WDDE :: Volume #9

#808: The exposition of Demon Emperor Suo Lun!

Tang Ren is eventually different from others. 唐人终究和别人是不一样的。 Crown Prince Yun E comes De Sha Imperial City unable to see Princess Di Nie, but Tang Ren saw. 云厄太子地剎王城没能见到帝涅公主,但是唐人就见到了。 Although is first meeting, but manner of Princess Di Nie to Tang Ren is the unusual kindness. The common person, she was almost very difficult to speak half a word words, but had the complete great master to Tang Ren. 尽管是第一次见面,但帝涅公主唐人的态度是少有的亲切。寻常人,她几乎很难说半句话,但是对唐人却有完整的巨子。 After meeting, first few words that Princess Di Nie spoke make him very stunned, she said: Tang Ren, you come Demon Empire United Battlefront, will hold the post of my future Prime Minister.” 见面之后,帝涅公主说的第一句话就让他非常错愕,她说:“唐人,你来魔族帝国统一战线,担任我未来的首相。” Tang Ren one surprised, said with a smile: Princess's invitation was too a little late, I became Flame Demon Empire Prime Minister.” 唐人一愕,笑道:“公主殿下的邀请有点太晚了,我已经成为了炎魔帝国首相了。” „After that and other Flame Demon Empire extinguished, you make my Prime Minister again.” Di Nie said. “那就等炎魔帝国灭了之后,你再来做我的首相吧。”帝涅道。 This younger sister speech was too straightforward. 这妹子说话太耿直了。 Then, Princess Di Nie asked: You look for me, what matter has?” 接着,帝涅公主问道:“你来找我,有什么事情吗?” Tang Ren said: I Lord Lan Ling and Princess Naxue negotiations failure, the Di Ming Vampire Demon Clan army will soon invade my Flame Demon Empire, we want to ask Princess Di Nie to dispatch troops to divert the main force army in Princess Naxue sea level.” 唐人道:“我主兰陵娜血公主谈判失败,帝瞑吸血魔族大军即将入侵我炎魔帝国,我们想请帝涅公主出兵牵制娜血公主海面上的主力大军。” He not to any reason, had not said truth that anything interdependence of two neighboring states and so on, because no matter Naxue, is Di Nie, the will is incomparably firm, at all is not the persuasion can change the standpoint. 他没有给任何理由,也没有说什么唇亡齿寒之类的道理,因为不管是娜血,还是帝涅,意志都是无比坚定的,根本不是劝说能够改变立场的。 „It is not good!” Princess Di Nie said: I and Princess Naxue have signed half a month agreement, gives his half a month time to destroy completely Flame Demon Empire, then competes for Southern Wild.” “不行!”帝涅公主道:“我和娜血公主已经签过半月协定了,给他半个月时间灭掉炎魔帝国,然后争夺南部蛮荒。” Really so, the bitterness and astringency of Tang Ren mouthful, said: Why princess this? Is keeping Flame Demon Empire, do the three countries stand like a tripod not?” 果然如此,唐人满嘴的苦涩,道:“公主殿下为何这样做?留着炎魔帝国,三国鼎立不更好吗?” Di Nie said: That must show that you have the capital that the three countries stand like a tripod, if cannot resist half a month, what qualifications three countries has to stand like a tripod? Might as well eliminated him first, I and Naxue well attack brutally.” 帝涅道:“那也要证明你们有三国鼎立的资本啊,如果连半个月都不能抵挡,有什么资格三国鼎立?还不如先将他剪除了,我和娜血才好大打出手。” She said well is reasonable, Tang Ren had nothing to say in reply. 她说得好有道理,以至于唐人无言以对。 Immediately, Tang Ren bows Bai say/way: Said goodbye!” 顿时,唐人躬身一拜道:“告辞!” Di Nie say/way: Flame Demon Empire, if perished, remembers here, makes my Prime Minister.” 帝涅的道:“炎魔帝国如果灭亡了,记得来我这里,做我的首相。” Tang Ren said: I can probably with the Flame Demon Empire altogether life or death.” 唐人道:“我大概会和炎魔帝国共存亡的。” ...... …… Then, Tang Ren goes to the Demoness Country camp of Di Nie regiment, sees Demoness Country Warrior Marshal Rainbow Banner Lord. 接下来,唐人帝涅军团的魔女国营地,去见魔女国武士元帅天虹旗主 Regarding the arrival of Tang Ren, outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman Rainbow Banner Lord was happy, can be called the appearance to glow completely. 对于唐人的到来,绝色美人天虹旗主非常高兴,完全称得上容颜焕发。 Although she was forty years old, moreover had two children. However seems most only has twenty -year-old appearance, beautifully is much younger. 尽管她已经四十几岁了,而且已经生了两个孩子了。但是看上去最多只有二十几岁的样子,美丽年轻得吓人。 In fact, Lan Ling truly treated unjustly Tang Ren, he and Rainbow Banner Lord were really chaste, he had saved the life of opposite party in the antiquity vestige, then had directed the rainbow in the energy study, moreover two people were quite close to the views of a lot, the personality was congenial, feels sorry not to have met sooner. 事实上,兰陵确实冤枉唐人了,他和天虹旗主真的是纯洁的,他曾经在上古遗迹中救过对方的性命,然后在能量学上曾经指点过天虹,而且两个人对很多事情的看法颇为相近,性情相投,相见恨晚。 The Demoness Country females are pure, therefore is specially easy to become friends with naive and wisdom person. 魔女国的女子都非常单纯,所以和天真而又智慧的人特别容易交朋友。 Therefore, the rainbow is not his sweetheart, at most is the female friend. 所以,天虹不是他的情人,顶多算是红颜知己。 Tang Ren said own idea, said: Can request that Demoness Queen your majesty dispatches troops, diverts the Princess Naxue sea level main force army, letting her the converging attack my Flame Demon Empire?” 唐人说出了自己的想法,道:“能不能请求魔女王陛下出兵,牵制娜血公主的海面主力大军,让她不能夹击我炎魔帝国?” Rainbow Banner Lord said: Tang Ren, originally by you and relations of our Demoness Country, this matter is not difficult. However, matter that Princess Di Nie decided that Demoness Queen is not good to overthrow, like this is contrary to the agreement.” 天虹旗主道:“唐人,本来以你和我们魔女国的关系,这件事情不难。但是,帝涅公主已经决定的事情,魔女王不好推翻,这样有违约定的。” Tang Ren said: Isn't really good?” 唐人道:“真的不行吗?” Rainbow Banner Lord said: Only if Princess Di Nie changed a statement, otherwise was not really good.” 天虹旗主道:“除非帝涅公主改口,否则真的不行。” Tang Ren cannot help but bitterly and astringently nodded. 唐人不由得苦涩地点了点头 Demoness Country attaches great importance to agreeing, before the opposite party has not betrayed the agreement, they will not betray. 魔女国是非常重视约定的,在对方没有背叛约定之前,她们是不会背叛的。 The matter seemed as if has been at wit's end. 事情看上去仿佛已经无计可施了。 Di Nie here path walks does not pass, the Demoness Country path also walks does not pass, that can only look at that side Tian Sha King. 帝涅这边的路子走不通,魔女国的路子也走不通,那就只能看天刹王那边了。 Does not know whether Lan Ling may take the Di Ning little princess. 不知道兰陵是否可拿下了帝凝小公主了。 ...... …… Has not made any stay in De Sha Imperial City , Tang Ren flies to the Tian Sha King city immediately, similarly he first obtained the interview of Tian Sha King. 地剎王城没有做任何停留,唐人立刻飞往天刹王城,同样他第一时间得到了天刹王的接见。 After hearing the request of Tang Ren, Tian Sha King said: Diverts Naxue? Why?” 听到唐人的要求后,天刹王道:“牵制娜血?为什么?” Tang Ren said: Does not let Naxue and Di Ming together converging attack my Flame Demon Empire, even your majesty does not need to leave many military strength, only needs to bring ten Demon Saint, several hundred Demon Venerable appeared on the east sea area is enough.” 唐人道:“不让娜血帝瞑一起夹击我炎魔帝国,甚至陛下不需要出多少兵力,只需要带着十名魔圣,几百名魔尊出现在东部海域上就足够了。” Truly, wants to divert Naxue is very simple, Queen Demoness Country, Princess Di Nie, Tian Sha King can achieve easily. 确实,想要牵制娜血是非常简单的,魔女国女王,帝涅公主,天刹王都可以轻而易举做到。 Sub-King, is bringing ten Demon Saint, several hundred Demon Venerable, several thousand Demon Ancestor enough made Naxue not dare to act rashly, can only remain in armed forces. 一个亚王,带着十名魔圣,几百个魔尊,几千名魔宗就足够让娜血不敢轻举妄动了,只能留守在中军。 After all regarding Naxue, in the marine super regiment is her foundation. 毕竟对于娜血来说,在海上的超级军团才是她的根基。 Tang Ren said: You do not need to fight, does not need to pay any price.” 唐人道:“您不需要战斗,不需要付出任何代价。” Tian Sha King said: I know certainly that this does, but why do I want this? Haven't I any had a deficit to your Flame Demon Empire?” 天刹王道:“我当然知道该怎么做,但是我为何要这样做?我对你炎魔帝国没有任何亏欠吧?” Tang Ren said: „The three countries stand like a tripod, always feels better in two armies pitted against each other.” 唐人道:“三国鼎立,总好过于两军对垒吧。” Tian Sha King said: Not necessarily, when I and Naxue Vampire Demon Clan Alliance war, your Flame Demon Empire hides in behind fishes in troubled waters, expands secretly, would rather made Naxue extinguish cleanly your small Flame Demon Empire, then we also well felt relieved that attacked brutally. Therefore Tang Ren, you want me to divert Naxue, you at least need to me a reason, I to have any advantage.” 天刹王道:“不见得,当我和娜血吸血魔族联盟大战的时候,你炎魔帝国躲在后面浑水摸鱼,偷偷壮大,倒不如让娜血将你们小小炎魔帝国灭了干净,然后我们也好放心地大打出手。所以唐人,你想要我去牵制娜血,你至少需要给我一个理由,我有什么好处。” Tang Ren said: 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite.” 唐人道:“100000斤星空魔力陨石。” Tian Sha King shakes the head saying: This thing, although is very precious, however 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite, I have not paid attention.” 天刹王摇头道:“这东西虽然很珍贵,但是100000斤星空魔力陨石,我还没有放在眼里。” Tang Ren deeply takes a breath, these words he is willing to say , was too shameless. 唐人深深吸一口气,这句话他真的愿意说出来,实在太无耻了。 Tian Sha King your majesty, your daughter Princess Di Ning as if to advocating Lan Ling quite adores.” Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren said: Her feelings of love bud in the field of honor, at that time I Lord Lan Ling to despise the world to announce the Flame Demon Empire establishment, was this grand heroic bearing moved the Di Ning little princess's heart probably..” 天刹王陛下,您的女儿帝凝公主仿佛对主兰陵颇为倾慕啊。”小罗刹王唐人道:“她的春心萌动是在决斗场上,当时我主兰陵藐视天下宣布炎魔帝国成立,大概是这一雄伟英姿打动了帝凝小公主的芳心。。” „......” Tian Sha King did not say: „After is Lan Ling urinates anywhere, while convenient announced the establishment of Flame Demon Empire, is far from any grandness, at most is the hooligan rascal. But the little girl of rebel so is always superficial, was attracted by the bad man very much easily.” “不……”天刹王道:“是兰陵随地小便之后,顺便宣布炎魔帝国的成立,谈不上什么雄伟,顶多是个泼皮无赖。但叛逆的小女孩总是这么肤浅,很容易被坏男人吸引。” Tang Ren said: „After the second time is I Lord Lan Ling destroys completely ten three Chong Luo, she to me Lord the Lan Ling sentiment simply unable to suppress.” 唐人道:“第二次是我主兰陵灭掉十三重楼之后,她对我主兰陵的感情简直无法抑制。” Tian Sha King said: That how? Do you let Lan Ling and my Tian Sha family now marry, making him get married Princess Di Ning? Too late, if Lan Ling does not have child's play general proclaiming oneself emperor, then he can also become one of my six big crown princes, I can also marry him Di Ning. Now he has proclaimed oneself emperor unexpectedly bewilderedly, therefore I could not accommodate him, made Naxue destroy completely him, now raised him and Di Ning marrying was too late, Di Ning was impossible to marry him.” 天刹王道:“那又如何?你难道现在让兰陵和我天刹家族联姻,让他迎娶帝凝公主吗?太晚了,兰陵要是没有儿戏一般的称帝,那么他还可以成为我的六大亲王之一,我还可以把帝凝嫁给他。现在他竟然莫名其妙地称帝了,所以我也容不下他了,就让娜血灭掉他吧,现在提他和帝凝的联姻太晚了,帝凝已经不可能嫁给他了。” Tang Ren said: I know, Princess Di Ning was impossible to marry me to advocate Lan Ling. However she is a guest in my Flame Demon City, if you do not accept my request, Princess Di Ning wants the chastity not to guarantee probably.” 唐人道:“我知道,帝凝公主已经不可能嫁给我主兰陵了。但是她正在我炎魔城做客,如果您不答应我的要求,帝凝公主大概要贞操不保了。” This saying, Tian Sha King does not dare to believe completely is looking at Tang Ren. 这话一出,天刹王完全不敢置信地望着唐人 This, this has renovated the Demon Clan Territory shameless lower limit simply, Tian Sha King praised to the heavens. 这,这简直刷新了魔族领域的无耻下限啊,天刹王叹为观止。 Lan Ling said that must destroy completely ten three Chong Luo, finally actually destroyed completely Fire Demon Mountain, the reason has used the wrong map, this has renovated the cognition lower limit of Tian Sha King to Lan Ling. 兰陵说要灭掉十三重楼,结果却灭掉了火魔山,理由是用了错误的地图,这已经刷新了天刹王兰陵的认知下限。 Who knows, this lower limit is renovated immediately. 谁知道,这个下限立刻被刷新了。 Does opposite party use oneself daughter's chastity to threaten itself unexpectedly? 对方竟然用自己女儿的贞操来威胁自己? This...... This also has shameless? 这……这还有更无耻的吗? Lan Ling does not have the bottom line simply, this as if speculates in the stock market thinks that copied the bottom, has not thought that also had 18 basements. 兰陵简直毫无底线啊,这就仿佛炒股原以为抄到底了,没有想到还有18层地下室。 Tian Sha King clenches jaws saying: Tang Ren...... Can be so shameless?” 天刹王咬牙切齿道:“唐人……一定要这么无耻吗?” Tang Ren does not think that who lets his Lord such...... Such shameless. 唐人也不想啊,但是谁让他的主君这么……这么无耻。 All shameless matters are handled by Lan Ling, makes Tang Ren exit disgracefully. 偏偏,所有无耻的事情都由兰陵来做,却又让唐人出去丢人现眼。 Once again, Tang Ren wishes one could the ground to split a slit, was wormed one's way into by oneself. 又一次,唐人恨不得地上裂开一道缝隙,然后让自己钻进去。 However, is related has to be urgently, Tang Ren almost closes one's eyes saying: If you do not comply, I Lord Lan Ling to add that made your daughter be pregnant, and let her and you cuts off the father and daughter to relate.” 但是,事关紧急不得不为啊,唐人几乎闭着眼睛道:“如果您不答应,我主兰陵还说让您女儿怀孕,并且让她和您断绝父女关系。” In the main hall dies the general silence. 大殿内死一般的寂静。 Tian Sha King most loves, is youngest daughter Princess Di Ning, the key she is also one of the Ancestor Inheritance Devil bloodlines. 天刹王最最疼爱的,便是小女儿帝凝公主,关键她也是返祖恶魔血脉之一啊。 But this little girl most rebel, the freedom and love of full brain, after Lan Ling this bastard tarnishes, very much has the possibility really with him to elope, even cuts off the father and daughter to relate with Tian Sha King. 而偏偏这种小女孩最叛逆,满脑子的自由和爱情,被兰陵这个混蛋玷污之后,很有可能真的跟他私奔,甚至和天刹王断绝父女关系的。 Therefore, Lan Ling shameless really has also attained the Tian Sha King sore spot. 所以,兰陵的无耻还真的拿到了天刹王的痛处。 Thinks that the daughter is pregnant to see itself, then declared that makes a clean break with, Tian Sha King cannot help but hit one to tremble. 一想到女儿大着肚子来见自己,然后宣称和自己一刀两断,天刹王不由得打了一个寒颤。 Tang Ren, the calamity is inferior to the wife and daughters!” Tian Sha King clenches jaws to say. 唐人,祸不及妻女啊!”天刹王咬牙切齿道。 Tang Ren said: But, is Princess Di Ning asks me to advocate Lan Ling on own initiative, we do not have any force, perhaps is really the sentiment of young girl, the difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth.” 唐人道:“可是,是帝凝公主主动去找我主兰陵的,我们没有任何强迫,或许真的是少女之情,盛情难却。” In the main hall, dies as before the general silencing, only has the Tian Sha King fearful breathing. 大殿内,依旧死一般的静寂,只有天刹王可怕的呼吸声。 Said, Tian Sha King is almost the final hope. If he does not comply to divert Naxue, that is at wit's end, Flame Demon Empire receives Naxue and Di Ming converging attack, almost does not have the opportunity of survival. 说真的,天刹王几乎是最后的希望。如果他不答应牵制娜血,那真的无计可施,炎魔帝国受到娜血帝瞑的夹击,几乎毫无幸存之机。 Sorry, is not good!” Tian Sha King said. “抱歉,不行!”天刹王道。 Why?” The Tang Ren facial color shakes, does not dare to believe saying: Tian Sha King your majesty, I can ask one, why must look on that Princess Naxue does destroy completely me to advocate Lan Ling? Diverts Princess Naxue, detains Flame Demon Empire to bring only benefit , and no harm whatsoever to you in intimate of Vampire Demon Clan Alliance , so-called Di Ning little princess's chastity, gives you a stair, making you have a confession to Princess Di Nie. You should comply the reason, not having complied with. Before soon, you also has gone all out to be on good terms in me Lord Lan Ling, why suddenly standpoint big change?” “为什么?”唐人面色一震,不敢置信道:“天刹王陛下,我能问一句,为何要坐视娜血公主灭掉我主兰陵?牵制娜血公主,留住炎魔帝国吸血魔族联盟的腹心之内对您有百利而无一害,所谓帝凝小公主的贞操,也就是给您一个台阶,让您对帝涅公主有个交代。您应该答应的啊,没有不答应的理由。就在不久之前,您还一直拼命交好于我主兰陵,为何忽然立场大变?” Tian Sha King lifts the vision, the expression becomes incomparable gloomy and cold, has shown the smiling face of being as deep as a well. 天刹王抬起目光,表情变得无比的阴冷,露出了高深莫测的笑容。 The Tang Ren body shakes fiercely, immediately has understood the Tian Sha King smiling face, said with amazement: Originally...... Originally did you also know?” 唐人身体猛地一震,立刻读懂了天刹王的笑容,骇然道:“原来……原来你也知道了?” The Tian Sha King complexion changes, said: What knows? My anything had not said.” 天刹王脸色一变,道:“知道什么?我什么都没有说。” Tang Ren sighed: Do not install, you knew the status about Lan Ling right?” 唐人叹息道:“不要装了,你知道关于兰陵的身份了对吗?” Tian Sha King is staring at Tang Ren some little time, said: Originally you also know, you really also know.” 天刹王盯着唐人好一会儿,道:“原来你也知道,你果然也知道。” Then, Tian Sha King long shouted the one breath, said: Such being the case, that does not need to act in a play. Lan Ling is Suo Lun, is that so-called Lord of Demon Star, World Destroying Demonic Emperor. I know compared with you late, but is not too luckily late, has not incurred him is really the son-in-law.” 接着,天刹王长长呼一口气,道:“既然如此,那就不需要演戏了。兰陵就是索伦,就是那个所谓的妖星之主,灭世魔帝。我知道得比你晚,但幸好还不算太晚,没有真的把他招为女婿。” Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren said: Lan Ling is Lord of Demon Star, is World Destroying Demonic Emperor. Then he inborn is my Demon Clan Territory Lord right? You as one of the ten three Demon King, should give loyalty to his right?” 小罗刹王唐人道:“兰陵妖星之主,是灭世魔帝。那么他天生就是我魔族领域的共主对吗?你作为十三魔王之一,应该去效忠他的对吗?” Tian Sha King face twitches, sneers saying: Why these words didn't you tell your father? Does he want to kill Lan Ling for He Yixin?” 天刹王面孔一阵抽搐,冷笑道:“这句话你为何不告诉你父亲?他为何一心要弄死兰陵?” The Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren pain closes the eye, said: Di Ming has seen you are right? Lan Ling is Suo Lun, this secret is he tells you.” 小罗刹王唐人痛苦闭上眼睛,道:“帝瞑来见过你对吗?兰陵便是索伦,这个秘密就是他告诉你的。” Tian Sha King is silent. 天刹王沉默。 Tang Ren said: No wonder your manner big change, before everywhere showed good will, tries to win over me to advocate Lan Ling, but now actually goes all out to want him to put in the deathtrap, even does not hesitate to your enemy concessions , because he is Suo Lun, is World Destroying Demonic Emperor, is Demon Clan Lord right?” 唐人道:“难怪你态度大变,之前处处示好,试图拉拢我主兰陵,而现在却拼命地想要将他置于死地,甚至不惜对你的敌人让步,就是因为他是索伦,是灭世魔帝,是魔族共主对吗?” Tian Sha King silent did not speak. 天刹王静默不语。 Tang Ren sneers saying: Dragon Emperor is the Divine Dragon successor, finally Divine Dragon Temple actually violates own belief, by any means possible vital point dead Dragon Emperor. But you as the mainstay of Demon Clan, for own power and influence actually does not hesitate to kill Demon Emperor your majesty, you are genuine shameless. You have violated your belief, you betrayed God Demon of space.” 唐人冷笑道:“龙帝神龙的传人,结果神龙圣殿却违背自己的信仰,千方百计要害龙帝。而你作为魔族的中流砥柱,为了自己的权势却不惜害死魔帝陛下,你们才是真正的无耻啊。你们违背了自己的信仰,你们背叛了天上的神魔。” Tian Sha King said slowly: Tang Ren, this world already did not have what belief. Heavenly Demon Blood Oath can trample casually, what but also there is to believe? You ask Rakshasa King, asks De Sha King, asks Ling Sha King, knows after Lan Ling is World Destroying Demonic Emperor, what is the first response?” 天刹王缓缓道:“唐人,这个世界早就没有什么信仰了。天魔血誓都能随便践踏了,还有什么信仰?你问问罗刹王,问问地剎王,问问灵剎王,知道兰陵灭世魔帝之后第一反应是什么?” The face of Tian Sha King becomes cruel, said: That is the collective kills him, so as to avoid some people abuse power in the great family top of the head. If Lan Ling is only Demon King bloodlines sudden change, I can also be able to hold, but can also be on good terms he. But he is Lord of Demon Star, Demon Emperor your majesty, that...... Damn!” 天刹王的面孔变得残忍起来,道:“那就是集体将他弄死,免得有人在大家的头顶上作威作福。兰陵若只是魔王血脉突变者,那我还能容得下,还能交好他。但他是妖星之主,魔帝陛下,那就……该死!” ...... …… Note: First delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family! 注:第一更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家
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