身躯,几乎不管不顾的继续追砍那些四下散开的金属魔械 Six long and narrow bright as snow strange sword places visited, like the chef solves the cow general relaxed free Combat Magical Machine dismember a body. Ignites, goes through, almost does not have any Magical Machine can prevent her to resemble to stroll the battlefield to walk randomly. 六把狭长雪亮的奇异战刀所过之处,就像庖丁解牛一般轻松自如的把一台台战斗魔械大卸八块。一路闪击,一路穿行,几乎没有任何魔械能够阻挡她状似闲庭信步般的战场游走。 Like rain was covered or the scales as for peripheral Magical Machine that intensive attack by the light keeps off, occasionally has the penetration defense , can only bring a faint trace not worthy of mentioning small wound. 至于周边魔械那密集如雨般的攻击都被光罩或鳞甲挡下,偶有穿透防御的,也只能给其带来一丝丝微不足道的小伤。 Fourth Grade demon fearful and fearsome thus can also be inferred! 4阶恶魔的可怕和可怖由此也可见一斑! Snort, this snake demon was also too rampant! magic energy great artillery preparation, gives her a color to take a look......” assumes Vasello Captain Locke a face angry look, has issued the fight instruction loudly. “哼,这头蛇魔也太嚣张了!魔能巨炮准备,给她一点颜色瞧瞧……”坐镇瓦赛罗号洛克船长一脸愤怒神色,大声的发出了战斗指令。 Under its direction, the magic energy great artillery of giant airship ship bow position starts the sufficient energy once again, the fearful energy calling together sound made one be panic at the news. 在它的指挥下,浮空巨舰舰艏位置的魔能巨炮又一次开始充能,可怕的能量啸聚声音令人闻风丧胆。 The superior dangerous intuition let place the six arm snake demons in fight to detect the origin of danger ahead of time. When magic energy great artillery muzzle suddenly one bright, when the thick black light beam points to together its body comes, before six arm snake demon six long and narrow sword high-risings refers , the entire torso draws together the snow white straight line under supporting of joyful large snake tail, before strange, suddenly hundred meters remote. 超常的危险直觉让身处战斗之中的六臂蛇魔提前发觉了危险的来源。当魔能巨炮炮口陡然一亮,一道粗大至极的黑色光柱直指其身躯而来时,六臂蛇魔六把狭长战刀兀地前指,整个躯干在欣长蛇尾的撑持下划出一道雪白直线,诡异的前突了百米之遥。 But is these hundred meter thorns, lets evade the bombardment of energy light beam she succeeds, kept off 11 Combat Magical Machine on its advance Path while convenient along the way cuts everywhere the fragment. 而就是这百米突刺,让她成功的躲过了能量光柱的轰击,也顺便把沿途挡在其前进路线上的11台战斗魔械斩成了满地碎片。 Suddenly, a battlefield deathly stillness. 一时间,战场一片死寂。 That assumes nightmare old castle, Mary that rested and built up strength cannot help but has opened the eye, concentrated on the vision distantly on this able to move unhindered invincible six arm snake demons. 就连那位坐镇噩梦古堡,正在休养生息的玛丽都不由得张开了眼睛,把目光遥遥投注在了这位纵横无敌的六臂蛇魔身上。
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