WDDG :: Volume #5

#417: Evil Demon Mysterious Realm

Shen Xiang learned from these memories, in Divine Martial Palace's medicine garden only then Good Fortune Fruit, that is on a lost plant tree, now has not picked, but in that medicine garden some unexpectedly also Five Elements True Elemental Dan, Building Foundation Dan and other precious herbs, White Jade Lotus Flower has two, Resurrection Grass two, in addition, inside also some refines Profound Level middle-grade much, High-Grade Dan spirit herb, is a big treasure house. 沈翔从那些记忆得知,神武殿的药园里面只有一个造化果,那是在一棵已经枯死的树上,现在还没有摘下来,而那药园里面竟然也有一些五行真元丹筑基丹等珍贵的药材,白玉莲花有两朵,还魂草两颗,除此之外,里面还有不少炼制玄级中品,上品丹灵药,是一个大宝库。 This lets his saliva directing current, wishes one could to go to be ransacked immediately, but this thinks that's alright, because is guarding several Nirvana Realm in that medicine garden, once were discovered, that played. 这让他口水直流,恨不得立马进去洗劫一空,不过这想想就行了,因为在那药园里面驻守着好几个涅槃境,一旦被发现,那就玩完了。 King Continent because of the huge natural screen protection, in the past three realms great war, has therefore not come under any attack, some rare and precious herbs and martial arts can preserve now, background is very abundant, worthily is Mortal World first continent. 王者大陆因为有一个巨大的天然屏障保护,所以在当年的三界大战中,都没有受到任何攻击,一些珍稀的药材武学都能保存到现在,底蕴十分雄厚,不愧是凡界第一大陆 Three days of relaxation times ended quickly, Shen Xiang enters first 20, can participate in the next pass/test, the content that this closes no one knows, he and others waits for the announcement on that mountain. 三天的休息时间很快就结束了,沈翔进入前二十,能参加下一关,这一关的内容谁也不知道,他和其他人都在那高山上面等待公布。 Wang Quan has not come, is that Elder Ding manages, one wants to know that Wang Quan does not have the face to appear in front of numerous expert now again, otherwise he will be requested to apologize, he hides now is also the best method. 王权没有来,是那个丁长老来主持的,一想就知道王权现在没有脸面再出现在众强者面前,否则他就会被要求道歉,他现在躲起来也是最好的做法。 „After this is, closes the preelection test, in this closes the result best four people, will contend in martial arts, finally comes out first, can be rewarded.” Divine Martial Palace's Elder Ding said. “这是后一关预选测试,在这一关成绩最好的四个人,将会进行比武,最后决出第一名来,就能获得奖励。”神武殿的丁长老说道。 Shen Xiang looked at other martial artist, discovered that has several is Wang Quan disciple, is a put on a high and mighty act facial expression, their strengths are truly good, will otherwise not come here. 沈翔看了看其他武者,发现这其中有好几个是王权徒弟,都是一副趾高气昂的神情,不过他们的实力确实不错,否则也不会走到这里。 The content that this closes is quite special, will have certain danger(ous) nature. In this closes inside, we will send you to Mysterious Realm that is detaining Evil Demon, this Mysterious Realm is called Evil Demon Mysterious Realm, on expert by our King Continent was detained many years ago, inside Evil Demon quantity are many, strength strongest should be the Peak Realm peak, does not have any Nirvana Realm strength, this is our Divine Martial Palace has inspected.” “这一关的内容比较特殊,而且还会有一定的危险性。在这一关里面,我们会送你们去一个关押着恶妖玄境,这个玄境叫做恶妖玄境,在许多年前就被我们王者大陆上的强者关押了进去,里面的恶妖数量不少,实力最强的应该就是极致境界巅峰,没有任何涅槃境的实力,这是我们神武殿考察过的。” Hears the competition content that this closes is so thrilling, the Shen Xiang and the others complexion is various, some people worried, some people fill excitedly, but Shen Xiang is tranquil, if really in Mysterious Realm, he has no fear, because he is confident to oneself concealment ability. 听到这一关的比赛内容如此惊险,沈翔等人的脸色各不相同,有的人担忧,有的人充满兴奋,而沈翔却非常平静,如果真的是在一个玄境里面,他没有什么害怕的,因为他对自己的隐匿本领非常有信心。 Has Peak Realm Evil Demon in, their within the body has demonic heart, this demonic heart generally is the pure white energy, is equivalent to our dantian inside True Qi group such, is storing up massive pure True Qi and life elementary force, the use is very big! After inside goes, must seek for these Evil Demon to kill, according to obtaining the demonic heart quantity makes result ranking, but demonic heart that you obtain turns over to itself to use.” “在里面有一种极致境界恶妖,他们体内有一个妖心,这妖心一般都是纯白色的能量,相当于我们的丹田里面的真气团那样,储存着大量的精纯的真气与生命元力,用处很大!里面进去之后,就要寻找这些恶妖来杀,按照获得妖心数量来做成绩排名,而你们得到的妖心都归自己所用。” Shen Xiang is nodding secretly, this point is also a descendant, these demonic heart also make him be ready to make trouble, because that contains the saving energy of this Peak Realm strength, the best use is to bring set up formation or refiner, but demonic heart inside life elementary force also in pulls out alchemy, permeates a point in alchemy, the pills therapy effect will be better. 沈翔暗暗点头着,这一点还算后代,这些妖心也让他蠢蠢欲动,因为那可是蕴含这极致境界实力的存能量,最好的用处就是拿来布阵或者炼器,而妖心里面的生命元力也里抽出来炼丹,在炼丹的时候渗入一点,丹药的疗伤功效就会更好。 „Does Elder Ding, go in later can clash?” What question is Lan Lan. 丁长老,进去之后能发生冲突吗?”问话的是蓝兰 This...... yes, but I believe that everyone was clear, has the conflict to be no good, will only waste the time. Sometimes however also the dependence martial arts contest can solve, for example two people discover Evil Demon simultaneously time......” “这个……是可以的,不过我相信各位都清楚,发生冲突没有什么好处,只会浪费时间。不过有时候也得依靠比武才能解决,比如两个人同时发现一个恶妖的时候……” Shen Xiang asked: What to do if the conflict did kill people? The sword does not have the eye!” 沈翔问道:“如果冲突杀人了怎么办?刀剑无眼呀!” This with the beforehand preliminary contest martial arts contest is the same, died no wonder the person, if fears death, now can withdraw.” That Elder Ding said. “这和之前的预赛比武是一样,死了怪不得人,如果怕死的话,现在就可以退出。”那丁长老说道。 Shen Xiang suddenly contacts to several ice-cold and is full of the killing intent vision, whose this is frequently with Wang Quan that several young people, they are Wang Quan disciple, is bloodlines martial artist, their strengths are also immeasurably deep, moreover they do not fear Shen Xiang, even if knew that Shen Xiang comes to make so many astonishing things, they are the same, does not pay attention to Shen Xiang. 沈翔突然接触到好几道冰冷而充满杀机的目光,这是经常跟谁王权的那几个年轻人,他们都是王权徒弟,都是血脉武者,他们的实力也都深不可测,而且他们一点都不惧怕沈翔,即便是得知沈翔一路来都做出那么多惊人的事情,他们都是一样,不把沈翔放在眼里。 Therefore Shen Xiang concluded that these young people are not very simple, after he goes , must be vigilant these people. 所以沈翔断定这几个年轻人很不简单,他进去之后,也得警惕这几个人。 „If afraid, now can choose to withdraw!” Elder Ding looks at Shen Xiang their these young martial artist, waited, and no one withdraws, to this step, the words that but also withdraws from, are unworthy. “如果害怕的话,现在可以选择退出!”丁长老看着沈翔他们这些年轻武者,等待了一下,并没有人退出,都到了这一步,还退出的话,非常不值。 Good, now starts to enter, the time is ten days, to that day , the Mysterious Realm sky will present an exit|to speak finally, when the time comes your high jump some, can leave Evil Demon Mysterious Realm from that exit|to speak.” Elder Ding said. “那好,现在开始进入,时间是十天,到最后那天,玄境上空会出现一个出口,到时候你们跳高一些,就能从那个出口离开恶妖玄境了。”丁长老说道。 Liu Meng'er said to Shen Xiang sound transmission: little rascal, your being more careful, these Evil Demon strengths are not weak , avoids clashing as far as possible with Wang Quan these disciple.” 柳梦儿沈翔传音道:“小坏蛋,你小心一点,那些恶妖的实力也不弱,还有,尽量避免和王权那些徒弟发生冲突。” I knew!” The Shen Xiang response said, Liu Meng'er cares about him, in his heart is very happy. “我知道了!”沈翔回应道,柳梦儿这么关心他,他心中可是非常高兴的。 Elder Ding said: What first going is Lan Lan, this defers to ranking that on you closes to go, every other double-hour enters a person!” 丁长老说道:“第一个进去的是蓝兰,这按照你们上一关的排名来进去,每隔一个时辰进入一个人!” Hears this rule, in the Shen Xiang heart crack cursed, but he cannot say anything, because also five people behind him, they go in late. 听到这条规则,沈翔心中破口大骂着,不过他也不能说什么,因为在他后面还有五个人,他们进去得更晚。 Shen Xiang arranges 15 th, must wait for more than ten double-hour, this is day, he fell behind others more than one day. 沈翔是排第十五,要等十多个时辰,这可是一天的时间,他落后了别人一天多。 A white circular light gate opens slowly, space power overflows, along with an extremely evil monster qi, Shen Xiang they knows that now why must come to here, because here has Mysterious Realm, here opens the Mysterious Realm door is quite easy. 一个白色圆形的光门缓缓打开,一股空间之力溢出来,伴随着一股极其邪恶的妖气,现在沈翔他们知道为什么要来这里了,因为这里有一个玄境,在这里打开玄境的门比较容易。 Divine Martial Palace kept secret to this Mysterious Realm was very long, that four Formation Grandmaster do not know. 神武殿对这玄境保密了很久,就连那四个阵法大师都不知道。 I first walked!” Lan Lan said with a smile tenderly, entered that gate vivaciously, the intense feeling did not have, to be hard to imagine her such a to be possible the young girl of person, unexpectedly not to fear inside these Evil Demon. “我先走了!”蓝兰娇笑道,蹦蹦跳跳地进入那个门,一点紧张的感觉都没有,难以想象她这么一个可人的少女,竟然不怕里面那些恶妖 But at this time, some people also departed in abundance, because this closed/pass does not have any quality of being worth looking , happened in Mysterious Realm, Liu Meng'er and Hua Xiangyue urged Shen Xiang over and over, accompanied to depart, only then Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming waited for him to go here. 而这时候,一些人也纷纷离去,因为这一关没有什么看头,都是发生在玄境里面的,柳梦儿花香月再三叮嘱了沈翔一番,也都结伴离去,只有古东辰武开明在这里等待他进去。 Shen Xiang waited here more than for day, but he can actually calm down very much, has been closing up the memory that digests these to absorb, these things are very big to his help, this is can make him establish Formation Dao and thing of refiner aspect foundation. 沈翔在这里等了一天多,不过他却很沉得住气,一直都在闭关消化那些吸收来的记忆,那些东西对他的帮助很大,这是能让他打牢阵道炼器方面基础的东西。 Shen Xiang, to you!” Elder Ding said. 沈翔,到你了!”丁长老说道。 Shen Xiang opens the eye, walked with smile on the face. 沈翔睁开眼睛,面带微笑的走了过去。 This gate can transmit your 20 people to the different places, therefore you do not need to be worried to go are ambushed by others, hopes that you can obtain the good achievements again.” Elder Ding said to Shen Xiang, he does not hate three points to Shen Xiang like Wang Quan bone to inter the body, is good to the impression of person. “这道门能把你们二十个人传送到不同的地方,所以你们不必担心一进去就会被别人伏击,希望你再次能取得好成绩。”丁长老沈翔说道,他对沈翔并不像王权那样恨得入骨三分,给人的印象还算不错。 Shen Xiang nods, strided in that gate, at present one black, then arrived at a dim world, this inside is filling very strong death Qi, what draws the attention of everyone is, this inside plant is actually filling with the full of vitality, he can see big lush tree, as well as some deep strange flowers, here environment he have not imagined such terrible. 沈翔点了点头,跨入了那道门,眼前一黑,便来到了一个昏暗的世界,这里面弥漫着非常浓烈的死气,不过让人眼前一亮的是,这里面的植物却充满着勃勃生机,他能看见许多高大茂盛的树木,以及一些深色的奇怪花朵,这里的环境并没有他想象得那样糟糕
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