AOA :: Volume #12

#1120: Crazy fight

Red Lotus Fiery Rain...... Scalding hot fire!” 红莲火雨……灼热之火!” Grim roared to whoosh brief Witchcraft to punctuate loudly, summoned the turbulent flame volume to raid from the body side to that Lich. 格力姆大声咆哮着嘶吼出了简短的巫术断句,从身侧召唤出汹涌的火焰卷袭向那位巫妖 The flame assumes golden yellow, inside soaks accumulated a faint trace to be different from passing strange strength. 火焰呈金黄色,内里浸蕴着一丝丝有别于过往的奇异力量 The golden flame just ran upon dense death qi of Lich Conger Nurse outside the body, two nature different strength launched life and death crazy to swallow and annihilate. 金色火焰刚一撞上巫妖康格纳斯体外的氤氲死气,两股性质迥异的力量就展开了一场你死我活的疯狂吞噬和湮灭。 The golden flame and pale death qi each other are dashing in void, pestering, annihilating...... 金色火焰和苍白死气在虚空中彼此冲撞着,纠缠着,湮灭着…… Golden flame, Conger Nurse various these negative Curse in Grim body also under snowfield on such as brilliant hot sun, shortly will be fired the transpiration most probably. The remaining these are unable to continue to affect and disturb Grim's every action and every movement like before again. 金色火焰一出,康格纳斯加诸在格力姆身躯上的那些负面诅咒也就如灼灼烈日下的雪原,顷刻间就被灼烧蒸腾了大半。剩下的那些也无法再像以前那样继续影响、干扰格力姆的一举一动了。 But two strength sources start to race against time is stimulating various terror spell fast, tries hard to pave the way for the final victory. 而两种力量的源头则开始争分夺秒的快速激发着各种恐怖术法,努力为最终的胜利铺平着道路。 The rank to Lich and fellow of Grim this level, even without holding incantation casting magic can also summon various formidable magic. When their matches is a same step powerful enemy, holds incantation casting magic, magic that after honestly stimulates can pose the true threat to the opposite party. 等级到了巫妖格力姆这种层级的家伙,哪怕不用持咒施法也能召唤出各种强大的法术。但是当他们的对手是一位同阶强敌时,还是老老实实持咒施法后激发的法术更能给对方造成真正的威胁。 But what various instantaneous magic are more is only used to break or disturb the opposite party casting magic rhythm. 而各种瞬发法术更多的只是用来打断或干扰对方的施法节奏。 After undergoing a series of crazy and cruel transformations, Lich will usually transform fearful magic sequence each spot of own body. But their casting magic way also and ordinary Caster is completely different. 经过了一系列疯狂且残忍的改造后,巫妖通常会把自己身躯的每一个部位都改造成了可怕的法术序列器。而它们施法的方式也与普通施法者完全不同。 Therefore, after Lich Conger Nurse sensation to the terror of golden flame, sped up own casting magic rhythm immediately without hesitation. 因此,当巫妖康格纳斯感知到金色火焰的恐怖后,立刻毫不犹豫的加快了自己的施法节奏。 Its that fearful skeleton skull looks steadily stubbornly is treading Grim that the fire comes, in the eye socket, hides is fluctuating in the gigantic ruby following soul fire fast shake. But its jaws also started to vibrate fast, have sent out giggle...... Strange hit resounding. 它那可怕的骷髅头骨死死盯视着踏火而来的格力姆,眼眶内,隐藏在硕大红宝石后面的魂火快速震荡波动着。而它的上下颚也开始快速抖动,发出了咯咯咯……的奇异撞击脆响。 This is not trembling but actually, but is a Lich unique casting magic way that it is afraid. 这倒并不是它害怕的在发抖,而是巫妖一种独特的施法方式。 In mouth that it opens, in the lower gums mounted to fill the color to vary the strange magic gem that function varied. But it raps through jaws fast Zhang He, in a disorderly way activated these magic gems. 在它张开的嘴巴里,上下牙床上面镶嵌满了颜色各异、功能各异的奇异魔法宝石。而它通过上下颚快速的张合敲击,有规律的激活了这些魔法宝石。 Therefore does not need to hold incantation casting magic, already stored up fearful magic to defer to the Lich regard to knead together a formidable magic sequence, hit crazily to Grim. 因此根本不用持咒施法,一道道早已储存其中的可怕法术就按照巫妖的心意捏合成了一种强大的法术序列,疯狂地打向了格力姆 Why is Lich regarded as extremely cruel fearful top magic creature in each plane? Depends is this extremely unique casting magic way! 巫妖为什么在各个位面都被视为一种极其残忍可怕的顶级魔法生物?靠的就是这种极其独特的施法方式! Such magic sequence usually + multi-skill Curse + dies by broken demon magic + aggressive element magic the kind of magic combination. 这样的法术序列通常都由破魔法术+攻击性元素法术+复合型诅咒+即死类法术组合而成。 And, broken demon magic is responsible for breaking the magic protection of opposite party outside the body \; Aggressive element magic is responsible for making element injury or initiates in -depth protection of opposite party \; Multi-skill Curse is responsible for weakening opposite party elemental resistance \; But wraps dies kind of magic to strike the fatal true sequence core...... 其中,破魔法术负责破开对方体外的魔法防护\;攻击性元素法术负责制造元素伤害或引发对方的深层防护\;复合型诅咒负责削弱对方的元素抗性\;而包裹其中的即死类法术才是一击致命的真正序列核心…… Such fearful , and targeted magic sequence, once helped Conger Nurse conquer the enemy who and kill came to challenge innumerably. But this set, was used to cope grasps Grim of some flame principles similarly actually has appeared by far insufficient. 这样可怕且具有针对性的法术序列,曾经帮助康格纳斯战胜并杀死了无数前来挑战的敌人。可是这一套,用来对付同样掌握了部分火焰法则的格力姆来说却显得远远不够。 The turbulent flame shrinks suddenly. 汹涌的火焰骤然一缩。 Condensed a strange golden shield between Grim and Conger Nurse. 格力姆和康格纳斯之间就凝聚成了一面奇异的金色盾牌。 The shield is not big, is not very sincere, actually appears exceptionally the congealing reality as a result of existence of golden flame. 盾牌并不大,也不够厚重,却由于金色火焰的存在而显得异常凝实。 The connected magic sequence hit above the golden shield, broken demon magic has initiated moving restlessly of element particle, destroyed already some magic models. What a pity soaks the strength of obvious strength level accumulated flame principle to be actually higher than broken demon magic, therefore this destruction and insufficiently thorough. 连串的法术序列撞击在金色盾牌之上,破魔法术引发了元素微粒的躁动,破坏了既有的法术模型。可惜浸蕴其中的火焰法则之力却明显力量层级要高于破魔法术,因此这种破坏并不够彻底。 Although the golden shield receives the disturbance and destruction of broken demon magic, but still Fire Element particle restraint in corresponding range, has had the enormous influence to the following magic sequence. The arrow and the garnet wild technique fearful skeleton, as well as the terror energy absorbing technique ahead of time was detonated, bloomed deep red purple death qi Aura before the broken golden shield. 金色盾牌虽然受到破魔法术的干扰和破坏,但仍旧把火元素微粒约束在了相应的范围之内,也就对后续的法术序列造成了极大影响。可怕的骸骨之箭和暗红色的狂暴术,以及恐怖的吸能术都被提前引爆,在残破的金色盾牌前绽放成了一道道绛紫色的死气光环 But while defending the Lich attack, Grim Sorcerer Staff swings, stirs up from stick * projects half people small Lava Fireball. 而在防御住巫妖攻击的同时,格力姆巫杖摆动,从杖头激*射出一颗颗半人大小的熔岩火球 Actually the list by the element lethality, Fourth Grade flaminging flame fireball wants far strong in Second Grade Lava Fireball. What a pity, Lich own elemental resistance is too high, the element injures to it gets off the subject was inferior that the physical injury is so effective. 其实单以元素杀伤力来说,4阶的炽焰火球要远强于2阶熔岩火球。可惜,巫妖自身的元素抗性太高,元素伤害对它来说远不如物理伤害那么有效。 Therefore, Grim can only choose Second Grade Lava Fireball! 所以,格力姆只能选择了2阶熔岩火球 Even if Second Grade Lava Fireball, at this moment the lasing from the Grim hand comes out, the attack prestige can also far from commonly be possible to compare. 即便是2阶熔岩火球,从此刻的格力姆手中激射出来,攻击威能也远非寻常可比。 Pure huge fireball that in comprised of the lava and roaring flame, fulled floaded operation the temperature to be higher much the liquid rock magma, the endless light and heat shone through across the lava crack, is hard to take the heat wave that the trim space baked. 一颗纯由熔岩和烈焰组成的巨大火球之内,灌满了温度高得惊人的液态岩浆,无尽的光和热穿过熔岩裂缝透射出来,把整片空间都烘烤的热浪难耐。 But such Lava Fireball, Grim shoots is over a hundred. 而这样的熔岩火球,格力姆一射就是上百颗。 Taking advantage of one...... 一颗借着一颗…… Previous just stirred up * to shoot, the latter basic framework was clearly discernible. 前一颗刚刚激*射而出,后一颗的基本轮廓已经清晰可见。 They look like shells to stroke on the wall of skeleton Lich haunches, lava hot rain that explodes bone wall ignition flip-flop makes noise. But that pirate-like skull of composition bone wall was burnt a redness by the high-temperature flame, raises the neck to struggle in abundance is wanting to escape wall of skeleton restraint. 它们像一颗颗炮弹般击打在巫妖撑起的骸骨之墙上,爆开的熔岩火雨把骨墙灼烧的劈啪作响。而组成骨墙的那一颗颗骷髅头被高温火焰烧得一片赤红,纷纷扬颈挣扎着想要逃脱骸骨之墙的束缚 This breadth 20 meters, reached wall of one meter skeleton only to support for 5 seconds dejected to fall in a giant bellow thick, disperse a Skeleton fragment of place. Following Lava Fireball had kept off by the wall of new side skeleton. 这面宽20米,厚达一米的骸骨之墙只撑持了5秒就在一阵巨大轰鸣声中颓然倾倒,散成了一地的骨骼碎片。后续的熔岩火球又被新的一面骸骨之墙挡了下来。 Closed right up against supporting of walls of several skeleton, Lich Conger Nurse has completed finally again the new magic sequence. 靠着几面骸骨之墙的撑持,巫妖康格纳斯终于再一次完成了新的法术序列。 As Conger Nurse has offered sacrifices right oneself body the seventh rib, one crowd has the dim body, spirit Banshee/female monsters of fearful facial features was summoned, rushed to the sky with the sad and shrill scream. 随着康格纳斯献祭了自己身躯右侧第七根肋骨,一群有着朦胧身躯,可怕面容的幽灵女妖被召唤了出来,伴随着一路凄厉尖叫冲上了天空。 Although these Banshee/female monsters creature rank Third Grade , the grating scream that but they send out regarding human Caster is also a huge disturbance! 这些女妖虽然生物等级不过3阶,可是它们发出的刺耳尖叫对于人类施法者来说也是一种巨大的干扰! After having emitted this group of bothering, Conger Nurse extended right bone to be void to paddle at present fast, outlines dissipations quiet green dazzling light evil rune. However does not wait for these evil rune to get together fearful Death magic, Conger Nurse hides a soul hot high-rising vibration after empty eye socket ruby, hurries magic that will give up this soon taking shape, dodged to move to about hundred meters rapidly backward. 放出了这群搅局者后,康格纳斯伸出右侧骨手在眼前虚空中快速划动,勾勒出了一道道散逸着幽绿荧光的邪恶符文。然而不等这些邪恶符文聚合成可怕的死亡法术,康格纳斯隐藏在空洞眼眶红宝石后的魂火兀地一阵抖动,慌忙放弃了这个即将成型的法术,迅速向后闪移了近百米。 But its dense personal appearance just reappeared from void, in the original position erupted terrifying flame Witchcraft. 而它氤氲的身形刚从虚空中浮现出来,原先的位置上就爆发出了一道恐怖的火焰巫术 Apocalyptic Volcano! 末日火山 The deeply worried dry black earth sticks out to crack fast, sprays the innumerable say/way high temperature flame classes and scarlet-red boiling hot rock magma from inside, rapid fused the lava world peripheral all. 焦灼枯黑的大地快速隆起崩裂,从里面喷射出无数道高温焰流和一股股赤红滚烫的岩浆,迅速的把周边一切都熔融成了熔岩世界。 If Conger Nurse does not flee promptly, perhaps it must withstand this Apocalyptic Volcano complete prestige to be able. But now, it only needed to endure warm the little heat waves to be OK slightly. 如果康格纳斯不及时逃离的话,它恐怕就要承受这座末日火山的全部威能了。而现在,它只需要稍微忍受一下‘温暖’了少许的热浪就可以了。 By Fourth Grade Lich magic resistance, temperature reaches as high as 6,000-7,000 degrees flame classes to it is also the spring breeze of blowing. May regarding majority of plane creature, this spring breeze actually be able to melt metal the bright stone, even roasts the fluid medium the volcanic rock of ability high temperature. 4阶巫妖魔抗,温度高达六七千度的焰流对它来说也不过是拂面的春风而已。可对于大部分位面生物而言,这股‘春风’却能销金烁石,甚至把能耐高温的火山岩都烤成流质。 But how could attack magic broken Conger Nurse is resigned to come under attack in vain, immediately stimulates a magic ring that the left hand hipbone has referred, projected one to quench the poisonous bone lance to that Grim. 攻击法术被打断的康格纳斯又岂能甘心白白挨打,立刻又激发了左手无名骨指上的一枚法术戒指,向那位格力姆投射出了一根淬毒骨矛。 This is not one ordinary quenches the poisonous bone lance, but soaks accumulated the rich Death aura, can disregard all physical defenses the strange bone lance. Moreover above the bone lance lance point is also coercing the fearful spoiled pouch seed, once contaminates the flesh and blood, can disseminate the plague seed. 这可不是一根普通的淬毒骨矛,而是浸蕴着浓郁死亡气息,能够无视一切物理防御的奇异骨矛。而且骨矛矛尖之上还裹挟着可怕的腐囊种子,一旦沾染到血肉,就能把瘟疫种子散播出去。 Facing this kind of fearful bone lance, flame Witchcraft Grim under the careful preparation is also frightening together the complexion changes, the hurrying body explodes the powder, turned into the flame to run away together. 面对这样一根可怕的骨矛,正在精心准备下一道火焰巫术格力姆也吓得脸色微变,赶忙身躯炸散,化成一道火焰逃遁了出去。 Therefore, two casting magic abilities both reached to plane peak fellow this, on the one hand is attacking the opposite party crazily, on the other hand must shunt the attack of opposite party promptly. Your, my is attacking crazily, then fast is running away, turns into the place that the big piece of space they have fought. 于是,两位施法能力都已臻至位面巅峰的家伙就这样,一方面疯狂的攻击着对方,另一方面又要及时躲开对方的攻击。你一记,我一记的疯狂攻击着,然后又快速逃遁着,把诺大一片空间都化成了他们战斗的场所。 Once also several Arcanist Master controlled Arcane Tower to look for a small advantage, was actually made the really hot fellow to collaborate to expel by two. Does not have the means that Lich and Grim are stupid, is insufficient to do the lion tiger to contend, instead by small white rabbit at foolish matter of making a false countercharge. 在此期间,曾经也有几位奥术师驾驭着奥术塔想要来找个便宜,却被两位打出真火的家伙联手打跑了。没办法,巫妖格力姆再笨,也不至于干出狮虎相争,反被小白兔在反咬一口的蠢事。 Therefore, after having tried several times, these Arcanist Master can only hide the distant place with every effort, looked on two external intruder to make into one piece in the Floating City inner rim silently. 因此,尝试了几次后,那些奥术师们只能尽力躲到了远处,默默地旁观着两位外来入侵者在浮空城内环打成了一片。 Like this strange battlefield, and Grim, three battlefields erupted the fearful fluctuation of energy incessantly one after another in all directions successively. But is most conspicuous, is a fierce fight of that Disaster Little Lord evil hoof and 5 Revolutions Arcanist Great Master. 这样的奇异战场,并不止格力姆一处,陆陆续续有三四处战场先后爆发出了可怕的能量波动。而其中最显眼的,就是那位灾厄小领主邪蹄和一位5环大奥术师的凶猛战斗。 Can say responsiblily, the energy complementary waves that fight overflows have been far in excess of the Fourth Grade level. This also means that behind evil hoof pestle vertical that Sixth Grade Perpetual Night Lord has extremely possibly projected some strength. 可以负责任的说,那场战斗荡溢出来的能量余波已经远远超越了4阶层级。这也就意味着,邪蹄背后杵立的那位6阶极夜领主极可能已经把部分力量投影了过来。 But such central battlefield, the strength slightly poor fellow does not dare to participate, even is unable to achieve including the onlooking. Therefore, they were surpassed step strength to drive away, can only peripheral arrange the autumn wind in the Arcane palace. 而这样的中心战场,实力稍差一点的家伙根本不敢参与,甚至连旁观都无法做到。因此,它们被超阶力量驱赶了出来,只能在奥术殿堂周边打点秋风。 As the matter stands, each other the probability of friction and conflict also even more enhanced! 这样一来,彼此摩擦和冲突的几率也就愈发提高了! Floating City deeply hid the energy center in ground mass is destroyed by the evil hoof thoroughly, after relapse foot supple trample on and devastation of so numerous different plane powerhouse, even more became broken and dismal. 浮空城深藏在石基之中的能量中枢已经被邪蹄彻底破坏了,在经过如此众多异位面强者的反复足柔躏和摧残,愈发变得残破而悲凉起来。 A large area of Arcane construction was destroyed as a result of the fight of powerhouse, Floating City is also floating the spatial ability in little losing! 大面积的奥术建筑由于强者的战斗而被摧毁,浮空城也正在一点点的失去浮空能力! Once Ruijing Garden Floating City of proud Liyun summit at this moment like a tattered and torn vase, again is unable to maintain own stability and altitude, penetrated the cloud layer slowly, by strange lateral attitude slow falling to language of flowers prairie. 曾经傲立云巅的瑞景花园浮空城此刻就像一个千疮百孔的花瓶,再也无法维系自身的稳定和高度,缓缓地穿透云层,在以一种奇异的倾斜姿态缓慢的坠向花语草原。
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