WDDE :: Volume #11

#1099: Tyrannical Qing Xuan Xu Kong Yan!

Immediately, presents all people unable to believe own eye completely! 顿时,在场所有人完全不敢相信自己的眼睛! Are all these possible? 这一切怎么可能? Although Lan Suo is the Chaos Great Emperor Lan Ling son, but he merely is only a ten -year-old child, where can cultivation to go high? 兰索虽然是混沌大帝兰陵的儿子,但他仅仅只是一个十来岁的孩子啊,修为能够高到哪里去? But Qing Xuan, is the true 12 Star Emperor Level powerhouse, compared with Lan Ling more formidable existence! 青玄,可是真正的十二星帝级强者啊,比兰陵更加强大的存在啊! However, merely one palm was flown by the Lan Suo racket, is this possible? 然而,仅仅一掌就被兰索拍飞了,这怎么可能? Therefore, all people almost must startled explode oneself eyeball! 所以,所有人几乎要惊爆自己的眼球! Lan Suo cancelled colluding finger to say toward Qing Xuan: Come, come.” 兰索朝着青玄勾了勾手指头道:“来啊,来嘛。” Qing Xuan falls ruthlessly on the ground, actually felt the pain. 青玄狠狠摔在地上,竟然感觉到了疼痛。 Why is this? She for a long time very long does not know very much anything was the ache, because a 12 Star Emperor Level powerhouse was impossible to know that anything was called the ache. 这是为什么?她已经很久很久不知道什么是疼痛了,因为一个十二星帝级强者是根本不可能知道什么叫作疼痛的。 After cultivation that oneself go against heaven's will to Dragon Demon Planet, was invalid. 难道,自己逆天的修为到了龙魔星球之后,就无效了。 Qing Xuan crawls, Strength that the bloodlines energy in coagulum, that moves mountains as in, cultivation of 12 Star Emperor Level powerhouse as in. 青玄爬起来,凝聚体内的血脉能量,那排山倒海的力量依旧在啊,十二星帝级强者的修为依旧在啊。 Come, slut.” Lan Suo colludes to say. “来啊,贱人。”兰索勾手道。 Courts death!” Qing Xuan angrily roars. “找死!”青玄怒吼。 Then, she turns into Cluster daylight glow instantaneously, brings to destroy the day to extinguish the place the imposing manner, flushes away toward Lan Suo. 然后,她瞬间变成一团星辰光芒,带着毁天灭地的气势,朝着兰索冲去。 Lan Suo birth mother Dina calls out in alarm, then the strategic place exits, was actually blocked to say by Naxue: Relax, safe.” 兰索生母狄娜一声惊呼,便要冲出去,却被身边的娜血拦住道:“放心,无事。” Bang!” “轰!” Similar to the comet hits Earth to be ordinary, Qing Xuan and Lan Suo hit ruthlessly in one. 如同彗星撞地球一般,青玄兰索狠狠撞在了一起。 Similar to the nuclear bomb explodes general, erupts the fearful ray. 如同核弹爆炸一般,爆发出可怕之光芒。 It looks like in all people, at this time Lan Suo decided vanishes in a puff of smoke, meets a cruel death. 在所有人看来,此时兰索定是灰飞烟灭,粉身碎骨了。 However, after the ray clears, all people are shocked. Not only Lan Suo is safe and sound, around even/including all matters are perfect. However Moon Temple second controls Priest, the imperial concubine of Emperor Dragon Demon Empire, Moon civilization Peerless beautiful woman Qing Xuan, according to was punched in the ground crazy violent by Lan Suo. 然而,等到光芒散尽之后,所有人都惊呆了。不仅仅兰索安然无恙,连周围的一切物事都完好无损。但是月球圣殿的第二主宰祭师,龙魔帝国皇帝的妃子,月球文明绝世美人青玄,被兰索按在地上疯狂的暴揍。 slut, actually insulted my queen mother!” 贱人,竟然辱骂我的母后!” slut, dares to scold my father.” 贱人,竟敢骂我父亲。” „Does slut, dare to scold me?” 贱人,竟敢骂我?” Hair of Lan Suo to holding Qing Xuan, beats fiercely, was hit instantaneously black and blue. 兰索对抓住青玄的头发,猛地拳打脚踢,瞬间就被打得鼻青脸肿。 But the solemn 12 Star Emperor Level powerhouse, actually by a child according to the ground, did not have the strength of revolt, is in front of all people to punch insanely wild. 而堂堂十二星帝级强者,竟然被一个孩子按在地上,丝毫没有反抗之力,当着所有人的面疯狂暴揍。 Short a half minute, Qing Xuan on made into the pig head livingly. 短短半分钟,青玄就活生生被打成了猪头。 Finally, she is similar to the dead dog is towed to that lump generally **** front! 最后,她如同死狗一般被拖到那一坨****面前! Eats your ****!” Lan Suo holds the hair of Qing Xuan, presses livingly her face ****. “吃你的****吧!”兰索抓住青玄的头发,活生生将她的脸按到****里面。 An odor, incomparable disgusting, the current craze wells up on. 一股恶臭,无比的恶心,顿时狂涌而上。 The Qing Xuan beautiful face, was black and blue at this time, the nose, the mouth, the eye stuck to fill ****. 青玄原本绝美的面孔,此时鼻青脸肿,鼻子,嘴巴,眼睛都糊满了****。 Tearful, comes!” Lan Suo beckons to say. “汪汪,过来!”兰索一招手道。 That is only big end to run over, was flattering toward Lan Suo inexpensively. 那只大头有跑了过来,贱贱地朝兰索谄媚着。 Saa soaks the urine in the head of this woman, looks at her morality and conduct.” Lan Suo said. “撒一泡尿在这个女人的头上,瞧她那副德行。”兰索道。 Then, this big dog soaks the dog urine, hot Linlin sprinkles in the head of Qing Xuan. 然后,这条大狗一泡狗尿,热琳琳地洒在青玄的头上。 Qing Xuan goes all out to struggle, actually discovered oneself did not have Strength. 青玄拼命地挣扎,却发现自己已经毫无力量了。 She had found the reason at this time, her Strength as within the body, moreover can release. So long as approached Lan Suo, these 12 Star Emperor Level energies are useless, but after Lan Suo holds, her within the body all formidable Strength vanish without a trace, she turned into a woman, whatever Lan Suo this child acts in a self-serving manner. 她此时已经找到原因了,她力量依旧在体内,而且也可以释放出来。但是只要靠近了兰索,这些十二星帝级能量就毫无用处,而被兰索抓住之后,她体内所有强大的力量就消失得无影无踪,她就变成了一个弱女子,任由兰索这个小孩为所欲为。 Therefore, she suffered the unprecedented pain, unprecedented shame. 所以,她遭受了前所未有的痛苦,前所未有的耻辱。 But audience all people, completely had actually been shocked by this, particularly Moon civilization here person, was shocked really completely is shocked looks like, this...... How possible? 而全场所有人,却被这一幕完全惊呆了,尤其是月球文明这边的人,真的完全被震撼惊呆看来,这……怎么可能啊? This is the 12 Star Emperor Level powerhouse, Qing Xuan in Moon civilization is next to Fo Luo and Xu Kong Yan third powerhouse. 这可是十二星帝级强者啊,在月球文明青玄可是仅次于仏罗虚空衍的第三强者啊。 ...... …… Bah!” “呸!” Lan Suo has spat saliva on Qing Xuan, then said toward Xu Kong Yan: „Are you their eldest children?” 兰索青玄身上吐了一口口水,然后朝着虚空衍道:“你是他们的老大吗?” Xu Kong Yan does not want to reply, in his opinion including Chaos Great Emperor Lan Ling is a monkey, let alone is the Lan Ling son? 虚空衍不想回答,在他看来连混沌大帝兰陵都是一只猴子,更何况是兰陵的儿子? But this condition is too at present strange. 只不过眼前这状况太诡异了。 Therefore Xu Kong Yan said: Right, I am their leaders.” 所以虚空衍道:“对,我就是他们的首领。” Lan Suo beckons saying: Zhi Yu, you are an Elder Brother, this gave you, punched his excrement!” 兰索招了招手道:“卮玉,你是哥哥,这个给你了,把他屎都揍出来!” Xu Kong Yan one hear, the whole person must explode. 虚空衍一听,整个人都要炸了。 He is the Moon Temple first powerhouse, is next to a Fo Luo person in Moon civilization, at this time was provoked by so the spoken language unexpectedly. 他可是月球圣殿第一强者,在月球文明仅次于仏罗一人,此时竟然受到如此言语挑衅。 At this time, Zhi Yu walked. 此时,卮玉走了出来。 This child this year 16 years old, is a delicate and pretty incomparable youngster, have gathered Lan Ling and Zhi Ning merit, completely is a handsome beautiful youngster. 这孩子今年16岁多了,已经是一个俊美无匹的少年,集合了兰陵卮宁的优点,完全是一个翩翩美少年。 What did you call?” Zhi Yu asked. “你叫什么?”卮玉问道。 Xu Kong Yan has not paid attention, arrives at the Zhi Yu front slowly. 虚空衍没有理会,缓缓走到卮玉的面前。 He walks every time one step, build increases, arrives in front of Zhi Yu time, is a hundred meters giant. But Zhi Yu to his under foot, is similar to the ant generally is merely small. 他每走一步,体形就变大一圈,走到卮玉面前的时候,已经是一个百米的巨人了。而卮玉仅仅只是到他的脚下,如同蚂蚁一般小。 Xu Kong Yan did not say a word, stretches out a finger, has ground toward ground ant general small Zhi Yu. 虚空衍一言不发,伸出一根手指,朝着地上蚂蚁一般小的卮玉碾了下去。 He wants is this effect, is similar to is run over and dies a ant to be the same, is run over and dies the Lan Ling son. 他要的就是这种效果,如同碾死一只蚂蚁一样,碾死兰陵的儿子。 However...... 然而…… „......” miserably! “啊……”一声惨呼! His thumb toward the time that Zhi Yu grinds, not only has not ground the muddy flesh Zhi Yu, instead the entire thumb was pierced. 他拇指朝着卮玉碾去的时候,非但没有将卮玉碾成肉泥,反而整个拇指都被刺穿了。 But does not know he who anything is called ache, at this time unexpectedly is the stabbing pain of web. 而根本不知道什么叫作疼痛的他,此时竟然是钻心的刺痛。 Under the severe pain, his body is reducing suddenly, directly becomes with the normal person same size. 剧痛之下,他的身体在急剧地缩小,直接变得和正常人一样大小。 Zhi Yu looks at Xu Kong Yan saying: My father has a few words I to like very much, installs to compel to be struck by lightning, if who dares to install to compel before me, I hit his excrement.” 卮玉望着虚空衍道:“我父亲有一句话我很喜欢,装逼被雷劈,谁要是敢在我面前装逼,我就将他的屎都打出来。” Then, Zhi Yu aims at a pants crotch fiercely foot of Xu Kong Yan. 说罢,卮玉对准虚空衍的裤裆猛地一脚。 Bang......” “砰……” A loud sound. 一声巨响。 The Xu Kong Yan egg has exploded, even pelvis comminuted fracture. 虚空衍的蛋直爆了,甚至盆骨都粉碎性骨折。 The severe pain of web, has a child also to want the painful 100 times of severe pain to raid compared with the woman. 钻心的剧痛,比女人生孩子还要痛苦100倍的剧痛袭来。 „......” Moon Temple first Priest, has sent out unprecedentedly miserable howling, sad and shrill incomparable. “啊……”月球圣殿第一祭师,发出了前所未有的惨嚎,凄厉无比。 Then, falls down directly. 然后,直接瘫倒在地。 cultivation of his 12 Star Emperor Level powerhouse, vanishes without a trace. 他那十二星帝级强者的修为,消失得无影无踪。 Then before Zhi Yu rushes, aims at his belly, aims at his pants crotch, goes all out to kick crazily. 然后卮玉冲上前,对准他的肚子,对准他的裤裆,拼命一阵狂踢。 Crazily suddenly/violently to beat up! 疯狂地暴揍! Then, an odor transmits. 然后,一阵恶臭传来。 Short one minute, the solemn Moon Temple first leader, the 12 Star Emperor Level powerhouse, Moon civilization second expert, was hit the body waste to be uneven livingly. 短短一分钟,堂堂月球圣殿第一领袖,十二星帝级强者,月球文明的第二高手,活生生被打得屎尿齐出。 Was made the excrement to come. 真的被打出屎来了。 Forever has kept since aloof, expensive cannot say, regards as Xu Kong Yan of low status civilization Dragon Demon Planet, the Moon Temple first leader who forever wind light cloud Dan, arrogantly not measures, at this time was hit the incontinence, wails the tumbling on the ground. 一直以来,永远高高在上,贵不可言,把龙魔星球视为低等文明的虚空衍,永远风轻云淡,高傲莫测的月球圣殿第一领袖,此时被打得失禁,在地上哀嚎翻滚。 Because, coming under attack time, they are little bloodlines Strength to display, turned into a frail scholar of income strength to truss up a chicken. 因为,挨打的时候,他们连一点点血脉力量都施展出来,变成了一个收入缚鸡之力的文弱书生。 The key is, they do not know why will turn into this? 关键是,他们不知道为什么会变成这样? Why can like this? 为何会这样? The reason is very simple, because Lan Ling is ancient times God Demon, is entire Dragon Demon Galaxy god, naturally also includes Moon civilization, can take away the energy of any person easily. 原因很简单,因为兰陵已经是远古神魔,已经是整个龙魔星系的神祇,当然也包括月球文明,可以轻而易举收走任何一个人的能量。 Even if this time 1000000 miles away. 哪怕他此时远在1000000里之外。 ...... …… Note: First delivers, today comes across a matter, therefore renewed late, sorry. 注:第一更送上,今天遇到点事情,所以更新晚了,抱歉。 Naturally has a false alarm, thanks one's superior official Boss. 当然只是虚惊一场,谢谢上峰老大。
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