WDDE :: Volume #9

#807: Lan Ling shameless bottom line!

Hears the Princess Naxue words, the Crown Prince Yun E brain instantaneous down, this as if in the love, livingly irrigates pot sulphuric acid from the top of the head. 听到娜血公主的话,云厄太子的脑子瞬间宕机,这就仿佛在浓情蜜意的时候,活生生从头顶浇下来一锅硫酸。 Immediately, Crown Prince Yun E said: Princess, you, you cracked a joke!” 顿时,云厄太子道:“公主殿下,您,您开玩笑了!” At this time, Di Ming walked. 此时,帝瞑走了进来。 The Princess Naxue white hands grasp void, immediately holds up Crown Prince Yun E airborne, said: Di Ming, castrates to Crown Prince Yun E.” 娜血公主玉手虚空一握,顿时将云厄太子举起到空中,道:“帝瞑,给云厄太子去势。” Castrates, is another view of castrating, is quite elegant. 去势,是阉割的另一种说法,比较文雅。 Di Ming bows saying: Yes!” 帝瞑躬身道:“是!” Then, he draws out a dagger to go forward directly. 然后,他直接拔出一只匕首上前。 Does not want, does not want......” Crown Prince Yun E to go all out to scream exclaiming: Princess, I have made a mistake, I have made a mistake, I did not dare the wishful thinking, let off me, let off me..................” “不要,不要……”云厄太子拼命尖叫着吼道:“公主殿下,我错了,我错了,我再也不敢痴心妄想了,放过我,放过我……啊……啊……” A Di Ming blade wields fiercely. 帝瞑猛地一刀挥下。 The blood light jumps presently, Crown Prince Yun E was castrated livingly. 血光迸现,云厄太子活生生被阉割了。 Takes away to feed Hell Dog.” Naxue cold sound said. “拿去喂地狱犬。”娜血寒声道。 Immediately, beautiful appearance maidservant goes forward to pick the thing with the clip, throws in the Hell Dog basket. In the basket hears a tear and bite howling, some chewing sounds. 顿时,有一个美貌侍女上前用夹子将东西夹起,扔到地狱犬的笼子里面。笼子里面传来一阵撕咬吼叫声,还有些许的咀嚼声。 The Crown Prince Yun E wound blood wells up crazily, goes all out to call out, then direct faint in the past. 云厄太子伤口鲜血狂涌,拼命嚎叫着,然后直接昏厥过去。 Naturally, he was not pain faints, but could not bear this intense attack. 当然,他并不是痛晕过去了,而是受不了这种强烈的打击。 The previous second of as if also cordiality continuous appearance, he was away from the Naxue husband's position as if tentacle to be possible, rose to the heaven obviously, but the next second was castrated unexpectedly livingly. Do not say into the Princess Naxue husband, even if the man could not make, reduces livingly the hell. 前一秒钟仿佛还情意绵绵的样子,他距离娜血丈夫的位置仿佛触手可及了,明明已经升到天堂了,而下一秒钟竟然活生生被阉割。不要说成为娜血公主的丈夫,就算男人也做不成了,活生生沦落到地狱。 ...... …… Naxue said: I and Di Nie have signed half a month agreement, in half a month I can set aside the hand to destroy completely Lan Ling completely, but was not worried that was disturbed.” 娜血道:“我和帝涅签订了半月协定,在这半个月内我可以完全腾出手去灭掉兰陵,而不担心受到干扰。” Yes.” Di Ming said. “是。”帝瞑道。 Naxue said: How many Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion have you subdued in Southern Wild?” 娜血道:“你在南部蛮荒收服了多少吸血魔族军团?” Di Ming said: My hugging and kissing quota has almost exhausted, Rakshasa Clan five Great Venerable , Yun Ee Clan three Great Venerable , south three big Barbarian ten Venerable/revering. Rakshasa King, southern three Great Demon King have not accepted to hug and kiss, they as if want to obtain personal hugging and kissing of princess.” 帝瞑道:“我的拥吻名额几乎已经用尽了,罗刹族大尊者,云厄族大尊者,南方三大蛮族十名尊者。罗刹王,南方三大魔王还没有接受拥吻,他们仿佛想要得到公主殿下的亲自拥吻。” Has a dream!” Naxue direct authorities. “做梦!”娜血直截了当道。 Di Ming said: Does not calculate four Great Demon King, my Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion altogether 18 Demon Saint level Venerable/revering, 500 Demon Venerable, 8000 Demon Ancestor, 15 ten thousand Demon Grandmaster.” 帝瞑道:“不算四大魔王,我手下的吸血魔族军团总共有18名魔圣级尊者,500名魔尊,8000名魔宗,15万魔武宗师。” This Strength, was simply shocking. 这股力量,简直是骇人听闻了。 However, this was almost Rakshasa Clan, Yun Ee Clan, Ling Sha Clan , De E Clan , the Tian Nu Clan five Great Demon Clan all Top Level martial arts influences. 不过,这几乎是罗刹族,云厄族,灵剎族,地厄族,天怒族大魔族所有的顶级武道势力了。 Demon Clan Alliance and Tian Sha King make war, requests reinforcements to these, result these Demon Saint level powerhouses link 1% Strength not to send out. But after Di Ming enters Southern Wild, with the Vampire Demon Clan immortal Undying talent, bought over all people instantaneously, almost catches the whole lot in a dragnet five Great Demon Clan martial arts influences. 魔族联盟天刹王开战的时候,向这些尊者求援,结果这些魔圣级强者连1的力量都没有派出。而帝瞑进入南部蛮荒之后,用吸血魔族的长生不死的天赋,瞬间收买了所有人,将五大魔族的武道势力几乎一网打尽。 Then, how this Strength and do Lan Ling contrast? 那么,这股力量兰陵对比起来如何? The Di Ming subordinates, there are 18 Demon Saint, the Lan Ling subordinates, only then trivial two -and-a-half. Misfortune Goddess Shui Hongshao can only be half, because she does not accept the order of Lan Ling, Zhi Yu Corpse Ghost Peerless, is more uncontrolled. 帝瞑麾下,有18名魔圣,兰陵麾下只有区区两个半。厄运神女水红勺只能算半个,因为她不接受兰陵的命令,卮玉尸鬼绝世,则更加不受控制。 The Di Ming subordinates have 500 Demon Venerable, the Lan Ling subordinates have 123. 帝瞑麾下有500名魔尊,兰陵麾下有123名。 The Di Ming subordinates have Demon Ancestor level powerhouse 8000, the Lan Ling subordinates have about 1800. 帝瞑麾下有魔宗级强者8000名,兰陵麾下有近1800名。 The Di Ming subordinates have the Demon Grandmaster level powerhouse 150,000, the Lan Ling subordinates have 12,000. 帝瞑麾下有魔武宗师级强者150000,兰陵麾下有12000名。 Most direct-viewing data, Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion of Di Ming subordinates altogether about 160,000, Lan Ling subordinates about 14,000. 最直观的数据,帝瞑麾下的吸血魔族军团总共160000左右,兰陵麾下14000名左右。 Moreover the Top Level regiment of both sides, has almost body of Undying martial artist. 而且双方的顶级军团,都是几乎拥有不死之躯的武者 In the pure quantity, Di Ming Vampire Demon Clan is Lan Ling Top Level martial artist ten times. But pure military force contrast, the Di Ming influence is also Lan Ling over 67 times. 单纯数量上,帝瞑吸血魔族兰陵顶级武者的十倍。而单纯武力对比,帝瞑的势力也是兰陵的67倍以上。 Di Ming said: Vampire Demon Clan of my subordinates, should be Lan Ling over ten times, destroys completely his Flame Demon Empire, has more than enough to spare.” 帝瞑道:“我麾下的吸血魔族,应该是兰陵的十倍以上,灭掉他的炎魔帝国,绰绰有余。” Naxue said suddenly: Di Ming, you can keep Mo Tuo Empire, becomes one of the several Bloodsucker royal families, actually exiles here with me, regret?” 娜血忽然道:“帝瞑,你本可以留在魔陀帝国,成为十几名吸血王族之一,却跟着我流放到这里,后悔吗?” Di Ming said: Master, I in Mo Tuo Empire am the different kind, you are also the different kind, cannot tarry. Moreover my Strength, very big degree is you give, where this life you go, where I go.” 帝瞑道:“主人,我在魔陀帝国是异类,您也是异类,呆不住的。而且我的力量,很大程度都是您给的,这一生您去哪里,我就去哪里。” The Di Ming itself does not have the opportunity to promote the Bloodsucker royal family, the last minute impacting energy is Naxue grants. 帝瞑本没有机会晋升吸血王族的,最后一刻的冲击能量是娜血赐予的。 Naxue said: This time extinguishes Flame Demon Empire to be quick, brings Airborne Legion completely. You put on all Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion , four Great Demon King also completely have Airborne Legion , must the universe strike, stamps out the source of trouble.” 娜血道:“这次灭炎魔帝国要快,全部带空中军团。你戴上所有的吸血魔族军团,四大魔王也尽起空中军团,务必乾坤一击,斩草除根。” Yes!” Di Ming said: That can Lan Ling remain?” “是!”帝瞑道:“那兰陵要留着吗?” Naxue has thought a while, shakes the head saying: He does not remain, the disciple increases the worry. However do not kill his wife children, so as to avoid he goes crazy, puts forth the Starry Sky Demonic Force Meteorite bomb, turns into the thorough deathtrap the entire Flame Demon Empire several million square kilometers.” 娜血想了一会儿,摇头道:“他就不留了,徒增烦恼。但是不要杀他妻子儿女,免得他发疯,使出星空魔力陨石炸弹,把整个炎魔帝国几百万平方公里变成彻底的死地。” Yes.” Di Ming said: I hope the vertical written pledge to fulfill a military order, in ten day, destroys completely Flame Demon Empire, otherwise the electrical connector sees.” “是。”帝瞑道:“我愿立军令状,十日之内,灭掉炎魔帝国,否则提头来见。” Princess Naxue shakes the head saying: Do not despise him, all underestimated his person dead.” 娜血公主摇头道:“不要小看他,所有小看他的人都死了。” Strategically despises, in the tactic attaches great importance.” Di Ming said: My Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion is his ten times of Strength, moreover similarly has the body of Undying, he did not have toward before, but disadvantageous Death Warrior group, again did not have any superiority.” “战略上藐视,战术上重视。”帝瞑道:“我的吸血魔族军团是他十倍力量,而且同样有不死之躯,他之前无往而不利的死亡武士团,就再也没有任何优势了。” Princess Naxue closes the beautiful pupil, shakes the head saying: Is inappropriate, I will lead three ten thousand Soul Legion to observe in a Flame Demon Empire 300 miles place, in the event of the accident/surprise, I supports immediately. If your war is smooth, I will not appear.” 娜血公主闭上美眸,摇头道:“还是不妥当,我会率领三万亡灵军团炎魔帝国300里处观战,一旦出现意外,我立刻支援。如果你战局顺利,我就不会出现。” Di Ming face twitches, his not willingly this, but actually can only the command prompt, say: Yes.” 帝瞑面孔一阵抽搐,他不甘心这样,但却只能服从命令,道:“是。” Extinguishes Lan Ling, he is not willing to make Naxue get rid, relied on his strength to be enough completely. He thought that Lan Ling also unqualified makes Naxue get rid, only then Di Nie and Tian Sha King have the qualifications to make Naxue get rid personally. 兰陵,他真的不愿意让娜血出手,完全凭借他自己的实力就足够了。他觉得兰陵还不够资格让娜血出手,只有帝涅天刹王才有资格让娜血亲自出手。 Others do not know that Naxue cultivation and bloodlines, he is clear. 别人不知道娜血修为和血脉,他是清清楚楚的。 Naxue has massacred Prince Di Sha all sons first, becomes a successor of Prince Di Sha department. Then massacres adoptive father Prince Di Sha to displace directly, not only has swallowed his energy, but also received all Vampire Demon Clan of Di Sha department. 娜血先杀掉了帝剎亲王所有的儿子,成为帝剎亲王一系的继承人。然后又杀掉义父帝剎亲王直接取而代之,不但吞噬了他的能量,还接收了帝剎系的所有吸血魔族 This has not calculated, he swims against the stream as before, invades to capture to belong to Vampire Demon Clan of other crown princes unceasingly, directly threatens the Mo Tuo Crown Prince status. 这还不算,他依旧逆流而上,不断侵占夺取属于其他亲王的吸血魔族,直接威胁到魔陀太子的地位。 Finally, Di Motuo has to exile Southern Wild her. 最终,帝魔陀不得不将她流放到南部蛮荒 Naturally, this is also the Princess Naxue main purpose, in Mo Tuo Empire, several crown princes, including Mo Tuo Crown Prince also to bribing Southern Wild, and has sent the innumerable spies. But Princess Naxue expands in Mo Tuo Empire unceasingly, invades others' influence, but her influence so formidable, forcing Di Motuo to exile her. 当然,这也是娜血公主的主要目的,原本魔陀帝国中,有几个亲王,包括魔陀太子也都向染指南部蛮荒,而且派遣了无数间谍。而娜血公主魔陀帝国内不断扩张,侵占别人的势力,而她的势力有如此强大,逼迫帝魔陀将她流放。 So will be why formidable as for Princess Naxue? Will Di Motuo so tolerate why to her? This point Di Ming does not know, the entire Mo Tuo Empire person does not know, very curious obscure. 至于娜血公主为何会如此强大?帝魔陀为何会对她如此容忍?这一点帝瞑不知道,整个魔陀帝国的人也不知道,非常之好奇费解。 You could rest assured that I lead three ten thousand Soul Legion , provides against contingencies merely.” Naxue said: Will not go to battle.” “你放心,我率领三万亡灵军团,仅仅只是以防万一。”娜血道:“不会出战的。” Princess Naxue domineering and murders decisively, but in fact in the battlefield is very discrete, freely Di Ming influence ten times in Lan Ling, but she did not feel relieved, must achieve absolutely safe. 娜血公主跋扈而又杀伐果断,但实际上在战场上是非常谨慎的,尽管帝瞑的势力十倍于兰陵,但是她还是不放心,务必达到万无一失。 Yes!” Di Ming bows saying: „The feudal official.” “是!”帝瞑躬身道:“那臣去了。” Naxue said: That side Tian Sha King, can get rid to disturb?” 娜血道:“天刹王那边,有可能出出手捣乱吗?” Di Ming said: Not possible, has prevented ahead of time.” 帝瞑道:“没可能的,已经提前阻止了。” That is good.” Naxue said: „Did the Netherworld(Wuming) corpse, splice?” “那就好。”娜血道:“幽冥的尸体,拼接起来了吗?” Di Ming said: Spliced reluctantly, disrupted very fiercely. Although he became Vampire Demon Clan, but Energy Heart was rumbled to break to pieces dozens, now be only the weakest energy maintains his soul not to flutter to Underworld, and became the ghosts situated in the death.” 帝瞑道:“勉强拼接好了,碎裂得很厉害。尽管他已经成为吸血魔族,但是能量心脏都被轰碎了几十块,现在只有最最微弱的能量维持着他的灵魂没有飘向冥界,介于死亡和成为鬼魂之间。” Naxue nodded. 娜血点了点头 Di Ming leaves the main hall, rode a huge Bloodsucker demon bat, flew toward Southern Wild, convenes Southern Wild strongly not to have had formidable Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion . 帝瞑离开大殿,骑上了一只巨大的吸血魔蝙蝠,朝着南部蛮荒飞去,去召集南部蛮荒强所未有强大的吸血魔族军团 Must extinguish it Flame Demon Empire at one fell swoop! 务必将炎魔帝国一举灭之! ...... …… Flame Demon Empire. 炎魔帝国 Flame Demon City false Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation Energy Tower constructs, and after testing is successful, Lan Ling even without enough time celebrates, immediately brings the innumerable Death Warrior groups to go to Black Demon City, installs second Energy Tower. 炎魔城的伪地狱凝魔阵能量塔建设完毕,并且实验成功之后,兰陵甚至来不及庆祝,立刻带着无数的死亡武士团前往黑魔城,安装第二个能量塔 Luckily before , under the guidance of Demon Star, has duplicated five Demon King Jing Zi, stands erect separately in the roofs of five big cities. Otherwise must be thrown into confusion. 幸好之前在妖星的指导下,将镜子魔王复制了五个,分别矗立在五大城的最高处。否则现在更要手忙脚乱。 Because Demon King Jing Zi must hold the post of the false Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation Energy Tower master. 因为镜子魔王还要担任伪地狱凝魔阵能量塔的控制者。 At that time to let Demon King Jing Zi had formidable Spiritual Force, can duplicate five, Lan Ling arrests several hundred thousand captives became the Demon King Jing Zi Spirit slave. 当时为了让镜子魔王拥有强大的精神力,可以复制出五个,兰陵足足抓捕了几十万俘虏成为镜子魔王精神奴隶。 After two days two nights, Black Demon City false Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation Energy Tower constructs, experiments successfully. 两天两夜后,黑魔城的伪地狱凝魔阵能量塔建设完毕,实验成功。 Tang Ren had found Lan Ling, revealed own worry. 唐人找到了兰陵,表露出了自己的担心。 Lan Ling said: According to your speculation, this Princess Naxue invades Flame Demon Empire Strength in a big way?” 兰陵道:“根据你的推测,这一次娜血公主来入侵炎魔帝国力量会有多大?” Tang Ren said: „If as expected, Naxue should want with destroy completely my Flame Demon Empire most in a short time, otherwise Princess Di Nie will not stand by. But her main force army is away from the Southern Wild also more than 10,000 miles, therefore thinks that attacks my Flame Demon Empire main force is Di Ming Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion .” 唐人道:“如果不出意外的话,娜血应该会想要用最短时间内灭掉我炎魔帝国,否则帝涅公主不会袖手旁观的。而她的主力大军距离南部蛮荒还有10000多里,所以想必进攻我炎魔帝国的主力是帝瞑吸血魔族军团。” Lan Ling said: According to your computation, Di Ming Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion , some big scales?” 兰陵道:“根据你的计算,帝瞑吸血魔族军团,有多大的规模?” Tang Ren said: Is very easy to calculate, Rakshasa Clan five Great Venerable , Yun Ee Clan three Great Venerable , southern three Great Demon Clan ten Great Venerable , were hugged and kissed by him completely, becomes his Vampire Demon Clan. Five Great Demon Clan Top Level martial arts influences, caught the whole lot in a dragnet by him completely.” 唐人道:“很容易计算,罗刹族大尊者,云厄族大尊者,南方三大魔族的十大尊者,全部被他拥吻,成为他的吸血魔族。五大魔族顶级武道势力,全部被他一网打尽。” Then, Tang Ren said: Actually, grants others the immortal Undying ability you also to have, does not want Bloodsucker to swallow, grants Golden Bloodline, can achieve. Thus, 18 Venerable/revering will perhaps give loyalty to you.” 接着,唐人道:“其实,赐予别人长生不死的能力你也有,不要吸血吞噬,赐予黄金血脉,就能够做到。这样,18名尊者或许就会效忠你了。” Lan Ling corners of the mouth sneers, how to be possible? 兰陵嘴角一阵冷笑,怎么可能? What he wants is absolute control, absolute loyalty, absolute suppression will. 他要的是绝对的控制,绝对的忠诚,在意志上的绝对镇压。 Grants Golden Bloodline, making them have the body of Undying, but actually not by absolutely will control? Lan Ling does not make the charity. 赐予黄金血脉,让他们拥有不死之躯,但是却不受到绝对的意志控制?兰陵又不是做慈善的。 Tang Ren said: According to my estimate, Vampire Demon Clan of Di Ming subordinates, should have 18 Demon Saint, 500 Demon Venerable, 7,000-8,000 Demon Ancestor, hundreds of thousands Demon Grandmaster.” 唐人道:“根据我的估计,帝瞑麾下的吸血魔族,应该有18名魔圣,500名魔尊,七八千名魔宗,十几万名魔武宗师。” Immediately, Lan Ling has held breath cold air. 顿时,兰陵倒吸了一口凉气。 This Strength completely is 78 times in the Flame Demon Empire martial arts influence. 这股力量完全是78倍于炎魔帝国的武道势力啊。 Tang Ren said: Four Great Demon King act with constraint in the status, should not go to battle personally, because they thought that Di Ming also insufficiently makes their Commander, but will send out certain amount of Airborne Legion , martial arts regiment.” 唐人道:“四大魔王矜持于身份,应该不会亲自出战的,因为他们觉得帝瞑还不够做他们的统帅,但是会派出一定数量的空中军团,武道军团。” Lan Ling said: Di Ming Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion , has almost the body of Undying. If combat of laughing in the face of death, my Flame Demon Empire, only then a destruction way, after all was 78 times in our Top Level Strength.” 兰陵道:“帝瞑吸血魔族军团,也几乎拥有不死之躯。如果阵的舍生忘死的作战,我炎魔帝国只有覆灭一途了,毕竟是78倍于我们的顶级力量。” Tang Ren said: Issue is impossible to battle without regarding own safety, although these 18 Venerable/revering said that Di Ming for master , because Di Ming grants them the body of Undying. However their wills not by the Di Ming positive governing, if the war is smooth, they naturally fierce incomparable. So long as the casualties are serious, these 18 Demon Saint level Venerable/revering guarantees meet the disloyalty, will not put together the influence in hand cleanly, once becomes the polished rod commander, their anything not.” 唐人道:“问题就在于不可能舍生忘死地作战,这18名尊者虽然称帝瞑为主人,是因为帝瞑赐予他们不死之躯。但是他们的意志不受帝瞑直接控制,如果战局顺利,他们当然勇猛无比。但只要伤亡惨重,这18名魔圣级尊者保证会异心,不会把手中的势力拼得干干净净的,一旦成为光杆司令,他们就什么都不是了。” Right, their does not unite is our only hopes.” Lan Ling said: However our false Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation can tear their frail unities absolutely, when a huge energy ball pounds down, several thousand over ten thousand martial artist vanishes in a puff of smoke, frightened will control these 18, they will retreat, will escape.” “对,他们的不团结是我们唯一的希望。”兰陵道:“而我们的伪地狱凝魔阵绝对能够撕裂他们脆弱的团结,当一个巨大的能量球砸下,几千上万名武者灰飞烟灭的时候,恐惧就会支配这18尊者,他们会撤退,会逃跑。” Tang Ren said: Because opposite party does not unite, therefore our winning scopes are very big. However, I somewhat am restless, you thought that you do have enough understanding to Naxue?” 唐人道:“因为对方的不团结,所以我们的赢面很大。但是,我还是有些不安,你觉得你对娜血有足够的了解吗?” Lan Ling has thought a while, nodded. 兰陵想了一会儿,点了点头 Although has only met, but he thought that he has enough understanding to Naxue. Because of her and Lan Ling to a certain extent, really looked like. 尽管只见过一面,但是他觉得他对娜血还是有非常足够的了解。因为她和兰陵在某种程度上,实在是太像了。 Tang Ren said: You thought that she will stand by?” 唐人道:“你觉得她会袖手旁观吗?” Lan Ling closed the eye to think a while, shook the head saying: Cannot.” 兰陵闭上眼睛想了一会儿,摇头道:“不会。” Tang Ren said: Once she gets rid, or is dormant in the, seizes the opportunity to attack fiercely, what result can that be?” 唐人道:“一旦她出手,又或者蛰伏在边上,抓住机会猛地出击,那会是什么结果?” Di Ming Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion is over 78 times of Lan Ling influence, because the interior does not unite, in addition Lan Ling has false Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation this strategy to blackmail kills greatly, therefore faces the probability that the Di Ming regiment wins to be very big. 帝瞑吸血魔族军团兰陵势力的78倍以上,但是因为内部不团结,加上兰陵拥有伪地狱凝魔阵这个战略讹诈大杀器,所以面对帝瞑军团赢的概率很大。 If Princess Naxue is dormant in one side, taking the opportunity fierce gets rid, that Flame Demon Empire did not have any to hope again, besides the destruction second result, when the time comes the Lan Ling finger/refers uncertain from the beginning do not start. 而如果娜血公主蛰伏在一边,借机凶猛出手的话,那炎魔帝国再也没有任何希望了,除了覆灭没有第二种结果,到时候兰陵指不定又要从头开始了。 Tang Ren said: Our matches can only be Di Ming Bloodsucker Demon Race Legion , cannot be Naxue absolutely. Her army speed is slow, but also takes several 20 days to arrive at Southern Wild. However, she can definitely lead a elite airborne martial artist regiment to attack Flame Demon Empire, must prevent her getting rid.” 唐人道:“我们的对手只能是帝瞑吸血魔族军团,绝对不能是娜血。她的大军速度缓慢,还需要十几20天才能到达南部蛮荒。但是,她完全可以率领一支精锐的空中武者军团突袭炎魔帝国,一定要阻止她的出手。” Lan Ling looks to Tang Ren said: You look for Princess Di Nie, making her get rid to divert Naxue.” 兰陵望向唐人道:“你去找帝涅公主,让她出手牵制娜血。” Tang Ren said: But, I worried that perhaps Naxue and Di Nie had some secret treaty, because some signs showed that Princess Naxue went to Yun E Imperial City, why she will go to this place, only then a possibility, met with Di Nie.” 唐人道:“但是,我担心娜血帝涅或许有了某种秘密协定,因为有迹象显示娜血公主前往过云厄王城,她为何会去这地方,只有一个可能性,和帝涅见面。” Lan Ling nodded, Naxue must go to sign Starry Sky Demon Force to forbid the agreement with Di Nie, will then likely sign other agreements. For example, making Naxue unshackle to destroy completely Lan Ling, does not countersign regarding others this agreement, but regarding Di Nie this type as arrogant as the extreme woman, actually not necessarily does not countersign. 兰陵点了点头,娜血要去和帝涅签订星空魔力禁用协定,那么很可能会签订其他协定。比如,让娜血放开手脚灭掉兰陵,对于别人来说不会签这种协定,但对于帝涅这种高傲到极点的女人来说,却未必不会签。 Lan Ling said: „Aren't you and Demoness Country that Banner Lord have a leg? If Di Nie there could not convince, you went to Demoness Country, making Demoness Queen get rid, diverts Princess Naxue.” 兰陵道:“你不是和魔女国的那个旗主有一腿吗?如果帝涅那里说不通,你就去魔女国,让魔女王出手,牵制娜血公主。” Tang Ren said: That not necessarily is also feasible, because Demoness Queen stands in Demon Empire United Battlefront now, she openly will go very much against the Di Nie will difficultly. However, I will make contribution.” 唐人道:“那也未必可行,因为现在魔女王站在魔族帝国统一战线之内,她是很难会公开违背帝涅的意志的。不过,我会尽力。” In this time, in Lan Ling brain territory has resounded the Gou Li sound: Master, the Princess Di Ning visit of Tian Sha Clan, said that must see you, the peach blossom, the beautiful pupil watery, the girl sent wear a look of spring.” 就在此时,兰陵脑域内响起了勾骊的声音:“主人,天剎族帝凝公主来访,说要见你,面带桃花,美眸含水,小妮子发春了。” A Lan Ling brain revolution, had an idea immediately. 兰陵脑子一转,顿时有了一个主意。 He said toward Tang Ren: You go to and Princess Di Nie first discussed, then and Demoness Country discussed that if these two places are not successful. You go to and Tian Sha King discussed, making him lead ten Demon Saint, several hundred Demon Venerable, several thousand Demon Ancestor go to sea to divert Naxue, making Naxue do not act rashly, cannot the converging attack my Flame Demon Empire 他朝唐人道:“你先去和帝涅公主谈,然后和魔女国谈,如果这两个地方都不成功。你就去和天刹王谈,让他率领十名魔圣,几百名魔尊,几千名魔宗出海牵制娜血,让娜血不要轻举妄动,不能夹击我炎魔帝国 Tang Ren said: Tian Sha King may agree, but he will care about the Princess Di Nie will probably.” 唐人道:“天刹王有可能会同意,不过他大概会顾及帝涅公主的意志。” Lan Ling said: „The Princess Di Ning feelings of love budded, go to Flame Demon City to look for me. You threaten Tian Sha King, if he does not comply, his daughter does not guarantee on the chastity, moreover after my sleeps with her, basically possibly has not married her, I either abandon her, either lets her and Tian Sha King cuts off the father and daughter to relate.” 兰陵道:“帝凝公主春心萌动,去炎魔城找我了。你就威胁天刹王,如果他不答应,他的女儿就贞操不保了,而且我睡了她之后,基本上是没有可能娶她的,我要么抛弃她,要么让她和天刹王断绝父女关系。” Tang Ren does not dare to believe is looking at Lan Ling, several times open mouth actually unable to make the sound, the eye narrows a seam, spitting trough that otherwise he is very difficult to conceal the innermost feelings. 唐人不敢置信地望着兰陵,好几次张嘴却发不出声音,眼睛眯起来一道缝,不然他真的很难掩饰内心的吐槽了。 He wants to ask one very much: Your majesty, do you have the bottom line? Are you also concerned about face? Did I give loyalty to wrong Lord? 他很想问一声:陛下,您还有底线吗?您还要脸吗?我是不是效忠错主君了? Tang Ren has not asked the exit|to speak, but Lan Ling said directly: I do not have the bottom line, I am not concerned about face, you have not given loyalty to the wrong person, therefore goes quickly!” 唐人没有问出口,但是兰陵却直接道:“我没有底线,我不要脸的,你没有效忠错人,所以快去吧!” A Small Rakshasa King Tang Ren face shocked to ride Ghost Ray, flew toward De Sha Imperial City . 小罗刹王唐人一脸震撼地骑上了鬼鳐,朝着地剎王城飞去。 But Lan Ling rides the Three Headed Chimera beast, flies toward Flame Demon City. 兰陵则骑上三头奇美拉兽,朝着炎魔城飞去。 ...... …… Note: Second delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family! 注:第二更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家啊!
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