WDDG :: Volume #5

#418: Suppressing Devil Origin Qi

After Shen Xiang comes, discovers in this besides the frigid evil aura, but also has many pure Spirit Qi, these Spirit Qi fill the air in the upper air, but after precipitating, will be corroded by the evil aura. 沈翔进来之后,发现这里面除了惨烈的邪气之外,还有着不少精纯的灵气,这些灵气弥漫在高空,不过沉淀下来之后,就会被邪气腐蚀。 Worthily is Mysterious Realm, detains so many Evil Demon, can produce so many pure Spirit Qi.” Shen Xiang looks that these tree said that these tree are because here Spirit Qi can grow be so good. “不愧是玄境,关押这么多恶妖,都还能产生这么多精纯的灵气。”沈翔看着那些树木说道,这些树木就是因为这里的灵气才能生长得这么好的。 The Mysterious Realm forming process is complex, the needed condition is also very high, so long as is Mysterious Realm, inside Spirit Qi generally is very rich, but this Mysterious Realm was actually used to detain Evil Demon by King Continent, moreover many ten thousand years ago. 玄境的形成过程非常复杂,需要的条件也很高,只要是玄境,里面的灵气一般都是非常浓郁的,而这个玄境却被王者大陆用来关押恶妖,而且还是许多万年前的。 Shen Xiang has to admire the life in Demon World, unexpectedly can survive is so long, although the strength has not been increased, but the life span actually goes far beyond human, on the one hand this is not human can compare. 沈翔不得不佩服妖界中的生灵,竟然能存活这么久,实力虽然没有提升,但寿命却远远超过人类,这一方面就不是人类能比拟的。 Had the thing to come!” Long Xueyi hastily shouted, Shen Xiang also hears some sounds, the probably a group of things from are dashing in all directions. “有东西过来了!”龙雪怡急忙喊道,沈翔也听到一些声音,像是有一大群东西正从四面八方飞奔过来。 Su Meiyao urged: Do not treat it lightly, these Evil Demon are the hundred thousand years ago , even if the itself strength has no growth, but will not be definitely bad on the wisdom, otherwise they could not live is so long!” 苏媚瑶叮嘱道:“不要掉以轻心,这些恶妖都是十万年前时的,即便本身实力没有什么增长,但在智慧上面肯定不会太差,否则他们就活不了这么久!” Stays the hundred thousand year in this damned place, can live the present truly is the extraordinary fellow, but currently has such a crowd to surround Shen Xiang. 在这种鬼地方呆十万年,能活到现在确实是了不起的家伙,而现在却有这么一群来包围沈翔 Why in the past can King Continent put in this such a group of thing? How do they achieve?” Shen Xiang saw from that sound, are many toward Evil Demon that he dares to come, these Evil Demon have the characteristics of Demon Beast wild animal, the feeling metropolis/can human in senses of smell and other aspects are stronger, therefore they can determine all of a sudden has human to appear in this direction. “当年王者大陆为什么要把这么一大群东西放入这里面?他们是怎么做到的?”沈翔从那动静看出,正朝他敢来的恶妖不少,这些恶妖都有妖兽野兽的特征,嗅觉和其他方面的感觉都会人类强许多,所以他们能一下子就确定有人类出现在这个方向。 May be using space large formation this type of thing, transmits a group of Evil Demon to this, but in this Mysterious Realm definitely pulled out to empty by King Continent, such a, they can slowly in dire straits these Evil Demon in this, but they actually do not need fight.” Su Meiyao said. “有可能是利用空间大阵这种东西,把一大群恶妖传送到这里面来,而这个玄境里面肯定是被王者大陆掏空了,这么一来,他们就能慢慢困死这些恶妖在这里面,而他们却不需要动手。”苏媚瑶说道。 At this time these fly Evil Demon that to/clashes to come to be similar to ten thousand horses galloping to sprint like that enormously and powerful, Shen Xiang has not felt to fear, he has put out Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade, this coping with Demon and Devil has very big lethality, but at this time he can also examine fierce of Suppressing Devil Divine Art. 此时那些飞冲而来的恶妖就如同万马奔腾那般浩荡冲刺过来,沈翔并没有感到惧怕,他已拿出青龙屠魔刀,这把对付妖魔有着非常大的杀伤力,而这时候他也可以检验一下镇魔神功的厉害。 Feels to have massive Evil Demon to approach, Shen Xiang Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade shivered, idles exceptionally excitedly, but Suppressing Devil Origin Qi of Shen Xiang within the body also jumps for joy, stirs up the Shen Xiang blood ebullition, infected Shen Xiang, making him wish one could to slaughter immediately. 感受到有大量恶妖在靠近,沈翔青龙屠魔刀颤抖了起来,闲得异常兴奋,而沈翔体内的镇魔元气也雀跃不已,激得沈翔血液沸腾,感染了沈翔,让他恨不得立即大开杀戒一番。 Came!” Shen Xiang only saw the thing of a group of person beast head or person first beast body flushed from a forest, many tree were hit, each made threatening gestures, exudes all kinds of howling, the scene was very scary. “来了!”沈翔只看见一大群人身兽首或者人首兽身的东西从一片森林里面冲了出来,许多树木都被撞断,各个都张牙舞爪,发出各种各样的吼叫声,场面十分骇人。 Even Shen Xiang, still feels scalp tingles now, in the dim environment, suddenly jumps such a crowd of scary monsters, no one will feel to feel better, Shen Xiang has seen these Evil Demon luckily, at this time he also calculates quite calmly. 即便是沈翔,现在也感到头皮发麻,昏暗的环境中,突然蹦出来这么一群吓人的怪物,谁都不会感到好受,幸好沈翔是早就见过这些恶妖,此时他还算比较镇定。 Haha...... is human, everyone poisons quickly, kills by poison this small and weak human, we enjoy the flesh again slowly the taste.” The sharp sound conveys together, hearing Shen Xiang to be absolutely terrified. “哈哈……是人类,大家快放毒,把这弱小的人类毒死,我们再慢慢享受人肉的滋味。”一道尖锐的声音传来,听得沈翔毛骨悚然。 As that sound passes on, Shen Xiang also sees to spurt the colorful mist in many Evil Demon mouths, these thing containing acute poison, touch some tree, immediately these tree melting, very strong toxicity. 随着那道声音传出来,沈翔也看见在许多恶妖口中喷着五颜六色的雾气,这些都是含有剧毒的东西,触碰到一些树木,立即把那些树木给融掉,毒性非常之强 After Shen Xiang cultivated Suppressing Devil Divine Art, is Hundred Poisons Immunity, Bai Youyou's Elder Sister Bai Ziqian is unable poisonous but actually he, let alone these Demon World inside ineffective and worthless troops. 沈翔修炼了镇魔神功之后,就已经是百毒不侵,白幽幽的姐姐白紫倩都无法毒倒他,更何况这些妖界里面的虾兵蟹将。 A Shen Xiang palm beach, revolution Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, was produced a very huge suction by own palm on, absorbs toward poisonous Qi that he flutters these completely on the palm, then makes massive different poisonous Qi concentrate together, with that enormous suction hauling, the poison forms an vortex, extrudes together, finally turned into grain of very small Qi ball. 沈翔手掌一滩,运转太极降龙功,让自己的掌心上面产生一股非常巨大的吸力,把那些朝他飘过来的毒气全部吸收在手掌上面,然后让大量不同的毒气浓缩在一起,随着那股极大的吸力牵引,毒物形成一个漩涡,挤压在一起,最后变成了一粒很小气团 These Evil Demon were shocked, they lived hundred thousand for many years, has the extremely high wisdom, naturally knows that at present what happened, on their clearer Shen Xiang palm that grain after Qi ball of compression means anything. 那些恶妖都愣住了,他们活了十万多年,都有着极高的智慧,当然知道眼前发生了什么事情,他们更加清楚沈翔掌心上面那一粒经过压缩的气团意味着什么。 This thing gives back to you!” Shen Xiang sneered, saw only on his palm that grain opium pill suddenly to fly to shoot, injected in the Evil Demon group, after exploding, exploded projects thick black Qi mist, later then the pitiful yell sound transmitted, these Evil Demon in groups dispersed in abundance, they fully realized the fearfulness of that poisonous Qi. “这东西还给你们!”沈翔冷笑一声,只见他掌心上面的那粒“毒丸”突然飞射了出去,射入了恶妖群里面,爆开之后,爆射出一股浓黑的气雾,随后便许多惨叫声传来,那些原本成群结队的恶妖都纷纷散开,他们都深知那毒气的可怕。 But these poisonous Qi Shen Xiang compresses the together synthesis many poisonous Qi fusions ultra acute poison poisonous Qi, in Evil Demon uses the poisonous experts not to dare to bump casually. 这些毒气可是沈翔把多种毒气融合压缩在一起合成的超剧毒毒气,就连恶妖中用毒的好手都不敢随便去碰。 This crowd of Evil Demon are cursing angrily Shen Xiang this anomaly, unexpectedly does not fear the poison, moreover casual various during Qi mist that brings acute poison play with is applauding. 这群恶妖都纷纷怒骂着沈翔这个变态,居然不怕毒,而且还随随便便的把各种带着剧毒气雾玩弄在鼓掌之中。 Shen Xiang lightly smiled, the body emits one white pure and holy light glow immediately, that Qi mist scatters after his body, turns into the golden color, this is Suppressing Devil Origin Qi, Shen Xiang usually barely uses. 沈翔微微一笑,身体顿时冒出一种白色圣洁光霞,那种气雾从他的身体飘散出来之后,变成金色,这就是镇魔元气,沈翔平时都很少使用。 Feels this type of aura, these Evil Demon are panic-stricken immediately, they felt that oneself in front of this power, is similar to mole crickets and ants to face palatial big Heavenly God is so weak. 感受到这种气息,那些恶妖顿时惊恐不已,他们感觉自己在这种力量面前,就如同蝼蚁面对着巍峨高大的天神那样无力。 Suppressing Devil Origin Qi vanished, Shen Xiang was released externally a moment ago also has a look at these Evil Demon to fear this power, seeing these Evil Demon to send out frantic and frightened howling, he knows that Suppressing Devil Origin Qi is very powerful. 镇魔元气消失了,沈翔刚才外放也只是看看这些恶妖是不是惧怕这种力量,看见那些恶妖发出疯狂而恐惧的吼叫,他就知道镇魔元气真的很强大。 The Shen Xiang flying flashes into the Evil Demon group, wields Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade in hand, pours into True Qi at the same time, but also in addition Suppressing Devil Origin Qi. 沈翔飞身闪入恶妖群之中,挥起手中的青龙屠魔刀,灌入真气的同时,还加上了镇魔元气 That brushes, Shen Xiang breaks off a lion's head person around the middle, this lion's head person sent out a pitiful yell then dead, was cut the place also to belch smoke, the body of Evil Demon was being melted by Suppressing Devil Origin Qi. 刷的一下,沈翔就把一个狮头人拦腰折断,这狮头人发出一声惨叫便死去了,而在被砍中的地方还冒着烟,恶妖的身体正在被镇魔元气融化。 After Shen Xiang that blade chops cuts, after exploding shoots Qi Energy that spout arrives at all around, splashes in these Evil Demon body, sees only the bodies of these Evil Demon seems like by the boiling hot molten iron is hit such, is belching smoke, melting. 沈翔那刀劈砍出去之后,爆射出来的气劲喷涌到四周之后,溅在那些恶妖身上,只见那些恶妖的身体就好像是被滚烫的铁水打中那样,都在冒烟,融化。 At this time, Shen Xiang has to admire that to create this Suppressing Devil Divine Art person, unexpectedly makes this Suppressing Devil Origin Qi have the so powerful injury to Demon and Devil. 此时,沈翔不得不佩服那创造这镇魔神功的人,竟然让这种镇魔元气妖魔有如此强大的伤害。 Brandishing a sword of Shen Xiang shuā shuā shuā chops to cut, the body braves steaming True Qi, sprays along with Suppressing Devil Origin Qi, making these fly to escape everywhere in his Evil Demon, they also think Shen Xiang is a very weak person, but never expected that is actually similar to Devil God such now, is slaughtering them crazily, will use one type to make them feel frightened power. 沈翔刷刷刷的挥刀劈砍,身体冒着腾腾地真气,伴随着镇魔元气喷射出来,让那些在他身边的恶妖四处飞逃起来,原本他们还以为沈翔是一个非常弱的人,但没想到现在却如同魔神那样,疯狂屠戮着他们,而且还会使用一种能让他们感到恐惧的力量 „To escape? No way!” Shen Xiang jumps up suddenly, jumps in the air, transforms Suppressing Devil Origin Qi True Qi fast, to the ground is a palm, sees only a giant white light palm by Suppressing Devil Origin Qi condense, the fierce pressure, covered large quantities of Evil Demon. “想逃?没门!”沈翔一跃而起,跳到空中,快速把真气转化成镇魔元气,对着地面就是一掌,只见一只巨大的白光手掌由镇魔元气凝聚而成,猛的压下来,盖住了一大批恶妖 The ground shakes, the palm that Suppressing Devil Origin Qi condense becomes explodes, the air wave four well up, sweeps across toward all around like the tide generally, submerges Evil Demon that these flee instantaneously. 地面一震,那镇魔元气凝聚而成的手掌爆开,气浪四涌,如同潮水一般朝四周席卷而起,瞬间把那些逃离的恶妖淹没。 With wicked neighed to send out, was full of the odor the smell to flutter, these Evil Demon were perished by Suppressing Devil Origin Qi, melted completely must change beyond all recognition. 随着一道道惨厉的嘶叫发出,一些充满恶臭的气味飘荡出来,那些恶妖都被镇魔元气腐蚀掉了,全部融化得面目全非。
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