YXCHD :: Volume #8

#735: Well, crooked winter? ( 1 / 2 )

thud thud thud thump clang, thud thud thud thump clang, thud thud thud thump clang clang......” in gongs and drums, golden red lion is opposite to the dance play, this cheerful rhythm, hearing makes one unable to bear want to follow to assume an air of self approbation together. 咚咚咚咚锵,咚咚咚咚锵,咚咚咚咚锵锵……”在锣鼓声中,金红色的“狮子”相对着舞戏,这欢快的节奏,听得让人都忍不住想跟着一起摇头晃脑。 Two young boys could not bear, they have turned head, found is still opening the small mouth to look at the lion dance slightly the younger sister. 两个小男孩就忍不住了,他们扭过头来,找到还在微微张着小嘴巴看舞狮的妹妹。 Younger sister, you look at me, I can also!” Wang Zihan called out positively, his two small arms lift to the head on, just like the lion dance, jumps alternately to stumble “妹妹,你看我,我也会!”王子瀚积极地叫道,他两只小胳膊举到脑袋上,跟舞狮一样,在原地两只腿交互蹦跶着,扭了起来。 I can also!” Wang Zihao saw that the younger brother displays like this, refuses to admit being inferior to dance at the same time. “我也会!”王子浩看到弟弟这样的表现,也不甘示弱地在一边舞起来。 Luoluo sees two elder brothers surprisedly, she has not known from the beginning two elder brothers are making anything, after all others lion has the attractive golden hair, but this seems like very interesting appearance at present, little girl looks, is an eye curved, lovable small front tooth , beams with joy with the elder brothers. 落落惊讶地看着两位哥哥,她一开始还不知道两位哥哥在做什么,毕竟人家“狮子”是有漂亮的金毛的,但眼前这一幕看起来就很有趣的样子,小姑娘看着看着,也是眼睛一弯,可爱的小门牙呲起来,跟哥哥们眉开眼笑起来。 Possibly is the rhythm that this beats gongs and drums is extremely sprightly movingly, Luoluo stands there, could not bear be up and down turn the small buttocks. 可能是这敲锣打鼓的节奏感太过明快动人,落落站在那儿,都忍不住一上一下地扭起了小屁股。 Snort, snort/hum un......” little girl is pinching the small fist, but also hmph hmph very much rhythmically, has probably been infatuated in this grand lion dance performance. “哼嗯,哼嗯……”小姑娘捏着小拳头,还很有节奏地哼哼起来,好像已经陶醉在了这个盛大的舞狮表演里。 However, when the lion dance performance is conducted to one is small **, Luoluo saw anything probably, is swinging the small body lived suddenly, she turns the head to look subconsciously to Papa, two small hands also grasped the thigh of Papa. 不过,当舞狮表演进行到一个小**的时候,落落好像看到了什么,正在摇摆着的小身体忽然顿住了,她下意识地转头看向爸爸,两只小手还抱住了爸爸的大腿。 What's wrong?” Yang Yan is smiling, touches the head of little fellow gently, asked. “怎么了?”杨言笑着,轻轻地摸了摸小家伙的脑袋,问道。 A Luoluo hand also grabs the Papa pants, then pointed at with another refers to golden red hair lion saying with Papa in a baby voice: , however, however......” 落落一只手还抓着爸爸的裤子,回头用另一只手指了指其中一只金红色毛发的“狮子”跟爸爸奶声奶气地说道:“唔,呐,呐然,然……” What however?” Yang Yan this did not have the words that the understanding what is heard daughter spoke, he squatted, grasped the little fellow to ask gently. “什么然?”杨言这回没听明白女儿说的话了,他蹲了下来,轻轻地抱住小家伙问道。 However, biting however......” Luoluo is actually not the fear, she ices the ice small cheek to paste the big face of Papa, looked to big lion in the eye does not have a timid intent, the sound to say with Papa softly. “然,咬然呢……”落落其实不是害怕,她冰冰的小脸蛋贴着爸爸的大脸,看向“大狮子”的眼睛里没有一丝怯意,声音软软地跟爸爸说道。 Bites however? 咬然? Bites? 咬人? What bites? 什么咬人? Yang Yan also somewhat violates muddle-headed from the beginning, but suddenly, he saw the front lion dance master jumped, the following person lifts the arm, jumps the person who to lift high front, jumped out of the lion person to stand, but powerful appearance! 杨言一开始还有些犯迷糊,但忽然间,他看到了前面的舞狮师傅跳了起来,后面的人抬起胳膊,将前面蹦起来的人举得高高的,跳出了狮子人立而起的威风凛凛的模样! Originally is this, Yang Yan thinks, the lion dance also had such movement! 原来是这样,杨言想起来,刚才的舞狮也有这样的动作! Luoluo, you say some people right?” Yang Yan at heart one happy, is pointing at big lion, asked with little girl. 落落,你是说有人对吧?”杨言心里一乐,指着“大狮子”,跟小姑娘问道。 The Luoluo very earnest place a small head, the shining big eye will as if speak: Right, that is it! 落落很认真地点了点小脑袋,明晃晃的大眼睛仿佛会说话:对呀,就是这个意思呀! little girl also thinks from the beginning this is any strange thing! But she saw unknowingly high jumps lion, unexpectedly is also hiding a person! This at all is not the Luoluo expectation of small age obtains, she received frightened...... 小姑娘一开始还以为这是什么奇怪的东西呢!但她不经意间看到了高高跃起的“狮子头”里面,居然还藏着一个人!这根本不是小小年纪的落落预料得到的,她才受到了一些惊吓…… Naturally has the person, these lion dances, are the person play the role, dances to be the same probably, you looked, they jump attractively!” Yang Yan answered with a laugh to the daughter. “当然有人,这些舞狮啊,都是人扮的,就好像跳舞一样,你看,他们跳得多好看啊!”杨言笑呵呵地跟女儿解释道。 Jumping......” the Luoluo's pronunciation is a little nonstandard, the small mouth pū pū shook two , was lovable, but she repeated Papa words subconsciously, the big eye has looked at others lion dance steadily, oneself sold one to sprout/moe. “跳呜呀……”落落的发音有点不标准,小嘴巴噗噗地抖了两下,也是可爱极了,不过她只是下意识地重复了一下爸爸的话,大眼睛一直是目不转睛地看着别人舞狮,自己无意间卖了一个萌。 ...... …… Starts the lion dance time, behind Kamgar Maidan market building walked one group of people, Xia Xiangyang walked in front, he is listening respectfully to County Magistrate Heyang County the report of Qu Wenkang, while is nodding gently. 开始舞狮的时候,工人广场后面的商场大楼走下来了一群人,夏向阳走在前头,他一边聆听着身边荷阳县县长屈文康的汇报,一边轻轻地点着头。 I watched the cultural capital construction of several counties, Heyang have done well, really have to put the thoughts in the two years on this. But does well, is not Heyang!” Xia Xiangyang first praised Qu Wenkang, then a thread of conversation revolution, said, was Ruixi, why I said that Ruixi could complete?” “我看过几个县的文化基建,荷阳做得不错,这两年确实有花了心思在这上面。但做得最好的,不是荷阳!”夏向阳先表扬一下屈文康,然后话锋一转,说道,“是瑞溪,为什么我说瑞溪做得好?” Although Qu Wenkang is not convinced at heart, but where dares saying that is walking, while sets a listening in reverent attention appearance. 屈文康虽然心里不服气,但哪里敢接话,一边走着,一边做出一副洗耳恭听的样子。 Country proposed, must strengthen the cultural construction, the spiritual and cultural life of rich people! We must do, cannot be only this old several sets, what plays lantern-riddles, the calligraphy competition, the red song competition, these moves, used for dozens years, no fresh idea . Moreover, you look at now the young people, how many people are willing to participate in these activities?” Xia Xiangyang is waving the hand gently, but the sound said with Qu Wenkang very much loudly and clearly, the distant place percussion instrument made noise, is unable to affect his speech. “国家提出,要加强文化建设,丰富人民群众的精神文化生活!我们要做的,不能只是这老几套,什么猜灯谜啊、书法比赛啊、红歌比赛,这些招数,都用了几十年,没有一点新意,而且,你看现在年轻人,还有多少人愿意参加这些活动的?”夏向阳轻轻地摇着手,但声音很洪亮地跟屈文康说道,远处锣鼓喧嚣,都无法影响他的讲话。 Right, that's true, Mayor Xia, then, we can think the activity that several have the fresh idea, carries out the innovation!” Qu Wenkang nods to accept to say hastily. “对,确实如此,夏市长,回头,我们会想几个有新意的活动,搞创新嘛!”屈文康连忙点头应承道。 Not only need innovate, you must understand the people true demand!” The Xia Xiangyang big hand cuts, said interruptedly, Ruixi prepares to do a square dance competition this year, this is very good, you looked that now the square dance is very popular, catered to the calls of retired people part of people. Young people? Can we with the New China Bookstore same place, conduct quite interesting studying? The report of big city about this aspect are many, some are invites the honored guest to explain the famous work, some are the studying dating activities, everyone exchanges has read the book......” “不只是要创新,你们还要了解人民群众真正的需求!”夏向阳大手一斩,不容置喙地说道,“瑞溪今年准备搞一个广场舞比赛,这就很好,你看现在广场舞很热门,也迎合了退休群众这一部分人的呼声。那年轻人呢?我们是不是可以跟新华书店一起,搞比较有趣的读书活动?大城市关于这方面的报道很多,有的是邀请嘉宾来解读名著,有的是读书交友活动,大家互换看过的书……” Xia Xiangyang is very busy, but he persists in studying to read a newspaper every day, spoke these cases, he had words at fingertips and wrote with facility. But Qu Wenkang brings presbyopic glasses, gray-haired, seems like sits the senior staff who the office reads the newspaper daily, but he does not have these inspirations, listening to Xia Xiangyang to speak, he is a face is ashamed. 夏向阳很忙,但每天他都坚持读书看报,讲起这些案例,他都是信手拈来。而屈文康虽然带着一副老花镜,头发花白了,看起来就像是天天坐办公室看报纸的老职工,但他都没有这些灵感,听着夏向阳说话,他都是一脸惭愧。 Right that Mayor Xia, you said that we must from the people, understand that the demand of people, to the people, manages some them the event that again likes participating in!” Qu Wenkang hurried to summarize Xia Xiangyang words, the response said. 夏市长,您说的对,我们一定要从群众中来,了解群众的需求,再到群众中去,办一些他们喜欢参与的活动!”屈文康赶紧总结了一下夏向阳的话,回应道。 Had returned to the square, Xia Xiangyang had not spoken again, he walks with long hurried strides forward, bringing the big team, grandiose to move toward another side parking lot! 已经回到了广场上,夏向阳就没有再说话了,他大步流星地向前走,带着大队伍,浩浩荡荡地走向另一边的停车场! Xia Xiangyang lunar New Year's Day traveling schedule also secure fills, he inspects in Heyang in the morning, at noon and Heyang leadership team eats meal to meet, in the afternoon also prepares Hecheng, must visit the old cadres who retires. Therefore, a he always appearance hurriedly, after the lively lion dance location, he does not make the stay even, the preparation circles to go by car. 夏向阳大年初一的行程也安排得满满当当的,他上午在荷阳视察,中午和荷阳的领导班子吃饭开个会,下午还准备回荷城,要走访一下退休的老干部们。所以,他总是一副风风火火的样子,就算经过热闹的舞狮场地,他也不做逗留,准备绕过去坐车了。 But here, Xia Xiangyang is walking, saw that a little girl of wear red Chinese-style clothing princess skirt tread the tread tread to intrude in his field of vision. 但就在这儿,夏向阳走着走着,就看到一个穿着红色的唐装公主裙的小女孩蹬蹬蹬地闯入了他的视野里。 A little looks familiar? 有点眼熟? Xia Xiangyang selected the eyebrow slightly, he also saw hurries to run over a man who wants to hug that little girl. 夏向阳微微挑了挑眉毛,他还看到了慌忙跑过来想要抱起那个小女孩的一个男人。 How isn't this he until now and sees feels a little uncomfortable brat Yang Yan? 这不是他直到现在、怎么看都觉得有点不爽的臭小子杨言吗? Oh! crooked winter?” Crisp, has the pleasantly surprised happy expression sound sound. 咦!歪冬?”一个脆生生的、还带着点惊喜的笑意的声音响了起来。
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