WDDG :: Volume #5

#419: Wolf slave

Shen Xiang falling gently after the ground, looks at a direction, is having quite powerful aura to weaken in that direction slowly, in the confusion, Evil Demon ran away a moment ago. 沈翔轻轻的落在地面之后,看着一个方向,在那个方向正有一股比较强大的气息慢慢变弱,在刚才混乱之中,有一个恶妖逃走了。 This Evil Demon strength is very strong, perhaps is this crowd of small Evil Demon leader, is very likely has demonic heart, but Shen Xiang comes here goal, to not slaughter these small Evil Demon, but collects many demonic heart, is used as the competition result. 这个恶妖的实力很强,说不定就是这群小恶妖的头领,很有可能是拥有妖心的,而沈翔来这里的目的,不是为了屠杀这些小恶妖的,而是收集更多的妖心,用来作为比赛成绩。 Shen Xiang pursued immediately, this is he enters first fierce Evil Demon that Evil Demon Mysterious Realm meets, he cannot let off. 沈翔立即追了上去,这可是他进入恶妖玄境遇到的第一个厉害的恶妖,他不能放过。 These small Evil Demon quantities have over a thousand, but does not have one to have demonic heart, Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou have said that that demonic heart is also very precious, at least can sell to five million crystal stones one, in antique, generally is used to arrange large formation, because inside contains the pure energy. 那些小恶妖的数量有上千,不过都没有一个拥有妖心的,苏媚瑶白幽幽说过,那妖心也是非常珍贵的,至少能卖到五百万晶石一个,在太古的时候,一般都是用来布置大阵,因为里面蕴含着纯能量。 Shen Xiang saw that running away big Evil Demon quickly, wants to be away from so near, he can induce to this Evil Demon within the body that group very pure energy clearly, he can affirm, this is big Evil Demon. 沈翔很快就看见了那个正在逃窜的大恶妖,想距离如此近,他能清楚的感应到这恶妖体内那团十分精纯的能量,他敢肯定,这就是一个大恶妖 Unexpectedly is Werewolf.” Shen Xiang said that although Evil Demon, but he thought that the name is beastman is more appropriate, because most of them are change by Demon Beast, and has the extremely high wisdom, will therefore be called Evil Demon. “居然是一个狼人。”沈翔说道,虽说是恶妖,但他觉得称呼为兽人更加贴切,只是因为他们大多数都是由妖兽变化而成,而且拥有极高的智慧,所以才会被称之为恶妖 Long ago truly was called beastman, but human thought that this insulted human, therefore called them Evil Demon.” Long Xueyi said. “在很久以前确实被称之为兽人,不过人类觉得这是侮辱了人类,所以称他们为恶妖。”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang said with a smile: These fellows, if the stupid point were good, not because felt afraid frightened, I do not need to pursue am so laborious.” 沈翔笑道:“这些家伙如果笨一点就好了,就不会因为感到恐惧而害怕,我也不用追这么辛苦。” If stupid point Evil Demon, perhaps has gone all out with Shen Xiang. 如果是蠢一点的恶妖,恐怕早就和沈翔拼命了。 Was similar!” Shen Xiang lightly smiled, sees only his body to gush out pure water attribute True Qi, but Evil Demon that front that is running also fell a somersault forward, the foot of this big Evil Demon bare was being twined by Shen Xiang water vine. “差不多了!”沈翔微微一笑,只见他的身体涌出一股精纯的水属性真气,而前面那正在奔跑的恶妖也向前摔了一个跟头,这大恶妖的脚裸被沈翔水藤缠绕着。 This Werewolf feels one to burn hot aura spraying to come, immediately wails saying: Do not kill me!” 狼人感受到一股灼烫的气息喷射而来,立即哀嚎道:“别杀我!” Shen Xiang wants directly demonic heart of this Werewolf chest grasping, but his suddenly had. 沈翔原本是想直接把这狼人胸膛的妖心给抓出来,但他突然有了一记。 You said that you have anything to be worth me using the place, otherwise I grasp your demonic heart!” The Shen Xiang sound is full of an tone of threat, but he also releases that to let Werewolf very uncomfortable Suppressing Devil Origin Qi at this time. “你说说你有什么值得我利用地方,否则我就把你的妖心抓出来!”沈翔声音充满一种恐吓的语气,而他此时也释放出那让狼人非常难受的镇魔元气来。 Werewolf was frightened trembles, although he also has the Spirit Martial Realm initial stage strength, but must face Shen Xiang that Suppressing Devil Origin Qi and Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade, both he is unable to deal with comes. 狼人被吓得哆嗦,虽然他也有灵武境初期的实力,但要面对沈翔镇魔元气青龙屠魔刀,两个他都无法应付得来。 I...... I do not know, I can be your goon, I can guide the thing that helps you look for you to look.” Werewolf hurriedly said. “我……我不知道,我可以做你的打手,我可以带路帮助你寻找你要找的东西。”狼人急忙说道 Shen Xiang said with a smile: I am untrustworthy you!” 沈翔笑道:“我信不过你!” Werewolf forehead suddenly appears spirit pattern that thinks very much, after seeing this spirit pattern, Su Meiyao said: This is Evil Demon the life contract, after you received, can control his life and death through this contract momentarily.” 狼人的眉心突然浮现出一个很想的灵纹,看见这个灵纹之后,苏媚瑶说道:“这是恶妖的本命契约,你接过之后,就能随时通过这个契约掌控他的生死。” Shen Xiang held that spirit pattern, spirit pattern submerged his palm vanish from sight, but he can actually have a marvelous feeling, he only needs a thought now, can this Werewolf killing. 沈翔一手就抓住了那灵纹,灵纹没入他的掌心消失不见了,但他却能有一种奇妙的感觉,他现在只需要一个念头,就能把这狼人给杀死。 Lived hundred thousand for many years, you really do not have wasted.” Shen Xiang happily said with a smile, he needs to guide, otherwise big Mysterious Realm, he does not know where goes to look many have demonic heart Evil Demon, but this person of wolf definitely knows. “活了十万多年,你果然没有白活。”沈翔嘿笑道,他需要个带路的,否则偌大一个玄境,他不知道去哪里找更多的拥有妖心恶妖,而这人狼肯定知道。 Although Shen Xiang has Suppressing Devil Origin Qi, but in this Mysterious Realm is actually not the absolute safety, in this also has stronger Evil Demon, that is close to the Nirvana Realm strength, but this Werewolf mixed so many years to live here, definitely knew this inside influence distribution. 沈翔虽然拥有镇魔元气,但在这玄境里面却不是绝对安全的,这里面还有更强的恶妖,那是接近涅槃境实力的,而这狼人在这里混了这么多年都能活着,肯定知道这里面的势力分布。 Master, you have anything to tell young slave that's it although!” After that Werewolf stands, said respectfully, although half beast half person, but Shen Xiang thought that he also calculates looks pleasing to the eyes, and does not have any feeling of dislike. “主人,你有什么事情尽管吩咐小奴就是了!”那狼人站起来之后,恭敬地说道,虽然半兽半人,但沈翔觉得他还算看得顺眼,并没有什么厌恶的感觉。 Shen Xiang asked: These 1-2 days, have you met human in this inside?” 沈翔问道:“这1-2来,你在这里面遇到过人类吗?” Werewolf shakes the head saying: Returns to the words of master, I have not met, but actually heard that had meeting of other tribes.” 狼人摇头道:“回主人的话,我没有遇到,不过却听说有其他部落的遇到了。” Shen Xiang nods: Later other master comes the master to go, direct reaction my that's it.” 沈翔点了点头:“以后别主人来主人去的,直接回答我就是了。” He also asked: I need massive demonic heart, you guided that's alright, other gave me.” 他又问道:“我需要大量的妖心,你带路就行了,其他交给我。” That Werewolf gawked staring: Does not have the issue, this inside has the demonic heart fellow to be many, but kills many words all of a sudden, by this inside some name kings' Evil Demon discoveries.” 狼人愣了愣:“没问题,这里面拥有妖心的家伙很多,只不过一下子杀得太多的话,会被这里面一些称王的恶妖发现的。” Oh? in this inside said king what strength is?” Shen Xiang asked. 哦?在这里面称王的都是什么实力?”沈翔问道。 The thing that this Werewolf knows are many: Only misses one step to bring in Nirvana Tribulation, because just in Mysterious Realm, Nirvana Tribulation cannot induce, therefore they are unable to break through.” 狼人知道的东西不少:“只差一步就可以引来涅槃劫,只不过因为在玄境里面,涅槃劫感应不到,所以他们都无法突破。” Relax, you guided that's alright by all means!” Shen Xiang said. “放心吧,你只管带路就行了!”沈翔说道。 In Werewolf that pair of red eyes reveals one to worry, but his life grasps now in Shen Xiang's hand, he also can only comply, otherwise a Shen Xiang thought can make him be in deep sorrow. 狼人那双红色的眼眸中流露出一丝担忧,但现在他的命掌握在沈翔的手里,他也只能照做,否则沈翔一个念头就能让他痛不欲生。 Master, you are best to camouflage, like this your I will be safer.” Werewolf whispered, he worried that meets this to make Shen Xiang get angry. “主人,你最好伪装一下,这样你我都会安全许多。”狼人低声说道,他担心会这会让沈翔发怒。 Shen Xiang nods, sees only his behind suddenly to have a tail, on the calf also grew some white wools, seems like such that White Tiger turns into, seems like actually also ten scanning Evil Demon. 沈翔点了点头,只见他的身后突然多出了一条尾巴,小腿上面也长出了一些白色的毛,看来像是白虎变成的那样,看起来却也十分像恶妖 Now Shen Xiang magic power enough he has turned into White Tiger build beasts, must change one on body small not is very partially difficult. 现在沈翔法力已经够他变成一头白虎体型的兽类,要变化身体上的一小部分并不是很难。 In that Werewolf heart surprised, he thinks that does not understand how Shen Xiang achieves, he also suspected that Shen Xiang is Evil Demon, because looked like. 狼人心中惊讶不已,他想不明白沈翔是怎么做到,他还怀疑沈翔就是一只恶妖,因为太像了。 White Tiger Evil Demon, this Evil Demon here also many.” Werewolf said: Master, please come with me.” 白虎恶妖,这种恶妖在这里也不少。”狼人说道:“主人,请跟我来。” Werewolf runs swiftly, Shen Xiang also at the similar speed, follows in him behind, he guessed that this Werewolf has the first goal that he looks, definitely is this Werewolf enemy. 狼人飞跑起来,沈翔也以同样的速度,跟在他身后,他猜测这狼人带他去找的第一个目标,肯定是这狼人的仇家。 No matter Shen Xiang also so many, he in this time that only then Nine Heavens is not, he must in this Nine Heavens, get so far as massive demonic heart as far as possible. 沈翔也不管这么多,他在这里面只有九天不到的时间,他要在这九天之内,尽可能地弄到大量的妖心 The competition that this closes is harsh, 20 people only have four to be promoted, this makes Shen Xiang feel a big pressure. 这一关的比赛非常苛刻,二十人只有四个能晋级,这让沈翔感到不小的压力。 Wolf slave, in this how many have demonic heart Evil Demon to have?” Shen Xiang asked. “狼奴,这里面的拥有妖心恶妖有多少?”沈翔问道。 Nearby this probably 50, the strength majority compared with me, several even are stronger, called the king not in the , but they might come.” Werewolf said. “在这附近的大概有五十,实力大多数都比我强,有几个甚至更强,称王的没有在附近的,不过他们有可能会过来。”狼人说道。 Shen Xiang is thinking a complete plan, area this 50 words, showed that small Evil Demon also has many, if creates massive slaughters, exciting these name kings, but gain does not equal the loss. 沈翔正在想着一个周全的计划,这一带有五十个的话,说明小恶妖也有不少,如果造成大量屠杀的话,激动那些称王的可是得不偿失呀。 suddenly, Shen Xiang Divine Halo flashes, he has wanted to try formation in his mind, when used to make the trap, will be definitely good. 突然,沈翔灵光一闪,他可是早就想尝试一番他脑海中的阵法,如果用来做陷阱的话,肯定会非常不错。 He put out grain of Hundred Beasts Dan, gives Werewolf: „Do you eat this type of thing?” 他拿出了一粒百兽丹,递给狼人:“你吃这种东西吗?” After Werewolf result, smelled smelling, immediately the great happiness, swallows to chew immediately. 狼人结果之后,嗅了嗅,顿时大喜,立即吞下嘴嚼着。 Sees these Evil Demon also to like this thing, Shen Xiang is secretly happy, Hundred Beasts Dan he had, enough is used to make the bait to tempt these to use demonic heart big Evil Demon. 看见这些恶妖也喜欢这种玩意,沈翔暗暗高兴着,百兽丹他有很多,足够用来做诱饵引诱那些用妖心的大恶妖了。
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