WDDE :: Volume #10

#992: Everybody all damn!!

Eastern King Jiang Shang, is in this world is probably most honest, noblest person, even was in the stodgy situation. 东离王姜上,大概是这个世界上最正直,最高尚的人,甚至到了迂腐的地步。 However, he is not absolutely stupid. 但是,他绝对不笨。 Therefore dozens years ago, Ji Yingsuo betrays Divine Dragon Temple and he elopes, he has to suspect, he always rejects. 所以在几十年前,姬影娑背叛神龙圣殿和他私奔的时候,他不是没有怀疑过,他始终是拒绝的。 However, Ji Yingsuo bore children for him, has accompanied his dozens years, roamed about for dozens years. Became Jiang Shang most own person, person who most trusts, even became Jiang Shang part. 但是,姬影娑为他生儿育女,陪伴了他几十年,流浪了几十年。成为了姜上最亲的人,最信任的人,甚至成为了姜上的一部分。 He and Ji Yingsuo love, became the model of entire world, even is two people composes including Yin Ji, this is the true deity family companion. 他和姬影娑的爱情,成为了整个人类世界的楷模,甚至连尹姬都为二人谱曲,这是真正的神仙眷侣。 In these years, Jiang Shang has been seeking for the Dragon Emperor survival the evidence, is seeking for Dragon Emperor your majesty whereabouts. But Ji Yingsuo is always together completely is following, two people are similar to the conjoined twins are completely ordinary, almost every Heaven Capital is not separated. 这几十年来,姜上一直都在寻找龙帝存活的证据,都在寻找龙帝陛下的下落。而姬影娑完全形影不离地跟随着,两个人完全如同连体婴一般,几乎每一天都不分开。 Therefore, the sentiment of Jiang Shang to Ji Yingsuo, even has surpassed Lan Ling adds the and of sentiment to Suo Ningbing and Yan Nai'Er. 所以,姜上姬影娑的感情,甚至超过了兰陵索宁冰严奈儿加起来感情之和。 Once this emotion tears, that almost digs the heart, that is almost living strikes off half his body. 这种情感一旦撕裂,那几乎是挖心,那几乎是活生生将他身体砍去一半。 However, at this time this sentiment has not only torn, but is the thorough betrayal, false. 然而,此时这种感情已经不仅仅是撕裂,而是彻底的背叛,虚伪。 After admitting Ji Yingsuo truly, Jiang Shang with the life in the trust wife, innumerable entrusts the life to the wife without hesitation. 真正接纳了姬影娑之后,姜上是用生命在信任妻子,无数次毫不犹豫将生命托付给妻子。 If chose in the death and suspicion, he rather chose the death, is not willing to suspect the wife. 如果在死亡和怀疑中选择,他宁愿选择死亡,也不愿意去怀疑妻子。 Since he did not have the secret to the wife, he does not have any Spirit to defend to the wife. 一直以来,他对妻子没有秘密,他对妻子也没有任何精神防御。 Therefore a moment ago sentiment to thick place time, Ji Yingsuo can lock the Jiang Shang brain territory easily, decides the body imprisonment him. 所以刚才情到浓处的时候,姬影娑可以轻而易举锁定姜上的脑域,将他定身禁锢。 But that flash, the Jiang Shang vision despairs, subverts, destruction. 而那一瞬间,姜上的目光是绝望的,颠覆的,毁灭的。 Jiang Shang cultivation is surpasses the wife to be many, but Ji Yingsuo truly villain's heart. She wants to kill Jiang Shang to be simple, took up the blade to prick his brain territory to be OK directly. Does not need the sentiment to the thick place, does not need to carry on the Spirit imprisonment. 姜上修为是超过妻子很多的,但姬影娑确实小人之心了。她想要杀姜上非常简单,直接拿起刀刺入他的脑域就可以了。不需要情到浓处,也不需要进行精神禁锢。 Because Jiang Shang does not garrison to her completely, because she pricks the heart of Jiang Shang the sword, he will not resist. 因为姜上对她完全不设防,因为就算她将刀剑刺入姜上的心脏,他也不会丝毫抵挡。 Was similar to once Suo Lun, if pricked in the dagger the heart of Suo Ningbing, she not only will not prevent, instead before will tell Suo Lun at the point of death gently, careful have not been cut the palm by the dagger. 就如同曾经的索伦,如果将匕首刺入索宁冰的心脏内,她不但不会阻止,反而会在临死之前温柔地告诉索伦,小心别被匕首割伤了手掌。 Because in the Jiang Shang heart, if Ji Yingsuo will kill him, then the entire world has subverted, all become meaningless. 因为在姜上心中,如果姬影娑会杀他,那么整个世界就颠覆了,一切都变得没有意义。 ...... …… , In this world is then most just, the noblest person died. 就这样,这个世界上最最正义,最最高贵的人死了。 The Ji Yingsuo beautiful pupil trembles, the beautiful cheek trembles. 姬影娑美眸一颤,绝美的脸蛋一颤。 Then, she closes both eyes that Jiang Shang opens gently, said: Is unfair to the Elder Brother, I do not want like this, but I have no alternative.” 然后,她轻轻地合上姜上睁开的双眼,道:“对不起哥哥,我也不想这样,但是我别无选择。” The Jiang Shang eye closes up, he has not died with injustice unredressed. 姜上眼睛合拢,他并没有死不瞑目。 Although incomparable distress, although this lifetime love is false. However Jiang Shang have a clear conscience, at that time he chose to accept Ji Yingsuo, accepted this risk, was killed is also killed! 尽管无比的痛心,尽管他这一生的爱情都是假的。但是姜上自己问心无愧,当时他选择接受了姬影娑,就接受了这股风险,被杀了也就被杀了! Even, before Ji Yingsuo can feel Jiang Shang at the point of death a sigh. 甚至,姬影娑能够感受到姜上临死之前的一声叹息。 Moreover is some sighs of relaxation. 而且是有些放松的叹息。 He did not need to intertwine finally again! 他终于不用再纠结了! The betrayal of Ji Yingsuo had proven a person of not innocent person Divine Dragon Temple, completely is the damn people. 姬影娑的背叛证明了神龙圣殿之人没有一个无辜,全部都是该死之人。 Then all were simple, there is no construction without destruction, makes all destroy thoroughly. 那么一切都简单了,不破不立,就让一切都彻底毁灭吧。 If Divine Dragon Temple is the evil flower, that entire human is the evil flower soil. Thoroughly destroys this piece of soil, thoroughly destroys this evil flower, can grow the brand-new flowers, brand-new civilization. 神龙圣殿如果是邪恶之花,那整个人类就是邪恶之花的土壤。彻底摧毁这片土壤,彻底摧毁这朵邪恶之花,才能生长出全新的花朵,全新的文明。 Demon Emperor your majesty, all gave you! 魔帝陛下,一切交给您了! I am stodgy, wrong! 我是迂腐的,错误的! ...... …… Next day, Human State spread the startled day sad news. 次日,人类国度传出了惊天的噩耗。 Great human leader, noble and just Flame Dragon Empire Crown Prince direct subordinate , firm Divine Dragon fideist, King Eastern Distance Kingdom Jiang Shang your majesty, when negotiated with the Flame Demon Empire envoy, suddenly died a violent death died. 伟大的人类领袖,高贵而又正义的炎龙帝国嫡系亲王,坚定的神龙信仰主义者,东离王国国王姜上陛下,在和炎魔帝国使者谈判的时候,忽然暴毙身亡。 Immediately, the world loses one's voice. 顿时,天下失声。 The Eastern Distance Kingdom refugee camp hundreds of thousands people die a violent death suddenly! 紧接着,东离王国难民营十几万人忽然暴死! Divine Dragon Temple and Human State send out the fact-finding team, examines in the grain that ships from Flame Demon Empire to include unable the violent poisonousness of description, can only be able to inspect through the Divine Dragon Temple Devil Pavilion laboratory. 神龙圣殿人类国度派出调查团,检测出从炎魔帝国运来的粮食之中均含有无法描述之剧毒,只能通过神龙圣殿恶魔阁实验室才能检查出来。 In front of Human State representative, the Divine Dragon Temple Devil Laboratory personnel is opening the grain that Flame Demon Empire has shipped in randomly, then fed to several different animals. 当着人类国度代表的面,神龙圣殿恶魔实验室人员随机打开了炎魔帝国运来的粮食,然后喂给了十几种不同的动物。 Finally, several animals die a violent death completely. 结果,十几种动物全部暴毙。 Suddenly, the Human State anger soars to the heavens, the Eastern Distance Kingdom people hatred is dreadful. 一时间,人类国度怒火冲天,东离王国民众恨意滔天。 The entire Human State sound was unified thoroughly! 整个人类国度的声音彻底被统一! Flame Demon Empire is the Human State biggest enemy, Lan Ling is the world-wide worst devil. 炎魔帝国乃是人类国度最大敌人,兰陵是举世最邪恶之恶魔。 Demon Emperor Lan Ling is not a Divine Dragon Temple enemy, is not the enemy of Raging Wave Kingdom country. But is the enemy of entire Human State, the enemy of entire human civilization, for the survival of human, for the survival of entire civilization, we must fight to the end with Demon Emperor Lan Ling.” 魔帝兰陵不是神龙圣殿一家之敌人,也不是怒浪王国一国之敌人。而是整个人类国度之敌,整个人类文明之敌人,为了人类的生存,为了整个文明的生存,我们必须和魔帝兰陵战斗到底。” „The Human State compatriots, the bugle of war had been sounded, any country, anybody cannot stay out!” 人类国度的同胞们,战争的号角已经被吹响了,任何国家,任何人都不能置身事外!” Today the great Eastern King death, starts merely, today the deaths of hundreds of thousands refugees also merely start. Then some countless people will also die, the Demon Emperor Lan Ling goal as if destroys entire Human State, destroys the entire world.” “今天伟大东离王的死,仅仅只是开始,今天十几万难民的死也仅仅只是开始。接下来还有无数人会死去,魔帝兰陵的目标似乎摧毁整个人类国度,摧毁整个世界。” Great Human State, the great Divine Dragon subjects, the great Flame Dragon Empire subjects, the people of great Dragon Emperor caring , the most dangerous time arrived, all people abandon the fantasy, fights to the end with Demon Emperor Lan Ling!” “伟大的人类国度,伟大的神龙子民,伟大的炎龙帝国子民,伟大的龙帝眷顾之民,最危险的时刻到了,所有人抛弃幻想,和魔帝兰陵战斗到底!” Immediately, ten thousand numerous ebullition! 顿时,万众沸腾! Fights to the death with Demon Emperor.” “和魔帝决一死战。” Dying war, dying war!” “死战,死战!” Protection state, protects human civilization!” “保护国度,保护人类文明!” The child of Jiang Shang, first Eastern Distance Kingdom Crown Prince Jiang Li inherits the position of king, a new Eastern King Jiang Li mourning gown ascends the throne for the king, grasps the treasured sword, cuts off the Demon Emperor Lan Ling wood/blockhead statue in the presence of everyone. 姜上之子,前东离王国太子姜离继承国王之位,新东离王姜离一身孝袍登基为王,手持宝剑,当众斩断魔帝兰陵的木头雕像。 Eastern King drinks greatly: I formally announced, East Distance Country ended the neutralization, closes the human refuge area.” 东离王大喝:“寡人正式宣布,东离国结束中立状态,关闭人类避难区。” I formally announced, Eastern Distance Kingdom makes war to Flame Demon Empire officially, I and Demon Emperor Lan Ling hatred/enemy deep like, Undying continuous.” “寡人正式宣布,东离王国正式向炎魔帝国开战,吾与魔帝兰陵仇深似海,不死不休。” Queen king Ji Yingsuo, because misses the husband in excess, overnight the hair is all white. Announced becomes monk officially, the close-door self-torture, paid no attention to the ordinary affairs. 王太后姬影娑因为思念丈夫过甚,一夜之间头发全白。宣布正式出家,闭门苦修,不理俗事。 Becoming monk of Ji Yingsuo, gave her and love has marked a perfect period. 姬影娑的出家,给她和爱情画上了一段完美的句号。 Sky Priest Gu Ban comes to offer condolences personally, confers Eastern King Jiang Shang is Sky Temple reputation Priest, the Divine Dragon Temple just Dharma king. 天空祭师古斑亲自前来吊唁,册封东离王姜上天空圣殿名誉祭师,神龙圣殿正义法王。 Sky Temple confers new Eastern King Jiang Li is Li Capital temple Saint Priest holds a concurrent post of Great Judge Chief. 天空圣殿册封新东离王姜离离京圣殿圣祭师兼任大裁判长 The Sky Temple regiment enters Eastern Distance Kingdom officially, under new king Jiang Li the aim, the strength of whole nation constructs Transcend Heaven Divine Dragon Great Tower. 天空圣殿军团正式进驻东离王国,新王姜离下旨,举国之力兴建通天神龙巨塔 Hence, the negative impact that the Zhi Ao betrayal brings vanishes cleanly. 至此,卮傲背叛带来的负面影响消失得干干净净。 Divine Dragon Temple unified the entire Human State will thoroughly, world hundred million people Demon Emperor Lan Ling are thorough, enters the Undying continuous state of war. 神龙圣殿彻底统一了整个人类国度的意志,天下亿民魔帝兰陵彻底敌对,进入不死不休的战争状态。 The achievement that Jiang Xue and Zhi Ao great sacrifice traded, unravelled immediately. 姜血卮傲伟大牺牲换来的成果,顿时灰飞烟灭。 No wonder Sky Temple mentioned Eastern King, regarding this human refuge area, did not spare a glance completely. The Shi Tian original words are this matter, Not worth mentioning. 难怪天空圣殿谈起东离王,谈起这个人类避难区,完全不屑一顾。释天的原话是这件事情,不值一提 ...... …… Then the Divine Dragon Temple acrobatics can hide the truth from the world person? 那么神龙圣殿的把戏能够瞒得过天下人吗? Naturally is not good, various countries' royal family, doesn't the aristocrat, the wealthy and powerful family, which know the truth? Which doesn't look clearly? 当然不行,各国的王室,贵族,豪族,哪一个不知道真相?哪一个不看得清清楚楚? However, this group of people most do not care is the truth. 但是,这群人最不在乎的就是真相。 Truly those who care about the truth is general publics, but they believe, Eastern King was used the mean method assassination by Demon Emperor Lan Ling. Moreover, evil shameless Demon Emperor Lan Ling has shipped in the innumerable poisonous grain, planned that kills by poison East Distance Country domestic all people completely, makes an unpopulated area to be good to facilitate the landing/sign in of Demon Clan army. 真正在乎真相的是普通民众,而他们都坚信,东离王是被魔帝兰陵用卑鄙的手段暗杀的。不仅如此,邪恶无耻的魔帝兰陵运来了无数有毒的粮食,打算将东离国境内所有人全部毒死,制造一个无人区好方便魔族大军的登陆。 Innumerable people's hatred to Demon Emperor Lan Ling reaches the limit. 无数民众对魔帝兰陵的恨意到达极限。 Each and every family has drawn the Demon Emperor Lan Ling ugly portrait, places above the threshold, day and night tramples. Engraves the Demon Emperor Lan Ling head picture under the chamberpot, **** every night the urine drenches the excrement to stick, to the utmost the virulent shame, as if this innumerably cursed can make Demon Emperor Lan Ling die a violent death suddenly. 家家户户画了魔帝兰陵的丑陋画像,放在门槛之上,日夜践踏。在马桶底下刻上魔帝兰陵的头像,****夜夜尿淋屎糊,极尽恶毒羞辱,仿佛这无数诅咒能够让魔帝兰陵忽然暴毙。 But Strength of Faith that Divine Dragon Temple innumerable Divine Dragon Transcend Heaven Tower receive rises suddenly instantaneously, the Divine Dragon plane suppression strength also arrives at the pinnacle. 神龙圣殿无数的神龙通天塔收到的信仰之力瞬间暴涨,神龙位面压制力也到达极致。 But Ji Yingsuo that should become monk, after entering a crude plain courtyard, not in inside self-torture sutras, but turned around to leave Eastern Distance Kingdom, went to leave dozens years of Sky Temple. 而本应该出家的姬影娑,进入一个简陋古朴的院落之后,并没有在里面苦修诵经,而是转身离开了东离王国,前往了离开几十年的天空圣殿 Sky Temple confers Ji Yingsuo officially is the sky is on the waiting list Priest, is on the waiting list Sky Chief Judge. 天空圣殿正式册封姬影娑为天空候补祭师,候补天空裁判长 Naturally, does not calculate that confers rank and title officially, this is she should result. Regarding this position, Ji Yingsuo sighed, she has wasted time for Eastern Distance Kingdom for dozens years. Even if she in the Eastern Distance Kingdom undercover, already did not make this position with fluctuation of present current political situation. 当然,也不算是正式册封,这本来就是她该得的。对于这个位置,姬影娑只是叹息一声,为了东离王国她足足蹉跎了几十年。就算她不在东离王国卧底,凭着眼下时局的变幻也早就做上这个位置了。 If not because Demon Emperor Lan Ling is born, subdued Eastern Distance Kingdom to enter the Divine Dragon Temple rule the huge merit enough to make her Sky Priest. However under the current environment, this merit not so was conspicuous. 如果不是因为魔帝兰陵降世,收服一个东离王国进入神龙圣殿统治的巨大功劳足够让她成为天空祭师了。但是在目前的大环境下,这个功劳就不那么显眼了。 These years is loses, was very difficult to talk clearly. 这几十年是得是失,真的很难说清楚了。 However was good because of Shi Tian your majesty said to her, your years was laborious I to watch completely, I will compensate your. 不过好在释天陛下对她说了一句,你这些年的辛苦我全部看在眼里,我会补偿你的。 So, Ji Yingsuo thought that is not uncomfortable. 如此,姬影娑才觉得没有那么难受。 ...... …… After hearing the Eastern King death news, Demon Emperor Lan Ling sits there is motionless, enough one night. 听到东离王的死讯之后,魔帝兰陵坐在那里一动不动,足足一夜。 Spoke the honest remark, he does not care about Divine Dragon Temple to confuse right and wrong, does not care about Ji Yingsuo mean incomparable , east does not care to Crown Prince Jiang Li incompetent stupid bad, does not care about his being hostile to and hatred of Human State. 说实在话,他不在乎神龙圣殿颠倒是非,也不在乎姬影娑的卑鄙无比,也不在乎东离太子姜离的无能蠢坏,更加不在乎人类国度对他的敌视和仇恨。 But sighed for withering away of noble life, even was sorrowful. 而是为一个高贵生命的消亡而叹息,甚至悲痛。 Eastern King Jiang Shang, is in this world is probably most just, noblest person. But he, died finally. Moreover his death also represented the Jiang Xue Zhi Ao death seems becoming did not have the significance all of a sudden. 东离王姜上,大概是这个世界上最最正义,最最高贵之人了。而他,也终于死了。而且他的死也代表着姜血卮傲的死一下子仿佛变得没有了意义。 When a world, became including the great sacrifice does not have the value, was that this civilization valuable? 当一个世界,连伟大牺牲都变得没有价值,那这个文明还有没有价值? The Jiang Shang death, is representing thorough withering away of idealism. 姜上的死,代表着理想主义的彻底消亡。 Remaining is ugly, slaughters, dark, bloody! 剩下的就是丑陋,厮杀,黑暗,血腥! Also good, is good! 也好,也好! After this, Demon Emperor Lan Ling did not need scruples anything, did not need the scruples to injure to these noble just lives. 从此之后,魔帝兰陵再也不用顾忌任何东西了,再也不用顾忌会伤害到那些高贵正义的生命了。 The human last noble wise died. 人类最后一个高尚智者死了。 The remaining people, non- stupid are bad, in this world nobody is innocent! 剩下的人,非蠢即坏,这个世界上没有一个人是无辜的! ...... …… Note: First delivers, Bai request supports, thanks great family. 注:第一更送上,拜求支持,谢谢大家
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