WDDE :: Volume #10

#991: Zhi Yan refuse! The death of Jiang Shang!

After processes the royal government simply, Queen Zhi Yan places above all thoughts the constructions of 100,000 mountain defense lines. 简单地处理完朝政之后,卮妍女王就把所有的心思放在100000大山防线的建设之上。 However what has not thought that she also welcomed an unexpected visitor, is Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper). 然而没有想到的是,她又迎来了一个不速之客,还是蝰双双 Elder Sister eventually and Lan Ling drew a line, the Little Sister appreciated, Sky Temple your majesty also appreciated.” Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) said: You have massacred Fang Qingshu and Fang Qingqing, this makes Hidden Island somewhat unhappy.” 姐姐终究还是和兰陵划清界限了,小妹非常赞赏,天空圣殿诸位陛下也非常赞赏。”蝰双双道:“不过您杀掉了方青书方青青,这让隐洲有些不快呢。” Zhi Yan knits the brows: What decree does Sky Temple have to make you transmit? If no does as you please.” 卮妍皱眉道:“天空圣殿有什么旨意让你传达吗?如果没有的话就请便吧。” Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) said: I am come to be Elder Sister act as a marriage go-between.” 蝰双双道:“我是来为姐姐保媒的。” A Zhi Yan facial color cold say/way: What meaning?” 卮妍面色一寒道:“什么意思?” Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) said: It is well known, the next generation Sky Temple leader will produce from four people, Huai Bingyi, Ji Xiuning, Ji Mengbai, your Zhi Yan. You and Ji Xiuning are the most direct matches, but you have massacred Fang Qingshu and Fang Qingqing offended Hidden Island thoroughly, any detail may have the influence to the future.” 蝰双双道:“众所周知,下一代天空圣殿的领袖将从四个人中产生,怀病已,姬秀宁,姬梦白,还有你卮妍。你和姬秀宁是最直接的对手,而你杀掉了方青书方青青彻底得罪了隐洲,任何细节都可能对未来造成影响。” Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) sat saying: I am willing to be Elder Sister and Huai Bingyi your excellency bring both sides together, you, I, the Huai Bingyi three people form the iron triangle, plans for the next generation Sky Temple power core. So long as you marry Huai Bingyi your excellency, believe also nobody to be able in the future again, when your path.” 蝰双双坐了下来道:“我愿意为姐姐怀病已阁下牵线搭桥,你,我,怀病已三人结成铁三角,为下一代天空圣殿的权力核心而谋划。只要您嫁给怀病已阁下,相信未来再也无人能够当您的道路了。” Zhi Yan said: How don't you marry?” 卮妍道:“那你怎么不嫁呢?” Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) said: On me the Demon Star Pavilion status was too obvious, the key is Huai Bingyi your excellency crazy love person is not I.” 蝰双双道:“我身上妖星阁的身份太明显了,关键是怀病已阁下痴恋的人不是我。” Zhi Yan said: If I have not remembered incorrectly, after entering Sky Temple, if not the peculiar circumstance cannot get married.” 卮妍道:“如果我没有记错的话,进入天空圣殿后,若非特殊情况是不能成婚的。” Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) said: „Did Elder Sister really chat? The words that does not marry, Sky Priest does Eyun (misfortune) come? Does Gu Ban come? Each Sky Temple your majesty, has half is a previous generation hereditary. Similar to my mother and Ning Wuya, does not have the name of husband and wife, has the reality of husband and wife. Fei Shui does not flow the bystander field, two Sky Priest marry the child who has, the beginning is also much higher. Therefore Zhi Yan Elder Sister and Huai Bingyi marry, it may be said that is brings only benefit , and no harm whatsoever!” 蝰双双道:“姐姐实在说笑吗?不联姻的话,天空祭师厄运是怎么来的?古斑又是怎么来的?每一届天空圣殿的诸位陛下,有一半都是上一代的世袭吧。就如同我的母亲和宁无涯阁下,没有夫妻之名,却有夫妻之实。肥水不流外人田,两位天空祭师联姻生下来的孩子,起点也要高得多。所以卮妍姐姐怀病已联姻,可谓是有百利而无一害啊!” Zhi Yan has not spoken, but is coldly is staring at Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper). 卮妍没有说话,而是冷冷地盯着蝰双双 Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) said with a smile charmingly: Moreover, believes that Sky Temple your majesty is also glad to see Elder Sister and Huai Bingyi your excellency perfect match, because only then such Elder Sister was considered as on and Lan Ling has broken off thoroughly, the photolysis eliminated the marriage ties insufficiently possibly.” 蝰双双妩媚一笑道:“而且,相信天空圣殿的诸位陛下也非常乐意见到姐姐怀病已阁下的珠联璧合,因为只有这样姐姐才算得上和兰陵彻底决裂了,光解除婚姻关系可能还不够的。” Zhi Yan is staring at Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) as before, some little time, her coldly said one: Go away!” 卮妍依旧盯着蝰双双,足足好一会儿,她冷冷地说了一句:“滚!” Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) is not angry, reveals charming toward Zhi Yan smiles, departs. 蝰双双也不生气,朝着卮妍露出迷人一笑,离去。 ...... …… Northern Wild! 北部蛮荒 The construction of Transcend Heaven God Demon Tower is like a raging fire, the north and south of 100,000 mountains as if are carrying on a very alternative arms race, both sides crazily are constructing the exceedingly high tower. 通天神魔塔的建设如火如荼一般,100000大山的南北仿佛正在进行一种非常另类的军备竞赛,双方都在疯狂地建设通天塔。 After Queen Zhi Yan has governed 100,000 mountain defense lines personally, started many manpower to construct Transcend Heaven Divine Dragon Tower , when compared with Zhi Ao the rate of construction promoted one time to continue. 卮妍女王亲自掌管了100000大山防线之后,发动了更多的人力建造通天神龙塔,比起卮傲时建设速度提升了一倍不止。 But Lan Ling each Heaven Capital is sensing None-Character Heavenly Book that E Tian Great Emperor keeps, feels Slaughter God Extinguish Demon Sword , but does not have to attain completely. 兰陵每一天都在感悟厄天大帝留下来的无字天书,感受屠神灭魔剑,但是完全毫无所获。 The time passes day-by-day...... 时间一天天地流逝…… Although Divine Dragon Temple has not taken a stand, but Demon Emperor Lan Ling took a stand, recognized existence of Eastern Distance Kingdom this human refuge area. The entire Human State wave of refugees is getting more and more serious, gets stronger and stronger completely. 虽然神龙圣殿还没有表态,但是魔帝兰陵表态了,承认东离王国这个人类避难区的存在。整个人类国度的难民潮越来越严重,完全是愈演愈烈。 Now every day entered the Eastern Distance Kingdom population even to surpass hundreds of thousands greatness. 如今每一天进入东离王国的人数甚至超过了十几万之巨。 Moreover, Eastern Distance Kingdom also one after another opens the inheritance that Dragon Emperor stays behind, started to construct antiquity Energy Array in the border region, moreover prepared to open Eastern Distance Kingdom Heavenly Grave at any time, particularly prepared to awaken beginning generation of Eastern King this King Level energies. 而且,东离王国也陆陆续续开启龙帝留下的遗产,在边境区域开始构建上古能量阵,而且随时准备开启东离王国天墓,尤其是准备唤醒初代东离王这个王级能量。 As the increasing number of people emerge Eastern Distance Kingdom, in Jiang Shang heart sorrowful gradually alleviates, because he thought that oneself daughter no longer dies does not have the value, at present all these aspects are she use the life to trade. 随着越来越多的人涌入东离王国,姜上心中的悲痛才渐渐缓解,因为他觉得自己的女儿不再死得没有价值,眼前这一切局面都是她用生命换来的。 In the future no matter Human State makes into any appearance, will have more human to fortunately survive eventually. 未来不管人类国度打成什么样子,终究会有越多的人类幸存下来。 But his wife Ji Yingsuo also gradually restored , helping to place to enter the crowd that Eastern Distance Kingdom seeks asylum together. Each Heaven Capital very busy, moreover she usually goes to place the first line of refugee, particularly poor refugee, personally arrangement dwelling, personally arrangement grain. 而他的妻子姬影娑也渐渐恢复了过来,帮助着一起安置进入东离王国避难的人群。每一天都非常之忙碌,而且她通常前往安置难民的第一线,尤其是家境贫困的难民,亲自安排住处,亲自安排粮食。 Therefore the short two months, Ji Yingsuo became the fairy maiden Bodhisattva in innumerable refugee mouth. 所以短短两个月,姬影娑就成为了无数难民口中的仙子菩萨。 One side her place, innumerable crowds invade at every place of visit, want to see with her, or shakes hand. 她每到一处地方,无数的人群就蜂拥而上,想要和她见一面,或者握个手。 But Ji Yingsuo always enjoys completely, as if only then this can subtract the innermost feelings the grief. 姬影娑完全乐此不疲,仿佛只有这样才能减去内心的伤痛。 Along with time, enters Eastern Distance Kingdom seeking asylum human to be getting more and more ordinary, is getting more and more destitute, more and more does not pay attention to hygiene. Therefore the hands of these refugees touch the Ji Yingsuo skirt, often is a hand imprint, draws her hand, is one group of stains, the children touches her face, often smeared she snow white beautiful face. 随着时间的靠后,进入东离王国的避难人类已经越来越平凡,越来越穷困,也越来越不讲卫生。所以这些难民的手碰一下姬影娑的裙子,往往就是一个手印,拉一下她的手,就是一团污迹,孩子们摸一下她的脸,往往把她雪白绝美的面孔弄脏了。 However, Ji Yingsuo does not care as before completely. 然而,姬影娑依旧完全不在意。 Even each Heaven Capital lingers in the refugee camp, but Flame Demon Empire also keeps the promise, transports the grain to the Northern Wild sea area continuously, then by Gui Xingfu and fleet of Tu Liwen organization, imports the Eastern Distance Kingdom refuge area. 甚至每一天都流连在难民营地中,而炎魔帝国也履行诺言,源源不断地把粮食运到北部蛮荒海域,然后由归行负徒利玟组织的船队,运入东离王国避难区。 As the refugee are getting more and more, the grain that every day consumes are also getting more and more. Naturally, now Eastern Distance Kingdom can also support, Flame Demon Empire ships in the grain one to express the sincerity, two will express future emergency requirement. 随着难民越来越多,每日消耗的粮食也越来越多。当然,如今东离王国还能够支持,炎魔帝国运来粮食一来表示诚意,二来表示未来的不时之需。 ...... …… For serveral days, Eastern King Jiang Shang continuously in hesitant, must tell Demon Emperor Lan Ling the Dragon Emperor Tomb clue hesitant. 这些天,东离王姜上一直在犹豫,犹豫要不要把龙帝之墓的线索告诉魔帝兰陵 Although he and Demon Emperor Lan Ling has the full tacit understanding and respect, but informs the Dragon Emperor Tomb clue, means to the thorough betrayal of human? 尽管他和魔帝兰陵有着充分的默契和尊重,但是告知龙帝之墓的线索,是不是意味着对人类的彻底背叛? But, Divine Dragon Temple is having Dragon Emperor the power of plane control now, controls the forces of nature, does all kinds of evil things. 可是,如今神龙圣殿掌握着龙帝位面主宰之权,呼风唤雨,为非作歹。 Divine Dragon Temple no doubt is the decayed root of entire world, presses in the Human State dark mountain, but eventually is the human camp. But Demon Emperor Lan Ling eventually is Demon Clan, is discontented with the dominant level of human camp, can hoping to pin on External Clan ? Is this weakness? 神龙圣殿固然是整个世界的腐朽根源,压在人类国度的黑暗大山,但终究是人类阵营。而魔帝兰陵终究是魔族,对人类阵营的统治层不满,是不是就可以把希望寄托在外族身上?这是不是一种软弱? Also, as Demon Emperor Lan Ling can be the liberator of human? 还有,作为魔帝兰陵会不会是人类的解放者? These complex thoughts, have been suffering Jiang Shang. 这些复杂的念头,一直在折磨着姜上 Originally, his brain is distinguishes right from wrong, Demon Clan turns over to Demon Clan, the human person returning home class. Divine Dragon Temple is evil, is the internal contradictions of human camp. 原本,他的脑子是泾渭分明的,魔族魔族,人类归人类。神龙圣殿再邪恶,也是属于人类阵营的内部矛盾。 However daughter Jiang Xue has actually brought another field of vision to him. 但是女儿姜血却给他带来了另外一种视野。 Human and Demon Clan, are the member of this world, but Divine Dragon Temple is the dark forces of hindrance entire world civilization. 人类和魔族,都是这个世界的一份子,而神龙圣殿则是阻碍整个世界文明的黑暗势力。 Then, the principal contradiction of this world changes instantaneously. 如此一来,这个世界的主要矛盾瞬间变化。 From the human and Demon Clan contradiction, turned into the world culture and hindrance civilization development the contradiction of Divine Dragon Temple all of a sudden. 从人类和魔族的矛盾,一下子变成了世界文明和阻碍文明发展的神龙圣殿的矛盾。 Jiang Shang recalls the Demon Clan person who he contacts, no matter Di Nie, is Demoness Queen, or is Tang Ren, is absolutely bright, just, brave, noble. Their enemies are Divine Dragon Temple, moreover to human, does not have what hostility, instead has filled the heart of containing. 姜上回忆他所接触的魔族人,不管是帝涅,还是魔女王,又或者是唐人,都是绝对光明,正义,勇敢,高贵的。她们的敌人一直都是神龙圣殿,而且对人类,并没有什么敌意,反而充满了包容之心。 Looks at E Tian Great Emperor again, to completely solve the inborn energy hostile repel of Demon Clan and human, made Close Human Clan, tried forever to solve this contradiction. 再看厄天大帝,为了彻底解决魔族和人类的天生能量敌对排斥,制造出了近人族,试图永远解决这一矛盾。 Looks at Eyun Great Emperor again, the Northern Expedition time, has drawn a human refuge area in the north. Those enter the refuge area, can be exempt from the injury. 再看厄运大帝,北伐的时候,在最北边画了一个人类避难区。凡是进入避难区的,都可以免受伤害。 Therefore, therefore regards this world the human and Demon Clan contradiction the basic contradiction is somewhat narrow? 所以,所以把人类和魔族的矛盾当成这个世界的基本矛盾是不是有些狭隘? , Eastern King as if thinks gradually more and more clearly, some ideas in heart also gradually strengthen. 渐渐地,东离王仿佛想得越来越清晰,心中的一些想法也渐渐坚定起来。 Then, he cannot bear want with the most intimate person to carry on to lean to state. Naturally, he will not inform oneself idea, but leans to state with another way. 然后,他忍不住想要和最亲密的人进行倾述。当然,他不会将自己的想法告知,而是用另外一种方式倾述。 But he most intimate person, is wife Ji Yingsuo, this lifetime friend, most loves. 而他最最亲密的人,就是妻子姬影娑,他这一生的知己,最爱。 Queen?” Jiang Shang asked. “王后呢?”姜上问道。 In the refugee camp, assigns commodity, assigns the grain.” Nearby humanity: Queen is really kindhearted, now only feared that her reputation must cover your majesty you, all people said that she salvation fairy maiden that falls for the space.” “在难民营里面,分配物资,分配粮食。”旁边的人道:“王后真是菩萨心肠,现在只怕她的名声已经要盖过陛下您了,所有人都称她为天上降下来的救世仙子。” Jiang Shang hehe smiles. 姜上呵呵一笑。 Can send for queen meeting?” Nearby person asked. “是不是要派人去将王后接回来?”旁边人问道。 Does not use, I have a look.” Jiang Shang said. “不用,我自己去看看。”姜上道。 Then, he wears a black cape to go to the biggest refugee camp. 然后,他穿着一身黑斗篷前往最大的难民营。 Really sees wife Ji Yingsuo among one group of refugees, countless people are shouting her name, countless people swarm to go forward, only to look at her one eyes. 果然见到妻子姬影娑在一群难民当中,无数人呼喊着她的名字,无数人蜂拥上前,只为看她一眼。 Each a few words that she spoke, had been regarded the imperial decree by countless people. 她说的每一句话,都被无数人当成了圣旨。 Therefore, the entire giant refugee camp so is systematic. 所以,整个巨大的难民营才这么井然有序。 In the crowd, wife Ji Yingsuo is appears so beautiful moving, her smiling face so chaste charming. 在人群之中,妻子姬影娑是显得如此的美丽动人,她的笑容是如此的纯洁迷人。 If Ji Yingsuo does not elope with him, now entered Sky Temple probably. 如果姬影娑不跟他私奔,现在大概已经进入天空圣殿了吧。 Gradually, surroundings all people became the backgrounds, only had wife Ji Yingsuo to occupy his all fields of vision. 渐渐地,周围所有人都成为了背景,唯有妻子姬影娑占据了他所有的视野。 Quick, Ji Yingsuo has also discovered him, sweet smiles toward him. 很快,姬影娑也发现了他,朝着他甜甜一笑。 Then, Jiang Shang stands sees the wife to assign the commodity here, keeps the order, when continuously darkness she finished, two people are going home together. 就这样,姜上就站在这里看着妻子分配物资,维持秩序,一直等到天黑时分她忙完了,两个人在一起回家。 After going home, Jiang Shang bathes for the wife intimately, combs the hair. 回家之后,姜上亲密地为妻子沐浴,梳头。 Then said one with emotions: Shade, do we regenerate a child to be good? Lives one and Little Xue is equally intelligent the lovable child.” 然后动情地说一句:“影,我们再生一个孩子不好不好?生一个和小雪一样聪明可爱的孩子。” Ji Yingsuo beautiful pupil one wet, nodded, has then been kissing to Jiang Shang. 姬影娑美眸一湿,点了点头,然后对着姜尚吻了上去。 ...... …… After the love is tangled up, Jiang Shang is touching the back of wife Ji Yingsuo gently, said in a soft voice: Picture, I have an idea. I want to handle a matter, but does not know is right?” 恩爱缠绵之后,姜上轻轻抚摸着妻子姬影娑的后背,柔声道:“小影,我有一个想法。我想要做一件事情,但又不知道对不对?” Ji Yingsuo said in a soft voice: Elder Brother, you do not need to ask that my opinion, you only need know, I forever stand in your here. I forever support you, you completely follow your innermost feelings. So long as has no qualms in the heart, has no complain and regret.” 姬影娑柔声道:“哥哥,你不需要问我的意见,你只需知道,我永远站在你的这边。我永远都支持你,你完全遵循自己的内心。只要无愧于心,就无怨无悔。” Jiang Shang said with emotions: You are really my good friend, good picture.” 姜上动情道:“你真是我的好知己,好小影。” Two people with emotions kiss in the same place, the total involvement love is tangled up, the complete heart such as gets off one's main subject. 两个人又动情地吻在一起,全身心地恩爱缠绵,完全心如旁骛。 Suddenly, Jiang Shang Spirit and body were imprisoned, definitely is unable to move. 忽然,姜上精神和身体被禁锢,完全无法动弹。 Has sorry, Elder Brother.” Ji Yingsuo said, her white hands concentrate together the dark sword shade, pricks toward the heart of Jiang Shang. “对不起了,哥哥。”姬影娑道,她的玉手凝出一道黑暗的剑影,朝着姜上的心脏刺入。 Has sorry, Elder Brother.” Her another hand, concentrates one group of purple sword shades, pricks toward the forehead of Jiang Shang. “对不起了,哥哥。”她的另外一只手,也凝成一团紫色的剑影,朝着姜上的脑门刺入。 ...... …… Note: Second delivers, yesterday had rested for three hours, today rides an overhead traveling crane to go home, meets the torrential downpour, arrives at the extreme tired, this chapter clenches teeth to write down. 注:第二更送上,昨天就睡了三个小时,今天坐一天车回家,又遇到瓢泼大雨,真是累到极点,这一章是强咬牙写下来的。
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