WG :: Volume #5 God Slayer of the World of Magic (魔法界的屠神者)

#1171: ancient demon god

That...... then what to do?” The god of productivity asked. “那……接下来怎么办?”丰饶之神问。 Suye sighed, said: What to do can also? Kills their some Demi-God and false gods in node plane as far as possible. A month later, they will definitely set out large quantities of God, at that time, after our symbolic battle several, immediately retreated, retains the effective strength. In any case, the wall of galaxy downcasts inevitably. However, hopes that they do not dispatch the tower of Dusk.” 苏业叹了口气,道:“还能怎么办?尽量在节点位面多杀他们一些半神和伪神。一个月后,他们必然会出动大批神灵,那个时候,我们象征性战斗几场后,马上撤退,保留有生力量。反正,星河之壁必然陷落。不过,希望他们不要派遣黄昏之塔。” Gods is moved. 众神为之动容。 „Won't they use that War to advocate divine artifact early?” “他们不会这么早动用那件战争神器吧?” Suye shakes the head saying: That must look at that they were whether intelligent. If they have enough wisdom, definitely will realize, must rout half red shield as soon as possible, breaks through the wall of defense line galaxy. If only the use normal method, their prices will be big, the tower of Dusk happens, to Nordic Countries Legion and magic Legion will form the tremendous pressure. Let alone they, your I who can not care? Once the opposite party dispatches the tower of Dusk, I withdraw magic Legion immediately, and gives up the status of Commander various God.” 苏业摇头道:“那就要看他们是否聪明了。如果他们有足够的智慧,必然会意识到,必须要尽快击溃半红之盾,突破星河之壁防线。如果只是使用正常手段,他们的代价会非常大,黄昏之塔一旦出现,对北欧军团魔法军团的会形成何等大的压力。别说他们,你我又有谁能不在乎?一旦对方派遣黄昏之塔,我马上撤走魔法军团,并放弃诸神总指挥的身份。” Nordic Countries Gods is helpless. 北欧众神无奈。 Til coldly snorted, said: Do not go too far! If you sneak away at a critical juncture, I can only be me should the matter of doing! You remember, I am Nordic Countries God of War!” 提尔冷哼一声,道:“你不要太过分!如果你临阵脱逃,我只能做我该做的事!你记住,我才是北欧战争之神!” Finally couldn't bear? When I said Til such good nature. I now am commander-in-chief various God! You also remember, this is I tolerates you for the last time, next time will dare to offend, before I chopped your Incarnation to throw your main body !” Suye sneers to say. “终于忍不住了?我就说提尔什么时候这么好脾气了。我现在是诸神总指挥官!你也记住,这是我最后一次容忍你,下次胆敢冒犯,我剁了你的化身扔到你本体前!”苏业冷笑道。 You......” “你……” The god of protection quickly signals with the eyes to other God, puts out a hand to embrace Til's shoulder, was on rollers with god of productivity and other God, chats, carries over the command hall Til forcefully. 守护之神急忙给其他神灵使眼色,伸手揽着提尔的肩膀,与丰饶之神等神灵推推拉拉,说说笑笑,把提尔强行带出指挥大厅。 Looked at being far away God, the hesitant moment, arrives at side Suye, urged in a low voice: Til's temperament you know, God of War is this type irritable, he can endure your more than ten years, indeed already but actually limit. However, he in view of you, he is not God of War, is unable to endure the behavior that escapes from.” 芙蕾雅看了一眼远离的神灵,犹豫片刻,走到苏业身边,低声劝道:“提尔的脾气你知道,战神都是这种火爆的,他能忍你十多年,的确已经倒极限了。不过,他不是针对你,他是战争之神,无法忍受临阵逃脱的行为。” Suye sighed, said: I understand. But I impossible, whatever the tower of Dusk launches the destruction attack, kills my person. Once the tower of Dusk arrives, even if enrages Til, I will also withdraw magic Legion ahead of time.” 苏业叹了口气,道:“我明白。但我不可能任由黄昏之塔发动毁灭攻击,杀死我的人。一旦黄昏之塔降临,哪怕激怒提尔,我也会提前撤走魔法军团。” But, you do this, cold heart of Nordic Countries Gods.” Said. “可是,你这样做,会寒了北欧众神的心。”芙蕾雅道。 What with the Odin transaction is I, is not magician. At the worst after withdrawing magician, I sacrificed this doppelgänger, to Til under a stair.” Suye said. “与奥丁交易的是我,不是魔法师。大不了撤走魔法师后,我牺牲这个分身,给提尔一个台阶下。”苏业道。 Counts you astutely!” Cannot bear smile. “就数你最精明!”芙蕾雅忍不住抿嘴一笑。 Nearby Legendary mage also shakes the head with a smile. 附近的传奇法师也笑着摇头。 Worried that is looking at the starry sky of out of the window, said: Hopes that both of you do not want the internal strife, otherwise, Nordic Countries will lose the biggest reinforcements.” 芙蕾雅担忧地望着窗外的星空,道:“希望你们俩不要内讧,否则的话,北欧将失去最大的援军。” You felt relieved that we are the grown gods, is insufficient, for some quarrels/corners of the mouth bear a grudge the opposite party.” “你放心吧,我们都是成年神,不至于为了一些口角记恨对方。” Un.” Nods. “嗯。”芙蕾雅点点头。 Next day, all as usual. 第二天,一切照常。 However, Gods discovered Til, although comes as usual, but becomes quiet, but uses Magic Book to record silently. 但是,众神发现提尔虽然和往常一样前来,但变得沉默寡言,只是默默地使用魔法书记录。 Suye also no longer inquired Til, two people worked as the air the opposite party. 苏业也不再提问提尔,两个人把对方当空气。 The atmosphere of command hall is somewhat depressing, Gods sees that has to do everything possible to insert funny dialog, this makes atmosphere slowly change for the better. 指挥大厅的气氛有些压抑,众神见状,只好想尽办法插科打诨,这才让气氛慢慢好转。 The time passes by day-by-day, benefits presents from eighth plane, has almost the God promotion daily. 时间一天一天过去,得益于第八次的位面馈赠,几乎天天有神灵晋升。 However, there is not a good news. 但是,也有不好的消息。 God of place of World Creation loses concentration acceleration to collapse, according to this trend, without God can support to present for the ninth time to arrive. 创世之地的神灵分神加速崩溃,照这种趋势,没有神灵能撑到第九次馈赠降临。 Nordic Countries God started the God Star migration, migrates other other God Star one after another to Asijiade, triggers the attention of infinite plane Gods. 北欧神灵开始了神星迁移,陆续把其他其余的神星迁移向阿斯加德周围,引发无限位面众神的关注。 The place of World Creation. 创世之地。 outside world 80 years, World Creation 800 years. 外界八十年,创世八百年。 Person clan, magic mainland core region, Gods city. 人族,魔法大陆核心区域,众神城。 Ha, father promoted Main God!” The dark green Red Mountain lineage/vein rampant sound spreads over the Gods city. “哈哈哈,老子晋升主神了!”苍红山脉嚣张的声音传遍众神城。 Other God lose concentration shakes the head either with a smile, or the unstated criticism, either envies at heart especially. 其余神灵分神要么笑着摇头,要么心里腹诽,要么格外羡慕。 Suye God's Temple comes, beside God's Temple, massive God's split statue arrangement outside. 苏业神殿居中,神殿之外,大量神灵的分体雕像排列在外面。 However, the statue square is especially spacious. 但是,雕像广场格外空旷。 Present statue quantity, insufficient original 1%. 现在的雕像数量,不足原本的百分之一。 But in Suye God's Temple behind, Statue Forest stands. 而在苏业神殿的后面,雕像林立。 These statues, record elapsing God. 这些雕像,记录着逝去的神灵 Suye loses concentration from the upper air looking out into the distance world. 苏业分神自高空远眺天地。 When the place of time 561 years World Creation, Suye stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, enters the magic mainland core, exterminates all ancient demon, occupies the most bountiful area, the success acceleration development. 创世之地时间五百六十一年的时候,苏业孤注一掷,杀入魔法大陆核心,清剿所有的古魔,占据最富饶的地区,成功加速发展。 Afterward, Suye migrates main body to the Gods city. 随后,苏业本体迁移到众神城。 The plan of magic mainland Gods is to gather together, establishes your presence the unprecedented Gods urban cluster, but was denied by Suye finally. 魔法大陆众神的计划原本是聚集到一起,建立一座前所未有的众神城市群,但最终被苏业否定。 Suye thinks that establishes the excessively centralized sole urban cluster, will destroy the multiplicity and diversification of life. 苏业认为建立过度集中的单一城市群,会破坏生命的多样性和多元化。 Therefore, in the core region of magic mainland, is centered on the Gods urban cluster, established eight urban clusters in eight directions, relates is also but independent. 所以,在魔法大陆的核心区域,以众神城市群为核心,在八个方向建立了八座城市群,相互之间联系但又独立。 Even, the man (Han) country and maritime country and country constructs a city respectively. 甚至于,汉国、海国与蛮国各建一城。 Many God opposed, but can only obey. 许多神灵反对,但只能听从。 Meanwhile, some God of other mainland gather, walked the different directions with Suye, the mainland establishes a delivery order urban cluster. 与此同时,其他大陆的一些神灵聚集在一起,与苏业走了不同的方向,全大陆建立起单一城市群。 The invested cost of sole urban cluster is low, the development is quite swift and violent, the nine big urban clusters of far ultra magic mainland. 单一城市群的投入成本低,发展极为迅猛,远超魔法大陆的九大城市群。 God of other mainland see the contrast, the centralism establishes the sole urban cluster mostly. 其余大陆的神灵看到对比,大都集中建立单一城市群。 In a while, over a hundred mainland or the sea scopes, presented several hundred sole urban clusters. 没过多久,上百个大陆或海洋范围,出现了数百座单一城市群。 With the slowly passage of time, crossed for 100 years, matter had the change that is inconceivable. 随着时间的慢慢推移,过了一百年,事情出现了难以想象的变化。 The sole urban cluster splits up two situations. 单一城市群分化成两种情况。 In a sole urban cluster, the race, culture, custom, the gap between rich and poor and so on all kinds of differences, caused the fierce conflict. 一种单一城市群中,种族、文化、风俗、贫富差距等等各种各样的不同,引发了剧烈的冲突。 Based on these conflicts, massive God by their follower influences, were started to manipulate strategically, fights for power and profit. 在这些冲突的基础上,大量神灵被他们的信徒影响,开始勾心斗角,争权夺利。 The huge internal friction is weakening the growth of these cities unceasingly. 巨大的内耗在不断削弱这些城市的成长。 In another sole urban cluster, Gods relates harmoniously, systematic of management, but hundred years later Gods discovered, these cities, probably lethargic senile old man, the entire society falls into the ossification that is unable to understand. 另一种单一城市群中,众神关系和睦,管理的井井有条,但百年后众神发现,这些城市,好像暮气沉沉老态龙钟的老人,整个社会陷入无法理解的僵化。 Everyone defers to the Gods rule to work obviously, all seem like are so happy, but the growth speeds in various aspects are getting more and more low. 明明所有人都按照众神的规则在做事,一切看上去都那么美好,可各方面的成长速度越来越低。 Gods thinks to matter, to the entire letter/believes people community, not necessarily is right. 众神认为对的事情,对整个信民群体来说,未必是对的。 Gods thinks now to matter, to the future, not necessarily is right. 众神认为现在对的事,对未来来说,未必是对的。 Until this time, some God recalled Suye to say suddenly in the past, Gods was sealed in the statue, even if wisdom were exceedingly high, the feeling and letter/believes people were completely also different, is unable clear to perceive all, is unable to find the most correct direction for the life. 直到这时候,一些神灵才突然回忆苏业当年说过,众神被封在雕像中,哪怕智慧通天,感受和信民也完全不同,无法清晰觉察一切,也就无法替生命找到最正确的方向。 slowly, all sole urban clusters by original the growth, is turning into the negative growth. 慢慢地,所有单一城市群由原本的正增长,变成负增长。 The population and concentration of efforts of sole urban cluster the same place, peripheral has the large amounts of bountiful resources from the beginning time, did not worry completely. 单一城市群的人口和力量集中到一起,一开始周边存在大量富饶资源的时候,完全不愁。 May exhaust with nearby resources, they have to go to the distant collection resources, establishes a distance farther mine, this causes the cost to be getting higher and higher. 可随着附近的资源耗尽,他们不得不前往远方采集资源,建立距离更远的矿场,这就导致成本越来越高。 Reviews the multi- urban cluster strategy of magic mainland, is completely different. 反观魔法大陆的多城市群战略,完全不一样。 In order to construct nine urban clusters, magic mainland consumption giant resources, even lends to other mainland. 为了建造九座城市群,魔法大陆消耗巨大的资源,甚至向其他大陆借贷。 In first dozens years, nine big urban clusters do not have the advantage, the growth is very ordinary. 在前几十年,九大城市群毫无优势,成长速度很一般。 However, hundred years cross, the development speed of sole urban cluster plummets, but the development of nine big urban clusters keep the normal speed as before, is in inverse proportion, both sides formed the terrifying contrast. 但是,百年一过,单一城市群的发展速度大降,可九大城市群的发展依旧保持正常的速度,此消彼长,双方形成了恐怖的反差。 Because nine big urban clusters according to Gods and ethnic group distribution, in the cities have the contradiction, because maintains the distance, contradictory was instead controlled in the extremely low degree. 由于九大城市群是根据众神和族群分布,城市之间是有矛盾,但因为保持距离,矛盾反而被控制在极低的程度。 Because the distance is far, nine cities must exchange, reverse the magic development. 因为距离远,九座城市要交流,倒逼魔法发展。 Now, the materials and the communication nine urban clusters is very unobstructed, does not have any barrier. 现在,九座城市群的物质和信息交流无比通畅,没有任何障碍。 Transmission and pass on message ability, even far ultra outside world. 传送阵和传讯能力,甚至已经远超外界 As for the resources issue, the mining area scopes of nine urban cluster radiations are much more than sole urban cluster, not only the total quantity is big, the type are many, but also in the regions of nine big urban cluster encirclements, will form massive safety belts, the resources harvest cost is extremely low. 至于资源问题,九座城市群辐射的矿区范围远远大于单一城市群,不仅总量大,种类多,而且在九大城市群合围的区域,会形成大量的安全地带,资源收获成本极低。 Is clenching teeth to follow Suye to develop Pantheon of multi- urban cluster, relaxes finally. 许多咬着牙跟随苏业发展多城市群的神系,也终于松了口气。 Two the differentiations of shape urban clusters are getting more and more serious, many sole urban clusters decide to cross the rubicon, start to split the urban cluster, like Suye, establishes the multi- urban cluster. 两种形态城市群的分化越来越严重,许多单一城市群决定破釜沉舟,开始分割城市群,像苏业那样,建立多城市群。 However, at that time is the World Creation world more than 700 years, the outside world time more than 70 years. 但是,那时候已经是创世世界七百多年,外界时间七十多年。 The frequency of demon tide, rare. 魔潮的频率,超乎寻常。 At that time, the World Creation time each one year, will have formed the big demon tide. 那个时候,创世时间每过一年,就会形成大魔潮。 Even so, for the future, the sole urban cluster is also clenching teeth to partition. 即便如此,为了未来,单一城市群也咬着牙分拆。 However, in late 700, the sad news appeared suddenly. 但是,700年末期,噩耗突现。 ancient demon Divine Descent is near! 古魔神降临! When low-rank ancient Moshen lead sea ancient Moqun arrives, all God are shocked. 当一尊尊下位古魔神率领海洋般的古魔群抵达的时候,所有神灵都惊呆了。 Even if Gods had expected that can have ancient demon Divine Descent to be near, suddenly cannot respond. 哪怕众神早就预料会有古魔神降临,一时间也反应不过来。 What is most terrifying, a strength of ancient demon clan is always enhanced with the growth of total. 最恐怖的是,古魔一族的实力向来随着总数的增长而增强。 Once ancient Moshen holds the post of ancient demon the brain, entire ancient demon ethnic group condensation, extinguishes the world demon god just like one. 一旦古魔神担任古魔的大脑,整个古魔族群凝聚,宛如一头灭世魔神。 All sole urban clusters, were surrounded by vast ocean ancient demon all round. 所有的单一城市群,被汪洋大海般的古魔团团包围。 Beyond each sole urban cluster, respectively three ancient Moshen. 每一座单一城市群外,各有三尊古魔神。 Under the ancient demon god's leadership, ancient demon has no longer walloped to fiercely attack like before, but builds the ancient Mota nest, fights steadily. 在古魔神的带领下,古魔已经不再像以前那样猛冲猛打,而是就地建立古魔塔巢,稳扎稳打。 Each sole urban cluster, was sphered by the innumerable ancient Mota nests, the mines in various places were broken through by the ancient demon, is unable to go to the outside world collection resources again. 每一座单一城市群,都被无数的古魔塔巢围住,各处的矿场都被古魔攻破,再也无法去外界采集资源。 In the magic mainland, ancient Moshen are exceptionally puzzled. 魔法大陆,古魔神们异常纠结。 Three ancient Moshen does, how solve ten cities? 三个古魔神,怎么解决十座城市? Therefore, they first concentrate to attack. 于是,他们先集中攻打。 One place is in difficulty, real help came from all sides. 一方有难,真八方支援。 The surrounded city is unable to go to the exterior collection resources again, even the continuous cropping cannot achieve, but another eight cities are not affected. 被包围的城市无法再去外部采集资源,甚至连种地都做不到,可另外八座城市不受影响。 Is better than ancient Moshen, is unable to block latest transmission. 强如古魔神,也无法封锁最新式的传送阵。 Later, ancient Momo the god is trying dividing forces, that low-rank god ancient demon but who divides forces leaves shortly, by being numbered in the tens of thousands Demi-God and several hundred thousand Mage Tower surprise attacks, becomes the precious research material. 之后,古魔魔神试着分兵,但分兵的那尊下位神古魔离开没多久,就被数以万计的半神和几十万法师塔突袭,成为宝贵的研究材料。 Hence, ancient Moshen of magic mainland does not dare to divide forces. 至此,魔法大陆的古魔神再也不敢分兵。 ancient Moshen of magic mainland was convinced, ancient Moshen of other mainland are not convinced, but also wants to divide forces to aim at the place of multi- urban cluster. 魔法大陆的古魔神服气了,其他大陆的古魔神不服气,还想分兵针对多城市群的地方。 But, Suye dispatches massive Demi-God and lifeform Mage Tower surprise attack repeatedly, kills low-rank ancient Moshen. 但,苏业多次派遣大量半神和生物法师塔突袭,杀死一个又一个下位古魔神。 All ancient Moshen were convinced. 所有古魔神服气了。 When close to 800 years, the ancient demons of various mainland increases suddenly, formed super demon tide, many low-rank ancient demon Divine Descent is near. 在临近八百年的时候,各大陆的古魔突然增多,形成了一次超级魔潮,更多的下位古魔神降临。 :.: :。:
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