AOA :: Volume #12

#1121: The origin and destruction of life

Floating City is crashing...... 浮空城在坠毁…… This also means that leaves the intruder to plunder the time of the plunder resources and treasure were not many. 这也就意味着留给入侵者们搜刮掠夺资源和宝物的时间已经不多了。 Therefore the fight above Floating City even more was also intense! 因此浮空城之上的战斗也就愈发激烈了! But in the Floating City inner rim, west of Arcane palace Arcane institute in 7 kms away, a unique course is also underway. 而在浮空城内环,奥术殿堂以西7公里外的一座奥术学院之中,一场绝无仅有的讲座还在进行之中。 That knowledge hall, is that two familiar form. 还是那座学识大厅,还是那两个熟悉的身影。 Lucia sits respectfully in the first row of spacious knowledge hall, earnest and careful listens attentively to Brown to narrate on and on. 露西亚正襟危坐在宽大学识大厅的第一排,认真且细致的倾听着布朗阁下的娓娓讲述。 Today what Brown narrates is the origin of life study, inside also contained part of own views and opinions...... 今天布朗阁下讲述的是生命起源学,内里也包含了一部分自己的看法和见解…… In big knowledge hall empty, only then he and Lucia, but he generous temperate voice is the reverberation sky over the entire hall, thunders including outside destroy the Heavens and exterminate the Earth element is unable to cover. 诺大的学识大厅里面空荡荡的,只有他和露西亚两人,而他宽厚温和的声音更是回荡在整座大厅上空,连外面毁天灭地般的元素轰鸣都无法遮盖。 „The origin of life has the different theory opinions in different plane......” “生命的起源在不同的位面有不同的理论见解……” In Planar World of Gods rule, their unified explanations is the life creates by Gods! All world myriad things, all plane lives were unify some plane materials to create with his body or the blood by great Revered God......” “在诸神统治的位面世界,他们统一的解释是生命是由诸神创造的!所有的天地万物,所有的位面生灵都是由伟大的神祗用他的身躯或血液结合了一些位面物质创造出来的……” These god sticks, although took this set of theory to cheat many ignorant followers, but their theories were very difficult to justify oneself. At least they cannot explain where Gods braved......” “这些神棍们虽然拿着这一套理论哄骗了不少愚昧信徒,可是他们的理论却很难自圆其说。至少他们解释不了诸神又是从哪里冒出来的……” Here, Brown could not bear laugh. 说到这里,布朗阁下忍不住哈哈大笑起来。 But by him behind that say/way translucent crystal curtain wall, can see indistinctly distant place horizon Arcane Tower had overcome the sky by the enemy, crashed has sent out the earthshaking explosion in the Floating City surface. 而透过他身后那道半透明的水晶幕墙,能够隐约看到远方天际一座奥术塔被敌人打下了天空,坠落在浮空城表面发出了惊天动地的爆炸。 The seismic wave passed to the Arcane institute quickly, has initiated the persistent shakes and swaying of large quantities of construction. The knowledge hall that their two are at also starts slight rocking, falls the tiles that from the round arch fine vault of heaven crown the innumerable ashes and fall off. 震波很快传到了奥术学院,引发了大批建筑的持续震荡和摇晃。就连他们两个所在的学识大厅也开始轻微的晃动,从圆拱形精美的天穹顶部扑簌簌掉落下来无数灰粉和脱落的瓷片。 But the two in hall not care a whoop, one is listening in earnest one lecture as before...... 可是大厅内的两人对此毫不在意,依旧在认真的一讲一听着…… „...... Most plane creature its life in the ignorant life, simply are not having to realize finally oneself are in one to receive the plane membrane protection in the closed room. Only then these have awakened the high rank consciousness will realize that this issue, and tries to look for the answer......” “……大多数位面生物终其一生都是在浑浑噩噩的生活着,根本没有意识到自己正处于一个受到位面界膜保护的封闭空间之内。只有那些觉醒了的高阶意识才会意识到这个问题,并设法寻找答案……” However their answers in plane void......” “而他们的答案就在位面虚空……” plane is groundless, void not empty......” 位面不实,虚空不虚……” Each Planar World all sorts of strange material joining together that is swung by the void volume. Did not have the ice-cold material that the wisdom not knows, inside has not contained any animal or the plant. After the plane membrane fuses, has wrapped the entire world completely, isolates with the outside formidable and terrifying void storm. Then, cannot leave for hundred years, birth that in the membrane can grow out of nothing strange life seed......” “每个位面世界都是由虚空卷荡来的种种奇异物质拼合而成的。原本都是无智无识的冰冷物质,里面并没有包含任何动物或植物。但是当位面界膜融合后,把整个世界完整的包裹了起来,与外界强大而恐怖的虚空风暴隔绝开来。那么,出不了百年,界膜之内就会从无到有的诞生出奇异的生命种子……” Here, Brown Arcanist Master cannot help but raised the head to look up to the starry sky, in the words has filled and yearned to the awe of strange universe. 说到这里,布朗奥术师不由得抬头仰望星空,话语中充满了对奇异宇宙的敬畏和向往。 „The investigation about plane life, the empire has continued from all sides for several thousand years. These have destroy the Heavens and exterminate the Earth to be able Arcanist Great Master even also personally built primary plane, then spent several hundred years of time to supervise the process that the plane life has grown out of nothing......” “关于位面生命的调查,帝国已经前前后后持续了数千年。在此期间,那些拥有着毁天灭地之能的大奥术师们甚至还亲手打造出了一个原生位面,然后花费数百年时光监察了位面生命从无到有的过程……” Then in plane life of first birth from where?” The Lucia cannot help but both eyes circle opens the eyes, is licking the lip lightly, was inquiring anxiously. “那么位面之内第一个诞生的生命来自何方?”露西亚不由得双目圆睁,轻舔着嘴唇,急切的询问着。 Beside plane, endless void......” Brown Arcanist Master cannot bear says with a sigh spookily. 位面之外,无尽虚空……”布朗奥术师忍不住幽幽叹息道。 Beside plane, endless void?” Lucia is out of control to mutter is duplicating. 位面之外,无尽虚空?”露西亚禁不住喃喃重复着。 Yes, Arcanist Great Master also feel like you extremely inconceivable! The first source of plane life after beside plane......” Brown sighed the moment restored the habit unexpectedly: „After Arcanist Great Master reach this conclusion, has made various investigations based on this, discovered that the most Planar World interior creature similarity unexpectedly reaches as high as 87%. Although some creature the different environment had Variation on some physique and Skeleton in different plane and, but investigates its source, they still stem from the same life source......” “是啊,大奥术师们也像你一样感到万分的不可思议!位面生命的第一源头竟然是来自位面之外……”布朗感叹了片刻后又恢复了常态:“大奥术师们得到这个结论后,又据此做出了各种调查,发现绝大部分位面世界内部生物的相似度竟然高达87%。虽然有些生物在不同的位面、不同的环境里发生了一些形体和骨骼上的变异,可是究其本源,它们依然起源于同一个生命源头……” Outside the knowledge hall, bang bang transmits unceasingly, the continuous Large expanse of day fire appears suddenly the construction of Arcane institute big piece fused to roast the cake. 学识大厅外面,轰隆隆的巨响不断传来,连绵成片的天火自天而降把奥术学院大片的建筑都熔融成了烤化的蛋糕。 The trim world starts silent combustion. 整片天地都开始无声的燃烧起来。 But in the end of line of sight, a flame giant of being indomitable spirit in angry roaring, is swaying the continuous flame, seems fighting with some formidable enemy. 而在视线的尽头,一个顶天立地的火焰巨人正在愤怒的咆哮,举手投足间挥洒出源源不断的火焰,似乎正在和某个强大的敌人在战斗着。 The Arcane barrier of hall surface has not dissipated, blocks the terrifying air wave that the outside elevated suddenly reluctantly. 大厅表面的奥术屏障还未消散,勉强挡住了外界急剧升高的恐怖气浪。 However Arcane rune array of hall peripheral etching on thick stone column already, because formerly shake presented some damaged. Some strange flame penetrate the gap in Arcane barrier to shine through, making the hall temperature also start to promote slowly. 但是大厅周边蚀刻在粗大石柱上的奥术符阵已经因为先前的震荡出现了些许破损。一些奇异的火焰穿透奥术屏障上的缺口透射进来,让大厅内部的温度也开始缓慢提升。 Peripheral construction already one after another collapsing fusing, but the knowledge hall as a result of existence of Brown Arcanist Master, the Arcane barrier is operating as before difficultly. But has a look at the peripheral very severe and fearful environment, here was impossible to support is too long. 周边的建筑已经陆续坍塌熔融,而学识大厅由于布朗奥术师的存在,奥术屏障依旧在艰难的运行着。只不过看看周边酷厉而可怕的环境,这里也不可能撑持太久了。 Since Arcanist Great Master perceived beside the life origin and plane, then they haven't traced the life the true source?” The Lucia cheek red urgency pursues asks. “既然大奥术师们已经觉察到了生命来源与位面之外,那么他们没有追查生命的真正源头吗?”露西亚脸蛋通红的急切追问道。 „The plane void brutality and fierceness, have not experienced the person cannot imagine. To inquire about the mystery of sea of stars deep place, investigates the origin of plane life, these Arcanist Great Master then built the powerful force incomparable half plane fort, along some fixed path, plane plane conquered has gotten down......” 位面虚空的残酷和凶猛,没有经历过的人是想象不到的。正是为了探寻星海深处的奥秘,探查位面生命的起源,那些大奥术师们这才打造出了威力强大无比的半位面要塞,沿着某一个固定的轨迹,一个位面一个位面的征服了下去……” To empire before this crisis, the Arcane empire altogether has sought for and conquered 2317 plane, and turned into our secondary plane or resources plane them......” “到帝国面临此次危机之前,奥术帝国一共寻找、征服了2317个位面,并把它们都变成了我们的次级位面或资源位面……” Certain Arcanist Great Master also believe that if we can travele across all Planar World the trail, radiates strength of Arcane empire to multi-dimensional universe each corner, then any secret in our eyes no longer will be the secret. Entire multi-dimensional universe like the Arcane garden after our room, appointed we demand everything......” “某些大奥术师们至今还相信,如果我们能够把足迹踏遍所有位面世界,把奥术帝国的力量辐射到多元宇宙每一个角落,那么任何秘密在我们眼中都将不再是秘密。整个多元宇宙就像我们屋后的奥术花园一样,任我们予取予求……” This...... Teacher, is such idea already the zero point that deviated us to embark? Like this walks, what do we have to distinguish with these Disaster creature?” The look that on the Lucia face flood pain and struggled, cannot help but worriedly shook the head to say. “这……老师,这样的想法是不是已经偏离了我们出发的原点?这样走下去,我们又和那些灾厄生物有什么区别呢?”露西亚脸上泛起了痛苦和挣扎的神色,不由得苦恼摇头道。 Small Lucia, you think that all people like you, forever is maintaining the initial that idea? Deciphers the plane source, investigates the universe to be real! Such idea, our everyone can achieve at first. But when our strength are getting more and more formidable, the knowledge of gathering is getting more and more huge, graces can destroy plane, destroys a world. At that time, can we also the tranquil under mood, continue to seek our truth?” Brown was sighing easely. “小露西亚,你以为所有的人都像你一样,永远保持着最初的那一丝理念吗?解密位面本源,探查宇宙真实!这样的想法,我们最初每个人都能够做到。可是当我们的力量越来越强大,汇聚的知识越来越庞大,举手投足就能够摧毁一个位面,毁灭一个世界。在那时,我们还能够平静下心情,继续追求我们的真理吗?”布朗悠然叹息着。 After innumerable Arcanist Master, the investigations and guessing of innumerable age, upper level the Arcane empire believes that the multi-dimensional universe that we survive is not perhaps only, is not complete. Possibly still exists outside of multi-dimensional universe with our similar life spaces, to maintain the activeness and flowing of internal life, has the strange material and life exchange in the different multi-dimensional universes......” “经过无数奥术师,无数年代的探查和推估,奥术帝国上层坚信,我们所生存的这个多元宇宙也许并不是唯一的,更不是全部。在多元宇宙的外面可能还存在着与我们类似的生命空间,而为了保持内部生命的活性和流动,在不同的多元宇宙之间也存在着奇异的物质、生命交换……” Between multi-dimensional universes and multi-dimensional universes have the exchange, but the multi-dimensional universe, between plane and plane have hiding, and inevitable material and life exchange......” “多元宇宙与多元宇宙之间存在着交换,而多元宇宙内部,位面位面之间也存在着隐蔽且必然的物质、生命交换……” Lucia hears here, cannot help but surprisedly has opened the mouth, cannot bear mutter: If...... If this type exchanges real existence, then who is the first propelling force?...... The multi-dimensional universe has one really to the high life, investigates and is controlling all in multi-dimensional universe?” 露西亚听到这里,不由得惊讶的张开了嘴巴,忍不住喃喃道:“如果……如果这种交换真的存在的话,那么谁是第一推动力?难道……难道多元宇宙真的存在一个至高生命,探查并掌控着多元宇宙内的一切?” Small Lucia, you should know, after each Planar World the life multiplication expands, will be born one type dimly, and instinct Planar Consciousness. This Planar Consciousness will be controlling Plane Principle, making entire Planar World rely on some rule or the instinct operates......” “小露西亚,你应该已经知道了,每一个位面世界当生灵繁衍壮大之后,都会诞生出一种朦胧且本能的位面意识。这个位面意识会操控着位面法则,让整个位面世界依循着某种规律或本能去运行……” Then our Morian plane also does have Planar Consciousness?” Lucia opened the eye curiously. “那么我们莫瑞安位面也有位面意识吗?”露西亚好奇的睁大了眼睛。 Naturally had. You and I, as well as any life and any small material in Morian plane are great Planar Consciousness part. If you have the opportunity to be promoted 1 Revolution Arcanist Master, in that flash of being promoted, you can......” Brown favor short moving to great Planar Consciousness looks at present this resourceful easy to learn apprentice that drowns. “当然有了。你、我,以及莫瑞安位面里的任何一个生命、任何一点微小的物质都是伟大位面意识的一部分。如果你有机会晋级1环奥术师的话,在晋级的那一瞬间,你就能短暂的触碰到伟大的位面意识……”布朗宠溺的看着眼前这个机敏好学的学徒 Although they do not have the teacher and disciple's cassock and almsbowl relations, is in this moment, he has regarded his disciple to teach the opposite party from the heart of hearts that is inheriting. 两人虽然没有导师和弟子的衣钵关系,可是在这一刻,他从内心深处已经把对方当成了自己的弟子在教导,在传承。 The Lucia congealing eyebrow racks one's brains. 露西亚凝眉苦思。 She really cannot imagine, so huge Planar World, once were born Planar Consciousness, what it should be? Does it have the feeling of laughter , anger , sorrow and happiness or ache like humanity or ordinary life? Then it controls the plane life? 她实在想象不出来,一个如此庞大的位面世界,一旦诞生了位面意识,它又该是什么样的?它也会像人类或普通生灵一样有喜怒哀乐或疼痛的感觉吗?那它又是怎么操控位面生灵的呢? Outside the hall, bang the element thundered is more giant. 大厅之外,轰隆隆的元素轰鸣更加巨大了。 The fight of distant place flame giant as if left the knowledge hall to be getting more and more near, the outside wall surface of hall by terror red of high-temperature roasting, the round arch vault of heaven that towered high is started to soften, one after another was flowing the scarlet-red fusing rock magma downward. 远处火焰巨人的战斗似乎离得学识大厅越来越近了,大厅的外墙面已经被恐怖的高温烘烤的一片通红,高高耸立的圆拱形天穹开始软化,一滴一滴的向下流淌着赤红的熔融岩浆。 Brown Arcanist Master waved, a pestle stood to walk in nearby big Arcane puppet, covered the ceiling that has crashed unceasingly with the huge body and broad both arms for them. 布朗奥术师挥了挥手,一尊杵立在旁边的高大奥术傀儡走了过来,用庞大的身躯和宽阔的双臂替他们遮挡住了不断坠落的天花板。 The temperature in hall became is hard to take! 大厅里的温度变得更加难耐了! When to at this moment, Floating City fell about half altitude, the entire city ground has fallen in torrents 45 degrees, the most surface started to burn to collapse. 时至此刻,浮空城已经坠下了近半高度,整个城市地基倾泻了45度,大半的地表都开始燃烧坍塌了起来。 Looks from the knowledge hall peripheral crystal curtain wall, the entire horizon is inclined. 从学识大厅周边的水晶幕墙望出去,整个地平线都是倾斜的。 Outside everywhere is the flame, is fighting everywhere, completely is an appearance of judgment day. 外面到处都是火焰,到处都在战斗,完全是一副世界末日的模样。 Leaves their time not to be many! 留给他们的时间已经不多了!
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