WDDE :: Volume #11

#1100: Lan Ling returns! Destroys the day to extinguish!

At this time, the Moon Temple people have not thought on the matter Lan Ling, only thinks that this is the penalty of Dragon Demon Planet. 此时,月球圣殿众人还没有把事情想到兰陵头上,只以为这是龙魔星球的惩罚。 Because the beforehand ancients bloodlines betrayed Dragon Demon Planet, fled Dragon Demon Planet, therefore has huge cultivation, returning to the Dragon Demon Planet ground also to have Strength to vanish. 因为之前先民血脉背叛了龙魔星球,逃离了龙魔星球,所以就算有天大的修为,回到龙魔星球地面上也有力量消失。 The time, these control Priest and moon Priest thought that Qing Xuan was too meddlesome, must landing Flame Demon Empire, probably mount the Dragon Demon Planet land before departure, now threw such big person. 顿时间,这些主宰祭师和月亮祭师不由觉得青玄太多事了,非要降落炎魔帝国,非要在离开之前登上龙魔星球的土地,现在丢了这么大的人。 Naturally, fear feeling is the slightest bit does not have. 当然,畏惧感是半分没有的。 Because, they also hundreds of thousands all kinds of battleships, over a hundred million regiments, eliminate Dragon Demon Planet to be as before easy! 因为,他们还有十几万艘各式各样的战舰,还有上亿军团,消灭龙魔星球依旧轻而易举! Comes the person, your excellency and Ms. Qing Xuan brings Xu Kong Yan!” Moon Temple third controls Priest Ou Yenong to say. “来人,把虚空衍阁下和青玄女士带回来!”月球圣殿第三主宰祭师欧冶侬道。 Immediately, two Emperor Level martial artist go forward, is enduring disgusting pulled back Xu Kong Yan and Qing Xuan. 顿时,两名帝级武者上前,忍着恶心将虚空衍青玄拉了回来。 But Flame Demon Empire that a half year, has not prevented. 炎魔帝国那半年,没有丝毫阻止。 After Xu Kong Yan and Qing Xuan drag, controls Priest and moon Priest cannot help but gently covers the mouth and nose, the innermost feelings actually take pleasure in others' misfortunes. 虚空衍青玄拖回来之后,主宰祭师和月亮祭师不由得轻轻捂住口鼻,内心却幸灾乐祸。 In Moon Temple above the dignity, Xu Kong Yan and Qing Xuan had such big clown, did not have the face countenance to hold on to Moon Temple first, the second position in a hierarchy. 月球圣殿之中尊严之上,虚空衍青玄出了这么大的丑,已经没有颜面坐稳月球圣殿第一,第二把交椅了。 Withdraws in the ship, all people and others, can not move the Dragon Demon Planet ground again, in order to avoid being imprisoned by the energy.” Moon Temple third Priest Ou Yenong said. “撤回舰中,所有人等,不得再触碰龙魔星球地面,以免遭到能量禁锢。”月球圣殿第三祭师欧冶侬道。 Then, all controls Priest, moon Priest, about 7000 Nihility Bloodline, have withdrawn in the large-scale battleship completely, Flame Demon Empire has not stopped as before. 然后,所有主宰祭师,月亮祭师,近7000名虚无血脉者,全部撤回了大型战舰之中,炎魔帝国依旧没有阻拦。 ...... …… Returns to the battleship, after having been separated from the Dragon Demon Planet land. 回到战舰之中,脱离了龙魔星球的陆地之后。 On Xu Kong Yan and Qing Xuan all scars vanished instantaneously, all grief also vanish without a trace. 虚空衍青玄身上所有的伤痕瞬间消失了,所有的伤痛也消失得无影无踪。 Immediately, two people of wild with joy, then immediately break in the bathroom. 顿时,二人狂喜,然后立刻冲入浴室之内。 On the face of Qing Xuan is ****, but Xu Kong Yan was punched the incontinence, two people have never received so the great shame. 青玄的脸上都是****,而虚空衍更是被揍得失禁,两人从未受过如此奇耻大辱。 Has washed in the bathroom for a half hour, and has established the formidable self-confidence, will dress up to result in one thread to come out carefully. 足足在浴室中洗了半个小时,并且重新建立了强大的自信心,将自己打扮得一丝不苟才重新出来。 After coming out, Xu Kong Yan put on is straighter than the past magnificently, the face was also more serious. The Qing Xuan skirt, the noble air is threatening, the curve is exquisite, after the beautiful face restores, melted the heavy powder unusually, made more beautiful, moreover facial features ice-cold, cold, if incorruptible. 出来之后,虚空衍穿得比以往更加笔挺华丽,面孔也更加严肃。青玄的裙子,更加贵气逼人,曲线玲珑,绝美的面孔恢复之后,更是少有地化了浓妆,使得更加艳光四射,而且面容冰冷,寒若冰霜。 They try to forget that with this stance the shame, as if all has not occurred general. 两人试图用这种姿态让人忘记刚才的耻辱,就仿佛刚才的一切没有发生一般。 Remaining 11 control Priest, 139 moon Priest could not forget a moment ago Qing Xuan and Xu Kong Yan appearance, just this time Xu Kong Yan and Qing Xuan first, second controlled Priest after all, wanted to relieve two people of positions to pass through Emperor Dragon Demon Empire Fo Luo, therefore great family also can only repress laughter, board a face. 剩下11名主宰祭师,139名月亮祭师却怎么也忘不了刚才青玄虚空衍的模样,只不过此时的虚空衍青玄毕竟还是第一,第二主宰祭师,想要解除二人的职位必须经过龙魔帝国皇帝仏罗,所以大家也只能强忍着笑,板着一张脸。 Third controls Priest Ou Yenong saying: „Can two your excellency, why a moment ago so? As if your Strength are unable to display.” 第三主宰祭师欧冶侬道:“两位阁下,刚才为何会如此?仿佛你们的力量无法施展。” Qing Xuan is as before iced cold, is silent. 青玄依旧冷若冰霜,闭口不言。 Xu Kong Yan said seriously: This should be one imprisonment of Dragon Demon Planet, to our one retaliation, this star regards us for the traitor. Once left the Dragon Demon Planet ground, complete safe.” 虚空衍严肃道:“这应该是龙魔星球的一种禁锢,对我们的一种报复,这个星球视我们为叛逆者。一旦离开了龙魔星球地面,就完全无事了。” Then, Xu Kong Yan said: Does not have our these Nihility Bloodline, can destroy completely everyone on Dragon Demon Planet easily!” 接着,虚空衍道:“就算没有我们这些虚无血脉者,也可以轻而易举灭掉龙魔星球上的每一个人!” Qing Xuan said suddenly: Leaves behind several people do not kill, Lan Ling all wives do not kill, Lan Ling all children do not kill. His each wife, I must 1000 Demon Clan to explode ten times. His each child, I must skin the cramp, cooks the soup to drink.” 青玄忽然道:“留下几个人不要杀,兰陵所有的妻子不要杀,兰陵所有的儿女不要杀。他的每一个妻子,我要让1000个魔族人强爆十次。他的每一个孩子,我都要扒皮抽筋,炖汤喝。” This saying, all person faces tremble, but actually nobody dares to stop. 这话一出,所有人面孔一颤,但是却无人敢阻拦。 After all, that too shame! 毕竟,刚才的那一幕实在太耻辱了! Then, first controls Priest Xu Kong Yan to go to the control center of battleship, has assigned out the virtual commander. 接着,第一主宰祭师虚空衍来到战舰的指挥中心,调出了虚拟指挥官。 Order, all battleships, open fire! Thoroughly destroys entire Flame Demon Empire, everyone on Flame Demon star, strikes to kill thoroughly. Lan Ling all wife and children, captures completely.” Xu Kong Yan ordered. “命令,所有战舰,开火!将整个炎魔帝国彻底摧毁,将炎魔星球上的每一个人,彻底击杀。将兰陵所有的妻子儿女,全部俘虏。”虚空衍下令道。 Yes, commander-in-chief.” The control center said: Please three commanders together press down the attack key!” “是,最高指挥官阁下。”指挥中心道:“请三位指挥官共同按下攻击键!” All firepower, attack!” Xu Kong Yan has pressed down red attack key. “所有火力,攻击!”虚空衍按下了红色的攻击键。 All firepower, attack!” Qing Xuan clenched jaws to press down the blue attack key. “所有火力,攻击!”青玄咬牙切齿按下了蓝色的攻击键。 All firepower, attack!” Third controlled Priest Ou Yenong to press down the white attack key! “所有火力,攻击!”第三主宰祭师欧冶侬按下了白色的攻击键! After Moon Temple three big control Priest to press down the attack key together, immediately...... Entire Moon fleet all battleships, stretched out the muzzle slowly. 月球圣殿的三大主宰祭师共同按下攻击键之后,顿时……整个月球舰队所有的战舰,缓缓伸出了炮口。 Here might is lowest, is the Starry Sky Demonic Force Reactor Core dark Demon Force artillery, the might has gone far beyond Flame Demon City Inferno Condensing Demonic Formation. 这里威力最低的,也是星空魔力反应核心的黑暗魔力炮,威力远远超过了炎魔城地狱凝魔阵 Let alone also had the antimatter artillery, the Strength of Star fire. 更别说还有反物质炮,星辰之力炮火了。 Right, is Strength of Star! An artillery can rumble to fall Strength of Star of entire giant city, 20 stars class battleships, have 20 Strength of Star. 没错,是星辰之力!一炮可以轰掉整个巨型城市的星辰之力,20艘星辰级战舰,就有20门星辰之力 Naturally, Strength of Star on stars battleship no doubt cannot compare the fixed Strength of Star launcher on Moon, but the might also has on Moon Strength of Star 30%. 当然,星辰战舰上的星辰之力固然比不上月球上的固定星辰之力发射装置,但是威力也足足有月球上星辰之力的三成。 Therefore, Moon fleet these hundreds of thousands battleships also open fire, can ruin the entire Flame Demon Empire Rakshasa continent easily. 所以,月球舰队这十几万艘战舰同时开火,可以轻而易举毁掉整个炎魔帝国罗刹洲。 Is the thorough destruction, the entire Rakshasa Clan domain 10 million square kilometers will change into the powder powder thoroughly. Each city on this lands, each house, everyone, each animal, each number can meet a cruel death, vanishes in a puff of smoke. 是彻底的毁灭,整个罗刹族领域10000000平方公里会彻底化为齑粉。这片土地上的每一个城市,每一栋房屋,每一个人,每一个动物,每一个数都会粉身碎骨,灰飞烟灭。 Eight times complete/even explosion who entire Flame Demon Empire, only needs the Moon fleet, will thoroughly be cancelled, cancels from this world thoroughly. 整个炎魔帝国,只需要月球舰队的八次齐轰,就会被彻底抹去,从这个世界彻底抹去。 Wild with rage under Xu Kong Yan and Qing Xuan, must not only massacre everyone on Dragon Demon Planet, but must thoroughly destroy all on Dragon Demon Planet, making Dragon Demon Planet thoroughly into a not any life the deathly stillness ruins. 狂怒之下的虚空衍青玄,已经不仅仅是要杀掉龙魔星球上的每一个人,还要彻底摧毁龙魔星球上的一切,使得龙魔星球彻底变成一个没有任何生命的死寂废墟。 The Moon fleet hundreds of thousands battleships, all fires have prepared to finish, can finish sufficiently! 月球舰队十几万艘战舰,所有的炮火已经准备完毕,充能完毕! Opens fire!” “开火!” Issue an order! 一声令下! Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰轰……” Several hundred thousand all kinds of ion artillery, the dark demon artillery, the antimatter artillery, Strength of Star also opens fire. 几十万门各式各样的离子炮,黑暗魔炮,反物质炮,星辰之力同时开火。 Instantaneous...... 瞬间…… The fearful ray that sends out, has covered entire Flame Demon City thoroughly, has covered the entire Rakshasa Clan domain 10 million square kilometers. 发出的可怕光芒,彻底笼罩了整个炎魔城,笼罩了整个罗刹族领域10000000平方公里。 Instantaneous, the ray of space Sun and moon, was camouflaged completely. 瞬间,天上太阳和月亮的光芒,全部被遮蔽。 This ray, is over thousand times of ten thousand times of Sun! 这股光芒,超过太阳的千倍万倍! After all fires shell, the result only then, the entire Rakshasa Clan domain is reduced to ashes thoroughly, the above more than 100 million Demon Clan population, meet a cruel death thoroughly. 所有的炮火轰击出去之后,结局只有一个,整个罗刹族领域彻底化为灰烬,上面的100000000多魔族人口,彻底粉身碎骨。 Really hopes that Lan Ling this monkey can see this!” Qing Xuan sneers to say. “真希望兰陵这个猴子能够见到这一幕啊!”青玄冷笑道。 The fearful ray diverges gradually. 可怕的光芒渐渐散去。 All people want to see desolate ruins, wants to see one of the entire Rakshasa Clan 10 million square kilometers thorough destruction. 所有人都想要看到苍凉废墟的一幕,想要看到整个罗刹族10000000平方公里彻底毁灭的一幕。 However...... 然而…… Following Flame Demon City is safe and sound, the following everyone is safe and sound. 下面的炎魔城安然无恙,下面的每一个人都安然无恙。 But the energy that hundreds of thousands fire bang kill, condensed into light ball completely. 而十几万艘炮火轰杀出去的能量,已经全部凝聚成为一个光球。 This light ball starts to inflate, finally the distortion, turned into a human form, has stood slowly. 这个光球开始膨胀膨胀,最后变形,变成了一个人形,缓缓站了起来。 Turned into a Lan Ling appearance! 变成了一个兰陵的模样! Ancient times God Demon Lan Ling! 远古神魔兰陵 Head two corners/horns, are all Demon Clan belief totem. 头上的两支角,是所有魔族的信仰图腾。 But this Lan Ling, before is not, that tens of thousands meters, hundreds of thousands meters were even high. 而这个兰陵,已经不是之前那个几万米,甚至十几万米之高了。 This Lan Ling, has several thousand miles greatness. 这个兰陵,足足有几千里之巨。 When he stands slowly, two foot able to move unhindered three thousand li (500 km), about 4000 miles in height. 当他缓缓站起来的时候,两只脚纵横三千里,身高4000多里。 Huge incomparable, Moon fleet of blocking the sky, only arrived in the position of his ankle area gradually. 庞大无比,遮天蔽日的月球舰队,渐渐只到了他脚踝的位置上。 Stupid may not and Moon Temple, really such as I expect.” Lan Ling sneers saying: Sent out hundreds of thousands battleships to eliminate my Dragon Demon Planet unexpectedly? Really laughable!” “蠢不可及的月球圣殿,果然如我所料。”兰陵冷笑道:“竟然派出了十几万艘战舰来消灭我龙魔星球?真是可笑!” flatter owed......” Lan Ling to sneeze. “阿欠……”兰陵打了一个喷嚏。 Immediately, several thousand battleships were similar to toy flew generally, in airborne met a cruel death directly. 顿时,几千艘战舰如同玩具一般飞了出去,在空中直接粉身碎骨。 The above over a million armies, from the sky vanishes in a puff of smoke, dies without the burial ground thoroughly! 上面的上百万军队,在空中灰飞烟灭,彻底死无葬身之地! ...... …… Note: Second delivers, Bai request supports, does obeisance to ask the monthly ticket, thanks great family! 注:第二更送上,拜求支持,拜求月票,谢谢大家
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