YXCHD :: Volume #8

#736: little girl that ( 2 / 2 ) gesticulates excitedly

Before one minute, the Wang Zihan baby shoe looked at a while others lion dance, starts is not law-abiding, moreover this time, he is hiding the mischievous factor also received the stimulation, active he turns around, two hand to become claw-shaped, probably fierce big cat same...... 在一分钟前,王子瀚童鞋看了一会儿别人舞狮,又开始不安分起来,而且这一次,他内心潜藏着的调皮因子也受到了激发,好动的他转过身来,两只手成爪状,好像凶巴巴的“大猫”一样…… Younger sister, you look at me, I am the lion !” Wang Zihan is teasing the younger sister threateningly. “妹妹,你看我,我是狮子,嗷,嗷!”王子瀚张牙舞爪地逗着妹妹。 Luoluo is not afraid actually, she knows that this is an Elder Brother! But, little girl a little does not pass through teases, narrows a pupil all of a sudden, the small tooth, hee hee smiles with Elder Brother. 落落其实一点儿也不害怕,她知道这是哥哥!可是,小姑娘有点不经逗,一下子就眯起眼眸,呲起小牙齿,跟哥哥“嘻嘻”地笑起来。 „!” This made Wang Zihan more excited, he is shouting, jumped a stride suddenly forward. “嗷嗷!”这让王子瀚更加兴奋了,他叫嚷着,猛然向前跳了一大步。 gaga, gaga......” and other elder brothers throw pretentiously, she also coordinates to turn around , the small short leg tread tread tread runs fast, she feared probably by this savage big cat catches! But, listens to Luoluo this stimulated laughter, as if she also wallows to be one of them, playing may be happy! 嘎嘎,嘎嘎……”等哥哥装模作样地扑过来,她还十分配合地转过身去,小短腿蹬蹬蹬地跑得飞快,好像她怕被这只凶残的“大猫”抓到!可是,听落落这亢奋的笑声,似乎她自己也沉迷在其中,玩得可开心了! However, doesn't the present is the public place, crowded, in miss homeland is so safe, what to do is upon the jump to be knocked down or stepped on by others? 不过,现在是公众场合,人来人往的,可不想家里那么安全,跑来跑去被别人撞倒或者踩到怎么办? Luoluo villain was too short, the goal is very small, others do not discover her easily! 落落小人儿太矮了,目标很小,别人可不容易发现她! Do not run!” Yang Yan turns around to fish, but, Luoluo runs now may be quick, he has not held, can only hurry to pursue. “不要跑!”杨言转身一捞,但没想到,落落现在跑得可快了,他没抓住,只能赶紧追上去。 At this time, bringing Luoluo that one euphonious delightful laughter are running to bump into one group of Sirs...... 就在这时候,带着一串银铃般悦耳的笑声跑出去的落落撞见了一群大人…… Is a little away from, but also is insufficient to run upon directly, lets run happy little girl to respond sufficiently, she stops subconsciously, somewhat stands in helplessly same place, the passer-by who runs a red light probably meets the car(riage) that drove, this flash head is the blank...... 有点距离,还不至于迎头撞上,足以让跑得正欢的小姑娘反应过来,她下意识地停下来,有些不知所措地站在原地,就好像闯红灯的路人碰见了驶过来的车,这一刹那脑袋是空白的…… Wait! 等等! Luoluo winked the big eye, the somewhat nimble and resourceful brilliance flashes through in her sparkling eye pupil, she discovered with amazement, at present this group of people, drivehead seems like looks familiar very much...... 落落眨了眨大眼睛,有些灵动的光彩在她亮晶晶的眼眸里闪过,她惊讶地发现,眼前这一群人,打头的看起来很眼熟…… Well, crooked winter?” little girl opened stretch/open little the mouth surprisedly, probably some cannot believe that oneself eye grandfather will appear here? “咦,歪冬?”小姑娘惊讶地张了张小嘴巴,好像有些不敢相信自己的眼睛外公怎么会出现在这里? ...... …… Saw that some people of strategic places hit Mayor Xia, accompanying the police officers of Heyang County responsible security walked two people, but, they have not planned what movement, but wanted in a low voice to guide that child, after all Xia Xiangyang did not like the ostentation becoming famous in the Hecheng city! 看到有人要冲撞到夏市长了,随行的荷阳县负责安保的警员都走出来了两个人,不过,他们没打算有什么动作,只是想要小声地引导一下那个孩子,毕竟夏向阳不爱排场在荷城市出了名的! But suddenly hears that little girl to look at Xia Xiangyang to call crooked winter, then Xia Xiangyang is also surprised, the appearance that probably they know, the police officers had the eyesight insight to shrink very much, continued to observe the situation calmly. 但忽然听到那个小女孩看着夏向阳叫“歪冬”,然后夏向阳也是一脸惊讶,好像他们认识的样子,警员们都很有眼力见地缩了回去,不动声色地继续观察情况。 That Luoluo called crooked winter, was very not loud, little girl sound delicate soft, supple, was neglected very much easily, but everyone is staring at her to look now, this sound nature was heard clearly by front most people. 落落叫的这声“歪冬”,不算很大声,小姑娘声音娇弱绵软,柔柔的,很容易被人忽视,但现在大家都在盯着她看,这个声音自然被前面大多数人听得清清楚楚的。 Including Qu Wenkang, many people looked surprisedly to Xia Xiangyang, in the look wrote all over the question: This does seem like the specially lovable little girl to be called Grandfather Mayor Xia? What situation? 包括屈文康在内,很多人都惊讶地看向夏向阳,眼神里都写满了疑问:这个看起来特别可爱的小女孩在叫夏市长外公?什么情况? Qu Wenkang is somewhat surprised, because he about the home background of leadership a little knew, he remembers Xia Xiangyang in Guangzhou daughter , is the police, it is said is very attractive, before also the hearsay she had the relations with He Jiawei of He, naturally, He Jiawei deceived to writ request for commendation of a subordinate because of the medical service afterward by Xia Xiangyang is investigated, was compelled to flee going abroad, this hearsay does not attack broken! 屈文康更是觉得有些意外,因为他对领导的家庭情况还是有点了解的,他记得夏向阳只有一个在羊城当警察的女儿,据说很漂亮,以前还传闻她跟贺家的贺嘉伟有关系,当然,后来贺嘉伟因医疗骗保案被夏向阳调查,被逼逃离出国,这个传闻才不攻而破! But had not heard that the Xia Xiangyang daughter married! 但没听说夏向阳的女儿结婚了啊! But, clearly, Xia Xiangyang knows this little girl! 可是,很明显,夏向阳是认识这个小女孩的! Qu Wenkang opened the eye, saw that the little girl behind that young man of Xia Xiangyang and narrowed the eye to look at each other, transformed to make him look to be startled the whole face gentle smiling face of eye, bent the waist. 屈文康睁大了眼睛,看到夏向阳和小女孩身后的那个年轻男子眯着眼睛对视了一下,才转换成了让他看得惊掉了眼睛的满脸慈祥的笑容,弯腰走上去。 Yeah, Luoluo, did you come to here to play? Did not tell the grandfather one.” Xia Xiangyang teases the child time, used tone that called a gentleness, making people who these experiences he has flown into a rage behind almost think that front Mayor Xia changed a person. “哎,落落,你怎么来这里玩了啊?都不告诉外公一声。”夏向阳逗孩子时候,用的语气那叫一个温柔,让身后那些见识过他大发雷霆的人们都差点以为前面的夏市长换了一个人。 For the time being pays no attention to these others, Luoluo grasped grandfather's neck, on the small cheek of powder Dudu is also smiles to blossom. 暂且不理那些旁人,落落抱住了外公的脖子,粉嘟嘟的小脸蛋上也是笑开了花。 Really is the grandfather! 真的是外公呢! Why will have the problem here like the grandfather, Luoluo will not think so many, sees the grandfather, isn't a very normal matter? little girl sees the grandfather radiantly, answered grandfather's issue in a baby voice. 像外公为什么会出现在这里的这种问题,落落才不会想那么多,见到外公,不是一件很正常的事吗?小姑娘眉开眼笑地看着外公,奶声奶气地回答起了外公的问题。 Luoluo, Luoluo and Papa, pot pot, with pot pot, plays!” This immature sound, making one hear the heart to melt. 落落,落落粑粑,锅锅,和锅锅,来玩呢!”这稚嫩的声音,让人听得心都化了。 Look following one group of people love look at the little fellow, thinks highly whether or not, they are thinking: Will a Mayor Xia such dignified person, how have such a lovable granddaughter? 这不,后面一群人都疼爱地看着小家伙,不管是不是恭维,他们都在想:夏市长这么威严的一个人,怎么会有一个这么可爱的外孙女? Naturally, like Qu Wenkang these thoughts flexible people, looks at the Luoluo small hand was pointing at Yang Yan. 当然,像屈文康这些心思活泛的人,就把视线投向了落落小手指着的杨言 Mayor Xia this son-in-law, seems like our Heyang person! 夏市长这个女婿,看起来好像是咱们荷阳人啊! Must continue to look at Luoluo, little girl met the grandfather, activates the talent that she spoke probably, her small hand is gesticulating , to continue to say full of enthusiasm. 还是要继续看回落落这边,小姑娘碰见了外公,就好像激活了她说话的天赋,她小手比划着,继续兴致勃勃地讲下去。 , Does not dance!” Luoluo lifts the small arm excitedly high, is studying beforehand Elder Brother such, assumes an air of self approbation, then giggle sees the grandfather to smile, Luoluo likes dancing......” “唔,呐,呐,跳舞呢!”落落兴奋地将小胳膊举高高,学着之前哥哥那样,摇头晃脑,然后咯咯地看着外公笑起来,“落落喜欢跳舞……” little girl this lively lovable performance, is teases Xia Xiangyang to laugh, in the new year the mood of first day all of a sudden becomes bright bright! 小姑娘这活泼可爱的表现,也是逗得夏向阳哈哈大笑起来,新年第一天的心情一下子变得灿烂敞亮! Luoluo jumps is also good, the grandfather likes very much, haha!” Xia Xiangyang gives the thumbs-up to the little fellow, the praise said. 落落跳得也很好,外公很喜欢,哈哈!”夏向阳给小家伙竖起了大拇指,夸奖道。 Hee, hee un...... the pot pot, the pot pot also dances!” Luoluo was praised, is raising the chin with joy, is smiling with the grandfather sweetly. “嘻,嘻嗯……锅锅,锅锅也跳舞呢!”落落被表扬了,更加喜滋滋地扬着下巴,跟外公甜甜地笑着。 Xia Xiangyang has the work in the body, naturally cannot dry in the sun a large crowd, oneself stand teases the child here. 夏向阳有工作在身,当然不能一直晾着一大群人,自己站在这里逗孩子。 He took back the smiling face quickly, looks to Yang Yan. 他很快就收回了笑容,看向杨言 Uncle Xia......” before the bystander, Yang Yan does not know how to call Xia Xiangyang, has to brace oneself, with sound that Xia Xiangyang could hear, greets gently. “夏叔叔……”在外人面前,杨言不知道怎么称呼夏向阳,只好硬着头皮走上去,用夏向阳才听得到的声音,轻轻地打了个招呼。 Xia Xiangyang gives Yang Yan to hug Luoluo, this criticizes to say with Yang Yan warm sound: In outside, must favor the child, runs all over the place is not good.” 夏向阳落落递给杨言抱着,这才跟杨言温声批评道:“在外面,要看好孩子,这么乱跑可不行。” This calculates that quite blamed temperately, Yang Yan relaxes secretly, the nod said hastily: I know, was I have not paid attention, making her run.” 这算比较温和的责备了,杨言偷偷松了一口气,连忙点头说道:“我知道,是我没注意,让她跑了出去。” Xia Xiangyang nods gently, he exchanged greetings with Yang Yan simply two, asked where the situation and noon of his family member ate meal. 夏向阳轻轻地点了点头,他跟杨言简单地寒暄两句,问他家里人的情况和中午在哪里吃饭。 However, Xia Xiangyang has not had the meaning that Yang Yan eats meal, he said quickly: Ok, you lead the child to play, me also has the matter, had anything then to say again.” 不过,夏向阳并没有带杨言去吃饭的意思,他很快就说道:“行吧,你带孩子去玩,我这边还有事,有什么回头再说。” Gazes after Xia Xiangyang to bring that crowd of person grandiose to leave from the square, Yang Yan breathes a sigh of relief with a sense of relief. 目送着夏向阳带着那群人浩浩荡荡地从广场上离开,杨言才如释重负地舒了一口气。 Father-in-law's officer prestige is too big, even if he does not put on a serious face, Yang Yan felt oneself when facing one Mayor Xia, somewhat does not know how anxiously should speak, how the hand should put. 老丈人的官威太大,就算他不板起脸来,杨言觉得自己在面对一个“夏市长”的时候,都有些紧张地不知道该怎么说话,手应该怎么放了。
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