YXCHD :: Volume #8

#737: Younger sister's grandfather is black astringent meeting ( 1 / 2 )

Mama, Mama, let me tell you!” Gets in secluded home from noisy Kamgar Maidan, Wang Zihao and voices of Wang Zihan two young boys also chirp chirp Chacha quarrelled, in they gathered round also were just busy at Mama He Xiaoshi that stole a moment of leisure to go home to prepare food, excited wanted to say anything. 妈妈,妈妈,我跟你说!”从嘈杂的工人广场回到僻静的家里,王子浩王子瀚两个小男孩的声音又叽叽喳喳地吵了起来,他们围着也是刚刚忙里偷空回到家做饭的妈妈何晓诗,一脸兴奋地想要说一些什么。 What said? Did the uncle buy the toy for you? Mama saw , two scooters! This uncle is really, always spends randomly, must spoil you!” The He Xiaoshi blame said, you cannot manage the uncle to want the toy, knows? Is obedient, the uncle makes money not easily......” “说什么?舅舅又给你们买玩具了是不是?妈妈都看到了,喏,两个滑板车呢!这个舅舅真是的,总是乱花钱,要把你们宠坏了!”何晓诗责怪地说道,“你们可不能管舅舅要玩具,知道吗?要听话,舅舅挣钱也不容易……” Wang Zihao and Wang Zihan hear dumbfounded, they have not started to tell that own discovery, Mama said so many unexpectedly...... 王子浩王子瀚听得一愣一愣的,他们都还没开始讲述自己的发现呢,妈妈居然一口气说了那么多…… Luoluo followed in two elder brothers behind, after all was the little friend of similar age, Luoluo and two elder brothers plays happily, has not held to Papa very much! 落落跟在了两位哥哥的身后,毕竟是相似年龄的小朋友,落落和两位哥哥玩得很开心,都没有粘着爸爸了! little girl stands in behind, bright eyes sees the paternal aunt, because did not blame her, she had no psychological burden, very stimulated nerve stimulation has resulted in little girl to like speaking actually today very much...... 小姑娘站在后面,眼睛亮亮地看着姑姑,因为不是责怪她,她没有什么心理负担,倒是今天一直很亢奋的神经刺激得小姑娘很喜欢说话…… „, Papa, Luoluo, cannot want the toy, wants the toy?” Only listened to the Luoluo soft sound sound, she partly is lifting the small arm, is pointing at Papa, while is inquiring to the paternal aunt diligently. “唔,粑粑,落落可以,可以要玩具,要玩具吗?”只听落落软软的声音响了起来,她正半抬着小胳膊,一边指着爸爸,一边努力地向姑姑询问着。 He Xiaoshi in is quite strict to teaching of child on, even Luoluo, she still uses the kind acoustic ray diligently, taught: Can yes, but Luoluo must know the labor that Papa makes money, had the toy to play was OK, did not need often to shout Papa to buy the toy ?” 何晓诗在对孩子的管教上还是比较严格的,即便是落落,她也是努力用和蔼的声线,教导道:“可以是可以,但落落也要知道爸爸挣钱的辛苦,有玩具玩就可以了,不用经常叫爸爸买玩具,好吗?” Luoluo this winked the big eye, look somewhat violated muddle-headed. 落落这回眨了眨大眼睛,眼神儿有些犯迷糊了。 Where she made that is clear making money and frequently and not to use frequently these words and expressions and complex sentence? These that the paternal aunt said that the direct little girl hear was muddled. 她哪里弄得明白明白“挣钱”、“经常”、“不用经常”这些词语和复杂的句式?姑姑说的这些,直接小姑娘听糊涂了。 Actually to want, doesn't want? 究竟是要,还是不要? Does not know any meaning, but Luoluo understood expressed own idea, she honk the small mouth, is not glad to mumble: „, Luoluo does not want......” 不知道啥意思,但落落还是懂得表达自己的想法的,她嘟着小嘴巴,不太乐意地嘟囔道:“唔,落落想要……” This little while, the Luoluo's opinion was not quite as if important, because flexure scratched the head, remembered itself Wang Zihan of content wanted to say to get back one's composure finally, he shouted anxiously, attracted everyone's attention. 这会儿,落落的意见似乎不太重要了,因为挠了挠头,想起自己想要说的内容的王子瀚终于回过了神,他焦急地叫嚷起来,把大家的注意力都吸引了过去。 „It is not, yeah, Mama, I did not say the toy!” Wang Zihan made an effort to jump jumping, a little breathless feeling. “不是,哎,妈妈,我才不是说玩具!”王子瀚使劲地蹦了蹦,有点气急败坏的感觉。 What do you want to say?” The He Xiaoshi doubts asked. “你们要说什么?”何晓诗疑惑地问道。 Younger sister, the younger sister has the grandfather!” Wang Zihan is pointing at Luoluo, said angrily. “妹妹,妹妹有外公呢!”王子瀚指着落落,气鼓鼓地说道。 Naturally, the young boy does not have a fit of temper to the younger sister, he is only because thought that Mama misunderstood him, is stopping up the air/Qi at heart. 当然,小男孩也不是向妹妹发脾气,他只是因为觉得妈妈误解了他,心里头堵着气而已。 But an Elder Brother air/Qi agitated finger/refers, making Luoluo a little dumbstruck, she does not know why the Elder Brother will direct the spearhead. 但哥哥这气汹汹的一指,让落落有点发懵,她不知道为什么哥哥会把矛头指向自己。 Luoluo has a scare, she simply has not perceived the words that the Elder Brother spoke, but look sees the Elder Brother timidly, then cannot bear turn the head to look for Papa, if the situation is bad, perhaps little girl must be afraid to hide side Papa. 落落吓了一跳,她根本没听进去哥哥说的话,只是眼神儿怯生生地看着哥哥,然后忍不住转头找了找爸爸,要是情况再糟糕一点,小姑娘恐怕就要害怕地躲到爸爸身边了。 How can say Luoluo? 怎么可以说落落嘛? On the little girl fresh-faced small cheek, that pair of being in sharp contrast eye pupil appears specially nimble and resourceful bright, winks, miserable of revealing, making one look for her felt that loved dearly. 小姑娘粉嫩的小脸蛋上,那一双黑白分明的眼眸显得特别灵动有神,一眨一眨之间,流露出来的楚楚可怜,让人看得都为她感到心疼了起来。 He Xiaoshi could not bear blame a son: Hanhan, do you one startled one do for the first time? The younger sister has the grandfather, isn't this very normal? Who doesn't have the grandfather?” 何晓诗就忍不住责怪了一下儿子:“瀚瀚,你一惊一乍干什么?妹妹有外公,这不是很正常吗?谁没有外公啊?” Wang Zihao this little while has also gotten back one's composure, his flexure the head, was saying with Mama for a little unlucky younger brother: But, but we see, saw younger sister's grandfather! Real!” 王子浩这会儿也回过了神来,他挠着脑袋,替有点倒霉的弟弟跟妈妈说道:“可是,可是我们看到,看到了妹妹的外公呀!真的呢!” Wang Zihan obtained the support, is nodding fiercely, said: Right, younger sister's grandfather is very fearful, yes, is the black astringent meeting!” 王子瀚得到了支援,便猛点着头,说道:“对啊,妹妹的外公特别可怕,是,是黑涩会呢!” Black astringent meeting? 黑涩会? Luoluo does not understand this word, but also moe dull stands there, Yang Yan that behind walks listens to one to stagger, almost throws down. 落落不懂这个词,还呆萌地站在那儿,后面走过来的杨言就听着不由地一个踉跄,差点摔倒。 The word that this little fellow, where studies? 这小家伙,从哪里学来的这个词? Won't see the pheasant elder brother's movie on the television? 不会是在电视上看到了山鸡哥的电影吧? Yang Yan does not know whether to laugh or cry looks at Wang Zihan, but also wants to know that this stunning the world little fellow will then say anything. 杨言哭笑不得地看着王子瀚,还想知道这个语出惊人的小家伙接下来会说什么。 What a pity is, the vocabulary of young boy is limited, his astonishing performance also is only restricted in this, behind includes echoing of Wang Zihao, is very dry/does Bābā like ominous and I am afraid him the description. 可惜的是,小男孩的词汇量有限,他惊人的表现也仅限于此,后面包括王子浩的附和,都是很干巴巴的像“凶凶的”、“我害怕他”这样的描述。 But obviously, Comrade Old Xia a that ostentation with large crowd, gave two young boys not to calculate the good impression...... 但显然,老夏同志那个跟着一大群人的排场,给了两个小男孩并不算好的印象…… How can younger sister's grandfather be this? You misread certainly!” He Xiaoshi is saying, is while looks to younger brother Yang Yan, she is confused to the present, does not know that is what situation. “妹妹的外公怎么会是这样?你们一定是看错了!”何晓诗一边说着,也是一边看向弟弟杨言,她到现在还是一头雾水,不知道是什么情况。 This is the misunderstanding.” Yang Yan can only smile bitterly beckoning with the hand, answered ambiguously to the elder sister, Xia Yu her Papa was a leadership of city, happen to had the activity in the square, making us meet, I do not know how they think like this, this which with which!” “这是误会。”杨言只能苦笑着摆了摆手,跟姐姐含糊地解释道,“夏瑜爸爸是一个市里的领导,正好有活动在广场上,让我们碰见了,我也不知道他们怎么会这样想,这哪跟哪啊!” „The father of your girlfriend in Kamgar Maidan?” He Xiaoshi jumped over black astringent meeting directly the topic, somewhat worried to raise several issues to the younger brother, was so near, didn't in you ask him to come home eat meal? Yeah, your future father-in-law, if did not greet others, others will definitely say you to be disrespectful, said that our family/home did not take seriously their family/home! Did your girlfriend come? Let Xia Yu say one to her Papa......” “你女朋友的父亲在工人广场?”何晓诗直接跳过了“黑涩会”的这个话题,有些着急地向弟弟抛出了好几个问题,“这么近,你怎么不请他来家里吃饭?哎,你未来的岳父诶,要是不招呼人家,人家肯定会说你失礼,说咱们家不重视他们家!你女朋友来了吗?让夏瑜跟她爸爸说一声啊……” He Xiaoshi also feels impatient compared with the younger brother, she does not wait for Yang Yan to explain, she is like like ants on a heated pan, the change of scene walks back and forth all round: In our family also no vegetable/dish, says that today is the lunar New Year's Day must eat the vegetarian dishes, but how this entertains the guest......” 何晓诗比弟弟还感到心急,她都不等杨言解释,自己就跟热锅上的蚂蚁一样,团团转地走来走去:“我们家里也没有什么菜,今天本来说是大年初一要吃斋菜的,但这样怎么招待客人……” Elder sister, should not be anxious!” Yang Yan does not know whether to laugh or cry follows in the elder sister behind, pursues is comforting her, Uncle Xia he also has the work in the body, cannot come here . Moreover, he should have the dinner party at noon, quite important that does not need us to worry.” “姐,你别急啊!”杨言哭笑不得地跟在姐姐身后,追着安抚她,“夏叔叔他还有工作在身,来不了我们这里,而且,他中午应该也有饭局,比较重要的那种,都不用我们操心。” Issue that this doesn't worry about, but is we as the master, courtesy that must achieve. You asked your father-in-law, wait/etc., cannot ask, invited him directly, in the words that at noon had no free time, can come home in the evening eat meal, I must hurry to do grocery shopping.” He Xiaoshi took care of the younger brother to look after to be used to it, this was wordy, like mother, worried for younger brother's life important matter. “这不是操心不操心的问题,而是我们作为主人,必须要做到的礼数。你问一下你岳父,等等,不能问,直接请他,中午没空的话,晚上可以来家里吃饭啊,我得赶紧去买菜。”何晓诗照顾弟弟照顾得习惯了,这都啰啰嗦嗦的,像个母亲一样,为弟弟的人生大事操心起来。 Yang Yan flexure scratched the head, was a little puzzled. Elder sister's words, poured also reminded him. 杨言挠了挠头,有点纠结。姐姐的话,倒也是提醒了他。 The father-in-law came Heyang, oneself cannot look helplessly he came to walk, words of invitation did not say, this will give people a being aloof feeling! 老丈人来了荷阳,自己总不能眼睁睁地看着他来了又走了,一句邀请的话也不说,这会给人一种拒人千里的感觉! Can the father-in-law pull out obtains the time, or complies, that is father-in-law's choice question, but did oneself invite, that was own attitude issue! 老丈人能不能抽得出时间,或者答应不答应过来,那是老丈人的选择问题,而自己邀请不邀请,那就是自己的态度问题啊!
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