WG :: Volume #5 God Slayer of the World of Magic (魔法界的屠神者)

#1165: The wall of galaxy, half red shield

Nordic Countries God Star is divided into four big regions. 北欧神星系分为四个大区域。 Most core is renowned god city Asijiade, Godking Odin the place of housing, the entire Nordic Countries Pantheon core, comprised of many stars plane and Sun. 最核心是著名的神城阿斯加德,神王奥丁的居住之地,整个北欧神系的核心,由多颗星辰位面与太阳组成。 The inner layer is the place of Main God, surrounds and protects Asijiade. 内层则是主神之地,拱卫阿斯加德。 The outer layer is Land of Gods, God under Main God disperses in each Solar System of galaxy. 外层是众神之地,主神之下的神灵分散在星系的各个太阳系中。 The edge is minority God's God Star composes with the wild stars. 边缘则是少数神灵的神星与蛮荒星辰组成。 Between the outer layer and edge, innumerable Sun and star light interweave a giant sphere guard/shield, inside and outside the isolation, surrounds entire Nordic Countries Pantheon. 在外层与边缘之间,无数的太阳与星光交织成一个巨大的球形护罩,隔绝内外,包围整个北欧神系 Above the sphere guard/shield, proliferates the space orbit. 球形护罩之上,遍布空间轨道。 Thousands of stars through space orbit round trip in various places of sphere guard/shield, forms the wall of famous galaxy, is the Nordic Countries Pantheon first defense line. 数以万计的星辰通过空间轨道来去于球形护罩的各处,形成著名的星河之壁,也是北欧神系的第一道防线。 Actuates the wall of galaxy to need the endless strength, but provides the strength for the wall of galaxy, is the famous 88 hubs. 驱动星河之壁需要无尽的力量,而为星河之壁提供力量的,则是著名的八十八枢纽。 Each hub, comprised of tens of thousands of Sun, Odin main body is personally connected them, and please grey Dwarf build the cluster drying furnace. 每一个枢纽内部,都由数以万计的太阳组成,奥丁本体亲手将它们相连,并请灰矮人打造成星团烘炉。 Any cluster is shattered, will be filled by the spare cluster drying furnace rapidly, even if the wall of galaxy were broken through temporarily, can rapid recovery. 任何星团破灭,都会被备用星团烘炉迅速填补,哪怕星河之壁暂时被攻破,也能迅速恢复 However, only has the first hub, once breaks through, the wall of entire galaxy will take many years to be able recovery. 但是,唯有第一枢纽一旦攻破,整个星河之壁将需要多年才能恢复 Dusk Legion objective, is the first hub of wall of galaxy, a kind of Solar System comprised of 100 cluster drying furnaces. 黄昏军团目标,便是星河之壁的第一枢纽,一座由一百座星团烘炉组成的类太阳系。 Two years ago, Lokey's beast god Legion and Sur Turle's fire Giant Legion and Khayra's undead Legion are treading stars Ruins, breaks through the fringing field, goes straight to the first hub. 两年前,洛基的兽神军团、苏尔特尔的火巨人军团和海拉的亡灵军团一路踏着星辰废墟,攻破边缘区域,直抵第一枢纽。 The first hub just like a huge light ball, partly inlays in the light screen of wall of galaxy. 第一枢纽宛如一个巨大的光球,半嵌在星河之壁的光幕中。 Half luminous body that the first hub appears externally, becomes Dusk Legion attack objective. 第一枢纽外露的半个光体,成为黄昏军团的攻击目标 The center of first hub, 100 cluster drying furnaces gather an ultra enormous kind of Sun body of dazzling sparkle, is called big light group 第一枢纽的中心,一百座星团烘炉汇聚成一个刺目闪耀的超巨型类太阳体,被称做“大光团” Innumerably divine artifact that is built by grey Dwarf continuously the strength transformation of Sun is divine power, the eruption the innumerable divine power bands of light, seethes in the surroundings of big light group like the python. 无数由灰矮人打造的神器源源不断把太阳的力量转化为神力,喷发出无数神力光带,如同巨蟒在大光团的周围翻腾。 divine power through the shift of wall of galaxy, sends above the 1000 planets of first hub most outer layer. 神力通过星河之壁的转移,送入第一枢纽最外层的一千颗行星之上。 Each planet by the thick divine power guard/shield package, these 1000 planets was been connected by divine power, constructs a giant pale red colored light cover, is protecting the first hub. 每一颗行星都被厚厚的神力护罩包裹,这一千颗行星被神力相连,构建成一个巨大的淡红色光罩,保护着第一枢纽。 The outside hemisphere of entire first hub, by light red light cover protection. 整个第一枢纽的外半球,都被淡红色的光罩保护。 Half red shield, one of the infinite plane most powerful protection strengths, even if Godking main body makes a move unable to defeat fast. 半红之盾,无限位面最强大的防护力量之一,哪怕神王本体出手都无法快速击破。 1000 planets are distributed in various places of hemisphere shape red light cover. 一千颗行星分布在半球状红色光罩的各处。 Above each planet plane, the divine rays surges, divine power soars to the heavens, the vitality fills the air, the pale yellow fog ripples. 每一座行星位面之上,神光翻腾,神力冲天,气血弥漫,昏黄之雾荡漾。 Dusk Legion launches the attack to 1000 planets simultaneously! 黄昏军团同时向一千座行星发起进攻! Each stars plane ground, innumerable Demi-God and false gods are slaughtering. 每一颗星辰位面的地面,无数半神与伪神在厮杀。 Each stars plane outer space, has the starry sky giant beast to attack crazily. 每一个星辰位面的外太空,都有星空巨兽在疯狂攻击。 Great ship of these stars plane in like ocean waves, fluctuating are uncertain, was possibly swallowed by the Dusk Legion storm momentarily. 这些星辰位面如同海浪中的巨船,起伏不定,随时可能被黄昏军团的风暴吞噬。 In the Gods direction hall in big light group edge, tens of thousands of light screen arrangements in various places, innumerable Nordic Countries Demi-God and false god even low-rank gods with god or coming and going, or sit under the magic light screen the process information. 大光团边缘的众神指挥厅中,数以万计的光幕排列在各处,无数的北欧半神、伪神甚至下位神与中位神或来来往往,或坐于魔法光幕下处理信息。 Minority Legendary magician here seem especially conspicuous. 少数传奇魔法师在这里显得格外惹眼。 „No. 997 plane comprehensive rout, emergency relief! Emergency relief!” “第997号位面全面溃败,紧急求援!紧急求援!” „No. 232 plane soon will unable to insist!” “第232号位面即将坚持不住!” Damn! The Dusk pack of wolves appears in No. 3 plane, main force Legion of enemy side comes, immediately supports, immediately supports!” “该死的!黄昏狼群出现在三号位面,敌方的主力军团现身,马上支援,马上支援!” „It is not good, No. 7 plane all satellite divine artifact were destroyed, the ground war besets with a crisis......” “不好,七号位面的所有卫星神器被摧毁,地面战陷入危机……” Damn, is the supernova command system so bad?” “该死,超新星的指挥系统这么差吗?” Without our supernova command system, your half red shields has collapsed!” “没有我们超新星指挥系统,你们的半红之盾早就崩了!” „It is not good, No. 3 plane linkage interrupt!” “不好,三号位面连接中断!” „No. 3 plane field of vision was camouflaged!” “三号位面视界被遮蔽!” „No. 3 plane falls into enemy hands officially!” “三号位面正式失守!” In the command hall, all the people of taking a walk stop the footsteps, all captains stay, simultaneously looks at No. 3 magic light screen to be in a daze. 指挥大厅中,所有走动的人停下脚步,所有指挥者呆坐,齐齐望着三号魔法光幕发呆。 The 20 battlefield angles of No. 3 magic light screen, a darkness. 三号魔法光幕的二十个战场角度,一片漆黑。 After several seconds, some light screen recovery, see the dense and numerous Dusk wolf clan to seize No. 3 plane main city, crawls completely the great shape like the ant. 数秒后,部分光幕恢复,就见密密麻麻的黄昏狼族占领三号位面的主城,如同蚂蚁爬满到底的巨象。 The command hall is quiet. 指挥大厅静悄悄的。 The ordinary stars were seized, have minimal impact, but No. 3 stars were seized, means that most ten days, half red shield will be solved comprehensively, the entire first hub will completely expose in the Dusk Legion attack range. 普通星辰被占领,影响不大,但三号星辰被占领,意味着最多十天,半红之盾将全面告破,整个第一枢纽将彻底暴露在黄昏军团的攻击范围内。 The wall of galaxy, will soon collapse. 星河之壁,即将崩溃。 What to do......” many captains look to the president of wall of galaxy, Nordic Countries God of War Til's high-rank Incarnation. “怎么办……”众多指挥者望向星河之壁的主持者,北欧战神提尔的上位化身 This only remains the man over the face whiskers of left arm, the facial features are firm and resolute, the left hand strokes the armor piece of waistband unceasingly. 这个只剩左臂的男人满面络腮胡,面容坚毅,左手不断抚摸腰带的甲片。 armor piece bright like mirror. 甲片明亮如镜。 Til, is not really good, uses newly-built God Legion!” “提尔陛下,实在不行,动用新建的神灵军团吧!” „It is not good, God Legion needs to defend Asijiade.” “不行,神灵军团需要保卫阿斯加德。” Words that even the wall of galaxy must be solved, but also discussed what Asijiade.” “连星河之壁都要告破的话,还谈什么阿斯加德。” Does not set out the God Legion words, assigns a Valkyrie brigade again.” “不出动神灵军团的话,再调派一支女武神大队吧。” „A dismemberment, the Dusk wolf clan after all was Lear......” the commander of speech shut up suddenly. “一支解决不了,黄昏狼族毕竟是芬里尔的……”说话的指挥官突然闭上嘴。 Some God look at the right arm that is cut off to the Til simultaneous/uniform elbow. 一些神灵望向提尔齐肘断掉的右臂。 After the God's arm is cut off, can easily recovery. 神灵的手臂断掉后本可以轻易恢复 But Til's arm, was nipped by Wolf of Dusk Lear. 但提尔的手臂,被黄昏之狼芬里尔咬下。 Lear is Lokey and sorrowful queen Angle's child, although in the past was only the high-rank wolf god, but has started to show true colors, the whole body lent the rich Dusk aura, under Main God is daring to approach soulless. 芬里尔是洛基与悲恸王后安格尔的孩子,当年虽然只是上位狼神,但已经初露峥嵘,周身散发着浓郁的黄昏气息,主神之下无神敢靠近。 Lear is born, without God is willing to communicate with it, Nordic Countries God of War Til is an exception. 芬里尔诞生的时候,没有神灵愿意与它来往,北欧战神提尔是个例外。 Only then this powerful to inconceivable God, can the fearless Lear's strength, feed Lear since childhood, plays with it. 只有这个强大到不可思议的神灵,才能无惧芬里尔的力量,从小喂养芬里尔,与它玩耍。 both sides in together time, even multi- Yu Fen Lear and Lokey in together time. 双方在一起的时间,甚至多于芬里尔和洛基在一起的时间。 A person of wolf, sentiment with fathers and sons. 一人一狼,情同父子。 In order to contain Lokey, Gods prepares to imprison Lear, but no one can sneak attack Wolf of Dusk. 为了遏制洛基,众神准备囚禁芬里尔,但没有谁能偷袭黄昏之狼 For Nordic Countries Pantheon, Til Station. 为了北欧神系,提尔站了出来。 Nordic Countries Gods takes out invisible demon rope time, Til facing Wolf of Dusk, said that played like before, tests its strength, will not injure it. 北欧众神取出无形魔绳的时候,提尔面对黄昏之狼,说只是像以前那样玩耍,测试它的力量,不会伤害它。 Wolf of Dusk has a premonition keenly, it is anxious, finally, it chooses to believe Til, but requests Til to put his mouth the right hand. 黄昏之狼预感敏锐,它焦躁不安,最终,它选择相信提尔,但要求提尔把右手放到他嘴里。 Finally, Wolf of Dusk is nipping Til's right arm, tied up by invisible demon rope. 最后,黄昏之狼咬着提尔的右臂,被无形魔绳捆住。 Invisible demon rope can tie up under Godking all God, Wolf of Dusk how, regardless to make an effort, is unable to work loose. 无形魔绳能捆绑神王之下一切神灵,黄昏之狼无论怎么用力,也无法挣脱。 Finally, Wolf of Dusk bites Til's arm, the tooth is gripping the broken Til's skin, like the eyes of illumination amber, is staring at Til. 最后,黄昏之狼咬着提尔的手臂,牙齿扎破提尔的皮肤,如同发光琥珀的双眼,盯着提尔。 Til's blood, drops following the corners of the mouth of Wolf of Dusk. 提尔的血,顺着黄昏之狼的嘴角滴落。 Til extends the left hand, rubbed the head of Wolf of Dusk gently, the smile said: Sorry, I deceived you.” 提尔伸出左手,轻轻揉了揉黄昏之狼的头颅,微笑道:“对不起,我骗了你。” Lear is staring at Til, flows off two drops of pale yellow tears, the right arm that cuts by biting Til, the body rises later , to promote Main God. 芬里尔盯着提尔,流下两滴昏黄泪水,一口咬断提尔的右臂,随后身体疯涨,晋升主神 Lear was imprisoned in the Lunger island many years, afterward worked loose the captivity, converges with his father Lokey. 芬里尔被囚禁在伦格费岛多年,后来挣脱囚禁,与其父亲洛基汇合。 Defeats No. 3 plane Dusk pack of wolves, is Lear's heir. 击破三号位面黄昏狼群,都是芬里尔的子嗣。 On No. 3 plane fortress Ruins, trillion demon wolves face upward to shout, seems declaring war for their wolf ancestors. 三号位面的堡垒废墟上,亿万魔狼仰天嘶吼,仿佛在替他们的狼祖宣战。 Til Legion, goes to No. 3 plane!” God of War Til said, immediately command hall. “提尔军团,前往三号位面!”战神提尔说完,立刻指挥大厅。 Main God Legion, sends out for the first time. 主神军团,首次出动。 The armor is sparking, the lance sword is sharp, arrives at No. 3 plane. 铠甲闪亮,矛剑锋利,降临三号位面 Everywhere divine power light lance whereabouts, endless divine power falls in torrents. 漫天的神力光矛下落,无尽的神力倾泻。 Entire ten ten thousand Demi-God jointly attack, is the same just like magic tool of harvesting straw, the large expanse of large expanse of slaughter extinguishes the Dusk wolf clan. 整整十万半神合击,宛如收割稻草的魔法器一样,成片成片地屠灭黄昏狼族。 After half quarter, hundreds of thousands of first hundred meters high Dusk Giant Wolf, arrive at the battlefield. 半刻钟后,数十万头百米高的黄昏巨狼,降临战场。 Lear's Main God Legion. 芬里尔的主神军团 The neck of each Giant Wolf surrounds the lion long neck hair yellow to grow hair, in the eye of each Giant Wolf, seems mounting a yellow small Sun. 每一头巨狼的颈部都环绕着狮鬃般的黄色长毛,每一头巨狼的眼中,都仿佛镶嵌着一颗黄色的小太阳。 „......” “嗷……” ten thousand Langqi is howling, resists Til Legion, cuts to kill the God's strength sufficiently in the midair unceasingly to the bang. 万狼齐嚎,对抗提尔军团,足以斩杀神灵的力量在半空不断对轰。 After the quarter of an hour, both sides divine power exhausts, has to retrocede slowly. 仅仅一刻钟后,双方神力耗尽,不得不徐徐后退。 The Main God Legion advantage can concentrate the same place divine power, displays the ultra level the strength, but the disadvantage is unable the protracted war. 主神军团的优势是能把神力集中到一起,发挥超位阶的力量,但劣势是无法持久战。 Main God Legion retreats, the Dusk pack of wolves and garrison troops battle again. 主神军团撤退,黄昏狼群与守军再度交战。 The garrison troops retreat in defeat again and again, the Dusk pack of wolves presses on step by step. 守军节节败退,黄昏狼群步步紧逼。 The command hall falls into chaos again. 指挥大厅再一次陷入混乱 Many Commander high-level discovered, in a short time, was unable to send the reinforcements to No. 3 plane. 众多高级指挥官发现,短时间内,已经无法向三号位面派遣援军。 Because all reserve forces have dispatched the battlefield, but the new reserve force has not caught up. 因为所有的后备军都已经派往战场,而新的后备军还未曾赶来。 Only if, arrives at God main body. 除非,降临神灵本体 Ahead of time opens the war of True God. 提前开启真神之战。 Then, the wall of galaxy will be defeated and dispersed at a quicker speed. 那么,星河之壁将以更快的速度溃散。 After the Dusk pack of wolves swallowed No. 3 plane last team of garrison troops, the command hall falls into the short dreariness again. 黄昏狼群吞噬了三号位面最后一队守军后,指挥大厅再度陷入短暂的沉寂。 The point of half red shield, will soon fall to the enemy thoroughly. 半红之盾的一点,即将彻底沦陷。 The despair atmosphere fills the command hall. 绝望的气氛弥漫指挥大厅。 Gods Incarnation are looking at Til Incarnation. 众神化身们望着提尔化身 Til is motionless. 提尔一动不动。 More and more Dusk Legion appear in No. 3 plane, then takes No. 3 plane as the foothold, attacks to nearby plane. 越来越多的黄昏军团出现在三号位面,而后以三号位面为据点,攻向附近的位面 When No. 3 plane pack of wolves achieves saturated, the gates of dense and numerous space delay in the upper air, one after another floats the city of emptying in floating the encirclement of spatial great ship . 在三号位面的狼群达到饱和的时候,密密麻麻的空间之门在高空延展,一座座浮空之城在浮空巨舰的环绕中,冲出来。 Instantly later, the demon artillery thunders, bright magic covers the battlefield brilliance. 刹那之后,魔炮轰鸣,灿烂的魔法光辉覆盖战场。 Is Suye!” Incarnation exciting scream. “是苏业!”芙蕾雅的化身兴奋尖叫。 Some God over the face are blue. 一些神灵满面青黑。 Goddess in oneself heart, really has a leg with Suye! 自己心中的女神,果然跟苏业有一腿! Has divorced, this thinks that oneself has the opportunity, didn't expect, Suye inserts one horizontally. 芙蕾雅已经离婚,本以为自己有机会的,没想到,苏业横插一手。 Suye Legendary Incarnation, stands in the biggest floating empty city, surroundings thousands of floats the spatial great ship to revolve. 苏业传奇化身,站立在最大的浮空城上,周围数以千计的浮空巨舰围绕。 The inexhaustible demon sends the shell and magic missile forms the crowded firepower network, in the demon can under the function of wisdom brain, by the smallest consumption, conduct the greatest destruction. 无穷无尽的魔发炮弹与魔法飞弹形成密集的火力网,在魔能智脑的作用下,以最小的消耗,进行最大程度的破坏。 The city of hundreds of floating emptying in hundreds of thousands of float under surrounding and protecting of spatial great ship, like plow, place visited, pack of wolves destruction. 数以百计的浮空之城在数十万浮空巨舰的拱卫下,如同犁地一样,所过之处,狼群覆灭。 The large expanse of puppet from the upper air whereabouts, some are responsible for the demon wolf that kills to be on the verge of death, some are responsible for collecting the skeleton material, some to avoid the material waste, decomposes the skeleton in the battlefield. 成片成片的傀儡自高空下落,有的负责杀死濒死的魔狼,有的负责收集尸骸材料,有的为了避免材料浪费,在战场上就地分解尸骸。 Floated the empty city group as if day the great hand, sky over the passing over gently and swiftly pack of wolves. 浮空城群仿佛天之巨手,掠过狼群上空。 Regardless of the pack of wolves uses what tactic, how regardless of they attack or protect, as if one crowd by the small chickling that the egg shell wraps, in the magic front, does not have the strength of resistance. 无论狼群使用什么战术,无论它们如何攻击或防护,都仿佛一群被蛋壳包裹的小雏鸡,在魔法的面前,毫无反抗之力。 In the command hall, the Nordic Countries numerous divinization body is dumbfounded. 指挥大厅中,北欧神化身目瞪口呆。 What's the matter? These Dusk demon wolves are not weak, how collapse at first blow in front of magic?” “怎么回事?这些黄昏魔狼不弱啊,怎么在魔法面前不堪一击?”
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