AOA :: Volume #12

#1122: library

However to at this moment, Brown and Lucia has disregarded the life and death completely, as in this simple and narrow and small in asked safely answers, immerses in the knowledge the joy of inheritance and gain. 然而到了此时此刻,布朗和露西亚已经完全把生死置之度外,依旧在这个简单而狭小的‘安全所’里一问一答,沉浸在知识传承和获取的喜悦之中。 Perhaps this world next second will destroy, perhaps their next second will unravel, is in this moment, they as before for the that little simple and obstinate idea and faith are persisting, practicing...... 也许这个世界下一秒就会毁灭,也许他们两个下一秒就会灰飞烟灭,可是在这一刻,他们依旧在为自己那一点点朴素且执拗的理念和信念在坚持着,在实践着…… The faith that this is they are contacting Arcane knowledge the first day promises, they are also willing to pay oneself all for this reason, and even own life. 这是他们在接触到奥术知识的第一天就许下的信念,他们也愿意为此付出自己的一切,乃至自己的生命。 This perhaps is the Arcane empire can in short nearly ten thousand years in rapidly rises, and becomes multi-dimensional universe makes the one looking askance formidable strength basic reason! 这或许才是奥术帝国能够在短短近万年的时间里快速崛起,并成为多元宇宙一支令人侧目强大力量的根本原因! Heard the explanation of Brown Arcanist Master, the hope and anticipation in Lucia eye even more were also intense. 听到了布朗奥术师的解释,露西亚眼中的渴望和期待也就愈发强烈了。 However when her opened mouth wants to continue to inquire about some issues, bang an earthshaking bang, the Arcane barrier of knowledge hall is also again incapable of withstanding the ignition of terrifying flame, ruptured the everywhere hot filings and fireworks. 然而就在她张口想要继续询问一些问题时,嘭的一声惊天动地巨响,学识大厅的奥术屏障再也无力承受恐怖火焰的灼烧,爆裂成了漫天的火屑和烟花。 The billowing heat wave and passive day fire flooded into the hall instantaneously. 滚滚热浪和无源天火瞬间涌入了大厅。 Lucia felt oneself as if threw into a lava volcano, in the air of surges shake is filling the terror high temperature. But her clothes, long hair and flesh, as well as the blood and Skeleton in within the body fast withered withering under terrifying high-temperature roasting, has the instantaneous grey trend greatly. 露西亚感觉自己仿佛被扔进了一个熔岩火山之中,翻腾震荡的空气里弥漫着恐怖的高温。而她的衣服、长发、肌肤,以及体内的血液、骨骼都在恐怖高温烘烤下快速的干瘪枯萎,大有瞬间化灰的趋势。 But her turning head with every effort, looked to the hall somewhere. 而她尽力的扭过头,看向了厅外某处。 There, a huge flame giant is fearless and vertical, cross-over knowledge hall in big strides. 那里,一个庞大至极的火焰巨人正昂然而立,大踏步的跨入学识大厅。 This is a flame giant who towers palatially! 这是何等巍峨耸立的一个火焰巨人啊! Looked the body that roaring flame winds around, can see the flame Elf cheerful soaring everywhere the form, can feel the ignition feeling that the high-temperature flame class brings everywhere...... The body that the opposite party towers big is projecting outward inexhaustibly light and hot, but the vision projected to the flame giant on made Lucia both eyes be burnt the blind, entire body the candle starts to fuse like roasted. 看那烈焰缭绕的身躯,到处都能看到火焰精灵欢快飞翔的身影,到处都能感受到高温焰流带来的灼烧感……对方高大耸立的身躯正在向外投射着无穷无尽的光和热,只是目光投射到火焰巨人身上就已经令露西亚双眼被灼瞎,整个身躯都像一根烤化的蜡烛一样开始熔融了。 Incessantly is she, that has Brown of 2 Revolutions strength unable the short distance to withstand the great supernatural power of flame giant, clothing was ignited first, subsequently on the face, hand, skin started to float off the blister, the whole person fall into extremely painful status/mode. 不止是她,就连那位有着2环实力的布朗也无法近距离承受火焰巨人的伟岸神力,身上的衣物先被引燃,继而脸上、手上、身上的皮肤开始浮起大片大片的水泡,整个人都陷入到了一种极度痛苦状态 If he is an average person, that moment that perhaps the combustion domain covers, he has unravelled. But his 2 Revolutions Arcanist Master strength, making him be able to struggle in the combustion domain is supporting several to count on the fingers much, made him suffer greatly for this reason. 如果他是普通人,或许燃烧领域覆盖下来的那一刻,他就已经灰飞烟灭了。而正是他2环奥术师的实力,让他得以在燃烧领域中挣扎着多撑持了十几屈指,也让他为此受尽了折磨。 Even if so painful situation, Brown has not maintained oneself as before, but poured into all Arcane strength that matter Arcane barrier of Lucia outside the body. But he fast cremation ash in detonation flame of shooting up to the sky, turned into a fearful burned body. 然而即便是如此痛苦的情形,布朗依旧没有维护自身,而是把所有的奥术力量注入到了露西亚体外的那层奥术屏障之中。而他自己则在冲天而起的爆燃火焰中快速的焚化成灰,变成了一具可怕的焦尸。 But 2 Revolutions Arcanist Master strength, even if not possibly uses to survive in the Grim's combustion domain fully. Therefore Brown takes own Death compared with him not to live as Lucia that price protects for several seconds, in strength along with Arcane barrier was consumed fast, Lucia also follows close on the step of opposite party to start to march into Death fast. 只不过一位2环奥术师力量,哪怕倾尽全力也不可能在格力姆的燃烧领域里存活。因此布朗以自身死亡为代价而保护下来的露西亚也不比他多活几秒钟,随着奥术屏障上的力量被快速消耗,露西亚也紧跟着对方的步伐开始快速步入死亡 strength...... Originally this is so-called strength!” Lucia both eyes were fired the cavity, the dull ground toward that flame giant, the mouth cannot help but was muttering. 力量……原来这就是所谓的力量!”露西亚双目被烧成了空洞,呆呆地面朝着那位火焰巨人,嘴里不由得喃喃自语着。 When Arcane barrier burnt through that moment, her body also along with together the instantaneous ash, soul also under the strange flame wraps up starts to melt little. 奥术屏障被烧穿的那一刻,她的身躯也随着一起瞬间化灰,就连灵魂也在奇异火焰卷裹下开始一点点消融。 But at the last minute that her soul about to perishes, a resounding and strange sound resounds in her innermost soul suddenly. 而就在她灵魂行将灭亡的最后一刻,一个高亢而陌生的声音突然在她的灵魂深处响起。 Un? A good pure soul......” “嗯?好纯净的一个灵魂……” The word, the flame deep place as if suddenly has opened a strange cavity, Lucia her soul involuntary bought, submerges in the black hole, did not have any sensation again. 言罢,火焰深处似乎突然张开了一个奇异空洞,露西亚她的灵魂身不由己的被吸纳过去,没入黑洞之中,再也没有任何感知了。 Grim has hefted the dark precious pearl in hand, sets up the sensation to that small and weak soul ignorant pestle, on satisfied nod, received the precious pearl. 格力姆掂了掂手中的黑暗宝珠,感知到那个弱小的灵魂浑浑噩噩的杵立其中,也就满意的点点头,重新收好了宝珠。 Was strange a moment ago at that moment, but extinguished conveniently has killed two kids, chip unexpectedly strange on a fellow sensation to the Planar Consciousness projection aura. Moreover that fellow is in them strength weak one, possibly is only position Arcane apprentice. 刚才那一刻非常奇怪,不过随手灭杀了两个小家伙,芯片竟然奇异的在其中一个家伙身上感知到了位面意识的投影气息。而且那个家伙还是两人中实力较弱的一个,可能只是位奥术学徒 Properly speaking such fellow is impossible to bring in the Planar Consciousness attention, but waved to cremate the grey moment in Grim them a moment ago, chip actually real feeling slight fluctuation of Planar Consciousness. 按理说这样的家伙是不可能引来位面意识关注的,但是刚才在格力姆挥手把他们焚化成灰的一刻,芯片却真真实实的感受到了位面意识的轻微波动。 This is one type the strange feeling that is difficult to explain! 这是一种很难言喻的奇异感觉! It looks like Morian plane Planar Consciousness closely silently is paying attention to this small and weak Arcane apprentice, when therefore Grim extinguishes it kills, brings in the Planar Consciousness depth to detest with the full evil intention. 就像是莫瑞安位面位面意识始终在默默关注着这个弱小的奥术学徒,因此当格力姆无意间把其灭杀之时,也就引来了位面意识的深度憎恶和满满的恶意。 Therefore, out of a curiosity, the Grim intention moves, uses in the Fifth Grade dark precious pearl the strength of that strange shadow to be involved this small and weak soul, and trapped/sleepy lock there. 所以,出于一种好奇心,格力姆心念一动,利用5阶黑暗宝珠中那奇异的暗影之力把这个弱小的灵魂卷入其中,并困锁在那里了。 But after completing all these, Grim is then rocking the body, has drawn back from the flame giant shape slowly, restored the body of humanity. 而做完这一切后,格力姆这才晃动着身躯,缓缓从火焰巨人形态退了出来,恢复了人类之躯。 He does not have the result with that Lich Conger Nurse's fight. 他和那位巫妖康格纳斯的战斗并没有结果。 When Floating City central area Arcane palace there erupted the evil hoof and 5 Revolutions Arcanist Great Master fearful war, Lich Conger Nurse gave up and Grim's fight finally, the turning around volume leads that Fourth Grade ice ghost to howl is hurrying to the distant place battlefield. 浮空城中心区奥术殿堂那里爆发了邪蹄和5环大奥术师的可怕大战之时,巫妖康格纳斯终于放弃了和格力姆的战斗,转身卷带着那头4阶冰鬼呼啸着向远方战场赶去。 Looks at its meaning, seems thinks that the snipe freshwater mussel contends to gain at another's expense, hurries to look for the small advantage. 看它那意思,似乎是想鹬蚌相争渔人得利,赶去找找便宜。 But Grim does not dread this Lich slightest, but considers own strength, chose searched for some spoils of war in the surrounding. As for that Mangers and Chirlitha, in received the heavy injury with the fight of ice ghost in obviously, can only seek the place to run therapy in addition. 格力姆虽然并不畏惧这位巫妖分毫,可是考虑到自身的实力,还是选择了在外围搜寻一些战利品。至于那位曼格斯和邱丽莎,显然在和冰鬼的战斗中受了不轻的伤势,只能另寻地方跑去疗伤了。 Therefore, Grim kept in this Arcane institute simply, optional takes a walk in inside. 因此,格力姆索性就留在了这所奥术学院之中,随意的在里面走动起来。 Has passed through several collapsing about half corridors, has turned around some bend angles, in a end place of corridor, Grim had discovered impressively a fan belt has the indistinct elemental fluctuation black wooden door. 穿过了几条坍塌近半的廊道,拐过了一些弯角,在一间走廊的尽头处,格力姆赫然发现了一扇带有隐约元素波动的黑色木门。 Grim has pushed pushing with the hand, is entirely still. 格力姆用手推了推,纹丝不动。 On the black wooden door floats is being raised a strange bronze face, dodges along with the yellow luminescence, this bronze face has opened the eye slowly. 黑色木门上面浮凸着一个奇异的青铜人脸,随着黄光一闪,这个青铜人脸缓缓睁开了眼睛。 Code...... Code...... Here is the secret library of multi- graciousness Dell Arcane Institute, declined the bystander to visit. To enter, please say general code!” “密语……密语……这里是多恩戴尔奥术学院的秘密藏书室,谢绝外人探访。想要进入,请说出通行密语!” Is listening to the strange voice of opposite party nearly mechanical type, the Grim not patient look one severe, golden flame swings on the volume, fired one on this black wooden door sufficiently for large hole that oneself went through. 听着对方近乎机械式的奇异语音,格力姆没耐烦的眼神一厉,一股金色的火焰就卷荡而出,在这座黑色木门上灼烧出了一个足以供自己穿行的大洞 A small Arcane secret door, how also possibly to block intrusion of Fourth Grade powerhouse. 一个小小的奥术密门而已,又怎么可能挡得住一位4阶强者的闯入。 Drop, examines the strange warning news......” chip to feed back fast. “滴,检测到奇异警报讯息……”芯片快速反馈着。 Obviously Grim's forced one's way in triggered the defense mechanism of library, if under normal circumstances, should quick have large quantities of Arcanist Master fully-armed caught up to surround Grim. 显然格力姆的强行闯入已经触发了藏书室的防御机制,如果在正常情况下,应该很快就会有大批奥术师全副武装的赶过来围堵格力姆了。 What a pity, at this moment, entire Floating City randomly has become one group. 可惜,此时此刻,整个浮空城都已经乱成了一团。 The Arcane palace in central area suffered the attack of evil hoof, how Arcanist Master of these a little strength possibly rush to this remote place to look for Grim's to be troublesome. 就连中心区的奥术殿堂都遭受到了邪蹄的攻击,那些有点实力的奥术师们又怎么可能跑到这个偏僻的地方来找格力姆的麻烦。 Therefore, Grim ignores to the alert, steps into, is observing the situation inside all silently. 所以,格力姆对警戒信息置之不理,踏入其中,默默环视着里面的一切。 This is an extremely spacious bright library, can see that everywhere rows have chocked up the golden bookshelf of books, above densely and numerously is slightly the dissipation the generous books of Arcane miraculous glow. Looks at that fine title page decoration, looks at that partly visible Arcane miraculous glow, obviously is not the ordinary goods. 这是一间极其宽大明亮的图书室,到处都能看到一排排摆满了书籍的金色书架,上面密密麻麻全是微微散逸着奥术灵光的宽厚书籍。看那精美的封面装饰,看那若隐若现的奥术灵光,显然都不是普通的货色。 Sees here all, Grim is out of control to knit the brows slightly. 看到这里的一切,格力姆禁不住微微皱了皱眉。 restriction...... Too many restriction! 禁制……太多的禁制 Obviously to guard against some people exceeds authority to glance through the books, all Arcane ancient books were blocked, during is in alone * vertical and formidable Arcane rune array protects. 显然为了防范有人越权翻阅书籍,所有的奥术典籍都被封锁了起来,处于一个个独*立而又强大的奥术符阵守护之中。 Although entire Floating City lost the support of Arcane energy, but these rune array as before are maintaining perfect, it seems like under this library small-type Elementium Pool is supporting inevitably also its revolution. 虽然整个浮空城都已经失去了奥术能量的支撑,可是这些符阵依旧保持着完好无损,看来这座图书馆下方必然也有一个小型元素池在支撑着它的运转。 Grim may not have the interest to destroy that Elementium Pool again. 格力姆可没有兴趣再去破坏那个元素池了。 He is glancing over along rows of bookshelves slowly, once feels the interest to some Arcane ancient book, in both eyes projects two scarlet-red firing lines, the Arcane rune array eating-thrown, then searches the handle books to grasp in the hand squeezes in elder status ring. 他沿着一排排的书架缓缓浏览着,一旦对某本奥术典籍感到兴趣,双目中就投射出两道赤红的火线,生生的把奥术符阵蚀穿,然后探手把书籍抓在手中塞入长老权戒之内。 Because the time press, Grim that many time has not gone to slowly unlocking each Arcane rune array, can only act recklessly with this clumsiest way. 由于时间紧迫,格力姆没有那么多时间去慢慢解锁每一个奥术符阵,只能用这种最为笨拙的方式来蛮干了。 Naturally, if Grim does not care about the books damage, roaring flame storm throws, majority of Arcane rune array will be burnt through directly. But such one, unlikely many Arcane books were also hard to preserve completely. 当然,如果格力姆不在乎书籍损伤的话,一个烈焰风暴扔出去,大部分的奥术符阵都会被直接烧穿。可是那样一来,恐怕很多奥术书籍也就难以保存完整了。 Is listening attentively to outside shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami element fulmination, fierce shake that in addition often transmits, can want to see in this time Floating City is confusion how, suffering how. 倾听着外面山呼海啸般的元素爆鸣,再加上不时传来的剧烈震荡,可以想见此时的浮空城内是多么的混乱,多么的煎熬。 But Grim actually completely gave up all, starts the wholly absorbed collection and plunders here Arcane ancient book to get up. 格力姆却完全的放弃了一切,开始专心致志的收集和搜刮起这里的奥术典籍起来。 With Grim's leisurely and carefree relaxed different, but in another place of not far away, two strange forms was following in the air residual that flame aura to pursue to absorb the Arcane institute, subsequently arrived at that already completely the collapsing fusing knowledge hall. 格力姆的悠闲轻松不同,而在不远处的另外一个地方,两个奇异的身影正循着空气中残留的那一丝火焰气息追摄到了奥术学院,继而来到了那座已经完全坍塌熔融的学识大厅。 The position that the original hall is at turned into a fearful lava pond, all cliffs, stone columns and crushed stone vanished do not see, can only see that one gurgle honk braves the fearful high-temperature piece by piece the fluid rock magma. 原先大厅所在的位置已经变成了一座可怕的熔岩池,所有的石壁、石柱、碎石都已消失不见,只能够看到一片片咕嘟嘟冒着可怕高温的流体岩浆。 I already sensation to the aura of that bastard, in a behind not far away secret room. Walks, we went to a homicide!” What speech is a strange shadow of taking the lead. “我已经感知到了那个混蛋的气息,就在后面不远处的一间密室之内。走吧,我们去把他杀了!”说话的是走在前面的一个奇异黑影。 Even if the skylight is very full at this time, ray shines on this strange shadow, made one be hard to see clearly her facial features and body as before. Only can infer indistinctly she is a female, moreover is the exceptionally formidable female. 哪怕此时天光很足,光线照射在这个奇异黑影身上,依旧令人难以看清她的面容和身躯。只能隐约察知她是一名女性,而且是异常强大的女性。 Follows close on depressed and angry of behind that fellow face, has no alternative to the former obviously. 紧跟在身后的那个家伙一脸的沮丧和愤怒,却显然对前者无可奈何。 „Do you mean what he says? I helped you kill Grim, will you put me to be free?” Hears the sound, behind that person formerly in the battlefield has been missing that Holly Adept . “你说话算话吧?我帮你杀了格力姆,你就会放我自由?”听声音,后面那人正是先前在战场上失踪了的那个荷里巫师 This time he, is that silver sorcerer robe, on the forehead that but he reveals the brand mark strange black rune, frequently is actually sending out a strange magic fluctuation. 此时的他,也就是那身银色巫袍,可他显露的额头上面却烙印着一个奇异的黑色符文,时时刻刻散发着一种古怪的魔法波动。 Hey, on you have implanted the type of darkness, ordinary Witchcraft is unable to dispel it. Therefore, so long as you little darling help me kill that Grim, the name of my according to dark source pledged that will certainly dispel on you dark restriction.” Dark Sorceress Shani that black form naturally resurrects. “嘿嘿,你身上已经植入了黑暗之种,普通巫术是根本无法将之祛除的。所以,你只要乖乖帮着我杀死那个格力姆,我就以黑暗本源的名义发誓,必将会祛除你身上的黑暗禁制。”那个黑色身影自然是重新复活的黑暗女巫夏妮 Although she resurrected, the strength also returned Fourth Grade , but a Witchcraft equipment actually completely all lost in the Grim hand. Therefore, she also can only with every effort seeks for some helpers to cope with that hateful Fire Sorcerer to oneself, otherwise, the single she, did not have the confidence to kill that Grim again. 她虽然复活了,实力也重新回到了4阶,可一身的巫术装备却尽皆失落在格力姆手中。所以,她也只能尽力的给自己寻找一些帮手来对付那个可恶的火巫,否则,单只她一个人,已经没有信心再杀死那个格力姆了。
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