TDG :: Volume #5

#442: Sect Master Nie

Audiences Divine Feather Sect powerhouses listened, has the manner of suspicion, looks to Nie Li, the Nie Li financial resource, were too truly astonishing, does a ordinary Divine Feather Sect disciple, how probably have the so great quantity wealth? 一众羽神宗的强者们听了,一个个都持怀疑的态度,看向聂离,聂离的财力,确实太惊人了,一个普通羽神宗弟子,怎么可能拥有如此巨量的财富? If there is Demon God Sect to support in behind, that cannot make Nie Li sit the position of Acting Sect Master decidedly. 若是真有邪魔外道在后面支持,那断然不能让聂离坐上代理宗主之位。 Nie Li actually lightly smiles saying: Long Tianming, you also suspect anything, said freely!” 聂离却是淡淡地微笑说道:“龙天明,你还怀疑什么,尽管说吧!” Long Tianming very shouted simply pursues thief! 龙天明简直是贼喊追贼! Long Tianming is kneeling down to space Five God Venerable, said: Sir Five God Venerable, for our Divine Feather Sect, cannot hand over in the hand of this person the Divine Feather Sect power decidedly!” 龙天明对着天上的五位神尊跪下,说道:“五位神尊大人,为了我们羽神宗,断然不能把羽神宗的大权交到这个人的手里啊!” Hears the Long Tianming words, Five God Venerable was all silent, they think somewhat funnily. 听到龙天明的话,五位神尊全都沉默了,他们只是觉得有几分好笑。 If Nie Li is Demon God Sect sends the Divine Feather Sect spy, to spend how possibly such big price, received exchange the position of Divine Feather Sect Acting Sect Master? 如果聂离真的是邪魔外道派来羽神宗的奸细,怎么可能会花费这么大的代价,去换取一个羽神宗代理宗主之位? Other did not say that is only Nie Li gives the Five God Venerable wondrous medicines, is priceless, must be more valuable than Divine Feather Sect the position of Acting Sect Master! Moreover Nie Li can train these many Dao of Dragon Realm powerhouses, this strength puts any Sect, that is extremely astonishing, shakes the entire Sect strength sufficiently! 别的不说,光是聂离送给五位神尊的圣药,就价值连城,比羽神宗代理宗主之位要值钱多了!而且聂离能够培养出这么多龙道境的强者,这股力量放到任何一个宗门,那都是极其惊人的,足以撼动整个宗门的力量! Therefore the accusation and suspicion of Long Tianming, cannot stand firmly logically! 所以龙天明的指责和怀疑,在逻辑上就站不住脚! The Heavenly Martial God Venerable hearty laughter said: Long Tianming, if no evidence, so the accusation suspicion same side, that is incorrect!” 天武神尊朗笑了一声说道:“龙天明,若是没有证据,如此指责怀疑同门,那是不对的!” Sect Master, but also invited the Sect Master intelligent apprehension, Sect Master gave me one month, I found his collaboration with the enemy inevitably the evidence!” The Long Tianming running together of two syllables in rapid speech said that looks helplessly the position of Acting Sect Master must be won, he was simply depressed. 宗主,还请宗主明察,宗主给我一个月时间,我必然找到他通敌的证据!”龙天明急声说道,眼睁睁看着代理宗主之位就要被夺走,他简直郁闷极了。 Heavenly Cloud God Venerable coldly snort said: Long Tianming, Nie Li is my disciple, you said that his collaboration with the enemy betrays Sect, was links me also to suspect?” 天云神尊冷哼了一声说道:“龙天明,聂离是我的弟子,你说他通敌背叛宗门,是不是连我也都怀疑了?” Sir Heavenly Cloud God Venerable, I do not dare to suspect decidedly that I do not hope you had been hoodwinked the eye by the villain!” Long Tianming said depressed why two God Venerable such support Nie Li, he a little does not think clearly, merely is only because the Nie Li strength is stronger? 天云神尊大人,我断然不敢怀疑,我只是不希望您被小人蒙蔽了眼睛!”龙天明郁闷地说道,为什么两位神尊这么支持聂离,他有点想不明白,难道仅仅只是因为聂离的实力更强吗? At this time Linglong God Venerable also said in the one side: Long Tianming, you are my Dragonseal Family descendants, when some spirit, since the competition lost, the position of that Acting Sect Master, is wielded by Nie Li by rights ought to!” 此时玲珑神尊也在一旁说道:“龙天明,你是我龙印世家的子孙,当有一些气量,既然比试输了,那代理宗主之位,理当由聂离来执掌!” Linglong God Venerable, stands this side Nie Li? Long Tianming dismal feelings, are helping the bystander including oneself Old Ancestor mothers suddenly, he suddenly has become a person all alone, if so, can he also be what kind of? 就连玲珑神尊,也站在聂离这一边吗?龙天明突然有一种悲凉之感,连自己的老祖母都帮着外人,他突然成了无依无靠的一个人,若是这样,他还能怎么样? Only can hand over the position of Acting Sect Master! 只能把代理宗主之位拱手相让! He has made these many, why destiny waits him to be so unfair! 他做了这么多,为什么命运待他如此不公! Nie Li gaze fell on the body of Long Tianming, the corners of the mouth has shown a faint smile, according to the path of previous generation, thoughts deep Long Tianming truly obtained the position of Acting Sect Master, and has pushed to the abyss of destruction entire Divine Feather Sect. However this, he is will not make such matter live absolutely again! 聂离目光落在了龙天明的身上,嘴角微微一笑,按照前世的轨迹,心思深沉的龙天明确实得到了代理宗主之位,并把整个羽神宗推向了毁灭的深渊。但是这一世,他是绝对不会再让这样的事情生的! The Long Tianming plans are deep, possibly fights has Nie Li of second experience? 龙天明心机再深,又怎么可能斗得过拥有两世经验的聂离 Resources that Nie Li has on hand, sufficiently the Long Tianming thoroughly crush! 聂离手头掌握的资源,足以将龙天明彻底地碾压! Once Nie Li becomes Acting Sect Master, that Long Tianming is impossible again threatened him! 一旦聂离成为代理宗主,那龙天明就更不可能再威胁到他了! Nie Li must cope, is not Long Tianming this foot soldier attendant, but is entire Demon God Sect! 聂离要对付的,不是龙天明这种马前卒,而是整个妖神宗 Nie Li is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to say to Five God Venerable: Many thanks fellow Sir God Venerable supports trust, so long as I become Divine Feather Sect Acting Sect Master, I will make Divine Feather Sect have many Martial Ancestor Realm powerhouses, bringing Divine Feather Sect to tread to the true magnificence!” 聂离对着五位神尊拱手说道:“多谢各位神尊大人支持信任,只要我成为羽神宗代理宗主,我会让羽神宗拥有更多的武宗境强者,带着羽神宗踏向真正的辉煌!” Hears the Nie Li words, Five God Venerable is smiling the chin, they are firmly believe regarding the Nie Li words, Nie Li can achieve absolutely. 听到聂离的话,五位神尊不禁微笑着颔,他们对于聂离的话是坚信不移的,聂离绝对可以做到。 Long Tianming stared in a big way the eye, he was insane to laugh insanely: Why can you obtain the position of Divine Feather Sect Sect Master? Depending on you said that can help Divine Feather Sect tread to the magnificent, who attractive words will not say? This some words also people of nonsense believe unexpectedly!” 龙天明瞪大了眼睛,他失心疯地大笑了起来:“你凭什么可以得到羽神宗宗主之位?就凭你说能够帮羽神宗踏向辉煌,漂亮的话谁不会说?这狗屁的话居然也会有人相信!” Long Tianming, you were too dissolute!” Heavenly Martial God Venerable sank snort/hum. 龙天明,你太放肆了!”天武神尊沉哼了一声。 Sect Master, I do not hope that you were hoodwinked by this villain!” Long Tianming unwillingly struggles. 宗主,我只是不希望你们被这个小人所蒙蔽啊!”龙天明还是不甘地挣扎。 At this moment, Nie Li actually sneers looks at Long Tianming, no matter how Long Tianming struggles, that useless! Five God Venerable has stood this side Nie Li thoroughly, even if Nie Li must resign from the position of this Acting Sect Master, Five God Venerable also eagerly Nie Li striving. 此时此刻,聂离却是冷笑地看着龙天明,不管龙天明怎么挣扎,那都是没有用的!五位神尊已经彻底地站在聂离这一边了,哪怕聂离要辞去这代理宗主之位,五位神尊也会眼巴巴地把聂离给求回来。 Long Tianming also carries unclear, thinks Nie Li by the honeyed words superior. 龙天明还拎不清自己,以为聂离是靠花言巧语上位。 However Long Tianming is impossible wants to obtain, Nie Li has used the massive wondrous medicines, gave to bribe Five God Venerable, this Five God Venerable has taken the Nie Li wondrous medicines, cultivation level progressed by leaps and bounds, how possibly also did giving up make Nie Li walk? 不过龙天明怎么也不可能想得到,聂离用了大量的圣药,把五位神尊都给贿赂了,这五位神尊吃了聂离的圣药,一个个修为突飞猛进,怎么可能还舍得让聂离走? Let alone Acting Sect Master, the position of Sect Master, Heavenly Martial God Venerable also has been able to resign! Heavenly Martial God Venerable looks forward to make leisurely and carefree remote antiquity Elder! 别说代理宗主了,就连宗主之位,天武神尊也都可以让出!天武神尊巴不得去做一个悠闲的太上长老呢! Some Nie Li under these many Dao of Dragon Realm powerhouses, sufficiently showed that the Nie Li strength, what he also did have to be good to be worried? 聂离手下有这么多龙道境强者,足以证明聂离的实力了,他还有什么好担心的? Long Tianming has no regard for elders and superiors, withdraws all status, the confinement ten months in the family, reflects on one's mistakes in seclusion!” Linglong God Venerable coldly snort. 龙天明目无尊长,撤去所有身份,在家族中禁闭十个月,闭门思过!”玲珑神尊冷哼了一声。 Linglong God Venerable a few words, were equal to that completely cut off any hope of Long Tianming. 玲珑神尊的一句话,等于彻底地断绝了龙天明的任何希望。 No, this is impossible, I will lose how possibly!” Long Tianming several near crazy, saw that the position of Acting Sect Master has succeeded in obtaining, actually suddenly does not have a thing in the world, this dropping variance stimulation resulted in Long Tianming to fall thoroughly insanely. “不,这不可能,我怎么可能会输!”龙天明几近疯狂,眼看着代理宗主之位就到手了,却陡然间一无所有,这种落差刺激得龙天明彻底地疯掉了。 Several Dragonseal Family Dao of Dragon Realm powerhouses build Long Tianming, jumps to plunder, in the future will wait for Long Tianming, will be the icy guard chamber. 几个龙印世家龙道境强者架起龙天明,纵身掠去,未来等待龙天明的,将是冷冰冰的禁闭室。 The Divine Feather Sect powerhouses look at each other in blank dismay, they have not thought that can be such result, they did not have many understanding to Nie Li, unexpected under Nie Li has become Acting Sect Master, since the general situation has decided that they were not good to oppose again. 羽神宗的强者们一个个面面相觑,他们没想到会是这样的结果,他们对聂离还没有多少了解,猝不及防之下聂离就成了代理宗主,不过既然大局已定,他们也不好再反对了。 I announced that today my Heavenly Martial steps down secretly, the position of Divine Feather Sect Sect Master, hands over by Nie Li wields!” The Heavenly Martial God Venerable loud and clear sound, passed to the ear of each Divine Feather Sect disciple. “我宣布,今天我天武退居幕后,将羽神宗宗主之位,交由聂离来执掌!”天武神尊洪亮的声音,传到了每个羽神宗弟子的耳中。 Jumps over Acting Sect Master, is promoted to Sect Master directly? 跳过代宗主,直接升任宗主 Can this matter live unexpectedly? 这种事情居然都有可能生? Had felt strange simply has? 简直太奇怪了有没有? But the Sect Master always effective and influential word, remaining four God Venerable had not opposed that they opposed that does court death? 可是宗主一向一言九鼎,剩下四位神尊都没有反对,他们反对那岂不是找死么? We pay a visit Sect Master Nie!” “吾等拜见聂宗主!” Pays a visit Sect Master Nie!” “拜见聂宗主!” The Divine Feather Sect disciples kneel down toward Nie Li neatly. 羽神宗的弟子们齐刷刷地朝着聂离跪下。 Nie Li raised the head to stare at the sky, Heavenly Martial God Venerable this act, is showing good will to him, but he accepted. 聂离抬头凝望天空,天武神尊此举,是在向他示好啊,不过他接受了。 From now on the future, my Nie Li will wield Divine Feather Sect, one month will reset the sect Sect Rules moment, all Divine Feather Sect disciples listen to my verbal command, my Nie Li will take promoting Divine Feather Sect as own duty, leading Divine Feather Sect to move toward magnificently!” The Nie Li sound, has spread over entire Divine Feather Sect. “从今往后,我聂离执掌羽神宗,一个月将重设宗门规矩,所有羽神宗弟子听我号令,我聂离将以振兴羽神宗为己任,带领羽神宗走向辉煌!”聂离的声音,传遍了整个羽神宗 Sect Master Nie......” 聂宗主……” Sect Master Nie......” the shout of Divine Feather Sect disciples, resounds through the vault of heaven.( To be continued.) 8 聂宗主……”羽神宗弟子们的呼喊声,响彻苍穹。(未完待续。)8
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